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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1287. diuers nobles in Irelande deceaſſed, as Richard Deceter, Gerald Fitz Mo|rice, Thomas de Clare, Richard Taffy, and Ni|colas Teling Knightes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The yeere next enſuing,


Samfort Arch|biſhop of Du|blin Lorde Iuſtice.

deceaſſed Friar Ful|borne Lord Iuſtice of Ireland, and Iohn Sã|fort Archbiſhop of Dublin, was aduaunced to ye roomth of Lorde Iuſtice. Alſo Richard Burgh Erle of Vlſter beſieged Theobald Verdon in the Caſtell of Athlone, and came with a great power vnto Trim, by the working of Walter Lacie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1290In the yeere .1290. was the chaſe or diſcomfi|ture of Offali, and diuers Engliſhmen ſlayne.

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