Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .128 [...]. Roberte Vffort came the third time to occupie the roomth of Lorde chiefe Iuſtice in Irelande, reſuming that roomth into his hands againe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the yeere following,1281 the Biſhop of Wa|terford was eſtabliſhed by the King of England Lord Iuſtice of Irelande. Adam Cuſack ye yon|ger ſlewe William Barret, and many other in Connagh. And in the nexte yeere to witte .1282. P [...]uqueit ſlew Murertagh, and his brother Arte Mac Murch at Athlone. Alſo the Lorde Iames de Brimmingham, and Peers de Euyt departed this life. Alſo the Archbiſhop Derlington deceaſ|ſed. And about the ſame time, the Citie of Du|blin was defaced by fire, & the Steeple of Chriſts EEBO page image 46 Church vtterly deſtroyed.Chriſt Church repaired. The Citizens before they wente about to repaire their owne priuate buildings, agreed togither to make a collection, for repayring the ruines of that auntient building firſt begun by the Danes, and continued by Ci|trius Prince of Dublin at the inſtaunce of Do|nate ſometime Biſhop of that Citie, and dedica|ted to the bleſſed Trinitie.Dona [...] Biſhop of Dublin. At length Strangbow Erle of Pembroke, Fitz Stephans, and Laurẽce, that for his vertue was called S. Laurẽce Arch|biſhop of Dublin, and his foure ſucceſſors, Iohn of Eueſham, Henry Scorchbill, and Lucas, and laſt of all, Iohn de Saint Paule finiſhed it. This notable building, ſith the time that it was thus defaced by fire, hath bin beautifyed in diuers ſorts by many zealous Citizens. Strangbowes tombe defaced, by the fall of the roofe of the Church,Strangbowes tombe reſto|red by Henry Sidney. Sir Henry Sidney, when he was Lord Deputy, re|ſtored, and likewiſe did coſt vpon the Earle of Kildares Chappell for an ornament to the quier, ouer the which he left alſo a monumente of Cap|tayne Randolfe,Captayne Randol. late Coronell of the Engliſhe bandes of footemen in Vlſter that dyed there va|liantly, fighting in his Princes ſeruice as after ſhall appeare.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1283. Furmund, Chancellor of Ireland, and Richarde Tute departed this life, and Friar Stephan Fulborne was made Lorde Iuſtice of Irelande.