Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1277. Thomas de Clare ſlewe Obrencoth King of Tholethmo [...],1277 and yet af|ter this, the Iriſh cloſed him vp in [...] wha [...] to|gither with Maurice Fitz Maurice, ſo that they g [...]e hoſtages to eſcape, and the Caſtell of Ro|ſcoman was wonne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere next enſuing, was Iohn de [...]er|lington cõ [...]crated Archbiſhop of Dublin.1278 [...]here was alſo a Councell holden at Grenok, & Macke Dermot ſlewe Cathgu [...] O Conthir King of Connagh.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1279. Robert Vffort vpon oc [...]a|ſion of buſineſſe, came ouer into Englande, and left Friar Fulborne Biſhoppe o [...] Waterforde to ſupply his roomth, and Raufe Piphard, and O Haulen chaſed On [...]l in a battell.