Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iuſtices ap|poynted to ſit in diuerſe partes of the realme.This yere the king in September cauſed Iu|ſtices to ſit in the north partes of the realme, and likewiſe in October, and in the winter following he cauſed the like to bee done in the South and weſt parts.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king himſelfe was oftentymes preſent, aſſyſting the Lordes which he had appoynted his Commiſſioners for the furtheraunce of Iuſtice, and maintenance therof through all partes of his realme.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king by the aduice of theſe noble men of his realme, thinking it neceſſary for him to match againe in mariage with ſome noble princeſſe,The king is a ſuter for ma|riage to the Dutcheſſe of Longuile. ſent into France vnto the Erle of Murrey, and Dauid Beton Abbot of Arbroth, his Ambaſſadors there reſident, willing them by the aduice of the French king, to treate for a mariage to bee had betwixt him and the Ladie Marie de Lorraine, dutcheſſe of Longuile, widdow, daughter to the Duke of Guiſe, and being aduertiſed from his ſayde Am|baſſadors, that the King of France, the Lady hir ſelfe, and hir friendes, were well contented there|with, he ſent in the beginning of May the Lorde Maxwell, and the maiſter of Glencarne, well accompanied into Fraunce, to ioyne with hys o|ther Ambaſſadours for the contracting of that maryage, the which according to their Commiſ|ſion treated thereof, and concluded vpon reſolute articles, and ſo eſpouſed hir by procurators, as the vſe is among ſuch eſtates, with great triumph in the Citie of Paris, whereat the king and many noble men were preſent.