Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this ſhe was conueyed to Newhauen, and there taking the Seas, paſſed through the ſame till ſhe came to Carell in Fife, where ſhee landed the tenth of Iune, and from thence ſhee was conueyed to the new Palace in the Abbay of Saint Andrewes, being honourably prepared for the receyuing of hir. And there the King ac|companyed wyth manye Noble menne,The mariage ſolemnized. open|lye ſolemnized and confyrmed the foreſayde ma|riage with the ſayd Ladie in the Abbay Church, with great ioy and triumph.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King with hys Queene remayned there the moſte part of that Sommer. And wythin a fewe Monethes after the maryage, ſhe conceyued wyth childe, to the greate comforte of the King and the whole Realme, for the hope of ſucceſſion thereby, and therefore generall Proceſſions and publike prayers were made through all partes of the Realme to [...] proſpe|rous ſucceſſe of the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the king had pacified the [...] and all other parts of his realme by exerciſing [...] Iu|ſtice, and trauailing about the ſame in his [...]wne perſone through all places (where neede requ [...]y+red) ſo that there was as greate quietneſſe, reſt,Great quiet [...] in Scotland. and policie vſed in Scotlande, as euer was in anye Kings dayes before him: Yet neuertheleſſe there were certaine diſobedient perſons in the Iſles.