Compare 1587 edition: 1 This noble Ladie with hir louely counte|nance and ſeemely demeanour, at hir firſt arri|uall wanne the loues and beartie good willes of all the Nobles and people of the Realme, & with|all contented ſo highly the minde and fantaſie of the king hir huſband, that there was neuer more hope of wealth and proſperitie to ſucceede with|in the realme, than at that preſent: but fortune enuying ſo greate felicitie, woulde not ſuffer them to continue any long tyme togyther: for aboute the ende of Iune ſhee fell ſicke of a vehe|ment Feuer,Queene Mag|dalen depar|teth this Iſle. whereof ſhee departed thys lyfe the tenth of Iulye nexte enſuyng, and was bu|ryed in the Churche of holye Roode houſe, for whoſe death the Kyng was ryghte ſor|rowfull, and ſtyrred not abroade of a long time after.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Ladye Glames and hir husbande conuict of treaſon.In the Sommer of this yeare, the Ladie Glames, Syſter to the Earle of Angus was apprehended, and likewyſe hir Huſbande Da|uid Lion, and both of them brought to Eden|bourgh, where they were accuſed and conuict by an aſſiſe, for conſpiracie of the kings death: the ſayd Lady was burned, and hir huſband hanged, hir ſonne the Lord Glames, was alſo conuict for miſpriſion and concealement of that crime, and therefore forfalted of his landes, and condemned to die: but bycauſe he was yong and of tender yeares, the king pardoned him of life, and com|maunded him to perpetuall priſon, in the whiche he remayned ſo long as the king liued.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The maſter of Forbes be|headed.Shortly after Iohn maiſter of the Forbes, and eldeſt ſonne to the Lord Forbes, who had maried a ſiſter of the ſayd Ladie Glames, was at Eden|bourgh likewiſe indyted and conuict by an aſſiſe for the like conſpiracie of the kings death, for the which he was beheaded and quartered, and hys heade and quarters ſet aloft vppon the gates of Edenbourgh. His father the Lorde Forbes vpon ſuſpition of the ſame conſpiracie was long after kept in priſon within the caſtell of Edenbourgh, but at length when nothing might be proued a|gainſt him, he was releaſed and ſet at libertie.