Snippet: 94 of 700 (1587, Volume 5, p. 40) Compare 1577 edition:
2 With these
and the semblable inordinat practises
[...] conspira [...]. he procured the indignation of his people so far forth against him, that those of the
westerne Iles with them of Cantire, Lorne, Argile, and Rosse, conspi|red togither in the reformation of such
disorders as were dailie vsed in the administration of iustice, by the wicked suggestion of euill disposed
councel|lors, against whome they pretended to make their A craftie and cloked
disti|mulation. war, and not against their king. There were also so manie that fauoured them in
this quarell, and so few that leaned to the king to aid him against them, that he was constreined to
dissemble with them for a time, in promising not onelie to remoue from him such as they would appoint, but
also to be ordered in all things according as they should thinke good. And to put them in beléefe that he
ment as he spake, be committed some such councellors as he had about him vnto ward, and other some (of whome
he little passed) he sent vnto them as prisoners, to receiue such punishment by death or otherwise, as they
should thinke conuenient.
Snippet: 95 of 700 (1587, Volume 5, p. 40) Compare 1577 edition:
2 He further
also in presence of Doro the gouer|nour of Cantire, sent to him for that purpose, sware Craftie disti|mulation. in solemne wise afore the image of Diana, to per|forme all such promises
and couenants as he was a|gréed vpon, and had made vnto the conspirators. With which cloked dissimulation
they being decei|ued, came without suspect of further guile vnto Be|regonium, where at their first comming
he was rea|die to receiue them (as séemed by his feined coun|tenance) with gladsome hart and most friendlie
meaning; but they were no sooner entred the castell, A cruell mur|ther. but that a
number of armed men appointed for the purpose fell vpon them, and slue them all without mercie.
Snippet: 96 of 700 (1587, Volume 5, p. 40) Compare 1577 edition:
3 This heinous
act being once signified abroad in their countries amongst their friends and kinsfolke, EEBO page image 41
caused a new commotion, so that within a few daies I new tu|mult. King Dur|stus
besieged. after, manie thousands of men in furious rage came before the castell, and besieged the
king most straightlie therein. Who perceiuing himselfe in such danger as he knew not well how to escape,
came forth with such companie as he had about him, and incountring with his enimies, was straightwaies
beaten downe among them, and so at once lost there both kingdome and life in the ninth yeare of his Durstus is slaine. reigne. Durstus being thus dispatched, his children doubting the indignation of the people conceiued a|gainst them for their fathers
fault, to auoid the perill fled ouer into Ireland, and immediatlie the nobles of the realme assembled
themselues togither for the choosing of a new king, in no wise minding to haue anie of Durstus his race to
reigne ouer them, least they would séeke by some means to re|uenge his death: howbeit at length when they
were at point to haue fallen at variance in susteining of contrarie opinions about the election of their
prince, through a wittie oration made by Coranus gouer|nour of Argile, who
alledged manie weightie rea|sons for the auoiding of sedition, they all agréed to commit the frée election
vnto the same Coranus, promising firmelie to accept whomesoeuer he should name. Herevpon Coranus consulting
a little with the péeres of the realme, named one Ewin the vnc|les sonne of Durstus, who as then remained in
Pictland, whither he had withdrawen himselfe in Ewin is cho|sen king. Durstus his
daies, being banished the realme by him, for that he could not awaie with
his corrupt maners. This election was acceptable to all estats, for that thereby the administration of the
kingdome continued in the line of their former kings.