Compare 1587 edition: 1 With whiche cloked diſſimulation they be|ing deceyued, came without ſuſpect of further guile vnto Berigonium, where at their firſte comming he was readie to receyue them (as ſee|med by his fayned countenance) with gladſome harte and moſte friendly meanyng: but they were no ſooner entred the Caſtell, but that a number of armed menne appointed for the pur|poſe,A cruell [...]|ther. fell vpon them, and ſlewe them all without mercie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This haynous act being once ſignified abrode in their countreys amongſt their friendes and kinſfolke,A new tumult. cauſed a new commociõ, ſo that with|in a fewe dayes after, many thouſandes of men in furious rage came before the caſtell,King Durſtus beſieged. and be|ſieged the king moſte ſtraitly therein. Who per|ceyuing himſelfe in ſuche daunger as he knewe not well howe to eſcape, came foorth with ſuche companie as he had about him, and encountring with his enimies was ſtraight wayes beaten downe amongſt them,Durſtus is ſlayne. and ſo at once loſte there bothe kingdome and life in the .ix. yeare of his raygne.