Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 25] AFter hym ſucceeded his ſonne ye forena|med Dur+ſtus,Dur|ſtus. farre differyng from his noble fa|ther in all vertuous demeanour, as he that was altogether [figure appears here on page 25] gyuen to banquetting and exceſſiue drunken|neſſe. Suche of the nobles as his Father had in highe reuerence he made light accompts of: ac|cepting onely thoſe that of theyr wicked deuices could finde out new kindes of voluptuous plea|ſures, through whoſe perſwaſions ſome of his peares he cõfined,Wicked coun|ſellers. ſome he ſpoyled of al their ſub|ſtance & inheritance, other he put to death with|out iuſte cauſe or any kinde of lawfull meanes. [figure appears here on page 25] Furthermore he forſoke the cõpanie of his law|full wife Agaſia, cauſing hyr to be forced and abuſed by diuers vile perſons in moſte vilanous maner.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 22With theſe and the ſemblable inordinate pra|ctiſes he procured the indignation of his people ſo farre foorth agaynſt him,A conſpiracie. that thoſe of the we|ſterne Iſles with them of Cantyr, Lorne, Ar|gile and Roſſe, conſpyred togither in the refor|mation of ſuche diſorders as were dayly vſed in the adminiſtration of iuſtice, by the wicked ſug|geſtion of euill diſpoſed councellours, againſt whom they pretended to make theyr warre, and not againſt theyr king.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were ſo many alſo that fauoured them in this quarrell,A craftie and cloked diſsi|mulation. and ſo fewe that leaned to the king to ayde him againſt them, that he was conſtreyned to diſſemble with them for a tyme, in promiſing not onely to remoue from him ſuche as they woulde appoint, but alſo to be or|dered in all things according as they ſhoulde thinke good. And to put them in beliefe that hee ment as hee ſpake, he cõmitted ſome ſuch coun|ſellours as hee had aboute him vnto warde, and other ſome (of whome he little paſſed) he ſenſe vnto them as pryſoners, to receyue ſuch puniſh|mẽt by death or otherwiſe, as they ſhould thinke conuenient.