Compare 1587 edition: 1 He further alſo in preſence of Doro the go|uernour of Cantyr, ſente to him for that pur|poſe,Craftie diſsi|mulation. ſware in ſolempne wiſe afore the image of Diana, to performe all ſuche promiſes and co|uenantes as he was agreed vpon and had made vnto the conſpiratours.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 With whiche cloked diſſimulation they be|ing deceyued, came without ſuſpect of further guile vnto Berigonium, where at their firſte comming he was readie to receyue them (as ſee|med by his fayned countenance) with gladſome harte and moſte friendly meanyng: but they were no ſooner entred the Caſtell, but that a number of armed menne appointed for the pur|poſe,A cruell [...]|ther. fell vpon them, and ſlewe them all without mercie.