Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer ſuche as refuſed to obey theyr de|crees and ordinaunces, were by them excommu|nicate, ſo that no creature durſte once keepe companie with ſuch till they were reconciled a|gayne, & cleerely by the ſame Druides aſſoyled.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Plinie, Cornelius Tacitus, Strabo, and Iu|lius Ceſar, with diuers approued Authours, make mencion of theſe Druides, ſignifying how the firſt beginning of their religion was in Bry|taine, (which ſome comprehende all wholly vn|der the name of Albion) and from thence was the ſame religion brought ouer into Fraunce. Finnanus was not onely prayſed for his ſetting foorth of that Heathen religion, but alſo for his politike gouernment of the eſtate in ioyfull reſte & quietneſſe. Neyther was his fame a little ad|uaunced for the mariage concluded and made betwixt his ſonne Durſtus and Agaſia daugh|ter to the kyng of Brytains, for by that aliaunce he wanne diuers of the Bryttiſh nation vnto his friendſhip.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally, this Finnanus died at Camelon beyng come thither to viſite the kyng of Pictes as then ſore diſeaſed, after hee had raigned a|bout the ſpace of a .xxx. yeares. His bodie was conueyed vnto Berigonium, and there buried amongſt his predeceſſours.