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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe were the actes and doyngs of kyng Doruadile, who in the .xxviij. yeare of his raigne departed this world at Berigonium, now called Dounſtafage, leauing behind him a ſonne called Reuther as yet not of ſufficient age to ſucceede in the eſtate.Nothatus. By reaſon whereof Nothatus the brother of Doruadille a man of comely perſo|nage and witte, apte (as was thought) to haue a Realme in gouernaunce, was crowned king by force of the law aboue remẽbred, debarring chil|drẽ vnder age to inherit in ſucceſſiõ of ye crowne.

[figure appears here on page 14] No|thatus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 THis Nothatus had vnneth raygned twoo yeares, when all the people beg [...]nne to [...] out vpon him, for ſuche tyrannicall partes as he practiſed aſwel againſt the meane eſtates as [...] highe. And for ſo muche as he being admoniſhed of his duetie and required to reforme certaine di|ſhonorable vſages by him exerciſed, he woulde giue no eare thereto: Therfore one Doualus go|uernour of Brigantia,Brigantia, [...] called as the Scottes ſay Galloway. conſpiring with other Nobles of the Realme to depoſe him, enti [...]ed Reuther kyng Doruadilles Sonne, to take parte with them, and to clayme the crowne as dewe to hym by diſcente from his Father. [figure appears here on page 14] And ſo aſſemblyng a companie of their faction, ſufficient for their enterpriſe, they entered the palayce where Nothatus lay, and after reaſo|ning with him of certayne points touchyng his miſgouernment in the eſtate,Nothatus murdered. diuers of theyr companie not tarying till they were commaun|ded, raſhly fell vpon him, and murthered him to|gither with diuers of ſuche Nobles and Gentle|men, as they knewe to be enimies to Doualus and his friendes.

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