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Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 14] AFter this they pro|claymed Reuther king,Reu|ther. and crowned him with all due ſolẽpnitie,Reuther crow|ned king. Diuers Lordes offended. diuers of the Nobles of ye realme being high|ly diſpleaſed therewith, for that they iudged it not only a gret offence to haue the king thus traiterouſly murthred, but alſo ſaw hereby the ancient ordinãce of choo|ſing their king through conſent of the people, to be brokẽ by the wicked attempt of a priuate per|ſon, & an vnſkilfull yong man aduaunced to the EEBO page image 15 crowne, cõtrary to ye decree of an autentike law.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 N [...]tis.Amongſt other one Ferquhard the ſonne in law of Nothatus gouernour of Lorne & Cantyr called an aſſemblie of the people,A conſpiracie of Ferquhard againſt Doua|lus. and beganne to declare what enormities were like to enſue tho|row this tirannicall attempt of Doualus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ferquhart fled into Ila. Doualus hearing whereaboute Ferquhart went, haſtly came to the place where this aſſem|ble was made, & there ſlaying diuers of the chiefe, he did put Ferquhard alſo in great hazarde of his lyfe, who by flying yet eſcaped his hands and, got him ouer into the Iſle of Ila, whither reſorted vnto him diuers of the Nobles (that fauored not Douale) with a great number of the commons.

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