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Compare 1587 edition: 1 But whether theſe deuices were lawes made by the kyng as then for the further aduancement of his pleaſure, or rather cuſtomes growen, and ratified by long and continual vſe, I can not tel, but certaine it is, they were obſerued through all the Scottiſh regiõs as hauing the force of lawes, and ſo are vſed euen vnto theſe dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide theſe ordinaunces for hunting,Old lawes al|lowed, & new [...] eſtabliſhed. Dor|uadille commaunded alſo that all ſuch ſtatutes as Ferguſe had made ſhoulde be kept and obſer|ued: wherevnto he added certaine new, namely diuers ſortes of puniſhments for ſundrie kindes of tranſgreſſions, according to the qualities of the ſame: whiche hee cauſed to be ingroſſed in bookes of recorde, and committed to the cuſtodie of a graue counſellour, who by a common con|ſent ſhould haue the interpretatiõ of thoſe lawes if any doubt aroſe, and that when any offender EEBO page image 14 ſhould come before the iudge, & heare the ſentence redde by him, the ſame offender might vnderſtãd that he receyued nothing but right at the iudges handes: by reaſon whereof it came to paſſe, that ſuch offenders without repining willingly were contented to ſuffer any puniſhment what ſoeuer it was that the law did ſo appoynt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This cuſtome grewe into ſuche force, that it neuer might yet be abrogated amongſt them of the weſterne Iſles, but that euen vnto this day they haue theyr Lawiers amongſt them, with|out whoſe denunciation or decree taken out of the regiſter, no iudgement is reputed lawfull.

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