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Compare 1587 edition: 1 If a hunter chaunced in following the game, to loſe an eye or a limme, ſo that he were not able to helpe himſelfe after that time, he made a ſta|tute that he ſhould be found of the common trea|ſory.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The reward for killing of a Wolfe.He that killed a Wolf ſhould haue an oxe for his paines. This beaſt in deede the Scottiſh men euen from the beginning vſed to purſue in al they might deuiſe, bicauſe the ſame is ſuche an enimie to cattayle, wherein conſiſted the chiefeſt portion of all their wealth and ſubſtance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus the Scottiſh men in this ſeaſon, ſet|ting all their delite on hunting, began alſo to vſe lawes and ſtatutes in proceſſe of time concer|ning the ſame.Lawes made for hunting. And firſt it was ordeyned, that he whoſe dogge did teyſe & go through to the end of the courſe with ye Deare, ſo that he were ſeene to be at the fall, ſhould haue the ſkinne: the head and the hornes to remayne to him whoſe dogge did beſt next. The bodie being dreſt and broken vp, ſhoulde be diſtributed at the pleaſure and diſ|cretion of the Maiſter of the game. The bowels and paunche were caſt to the dogges as the caſe required.The dogges rewarded. And if there roſe any doubte in any of theſe points, they ſhould chooſe by common con|ſent, a iudge to determine of the matter.

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