Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ordinance alſo they decreed to be ob|ſerued as a lawe from thence foorth euer after that if the king died leauing no iſſue, but ſuche as were vnder age to ſucceede him, then ſhoulde one of his neareſt Couſins, ſuch as was thought moſte meete to occupie the roome, be choſen to raigne as king during his life, and after his de|ceaſſe the crowne to reuerte vnto his predeceſ|ſors iſſue without controuerſie, if the ſame were ones growne vp to lawfull age.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 By this meanes then were children exclu|ded from obtayning the crowne, leaſt the pu|blike libertie of the realme might chaunce to be put in daunger. But yet was it afterwardes per|ceyued that this deuiſe for chooſing of kings, mi|niſtred occaſion ſometimes to the vncle to ſeeke the deſtruction of the Nephew, and likewiſe to the Nephew to procure the diſpatche of the vn|cle and vncles Sonnes,The chooſing of kings was not alowed. with the committing of many haynous murders of right woorthie prin|ces, to the no ſmall daunger of ouerthrowing the whole ſtate of the commune wealth, ſo that finally that ordinance was clearly abrogated, as you ſhall heare hereafter.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 11] BVt nowe to my pur|poſe.Feri|tharis. After Feri|tharis with the full conſente of al the people was thus elected king, hee was inthro|nized with all ſo|lempnities in re|ceiuing his king|ly ornamẽts, as his two edged ſword,A two edged ſword. his Scep|ter royal, & his crown of gold faſhioned in forme of a rampire made for defence of a towne or for|treſſe, ſignifying that hee tooke vppon him to preſerue the libertie of his countrey to ſee of|fendours duely puniſhed, and the execution of lawes with equall iuſtice truely miniſtred.