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Compare 1587 edition: 1 And though it might ſo happen that they a|greed vppon one ſpeciall gouernour, as reaſon was they ſhoulde, yet ſhoulde he ſeeke to ad|uaunce his kinſfolkes more than reaſon happely required, and peraduenture do things other|waies muche diſpleaſant to no ſmall number of them, by that his priuate authoritie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And againe the King ſhoulde no ſooner come to yeares of any diſcretion, but one or o|ther woulde put him in minde to take vpon him to rule the whole himſelfe, before he vnderſtoode what charge he had in hande: and by reaſon of his frayle youth he lightly woulde not followe the councell of any, but ſuche as conſented vn|to him in his ſenſuall luſtes and inordinate [...]|ſies, whiche commonly raygne in ſuche Princes as take vppon them gouernance of realmes be|fore they knowe (through wante of ſufficien [...] yeares) how to gouerne themſelues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For theſe and the like conſiderations, allea|ged by ſome of no ſmall authoritie amongſ [...] them,Feritharis choſen king. it was agreed in the ende, that one Fe+ritharis the brother of the late deceaſſed Ferguſe ſhoulde be crowned King and ha [...]e the gouer|nance of the Realme during his l [...] [...] here|with in the meane time to ſee his Nephewes king Ferguſe his [...] brought vp in prince|ly nurture and diſcipline, as appertayned to the Sonnes of a king: that after his deceaſſe, if he liued till any of them were come to rype yeares, they might ſucceede him [...] the [...]ſtate and king|dome.

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