Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe ornamentes of inueſture remayned vnto the Scottiſhe kings, without being in a|ny poinct chaunged, till the dayes of Achaius kyng of Scotlande, who eſtabliſhing a perpe|tuall league with Charles the greate Empe|rour and king of Fraunce,The crowne chaunged. to endure for euer betwixte the Scottes and French menne, ad|ded vnto the crowne foure Flower de Lyces to|gither with foure croſſelettes deuided in ſun|der by equall ſpaces, riſing ſomewhat higher than the Flower de Lyces that thereby the ob|ſeruing of the Chriſtian Religion and ſincere faithe, maynteined by the Scottiſhe nation, might be the more euident to all men that be|helde it.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now as touching Feritharis,The league with the Picts confirmed. ſhortly af|ter he was thus inueſted kyng he came to an en|ternew with the king of the Pictes, where many EEBO page image 12 things being communed of, touching the wealth of bothe nations,The league with the Picts confirmed. the league was in ſolempne wiſe confirmed, and ſuche puniſhed as had done any thing ſounding to the breache of the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, beyng returned home, he ordered himſelfe in the adminiſtration of his charge very vprightly, without giuyng iuſt occaſion vnto a|ny to finde himſelf grieued: and thus continued he certaine yeares in ſuch loue of all the eſtates of the realme, that afterwards when his Nephewe Ferlegus the eldeſt ſonne of king Ferguſe, beyng nowe come to full age, through inſtigation of ſome inſolent perſons, and ſuch as by alteration hoped for aduauncement, required contrary to the ordinance before eſtabliſhed, to haue of him the crowne: the mater was taken in ſuch ill part, that where before the ſame Ferlegus was highly beloued and honored of all the people, they were now ready (if Feritharis had not with authori|tie and gentle perſwaſions ſtayed them) to haue torne him all to peeces: but although their rage was ſomwhat appeaſed by Feritharis as is ſayd, yet woulde they not be pacified thorowly, till that all ſuch as had bene of councell with him in that practiſe, had ſuffred death, and new gouer|nours appointed to haue the ouerſight of him.