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Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 7] BVt bicauſe there was none thought ſo meete to beare that office,Fergu|ſius. as Ferguſius,Ferguſius the firſt king in Scotlande. and that the chaire of hope was alſo broughte wyth him they cõclu|ded by whole cõ|ſent to commit that charge vnto him, & ſo to the great reioyſing of the people, he was placed vpon his marble ſtone, and crowned king, being the firſt of the Scottiſh nation that euer ruled in Al|bion as abſolute gouernour, who began his raign in the yeare after the creation of the worlde 3640, which is (as Hariſon ſayth in his Chronologie) before the incarnation of our Sauiour 327. after the buylding of Rome 420. and after the entring of Brutus into Brytayne 790.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kingdome of the Scottiſhe men beeing thus begunne in Albion, Ferguſius tooke vppon him to rule as king, making prouiſion on al ſides to reſiſt his enimies: who whyleſt theſe things were a dooing in Argile,The Brytaines and Pictes a|gaynſt the Scottes. had aſſembled theyr powers: vnto whome alſo the Brytaynes had ioyned themſelues, and were now entred into the Scottiſh borders.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ferguſe hauing hereof knowledge, ſpeedi|ly got togyther hys people, and came wyth Banners diſplayed to encounter hys enimyes. In king Ferguſes Banner, there was a redde Lion portrayed rampant, wyth hys tayle fol|den towardes his backe, as thoughe hee dyd beate the ſame, whiche is the maner of them, when they bee mooued to diſpleaſure.

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