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[figure appears here on page 7] The kings Banner with a Lion gueles in it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ferguſe was the firſt that bare this cogniſance in Albion, which euer ſithence hath bene borne by thoſe Kings that haue ſucceſſiuely raigned after him there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 8Both the armies were nowe come within ſight of other, and readie to haue giuen the on|ſet, when there went a murmuring amongeſt the Pictes,The Brytayns are about to deceyue the Pictes. that their companions the Bry|taynes were gotten to a hyll a little beſide them, minding to ſee the ende of the battell before they did ſturre, and then if occaſion ſerued (as theyr hope was it ſhoulde) they purpoſed to fall vpon both partyes, as well Pictes as Scottes, and ſo to deſtroy them both, the vanquiſhers togy|ther with the vanquiſhed, as they founde them out of aray in following the chaſe.

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