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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ferguhardus king in Ire|lande.In that ſeaſon amongeſt the Iriſh Scottiſhe men, there raigned a king named Ferguhardus, who inclyning to the petition of the Brytiſhe Scots, cauſed an huge army forthwith to be le|uied, & thereto he appoynted his owne ſonne Fer|guſius to be general of the ſame,Ferguſius ſent into Scotland. a worthie yong gẽtleman, and an expert warriour: whom he ſent ouer with this puiſſant cõpany, with ſuch ſpeede as was poſſible. He had alſo with him the mar|ble ſtone,The marble ſtone. that he might conceyue the better hope to raigne there as a king, bycauſe he went foorth vnto ſuch a daungerous warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Such alſo as went with him in this iourney, had theyr wyues, their children, and all theyr ſubſtance with them, as the maner of the nation then was, when they went forth into any foreyn countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe it came to paſſe that this Ferguſius was no ſooner come into Albion amongeſt the Scottiſhe men there,Ferguſius lan|ded in Albion. but that in a Parliament called and aſſembled in Argile for the purpoſe,A Parliament. they firſt conſulted after what ſort they myghte mainteyne themſelues againſt their enimies, and what order for gouernment ſhould be obſerued a|mongſt them: where finally for auoyding of ſuch inconueniences, as might riſe through many go|uernours, they decreed to chooſe onely one, whom in all things as their king and heade,A king is for to be obeyed. they would from thenceforth follow and obey.

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