1.21. King Edwarde the ſixthe.
EEBO page image 1614
King Edwarde the ſixthe.
[figure appears here on page 1614]
Compare 1587 edition:
Edwar. the ſixt._AFter it had pleaſed Almightie
God to call to hys mercye that famous Prince Kyng Henrye the eigthe, the
Parlia|ment as yet conti|nuing, and now by
his death diſſolued, the executors of the ſayd Kyng, and other of the
Nobilitie, aſſem|bling themſelues togyther, did firſte by ſounde of trumpet
in the palace at Weſtminſter,King Edvvard
proclaymed. and ſo through London, cauſe his ſonne and heire
Prince Edward to be proclaymed king of this realme by the name of Edward the
ſixt, King of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defen|der of the faith, and
of the churches of Englãd and Irelande
the Supremehead, he beyng yet but nyne yeares and odde Monethes of age, Hee
was thus proclaymed the .xxviij. of Ia|nuarie,1547
in the yeare of the worlde .5513. and after the birth of our Lord .1547.
accordyng to the accompt of them that beginne the yeare at Chriſtmaſſe: but
after the accompte of the Churche of England, in the yere .1546. about the
xxix. yere of the Emperor Charles the fift, the .xxxiij. of Frauncis the
firſte of that name king of Fraunce, and
in the fifthe yeare of the reigne of Mary Queene of Scotland.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortely herevpon the
Earle of Hertforde with other of the Lordes reſorted to Hatfield, where the
yong King thou laye, from whence they conducted him with a great and right
ho|norable companie to the Tower of London. During the tyme of hys aboade
there, for the good gouernement of the realme, the honoure and ſuertie of
his Maieſties perſon, his Vncle Edward Earle of Hertforde, was by order of
the Counſell,The
Earle of Hereford cho|ſen protector. and the aſſente of hys
Maieſtie, (as one moſte meeteſt to occupye that roomthe) appoynted
gouernoure of hys royall perſone, and protectour of his realmes, dominions
and ſubiectes, and ſo proclaymed the fyrſte of Fe|bruarye by an Heraulte at
armes, and ſounde of Trumpette thorough the Citie of Lon|don, in the vſuall
places thereof, as it was thoughte expediente.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſixthe daye of
Februarie the Earle of Hertforde Lord Protectour adorned king Ed|warde with
the order of knighthoode, remay|ning then in the Tower, and therewyth the
Kyng ſtanding vp, called for Henry Hubble|thorne Lorde Maior of the Citie of
London, who commyng before hys preſence, the Kyng tooke the ſworde of the
Lorde Protectour, and dubbed the ſayd Hubblethorne knight, he being the
fyrſt that euer be made.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The .xvij. of Februarie,
the Lorde Prote|ctour was created Duke of Somerſet, the erle of Eſſex was
created Marques of Northamp|ton. The Lorde Liſle high Admirall of En|glande,
was created Earle of Warwike, and hygh Chamberlayne of Englande. Sir Tho|mas
Wriotheſley Lorde Chauncellour, was created Erle of Southampton Syr Thomas
Seymer was aduaunced to the honoure of Lorde of Sudley and high Admirall of
En|glande, whyche office the Earle of Warwike then reſigned. Syr Rychard
Riche was made Lorde Riche, & Syr William Willoughby was created
Lord Willoughby of Parrham. Sir Edmund Sheffield was made lord Shef|field of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame tyme greate
preparation was made for the Kynges Coronation,The Kyng
ry|deth through London to VVeſtminſter. and ſo the foure and
twentieth of Februarie next enſew|ing his maieſtie came from the Tower, and
ſo rode thoroughe London vnto Weſtminſter, with as greate royaltie, as myght
be, the ſtree|tes beyng hoong, and Pageantes in dyuers places erected, to
teſtifye the good willes of the Citizens, reioycing that it had pleaſed God
to deale ſo fauourably with the Engliſhe nation to graunt them ſuche a
towardly yong Prince to their king and ſoueraigne thus to ſuccede in place
of his noble father.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The morrowe after being
Shroue Sunday and .xxv. of February,King Edvvard
crovvned. his coronation was ſo|lemnized in due forme and order,
wyth all the royaltie and honoure whyche therevnto apper|tayned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortly after the
Coronation, to witte, the ſixte of Marche, the Earle of Southampton, Lorde
Chauncellour of Englande, for his too muche repugnancie (as was reported) in
mat|ters of counſell, to the reſidue of the Counſel|lours about the
Kyng,The L. Chan|cellor diſchar|ged of his
roomth. was not onely depri|ued of hys office of Chancellour, but
alſo re|moued from his place and authoritie in coun|ſell, and the cuſtodie
of the greate Seale was taken from him, and deliuered vnto Sir Wil|liam
Paulet Lord Saint Iohn, that was lord great maiſter of the kings
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1615
[...].Alſo ſhortly after his Coronation, the kin|ges Maieſtie by
the aduice of hys Vncle the Lorde Protectoure and other of hys pryuie
counſell, myndyng fyrſte of all to ſeeke Gods honour and glorie, and
thervpon intending a reformation, did not only ſet foorth by certain
Commiſſioners, ſundrye Iniunctions for the remouyng of Images out of all
Churches, to the ſuppreſſing and auoydyng of Idolatry and ſuperſtition,
within his realmes and domini|ons,
but alſo cauſed certayne Homilies or
Ser|mons to bee drawen by ſundrye godly learned men, that the ſame myght bee
redde in Chur|ches to the people, whythe were afterwardes by certayne of
theſe Commiſſioners, ſent forth as viſitours, accompanyed with certayn
Prea|chers throughout the Realm, for the better in|ſtruction of the people,
publiſhed and putte in vre.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At Eaſter nexte
followyng, he ſette out al|ſo an order
thorough all the Realme,The com [...]| [...] in bothe ſides. that the Supper of the Lord ſhould be
miniſtred to the lay people in both kindes.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Theſe thinges done, the
Lorde Protectour and the reſte of the Counſell, calling to mynde the euill
dealyng and craflye diſſimulation of the Scottes, concerning the matter of
marri|age beetwixte the Kynges Maieſtye, and the Queene of Scotlande (whyche
marryage as ye haue hearde, in the fyue and thirtith yeare of King Henry the eygthe, was by authoritie of
Parliamente in Scotlande fully concluded, thought it not to ſtande wyth the
Kings ho|nour to be in ſuche manner by them deluded,) and withall
conſidering howe greatly it ſhuld tourne to the quietneſſe and ſafetie of
bothe Realmes to haue theſe two Princes conioy|ned in Matrimonie, they dydde
deuiſe ſundry wayes and meanes howe the ſame myghte bee brought to
paſſe,Grafton. and the rather (as ſome doe
write) for that Kyng Henry before his
death hadde giuen them in ſpeciall charge by all in|deuours to procure that
the ſayde marriage myghte take place, but the Lordes of Scot|lande were ſo
inueygled and corrupted by the French Kyng, and abuſed by Cardinall Be|ton,
Archebiſhoppe of Saincte Andrews, and other of theyr Clergie, that they not
onely ſhranke from that whyche they hadde promy|ſed, but alſo ſought to
deſtroye thoſe that fa|uoured the kyng of
Englandes parte: where|vppon a great and puiſſaunt armye was now prepared to
paſſe by lande into Scotland: and lykewyſe a Nauie to paſſe by ſea to
attende vppon the ſame: Whereof the greate Galeye and foure and twentie tall
ſhippes were tho|rougly furnyſhed with menne and munitions for the warre,
beſides many merchantes ſhip|pes and other ſmaller veſſelles, whiche ſerued
for carrynge of victualles, and other neceſſi|ties.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe to ſhewe what
noble men and other were ordeyned officers, and aſſigned to haue the
conduction as well of the ariuye by lande, as of the fleete by ſea.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Ye ſhall
vnderſtande,Chieftaynes in the armye. the
firſte the Duke of Somerſette, Lorde Protectour, tooke vpon hym to goe him
ſelfe in perſone, as generall of the whole Armie, and Capitayne alſo of the
battayle or middle warde, wherein were foure thouſande footemenne. The
Marſiall Earle of Warwike appoynted Lorde Lieu|tenaunt of the ſame army,
ledde the foreward conteyning three thouſande footemenne. The Lord Dacres
gouerned in the rereward, wher|in were other three thouſande footmenne. The
Lorde Grey of Wilton was ordeyned hyghe Marſhall of the ſayde armye and
Capitayne generall of all the horſemenne, beyng in num|ber ſixe thouſand.
Syr Raufe Sadler knight treaſourer of the Armie. Syr Francis Brian knight,
capitayne of the lyghte horſemenne, in number two thouſande. Syr Raulfe
Auane Knight lieutenant of all the men of arms and Dymulances. Sir Thomas
Dartye Knyght Capitaine of all the Kings Maieſties Pencio|ners, and men at
armes. Sir Rycharde Let Knight deuiſer of the fortifications. Sir Pe|ter
Mewtas Knight Captayne of the Harque|buſiers, whyche were in number ſixe
hundred. Sir Peter Gamboa knyght, Captayne of two hundred harquebuſiers on
horſbacke. Sir Frã|cis Flemmyng Knyght, Mayſter of the ordey|naunce. Sir
George Blaag, and Sir Tho|mas Holcroft Commiſſioners of the muſters. Edwarde
Shelley, the Lorde Gryes lieuete|naunt of the men of armes of Bollongne, who
was the firſte that gaue the onſet in the day of battayle, and dyed moſte
honourablye in the ſame. Iohn Brenne Captayne of the Pioners beeing in
number a thouſande foure hundrethe. Thomas Audeley, and Edwarde
Chamber|laine Harbengers of the fielde.
Compare 1587 edition:
The chieftaynes that commaunded in the nauy by Sea were
theſe. THe Lorde Edwarde Clinton Admirall of the fleete: Sir
William Woodhouſe knight his Vice admirall. There were in the army of greate
ordeinaunce fifteene peeces, and of car|riages nine hundred Cartes, beſide
many wa|gons, whereof the Commiſſarie generall was George Ferrers. As ſoone
as the armye by lande was in a readyneſſe, and ſet forwarde to come to
Berwycke at a daye appoynted, the EEBO page image 1616 nauye likewiſe tooke
the Sea, and by the helpe of Gods good guydyng hadde ſo proſperous ſpeede in
their paſſage, that they arryued at Berwycke in tyme conuenient, whyther
vpon the thirtiethe of Auguſte being Tueſday, the Lorde Protectour came, and
laye in the Caſtell with Sir Nicholas Strelley knight, Captain there.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The nexte daye
commaundement was giuen that euery man ſhuld prouide himſelfe for foure
dayes victuall to be caried forthe with
them in Cartes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On Thurſedaye the firſte
of September the Lorde Protectoure, not wyth manye mo than wyth hys owne
hande of horſemen, roade to a Towne ſtandyng on the ſea coaſte, a ſixe miles
from Berwicke within Scotlande called Ay|mouthe, whereat there runneth a
riuer into the Sea, which he cauſed to bee ſounded, and fin|dyng the ſame
well able to lerne for an Ha|uen, cauſed
afterwards a fortreſſe to bee reiſed there, appoyntyng Thomas Gower, that
was Marſhall of Berwike, to bee Capitayne thereof.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On Fridaye, all ſauing
the counſell depar|ted the Towne of Berwycke and encamped a twoo flight
ſhootes off, by the Sea ſide, toward Scotlande. And the ſame day the Lord
Clin|ton with his fleete took the ſeas from Berwike, to the ende, that in
caſe the Winde ſhoulde not ſerue them, to
keepe courſe wyth the Armye by lande, yet were it but wyth the dryu [...]ng of tides, they might vppon any neede of muniti|on or victualls be
ſtill at hand, or not long from them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame daye the Earle
of Warwycke, and Sir Raulfe Saddeler Threaſouter of the armye, came to
Berwicke from Newecaſtell, where they had ſtayed till then, for the full
diſ|patch of the reſte of the army, and the next day the Erle of Warwike encamped in field with the army.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On whiche day a
proclamation with ſound of Trumpette was made by an Herraulte in three
ſeuerall places of the camp, ſignifying the cauſe of the comming of the
Kynges armye at that preſente into Scotlande,A
proclama|tion. whyche in ef|fect was, ĩto aduertiſe all the
Scottiſh nation, that their comming was not to depriue them of their
liberties, but to aduaunce the mariage
already concluded and agreed vppon betwixte the kings maieſtie of England
& their Quene, and no hoſtilitie ment to ſuche as ſhould ſhew
themſelues furtherers therof.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The fourthe of September
beeing Sun|daye, the Lorde Protectoure came from out of the Towne, and the
army reiſed, and marched that daye a ſixe miles, and camped by a village
called Roſtan in the Barourie of Coukendale.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The order of their Marche
was this.The order of the armie in marching
for|vvarde. Sir Frauncis Brian Capitayne of the light horſe|men,
with foure hundreth of his hande, tended to the ſkowte a mile or two
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The carriages kept a long
by the ſea coaſt, and the men at armes, and Dimylances deui|ded into three
troupes, aunſweryng the three wards ridde in arraye directly agaynſt the
car|riages a twoo flyghtſhote a ſunder from them. The three foote battayles
kepte order in place betwixte them bothe. The fore warde fore|moſte, the
battaile in the middeſt, and the rere|ward vndermoſt, eche ward hauing his
troup of horſemenne, and garde of ordinaunce, hys ayde of Pyoners, for
amendement of wayes, where neede ſhoulde be.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The fifte of September
they marched an 8. miles, till they came to the peathes,The Peathes. a clough or Valley, runnyng for a ſixe myles Weaſte
ſtrayght Eaſtewarde, and towarde the Sea a twenty ſcore brode from banke to
banke aboue, and a fiue ſcore in the bottome, wherein runnes a little Riuer.
Steepe is thys valley on either ſide, and deepe in the bottome. The Scots
had caſte Trenches ouerthwarte the ſide wayes on either ſide, in many
places, to make the paſſage more cumberſome, but by the Pioners the ſame
were ſoone fylled, and the waye made playne, that the armye, carriage, and
ordinaunce were quite ſette ouer ſoone after Sunne ſette, and there they
pight downe their campe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whyleſt the armye was
thus paſſyng ouer this comberſome paſſage, an Herrauite was ſente from the
Lorde Protectoure, to ſommon a Caſtell, that ſtood at the ende of the ſame
val|ley, a myle from the place, where they paſſed downe towardes the Sea.
Matthewe Hume Capitaine thereof, a brothers ſonne of the lord Humes, vppon
his ſommons required to ſpeak with the Lorde Protectoure, it was graunted,
and hee came, whome the Protectoure handled in ſuche ſorte wyth effectuall
wordes puttyng hym in choice wheather hee woulde yeelde, or ſtande to the
aduenture, to haue the place won of hym by force, that hee was contented to
ren|der all at his graces pleaſure.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And ſo beeing commaunded
to goe fetche hys companye out of the houſe, hee wente and broughte them,
beeyng in all one and twentye perſones. The Capitayne and ſixe other were
ſtaied and commaunded to the keeping of the Marſhall, the reſidue were
ſuffered to departe, whither they thought good.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this ſurrender, my
Lorde Iohn Grey brother to the Marques Dorſet, beeyng Ca|pitayne of a greate
number of Demylaunces, (as for hys approued woorthyneſſe & valiancie
EEBO page image 1617 right well hee mought) was appoynted to ſeaze and
take poſſeſſion of the houſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſpoyle was not rithe
ſure, but of white bread, oten cakes, and Scottiſhe a [...]e indifferente good ſtore, and ſoone beſtowed among my lords
Souldiers, for ſwordes, burklers, pikes, pottes, pannes, yarne, linnen,
hempe, and heapes of ſuch baggage, whiche the Countrey people there a|bout
hadde broughte into that pile, to haue it in more ſurety, the Souldiers
would vnneth ſtoupe to take the ſame
Compare 1587 edition:
The Caſtell of [...]glaſſe o| [...]rowenIn the meane tyme, the Lord Protector ap|poynted the
houſe to be ouerthrowen, whiche by the Captayne of the pioners was done,
though with ſome trauayle, by reaſon, the walles were ſo thicke, &
the foundation ſo deepe, and therto ſet vpon ſo craggy a plotte.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Tewſday the ſixth of
September, the armye diſlodged, and marched forwarde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the way as they
ſhoulde goe, a myle and an halfe from
Dunglas Northwarde, were two pyles or holdes,Thorneton
& Anderwike. Thornton and Anderwike, ſet both on craggy
foũdatiõs, & deuided a ſtones caſt aſunder by a deepe gut, wherin
ran a little riuer.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thorneton belonged to the
Lord Hume, and was kepte by one Thom Trotter,Thom
Trot|ter. who vppon ſommonance giuen to render the houſe, locke vp
a ſixteene: poore ſoules, lyke the Souldiers of Dunglas, faſt within the
houſe, tooke the keys with him, commaundyng them to defende the place till hys returne, whiche ſhoulde bee on the
morrowe, with munition and reliefe: and thys done, he and his prickers
pricke (as ſayth maiſter Paten) quite their wayes.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Lorde of Hambleton.Anderwike perteined to the
Lord of Hamble|ton, and was kepte by his ſon and heire, whome of cuſtome
they call the maiſter of Hambleton, and eyghte more Gentlemen for the moſt
parte as was reported.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Protector at
his commyng nye, ſent vnto both theſe
places, which vpon ſom [...]o|nance, refuſing to render, were ſtraight aſſayled.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thorneton, by baterie of
four great peeces of ordinance, and certayne of Sir Peter Mewtas
Hackbuttets, and Anderwike by a ſorte of the ſame hackbutters, who ſo well
beſturred them, that where theſe keepers had rammed vp heyr outer dores,
cloyed and ſtopt their ſtaires with|in, and kept themſelues, for defence of
their houſe about the battlementes, the hackbutters gote in, and fyered them vnderneath, whereby beeyng greatly
troubled with ſmoke,The pile of Anderwike [...]. they cryed for mer|cy, whych the Lord Protector meant to
graunt them, but [...]re the meſſenger came, the hackbut|ters were gote vp to them, and
killed eyghte of them aloft: one lept ouer the walles, and running more than
a furlong, after was ſlayne without in a water.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 All this [...] Thorneton, was the aſſaile on the Engliſhe parte, and the defence by
them within ſtoutely continued, but at length, when they perceyued in what
daunger they ſtoode, and how little able they were to help themſelues, or to
annoy the aſſailants, they p [...] in a banner whiche they hadde hung forth, in token of defy|ance, and
put forth a white linnen cloue, tyed to a ſtickes ende, crying all with one
tune for mer|cye: but hauyng aunſwere by the whole voyces of the aſſayles,
that they were ſtay this, and that it was too late, they plucke in theyr
ſticke, and ſette vppe agayn [...] theyr banner of defyance, and ſhotte off, [...] ſtones, and dyd what elſe they could with great courage of theyr
ſlue, and ſmal hurt of the [...]. Wherefore perceyuyng that they could not long keepe out, being on
the one ſide batt [...]ed, and [...] on the other, kepte in with hackbutters on each ſide, and ſome of the
Engliſhmen beeing gote into the houſe belowe, for they hauing ſh [...]p [...] vp themſelues alſo in the higheſt of their houſe, plucke in againe
theyr banner, and creyed eftſoones for mercy but being aunſwered generally
by the aſſa [...]s, that they ſhould neuer looke for in, they [...]ell to [...] thys put it ſon, that if they ſhoulde needes [...], they myghte rather ſuffer by hanging, and ſo recon|cile themſelues
to God, than to [...]y [...] in maſter, with ſo great daunger of theyr ſoules.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This [...]ulte was ſo furthered to the Dukes grace by Sir Miles Partrige,Sir Miles Partrige. Thorneton yeelded. ſhall was
neere at hand when they made this ſuite that it was graunt [...]o, and they comming for the, humbled themſelues, and without more
hurt, they were but commaunded to the prouoſt Marſhall, who kept them for a
time, and wife after relea [...]ed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The houſe was ſhortly
after ſo blowen with podder, that more than the one halfe of it,The pil [...]s of Thorneton and other defaced. fell ſtraight downe to
duſt [...] the reſt ſtood all to ſhaken with ri [...]es and [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Anderwike was [...] and all ye houſes of office: and ſtackes of [...] them both.
[figure appears here on page 1617]
EEBO page image 1618 While this was in doing, ye dukes grace, in tur|ning
but about, ſaw the fall of Dunglas, which likewiſe was vndermined, &
blowen wt pouder.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This done, about noone,
the army marched, and paſſing by Dunbar, the Caſtell ſente them diuers
ſhottes of Artillerie, but all in vayne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Scottiſh prickers
ſhewed themſelues in the field with proffer of ſkirmiſh, but to no great
purpoſe, one of thẽ beeing killed wt a ſhot of one of Bartenilles men, an
hackbutter on horſeback.
Compare 1587 edition:
4 The army hauing marched
ye day a ten mile, lodged at nighte nere to Tãtallon,Tantallon. & had a blind alarme. Marching ye next
morning a .ii. miles, they came to a riuer called Lin, where there is a
ſtone bridge,Linton bridge named Lintõ bridge of
a towne thereby on the right hand, as ye army marched, & ſtãding
Eaſtward vpõ the ſame riuer, ye horſemẽ & cariages paſt through
the water, for it was not very deepe, ye footeman ouer the bridge. The
paſ|ſage was ſtraight for an army, and therefore ye lõger in ſetting ouer. Beyonde this bridge about a myle
Weſtward vppon the ſame riuer, on the South ſide,Hayles
Caſtel. ſtãds a proper Caſtel, called Hayles, perteining to the
Erle of Bothwell, but kepte as then by the gouernours appointment, who helde
the Erle in priſon. Out of this Caſtell as the L. Protector paſſed forwarde
in following the fore ward, there were roundly ſhot off (but withoute hurt)
ſixe of ſeauen peeces, the which before that, (though ſome of the armye had
bin very nye) yet kepte they all couert.
In the meane time, roſe a thicke miſt, which cauſed great diſorder in ye
rere warde, by reaſon they could not ſee about them. The Erle of Warwike
therefore doubting leaſt the enimies, who had bin pricking vp &
downe neere to the army, and offered ſkirmiſh the ſame morning, ſhould now
by occaſion of the miſt, at|tempt ſome feate, to the annoyance of the
Eng|liſhmen in their paſſage, his Lordſhippe hymſelfe ſcant with ſixeteene
horſe (whereof Barteuille, and Iohn de
Riband Frenchmen, were two: ſe|uen or eight light horſemen moe, and the reſt
be|ing his owne ſeruants) returned towarde ye paſ|ſage, to ſee the array
again. The Scottiſh horſe|men perceiuing our horſemen to haue paſt on
be|fore, and thinking (as the tro [...]th was) that ſome Captaine of honor dyd ſtay for the looking to the
order of this rere warde, they keeping the South ſide of the riuer,A ſubtile prac|tiſe of the Scottes. did call ouer to
ſome of the ar|my, to know whether there were any noble man nye there. They were aſkt why they aſkt: one of
them aunſwered, that he was ſuch a man, whoſe name the Engliſhmen knew to be
honorable a|mong the Scottes, and woulde come in to the Dukes grace, ſo that
he might be ſure to come in ſafetie. Some yong Souldyers nothing ſuſpec|ting
the craftie falſehood of the Scottes, told him that the Earle of Warwike was
nie there, by whoſe tuition, hee ſhould be ſafely broughte to my L.
Protectors preſence, they had can [...] theyr leſſon, and fell to their practiſe, which was thys: hauyng
comen ouer the water, in the way as the Earle ſhoulde paſſe, they had
cowched behinde a bullocke, aboute two hundred of their prickers, and had
ſente a fortie beſide, to ſearche where my Lorde was, whome when they had
found, parte of them prickt very nye, whom tenne or twelue of the Earles
ſmall company did boldly encoũ|ter, and droue them welnie home to their
am|buſhe, flying perchance not ſo much for feare, as for falſehood, to bring
them within their daun|ger: but hereby enformed that the Earle was ſo nye,
they ſent out a bigger number, and kept the reſt more ſecret, vpõ this
purpoſe, that they might eyther by a playne onſet diſtreſſe him, or elſe by
feyning of flighte, to haue trayned hym within daunger of theyr ambuſh, and
thus inſtruct, they came pricking toward his Lordſhip apace, why (quoth he)
and will not theſe knaues bee ruled,The manly courage of
the Earle of Warwike. Dandy Car. giue me my ſtaffe, the whiche
then with ſo vali|ante a courage, hee charged at one (as it was thought)
Dandy Car, a Captayne among thẽ, that he did not only cõpell Car to turne,
& him|ſelfe chaſed him aboue twelue ſcore togyther al ye way at the
ſpeare poynte (ſo yt if Cars horſe had not bin exceeding good &
wyght, his lordſhip had ſurely run hym throgh in this raſe) but alſo with
his little band; cauſed all the reſt to flee amayne. After whom as Henry
Vane,Henry Vane. a gentlemã of ye ſaid erles,
& one of this cõpanie, did fierſly pur|ſue .iiij. or .v. Scots,
ſodenly turned, & ſet vpon him, and though they did not altogether
eſcape his hands free, yet by hewyng & mangling his head, body,
& many places elſe, they did ſo cru|elly intreat him, as if reſkue
had not come the ſooner, they had ſlayn him outright. Here was Barteuile run
at ſideling,Barteuille burie. & hurt in
the buttock & one of ye Engliſhmẽ ſlain: Of Scots again, none
ſlain, but .iij. taken priſoners, wherof one was Rich. Maxwel, &
hurt in the thigh: who had bin long in Englãd not long before, &
had receyued ryght many benefites both of the late kings liberality,
& of the erle of Warwike, & of many other nobles &
gẽtlemẽ in ye court beſide. But to cõclude, if the erle of Warwike had
not thus valiantly encountred them ere they could haue warned their ambuſhe,
howe weakely he was garded, he had bin beſet roũd about by thẽ ere euer he
could haue bin aware of thẽ,Richard Max|well [...]. or reſ|kued of other: where hereby his Lordſhip
vn|doubtedly ſhewed his wonted valure, ſaued hys companye, and diſcomfited
the enimie. As Bar|teuille the frenchman that day had right honeſt|ly
ſerued, ſo did the Lords right honorably quite it, for yt Erle of Warwike
did get him a ſurgeõ, and dreſt he was, ſtreight after leyd and conue [...] in the Lorde Protectors owne chariot. The reſt that wer hurt, wer
here alſo dreſt, Scots & other.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1619The armye hauyng marched that ſame daye nine myles,
[...] Nud| [...]
encamped at nyghte by a Towne ſtanding on the Fryth called Lang
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The nexte morning beeyng
Thurſeday; the eyghte of September, in tyme of the diſlodging of the
Engliſhe Camp, ſigne was made to ſome of the Shippes (whereof the moſt part
and chie|feſt lay a tenne or twelue miles in the Forth, be|yond vs, ouer
againſte Lieth and Edenburgh) that the
Lorde Admirall ſhould come a ſhore, to ſpeake with the Lorde Protector.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane time,
ſomewhat earely, as oure Galley was comming toward vs, about a mile and more
beyonde our camp, the Scottes were very buſie, awafting heere a ſhore toward
them with a banner of Sainte George that they had, ſo to trayne them to come
alande there, but the Earle of Warwike ſoone diſappoynted the poli|cie, for
making towarde that place where the Lorde
Admirall ſhould come a ſhore, the Eng|liſhmen on the water by the ſighte of
his pre|ſence, did ſoone diſcerne their friendes from their foes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lord Admirall
herevpon came to land, and riding backe with the Earle vnto the Lord
[...] taken [...] pla| [...] of the [...]ippes. order was taken, that the great Ships ſhoulde remoue
from before Lieth, and come to lye before Muſkelburgh and the Scottiſh camp
which lay there in field already aſſembled, to re|ſiſt the Engliſhe power that marched thus to|wards them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſmaller veſſelles
that were vittay|lers, were appoynted to lye neerer to the ar|my.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lord Admirall
heerevpon, being retur|ned to the water, and the armye marching on|warde a
mile or two, there appeared aloft on a hill, that lay longwiſe Eaſt, and
Weſt, and on the South ſide of them, vppon a ſixe hundred of their horſemen prickers,The
Scottiſhe [...]kers ſhewe themſelues. whereof ſome within a flight ſhoote,
directly againſte the Engliſhmen, ſhewed themſelues vpon the ſame hill, and
more further off.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Towarde theſe, ouer a
ſmall bridge that laye ouer a little riuer there, very hardly did ride
a|bout a doſen hackbutters on horſebacke, and held them at bay ſo nye to
their noſes, that whe|ther it were by the goodneſſe of the ſame
hack|butters, or the badneſſe of them, the Scottes dyd not only not come downe to them, but alſo very
courteouſly gaue place, and fledde to theyr fel|lowes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The armye wente on, but
ſo muche the ſlowlyer, bycauſe the way was ſomewhat nar|rowe, by meanes of
the Forth on the tone ſyde, and certayne Mariſhes on the other.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Scottes kept alwayes
pace with them, till there were ſhotte off two field peeces twice, wherwith
there was a man killed, and the legge of one of their horſes ſtriken off,
which cauſed them to withdraw, ſo that the Engliſhmen ſaw no more of them,
till they came to the place where they meante to encampe, for there they
ſhewed themſelues agayne aloft on the fore re|membred hill, ſtanding as it
were to viewe and take muſter of the armye: but when the Lorde Gray made
towardes them, minding to knowe theyr commiſſion, they wiſely went their
way, and woulde not once abyde the reaſoning. Little elſe was done that day,
but that George Ferrers, one of the Duke of Somerſettes Gentlemen, and one
of the commiſſioners of the cariages in the armye, perceyuing where certayne
Scottes were gote into a caue vnder the earth, ſtopping ſome of the
ventes,Scottes ſmol|thered in a caue. and
ſettyng fyre in the o|ther, ſmolthered them to death as was thought it could
be none other, by coniecture of the ſmoke breakyng forth at ſome of the
other ventes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Englyſhe Shippes alſo
takyng theyr leaue from before Lieth, with a ſcore of ſhotte or more, and as
they came by ſalutyng the Scottes in theyr Camp alſo, with as manye, came
and lay according to appoyntmente.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The armye hauyng marched
thys day about a fyue myles,Salt Preſton. encamped
at Salt Preſton by the Forth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On Friday the ninth of
September, the En|gliſh army lying in ſight and view of the Scot|tiſh Camp,
that lay two myles or there aboutes from them, hadde the Forth on the North,
and the hill laſt remembred on the South, the Weſt ende whereof is called
Fauxſide Bray,Fauxſide Bray on the whiche ſtandeth
a ſory Caſtell, and halfe a ſcore houſes of lyke woorthyneſſe by it, and
hadde Weſtwarde before the Engliſhmen, the Scottes lying in campe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About a mile from the
Engliſh Camp, were the Scottes horſemen very buſie, pranking vp and downe,
and fayne woulde haue bin a coun|ſell with the Engliſh mens doyngs, who
again, bycauſe the Scottes ſeemed to ſitte to receyue them, dyd dyligently
prepare that they myghte ſoone goe to them, and therefore kepte within theyr
Camp all that day.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lord Protector and
the Counſel, ſitting in conſultation, the Captaynes and officers pro|uiding
theyr bandes, ſtore of vittayles, and fur|niture of weapons, for furtherance
whereof, oure veſſels of munition and vittayles were heere all ready come to
the ſhore. The Scottes continu|ed theyr brauerie on the hill, the whyche the
Engliſhmen not beeyng ſo well able to beare, made out a bande of light
horſemenne, and a EEBO page image 1620 troupe of demelances to backe them:
the En|gliſhmen and ſtrangers that ſerued among thẽ, gate vppe aloft on the
hill, and thereby of euen grounde with the enimie, rode ſtraighte towarde
them with good ſpeede and order, whome at the firſte, the Scottes did boldly
countenãce and a|bide: but after, when they perceyued that oure men would
needes come forward, they began to pricke, and woulde fayne haue bin gone,
ere they hadde told their errand, but the Engliſhmen ha|ſted ſo ſpeedily
after,The Scot [...] horſemen comfited, [...] put to [...]. that euen ſtreight they were at their elbowes, and dyd ſo
ſtoutely then be|ſturre them, that what in the onſet at the fyrſte, and
after in the chaſe, which laſted a three miles
[figure appears here on page 1620] welnie to as farre as the furtheſt of their camp, on the South ſide, they
had killed of the Scots within a three
houres,Scottes ſlayne. Priſoners taken. aboue
the number of thir|teene hundred, and taken the maiſter of Hume, the Lord
Humes ſon and heire, two Prieſts and ſixe Gentlemen, whereof one by Sir
Iaques Granado, and all vpon the higheſt and welneere nigheſt of the hill
towarde the Scottes, within the full ſight of their whole camp.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 On the Engliſh parte, one
Spaniſh Hacke|butter hurt,Engliſhmen taken. and
takẽ, ſir Raufe Bulmer knight, Thomas Gower Marſhall of Berwike, &
Ro|bert Crouch, all Captaines of ſeuerall
bands, of the Engliſhe light horſemen, and men of ryghte good courage, and
approued ſeruice, and at thys time diſtreſt by their owne too muche
forward|neſſe, and not by the enimies force. To cõclude, of fifteene
hundred horſemen for ſkirmiſhe, and fiue C. footemen, to lie cloſe in
ambuſhe, and to be ready at neede, which came that morning out of their
camp, there turned not home aboue ſea|uen C.The Lorde
Hume hurt with a fall in the chaſe. and diuers of thoſe ſore hurt,
and among other, the L. Hume himſelfe, for
haſt in the flight, had a fall from his horſe, and burſt ſo the canell bone
of his necke, that he was fayne to be caryed ſtraight to Edinburgh, and
finally there depar|ted this life of that hurt. Then after this, the L.
Protector, and the Earle of Warwike, and o|ther of the counſell, with a
ſmall gard, mounting vp the hill, where the ſlaughter had bin made, a|bout
halfe a mile Southeaſt from the Scottiſh campe, tooke full viewe thereof,
the plotte where they laye, ſo choſen for
ſtrengthe, as in all theyr country (ſome thought) not a better, ſaue on the
South by a great Mariſh, and on the North by the Forth, whiche ſyde they
fenced with two fielde peeces, and certayne hackbuttes a crooke, lying vnder
a turfe walle, Edenburgh on the Weſt at their backes, and Eaſtward betweene
the Engliſhmen and them ſtrongly defended by the courſe of a riuer called
Eſke, running North into the Forth, whiche as it was not very deepe of
water, ſo were the bankes of it ſo hygh and ſteepe, as a ſmall ſort of
reſiſtants myghte haue bin able to keepe downe a great number of com|mers
Compare 1587 edition:
2 About a twelue ſcore from
the Forth, ouer the ſame riuer, is there a ſtone bridge, which they did
keepe alſo well garded with ordinance. When the Lord Protector, and the
Earle of Warwike had viewed euery thing, as they thoughte expe|dient, they
returned home towards their camp, alongſt before the camp of the enimies,
within leſſe than two flighte ſhootes, entring into a lane of thirtie foote
broade, fenced on eyther ſide with a wall of turfe, an elle of heigth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Scottes did often
ſhoote at them in the way as they paſſed thus homewards, withoute hurt,
ſauing the killing of an horſe among three hundred, the rider eſcaping elſe
harmeles. And as the Dukes grace was paſſed welnie halfe the way homewardes,
a Scottiſhe Herrault with a cote of his princes armes vpon him (as the
man|ner is) and with him a Trumpetter, ouertooke them.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 The Herraulte declaring
his meſſage to the L. Protector, pretẽded to come from the gouer|nour, to
enquire of priſoners taken, and therwith to proffer honeſt conditions of
peace, and after he had tolde his tale, thẽ began the Trumpetter, that
ſayde, howe hee was ſent from the Earle of Huntley. My L. my maiſter (ſaith
he) hath wil|led me to ſhewe your grace, yt bycauſe this maſ|ter may bee
the ſooner ended, and with leſſe hurt, he will fight with your grace for the
whole quar|rel, twentie to twentie, ten to ten, or elſe hymſelfe alone with
your grace man to man. The Lorde Protector hauing kept with him the Lord
Lieu|tenant, had heard them both throughly, and then in anſwering, ſpake
ſomwhat with louder voice, EEBO page image 1621 than they had [...] their meſſages, wherevpon, they that were the riuers by, thinking
that hys grace woulde haue it no [...] were ſomewhat the holde [...] to come neerer the wordes whereof, were vttered ſo expeditely, with
honor and ſo honorably with expedition that the ſtanders by were moued to
doubt whether they myghte ra|ther note in them the promptneſſe of a ſingular
[...] Lorde [...]tors [...]. or the boldneſſe of a noble courage: and they wer thus.
Your gouernour may know, that the ſpeciall
cauſe of oure comming hither was not to fighte, but for the thing that
ſhoulde hee the weale, both of vs and you for God wil take to recorde, wee
minde no more hurte to the Realme of Scotland, than we doe to the Realm of
England, and therefore oure quarrell beeyng ſo good, we truſt God will
proſper vs the better. But as for peace, hee hathe refuſed ſuch conditi|ons
at oure handes, as wee will neuer p [...]er a|gayne: and therefore lette him looke for none, tyll this way we make it: and thou Trumpette, ſaye to
thy maiſter, hee ſeemeth to lacke witte ſo to make thys challenge to me,
beyng of ſuch eſtate, by the ſufferance of God, as haue ſo weightie a charge
of ſo pretious a iewell, the gouernaunce of a Kings perſon, and then the
protection of all his Realmes, whereby in thys caſe I haue no power of my
ſelfe, which if I had, as I am true Gentleman, it ſhoulde bee the firſte
bargayne I would make: but there be a great ſort among vs his equals, to whome he mighte haue made thys chalenge
without refuſall.The Earle of Warwikes [...] and [...], to the Earle of [...]. Quoth the Lorde Lieutenant to them both, hee ſheweth his
ſmall witte to make this chalenge to my Lorde grace, and her ſo meane, but
if his grace will gyue more leaue. I ſhall receyue it, and Trumpette beyng
me worde the maſter will ſo do, and thou ſhalte haue of me an hundred
Crownes. Nay quoth my Lordes grace, the Earle of Huntley is not [...] eſtate with you my Lord but Herrault ſay to the gouernoure, and hym alſo, that wee haue [...] good ſeaſon in this Countrey, and are heere now, but with a ſober
company, and they a great number, and if they will meete vs in field, they
ſhall bee ſatiſfyed with fighting ynough, and Herrault bring mee word they
will ſo doe, and by [...] honor. I will giue thee a thouſande Crownes. Yee haue a proude ſort
among you, but I truſt to ſee youre paide abated ſhortely, and of the Earle
Huntleys [...]
[...] hee glo|rious yong Gentleman.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This ſayd, the Earle of
Warwike continu|ed hys requeſt, that hee myghte receyue this cha|lenge, but
the Lorde Protector would in no wiſe graunt to it.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe meſſengers had
their aunſweres, and therewith leaue to depart.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Scottes in middes of
this meſſages, do|yng contrary to the [...] of warm whiche as it graunteth ſafetie to Heraults and Trumpet|ters,
to paſſe betwixt army and army, ſo during the [...] of any ſuche meſſage, as this was ho|ſtilitie on both parts m [...]ght to ceaſſe, but it ſkilled not.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the morrow after, they
had their gunnes taken from them as ſayth, maiſter Pater [...] and put into theyr handes that coulde vſe them with more good
Compare 1587 edition:
2 But nowe concerning the
meſſage of yt Her|rault, it was thought that he was ſent ther with not for
yt it was beleeued of them, that it would be accepted, but rather that
whileſt he was doing his errand, he might ſurrey the Engliſh power, or elſe
for that vppon refuſall of the offer, they myghte vſe the victory (whereof
they accompted themſelues aſſured) with more crueltie. Of no|thing they
doubted more, than leaſt the Eng|liſhmen woulde haue him gone backe,The vayne doubt of the Scottes. and gotten to the
water, before they ſhould haue encountred them, and therefore they had
appoynted to haue giuen the Engliſh army a ca [...]iſade in ye night before the day of the hoſtayle, but per aduenture,
vnderſtanding that the Engliſhmen had war|ning of theyr intention, and were
prouided for them if they had come, they ſtayed and came not at all.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But in the morning they
were vp very time|ly, and beeyng putte in order of battayle, they marched
ſtraight towardes the Engliſh Camp, againſt whome then though they ſaw the
En|gliſh gli [...]h hoe [...] readily to make yet could not bee perſwaded but that it was for a
policie to ſtay them till the Engliſhe [...] and cariages myghtie fully be beſtowed a Shipborde and that for the
ſame purpoſe the Engliſh Shippes were come backe from before Lyeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the nyghte of this
daye, the Dukes grace appoynted that carely in the nexte morning, parte of
the ordinance ſhoulde bee planted in the lane, (whereof mention before [...]s made) vnder the turfe wall, nexte to theyr campe, and ſome alſo to
bee ſette vppon the kill nye to Vndreſhe Churche afore remembred and thys to
the in|tente [...] ſhoulde with oure ſhotte, cauſe them eyther whollye [...]am [...]ue theyr campe or elſe muche to annoy them in that place where they
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It was not the leaſt of
the Engliſhmennes meaning alſo, to winne from them, certayne of theyr
ordinance, that laye neereſt vnto thys Churche.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And heerewith the ſame
morning,Saterday, the tenth of Sep|tember, the day of
the battayle. beeyng the tenth of September, and Saterday,
ſomewhat before eyght of the clocke, the Engliſh army di|ſlodged, and
marched ſtraighte towarde the Church of Vndreſhe as well for intente to haue
EEBO page image 1622 encamped then the ſame, as for placing their
or|dinance, and other conſiderations afore remem|bred.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Scottes eyther for
feare of the Engliſh|mens departing, or hope of their ſpoyling, were out of
their camp comming toward them, paſ|ſed the riuer, gathered in a [...]ay, and welneere at this Church, ere the Engliſhmẽ were halfe way to
it, ſo quite diſappoyntyng the Engliſhmens purpoſe, which at the firſte
ſeemed very ſtrange in theyr eyes, as
altogither beſide theyr expecta|tiõ, as they that thought they would neuer
haue forſaken theyr ſtrengthe, to meete them in the fielde: but after it was
knowen that they dyd not only thus purpoſe to do, but alſo to haue aſ|ſayled
them in theyr campe, as they lay, if they hadde not bin ſturring the
timelyer; and hauyng cauſed all theyr tentes to bee let flatte downe to the
grounde, ere they came out, bycauſe none ſhoulde lye lurking behynde them in
their camp, and as well the Nobles as
other leauyng theyr horſes behynde them, (excepte ſuche as were ap|poynted
to ſerue on horſebacke) marched on with their Souldiers afoote.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Engliſh|menne and Scottes march the one army towards
the other.They came ſpeedily forwards on both ſides, the one till
then no whit aware of the others in|tente, but the Scottes indeede with a
rounder pace betweene two hillockes, betwixte the En|gliſhmenne and the
Churche, [...]ſtred ſome|what brimme, at whome as they [...]layed, the Engliſh galley ſhotte on,
and ſlewe the maiſter of Greyme,The galley. with a
fiue and twentie others neere by him, and therewith ſo ſkar [...]ed foure thouſand Iriſhe archers,The Iriſhe
archers. broughte by the Earle of Ar|guile, that where (as it was
ſayde) they ſhoulde haue bene a wing to the fore warde, they coulde neuer
after be made to come forwarde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Heerevppon did theyr army
haſtily remoue, and from thence declining Southwarde, tooke their direct way
toward Faur ſide Bray: of this, ſir Raufe
Vane, Lieutenant of all the Engliſhe Horſemen, firſt of al, or with the
firſte, noting it, quickly aduertiſed the Lorde Protector, who theerby did
redily conceyue their meanyng, whi|che was to winne the hill, and thereby
the winde and ſunne, the gayne of which three things as is thought whether
partie in fight of battaayle can hap to obteyne, hathe his force doubled
agaynſt his enimie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In all this enterprice,
they vſed for haſt ſo little the help of
horſe, that they plucked forthe their ordinance by draught of menne, whiche
at that preſente began freely to ſhoote off towards the Engliſhe army,
whereby it was perceyued, they meant more than a ſkirmiſh. Herewith, e|uery
man began to apply himſelfe in his charge and duetie, whiche hee had to doe,
and herewith, the Lord Protector, and other of the Counſayle on horſebacke
as they went, fell [...] con|ſultation. The ſharpeneſſe of whoſe [...] wiſdomes as it quickly eſpyed out the enimies intentes, ſo dyd it
among other thyngs promys|ly prouide therein remedie, to preuente them (as
needefull it was, for the tyme aſked as ley|ſure.)
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theyr deuiſe was, that
the Lorde Grey of Wilton, Marſhall of the armye with his hande of
Bulleyuers, and with the Lorde Protectors bande, and the Earle of Warwikes,
all to the number of eyghteene hundred horſemen, on the fifte hande on the
Eaſt halfe, and Sir Raufe Vane with Sir Thomas Darcy, Captayne of the
Pentioners, and menne of armes, and the Lord Fitz waters, with hys band of
demilan|ces, all to the number of ſixteene hundred, to bee readye and euen
with the Lorde Marſhall, on the Weſt halfe, and thus all theſe togither
afore to encounter the enimies afrount, whereby ey|ther to breake their
aray, and that way to wea|ken their power by diſorder, or at the leaſt, to
ſtoppe them of their gate, and ſoles them to ſtay, whyle the fore warde
myghte wholly haue the hylles ſide, and the battaile and e [...]ewarde be placed in grounds next that in order, and beſt for
aduantage. And after thys, that the ſ [...]me horſemen ſhoulde retire vppe to the hilles ſide to come downe in
order afreſhe, and infeſt them on bothe ſides, whyleſt the foote battayles
ſhoulde occupye them in ſyghte afrunt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whiche enterpriſe, though
it [...] ryght daungerous to the aſſaylers, yet was it not more wiſely deuiſed
by the counſayle, thou va|liantly and willingly executed of the L. Mar|ſhall
and the others,The Lorde Greys requ [...] to the Lord Protector. for euen there taking theyr leaues
of the Counſaile, the ſayde Lorde Mar|ſhall requiring onely, that if it
w [...]e not will with hym, the Dukes grace woulde bee good to his wife and
children, hee ſayde hee would meete thoſe Scottes, and ſo, with their
bandes, the foreſayde Captaynes tooke theyr waye, and made toward the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 By thys tyme, were the
fore [...] in o|ther part aduaunced within two nightes [...] in ſunder.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Scottes came on ſo
faſt, that ye was thoughte of the moſt parte of the Engliſhmen, they were
rather Horſemen than [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Engliſhmen againe
were le [...] yt more with ſpeede, to ſhewe that they were as willyng as the
Scottes to trie the battell. The maiſter of the ordinance to their great
aduantage, pluckt vp the hill at that inſtant certaine pieces, and ſoone
after, planted two or three canons of them welnie vppon the top there,
whereby hauyng ſo much the help of ye hil, he might ouer ye Engliſh|mens
heads ſhoote nyeſt at the enimie. As the EEBO page image 1623 Lorde Protector
had ſo circumſpectly taken or|der for the aray and ſtacion of the army, and
for the execution of euery mans office beſide, he be|ing perfectly appointed
in faire armoure, accom|panyed onely with Sir Thomas Chaloner Knight, one of
the Clearkes of the Kings priuie counſayle, gote hym to the height of the
hill, to tarrie by the ordinance, where he might beſt ſur|uey the whole
field, and ſuccour with ayd where moſt hee ſaw neede, and alſo by his
preſence to bee a defence to the thing
that ſtoode weakeſt in place, and moſt in daunger, the which how much it
ſtoode in ſteede, anone yee ſhall heare further. As hee was halfe vp the
hill, the Earle of War|wike was ware the enimies were all at a ſud|dayne
[...] Scottes [...]tay. and ſtoode ſtill a good while, ſo that it ſeemed to hym
that they perceyuing now theyr owne follie in leauing their grounde of
aduan|tage, had no will to come any further forward, but gladly woulde haue
bin whence they came. The reaſons were
theſe. Firſte bycauſe at that tyme, beſide the full muſter of the Engliſh
foote|men, of whome they thought there had bin none there in field, but all
to haue bin eyther ſhipt or a ſhipping, then they ſawe playne that the
Eng|liſhmen were ſure to haue the gayne of the hill, and they the ground of
diſaduantage out of their hold, and put from their hope: and hereto, for
that their Herrault gaue the Lord Protector no war|ning, the whiche by him
(if they hadde meante to fight it out) who
would not haue preſumed that for the eſtimation of their honoure, they
woulde little haue ſtucke to haue ſente, and hee agayne, and it had bin but
for his thouſande Crownes, wold right gladly haue brought? wel yet how ſo
euer their meaning changed, finally conſidering belike the ſtate they ſtoode
in, that as they hadde left their ſtrength to ſoone, ſo nowe to be too late
to repent, vpon a change of countenaunce, they made haſtely forwarde againe,
and as it ſeemed with no leſſe ſtouteneſſe
of courage, thã ſtrongly in order, whoſe maner, armour, weapon, and or|der
in fighte in thoſe dayes and before (though nowe ſomewhat changed as well as
among o|ther nations) was as enſueth.The order of the
Scottes in [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Hackbutters hadde they
fewe, and appoynted theyr fyghte moſte commonlye alwayes on foote.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 They vſed to come to the
field well furniſhed, with ſacke & ſkull, dagger, buckler, and
ſwords, all notably brode and thinne, of
exceeding good temper, and vniuerſally ſo made to ſlice, as harde it is to
deuiſe the better: hereto euery manne hys pike, and a greate kercher wrapped
twice or thrice rounde aboute his necke, not for colde, but for cutting.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In their aray towarde the
ioyning with the enimie, they thruſt ſo neere in the fore ranke, ſhoulder to
ſhoulder, togither with their pikes a [...] both hands, ſtraighte afore them, and their fol|lowers in that order
ſo hard at theyr backes, lay|ing theyr pikes ouer theyr foregoers ſhoulders,
that if they doe aſſaile vndilleuered, no force can well withſtand them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Standyng at defence, they
thruſt ſhoulders likewiſe ſo nir togither, the fore rankes wi [...] to kneeling ſtoupe low before, for their fellowes behynde, holdyng
their pikes in bothe handes, and therewith in theyr left theyr bucklers, the
one ende of theyr pyke againſte their right foote, the other agaynſte the
enemie breſt high, there followers croſſing their pike poyntes with them
before, and thus eache with other, ſo nye as place and ſpace will ſuffer,
through the whole rankes ſo thicke, that as caſtly ſhall a bare fin|ger
pierce through the ſkyn of an angry Hedge|hogge, as anye encounter the
fronte of theyr pikes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Marſhall
notwithſtandyng, whome no daunger detracted from doyng hys enterpriſe, with
the companye and order afore appoynted, came full in theyr faces from the
hill ſide towardes them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herewith waxed it very
hote on both ſides,The face of the field at the poynt of
ioy|ning. with pitiful cries, horrible tore, and terrible
thun|dering of gunnes, beſyde the daye darkened a|boue head, with ſmoke of
the artillerie, the ſighte and appearance of the enimie euen at hande
be|fore, the daunger of deathe on euerye ſyde elſe, the bullettes, pellettes
and arrowes, flying eache where ſo thicke, and ſo vncertainely lyghting,
that no where was there anye ſuretie of ſafetie, euery man ſtriken with a
dreadfull feare, not ſo muche perchance of deathe, as of hurte, whyche
thyngs though they were but certaine to ſome, yet doubted of all, aſſured
crueltie at the enimies handes, without hope of mercy, death to flie, and
daunger to fight.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The whole face of the
field on both ſides vpon this poynte of ioyning, doth to the eye and to the
eare ſo heauie, ſo deadly, lamentable, furi|ous, outragious, terrible,
confuſe, and ſo quite agaynſte the quiete nature of man, as if to the
nobilitie the regarde of theyr honor and fame, to the Knightes and
Captaynes, the eſtimation of theyr worſhippe and honeſtie, and generally to
them all, the naturall motion of bounden due|tie, theyr owne ſafetie, hope
of victorie, and the fauoure of God, that they truſted vppon for the equitie
of their quarrell, hadde not bene a more vehemente cauſe of courage, than
the daunger of deathe was cauſe of feare, the ve|rye horroure of the thyng
hadde bene able to haue made anye man to forgette both proweſſe EEBO page image 1624 and policie. But the Lorde Marſhall and the o|ther, with
preſent mind and courage warely and quickly continued their courſe towardes
them. The enimies were in a fallow field, whereof the fourrowes lay ſidelong
toward the Engliſhmẽ, next to whomby the ſide of the ſame fourrowes, and a
ſtones caſt from the Scottes, was there a croſſe ditch or ſlough, whiche the
Engliſhmen muſt needes paſſe to come to thẽ, wherin many that could not
leape ouer, ſtucke faſt, to no ſmall
daunger of themſelues, and ſome diſorder of their fellowes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The enimie perceyuing the
Engliſhmen faſt to approche,The order of the Scottiſhe
battayles. diſpoſed themſelues to abide the brunte, and in this
order ſtoode ſtill to receyue them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Angus next
to the Engliſhmen in the Scottiſhe fore warde, as Captaine of the ſame, with
an eight thouſand men, and foure or fiue peeces of ordinance on his right
hande, and a foure hundred horſemen on his
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Behinde hym Weſtwarde,
the gouernoure with tenne thouſande Inland men (as they call them) the
choyſeſt Souldiers counted of theyr countrey.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And the Earle of Huntley
in the rerewarde, welny cut with the battaile on the left ſide with eight
thouſande.The Iriſhe archers on a wing. The
four thouſand Iriſh at|chers as a wing to them both, laſt indeede in or|der,
and firſt (as they ſayd) that ranne away.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The battayle and alſo the
rerewarde, were garded likewiſe with their ordinance according.
Compare 1587 edition:
Edwarde Shelley.Edward Shelley, Lieutenant vnder
ye Lorde Grey of his bande of Bulleners, was the fyrſte that paſſed ouer
the ſlough. The lord Grey him|ſelfe next,The Lord Iohn
Grey. with the Lord Iohn Grey and others in the foremoſt ranke,
and ſo then after two or three rankes of their former bands. But badly yet
could they make their raſe, by reaſon the fur|rowes lay trauers to their
courſe. That notwt|ſtanding, and though
alſo they were nothyng likely well to be able thus a front to come with|in
them to doe them hurte, as well bycauſe the Scottiſhmens pikes were as long
or longer thã their ſtaues, as alſo for that their horſes were all naked
withoute bardes, whereof though there were right many among them, yet not
one put on, for as muche as at their comming forthe in the morning, they
looked for nothing leſſe than for battayle yt day: yet did thoſe worthy
Gentle|men, the Lord Grey of Wilton, the
Lord Iohn Grey, and maſter Shelley, with the reſidue, ſo valiantly and
ſtrongly gyue the charge vppon them, that whether it were by their prowes or
power, the left ſide of the enimies that his Lord|ſhip did ſette vpon
(though their order remayned vnbroken) was yet compelled to ſway a good way
backe, and giue grounde largely, and all the reſidue of them beſide, to
ſtand much ami [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſide this, as the
Engliſhmen were [...] at their enimies, they ſtoode very braue and brag|ging, ſhaking their
pike poyntes, crying, come Lounds, come heere Tikes, come heretikes and ſuch
lyke rethorike they vſed, but though ſayth Maiſter Paten, they meant but
ſmall humani|tie, yet ſhewed they thereby muche ciuilitie, both of faire
play, to warne ere they ſtroke, and of formall order, to chide ere they
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Engliſh Captaines
that were behynde, perceyuing at eye, that both by the vneuenneſſe of the
ground, by the ſturdy order of the enimie, and for that their fellowes were
ſo nic & ſtraight before them, they were not able to any aduaun|tage
to maynteyne this onſet, did therefore ac|cording to the deuiſe in that
poynte appoynted,The Engliſh horſemen repulſed.
turne themſelues, and made a ſofte retire vp to|warde the hill agayne,
howbeeit, to confeſſe the trueth, ſome of the number that knewe not the
prepenſed policie of the counſayle in this caſe, made of a ſober aduiſed
retire, an haſtie, raſhe and vnaduiſed flight, howbeit, without Captain or
ſtandert, and vpon no cauſe of neede, but of a meere vndiſcretion and
madnes. A madnes in|deede, for firſt the Scottes were not able to pur|ſue,
bycauſe they were footemen, and then if they could, what hope by flight ſo
farre from home, in their enimies lande, where was no place of re|fuge.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The valiant Lord Grey,
Edward Shelley, little Preſton, Brampton, and Iernyngham, Buſleners,
Ratcliffe, the lord Fitzwaters bro|ther, Sir Iohn Cleres ſonne and heire,
Raw|ley a gentleman of ryght cõmendable prowes, Digges of Kent, Ellerker a
pencioner, Se|graue Of the duke of Somerſets band Stan|ley, Woodhouſe,
Cooniſbye, Horgil, Norris,Gentlemen ſlaine. Denys,
Arthure, and Atkinſon, with other in the foreranke, not beeing able in this
earneſte aſſault, both to tende to theyr fyght afore, and to the retire
behynde: the Scottes agayne well conſidering hereby how weake they remained,
caught courage a freſhe, ran ſharply forward vpon them, and without any
mercy, flewe the moſt part of them that abode furtheſt in preaſe a .vj. moe
of Bulleyners, and other then be|fore are named, in all to the number of
xxvi. and moſt part Gentlemen. My lord Grey yet & my L. Iohn Grey,
& lykewyſe my L. Edw. Seimer (as ſom egrace was) returned agayne,
but neyther all in ſafetie, nor withoute euidente markes they had bin there:
for the L. Grey wt a pike through the mouth was raſed a long from the tippe
of the tong,The Lord Gray hu [...]. and thruſt that way very daungerouſly more than two inches
within the necke, and the other two had their horſes vnder them with ſwordes
ſore wounded. Like as alſo EEBO page image 1625 a little before this onſet,
ſir Thomas Marcy vp|pon his approche to the enimies, was ſtryken glaunſing
wiſe on the ryght ſide, with a bullet of one of their field peeces, and
thereby hys bodye bruyſed with the bowing in of his armour, hys ſworde [...]tes broken, and the forefinger of hys right hande beaten flat. Euen ſo
vpon the par|ting of this fray, was ſir Arthur Datcy ſlaſht at with ſwordes,
and ſo hurt vpon the wedding fin|ger of his right hande alſo, as it was
counted for the fyrſt parte of curing to
haue it quyte cutte away.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the ſame tyme,
certaine of the Scottes ranne out haſtily to the Kings Standard of the
horſemen (the which ſir Andrewe Flammocke bare) and laying faſt hold vpon
the ſtaffe thereof,
[...] Andrew [...]mmocke. cryed, a king, a king. That if both his ſtrength,
his heart, and his horſe, had not beene good, and herewith ſomewhat ayded at
this pinche by ſir Raufe Coppinger a Pentioner, both he had beene ſlaine, and the Standart loſt, which the Scottes
neuertheleſſe held ſo faſt, that they brake and bare away the nether ende of
the ſtaffe to the barrell, and intended ſo muche to the gayne of the
ſtan|dart, that ſir Andrew (as h [...]p was) ſcaped h [...]n [...] all ſafe, and elſe without hurt.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...] Lorde [...]anes.At this buſineſſe alſo my Lorde Fitzwaters, now Earle
of Suffex, and Lorde Chamberlaine to the Queenes maieſtie, Captaine there of
a number of Demilaunces was vnhorſt, but ſoone mounted againe, ſcaped yet in greate daunger, and his
horſe all bewen. Hereat further were Caluerley the Standert bearer of the
menne at armes,
[...]erl [...]y and [...]t Paſton and Clement Paſton a Pencioner, thruſt eche of them
into the legge with Pykes,Don Philip a Spaniarde.
and Don Philip a Spaniard into the knee, diuerſe o|ther mayned and hurt, and
many horſes ſore wounded beſide.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]ey [...]cing of [...] Engliſh [...]gard.By this time had the Engliſh forwarde ac|cordingly
gotten the full vauntage of the hilles
ſide, and in reſpect of theyr marche ſtoode ſideling towarde the enimie: who
neuertheleſſe were not able in all partes to ſtande full ſquare in array: by
reaſon that at the weſt ende of thẽ vpon their right hande, and towarde the
enimie, there was a ſquare plot encloſed with Turfe (as their ma|ner of
fencing in thoſe partes, as well as in dy|uerſe other is) one corner wherof
did let the ſquare of the ſame array.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...] battaile.The battaile in good order next them, but ſo
as in continuance of array, the former
part there|of ſtoode vpon the hilles ſide, the tayle vpon the plaine, and
the rerewarde wholy vpon the plaine. So that by the placing and countenaunce
of the Engliſh army in this wiſe,
[...] rereward. they ſhewed themſel|ues in maner to compaſſe in
the Scots battails, that they ſhoulde no waye eſcape them: but how little
able they were to do it with power and number, ye may eaſily [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thoſe horſemen that were
ſo repulſed, and in theyr comming backe vnorderly brake theyr array from the
reſidue, ran ſo haſtily through the rankes of the Engliſh forewarde as it
ſtoode, that it did both diſorder many, feared many, and was a great
encouragement to the enimie.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The worthie Earle of
Warwicke, who ha [...] the guiding of this forewarde,The preſence of the
Erle of Warwik great+ly encouraged the ſouldiers. right valiantly
had conducted the ſame to theſe ſtanding, and there did very nobly encorage
and comfort them with ſuch cheerefull wordes, off [...]ng to liue and on a|mong them, that doubtleſſe his preſence, de [...]
[...]a|ning himſelfe in ſuch manlike ſort, ſtood the whole cõpanie in
great ſtead. Neither wanted there the chearefull diligence of thoſe
Captaynes, with whom his honor was furniſhed in that foreward likewiſe to
encourage their handes, nor the wor|thie behauiour of other in the battaile
and rere|ward euery one according to his calling, ſhewing ſuch proufe of his
duetie, as the moſt part certain|ly deſerued to haue their names regiſtred
in the Kalender of fame, where no ruſt of cankred obli|vion might freeout
the remembrance of their rõ|mendable demeanours, and therefore if anye
a|mong them ſhould haue ſhewed any lack of cou|rage, their diſprayſe had
beene the more, [...] by o|thers they ſaw ſuch worthie example giuen. But ſithens there
were ſo many that did wel, and ther|fore deſeruing a lõger proceſſe to be
made of their high valiancies ſhewed in that daungerous ſer|uice, than this
volume may permit, I will pro|ceede to the battaile.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Scottes were ſomewhat
diſordred with their comming oute aboute the ſlaughter of the Engliſhmẽ,
the which they did ſo earneſtly folow that they tooke not one to mercie. The
Dukes grace placing himſelfe (as ye haue heard) on the hill of Fauxſide
bray, and therewith perceyuing the great diſorder of the ſtragling horſemen,
that had in the retyre broken array, hemmed them in from further ſtraying,
whom ſir Raufe a Vane,Sir Raule a Vano. and others
of the Captaynes, ſoone after wyth great dexteritie brought in good order
and array againe, and with all the reſt of the ſtrengthes of the whole
armye, by the policie of the Lords, and diligence of euery Captaine and
officer beſide, were ſo fitly and aptly applyed in theyr feat, that where
this repulſe giuen by the enimy to the horſ|men was doubted of many, to
turne to the whole loſſe of the field, the ſame was wrought and ad|uaunced
according as it was deuiſed, to the great certaintie of gaine and victorie.
For firſt at this ſlough, where moſt of the horſemen had ſtoode,Sir Peter Mewtas. ſir Peter Mewtas Captaine of all
the Hagbutters a foote, did verie valiantly conduct & place a good
number of his men,Sir Peter Gamboa. in maner hard
at the faces of the enimies, whervnto ſir Peter Gamboa a Spa|niard EEBO page image 1626 captaine of two hundred Harquebuſiers, Spaniards, and
Italians on horſebacke did rea|dily bring his men alſo, who with the hote
conti|nuance of theyr ſhot on both partes, did ſo ſtoutly ſtay the enimies,
that they coulde not well come further forwarde:The
Archers. then the Archers that mar|ched in array on the right
hande of the footemen, and next to the enimies, pricked them ſharpely with
arrowes as they ſtoode.The maiſter of the
ordinance. Therewith the ma|ſter of the ordinance, to their great
annoyance did gall them with haile ſhotte
and other out of the great ordinance, directly from the hill toppe, and
certaine other Gunners with their peeces a ſtande from the rerewarde, moſte
of the Artillerie and miſſiue engines then wholy thus at once, with great
puiſſance and vehemencie occupied about them, herewith the full ſight of the
Engliſh foot|men, all ſhadowed from them before by the horſ|men, and duſt
rayſed, whom then they were ware in ſuch order to be ſo neare vpon them, and
to this the perfect array of the horſmen againe comming couragiouſly to ſet
on them a freſh, miſerable
[figure appears here on page 1626] men, perceyuing
thẽſelues then all too late, howe much too much they had ouerſhot
themſelues, be|gan ſodainly to ſhrinke.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Scottes flie.Their gouernour and other the
princiall cap|taynes that had brought them to the bargaine, tooke their
horſes and fled amaine, which other perceyuing, did quickly follow, and with
the for|moſt their Iriſhmen, and therewith turned al the whole rowte, caſt
downe theyr weapons, ranne out of theyr wardes, off with theyr Iackes, and
with all that euer they might, betooke
them to the race that their gouernour began. The Engliſhe men at the firſt
had founde them (as what coulde eſcape ſo many eyes) and ſharpely and
quickely with an vniuerſall outcry, they flie, they flie, pur|ſued after in
chaſe ſo egrely, and with ſuch fierce|neſſe, that they ouertooke many, and
ſpared indeed but few, that when they were once turned, it was a wonder to
ſee howe ſoone, and in howe ſundrie ſortes they were ſkattered. The place
they ſtoode on like a wood of ſtaues
ſtrewed on the grounde, as Ruſhes in a Chamber, vnpaſſable (they lay ſo
thicke) for either horſe or man. Here at the firſt had they let fall all
their pykes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that, euery where
ſcattred ſwordes, buc|lers, daggers, iackes, and all things elſe that was of
any weight, or might be any let to their courſe, which courſe among them,
three wayes ſpecially they made, ſome along the ſands by the Frith to|wards
Lieth, ſome ſtreight toward Edenburgh, whereof parte through the Parke there
(in the walles whereof, though they be rounde about of flint ſtone, yet were
there many holes alreadie made) and part of them by the hie way that
lea|deth along by the Abbay of holy Roode houſe: and the reſidue and moſt
part of them towardes Daketh, whiche way by meanes of the Mariſh our horſmen
were worſt able to follow.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Sundrie ſhiftes, ſome
ſhrewde, ſome ſorie, made they in their running, diuerſe of them in theyr
courſes, as they were ware they were pur|ſued but of one, woulde ſodainly
ſtart backe, and laſh at the legges of the horſe, or foyne him in the belly,
and ſometime did they reache at the ryder alſo, whereby Clement Paſton in
the arme, and diuerſe in other partes of their bodies otherwiſe in this
chaſe were hurt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Some other lay flat in a
forrow as they were dead, thereby paſt by of the Engliſhmen vntou|ched,The Earle of Angus. and (as was reported) the Earle
of Angus confeſſed he couched in that ſort til his horſe hapt to be brought
him. Other ſome were founde to ſtay in the ryuer, cowring downe his bodie
vn|der the roote of ſome Willow tree, with ſkant his noſe aboue water for
breath. Some for light|neſſe caſt away ſhooes and dublets, and ranne in EEBO page image 1627 theyr [...] all breathleſſe to fall flat downe, and haue runne themſelues to
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Before this at the time
of the onſet whiche the Engliſh horſmen gaue, them came Eaſtward fiue
hundred of the Scottiſh horſemen vp along this Faurſide bray, ſtreight vpon
the Engliſhe ordinance and cariage. The Lorde Protectour (as ye haue heard)
moſt ſpecially for doubt here|of, placing himſelfe by the ſame, cauſed a
peace or two to be turned towarde them,
with a few ſhots whereof, they were ſoone turned alſo and fledde to Daketh.
But had they kept on their purpoſe, they were prouided for accordingly. For
one perſon Keble a Chaplaine of his graces,
[...] Keeble & two or three other, by and by diſcharged
foure or fiue of the Cartes of munition, and therewith beſtowed py|kes,
billes, bowes and arrowes, to as manye as came, ſo that of Carters and
other, there were ſome weapones about a thouſande, whom par|ſon Keeble and the other did very handſomly diſ|poſe
in army, and made a pretie muſter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To returne now after this
notable ſtrewing of their footmens weapons, began a pitifull ſight of the
dead corpſes,
[...] of [...]ghter lying diſperſed abrode, ſome their logges off, ſome
but thought, and left lying halfe dead, ſome thruſt quite through the bodie,
others their neckes halfe a ſunder, manye theyr heades clouen, with other
thouſande kyndes of kylling.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that, and further
in chaſt all for the moſt part killed, either in the head, or in the necke,
for the horſmen coulde not well reache them lower with their ſwordes. And
thus with bloud and ſlaughter of the enimie, this chaſe was continued fiue
miles in length weſtward from the place of their ſtanding, which was in the
follow fielde of Vndreſſe, vntill Edenbourgh Parke, and well nie to the
gates of the towne it ſelfe, and vnto Leith and in breadth me from myles,
from the Forthſandes vp toward Daketh
Southwards, in all which ſpace, the dead bodies lay as thick as a m [...]n may no [...]e cattell gra [...]ng in a full repleni|ſhed paſture. The riuer ranne all red with bloud,
ſo that in the ſame chaſe were ſtain to the number of tenne thouſande
[...] number [...] ſlain. ſome ſay about fourtene thouſand.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To conlude, considering the smalnesse of the English mennes
number, and shortnesse of the tyme (which was skant fiue houres, from one
till well nie sixe) the mortalitie was so
great (as it was thought) the like afore time had not beene seene.
The cause why so fewe Scottes were taken.
The Scottish mens vow.
One great cauſe why the Engliſh men ſpared ſo few of them, was
thought to be their ty|ra [...]nous vow by them made (which the Engliſh men certainly hearde of) that
when ſoeuer they fought and ouercame, they woulde kill ſo many, and ſpare ſo
few: a ſure proufe wherof they plain|ly had ſhewed at the firſt onſet gyuen,
where they killed all, and ſaued not a man that came within their daunger.
An other reſpect was, to reuenge their great and cruell tyrannie ſhewed at
Paniar hough,Paniar hough. where they ſlue the
Lorde Euers, whome otherwiſe they might haue taken priſoner and ſa|ued, and
cruelly killed as many elſe of our men as came into their handes. An other
occaſion alſo was their armor among them ſo little differing,The apparel of the Scottes. all clad alike in Iackes
couered with white lea|ther, dublets of the ſame, or of Fuſtian, and moſt
commonly all white hoſen, not one with eyther Cheyne, brooch, ring, or
garment of ſilke, vnleſſe cheynes of Laten drawne foure or fiue tymes a|long
the vpper ſtockes, or to vſe maiſter Patrus wordes, the thighes of their
hoſen and doublet ſleeues for cutting.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 This lacke for difference
in apparell was the chiefeſt cauſe that ſo many of their great mẽ and
Gentlemen were killed, and ſo fewe ſaued. The outwarde ſhewe, the
reſemblance or ſigne, wher|by a ſtraunger myght diſcerne a poore man from a
gentleman, was not among them to be ſeene, as for wordes and goodly proffer
of great raun|ſomes, were as ryfe in the mouthes of the one as the other:
and it came hereby to paſſe, that after at the examination and counting of
the priſo|ners, there were founde taken aboue twentie of their common
Countrey people, to one of theyr Gentlemen, whom no man neede to doubt, the
Engliſhmen had rather haue ſpared than the o|ther, if they coulde haue ſeene
any difference be|tweene them in taking. And yet verily conſide|ring the
caſe as it ſtande, the Engliſhmen ſhewed more grace, and tooke more to
mercie, than the reſpects afore mencioned, might ſeeme to haue re|quyred.
For beſide the Earle of Huntley, who in good armor appoynted lykeſt a
Gentleman of any among them,The Earle of Huntley
taken but coulde not then eſcape by|cauſe he lacked his horſe, and
happened to bee ta|ken by ſir Raufe a Vane, and beſide the Lorde of Yeſter,
Hubby Hambleton captaine of Dunbar,Other priſo|ners
taken. the maiſter of Sanpoole, the Larde of Wymmes taken by Iohn
Bren, a brother of the Earle of Caſſels, and beſides one Montrel, taken by
Cor|nelius controller of the ordinaunce in the armie, and one Camals an
Iriſhe Gentleman, and be|ſide many other Scottiſh Gentlemen mo, taken by
diuerſe other.The number of the priſo|ners. The
priſoners reckened in the Marſhalles booke were numbred to aboue fiftene
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Touching the ſlaughter,
ſure they killed not ſo many, as for the tyme and oportunitie, they might,
if they had mynded crueltie, for the Lorde Protector moued with pitie of the
ſight of the dead bodyes,The Lord Pro|tector not
de|ſirous of ſlaughter. and rather glad of victorie than de|ſirous
of ſlaughter, ſoone after (by geſſe) fiue of the clocke, ſtayed his ſtandart
of his horſemen at the EEBO page image 1628 furtheſt part of theſe Campe
weſtwarde, and cauſed the Trumpets to ſound are treate, where|at alſo ſir
Raufe Sadler Treaſurer whoſe great diligence at that tyme,Syr Raufe Sadler. and readie forwardneſſe in the chiefeſt of the
fray before, did worthily me|rite no ſmall commendation) cauſed trauaile
foot|men to ſtay, and then with muche trauaile and great payne, made them to
bee brought in ſome order againe, which was a thing not eaſily done, by
reaſon they all as then were ſomewhat buſie in applying theyr Market, the ſpoile of the Scot|tiſh campe,The ſpoyle of the Scottiſh campe. where was founde
good prouiſion of white breade, ale, Otencakes, otemeale, mutton, butter in
pottes cheſſe, and in dyuerſe rents good wine alſo, and in ſome Tents among
them was founde ſome ſiluer plate, and Chalices, whiche with good deuotion
ye may be ſure, were plucked out of their colde clowtes, and thruſt into
theyr warme boſomes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The plot of theyr Campe
called Edmonſton edge, nir Gilberton a
place of the Lord of Brim|ſtous, halfe a mile beyonde Muſkelbourgh, and
foure myles on this ſide Edenbourgh, occupied in largineſſe with diuerſe
Tentes and Tenticles, that ſtoode in ſundrie places out of ſquare, about a
myles compaſſe, wherein as the Engliſhmen vpon the ſounde of the retreate
were ſomewhat aſſembled, they all with a lowde and entyre out|crie and
hallowing,A ſhowte in ſigne of vi|ctorie. in
ſigne of gladneſſe and victorie, made an vniuerſall noyſe and ſhowte,
the ſhrilneſſe whereof (as after was
reported) was heard vntill Edenbourgh. It was a wonder to ſee, but (as they
ſay) many handes make lyght worke, howe ſoone the deade bodyes were
ſtrip|ped out of theyr Garmentes ſtacke naked, euen from as farre as the
chaſe went, vntill the place of the onſet, whereby the perſonages of the
enimies myght by the way eaſily bee viewed and conſi|dered, the which for
the talneſſe of theyr ſtature, cleanneſſe of ſkinne,The
feature of the Scottiſh mens perſo|nages. bigneſſe of bone, with
due proportion in all partes was ſuche, as
the behol|ders, if they had not ſeene it, woulde not haue be|leeued that
there had bene ſo many of that ſort in all that Countrey.
Compare 1587 edition:
Prieſtes or Kirkmen.Among them lay many Prieſts,
& Kirkemen, as they call them, of whom it was bruyted that there was
a whole bande of three or foure thou|ſande, but it was founde afterwards not
to be al|togither ſo.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Among other baners,
ſtandarts, and pennõs, a banner of white
Sarcenet was founde,A Baner of a Papiſts deuice.
vnder which it was ſayd theſe Kirkemen came, where|vpon was paynted a woman
with hir heare a|bout hir ſhoulders, kneeling before a Crucifix, and on hir
ryght hande a Churche, after that writ|ten in great Romaine letters,
Afflictae ſpouſae ne obliuiſsaris.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It was ſayde that this
was the Abbot of [...], and whether it was [...] or the Biſhop of D [...]els, the [...] bro|ther, who (as was ſayde) were both in the new, his incaning was,
to ſignifie that the Churche made interceſſion to Chriſt hir huſband [...] to forget hir his ſpouſe, being at that fyrſt af|flicted and
perſecuted by the Engliſhmen. But whoſe deuiſe ſoeuer it was, it maye ſeeme,
that thys Church comming thus to battaile, full ap|poynted with weapon, and
garded with ſuche re+ſort of Deacons to fight, howſoeuer in painting he had
ſet hir out, a man might well thu [...]e, that in condition, he had ruther framed [...]
[...]p [...]anc, that woulde placke hir huſbande by the pace, except ſhee had his
will, than lyke a meeke Spouſe, that went about humbly by ſubmiſſion and
prayer to deſire [...] huſbands [...], for redreſſe of things amiſſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But now to leaue this
Prelate wyth his af|flictae, and to make an ende with th [...] but [...]y [...]e, there was vpon this Fauxſide bray, a little Ca|ſtell or pyle, which
was verie buſie all the tyme of the battayle, as any of the Engliſhmen came
nic if, to ſhootent thẽ, with ſuch artillerie as they had (which was none
other than of handgcaties, and Hagbuttes, and of them not a [...]) little hurt they did, but as they ſaw theyr [...] in the fielde thus driuen and beaten away [...] theyr faces, they plunked in their pe [...] and coa|ched themſelues within all muet: but bycauſe by the houſe was
ſet on fire, and they for theyr good willes, burnt and ſmo [...]thered within.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus (ſayth maiſter
Paten) through the ſa|uour of Gods bountie, by the valiancie and poli|cie of
the Lorde Protector, by the forwarde inde|uour of all the Nobles and
Counſaile there be|ſide, and by the willyng diligence of euery Cap|taine,
officer, and true ſubiect elſe, they moſt va|liauntly wanne the [...] it ouer their enimies, of whom ſuch ſlaughter was [...]ads in [...] haue hearde, amongeſt whome (as the Pry [...]t|ners reporteth beſyde the Lorde [...]le [...]ing, eche Larde of Loghenware, the maiſter of Greyne the maiſter of
Arfkyn, the maiſter of Ogl [...]ythe maiſter of Auendala, the maiſter of Rouen, and many other of
noble byrth a [...]ding them, there were of Lordes, Lords ſonnes, and other gentle|men
ſlaine aboue .ixiij. hundred, [...] the priſoners alſo there were many gentlemen, ſpe|cially of name
theſe: the Gatle of Huntley Lord Chancellor of the realme, the lord of
Yeſter, H [...]|by Hamilton Captaine of Dunda [...], the maiſter of Sanpoole, the Lorde of W [...], and a bro|ther of the Earle of Caſſels. [...] and lying as they had beene dead [...] away in the night al mained ther.Armour a [...] wea [...]
[...] into Eng [...]
Herewith of weapon and armour (more was founde than the Engliſhe
euen vouchſafe to giue caryage [...]
EEBO page image 1629 and yet were there conueyed thence by ſhip into
Englande, of Iackes ſpecially and ſwordes, a|boue thirtie thouſand.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This night the Engliſhmen
with great glad|neſſe and thankeſgiuing to God, (as good cauſe they had)
about ſeuen of the clocke pitched theyr campe at Edgebuckling bray, beſide
Pynkerſ|clough, and a mile beyonde the place they cam|ped at before.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Nowe after the battaile,
among other que|ſtions, one was moued who
killed the firſt man that day in the field,
[...]lme an [...]
the glorie whereof one Iero|nimo an Italian would gladly haue had, a
gen|tleman ſure that had ſerued that day right valy|auntly: howbeit it was
after well tryed, that Cutbert Muſgraue,
[...]bert Muſ|graue. a Gentleman of the Erle of Warwikes,
deſerued the prayſe of killing the firſt enimie that dyed that day, who
right hardily ſlue a Gunner at his peece in the Scottes forewarde, ere euer
they beganne any whitte to turne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The next day being Sunday
the eleuenth of September, ſomewhat before Noone, the armie remooued, and
marching along the Forth ſyde towarde Lieth, about three of the clocke in
the af|ter Noone pyght theyr fielde, a pricke ſhotte on this ſyde that Towne
on the Southeaſt halfe, ſomwhat ſhadowed from Edenbourgh by a hill; but yet
the moſt part of it lay within the ful ſight and ſhot of the Caſtel
there,The Engliſh [...] encam|ped by Lieth. and in diſtance ſom|what aboue a
quarter of a myle. The Lorde Marſhall, and
the moſt parte of the horſemen, were beſtowed and lodged in the Towne of
Lieth. The Dukes grace, the Lorde Lieutenant, and the reſt of the armie in
the campe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On Tueſday, the .xiij. of
September the ſmal|ler veſſels of the Engliſh fleete burnt Kin [...]orne, and a Towne or two ſtanding on the North ſhore of the Forth
agaynſt Lieth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the after noone, the
Dukes grace rowed vp the Forth a ſix or ſeuen miles weſtward as it [...]|neth into the land, and tooke in
his way an Iland there called S. Coomes Ins,
[...] Coomes [...]
whiche lyeth foure miles beyond Lieth, and a good way nearer the
north ſhore than the ſouth, yet not within a mile of the neareſt. It is but
halfe a mile about, and had in it an Abbay, but the Monkes were gone: freſh
water ynough, and ſtore of Conies, and is ſo naturally ſtrong, that but by
one way it can be entred, the plot whereof the Lord Protector con|ſidering
did quickly caſt to haue it kept, whereby
all traffient of Marchandice, all commodities elſe comming by the Forth into
theyr lande, and vtterly the whole vſe of the Forth it ſelfe, with all the
hauens vpon it, ſhoulde quite bee taken from them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The nexte day the Lorde
Protector ryding backe againe Eſtwarde,The Caſtell [...]keth. to view diuerſe things and places, tooke Daketh in his
way, where a houſe of George Dowglas did ſtande, and com|ming ſomewhat neare
it, he ſent Somerſet hys Herauld with a Trumpet to know who kept it, and
whether the keepers would hold or yeeld it to his grace: aunſwere was made
that there were three ſcore perſons within, whom theyr maiſter lying there
Saterday at night after the battaile, did will that they, the houſe, and all
that was in it, ſhould be at his graces cõmaundement, wher|vpon the
chiefeſt came, and in name of all the reſt, humbled himſelfe to the Dukes
Compare 1587 edition:
1 From thence his grace
paſſed to the place where the battaile had beene ſtriken, and ſo by
Muſkelbourge returned backe to the campe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On Thurſday being the
.xv. of this Moneth, my Lorde Clinton high Admirall, taking wyth him ye
galley, wherof Richard Brooke was cap|taine, & foure or fiue other
ſmaller veſſels beſides, all well appoynted with munition and men, rowed vp
the Forth a ten myles weſtwarde, to an hauen towne ſtanding on the South
ſhore called Blakneſſe, whereat towarde the water ſide is a Caſtell of a
pretie ſtrength, as nie wher|vnto as the depth of the water would ſuffer,
the Scottes for ſafegarde had layde the Mary Wil|lough die, and the Anthome
of Newcaſtell, two tall ſhippes, which with extreme iniurie they had ſtollen
from the Engliſhmen before time, when no warre was betwixt vs: with theſe
lay there alſo an other large veſſell called the Boſſe, and a ſeuen mo,
whereof part laden with merchandice. My Lord Clinton and his company with
right hardie approche, after a great conflict betwixte the caſtell and his
veſſels, by fiue force wan from them thoſe three ſhips of name, and burnt
all the reſidue before their faces.
[figure appears here on page 1629]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The .xvj. of September,
the Lard of Brin|ſton a Scottiſh Gentleman,The Lard of
Brimſton. came to the Dukes grace from their Counſaile, for cauſe
of commu|nication, and returned againe to them, hauing with him Nortey an
He [...]ld and king at armes of oures, who found them with the olde Queene EEBO page image 1630 at Sterling.
Compare 1587 edition:
Sir Iohn Luttrell.On Saterday the .xvij. of
Septẽber, ſir Iohn Luttrell in the after noone departed towardes S. Coomes
Ins,S. Coomes Ins kept with a garni [...]on of Engliſhmen. hauing with him an hundred Hac|butters,
fiftie Pioners, and two row Barkes wel furniſhed with munition, and .lxx.
mariners to re|maine there, and keepe that Ile agaynſt the e|nimies.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the time whyleſt the
armie laye thus in campe betweene Lieth and Edenbourgh, many Lards and Gentlemen came in to the Lord Pro|tector
to require his protectiõ, the which his grace to whom he thought good did
Compare 1587 edition:
The Earle of Bothwell.This day came the Erle of
Bothwell to his grace, who hauing bene kept in priſon by the go|uernour, the
night after the battayle was ſet at li|bertie, and comming thus to the Lord
Protector, was friendly welcomed and interteyned, and ha|uing this night
ſupped with his grace, hee de|parted.
Compare 1587 edition:
Lieth burnt.Lieth was ſet on fire this Saterday,
where it was ment that there ſhould haue beene but one houſe onely burnt,
belonging to one Barton that had playde a ſlipper part with the Lorde
Pro|tector. But the ſouldiours being ſet a worke to fire that houſe, fired
all the reſt. Sir great ſhippes alſo that lay in the Hauen, which for age
and de|cay were not ſo apt for vſe, were likewiſe ſet on fire and burnt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On Sunday, the .xviij. of
September, the Lord Protector (for
conſiderations mouing him to pitie) hauing all this while ſpared Edẽbourgh
from hurt, did ſo leaue it, but Lieth and the ſhips burning, ſoone after
ſeuen of the clock in the mor|ning,The army
diſ|lodgeth. cauſed the campe to diſlodge, and as they were rayſed
and on foote, the Caſtell ſhotte off a peale (with Chambers hardly and all)
of .xxiiij. peeces. Paſſing that day a ſeuen myles, they cã|ped earely for
that night at Crainſton by a place of the Lard of Brimſtons.Crainſton.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame morning the
Lorde Protector made maiſter Andrew Dudley knight, brother to the Erle of
Warwike, diſpatched my Lord Ad|mirall and him by ſhippes full fraught with
men and munition towarde the winning of an holde in the Eaſt ſide of
Scotlande called Broughtie Crag,Broughty crag
which ſtood in ſuch ſort in the mouth of ye riuer of Tay, as ye being
gottẽ, both Dundie, S. Iohns towne, and diuerſe other townes ſtanding vpon
the ſame ryuer the beſt of the Countrey in
thoſe partes, ſet vpon the Tay, ſhould eyther be|come ſubiect vnto this
holde, or elſe be compelled to forgo the whole vſe of the ryuer, for hauing
a|ny thing comming in or outwarde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 My Lorde Admirall, and
the ſayde ſir An|drew ſped themſelues with ſuch good ſucceſſe and diligence
in that enterprice, that on the Wedneſ|day following being the .xxj. of
September, after certaine of their ſhot diſcharged agaynſt that ca|ſtell,
the ſame was yeelded vnto them,Broughty cra [...] yeelded to the Engliſhmen. the whiche ſir Andrew did then
enter, and after kepe, as cap|taine to his high prayſe and commendation.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But now to the armie: on
Monday the .xix. of September, they marched ten myles, (and en|camped a
little on this ſide a Market towne cal|led Lawder. Here as they were ſetled
in theyr lodging,Lawder. the Herauld Norrey
returned from the Scottes Counſaile, with the Lard of Brimſton, and Roze
their Herruld, who vpon their ſuyte to the Lord Protector, obteyned that
fiue of theyr Counſaile ſhoulde haue his graces ſafeconduct, that at any
tyme and place within fiftene dayes, during his aboade in their countrey, or
at Ber|wike, the ſame fiue might come and commune with fiue of the Engliſh
counſail, touching mat|ters in controuerſie betwene them. Roze the He|rauld
departed earely with his ſafeconduct, the campe rayſed, and that day they
went .vij. miles till as farre as Hume Caſtell,Hume
Caſtell where they camped on the weſt ſide of a rockie hil that
they cal Hare [...] crag, that ſtandeth about a myle weſtward from the Caſtell.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Here they did ſo much by
ſhewing that they ment in deed to winne the Caſtell by force, if o|therwiſe
they might not haue it, cauſing a cer|taine number of Hacbutters vpon
appoyntment before to beſet the caſtell, and to watch that none ſhould paſſe
in or out,Hume Caſtel [...] beſieged. that in the ende the Ladye of the houſe,
& other that were within in charge with it, yeelded it vp to the
Lorde Protectours handes: for the Ladie doubting the loſſe of hir ſonne,
that was priſoner with the Engliſhmen, hauing the firſt day beene with the
Lorde Pro|tector, and got reſpite till the next day at noone, in the meane
time conſulted with hir ſonne, and o|ther hir friendes the keepers of the
Caſtell, retur|ned at the tyme appoynted the next day, beeyng the .xxj. of
that Moneth, and made ſuyte for a longer reſpite till eight of the clocke at
night, and therewith ſafeconduct for Andrew Hume hir ſe|conde ſonne, and
Iohn Hume Lorde of Colden Knowes, a kinſman of hir huſbands, captaines of
this caſtell, to come and ſpeake with his grace, in the meane while. It was
graunted hir, wher|vpon theſe Captaynes about three of the clocke, came to
the lord Protector, and after other coue|nants (with long debating on both
partes) agreed vpon, ſhe and theſe Captaynes concluded to giue their aſſent
to render the Caſtell, ſo farre forth as the reſt of the keepers would
therewith be con [...]n|ted, for two or three within (ſayd they) were al|ſo in charge with
keeping it as well, as they, for knowledge of whoſe mindes the Duke ſent
So|merſet his Herauld, with this Ladie to the caſtell vnto them: who, as the
Herauld had made them priuie to the Articles, would fain haue had leyſure
EEBO page image 1631 for .xxiiij. houres longer, to ſende ſo theyr Lorde
to Edenbourgh, where he lay hurt (as before you haue heard) and in daunger
of death, which follo|wed of the fall that he caught at the Frydayes
ſkyrmiſh before the battaile to knowe his wyll and pleaſure in thys poynt of
rendring vp the Caſtell, but being wiſely and ſharply called vp|on by the
Heraulde, they agreed to the couenants afore by theyr Ladie and Captaynes
conclu|ded on. Whereof parte (as the ſequele ſhewed) were theſe,
[...]lari| [...] the fur+ [...]ng of [...]es caſtell. that they ſhoulde depart thence the nexte day in
the morning by tenne of the clocke, with bagge and baggage, as muche as they
coulde carye, leauing all munition and vittayle behinde them in the Caſtell:
howbeeit to bee aſſured of them, the Lorde Protectour prouy|ding eche waye
to bee readie for them, cauſed eyght peeces of Ordinaunce fenced wyth
Baſ|kettes of earth, to bee planted on the Southſyde towarde the Caſtell
wythin power of batterie, and the
Hacbutters to continue theyr watche and warde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On Thurſday morning being
the .xxij. of September, the Lorde Gray was appoynted [...]o receyue the rendring of the caſtel into his hands, and ſir Edwarde
Dudley nowe Lorde Dudley, after to be Captaine there. They both depar|ted to
[...] Gray [...]eth the [...] of [...] Caſtell. and at the tyme ſette Andrew Hume, and foure other
of ye chiefeſt there with him came out, and yeelding the Caſtell, delyuered
the keyes to the ſayde Lorde Gray. Hys
Lordſhippe cauſing the reſidue to come out then, ſauing ſixe or ſeuen to
keepe theyr baggage wythin (who all were in number ſeuentie and eight)
entred the ſame wyth maiſter Dudley, and dyuerſe other Gentlemen with him.
He founde there indiffe|rent good ſtore of vittayle, and Wine, and of
Ordinance two baſtarde Culuerins, one Sacre, alſo three Fauconets of Braſſe,
and of Iron right peeces beſide. The keeping of thys Caſtell my Lorde Graye betakyng vnto ſir Edwarde Dudley
accordingly returned to the campe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This done, the next day
being Fryday, and the .xxiij. of September they diſlodged, and went that
morning to Rockeſbourgh, encamping in a great fallow fielde, betwixt
Rockeſbourgh and Kelſey, ſtanding Eaſtwarde a quarter of a myle off.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Here at Rockeſbourgh,
they beganne to buylde a Forte wythin the compaſſe of an olde ruynous Caſtell, the plot and ſite whereof
ſtan|deth naturally very ſtrong,
[...]tion Rockeſbourgh. vpon a hyll Eaſt and Weſt, of an eight
ſcore in length, and three ſcore in breadth, drawing to a narowneſſe at the
Eaſt ende, the whole ground whereof the olde walles did yet enuiron.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſyde the height and
hardneſſe to come to, it is ſtrongly fenced on either ſide with the courſe
of two greate Ryuers, Tyuet on the Northe, and Twede on the South, both
which ioyning ſomewhat nie togyther at the Weſt ende of it, Tyuet by a large
compaſſe aboute the fieldes (in the which the Campe lay) at Kelſey [...] is ſtill in|to this Tweede, whiche with greate deapth and ſwiftneſſe
runneth from thence Eaſtwarde into the Sea at Berwicke. Ouer this, betwyxte
Kelſey and Rockeſbourgh hath there bin a great ſtone Bridge with Arches, the
which the Scots in tymes paſte haue all to broken, bycauſe the Engliſhe
menne ſhoulde not that waye come to them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Soone after the Lorde
Protectours ſuruey of the plotte,The determi|nation in
what ſort Rockeſ|burgh ſhould be fortified. and determination to
doe as muche in deed for making it defenſible, as ſhortneſſe of the tyme and
ſeaſon of the yeare coulde ſuffer (which was) that one great trench of
twentie foot brode with deapth according, and a Wall of like depth, breadth
and height, ſhoulde bee made a Croſſe wythin the Caſtell from the one ſyde
Wall to the other, and a fortie ſcore from the Weſt ende and that a lyke
Trenche and Wall ſhoulde like|wiſe bee caſte a trauerſe within, aboute a
coytes caſt from the Eaſt ende, and hereto that the Ca|ſtell walles on
either ſyde where need was ſhould bee mended with Turfe, and made wyth
lou|pes, as well for ſhooting directly forwarde, as for flanking at hande:
the woorke of whiche deuiſe dyd make that beſyde the ſauegard of theſe
Tren|ches and Walles, the Keepers ſhoulde alſo be much defended from the
enimies force by both the ende Walles of the Caſtell: the Pioners were ſette
a woorke, and diligently applyed in the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Larde of Scſſeforth,
and manye other Lards and Gentlemen of Tiuidall, & the Mers, hauing
come & cõmuned wyth the L. Protector, and the Counſayle, made an
aſſuraunce, or as it were a truce for that daye, tyll the nexte daye at
nyght, and on the next day,Scottes that came to the kings
obey|ſance. whyle the aſſurance laſted, theſe Lordes and Gentlemen
beeing the [...]efeſt in the whole Mers and Tiuidale, came in agayne, whome the Dukes
Grace wyth wiſedome and policie wythoute bloudſhedde; did winne then vnto
the kings obedience, for the whiche they did willingly then receyue an othe,
whoſe names in part enſue.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 - The Larde of Scſſeforth.
- The Larde of Fernyhurſt.
- The Larde of Greenhead.
- The Larde of Hunthill.
- The Larde of Hundley.
- The Larde of Markeſton by Merſide
- The Larde of Boniedworth.
EEBO page image 1632The Larde of Ormeſton.
- The Lard of Malleſtaine.
- The Lard of Warmeſey.
- The Lard of Lynton.
- The Lard of Egerſton.
- The Lard of Marton.
- The Lard of Mo [...]e.
- The Lard of Reddell.
- The Lard of Reamerſide.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 - George Trombull.
- Iohn Hullyburton.
- Robert Car of Greyden.
- Adam Kyrton.
- Andrew Kyrton.
- Andrew Meyther.
- Sander Spur of Erleſton.
- Marke Car of Littleden.
- George Car of Faldenſide.
- Alexander Makdowell.
- Charles Rotherford.
- Thomas Car of the yere.
- Iohn Car of Meynthorn.
- Walter Hollyburton.
- Richard Hanganſide.
- Andrew Car.
- Iames Dowglas of Cauers.
- Iames Car of Merſington.
- George Hoppringle.
- William Ormeſton of Endmerden.
- Iohn Grimſtow.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Many mothere were beſide,
but ouerpaſſed by maiſter Paten, for that they remayned in the re|giſter
with theſe as he ſayth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Somerſet
tendred the furthe|rance of the worke ſo much,The
diligence of the Duke of Somerſet to further the fortification to
Rocksbourgh that he forbare not to lay his owne hande to the Spade
and Shouell, thereby to encourage others, ſo as there were but fewe of
Lordes, Knightes, and Gentlemen in the field, but with Spade, Shouel, or
Mattock did therein their partes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The .xxv. of September
being Sunday, the Scottes beganne to bring vittayle to the campe, and were
ſo well entreated and payed for the ſame, that during the time of the
Engliſh mens abode there, they wanted not of the commodities which their
countrey could miniſter.
Compare 1587 edition:
A Scottiſh Herauld.The .xxviij. of September, a
Scottiſh Herauld accompanyed with certayne French men, that were perchaunce
more deſirous to marke the ar|mye, than to
witte of theyr welfare, came and declared that wythin a ſeuen nyght after,
theyr Commiſſioners, to whom ſafe conduct had bene graunted, ſhould come and
commune with oure Counſaile at Berwike, whoſe comming the erle of Warwike,
and ſir Raufe Sadler with other the Commiſſioners appoynted, did ſo long
while there abide: but what the Scottes ment by brea|king promiſe, I cannot
ſay, howbeit come they did not, and therefore eſcaped not the iuſt note of
diſſimulation, howſoeuer elſe they could colour the matter in their owne
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame day after noone,
the Duke of So|merſet adourned with titles of dignitie diuerſe Lordes,
knights, and gentlemen,Creation the names and
promotions of whome, maiſter Paten hath ſet downe out of the Heraulde booke,
as foloweth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 - Sir Raufe Sadler Treaſurer.
- Sir Fraunces Brian Captayne of the lyght horſemen.
- Sir Raufe a Vane, lieutenant of all the horſmẽ.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe knights more made
Banerets, all digni|tie aboue a Knight, and next to a Baron.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 - The Lorde Gray of Wilton high Marſhall.
- The Lorde Edwarde Seymet, the Duke of So|merſets ſonne.
- The Lorde Thomas Howarde.
- The Lorde Waldike a Cleuelander.
- Sir Thomas D [...]cres.
- Sir Edwarde Haſtings.
- Sir Edmonde Bridges.
- Sir Iohn Thynne.
- Sir Myles Patriche.
- Sir Iohn C [...]nwey.
- Sir Eyles [...]o [...]le. Sir Raufe Bagnoll.
- Sir Oliuer Laurence.
- Sir Henrie Gates.
- Sir Thomas Chaloner.
- Sir Frances Flemming maiſter of the ordinãce.
- Sir Iohn Gre [...]ham.
- Sir William Skipwith.
- Sir Iohn Buttes.
- Sir George Blaag.
- Sir William Fraunces.
- Sir Fraunces Knolles.
- Sir William Thornburrow.
- Sir George Howarde.
- Sir Iames Wilforde.
- Sir Raufe Coppingen.
- Sir Thomas Wentworth.
- Sir Iohn Meruen.
- Sir Nicholas Straunge.
- Sir Charles Sturton.
- Sir Hugh Aſkue.
- Sir Francis Salmyn.
- Sir Richarde Tounley.
- Sir Marmaduke Coneſtable.
- Sir George Audeley.
- Sir Iohn Holcroſt.
- Sir Iohn Southworth.
- Sir Thomas Danby.
- Sir Iohn Talbot.
- Sir Rowland Clearke.
- Sir Iohn Horſley.
EEBO page image 1633Sir Iohn Foxſter.
- Sir Chriſtofer Dics.
- Sir Peter Negro.
- Sir [...] Vtle.
- Sir Henrie Huſſey.
- Sir Iames Go [...]ds Br [...]dander.
- Sir Walter Bo [...]ham.
- Sir Robert Brand [...]ng Maior of Newcaſtell, and made knight there at the duke of
Somer|ſets returne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe that Rockesbourgh was sufficiently made defensible (the
which to see it seemed the Duke of Somerset had vowed before hee woulde
thence depart) his grace and the counsail did first determine that my Lorde
Gray shoulde remaine vpon the borders there, as the Kings Lieutenant,
[...]ken [...]ce of [...] gay| [...]d built [...] voyage. and then tooke order for the Fortes: that sir
Andrew Dudley Captayne of Broughtie cragge had left with him two hundred
Souldiours of Hacbutters and other, and a sufficient number of Pioners for his workes: Sir Edwarde Dudley
Captaine of Hume Castell three score Hacbutters, fortye horsemenne, and a
hundred Pioners: Sir Raufe Bulmer Captain of Rockesbourgh three hundred
Pioners. As things were thus concluded, and warning giuen ouer night, on
this Wednesday being Michaelmasse euen, on the nexte morowe being
Michaelmasse day euery man fell to packing
[...]y re| [...]
[...]ome| [...]. and gotte them homewardes, passing ouer the Twede there
with some trouble and daunger also, by reason of rayne that lately fell
[...] daunger [...]e ſouldi| [...] paſ [...]ing [...]er of [...]. and had raysed the streame, which beeing swyft of it
selfe, and the Chanell vneuen in the bottome wyth great stones made the
passage combersome, so that many as well horsemen as footemen were in no
small perill as they passed through, and one or two drowned, and many
caryages ouerthrowne, and in great hazarde
of losing.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Somerſet
roade ſtreight to Newcaſtell, and thence homewardes. [...] Earle of Warwike, my Lo [...] Gray, and Sir Raufe Sadler, with diuerſe other roade to Ber|wike, to
abide the comming of the Scottiſh com|miſſioners.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane tyme of
theyr carying there, the Erle of Warwike made ſixe knightes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 -
[...]ke made.Sir Thomas Neuill the Lorde Neuels bro|ther.
- Sir Andrew Corbet.
- Sir Anthonie Strelley.
- Sir Anhurt Manering.
- Sir Richard Verney.
- Sir Iohn Berttuille.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After that the Earle of
Warwike had taryed for the comming of the Scottes the full tearme of the
appoyntment, which was vntil the fourth of October, and perceyued they came
not, the next day he departed homewardes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Here ye haue to
vnderſtande and that in part of the meane time whileſt the Duke of Somer|ſet
was in doing of theſe exploytes in Scotlande, as ye haue hearde rehearſed.
The Earle of Le|nox, and the Lorde Wharton warden of the Weſt Marches with
an armie of fiue thouſande men,An inuaſion made into
Scotlande. entred Scotlande on that ſide, and firſt paſ|ſing two
myles after a daye and a nyghtes de|fence they wanne the Church of
Annan,Annan church wonne. tooke te|uentie and
two priſoners keepers of the ſame, d [...]ient the ſpoyle for cumber of cariage, and cau|ſed the Churche to bee
blowne vp with powder, paſſing thence a .xvj. myles within the lande, they
wanne the Caſtell of Mylke, the whiche they left furniſhed wyth munition and
[...]nne,The Caſtell of Milke wonne. and ſo
returned. But of this ye ſhall [...]nde [...]ore in the Hyſtorie of Scotlande, by the ſufferneſſe of God, where we
entreate of the [...]ings there in this yeare.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus much haue I
collected oute of maſter Patens booke, or rather exempli [...]ted the ſame, not much digreſſing from his owne wordes, except where I
haue beene forced to [...] his worke in places, wiſhing to haue inſerted the whole, if the
purpoſe of this volume would haue ſo per|mitted, as well for the full
vnderſtanding of eue|rie particular poynt, by hym remembred, as al|ſo for
his p [...]eſant and apt maner of penning the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whileſt the Lorde
Protectour out was abroade thus in wereck agaynſt the Scottes, the Lords of
the Counſayle that remayned at home, chief|ly by the good and diligent
ca [...]ing on and fur|ther [...]ner of the the biſhoppe of Canterburie, and other of the Cleargie,
tooke order for the aduancement of Religion,The Homelles
& Paraphraſe of Eraſmus.
[...]ing the bookes of Homilyes and the Paraphraſe of Eraſmus, to be ſet
foorth and had in Churches.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At the comming backe of
the Lorde Pro|tectour from his iourney into Scotlande, the Citizens of
London determined to haue recey|ued him with great tryumphe, but he healing
thereof, forbid them in any wyſe ſo to doe: for (ſayde hee) if any thing
hath beene done to the honour of the Realme, it was Gods doyng, and
therefore willed them to giue him the prayſe. Neuertheleſſe, the Maior and
Aldermen, with certayne of the Commoners in theyr Liue|reys with theyr
Hoodes, hearing of his approch to the Citie, the eight day of October meete
him in Fyln [...]arie fielde,The Lord Pro|tectors retuen.
where betwixt eche of them by the hande, and handed them for theyr good
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lord Maior did [...] with him till they came to the pounde in Smithfielde, where hys EEBO page image 1634 grace left them, and roade to his houſe of Sheue
that night, & the next day to the king to Hamp|ton Court.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The fourth day of
Nouember began a Par|liament, called and holden at Weſtmynſter, which
continued till the .xxiiij. of December, next following, and then
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In thys Parliament, all
Calleges, Chaun|teries, and free Chapels, were gyuen to the king, and the
Statute of the ſixe Articles were re|pealed, wyth dyuerſe other tending to the lyke ende.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, during this
Parliament, viſiters beeing appoynted to viſite in London, the ſix|tenth of
Nouember beganne to take downe the Images in Paules Church, and ſhortly
after all the Images in euery Churche, not onelye through London, but alſo
throughoute the whole Realme, were pulled downe and de|faced.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 2.
The Lorde Protector and other of the coun|ſaile, conſidering nowe in
what ſort they had got footeholde in Scotlande, by reaſon of ſuch Peeces as
they had taken and fortified within the realme, did deuiſe for the more
ſuretie of thoſe places, which they had alreadie gotte, and the better to
bring the reſt of the Countrey vnto reaſon, to haue ſome holdes alſo more
within the land, and therefore firſt they cauſed a fort to be buylded at
Lowder,Lowdes for|tified. Sir Hugh Willoughby.
where ſir Hugh Willoughbie was ap|poynted
Captayne with a conuenient garniſon of ſouldiours to keepe it.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſyde this, it was
thought expedient to fortifie the Towne of Hadington, wherevpon the Lord
Gray Lieutenant of the North partes, with ſir Thomas Palmer, and ſir Thomas
Hole [...]oft, were appoynted to got thyther wyth a conuenient number of men of
warre and Pio|ners to ſee that towne fenced with Trenches, Rampires, and
Bulwarkes, as ſhoulde ſeeme to his
Lordſhippe neceſſarie and behouefull, who therefore entring into Scotlande
the eightenth of Aprill,Hadington fortified by the lord
Gray. paſſed forth to Hadington, where hee be|ganne to fortifie,
and there remayned to ſee the worke brought to ſome perfection.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 During his abode there,
diuerſe exploytes were bothe valiauntly attempted and luckilye atchieued by
hys martiall conduct and poli|tique direction, as occaſions offered mighte
moue him, the whiche I woulde gladlye haue
ſette downe at large, if I coulde haue come to yt true vnderſtanding
thereof, but ſithe I can|not gette the ſame, in ſuche full manner as I haue
wiſhed, that yet whiche I haue learned by true report (as I take it) I haue
thought good to impart to the reader.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The .xxviij. of May, his
Lordſhip wanne the Caſtell of Yeſter,Yeſter Caſtell
wonne. after he had beaten if right ſore with terrible batterie of
Canon ſhotte for the tyme it laſted, and therewith hauing made a reaſonable
breache for the Souldiours to enter, they within yeelded wyth condition to
haue theſe lyues ſaued, which the Lorde Gray was con|tented to graunt to
them all, one onely excepted,Vlpian Ful [...] in the Flo [...] of Fame. who during the ſiege vttered vnſeemely wordes of
the king, abuſing his Maieſties name wyth vile and moſt opprobrious tearmes.
They all comming forth of the Caſtell in theyr ſhyrtes, humbled themſelues
to my Lordes Gray (as be|came them, and vpon ſtrayte examination who ſhoulde
bee the rayles that was excepted oute of the pardon, it was knowne to be one
Newton a Scot: But hee to ſaue himſelfe,Newton and
Hamilton t [...] Scottiſh gen|tetlemen ac|cuſe ech oth [...]
put it to our Hamilton, and ſo theſe two Gentlemen acuſ|ſing one an
other, the truth coulde not be deci|ded otherwyſe than by a combate, whiche
they requyred, and my Lorde Gray therevnto aſ|ſented, and pronounced
iudgement ſo to haue it tryed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At the appoynted tyme
they entred the Lyſtes, ſette vppe for that purpoſe in the market place of
Hadington, without other apparell ſa|uing their doublets and hoſen, weaponed
wyth ſworde, buckles and dagger.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At the fyſt entrye into
the Lyſt [...], Hamil|ton kneeling downe,A combat ſoght betweene
them. made hys heartie prayer to God, that it myght pleaſe him to
gyue victo|rie vnto the truth, wyth ſolemne proteſtation that hee neuer
vttered any ſuch wordes of King Edwarde of Englande, as his aduerſarie
chan|ged him with. On the other ſyde Newton be|ing troubled (as it ſeemed)
wyth his falſe [...]|ſation, argued vnto the beholders hys guiltie conſcience.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Nowe were the ſticklers
in a readineſſe, and the Combattours with theyr weapons [...] fell to it, ſo that betwyxt them were ſtryken ſixe or ſeuen blowes
ryght luſtily. But Hamyl|ton being verye ſieres and eagre, vppon truſte of
hys innocencie, conſtrayned Newton to [...] ground almoſt to the ende of the Lyſtes and [...]he had dryuen him to the ende in deede, then by the law of Armes he
had woonne the victorie. New|ton perceyuing himſelfe to bee almoſte at poynt
to bee thus ouercome, ſlept forwardes agayne, and gaue Hamilton ſuche a
gaſhe on th [...]legg [...], that he was not able longer to ſtand but ſelf there|with downe to
the grounde,He [...] was vanquiſhed [...] & ſlaine. and then Newton falling on him,
incontinently [...] him wyth a dagger.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were Gentlemen
preſent that [...] as they tooke it for certain, howe Newton was the offender (although
fortune had [...]ered him in they Combate) woulde gladlye haue EEBO page image 1635
ventured their lyues agaynſt him man for man, if it ryght haue beene
graunted: bat he chalen|ging the lawe of Armes, had it graunted by my Lorde
[...] re| [...] by my [...]ay. who gaue him alſo his owne Gowne beſyde hys backe, and a
chaine of golde whiche he then ware.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus was he well rewarded
howe ſoeuer he deſerued: But he eſcaped not ſo, for afterwardes as he was
ryding betwyxt the borders of bothe the Realmes,
[...] ſlaine [...]. he was ſlaine and cut in peeces.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The fourth of Iune, the
Towne of Daw|keth was burnt and the Caſtell wonne by [...], what [...] Scottes were ſlaine, and three hundred [...] priſoners, among whome were of nauie, the maiſter of Morton, ſonne in
law to ſir George Dowglas, the Larde of Bl [...]gar [...]ie, the Larde of Wedexburne, and one Alexander Hume, a man of good
reputation a|mong them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame day the Engliſh
horſemen burnt al the Milles round about
Edenbourgh, within the compaſſe of ſixe miles on eche ſide the towne.
Compare 1587 edition:
Muſkelbourgh [...]
The .vij. of Iune they burnt Muſkelbourgh.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Now after that my Lorde
Gray had forti|fyed Hadington, and furniſhed it with vittayles and m [...]nitions ſufficient, the .xij. of Iune he de|parted from thence
homewardes, leauing there in garniſon about two thouſand footmen, and .v. C.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this meane time,
Henrie the French king ſucceding hi [...] father Fraunces the firſt (who de|parted this lyfe the laſt of Marche
in the yeare laſt paſt, to wit 1547.) made prouiſion of an ar|my, with a
nauy of ſhips and galleys, to paſſe in|to Scotland,The
French [...]prepareth [...]y in ayd the Scottes. to the ayde of the Queene and other of
his faction. And firſt he had ſent thither Mon|ſieur de la Chapelle de
Biron, a Gentleman of good account, to aſſyſt the gouernour wyth hys aduice
and counſaile, whiche gouernour deſirous to recouer the Caſtell of
Broughtiecragge, and loth to ſee it
poſſeſſed by the Engliſh men, rayſed a power of eight thouſande men,
[...]htiecrag [...]g [...]d. and with eight peeces of artillerie came before that
Fortreſſe, meaning to winne it by ſiege, but by the valy|aunt prowes of Sir
Andrewe Dudley, and the hardie manhoode of ſuche Engliſhe Souldiours as
ſerued there vnder hym the Scottes were re|pulſed and driuen to leuie theyr
ſiege with diſ|honour.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Yet not thus contented,
the Earle of Ar|guile with and armie of
his Iriſh Scots or Hie|lande men (if I may ſo call them) after this
like|wiſe came and beſieged the place, but glad to take truce for a time
with ſir Andrew, Before the tearme of the ſame truce was expired, there come
newe ſuccours to him, and therevpon the Earle in the ende was conſtrayned to
leuie his ſiege, and ſuffer the Engliſhmen to become maiſters of a little
his not farre off from the Caſtel, where afterwards they builded a
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But to returne to the
French armie whiche was prepared to paſſe into Scotlande, yee Hall
vnderſtande that when theyr Shippes and pro|uiſions were once readie, and
the Capitaynes wyth theyr bandes come downe to Breſt in Brytayne, where the
Nauie was rigged to re|ceyue them,Monſieur de Deſſe
generall of the French armie. Monſieur de Deſſe Generall of all
the army reconed to conteyne a ſeuen or eight thouſand men, embarqu [...]d himſelfe with all his people, and ſayled forth on his iourney,He landeth at Lieth. tyll they arriued in the Forth
and there tooke land at Lieth the .xvj. of Iune.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortly after hauing got
their great artille|rie on lande, and taken aduiſe with the Lorde Gouernour
and other of the Scottiſh N [...]itie whome they founde at Edenbourgh, how to proceede in proſecuting
the warre agaynſt the Engliſhe men, it was reſolued that without de|lay they
ſhoulde trie theyr forces aboute the re|couering of Hadington,The French men reſolue to beſiege Ha|dington. and goe
to beſiege that Towne, before they attempted any other ex|ployte.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The gouernour and other
of the Scottes Lordes, hauing with them ſeuen or eight hun|dred light
horſemen, offered to goe with them, to the better aduauncing forwarde of
that enter|price. Herevppon ſetting forwarde, and com|ming to Muſkelbourgh,
the Captaynes wyth a certaine numbers of horſemen and footemen, as well of
Scottes as Frenchmen, were appoynted to goe before to view the ſayde Towne
of Ha|dington.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Vpon their approche neare
to the towne, there iſſued forth certaine Engliſhmen and Italians, that were
of Tiberia's bande, which ſkirmiſhed with them right ſtoutly, all at length
the French|men and Scots retyred backe to Lauret a little from Muſkelbourgh
(whore their armie encam|ped for that night) and the Engliſhmen and
Ita|lians returned backe to their fortreſſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The next day the
Frenchmen and Scottes with their whole power came before Hadington,The French army com|meth before Hadington. where they
were welcomed with a right ſharpe and hate ſkyrmiſh, in which was ſlaine
with and hanquabuſe ſhot, one of the Frenche Captaynes called Villen [...]u [...]ue. In the meane time whileſt this ſkirmiſh continued,The Reinſ|graue. the Reingraue with his Almaines
encamped himſelfe on the one ſide of the towne, where the maiſter of the
ordinance in the French armie named Monſieur Dun [...] cau|ſed trenches to be caſt for the ſafe placing of the artillerie,
the Engliſhmẽ ſtill kept them occupied on eche ſide the towne with
ſkyrmiſhing,They plan [...] their artillery. to the annoyance of the aduerſaries.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To conclude, they
encamped before the Towne, caſt Trenches, lodge [...] their Ordinance. EEBO page image 1636 and layde their ſiege to the
moſt aduauntage, ſo farre as they might be ſuffered.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortly after that this
ſiege was planted, there came to the ayde of the French the Earle of
Arguyle,The Earle of Arguile. Monſi [...]r de la Chapelle. with a great number of Iriſh Scottes, and
Monſieur de la Chapelle brought an eyght or nine hundred Scottes Pioners,
which began a trench on the left hande of the Abbay gate, and likewiſe a
trauerſe to couer theyr ſouldiers, that ſhoulde watche and warde, from
daunger of the ſhot out of the towne on
that ſide.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Engliſhmen with often
iſſues [...] their aduerſaries ſmall reſt, procuring many h [...]t [...] ſkir|myſhes as occaſion ſerued. At one of the whiche ſkirmiſhes,
Piero Stromi coronell of them,Piero Str|omi.
En|ſignes of Italians, was ſtriken with a Muſket ſhot. Yet Monſieur de Deſſe
enforcing the ſiege to the vttermoſt of his power, cauſed one [...]ght with helpe of baſkets filled with earthe ſir peeces of artillerie
to be planted in batterie [...]ſt at the towne ſide,Ph [...]ng [...] ba [...]d which at the breake of day began to ſhoote off, and
diſcharged that preſent day three
[figure appears here on page 1636] hundred
and fortie ſhottes. But after they per|ceyued that they did little hurt to
the fortificati|ons of the towne in that place where this battery was layde,
the next night the baſkets and peeces of artillerie were remoued lower, and
not paſt .ix. paces from the ditches of the towne, where the next day two
hundred ſhottes were diſcharged agaynſt the rampyre. To conclude, they made
ſuch breaches in ſundrie places for eaſie entrie in|to the towne, that it
was greatly marueyled why they durſt not
aſſaye to gyue a generall aſſault.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 They lodged ſo neare
within the verie dyt|ches, that there were deuiſed certaine plummers of
Leade tied with cordes to a truncheon of a ſtaffe, lyke to an hande ſtaffe
of a flayle, where|with the ſouldiours that watched and warded within the
towne on the rampire, ſlue dyuerſe of the Frenchmen being there lodged
within their ditches.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 Thus notwithſtanding that
the Frenchmen with their artillerie, had broken downe the forti|fications,
ſo as the breaches were made verie rea|ſonable and eaſie for them to enter,
yet durſt they not preſume once to giue ye aſſault, for the Eng|liſh men
although their powder was ſore ſpent,The valiancie of the
Engliſh men. and that for want of matches they were cõſtray|ned
to teare their ſhyrts, and vſe the ſame in ſtead of matches, yet they ſhewed
themſelues to vali|ant in defending the town thus beaten and made weake on
eche hande, that there was no hope left to their aduerſaries to win it of
them by force. Al|though the French power on the one ſide, and .viij M.
Scottes on an other had ſo enuironed it, that the Engliſh men within were
driuen to moſt ex|treme and hard ſhifts, for want of things neceſ|ſarie and
requiſite for their maintenance and de|fence of that Towne. But yet whileſt
they re|mayned thus in ſuche diſtreſſe and neceſſitie of things, two hundred
Engliſhmen vnder the con|duct of Captain Windham,Succour
[...]|tring the towne. Warham Sc [...]ſe|ger, and Iohn Car of Warke, found meanes one night to paſſe through
al the watches, on that ſide where the Scottes lay, and entring the towne,
and bringing with them great plentie of powder & other neceſſaries,
greatly relieued them within, and ſo encoraged them, that they ſeemed to
make ſmall account of their enimies fortes. Herevpon within few dayes after
the Scottes (fiue or ſixe C. light horſmen onely excepted) brake vp theyr
campe and returned home. After this my Lorde Gray remayning at Berwike, ment
to make a voyage himſelfe in perſon for the reliefe of them that were thus
beſieged in Hadington, and now when all things were ſo far in a readineſſe
as the next day he ment to haue ſet forward, letters were EEBO page image 1637 brought that night from the Court, willing him to perfourme that ſeruice
by a deputie, and to ſtay himſelfe til the comming of the Earle of
Shrewſburie, who was appoynted with the ar|mie to come verie ſhortly as
generall into thoſe parties. My Lord Gray herevpon appoynted in his ſtead,
ſir Robert Bowes, and ſir Thomas Palmer to go thither,
[...]ers went to [...]
who cõming to Dungl [...], left there certaine handes of footemen, and wyth the horſmen bring
in number .xiij. hũdred where|of ſeuen
hundred launces were appoynted vnder the charge of the Thomas Palmer) they
rode for|warde to accompliſhe their enterpriſe: but the French Captaynes
hauing knowledge of theyr comming, they prouided the beſt they coulde to
repulſe them, appoynting foure Venlyns or en|ſignes of Lanſquenets to keepe
a ſtanding watch that night in the trenches, and the like number of French
enſignes to watch about their campe: All the other of their bandes were
commaunded to take reſt, but yet wyth
theyr armour on theyr backes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Their generall Monſi [...]r de Deſſe himſelfe, Monſieur de Mailleraye admirall of their fleete,
Monſieur Dandelo [...]. Coronell of the Frenche footemen, Piero Strozzt Coronell of the
Itali|ans, the Reinſgraue Coronell of the Lanſque|ners, and all other the
noble men and Captaines of honour among them, were all nyght long in armour,
trauayling vp and downe, ſome on
horeſebacke, and ſome on foote, to viſite the wat|ches and ſkoutes, ſet in
places and wayes by the which they ſuſpected that the Engliſhmen ment would
Compare 1587 edition:
[...] Lorde [...].The Lorde Hume ryding abroade to learne what he might of
the Engliſhmens demeanour, early in the morning returned to the campe, and
certified Monſieur de Deſſe, that they were at hande. Herewith were the
Scottiſh and French horſemen that kept the ſ [...]out called in, and mon|ſieur
Dandelot with great expedition ranged his battaile of footemen in
[...]delot. and ſo likewiſe did the Reinſgraue his Almaines.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Engliſhmen deuided
into two bendes, came and ſhewed thẽſelues in ſight of the towne, and
charging ſuch Scottes and Frenchmen as came forth to encounter them, gaue
them the o|uerthrow at two ſeueral charges: but finally pre|ſuming too farre
vppon theyr good lucke thus chauncing to them in the beginning, followed
in chaſe thoſe that fledde before them,
tyll at length they were encloſed, and ſhutte vppe be|twixte the Frenche
footemen on the one ſyde, and the Almaines on the other. And herewyth the
Scottiſhe horſemen vnder the conduct of the Lordes, Humes and Dune, and the
Frenche horſemen ledde by Monſieur de Etauges theyr Generall,
beyng aſſembled togyther eftſoones, after theyr had beene
forepulſed, were now rea|die to come forwarde againe: and perceyuing theyr
footemen ſo to haue enuironed the Eng|liſhmen, that they were not able to
recouer them|ſelues, nor to get oute of daunger, but by diſ|ordering theyr
rankes to take them to flyght,The Engliſh horſemen
diſcom [...]
followed amayne, ſo that thoſe which eſcoped the Frenchmennes
handes, were taken by the Scottes that purſued them in thoſe ſo that [...] were faued that were not eyther ſlay [...]e or ta|ken. My Lorde Gray loſt .lxxij. great horſes and an hundred
Geldings, with all the [...] vp|pon them, armed wyth hyll Lordſhippes [...] furniture, onelye foure or fiue of his menne came home, of the whiche
Thomas Corne|walle [...]s nowe groome Porter to the Queenes Maieſtie, was one, and Robert Car
Eſonier an other, then Page to my ſande Lorde Grey.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The vnaduiſed raſhneſſe
of Sir Thomas Palmer, was thought to bee the chiefe occaſion of this
diſtreſſe of thoſe horſemen, who after they had done ſufficiently for that
tyme, would needes haue them to giue a new charge, and ſo were
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this ouerthrow and
chaſe of our horſe|men, the armie that was leuyed to paſſe into Scotlande
was haſted forwarde wyth all ſpeeds poſſible, for although before the
comming of the Engliſh horſemen, the French,The French
men remoue their campe. vpon aduer|tiſement giuen that they ment
to come, had pluc|ked backe theyr great artillerie, and ſent the ſame vnto
Edenbourgh, keeping onely with them ſixe fielde peeces, and herewyth remoued
theyr campe further off from the Towne, yet by fore|ſtalling vittayles and
all other neceſſarie things from them within, they were dryuen to ſuch
di|ſtreſſe, that they muſte of force haue left the town to the enimies if
ſome power had not come within a while to remoue the ſiege that lay thus to
annoy them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When therefore the armie
was come to Newcaſtell,The Earle of Shrewſburie generall
of the armie. and the Earle of Shrewſburie ge|nerall Lieutenaunt
of the ſame, was there ar|ryued, they paſſed forwarde to Berwike, and from
thence marched ſtreyght towardes H [...]|dington.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The number of the Engliſh
men and ſtran|gers,The number of ſouldiers in the ſame
army was reported at the poynt of fifteene thou|ſande, whereof
three .M. were Almaines vnder the conduct of a right worthie and expert
chief|taine, named Conrad Phenning,Conrad Phen|ning
captain of the Almaines. commonly cal|led Cortpeny.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Beſide this armye by
lande, there was alſo furniſhed forth a fleete by ſea, vnder the conduct of
the Lorde Clinton high admirall of Englande, and other Captaines of greate
experience in af|fayres and ſeruice by ſea.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This fleet was appoynted
ſo to keepe courſe EEBO page image 1638 with the army by lande, that the one
might bee euer in ſight of the other.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Monſieur de Deſſe
aduertiſed of the com|ming forward of this armie, durſt not abide their
comming,The frenchmẽ diſlodge from before
Ha|dington. but rayſed his fielde, and retyred wyth his army
towarde Edenbourgh, howbeit they were no ſooner diſlodged, but that a great
troupe of the Engliſh horſemen were got within fight of them, and coaſted
them all the way as they marched for the ſpace of ſeuen or eight miles, in
maner to as farre as Muſkelbourgh,
where the French men ſtayed,The French at my encampeth at
Muskel|bourgh. and encamped in a place cho|ſen forth to their moſt
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Shrewſburie,
and the Lorde Gray with the armye comming vnto Hading|ton, were ioyfully
receyued of the Captayns and ſouldiours within, where it might appeare howe
valiauntly they had defended that towne during the ſiege,The Earle of Shrewsburie commeth to Hadington. being ſo deſtitute
of all things neceſſa|rie for their relief, and the fortifications ſo weake,
that if the noble prowes of their
worthie Gene|rall ſir Iames Wilforde, and the incomparable manhoode of the
reſt of the Captaynes and ſoul|diours had not ſupplyed all other wantes, it
was thought impoſſible that they ſhould haue defen|ded the place ſo long a
tyme agaynſt ſuch forces as had beene there employed agaynſte them: but
ſuche was the vndaunted valiauncie of that noble crewe and garniſon, that
euen the verie enimies themſelues coulde not but yeelde highe commendations to the Captaynes and ſouldi|ours for
the ha [...]die forwardneſſe and manhoode, which at all tymes they had founde and
tryed in them at all poynts of ſeruice, when they came to deale with them:
and verily theyr fame deſerueth to be had in memorie for euer, not onely for
their worthie atchieued exploytes, done by force of hande, to the beating
backe and repulſing of the enimyes, but alſo for theyr pacient ſuſtey|ning
of hunger,The pacience of the Engliſhe men in ſuſte|ning
all wants of reliefe. thyrſt, continuall watching, na|kedneſſe,
ſickneſſe, and all other ſuche
calamities and miſeries, as want of things neceſſarie for the reliefe and
maintenance of mans life is woont to bring, to thoſe that are encloſed in
ſuche wiſe by the enimie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The noble Erle of
Shrewſburie coulde not forbeare to ſhed teares to vnderſtande and per|ceyue
that ſuch worthie ſouldiers ſhoulde ſuffer ſuch great diſtreſſe, whoſe
valiant hearts coulde not be quailed with any afflictions. Thus with
mournfull embracings intermixed with
pitifull regardes they met. The Erle entring the towne, furniſhed it with
new bandes of men, good ſtore of vittails, munition and all other things
conue|nient, and as then thought requiſite.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus hauing refreſhed the
towne, within two dayes after he paſſed forth towards the enimies,
appoynting by the aduiſe of that noble cheiftaine the Lord Gray, certaine
bandes of horſemen to keepe themſelues cloſe togither in ambuſh,The Earle [...] Shrewsbur [...] marcheth to|wardes the enimies. and to ſend a few to the
French campe, to trie if they might train the Frenchmẽ forth of their
ſtrength. And as they wiſhed it partly came to paſſe, for di|uerſe of their
horſemen iſſued forth of their campe, and proffered the ſkirmiſh. The
Engliſhmen ſuf|fred themſelues to be chaſed, til they had got their enimies
within daunger of their ambuſh, and thẽ whirling about, gaue them the
charge, enforſing them to make their carere backe, with more than an eaſie
gallop,The French men chaſed. ſo that hauing
the Frenchmen thus in chaſe, they ſlue and tooke diuerſe, and a|mong the
priſoners were two Captaines, Pier [...]e Longue, and one Lucinet. The others that eſca|ped returned with this
loſſe to their campe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane time,
whileſt theſe things were thus a doing,The armie [...] the Scots co [...] to ioyne wi [...] the French [...]
there came to the ayde of the French men .xiiij. or .xv. thouſande
Scottes, accounting herewith the Iriſh Scottes which came with the Erle of
Arguile. Theſe Scottes were vneath lodged, when ſodainly the Earle of
Shrewſbury and the Lord Gray came with their armie deui|ded into three
battailes of footmen,The Earle [...] Shrewsbur [...] Profereth th [...] enimies ba [...]
gaided wyth two troupes of horſemen, preſenting themſelues before
the faces of theyr enimies in the ſame place, where theyr auantcurrers the
day before had ſhewed themſelues to draw forth the French men. Here the
armie thus ranged in array of bat|taile, ſtayed aboue the ſpace of an houre,
looking if the enimies durſt haue come forth to haue gi|uen battaile,The French [...]men durſt [...] come forth [...] their campe [...]
but when they perceyued that by no meanes the Frenchmen ment to
forſake theyr ſtrength, they returned backe to theyr campe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Engliſh nauie being
entred now into the Forth, was not ydle, for comming to Brent I|land they
ſet fire on foure ſhips,Ships burn [...]
which they found
[figure appears here on page 1638] there, &
after paſſing by Lieth ſaluted them with|in the town with canon ſhot, and
after intending to burn S. Minets, were repulſed from thence by the Lord of
Dune, and after returned to attonde on the armie.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1641The Earle of Shreweſburie, and my Lorde Gray hauing
executed ſo much as theyr Com|miſſion woulde beare, and refreſhed Hadington
with all things needfull, departed homwardes, and comming to Dunglas,
[...]eſse [...] at Dun| [...]. beganne there to buyld a fortreſſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Engliſh Almains as
the armie paſſed by Dunbar, burnt the towne.
[figure appears here on page 1641]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe Almaines alſo, and
certaine bandes of Engliſh men as well horſemen as footemenne, were left at
Dunglas till the Forte there be|gunne was in ſome ſtrength. The Earle of
Shreweſburie with the reſt of the armye came backe into England.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 My Lorde Gray remayning
on the borders Lieutenant of the North partes,The lord
Gray [...]th againe [...] Scotland. after the Earle of Shrewſbury was returned home,
aſſembled al the horſemen then lying on the borders, and be|ing backed with
the Almaine footemen, entred againe with the ſome horſemen into Scotlande,
burning and waſting in the Countreys of Ti|uidale, and Liddeſdale, for the
ſpace of twentye miles, both houſe, corne, hay, and all other things that
came within their reach, and after returned without incounter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The .ix. of October being
Tueſday, Monſieur de Deſſe, with his Frenchmen and Almaines, came in the
morning long before daye to Ha|dington, meaning to haue woonne the towne by
ſtealth: and verily the enterprice was gouerned in ſuch ſecrete maner, that
the Frenchmen had killed the Engliſhe ſkoutes, and were entred the baſe
Court, ere anye alarme was rayſed, and hauing ſtayne the watche, ſome of
them ranne to a place behynde a Churche,
where the Eng|liſhmen had theyr vittayles and munitions, and ſome thruſt
vppe to the Towne Gate, enforcing with great violence to breake it open,
crying with noyſe and ſhowtes,
[...]la [...]iſado [...] to Ha| [...]g [...]or. victorie, victorie, whereof in deede they accounted
themſelues then aſſu|red: and queſtionleſſe the Engliſhe men beeing thus
wakened oute of theyr ſleepes on the ſodain, were in ſome greate diſordre,
[...]o that manye of them came claiming foorth wythoute eyther ar|mour or
apparell, theyr [...] excepted, and other [...] they wyſte not well [...]yther, nor where to take heede. But yet as the Frenche men were
thronged togyther at the gate to breake it open ( [...] Frenchman as theyr wy [...]ers doe) re|port) that ſerued within the towne, but as other ſay
Tiberis Captayne of the I [...]lians, with his marche lyght gaue fire to a double Canon, that lay
readie bent agaynſt the gate,The French man
repulſed. ſo that the ſame ſhooting off, made ſuch a lawe among
the French men, that they were glad to giue place, and wiſh ſuche a f [...]full [...], that thoſe whiche were be|hinde, not vnderſtanding what loſſe theyr
fel|low [...] before had ſuſteyned, [...] their array and fled a menne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Engliſhmen herewith
paſſed through a priuie Poſterne into the baſe Court, and com|ming vpon them
with theyr Halber [...]s, & blacke Billes, ſlue of them great plentie, and droue the
teſt that eſcaped ouer the Wall in ſuch haſt, that happy was he that could
tumble ouer firſt. Mon|ſieur de Deſſe yet gathering them togyther a|gaine,
gaue that morning three ſharpe aſſaultes to the Towne, but was repulſed wyth
greate loſſe, for they caryed awaye with them ſyx|teene Cartes and Wagons
laden wyth hurte perſonnes and deade Carcaſſes, beſyde three hundred that
were founde in the baſe Contie, whiche they coulde not come to, after they
were beaten oute, to take awaye with them. And thus was Monſieur de Deſſe
conſtrayned to re|turne, repenting himſelfe of that his bold attemp|ted
enterprice, hauing loſt no ſmall number of his Frenchmen and Almaines,
beeyng ſlaine in the place.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In thys meane time,A Parliament. the Kinges Maieſtie ſummoned his highe
Courte of Parliament to be holden vpon prorogation at Weſtminſter the fourth
of Nouember, where it continued till the fourtenth of March next
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane tyme, the
proceedings for the Scottiſh warres was not forgotten, wherevp|on in the
deepe of the winter, there were cõueyed certaine bandes of the Engliſh
Lanſquenets, and ſome number of Engliſhmen, both horſemen and footemen by
Sea vnto Broughtiecrag, and paſ|ſing from thence vnto Dundee, a two miles
from thence, entred the towne, and began to fortifie it: but ſhortly after
by the cõming of ye Frẽch army with Monſieur de Deſſe, they left it,Dundie ſpoy|led. fyrſt ſpoy|ling the houſes, and
after ſet them on fire at their departure.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Reinſgraue coronell
of the Almains, and monſieur de Etanges, being ſent by M. de Deſſe before,
entred Dundee, and lodged within it. Within two dayes after their comming
thither, EEBO page image 1640 they tooke certain of their bands, and going
forth to view and ſuruey the new fort, which the Eng|liſh men had begonne to
make on the hill, a ſmall diſtance from the Caſtell. But the Engliſh men and
their Almaines iſſuing forth agaynſt them, were at their elbowes ere they
were halfe wel ad|uiſed that they were got ſo neare them, whereby being
driuen haſtily to retyre, they hardly eſca|ped out of daunger beyng ſo
dotely purſued, that if the Reinſgraue had not ſhewed his approued
Reinſ|graue con|ſtrayned to retyre. guided with no leſſe policie
than man|hood, the whole troupe had bene (as was thought) vtterly
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In Chriſtmaſſe this yeare
the caſtell of Hume was recouered out of the Engliſhmens handes, through
treaſon of certaine aſſured Scottes, that vſing to bring vittayles to the
Engliſh men that kept it, had marked all the maner of the ſkowtes and
watches, with the places of the Wall, where the clime was moſt eaſie.
Wherevpon in the night ſeaſon, certain of
the Scottes ſecretly com|ming into the ditches, got vp to the heigth of the
walles, and entring the place, ſlue and tooke vpon the ſodaine, all that
were within it.
Compare 1587 edition:
1549The .xvj. of Ianuarie, ſir Thoms Seymer Baron
of Sudley, Lord Admiral, and brother to the duke of Somerſet Lord Protector,
was a|reſted and ſent to the Tower, and after by autho|ritie of Parliament
he was attainted,
An. reg. 3. & the .xx. of Marche next enſuing, in
the thirde yeare of this kings raigne
beheaded at Tower hill,
Compare 1587 edition:
The Maſſe aboliſhed.Moreouer in this Parliament,
the vſe of the Maſſe was clearly prohibited, and a booke for the vniformitie
of diuine ſeruice, and right admini|ſtration of the Sacraments was ſet forth
and e|ſtabliſhed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Ye haue heard how the
French men fortified the towne of Dundee,Monſier de
Etauges ta|ken priſoner. where Monſieur de Etau|ges, with his
companie of horſemen lying in gar|niſon chaunced in a ſkyrmiſh to be taken
by the Engliſhmen, that lay in Broughty
crag, to the great reioyſing of them that tooke hym, and no leſſe griefe of
the French and Scots, for the tried valiauncie that was throughly known to
reſt in him.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer the Engliſhe men
that kept the towne of Hadington all this while againſte the enimies, coulde
not come by any vittayles, but onely by a conuey of ſome conuenient power to
garde the cariages that brought the ſame from the borders. And as it fortuned at one time when the
conuey came and paſſed by Dunbar, a ſkyr|miſhe was proffered by the Frenche
whiche lay within that caſtell in garniſon, and as ſir Iames Wilford that
was there amongſt other vpõ this occaſion (according to his woonted
valiancie) ſhe|wed himſelfe very forward and egre agaynſt the enimie, he was
encloſed by an ambuſh, which the Fenchmen had layd on eche ſide the ſtreete
with|in the towne, that he coulde by no meanes eſcape out of their
handes,Sir Iames Wilford ta|ken priſoner. but
hauing his horſe there ſlaine vnder him, was taken priſoner by a Gaſ|roigne
of the Countrey of Baſque named Pel|licque, that wan no ſmal commendaſion
for that his good happe, in taking ſuche a priſoner, whoſe name for his
often approued prowes was ſo fa|mous euen among the enimies.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Some haue written that
hee was taken through default of thoſe that were appoynted to follow him,
ſithe he vndertooke to charge the eni|mie, in hope that by them he ſhoulde
haue beene aſſyſted, but ſurely thoſe that hadde the charge of this conuey,
doubting by aduenturing too farre, to put all in hazarde, thought it
wiſedome rather to ſuffer the loſſe of one, than to leoparde the whole, not
perteyning which way to remedie the matter at that preſent.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then after yt the
generall of Hadington was thus taken priſoner, to the great griefe
vndoub|tedly, not onely of all the garniſon there, but alſo of all ſuch as
tendered the aduauncement of the kings Maieſties ſeruice,Sir Iames Croſtes. ſir Iames Croſtes was thought a man moſt
meeteſt to ſupplie the place, and therefore by the Lorde Protectour and
o|ther of the Counſayle was ordeyned Generall of that Towne of Hadington,
and the Gar|niſon there, in whiche rowmth hee bare him|ſelfe ſo woorthilye,
as if I ſhoulde not bee ſuſ|pected of flatterie, for that hee lyueth yet,
and in ſuche credite (as the worlde knoweth) I myght moue my ſelfe matter to
ſay rather muche than ſufficiently ynough, in his due and right deſerued
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King by the aduice of
his counſayle meaning to proſecute the warres in Scotlande, wyth greate
forces reteyned a newe power of Lanſquenets, and other ſtraungers, vnder the
conduct of dyuerſe and ſundrie Captaynes: but in the meane tyme the French
King meaning to breake wyth the King of Englande, thought to haue ſtolne the
Fortreſſe of Bullenberg, ſo that a choſen power of menne of warre, to the
number of ſeuen thouſande, vnder the conduction of Monſieur de Chatillon,
being ſent downe about that exployte on May day at night came forward with
theyr Ladders, and all other furniture meete for the purpoſe, approching
about the houre of midnight neare to the Fort, within the which were not at
that tyme manye aboue three hundred and fiftie ſouldiers, vnder the
gouernement of Sir Nicholas Arnaulte Knight, generall of that peece,Sir Nicholas Arnault cap|taine of Bal|lenberg. a
Captayne of greate courage, and no leſſe diligence in hys charge.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And as it chaunced, there
were among the Frenchmen, three or foure Engliſhe men, which EEBO page image 1641 hauing matched themſelues in mariage wyth women of that
Countrey, after the peace, was concluded betwixt Fraunce and England, were
diſcharged out of the King of Englandes wa|ges, and remayning with their
wines, gote en|tertainement among the Frenchmen, and were with Monſieure de
Chatillo [...], nowe comming towardes this enterpriſe: wherevpon one of the ſame
Engliſhemen named Carter,
[...] En|gliſhmen, ſer| [...]g among [...] Frenchmẽ. that had a|foretime giuen intelligence to the
ſayde [...]
Nicholas of the Frenchmennes doings, ſo
farre as hee mighte learne and vnderſtand the ſame, woulde gladly alſo haue
aduertiſed by [...]fore hande of the Frenchmens purpoſe at this time: but Monſieur de
Charillon, kepte the matter ſo ſecrete, that Carter nor anye of the other
Eng|liſhmen had knowledge thereof, till they were now marching forwarde, ſo
that Carter, coulde not get away from them, till they were appro|ched within
leſſe than a quarter of a myle of Buſten
Berge, and then ſlipping aſyde from a|mong them, came running ſo faſt as hee
mighte towardes the forte, crying bowes, bowes, as lowde as his voyce would
ſerue, and ſo gaue the alarme to them within the fort.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 One of the Souldiers
called Morgayne Deaton, that chaunced to be there at hande in ſkoute wyth
three or foure other, ſtraight knew hym, and broughte him to the drawe
Bridge, where Sir Nicholas Arnault cauſed him to bee drawen vppe betwixt two pikes, vnto whome hee declared
howe the Frenchmenne were at hande, meaning to aſſaulte hys forte nowe vp|on
the ſuddaine, in hope ſorte ſurpriſe it.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herewith, it needed not
to wil Sir Nicho|las to b [...]ſt [...]re him, [...]o cauſe [...] man to make readye, [...] place themſelues [...] was [...] moſte appe [...]ente, and vndoubtedlye, [...]e [...]able courage of that worthy Gentlemanne furthered muche, to cauſe
euerye Captayne and Souldi|oure vnder him, to put away all feare, and to
haue a regarde to do his duety, in receiuing of ye enemies, warre ſeemed
they were glit [...] of the occaſion, whereby they might ſhewe proofe of theyr accuſtomed
manhoode againſt the enemie, yt thus come to ſteale on thẽ without
wanting, in purpoſe to kill euerye manne that tell them theyr handes, if
theyr intention hadde taken place, makyng nowe ſuche haſt forewarde, that
before the Engliſhemenne coulde, b [...]e well readye wyth theyr armoure and weapons in theyr appointed
places, the Frenchmenne were gotte to the ditches, and appointing a num|ber
of their beſte ſouldiers,The French|men aſsaulte Pullogne
berg the moſt part Gen|tlemen and double payes, with targettes,
bat|tayle axes, and piſtolles, to haue the firſte ſhale, ſaluted them within
vppon theyr very apprche, with ſeauen hundred harque [...]ze ſhot at the firſt voice.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Engliſhmenne by order
giuen by Sir Nicholas, kept themſelues cloſe, till the French|men by their
ſkaling ladders (which they brou|ghte with them, and had quickly rayſed
againſt the walles) beganne to mounte vppe, and enter vpon them, at which
inſtant, off went the Flan|kers.
[figure appears here on page 1641]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thoſe of Sir Nicholas
Arnaults Mounte diſcharged very wel at the firſt, but at the ſecond voice,
the morters burſt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Albeit, there were two
braſſe peeces, that were planted alofte on the ſame mount, of the whyche the
one diſcharged fiue and twentie ſhotte by the maiſter, and the other ſeauen
and twenty by his mate.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Sir Nicholas Arnault here
beyng accom|panyed with hys Captaines and Souldyers a|boute hym, ſtoode at
defence ſo ſtoutely as was poſſible, doing ſo valiantly, that theyr fame
de|ſerueth EEBO page image 1640 to liue for euer.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were burſt vppon
the faces of the ene|mies (ouer and beſide the ſhotte that was be|ſtowed
among them) no ſmal ſtore of Pikes and blacke [...]lles. The Frenchmen certainely flucke to it manfully, and doing what
laye in their vt|termoſt power to enter the peece, ſtil ſupplied the places
of their dead mẽ & wery, with freſhe ſuc|cours.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Carter that came to bring
word of their com|ming with a pike in his
hande, ſtanding at the place of the Bulwarke where the aſſaulte was cl [...]ef [...]ne giuen, fought manfully, and was hurte both in the thigh and
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Sir Nicholas Arnault
himſelf was alſo hurt with a pike in the noſe, and Captaine Waren ſtanding
by him, receiued two ſhottes in his cor|ſelet, hauing twoo or three linkes
of his chaine ſtriken into his necke.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Captain Broughton alſo
ſhewed himſelf ve|rie valiant: hee hadde
ſixteene of his armed men there with him, of whom there was not one that had
not his corſelet perced through.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The number of Engliſhmen
ſlaine were re|coned to bee about fiue and twentie, and hurte eight and
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Of Frenchmen many were
ſlaine, beſide thoſe yt were hurte, & at length hauing contained
the aſſault from midnight till ſome what after the break of day,The French|men repulſed. they wer forced (with
caſting down of ſtones and timber vppon
their heades, ſcal|ding water and handblewes) to giue ouer, and retiring out
of the trenches, they gather togither their dead menne, and lading fifteene
waggons with thier carcaſſes, they returned without ma|king any further
attempte at that time, and ſo by the high valiancie of Sir Nicholas Arnault.
with the Captaines and ſouldiers that ſer|ued in that forte vnder him, and
chieflye by the aſſiſtaunce of almightie god the giuer of all vic|tories,
the enemies were repulſed, to the high
re|nowme of the defendauntes.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Within a day or two
after, Mõſieur de Cha|tillion, ſent to knowe of priſoners taken: but Sir
Nicholas Arnault anſwered the meſſenger, that he knew of no war, and
therefore if any had at|tẽpted to make a ſurpriſe of his fortreſſe by
ſtelth they were ſerued according to their malitious meanings: verily (ſaide
he) we haue taken none of your men, but we haue got ſome of your braue
gilt armour and weapon: wel ſaide the
meſſen|ger, it is not the Cowle yt maketh the Munke, neither, is it the
braue armour, or weapon that maketh the ſouldier, but ſuche is the fortune
of warre, ſometime to gaine and ſometime to loſe. Sir Nicholas made him good
cheere, and at his departure gaue him fiftie crownes in rewarde. But
concerning the liberalitie of Sir Nicholas I might here ſpeake [...] thereof, how boun|tifully hee rewarded the ſouldiers for their
ſer|uice and high manhood in defending ſo ſhar [...] an aſſault.
The day after the ſame
aſſault, ſorte came to Boullogne Berg from Calies and Gayties, by order of
the Lord. Cobham thei [...] Lord deputie of Caleis,The Lord Cob|ham deputie of
Caleis. two hundred ſouldiers one hundred from Caleis, vnder the
leading of his ſonne ſir Wil|liam Brooke, now Lord Cobham, and the other
hundred from Guiſnes vnder the guiding of Captaine Smith.
Shortly after, by order
of the Lord Ellinton then gouernour of Boullongne, there were ſent forth the
ſaide Sir William Brooke with his hundred, from Bullongne Berg, and
Cap|taine Litton with his hundred, from the baſe towne, and an other
Captaine with an other hundred, from one of the other peeces there alſo fiue
and twentie horſemen, with certaine cari|ages, to go vnto a wood diſtant
frõ Bullongne Berge about two miles, to fetche from thence certaine number,
for the mounting of ye great ar|tilleris and other neceſſarie vſes.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Theſe Captaines with
their bandes being come almoſt to the Woodſide, met with certain of their
ſkoutes that hadde bin ſent forth in the morning, who tolde them, howe they
had diſco|uered the tract of a greate number of horſemen, wherupon the
Engliſhmen retired, and herewt ye French horſemen brake out of ye wood,
& follo|wing them fel in ſkirmiſh with them. The En|gliſhmen caſting
themſelues in a ring, kepte the enemies off with their pikes, with the which
they impaled themſelues, and hauing their ſmall nũ|ber lyued wt ſhot, they
ſtil galled ye Frenchmẽ as they approched. Neuertheleſſe, thoſe horſemenne
gaue three maine onſets vpon the Engliſhmen, with the number of fiue hundred
horſe, the reſt of their companies remaining in troupe, but ſuche was the
valiant proweſſe of the Engliſhmen encouraged with the comfortable preſence
of Sir William Brooke and other their Captaines, that conducted them in ſuch
order as ſtoodemoſt for their ſafegarde, & therwith vſing ſuch
effectu|all words as ſerued beſt to purpoſe, that the ene|my to conclude,
was repulſed diuers being ſlain and amongſt other Monſieur Cauret was
They loſt alſo .70. of
their great horſes that laye dead in the fielde, and a cornet whiche the
Engliſhmen got from them.
There were two thouſande
footemen French and Almaynes that folowed alſo, but coulde not reache, for
the Engliſhmenne ſtill retiring gotte at length within fauour of the ſhotte
of Boul|longne Berge, whiche after their enemies once perceiued, they
marched, by and lefte them. EEBO page image 1641 and ſo marching aboute the
forte, returned in vayne, after they once perceyued that the En|gliſhmen
were ſafely retired within theyr ſorte.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Counſell thus
perceyuing the Frenche kings purpoſe which he had conceyued to worke ſome
notable domage to this realme, as well in ſupport of his frendes in
Scotland, as in hope to recouer thoſe peeces which the Engliſhe helde at
Bullonge, and in thoſe marches, doubted alſo of ſome inuaſion meane by him
to be attempted into this realme,The prepara| [...]on for warre [...]ell in [...]glande as [...]. bycauſe of ſuch greate prepara|tion as hee had made, for
leuying of his forces both by ſea and land.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Counſell therefore
made likewiſe pro|uiſion to bee ready to reſiſt all ſuch attemptes, as any
way forth might be made, to the annoyance of the Realme. But as things fell
out, the ſame ſtoode in good ſteede, not againſte the forayne e|nimie, but
againſte a number of rebellions ſub|iects at home, the whiche forgetting
theyr duetie and allegiãce, did as much
as in them lay (what ſo euer their pretence was) to bring this noble Realme
and their natural countrey vnto deſtru|ction. But firſt, for that it may
appeare, that the Duke of Somerſet, then Protector, and other of the
Counſell, did not without good grounde and cauſe mainteyne the warres
agaynſt the Scots, I haue thoughte good to ſette downe an Epiſtle
exhortatorie, as we fynde the ſame in the greate Chronicle of Richarde
Grafton, ſente from the ſayd Protector and
Counſell vnto the Scottes, to moue them to haue conſideration of
them|ſelues, and of the ſtate of theyr Countrey, by ioyning in that friendly
bonde and vnitie with England, as had bin of the Kings part and hys fathers
continually ſoughte, for the benefyte of both Realmes. The Copie of which
exhortation here enſueth.
Compare 1587 edition:
Edward by the grace of God Duke of Somerſet, Erle of
Hertford, Viſcount Beauchamp, Lord Seymer, Vncle to the Kinges highneſſe of England,
go|uernour of his moſt royall perſon, and protector of all
his Realmes, dominions, and ſubiects, Lieu|tenant generall of
all his maieſties armies, both by lande and Sea, Treaſorer
and Earle Marſhall of England, gouernour of the Iſles of
Gerneſey and Ierſey, and Knight of the moſt noble order of
the garter, with others of the counſayle of the ſayde moſt
high & noble Prince Edward, by the grace of God of
England, Fraunce and Ireland King, defender of the faith, and in earth vnder
Chriſt the ſupreme head of the Churches of Englande and
To the nobilitie and counſellors, Gentlemen and Commons,
and all other the in|habitants of the Realme of Scotlande,
greeting and peace.
[...] Epiſtle [...]ory the [...]es.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 COnſidering
with our ſelues the preſent ſtate of thinges, and weying more
deepely the manner and tearmes wherein you and wee doe ſtande,
it maketh vs to maruell, what euill and fatall chance doth ſo
diſſeuer your heartes, and maketh them ſo blinde and vnmindfull
of youre proffit, and ſo ſtill co [...]te and heape to youre ſelues, moſt extreame miſchiefes,
the whych wee whome yet will needes haue youre enimies, goe
about to take away from you, and perpetually to eaſe you
Compare 1587 edition:
2 And alſo by
all reaſon, and order of neceſſi|tie, it ſhuld be rather more
conuenient for you, to ſeeke and require moderate agreements of
vs, whom God hath hitherto according to our moſt iuſt, true, and
godly meanings and intents, pro|ſpered, and ſet forward, with
your affliction and miſerie, than ye we being ſuperioures in
the field, maiſters of a great part of your Realme, ſhoulde
ſeeke vpon you. Yet to the intent that our chari|table mindes
and brotherly loue, ſhould not ceaſe by all meanes poſſible, to
prouoke and call you to youre owne commoditie and profite, euen
as the father to the ſonne, or the elder brother to the yonger
brother. And as the louing Phiſition would doe to the
miſtruſtfull and ignorant pa|tient, we are content to call and
crie vppon you, to looke on your ſtate, to auoyde the greate
cala|mitie that youre Countrey is in, to haue vs ne|ther
brothers than enimies, and rather Coun|treymen than Conquerors.
And if your gouer|nour or Captaynes ſhall reteyne and keepe from
you this oure exhortation as heeretofore they haue done our
proclamation, tending to the like effect for theyr owne priuate
wealth and com|moditie, not regarding though you be ſtil in
mi|ſerie, ſo they haue profite and gouernaunce ouer you, and
ſhall ſtill abuſe you with frigned and forge [...]tales: yet this ſhall bee a witneſſe afore God, and all
Chriſtian people, betwixt you and vs, that wee profeſſing the
Goſpell of Ieſus Chriſt, according to the doctrine thereof, doe
not ceaſſe to call and prouoke you from the effuſion of youre
owne bloud, from the deſtruction of the Realme of Scotlande,
from perpetuall enimie and hatred, from the finall deſtruction
of youre nation, and from ſeruitude to forrayne nations, to
libertie, to amitie, to equalitie with vs, to that whiche youre
writers hathe alwayes wiſhed might once come to paſſe. Who that
hathe code the ſtories in times paſt, and dothe marke and note
the greate battayles foughte betweene En|gland and Scotlande,
the incurſions, rodes, and ſpoyles, whiche hathe bin done on
both parties: the Realme of Scotlande fyue times wonne by one
Kyng of Englande, the Scottiſh kings ſome taken priſoners, ſome
ſlayne in battayle, ſome for very ſorow and diſcomfort, vpon
loſſe dying and departing the world: and ſhall per|ceyue agayne,
that all nations in the world, that EEBO page image 1321 nation onely
beſyde Englande, ſpeaketh the ſame language, and as you and wee
be annex|ed and ioyned in one Iſlande, ſo no people are ſo lyke
in manners, forme, language, and al con|ditions as wee are:
ſhall not hee thinke it a thing verye vnmeete, vnnaturall, and
vnchriſtian, that there ſhoulde bee betwixte vs ſo mortall
warre, who in reſpecte of all other nations, bee and ſhoulde bee
lyke as two breethren of one Iſland of greate Britaine, and
though hee were a ſtraunger to
both, what ſhould he thinke more meete, than if it were poſſible
one Kyng|dome to bee made in rale, whiche is one in lan|guage,
and to bee deuided in rulers, whiche is all one in Countrey. And
for aſmuche as two ſucceſſors cannot concurre and fall into one,
by no other manner of meanes, than by marriage, whereby one
bloud, one lignage, one parentage is made of two, and an
indefenſible right giuẽ of both to one, without the deſtruction
and aboly|ſhing of eyther. If
God ſhoulde graunte that whatſoeuer you woulde wiſhe other than
that whyche nowe not by fortune hathe chanced, but by his
infinite mercy and moſt inſcrutable pro|uidence, as carefull for
you, he hath gyuen vnto you. The whyche thyng that you ſhoulde
alſo thynke to come of hys diſpoſition, and not by blynde
fortune, howe vnlyke hathe it bene, and howe ſuddaynely hathe it
turned, that the po|wer of GOD myghte bee ſhewed: youre laſt
Kyng beeing a Prince of
much excellencie and yong, whome you knowe after a promiſe
bro|ken contrarye to hys honour and miſfortune by Goddes iuſt
iudgemente following vpon it, God eyther by ſorowe or by ſome
meanes o|therwiſe at hys inſcrutable pleaſure, dyd take a|way
from you, hadde three children, did not al|mightie God as it
were to ſhewe hys will and pleaſure to bee, that the long
continued warre and enmitie of both the nations ſhoulde be taken
away, and knitte in
perpetuall loue and amitie, take the two menne childrẽ of thoſe
babes being diſtante the one from the other,A
matter wor|thy to be no|ted. and in dyuers places,
both as it were at one time, and within the ſpace of foure and
twentie houres, leauyng but one mayden childe and Princes.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 When the moſt
wiſe and victorious Prince late oure Kyng and maiſter, Kyng
Henrye the eyght, in other of hys mariages not moſt fortu|nate,
had by his moſt lawfull and moſt vertu|ous wife, Queene Iane, his other two wiues
be|fore that marriage departed thys world, and ne|uer ſurmiſe
nor queſtion made of that mariage, ſith that tyme to thys daye,
nor ſo muche as all hyr lyfe tyme, name or motion to or of anye
o|ther wife, one Prince of ſo hygh expectation, of ſo great
giftes of God, the righte and vndoub|ted heyre of the Realme of
Englande and hys maieſtie onely of male iſſue left behynde hym
to ſucceede the imperiall Crowne. If nothing [...] hadde [...] done, what can anye wiſe or anye Chriſtian man that
thinketh the worlde to bee gouerned by Goddes prouidence and not
by for|tune, thynke otherwiſe, but that it was Goddes pleaſure
it ſhoulde bee ſo, that theſe two [...] ſhould ioyne in marriage, and by a godly Sa|cramente,
make a godly, perpetuall and moſte friendly va [...]tie and concorde, whereby [...] be|nefytes as of va [...]tie and concorde common, maye through his infinite grace
come vnto their Realmes. Or if anye man of you or of anye other
nation doubteth hereof, excepte you looke for miracles to bee
done heerin, and yet if you marke all the poſſibilities of the
natures of the two Princes, the children alreadye hadde, the
doubtfull chance, leaſt eache of them ſhoulde haue a ſonne, or
both daughters, or not of [...]te ages, with other circumſtances both of the par|tie of
this Realme of Englande, and that of Scotlande, whyche hathe not
chanced in eighte hundred yeares, it muſt needes be reckoned a
greate maruell and a miracle. But lette it bee no miracle,
ſeeyng that GOD does not now ſpeake in oracles, as amongſt the
Iewes hee dyd: and preſente prophecies nowe adayes bee, but
eyther not certayne, or elſe not playne what more certaynetie
can bee hadde of Goddes will in thys caſe, than the before
rehearſed bothe bryng? but if God hymſelfe ſhould ſpeake, what
coulde he ſpeake more, than hee ſpeaketh in theſe?
Compare 1587 edition:
10 Call you them
prouidences or chances, if you bee ſtill afflicted and puniſhed?
maye hee not ſaye I of any infinite mercy and loue to youre
nation, hadde prouided a righte heyre and a Prince to the one,
and a right heyre and Princes to the other, to bee ioyned in my
holye lawes, and by the lawe of nature and the world to haue
made an vnitie, concorde and peace, in the whyche Iſle of bothe
the Realmes you refuſed it, you loued better diſſention than
vni|tie, diſcorde than agreement, warre than peace, hatred than
loue and charitie. If you doe then therefore ſmarte for it,
whome can you blame, but youre owne election? But bycauſe ſome
of thoſe, who make therevnto impedimentes, cannot but confeſſe,
that there appeareth Gods prouidence heerein, and oportunitie
and occaſion gyuen to vnitie of bothe the Realmes, yet may
heereafter ſaye, and heeretofore haue ſayde, that the faulte
heerein is, that wee ſeeke not e|qualitie, nor the mariage, but
a conqueſt: wee woulde not bee friendes but the Lordes.
Al|though oure Proclamation at the laſt warres dothe ynough
declare the contrarye, yet heere wee proteſt and declare vnto
you and all Chri|ſtian people, to bee the Kyngs maieſties minde
EEBO page image 1645 oure maiſters, by oure aduiſe and counſel
not to conquere, but to haue in amitie, not to winne by force,
but to conciliate by loue, not to ſpoyle and kyll, but to ſaue
and keepe, not to diſſeuer and diuorſe, but to ioyne in
marriage, from hygh to lowe both the Realmes, to make of one
Iſle one Realme, in loue, amitie, concorde, peace and charitie,
whyche if you refuſe, and driue vs to conquere, who is giltie of
the bloudſhed? who is the occaſion of the warre? who maketh the
battayles, the brennyng of
houſes, and the de|uaſtation whyche ſhall followe? Can it bee
de|nyed, but that wee haue the great ſeale of Scot|lande,
[...]he Scottes the conſent [...] Parliamẽt [...]ed theyr [...] ſeale for [...] confirma| [...] of a mar| [...] to be [...] betwene [...] the heate [...]
[...]ce [...]de heyre Englane for the mariage whiche ſhoulde
bee made, with aſſurances and pledges, vntill the perfor|mance?
And thus in the time that the late king of moſt famous memorie
our ſoueraigne Lorde Kyng Henrye the eyght dyd raigne, and in
the tyme of the ſame youre gouernour, who nowe is the Earle of Arreigne, who then being a
chiefe doer and labourer therein, for the high and ine|ſtimable
benefyte of that Realme, ſo ſoone as he was by the late
Cardinall of Sainte Andrewes and others, with certayn vayne
feares and hopes and greedineſſe of dignitie peruerted, reuolted
from hys firſte agreemente, and putte all the Realme to the
loſſe of ſuche holdes and fortreſ|ſes as are nowe taken from you
and to the loſſe of a foughten fielde, for the whiche wee are
ſory, if otherwiſe peace might
haue bin concluded, for his owne priuate lucre and retchleſneſſe
of that noble Realme. And what ende can you looke for of theſe
manner of proceedyngs, but ſuche ſuc|ceſſe as heeretofore hathe
bin experimented and aſſayed? we offer loue, we offer equalitie
and a|mitie, wee ouercome in warre, and offer peace: wee winne
holdes, and offer no conqueſt: wee get in youre lande, and offer
Englande. What can be more offered and more proffered, than
en|tercourſe of merchandiſes,
and enterchange of mariages, the aboliſhing of all ſuche our
lawes, as prohibiteth the ſame, or mighte bee impedi|mente to
the mutuall amitie. Wee haue offered not only to leaue the
authoritie, name, title, right or chalenge of Conqueroure, but
to receyue, that which is the ſhame of men ouercommed, to leaue
the name of the nation, and the glory of anye victorye (if any
wee haue had, or ſhoulde haue of you) and to take the
indifferente olde name of
Britaines againe,Britaine was [...] firſt name [...] England and Scotland. bycauſe nothing ſhoulde
bee lefte on our parte vnoffered, nothing on youre parte
vnrefuſed, whereby yee myghte be inexcu|ſable. And all the
worlde myghte teſtifie all o|ther meanes, not beyng able to doe
anye thyng, after manye other wayes and remedies attemp|ted,
battayle of vs to bee taken as an extreame refuge, to atteyne
right and reaſon among Chri|ſtian men: if anye man maye
rightfully make battayle for his eſpouſe and wife. The daughter
of Scotlande was by the greate ſeale of Scot|lande promiſed to
the ſonne and heire of Eng|land. If it bee lawfull by Gods lawe
to fyght in a good quarrell, and for to make peace, thys is to
make an ende of all warres, and to conclude an eternall and
perpetuall peace, whiche to con|firme, wee ſhall fighte, and you
to breake, is it not eaſie to diſcerne who hath the better
parte? God and the ſword hath already, & ſhall
hereaf|ter, if there be no remedie trie it. Who ſo willeth the
mariage to goe forwarde: who ſo mindeth the peace and
tranquilitie of both the Realmes: who willet [...] no conqueſt to bee hadde, but ami|tie and loue to goe
forward, we refuſe no man: let him bring his name and hys pledge
of good ſeruice in this quarrell, hee ſhall not onely be
re|ceyued to the amitie, but ſhall haue ſufficiente defence
agaynſte the aduerſaries, and recom|pence of hys lyuing, if hee
ſuſteyne anye loſſe, wee neyther doe norintende to putte anye
man from hys landes, tacks, or offices, vnleſſe he will needes
reſiſt, and ſo compel vs therevnto. What face hath this of
conqueſt? we intende not to diſ|inherite youre Queene, but to
make hir heyren inheritors alſo to Englande, what greater
ho|nour can yee ſeeke vnto your Queene, than the marriage
offered? what more meeter mariage than thys with the Kynges
hygneſſe of Eng|lande? what more ſure defence in the nonage of
youre Queene for the Realme of Scotlande, than to haue Englande
youre patrone and gar|riſon. Wee ſeeke not to take from you
youre lawes nor cuſtomes, but wee ſeeke to redreſſe youre
oppreſſions, whiche of dyuers yet doe ſu|ſteyne. In the Realme
of Englande, dyuers lawes and cuſtomes be according to the
aunci|ent vſage thereof. And lykewiſe, Fraunce, Nor|mandy and
Gaſcoigne hath ſundry kynde of or|ders: hath all the Realmes and
dominions that the Emperour now hathe, one cuſtome and one ſorte
of lawes. Theſe vayne feares and fanta|ſies of expriſion of your
nation, of changing the lawes, of making a conqueſt, be driuen
into your heads, of thoſe who in deede had rather you were all
conquered, ſpoyled, and ſlayne, than they would loſe any poynt
of their will, of their deſire of rule, of their eſtimation,
whiche they knowe in quietneſſe would bee ſeene what it were, as
it were in a colme water. Nowe in this tumulte of diſorder, when
the Realme is toſſed vppe and downe with waues and ſurges of
battaile, fa|mine, and other miſchiefes which the war brin|geth,
they thinke they cannot bee eſpyed, but looke on them you that
haue wit and prudence, and conſider the ſtate of youre Queene
and Realme, you will not keepe her ſole and vnma|ried, EEBO page image 1646 the whiche were to you greate diſhonor: if
you married hir within the Realme, that can|not extinguiſhe the
title whyche wee haue to the Crowne of Scotlande. And what
diſſention, enuie, grudge, and malice, that ſhall breede a|mong
you, is [...] to perceiue: you will marrie hir out of the Realme, our
title remayneth, you be ſubiects to a forayne Prince of another
coun|trey, and of another language, and vs yee haue youre
enimies, euen at youre elbowe, your ſuc|cours farre off from you: and bee wee not in the
bowels nowe of the Realme? haue wee not a greate parte thereof,
eyther in ſubiection or in amitie and loue? who ſhall come into
youre Realme, but hee ſhall be mette with, and fought with, if
neede be, euen of your owne nation, who bee faythfull and true
to the Realme of Eng|lande in the way of thys moſt godly vnion
by mariage. And if anye forayne power, Prince or Potentate, or
whoſoeuer bee youre ayder to
nouriſhe ſtyll diſcorde, ſende you an armye alſo, howe ſhall
they oppreſſe you, fyll youre houſes, waſte youre groundes,
ſpende and conſume youre vittayle, holde you in ſubiection, and
re|garde you as ſlaues, whyche withoute them coulde not lyue,
and will take youre Queene to beſtowe as they luſt, and
ſpecially if theyr [...]ſter or Kyng (as perchance hee maye bee) in o|ther warres
be otherwiſe occupyed, to bee a pray to vs, and a true conqueſt,
then it ſhall bee too late to
ſaye, wee will haue a mariage, and no conqueſt, wee wiſhe peace
and amitie, wee are weerie of battayle and miſerie. The
ſtubborne ouercommed, muſt ſuffer the victors pleaſure, and
pertinacitie will make the victorye more in|ſolent, whereof you
youre ſelfe haue gyuen the cauſe, if they ſende money and
Captaynes, but no Souldiers: Firſte if they be Captaynes, who
ruleth, and who dothe obey? whoo ſhall haue the honour of the
enterpriſe, and if it bee well at|chieued, but whether it bee well atchieued or no,
whyche number is that whiche ſhall bee ſlayne? whoſe bloud ſhall
bee ſhedde? theyr money per|aduenture ſhall bee conſumed, and
theyr com|maundementes obeyed. But whoſe bodyes ſhall ſmarte for
it? whoſe landes ſhall bee wa|ſted? whoſe houſes burned: what
Realme made deſolate? Remember what it is to haue a forayne
power within you? a ſtrong power of youre enimies vppon you, you
as it were the Camp and playne
betwixte them to fyght on, and to be troden vpon, both of ye
victor & of the o|uercommed. And imagine you ſee before
youre eyes youre wiues and daughters in daunger of wantonneſſe
and inſolencie of the Souldyers, the proude lookes of the
Captaynes and Soul|diers, whome you call to helpe you, the
con|tempte you ſhall bring your nation in, and then take heede
leaſt indeede that followe which you feare, that is, that you
ſhall bee by them conque|red, that yee ſhall bee by them putte
from youre holdes, landes, [...]ackes, and offices, that youre lawes by them ſhall bee
altered, that youre na|tion ſhall bee by them deſtroyed.
Conſider in thys Realme, dyd not the Britaynes call in the
Saxons for helpe, and by them were putte out? Where bee the
Pictes, once a greate nation be|twixte you and vs? howe dyd the
nation of Fraunce putte out the Galles out of all France? howe
gote the Turke firſte all Grecia, and now alate all Hungarie,
but beeyng called in for to ayde and helpe. And dyd not the
Gothes by like meanes gette all Italy, and the Lombardes one
parte thereof nowe called Lombardie? what looke you for more?
Needie Souldiers, and hauing theyr weapons in theyr handes, and
knowing that you cannot lyue without them, what wyll not they
commaunde you to doe? what wyll they not encroche vppon you?
what wyll they not thinke they maye doe? and what wyll they
thynke that you dare doe? thys for|raine helpe is youre
confuſion, that ſuccoure is youre detrimente, the victorie ſo
had is your ſer|uitude: what is then to bee thoughte of loſſe
ta|ken with them? the ſtraungers and forrayne Souldyers ſhall
oppreſſe you within, our power and ſtrength without, and of
youre owne na|tion, ſo many as loue quietneſſe, godlyneſſe, and
wealthe of youre Realme, ſhall helpe alſo to ſcourge and
afflicte you. Is it not better to compoſe and acquite all thys
calamitie and trouble by marriage, to ende all ſorrowes and
battayles by ſuche and ſo honorable a peace? hathe the Emperoure
Spayne and Burgun|dye not by title of marriage? howe holdeth the
Frenche Kyng Britayne nowe lately annexed to that Crowne, but by
litle of marriage? howe hathe all the greate Princes of the
worlde hap|pily and with quiet, made of two Kyngdomes one, of
dyuers Lordſhippes one: of nations al|wayes at warre with
themſelues, or elſe in doubtfull peace, one well gouerned
Kingdome, rule, and dominion, but by that godly, moſt qui|et,
and moſt amiable compoſition of marriage? Two meanes there is of
making one rule, wher|to title is pretended, and perfect
agreemente be|twixte two nations, eyther by force and
ſupe|rioritie, whiche is conqueſt, or by equalitie and loue,
whyche is by parentage and mariage: you hate the one, that is
conqueſt, and by refuſing the other, you enforce vpon you hatred
and ma|lice. You will not haue peace, you will not haue aliance,
you will not haue concorde: and con|queſt commeth vppon you,
whether yee wyll or no. And yet if all things were conſidered,
wee feare it wyll appeare that it were better for you EEBO page image 1647 to bee conquered of vs, than ſuccoured of
ſtraun|gers, leſſe loſſe to your goodes, leſſe hurt to youre
lands, leſſe diſhonour to your Realme, this na|tion which is one
in tong, one in Countrey and birth, hauing ſo little diuerſitie
to occupie the whole, than other powers come into you, ney|ther
like in language, ne yet like in behauioure, who ſhoulde rule
ouer you, and take you to bee but their ſlauis. But wee
eftſoones and finally declare and proteſt vnto you, that
although for the better
furtherance of this godly purpoſe, of v|niting the Realmes, and
for the ſure defence of them whiche fauoure the mariage, we are
com|pelled for the time to keepe holdes, and to make
fortifications in your Realm: yet the kings ma|ieſties minde and
determinate pleaſure is, with our aduice and counſaile to be as
before is decla|red, that where fauour may be ſhewed not to vſe
rigour if by conditions you will receiue this a|mitie offered,
not to followe conqueſt, for we de|ſire loue, vnitie, concord, peace and equalitie.
Let neither your gouernour nor your kirkemen, nor thoſe who ſo
often hath falſifyed their faithe and promiſe, and by trecherie
and falſehood be accu|ſtomed to proroge the time, feede you
forth with faire wordes, and bring you into the ſnare, from
whence they cannot deliuer you. They wil per|aduenture prouide
for themſelues with penti|ons in ſome other Realme, and ſette
Souldyers ſtraungers in your holdes to keepe you in ſubie|ction,
vnder the pretence to
defend them againſt vs. But who prouideth pentions for you? how
are you defẽded whẽ they be fled away? who cõ|quereth you
when the ſtraunge Captaynes haue your holdes? when your land is
waſted, and the Realme deſtroyed, and the more part kept from
you? who will ſette by the marriage of the Q. to buy a title
with the warre of England, to mar|rie the name, another mightie
King holdyng the land? if wee two being made one by amitie, bee
moſt able to defende vs
againſt all nations, and hauing the ſea for wall, the mutuall
loue for gar|riſon, and God for defence, ſhould make ſo noble
and well agreeing Monarchie, that neyther in peace we may be
aſhamed, nor in warre afrayde of any wordly or foraine power:
why ſhould not you be as deſirous of ye ſame, and haue as much
cauſe to reioyce at it as we? if this honour of ſo noble a
monarchie doe not moue you to take and accept amitie, lette the
griefe and the daunger of the
aforenamed loſſes feare you to attempte that thing which ſhall
diſpleaſe God, encreaſe warre, daunger youre Realme, deſtroy
youre land vn|doe youre children waſt your grounds, deſolate
youre Countreys, and bring all Scotlande ey|ther to famine and
miſerie, or to ſubiection and ſeruitude of another nation: we
require but your promiſed Queene, your offered agreement of
v|nitie, the ioyning of both the nations, which God of his
infinite clemencie and tender loue that hee hath declared to
beare to both the nations, hathe offered vnto vs both, and in
manner called vs both vnto it, whoſe calling and prouocation wee
haue, and will followe to the beſt of our powers, and in his
name, and with his aide, admonition, exhortation, requeſts, and
Ambaſſades nor bee|ing able to doe it, and to finde ſtableneſſe
in pro|miſes, wee ſhall not willing, but conſtreyned purſue the
battayle, chaſtiſe the wicked and ma|litious, by the angrie
Angelles of God the fyre and ſworde, wherefore wee require and
exhorte you all, who haue loue to the Countrey, pitie of that
Realme, a true heart to youre Queene and miſtreſſe, regarde of
youre honoures and promiſes made by the greate Seale of
Scot|lande, and who fauoureth the peace, loue, vni|tie, and
concorde, and that moſte profytable mariage, to enter and come
to vs, and decla|ryng youre true and godly heartes therevnto, to
ayde vs in thys moſt godlye purpoſe and enter|priſe: to be
witneſſes of oure doyngs we refuſe no man, Temporall nor
Spirituall, Lorde ne Lorde, Gentleman ne other, who will ayde
this our purpoſe, and miniſh the occaſion of ſlaugh|ter and
deſtruction, to whome wee ſhall keepe the promiſes heeretofore
declared, and further ſee rewarde and recompence made according
to the de [...]te. And for a more ſure proofe and playner token of the
good mynde and will why|che wee beate vnto you, that whyche
neuer yet was graunted to Scotlande in any league, truce or
peace, betwixt England and Scotlande, by|cauſe yee ſhall haue
proofe of the beginning of loue and amitie of both the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Kyngs
highneſſe conſidering the [...]ul|titude of them which is come to his maieſties
de|uotion, and of them that bee well willers and ayders of this
godly enterpriſe, hath by our ad|uiſe and counſayle graunted,
and by theſe pre|ſentes doe [...] that from henceforth of ma|ner of merchauntes and other
Scottiſhmen, who will enter theyr names with one of the wardens
of the marches, and there profite to take parte with vs in thys
beforenamed godlye purpoſe, to hys owne commoditie, and to [...]rue all ſuch as be of the ſame [...]emente, may aw|fully and withoute anye [...] and he r [...]on, enter into anye porte, creeke or hauen of Eng|lande,
and there vſe their tra [...]fique of merchan|diſe, buy & ſell, bring in the
cõmodities of Scot|land, & take and carrie forth the
commodities of Englãd, as liberally and as freely, and with the
ſame & none other cuſtome or payments there|fore, than
Engliſhmen and the kings ſubiectes EEBO page image 1648 doth at
theſe preſentes, mindyng further vppon the ſucceſſe heereof, to
gratifie ſo the furtherers of this moſt godly enterpriſe and
vnion, that all the worlde maye bee witneſſe of the great zeale
and loue whyche hys hyghneſſe dothe beare to|wards you and your
nation. And all thys, the Kings hyghneſſe, by our aduice and
counſayle, hath willed to bee declared vnto you, and gyuen in
commaundement vnto vs, and all hys Lieu|tenants, Wardens,
Rulers, and other head of|ficers, miniſters, and ſubiects, to ſee executed and
done, according to the true purporte, effect, and meaning
thereof. Fare you well.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Although this admonition,
and wholeſome exhortation mighte haue moued the Scottes to haue regarded
their owne eſtate, yet it little a|uayled, as by the ſequeale it appeared,
for hauing both greate promiſes made by the Frenche, and nowe conſidering
therewith the hurly burlyes and tumultes that ſprang vp in Englande, they
continued in theyr obſtinate purpoſes,
not to yeelde vnto ſuche reaſonable motions, as had bin offered if they
woulde haue ſhewed themſelues conformable thereto, and not haue ſo
ſtubborne|ly denyed to ſubmitte themſelues to that whych of right they were
bound vnto.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But now to let the
Scottes alone for a time, we will returne to the rebellion which followed
this yeare, to the whole diſappoynting of the plotte layd by the Counſell,
for the preſent ſub|duing of the Scottes,
as it was very lyke that it ſhoulde haue ſo come to paſſe, if none other
lefte hadde come: ſo it was, that the Kings ma|ieſtie, by the aduiſe hys
Vncle the Lord Protec|tor,A Proclama|tion for the la [...]ng open of incloſures. and other of the Counſell, thought
good to ſette forth a Proclamation agaynſt encloſures, and taking in of
fieldes and commons, that were accuſtomed to lye open, for the be [...]of of the inha|bitants dwelling neere to ye ſame, who had
grie|uouſlye complayned of Gentlemen and others for taking from them the vſe
of thoſe fieldes and commons, and had encloſed them into parkes, and
ſeuerall paſtures for their priuate commo|dities and pleaſures to the great
hinderance and vndoyng of many a poore man.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This Proclamation tending
to the benefyte and reliefe of the poore, appoynted that ſuche as hadde
incloſed thoſe commons, ſhoulde vppon a payne by a day aſſigned lay them
open agayne: but howe well ſo euer the ſetters forthe of thys Proclamation
meante, thinking thereby perad|uenture to appeaſe the grudge of the people
that found themſelues greeued with ſuche incloſures, yet verily it turned
not to the wiſhed effect, but rather miniſtred occaſion of a foule and
daunge|rous diſorder: for where as there were fewe that obeyed the
commaundement, the vnaduiſed peo|ple preſuming vpõ their Proclamation,
thinking they ſhoulde be borne out by them that hadde ſet it forth raſhly
without order, tooke vppon them to redreſſe the matter, and aſſembling
thẽſelues in vnlawfull wiſe, choſe to them Captaines and leaders, brake
open the encloſures, caſt downe ditches, killed vp the Deare whiche they
founde in Parkes, ſpoyled and made hauocke, after the manner of an open
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Firſte they beganne to
play theſe partes in Sommerſetſhire, Buckinghãſhire,Commo [...] in Sommer [...]ſetſhire, and other place [...]
Northamp|tonſhire, Kent, Eſſex and Lincolneſhire.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In Sommerſetſhire, they
brake vp certeyne Parkes of Sir William Herbert, and the Lorde Sturton, but
Sir William Herbert aſſembling a power togither by the Kings commiſſion,
ſlew and executed many of thoſe rebellious people.
[figure appears here on page 1648]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In other places alſo, by
the good diligence and policie vſed by the counſell, the Rebels were
ap|peaſed and quitted: [...]u [...] ſhortly after, the commõs of Deuonſhire and Cornewall roſe by way of
EEBO page image 1649 rebellion, demaunding not onely to haue enclo|ſures
layde open,Rebellion in Deuonſhire. and Parkes
diſparked, but al|ſo through the inſtigation and pricking forward of
certaine Popiſhe Prieſtes,
[...]. Foxe. ceaſed not by all ſiniſter and ſubtile meanes, firſt
vnder Gods name and the Kings, and vnder colour of re|ligion, to perſuade
the people to aſſemble in routes, to ebuſe Captaynes to guyde them, and
finally to bruſt out in open rebellion.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Their chiefe Captaynes
were theſe, Humfrey Arundell Eſquire,The names of the captaines [...] the rebels. gouernour of the Mount, Iames Roſogan, Iohn
Roſogan, Iohn Payne, Thomas Vnderhill, Iohn Soleman, and William Segar.
Moreouer, of Prieſtes whiche were principall ſtirets, and ſome of them
chiefe gouernours of the Campes, and af|ter executed, there were to the
number of eyght, whoſe names we finde to be as follow, Robert Bocham, Iohn
Thompſon, Roger Barret, Iohn Wolcock, Willyam Alſa, Iames Mour|ton,
Iohn Barrowe, Richarde Benet, beſides a
multitude of other Prieſtes whiche ioyned with them.
Compare 1587 edition:
The number [...]he rebels [...] DeuonſhireThe whole companies of theſe rebels, moun|ted
little leſſe than to the number of tenne thou|ſand ſtoute and valiant
perſonages, able in dede if their cauſe had bene good and fauoured of the
Lorde and giuer of victories, to haue wrought great feates. But being as
they were, ranke and malicious traytours, the almightie God con|founded
their deuiſes, and brought them to
their deſerued confuſion.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 A ſtraunge caſe, that
thoſe miſchieuous and wicked traytours coulde not be warned by the e|uill
ſucceſſe of their diueliſh attempted outrage, in the yeare laſt paſt, at
what time certaine ſe|dicious perſons in Cornewale, fell vpon one of the K.
commiſſioners named maiſter Body, ſent thither with others for the
reformation of mat|ters in religion, in like maner as other were ſent the
ſame tyme into other ſhires of the Realme, for the which murther a Prieſt
being apprehen|ded, arreygned, and condemned, was drawne into Smithfielde,
and there hanged and quar|tered the vij. day of Iuly, in the ſayd laſt yeare
before mencioned, to wit .1548. Other of his cõ|plires and aſſociates were
executed and put to death in diuerſe other parts of the Realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe touching theſe
other ye roſe in this preſent ſũmer: At ye firſt they were in great hope
that the other diſordered perſons, that ſtirred in other partes of the
Realme,Their hope in others fayled them. woulde
haue ioy|ned with them, by force to haue diſappoynted and vndone that, which
the Prince by law and acte of Parliament, in reformation of religion, had
ordeyned and eſtabliſhed: but afterwardes perceyuing howe in moſte places
ſuch miſchie|uous mutinies and diueliſhe attemptes, as the Commons had
begonne, partly by force, and partly by policie were appeaſed, or that their
cauſe being but onely about plucking downe of incloſures, and enlarging of
Commons, was deuided from theirs, ſo that eyther they woulde not, or coulde
not ioyne with them in ayde of their religious quarrell, they began ſomewhat
to doubt of their wicked begon enterprice, not|withſtanding, now ſithe they
had gone ſo farre in the matter, they thought there was no ſhrin|king back,
and therfore determining to procede, they fell to newe deuiſes, as firſt
afore all things to bring into their hands all ſuch places of force,Exceter beſie|ged. welth, and defence, as might in
any reſpect ſerue for their ayde and furtherance. Herevpon the ij. of Iuly,
they came before the city of Exceter, en|camping
[figure appears here on page 1649] about the ſame in great numbers, and vſed all wayes and
meanes they coulde deuiſe howe to winne it by force, ſometimes aſſaul|ting
it right ſharply, ſomtimes firing the gates, EEBO page image 1650 other
whyles vndermyning the walles, and at other times, as occaſions ſerued,
procuring ſkir|miſhes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Finally, nothing was left
vndone whiche the enimie coulde imagine to ſerue his purpoſe for the winning
of that Citie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And albeit there wanted
not luſtie ſtomacks among the Citizens to withſtande this out|warde force of
the enimie, yet in proceſſe of time, ſuch ſcarcitie of breade and vittayles
in|creaſed, that the people waxed weary,
and lo [...]he to abyde ſuch extremitie of famine.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Howbeit the Magiſtrates
(though it grieued them to ſee the multitude of the Citizens in ſuch
diſtreſſe) yet hauing a ſpeciall regarde of their dutie towarde the
Prince,The great loi|altie of the ci|tizens of
Ex|ceter. and loue to the com|mon wealth, left no wayes vnſought
to quiet the people, and ſtay them in their dutifull obedi|ence to reſiſte
the enimies, ſo that comforting the people with fayre promiſes, and
relieuing their neceſſities verye
liberally, ſo farre as their power might extende, did in ſuch ſorte vſe the
matter, that euery of them within reſolued with one generall conſent to
abide the ende, in hope of ſome ſpeedie reliefe. And in the meane while,
when their corne and meale was conſumed, the Gouernors of the citie cauſed
branne and meale to be moulded vp in cloth, for otherwiſe it wold not ſticke
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo they cauſed ſome
excurſions to be made out of the Citie, to
take and fetche into the Ci|tie ſuche cattayle as were founde paſturing
a|broade neare to the walles, which being brought in, were diſtributed among
the poore. To con|clude, into ſuche extremitie were the miſerable Citizens
brought, that albeit ma [...]es na|ture can ſcarcely abide to feede vpon any vnac|cuſtomed foode,
yet theſe ſiely men were glad to eate horſe fleſhe, and to holde themſelues
well content therewith.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whyleſt the ſiege thus
remained before Ex|ceter, the Rebels ſpoyled and robbed the coun|trie
abroade, and laying their trayterous heads togither, they conſulted vpon
certaine articles to be ſent vp to the King,M.
Foxe. but herein ſuch diuer|ſitie of heades and wits was among
them, that for euery kinde of braine there was one maner of article: ſo that
neither appeared any conſent in their diuerſitie, nor yet any conſtancie in
their agreement.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Some ſeemed more
tollerable, other altogi|ther vnreaſonable. Some woulde haue no Iu|ſtices.
Some no ſtate of Gentlemenne. The Prieſtes euer harped on one ſtring, to
ring the Biſhop of Rome into Englande againe, and to hallowe home Cardinall
Poole their coun|trieman.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After much a doe, at
length a fewe articles were agreed vppon, to bee directed vnto the King,
with the names of certayne of their heades ſette therevnto, the copie
whereof here enſueth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1.21.1. The articles of the Commons of Deuonſhere and Cornewall, ſent
to the King, with aun|ſweres afterwarde following vnto the
The articles of the Commons of Deuonſhere and Cornewall, ſent
to the King, with aun|ſweres afterwarde following vnto the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 FIrſt,Sacrament of Baptiſme. foraſmuch as man,
except he be borne of water, and the holy ghoſt, cannot enter
into the kingdome of God, and foraſmuche as the gates of heauen
[...]e not open without this bleſſed ſacrament of Baptiſme,
therefore we will that our Curates ſhall miniſter this ſacrament
at all times of neede, as well on the weeke dayes, as on the
holy dayes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 2
Item,Confirmation. we will haue our
children confirmed of the Biſhop, whenſoeuer we ſhall within the
Dioces reſort vnto him.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 3
Item,Conſecrating of the Lordes
bodie. foraſmuch as we conſtantly beleeue that after
the Prieſt hath ſpoken the wordes of conſecration being at
Maſſe, there celebrating and conſecrating the ſame, there is
verye re|ally the bodye and bloude of our Sauiour Ie|ſu Chriſt
God and manne, and that no ſub|ſtaunce of breade and wine
remayneth after, but the verye ſelfe ſame bodie that was borne
of the Virgin Marie, and was giuen vpon the Croſſe for our
redemption, therefore wee wyll haue Maſſe celebrated as it hath
bene in times paſt, without any man communicating with the
Prieſtes, for as muche as many rudely pre|ſuming vnworthily to
receyue the ſame, put no difference betweene the Lordes bodie
and other kinde of meate, ſome ſaying that it is breade be|fore
and after: ſome ſaying that it is profitable to no man except he
receyue it, with many other abuſed termes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 4 Item,
we will haue in our Churches,Reſeruation of
the Lordes bodie conſe|crated. re|ſeruation.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 5 Item,
we will haue holye breade and holy water in the remembrance of
Chriſtes precious bodie and bloude.Holy
breade and holy wa|ter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 6 Item,
wee will that oure Prieſtes ſhall ſing or ſaye with an audible
voyce, Gods Seruice in the Quiere of the Pariſhe Chur|ches, and
not Gods ſeruice to be ſet forth like a Chriſtmas play.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 7
Item,The ſingle life of Prieſts.
foraſmuche as Prieſtes be meane dedicated to God for miniſtring
and celebrating the bleſſed ſacraments, and preaching of Gods
worde, we will that they ſhall lyue chaſte EEBO page image 1651
without mariage, as Saint Paule did, being the elect and choſen
veſſell of God, ſaying vn|to all honeſt Prieſtes, bee you
followers of me.
Compare 1587 edition:
The ſixe arti|cles to be re| [...]d.Item, we will that the vj. Articles whiche our
Souereigne Lorde King Henrie the eyght, ſette forth in his
latter dayes, ſhall be vſed and to taken as they were at that
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Item, we pray
God ſaue King Edwarde, for we be his both bodie and goodes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 For the pacifying of
theſe Rebelles, were appoynted by the King and his Counſaile,The captaines appointed to go againſt the Deuonſhire
rebels. ſir Iohn Ruſſell knight, Lorde priuie ſeale, the L. Grey
of Wilton, Sir Willyam Herbert, after Earle of Penbroke, Sir Iohn Paulet,
Sir Hugh Paulet, Sir Thomas Speake, and o|thers, with a conuenient power of
men of warre both on horſebacke and foote.
Compare 1587 edition:
Straungers.Amongſt other, there were certaine
Straun|gers that came with my Lorde Grey, as Cap|taine Germaine an Hennowyer, with a band of horſemen, moſt part
Alban [...]yſes and Italians. Alſo Captaine Paule Baptiſt Spinola, an I|talian
borne of a noble houſe [...] Genoa, with a bande of Italian footemen.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 But now the Lorde priuy
ſeale that was or|deyned by the King and his Counſayle, Gene|rall of that
[...]. vpon his firſt approching to|wardes them, ſent vnto them
the Kings Ma|ieſties Proclamation,
[...] proclamatiõ the effecte whereof was, that all ſuche perſons as were vnlawfullye aſ|ſembled,
and did not wythin three dayes nexte after the proclaiming thereof, yeelde
and ſub|mitte themſelues to the Lorde priuy Seale (the Kings Lieutenaunt)
they ſhoulde from thence|forth bee deemed, accepted, and taken for Re|bels
againſt his royall perſon, and his imperiall crowne and dignitie. And
further, the Kings Maieſtie, for a more terrour to the Rebelles, and the
encouragement of ſuch other his louing ſub|iectes, as ſhoulde helpe and ayde to appre|hende anye of the
ſayde Rebelles, hee by his ſayde Proclamation, graunted and gaue all the
offices, fees, goodes, and poſſeſſions, which the ſayde Rebelles had at and
before their apprehenſion.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 This Proclamation
notwithſtanding, the Rebels continueth in their wicked deuiſes and
traiterous purpoſes, wherevpon yet once againe the Kings maieſtie, for the
auoyding of the ſhedding of Chriſtian
bloude, ſent vnto them a moſt gentle and louing meſſage in writing, thereby
to reduce them againe to their dutifull obedience but all woulde not ſerue,
nor auaile to mo [...]e their obſtinate mindes, to leaue off their deſperate and diueliſh
enterpriſe. The meſ|ſage was as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Although
knowledge hath bene gyuen to vs, and our deareſt vnkle the Duke
of Somer|ſet, Gouernour of our perſon,The
Kings meſſage to the rebelles of Cornewal and
Deuonſhire. and Protectour of all our Realmes,
Dominions, and ſubiects, and to the reſt of our priuie
Counſayle, of di|uerſe aſſemblies made by you, whiche ought of
dutie to be our louing ſubiectes, againſt all or|der of lawe,
and otherwiſe than euer anye lo|uing or kinde ſubiectes, hath
attempted againſt their naturall and liege Souereygne Lorde: yet
we haue thought it meete, at this verye firſte time, not to
condemne and reiecte you, as wee might iuſtly doe, but to vſe
you as our ſubiects, thinking that the diuell hath not that
power in you, to make you of naturall borne Eng|liſhmen, ſo
ſodenly to become enimies to your owne natiue Countrey, of our
ſubiects, to make you traytors, or vnder pretence to relieue
your ſelues, to deſtroye youre ſelues, youre wiues, children,
landes, poſſeſſions, and all other commodities of this your
life. This we ſay, that we truſt, that although ye be ignorantly
ſeduced, ye will not be vppon knowledge, ob|ſtinate. And though
ſome amongſt you (as euer there is ſome Cockle amongſt good
corne) forget God, neglect their Prince, eſteeme not the ſtate
of the Realme, but as careleſſe deſpe|rate men delite in
ſedicion, tumult, and warres: yet neuertheleſſe the greater part
of you will heare the voyce of vs your naturall Prince, and will
by wiſedome and counſell bee war|ned, and ceaſe your euilles in
the beginning, whoſe endes will be euen by God almighties order,
your owne deſtruction. Wherefore as to you our ſubiectes by
ignoraunce ſeduced, we ſpeake and be content to vſe our Princely
au|thoritie like a father to his Children, to ad|moniſhe you of
your faultes, not to pu|niſhe them, to putte you in remembraunce
of your dueties, not to auenge your forgetful|neſſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Firſt, your
diſorder to ryſe in multitudes,Diſorder in
ſubiects. to aſſemble yourſelues againſt one other
louing ſubiectes, to arraye your ſelues to the warre, who
amongſt you all can aunſwere for the ſame to almightie God,
charging you to o|beye vs in all things? Or howe can anye
Englyſhe good hearte aunſwere vs, oure lawes, and the reſt of
oure verye louyng and faythfull ſubiectes, who in deede by their
obedience, make our honour, eſtate, and degree.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Yee vſe oure
name in youre writings,Abuſing of the Kings
name. and abuſe the ſame againſt our ſelfe, what
in|iurie herein doe you vs, to call thoſe which loue vs, to your
euill purpoſes, by the authoritie of our name? God hath made vs
your King by his ordinance and prouidence, by our bloude and
inheritaunce, by lawfull ſucceſſion, and EEBO page image 1652 our
Coronation: but not to this ende, as you vſe our name. Wee are
your moſte na|turall Souereine Lorde and King, Edwarde the
ſixth, to rule you, to preſerue you, to ſaue you from all your
outwarde enimies, to ſee oure lawes well miniſtred, euerye manne
to haue his owne, to ſuppreſſe diſordered peo|ple, to correct
traitours, theeues, pyrates, rob|bers, and ſuch lyke, yea, to
keepe our Realmes from other
Princes, from the malice of the Scottes, of Frenchmenne, of the
Biſhoppe of Rome. Thus good ſubiectes, our name is writ|ten,
thus it is honoured and obeyed, this ma|ieſtie it hathe by Gods
ordinaunce, not by mannes. So that of this your offence we
can|not wryte to muche. And yet doubt not but this is ynoughe
from a Prince to all reaſona|ble people, from a royall King to
all kynde hearted and louyng ſubiectes, from the puiſ|ſant King
of Englande, to euery naturall En|gliſhe man.
Compare 1587 edition:
Falſe cauſes.Your pretence, whiche you
ſaye, moueth you to doe thus, and wherewith you ſeeke to excuſe
this diſorder, we aſſure you is either falſe, or ſo vayne, that
we doubt not, that after that ye ſhall hereby vnderſtande the
truth thereof, ye will all with one voyce acknowledge your
ſelues ignorantly ledde, and by errour ſeduced. And if there be
any one that will not, then aſ|ſure you the ſame bee ranke
traytours, eni|mies of oure
Crowne, ſedicious people, here|rikes, Papiſtes, or ſuch as care
not what cauſe they haue to prouoke an inſurrection, ſo they
maye doe it, nor in deede can waxe ſo riche with their owne
labours, and with peace, as they can doe with ſpoyles, with
warres, with robberies, and ſuche lyke, yea, with the ſpoyle of
your owne goodes, with the liuing of your labours, the ſweare of
your bodies, the foode of youre owne houſholdes, wyues, and
Children: Suche they bee,
as for a tyme, vſe pleaſaunt perſuaſions to you, and in the ende
will cutte your throates for youre owne goodes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 You be borne
in hande, that youre children, though neceſſitie chaunce, ſhall
not be chriſte|ned but vpon the holy dayes: howe falſe this is,
learne you of vs. Our booke whiche we haue ſet forth by the free
conſent of our whole Par|liament, in the Engliſhe tongue,
teacheth you the contrarie,
euen in the firſt leafe, yea, the firſt ſide of the firſt leafe
of that parte whiche intreateth of Baptiſme. Good ſubiectes (for
to other we ſpeake not) looke and be not de|ceyued. They whiche
haue put this falſe opi|nion into your cares, they meane not the
chri|ſtening of Children, but the deſtruction of you our
chriſtened ſubiectes. Be this knowne vn|to you, that our honour
is ſo muche, that wee maye not bee founde faultie of one iote or
worde: Proue it, if by our lawes you maye not chriſten your
children when yee be diſpo|ſed, vpon neceſſitie, euery daye or
houre in the weeke, then might you be offended: but ſeeing you
maye doe it, howe can you beleeue them that teach you the
contrarie? What thinke you they meane in the reſt, whiche moue
you to breake your obedience againſt vs, your King, and
Souereygne, vpon theſe ſo falſe tales and perſuaſions in ſo
euident a matter? There|fore you all whiche will acknowledge vs
your Souereigne Lorde, and whiche will heare the voyce of vs
your King, maye eaſilye perceyue howe you bee deceyued, and howe
ſubtillye traytours and Papiſtes, with their falſehoode ſeeke to
atchieue and bring their purpoſe to paſſe with your helpe: Euery
traytour will be gladde to diſſemble his treaſon, and feede it
ſecretelye, euery Papiſt his Poperie, and nou|riſhe it inwardly,
and in the ende make you our ſubiectes partake vs of Treaſon and
Poperie, which in the beginning was pretended to bee a common
weale and holyneſſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And howe are
you ſeduced by them,Sacrament of the bodie,
&c. whiche put in youre heades, the bleſſed
Sacrament of Chriſtes bodie, ſhoulde not differ from other
common breade? If our lawes, Proclamati|ons, and Statutes be all
to the contrarie, why ſhall anye priuate man perſuade you
a|gainſt them? Wee doe our ſelfe in our owne heart, our
Counſayle in all their profeſſion, our lawes and Statutes in all
purpoſes, our good Subiectes in all our doings moſt highlye
eſteeme that Sacrament, and vſe the Com|munion thereof to our
moſte comforte. Wee make ſo muche difference thereof from other
common breade, that wee thinke no profite of other breade, but
to maintayne our bodies: but this bleſſed breade wee take to bee
the ve [...]y [...] foode of our ſoules to euerlaſting life. Howe thinke you,
good ſubiectes, ſhall not we being your Prince, your Lorde, your
King by Gods appoyntment, with truth more preuayle, thus
certaine euill perſons with open falſhoode? Shall anye ſedicious
perſon perſuade you that the Sacrament is deſpiſed, whiche is by
ouer lawes, by our ſelfe, by our Counſayle, and by all our good
ſubiectes eſteemed, vſed participa|ted, and dailye receyued? If
euerye were ſedu|ced, if euer deceiued, if euer traitors were
[...]|ced, if euer Papiſtes poyſoned good ſubiectes, it is
nowe. It is not the chriſtening of children, nor the reuerence
of Sacrament, not the health of your ſoules that they ſhoote at,
good ſubiects: It is ſedition: It is high treaſon, it is youre
deſtruction they ſeeke. Howe craftilye, EEBO page image 1653 howe
piteouſlye, howe cunninglye ſoeuer they doe it, wyth one rule,
iudge yet the end which of force muſt come of your purpoſes.
Compare 1587 edition:
Diſobedience to a king, is diſobedience to
almightie God.Almightie God forbiddeth vpon payne of
euerlaſting damnation, diſobedience to vs your King, and in his
place we rule in earth. If wee ſhoulde be flowe, woulde God
erre? If your offence be towards God, thinke you it is pardoned
without repentaunce? Is Gods iudgement mutable? Your payne is
damnati|on, your Iudge is
incorruptible, your fault is moſt euident.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Likewiſe are
ye euill informed in diuerſe other Articles, as for Confirmation
of your Children, for the Maſſe, for the maner of your ſeruice
of Mattins and Euenſong. Whatſoe|uer is therein ordered, hath
bene long debated, and conſulted by many learned Biſhops,
Do|ctors, and other men of great learning in this Realme
concluded, in nothing ſo much labour and tyme ſpent of late tyme, nothing ſo
fullye ended.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 As for the
ſeruice in the Englyſhe tongue hath manifeſt reaſons for
it,Seruice in the Engliſh tong. and
yet perchance ſeemeth to you a newe ſeruice, and yet in deede is
none other but the olde. The ſelfe ſame wordes in Engliſhe
whiche were in La|tine, ſauing a fewe things taken out, ſo
fonde, that it had bene a ſhame to haue hearde them in Engliſhe,
as all they can iudge which liſte to report the truth. The difference is, that
we ment godlye that you our ſubiectes ſhoulde vnderſtande in
Engliſhe, being our naturall Countrie tongue, that whiche was
heretofore ſpoken in Latine, then ſeruing only them which
vnderſtode Latine, and nowe for all you which be borne Engliſhe.
Howe can this with rea|ſon offende any reaſonable man, that he
ſhould vnderſtande what anye other ſayeth, and ſo to conſent
with the ſpeaker? It the ſeruice in the Churche were good in Latine, it remayneth
good in Engliſhe,Knowledge is better than
ignorance. for nothing is altered, but to ſpeake with
knowledge, that before was ſpoken with ignoraunce, and to let
you vnder|ſtande what is ſayde for you, to the intent ye maye
further it with your owne deuotion, an alteration to the better,
except knowledge bee worſe than ignoraunce. So that whoſoeuer
hath moued you to miſrike this order, can giue you no reaſon,
nor aunſwere yours, if ye vn|derſtoode it. Wherefore you our ſubiectes, re|member we
ſpeake to you, being ordeyned your Prince and King by almightie
God, if anye wyſe we coulde aduaunce Gods honour more than we
doe, we woulde doe it, and ſee that ye become ſubiects to Gods
ordinaunce. Obey vs your Prince, and learne of them whiche haue
authoritie to teach you, whiche haue power to rule you, and will
execute our iuſtice, if we be prouoked. Learne not of them whoſe
fruites be nothing but wilfulneſſe, diſobedience, obſtinacy, and
deſtruction of the Realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 For the
Maſſe,The Maſſe. we aſſure you, no
ſmall ſtu|die nor trauaile hath bene ſpent by all the lear|ned
Clergie therein, and to auoyde all conten|tion thereof, it is
brought euen to the very vſe as Chriſt left it, as the Apoſtles
vſed it, as ho|ly fathers deliuered it: in deede ſomewhat
alte|red from that whiche the Popes of Rome for their lucre
brought to it. And althoughe you may heare the contrarie, of
ſome Popiſhe and euill men, yet our Maieſtie, whiche for our
ho|nour may not be blemiſhed nor ſtayned, aſſu|reth you, that
they deceyue you, abuſe you, and blow theſe opinions into your
heads, for to furniſh their owne purpoſes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And ſo
likewiſe iudge you of Confirmati|on of Children,Confirmation of children. and let them
anſwere you this one queſtion. Thinke they that a chylde
chri|ſtened is damned, bicauſe he dyeth before Bi|ſhopping?
Marke good ſubiectes, what incon|uenience hereof commeth: Our
doctrine there|fore is founded vpon true learning, &
theirs vpõ ſhameleſſe errors. To conclude, beſide our gen|tle
maner of information to you, whatſoeuer is conteyned in our
booke, eyther for Baptiſme, Sacrament, Maſſe, Confirmation, and
Ser|uice in the Churche, is by Parliament eſta|bliſhed, by the
whole Clergie agreed, yea by the Biſhops of the Realme deuiſed,
and further by Gods worde confirmed. And howe dare you truſt,
yea, howe dare you giue care withoute trembling, to any ſingular
perſon to diſalowe a Parliament? A ſubiect to perſuade againſt
our Maieſtie, or any man of his ſingle arrogancie againſt the
determination of the Biſhops, and all the Clergie any inuented
argument againſt the worde of God.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe you
our ſubiectes, we reſort to a greater matter of youre
vnkyndeneſſe, a great vnnaturalneſſe, and ſuche an euill, that
if we thought it had not bene begonne of igno|raunce, and
continued by perſuaſion of certaine traytours amongſt you, which
we thinke fewe in number, but in their doings buſie, we coulde
not be perſuaded but to vſe our ſworde, and to doe iuſtice. And
as we be ordeyned of God for to redreſſe your errours by
auengement. But loue and zeale yet ouercometh our iuſt anger,
but howe long that will be, God knoweth, in whoſe hande our
heart is, and rather for your owne cauſes, being our chriſtened
ſubiectes, we woulde ye were perſuaded than vanquiſhed, taught
than ouerthrowne, quietly pacified, than rigorouſly
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Yee require
to haue the Statute of ſixeSixe
EEBO page image 1654 Articles reuiued, and knowe you what yee
require? Or knowe yee what caſe yee haue with the loſſe of them?
There were lawes made, but quicklye repented, too bloudie they
were to bee borne of our people: and yet at the firſt in deede
made of ſome neceſſitie. Oh ſubiectes howe are ye trapped by
euill per|ſons? Wee of pitie, bicauſe they were bloudie, tooke
them away, and you nowe of ignoraunce will aſke them againe. You
know full well that they
helped vs to extende rigour, and gaue vs cauſe to drawe our
ſworde verye often. And ſince our mercie mooued vs to wryte our
lawes with milke and equitie, howe bee yee blinded to aſke them
in bloude? But leauing this maner of reaſoning, and reſorting to
the truth of our authoritie, we let you wit, the ſame hath bene
adnulled by Parliament with great reioyſe of our ſubiectes, and
not nowe to be called in que|ſtion.The
authority of a Parliamẽt And dareth anye of you, with
the name of a ſubiect ſtande
againſt an Acte of Parlia|ment, a lawe of the Realme? What is
our power if lawes ſhoulde be thus neglected? or what is your
ſuretie, if lawes be not kept? Aſ|ſure you moſt ſurely that we
of no earthly thing vnder the heauen, make ſuch reputation as we
doe of this one, to haue our lawes obeyed, and this cauſe of God
to be throughlye maintained, from the which we will neuer remoue
a heares breadth, nor giue place to any creature liuing.
But therein will ſpend our
owne royall perſon, our crowne, treaſure, Realme, and all our
ſtate, whereof we aſſure you of our high honour. For herein
reſteth our honour: herein doe all Kings knowledge vs a King.
And ſhall anye one of you dare breath, or think againſt our
kingdome and crowne?
Compare 1587 edition:
3 In the ende
of this your requeſt (as we be gi|uen to vnderſtande) ye woulde
haue them ſtand in force vntill our full age. To this we thinke,
that if ye knewe what ye
ſpake, ye woulde not haue vttered the motion, nor neuer giuen
breath to ſuch a thought. For what thinke you of our kingdome?
Be we of leſſe authoritie for our age? Be we not your King nowe
as wee ſhall be? Shall ye be ſubiectes hereafter, and nowe are
ye not? Haue wee not the right wee ſhall haue? If ye woulde
ſuſpende and hang our doings in doubt vntill our full age, yee
muſt firſt know, as a king we haue no difference of yeares, but as a naturall man and
creature of God, we haue youth, and by his ſufferance ſhall haue
age. Wee are your rightfull King, your liege Lorde, the
ſouereigne Prince of En|glande, not by our age, but by Gods
ordinance, not onelye when we ſhall bee one and twentie yeares
of age, but when we were of ten yeares. We poſſeſſe our crowne,
not by yeares, but by the bloude and diſcent from our father
King Henrie the eyght. If it be conſidered, they which moue this
matter, if they durſt vtter themſelues, woulde denie our
kingdome. But our good ſub|iectes knowe their Prince, and will
encreaſe, not diminiſhe his honour, enlarge his power, not
a|bate it, knowledge his kingdome, not deferre it to certaine
yeares. All is one, to ſpeake a|gainſt our crowne, and to denie
our kingdome, as to require that our lawes may be broken vn|to
one and twentie yeares. Be wee not your crowned, annoynted, and
eſtabliſhed King? Wherin be we of leſſe maieſty, of leſſe
authority, or leſſe ſtate, than our progenitors Kings of this
Realme? Except your vnkindneſſe, your vnna|turalneſſe will
diminiſhe our eſtimation? We haue hitherto ſince the death of
our Father, by the good aduiſe and counſayle of our deare and
entirely beloued vnkle the Duke of Somerſet, and Gouernour and
Protector, kept our eſtate, maintained our Realme, preſerued our
honour, defended our people from all enimies. We haue hitherto
bene feared and dreade of our enimies, yea of Princes, Kings,
and nations. Yea here|in we be nothing inferiour to any our
Progeni|tours, whiche grace we acknowledge to be gi|uen vs from
God, and howe elſe, but by good o|bedience, good counſayle of
our Magiſtrates. By the authoritie of oure kingdome. Eng|lande
hitherto hath gained honour during our Reygne: It hath wonne of
the enimie, and not loſt. It hath bene maruayled that we of ſo
yong yeares, haue reigned ſo nobly, ſo royally, ſo quietly. And
howe chaunceth that you our louing ſubiectes of that our
countrie of Corne|wall and Deuonſhire, will giue occaſion to
ſlaunder this our Realme of Englande, to giue courage to the
enimie, to note our Realme of the euill of rebellion, to make it
a praye to oure olde enimies, to diminiſhe our honour whiche God
hath giuen, our father lefte, our good vnkle and Counſayle
preſerued vnto vs, What grea|ter euill coulde yee committe, than
enter nowe when our forreyne enimie in Scotlande, and vpon the
ſea ſeeketh to inuade vs, to doe oure Realme diſhonour, than to
ariſe in this maner againſt our lawe, to prouoke our wrathe, to
aſke our vengeance, and to giue vs an occaſion to ſpende that
force vppon you, which we ment to beſtow vpon our enimies, to
begynne to ſlay you with that ſworde, that we dreweforth
a|gainſt Scottes, and other enimies. To make a conqueſt of our
owne people, whiche otherwiſe ſhould haue bene of the whole
Realme of Scot|lande.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus farre we
haue deſcended from our high Maieſtie for loue, to conſider you
to your ſim|ple ignorance, and haue bene content to ſende EEBO page image 1655 you an inſtruction like a father, who of
iuſtice might haue ſent you your deſtructions like a King to
rebelles. And nowe we let you know, that as you ſee our mercie
abundantly, ſo if ye prouoke vs further, we ſweare to you by the
li|uing God, ye ſhall feele the power of the ſame God in our
ſworde, whiche howe mightie it is, no ſubiect knoweth, how
puiſſant it is, no pri|uate man can iudge, howe mortall it is,
no Engliſhman dare thinke. But ſurely, ſurely, as your Lorde and Prince, your onely king
and maiſter, we ſay to you, repent your ſelues, and take our
mercie without delay, or elſe we will forthwith extende our
princely power, and exe|cute our ſharpe ſworde againſt you, as
againſt infidels and Turkes, and rather aduenture oure owne
royall perſon, ſtate, and power, than the ſame ſhoulde not be
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And if you
will proue the example of our mercie, learne of certaine which
lately did a|riſe, as they
perceiuing pretended ſome griefes, & yet acknowledging
their offences, haue not only moſt humbly their pardon: but
feele alſo by oure order, to whom onely all publike order
apper|teineth, preſent redreſſe of their griefes.
Compare 1587 edition:
A godly and princely ad|monition.In
the ende, we admoniſhe you of your du|ties to God, whome ye
ſhall aunſwere at the day of the Lorde, and of your duties
towards vs, whome ye ſhall anſwere by our order, and take our
mercie whyleſt God ſo enclineth vs, leaſt when ye ſhall be conſtrayned to aſke,
we ſhall be to much hardened in heart to graunt it you. And
where ye ſhall heare nowe of mercie, mercie, and life ye ſhal
then heare of iuſtice, iu|ſtice, and death.
Written the viij. of Iuly, in the thirde yeare
of our reigne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Although the Rebels
receiued this Prince|ly meſſage, and holeſome admonition from the Kings
Maieſtie, yet would they not reforme themſelues, as dutifull ſubiectes ought
to haue done, but ſtoode ſtill in their
wicked begon re|bellion, offering to trie it at the weapons poynt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There wanted not Prieſtes
and other buſie bodies among them, ſuche as by all wayes and meanes
poſſible, ſought to kindle the coles of malice and hatred betwixt the King
and his ſubiectes, which as the maner is among all the like wicked diſpoſed
people, contriued to rayſe and ſtrewe abroade falſe forged tales, and
fey|ned rumours, giuing it oute, that the people ſhoulde be conſtrayned to pay a ratable taſke for their
ſheepe and cattayle,Falſe rumors. and an exciſe
for euery thing that they ſhoulde eate or drynke. Theſe and ſuch other
ſlaunderous brutes were ſpredde abroade by thoſe children of Beliall,
whereby the cankred myndes of the Rebelles, might the more be hardened and
made ſtiffe from plying vnto any reſonable perſuaſion, that might he made to
moue them to returne vnto their dutifull obedience, as by the lawes both of
God and man they were bounden.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herevpon when no hope was
left to pro|cure them by any quiet meanes to laye downe armes, the Lorde
priuie ſeale, and the Lorde Grey, with their forces, although not
compa|rable with the rebels in number, about the lat|ter ende of Iulye ſet
vpon them, and by great manhoode put them from their grounde,
not|withſtanding they fought verye ſtoutlye, and gaue it not ouer for a
little: and although they were thus driuen to giue place at this firſt
on|ſet, yet they got togither againe, and aboade a newe charge, defending
their grounde, and do|ing what they coulde to beate backe and re|pulſe thoſe
that came to aſſayle them.The Rebels put from their
grounde. But ne|uertheleſſe through the power of the almightie God
fauouring the rightfull cauſe, the Rebels were diſtreſſed, and followed in
chaſe with great ſlaughter for the ſpace of two miles. This was about the
beginning of Auguſt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Their chiefe Captaynes,
to wit:
M. Foxe. The captaines of the rebels taken. Humfrey
Arundell, Winſtande, Holmes, and Bu [...]ie, were taken and brought vp to London.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 There were taken alſo
other of their Cap|taines, as Thomas Vnderhill, Iohn Sole|man, W. Segar,
Tempſon, & Barret, whiche two laſt were Prieſts. Alſo Boyer and
Henrie Lee, two Maiors, all the which were executed in one place or other,
as they had well deſerued. The ſaide Boyer being Maior of Bodnid [...] in Cornewall, as Grafton reporteth, had bene a buſie felowe among the
rebels, to ſet them for|ward in miſchief, howbeit ſome that loued him,
ſought to excuſe him, as if he had bene ſorted hereto againſt his will by
the rebels, who wold haue killed him, and brent his houſe, if he had not
conſented to thẽ. But howſoeuer it was,Sir Anthonie
Kingſton Pro|uoſt marſhall. ſir Anthony Kingſton yt was Prouoſt
Marſhalin ye kings armie vnder ye L. priuie ſeale, wrote his letter vnto
the ſaid Maior, ſignifying to him, yt he and other with him, woulde come
and dine with him ſuch a day. The Maior ſeeming to be glad therof, made the
beſt purueyance he could, to receiue them, & at the time apointed,
ſir An|thony Kingſton came with his cõpanie, & were right hartily
welcomed of the Maior: but before they ſate downe to dinner, calling the
Maior aſide, he told him yt there muſt be executiõ done in that town,
& therfore willed him that a paire of gallowes might be framed
& ſet vp wt ſpeede, ſo yt they might be ready by that time that
they ſhould make an end of dinuer. The Maior with all diligence cauſed ye
ſame to be done, ſo that when dinner was ended, ſir Anthonie calling ye
Maior to him, & aſking him whether ye gallowes EEBO page image 1656
were ſet vp accordinglye as he had willed, the Maior aunſwered, that they
were readye. Where with ſir Anthonie taking the Maior by the hande, deſired
him to bring him to the place where they ſtoode, and comming thither and
be|holding them, he ſayd to the Maior, thinke you maſter Maior, yt they be
ſtrong ynough? Yea ſir, quoth he, that they are. Well then ſayde ſir
An|thonie, get you euen vp vnto them, for they are prouided for you. The
Maior greatly abaſhed herewith, ſayd, I
truſt you meane no ſuch thing to me. Sir ſayde he, there is no remedie, ye
haue bene a buſie rebell,The Maior of Bodmin
han|ged. and therefore this is appoin|ted for your rewarde, and ſo
without reſpite or ſtay there was the Maior hanged.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame time, and neare
to the ſame place dwelled a Miller that had bene a great dooer in that
rebellion, for whome alſo ſir Anthonie Kingſton ſought: but the Myller being
thereof warned, called a good tall fellowe that he had to his ſeruant, and ſayde vnto him, I haue buſi|neſſe to go
from home, if any therefore come to aſke for me, ſay that thou art the owner
of the Myll and the man for whom they ſhall ſo aſke, and that thou haſt kept
this Mill for the ſpace of three yeares, but in no wiſe name me. The
ſer|uant promiſed his maiſter ſo to doe, and ſhortly after commeth ſir
Anthonie Kingſton to the Myllers houſe, and calleth for the Miller, the
ſeruant comming forth, aunſwered that he was the Miller. How long, quoth ſir Anthonie, haſt thou kept this Mill? He
anſwered three yeares. Well then ſayd be, come on, thou muſt go with me and
cauſed his men to laye hands on him, and to bring him to the next tree,
ſaying to him, thou haſt bene a buſie knaue, and therefore here ſhall thou
hang. Then cried the felowe out, and ſayde that he was not the Miller, but
the Mil|lers man. Well then, ſayde ſir Anthonie, thou art a falſe knaue to
be in two tales, therfore ſaid he, hang
him vp, and ſo incontinentlye hanged he was in deede.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After he was deade, one
that was preſent, tolde ſir Anthonie, ſurelye ſir this was but the Myllers
man. What then, ſayde he, coulde he euer haue done his maiſter better
ſeruice than to hang for him?
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Manye other were executed
by order of the Martiall lawe, and a great part of the countrie abandoned to
the ſpoyle of the ſouldiers, who were not
Pouthfull to gleane what they coulde finde for the time their libertie
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the ſame time that
this rebellion be|gan in the Weſt, the like diſordered hurles were attempted
in Oxefordſhire,M. Foxe. and Buckingham|ſhire but
they were ſpeedilye appeaſed by the Lorde Grey of Wilton, who comming downe
that way to ioyne with the Lorde priuie ſeale, chaſed the rebels to their
houſes, of whome two hundreth were taken, and a dozen of the ring|leaders to
him deliuered, whereof certaine after|wards were executed.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Moreouer,Common re|bellion.in diuerſe other partes of the
Realme, namely in the South and Eaſt parts, did the people, as before ye
haue hearde, aſſemble themſelues in rebellious maner, committing many foule
diſorders: but yet by good policie and wholeſome perſuaſions they were
appeaſed,Norfolke. except in Norffolke, where
after there was a rumour ſpred, that the Commons in Kent had throwne downe
the ditches and hedges, wherewith cer|tayne paſture groundes were incloſed,
and had layde the ſame open, diuerſe ſedicious perſons and buſie fellowes
began to complayne that the like had not bene done in Norffolke, and ceaſed
not to practiſe howe to rayſe the people to an o|pen rebellion, meaning not
onely to laye open Parkes and incloſures, but to attempt other
re|formations, as they termed them, to the great daunger of ouerthrowing the
whole ſtate of the common welth. They chiefly declared a ſpite|full rancour
and hatred conceyued againſt gen|tlemen, whome they maliciouſly accuſed of
in|ordinate couetouſneſſe, pryde, rapine, extortion, and oppreſſion,
practiſed againſt their tenants, and other, for the whiche they accounted
them worthie of all puniſhment.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herevpon diuerſe of them,
namely the inha|bitants of Atilborough, and other of their neigh|bors,
conceyuing no ſmall diſpleaſure, for that one Greene of Wilby, had taken in,
apercell of the common paſture, as was ſuppoſed,The
begin|ning of the re|bellion in Norffolke. belon|ging to the towne
of Atilborough, and adioy|ning to the common paſture of Harſham, rie|touſlye
aſſembled togither, and threwe downe certaine newe diches made by the ſayde
Greene, to incloſe in the ſayde percell of commons.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This was done before
Midſommer, and ſo it reſted till the vj. of Iuly, at which time there ſhould
be a publike play kept at Wimondham, a towne diſtant from Norwich vj. myles,
whiche playe had bene accuſtomed yearely to be kept in that town, continuing
for the ſpace of one night and one day at the leaſt. Wherevpon the wicked
contriuers of this vnhappie rebellion, tooke occa|ſion, by the aſſembling of
ſuch numbers of peo|ple as reſorted thither to ſee that playe, to enter
further into their wicked enterpriſe, and vppon conference had, they
immediately aſſembled at Morley, a mile from Wimondham, & there they
caſt downe certaine diches of maiſter Hubbords on the Tueſday, and that
night they repayred to Wimondham againe, where they practiſed ſhe like
feates. But as yet they tooke no mans goods by violence.Iohn Flower|dew.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herevpon one Iohn
Flowerdew of Hither|ſet EEBO page image 1657 Gentleman, finding himſelfe
grieued wyth the caſting downe of ſome diches, came vnto ſome of the Rebels,
& gaue to them fortiepence to caſt downe the fences of an incloſure
belon|ging to Robert Ket,Robert Ket.
alias Knight, a Tanner of Wymondham (whiche paſture lyeth neare
vnto the faire Wonage, at Wymondham a|foreſayde) which they did: and that
night con|ſulting togither, the next morning they tooke their iourney to
Hetherſet, by the procurement of the ſayde
Robert Ket, in reuenge of the diſ|pleaſure which he had conceyued againſt
the ſaid Flowerdew, and ſet them in hande to placke vp and caſt downe the
hedges and diches wherwith certaine paſture groundes belonging to the ſaide
Flowerdew were incloſed.
Compare 1587 edition:
In choſen to be captaine of the rebels.Here was
ſomewhat a do, for maiſter Flow|erdew did what he coulde to haue cauſed them
to deſiſt from that attempt, inſomuch that manye ſharpe wordes paſſed
betwixt Ket and the ſayd maiſter
Flowerdew: but Ket being a man har|die and forwarde to any deſperate attempt
that ſhoulde be taken in hande, was ſtreight entred into ſuch eſtimation
with the Commons, thus aſſembled togither in rebellious wiſe, that his will
was accompliſhed, and ſo thoſe hedges and diches belonging to the paſture
goundes of mai|ſter Flowerdew were thrown downe and made playne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herevpon was Ket choſen
to be their Cap|taine and Ringleader, who
being reſolued to ſet all on ſixe and ſeauen, willed them to be of good
comfort, and to followe him in defence of their common libertie, being
readye in the common wealthes cauſe, to hazarde both life and goodes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herewith they paſſed the
water betwyxte Cringleforde and Eyton, and comming to Bowthorpe, caſt downe
certaine hedges and diches in that place, and their number being nowe
greatlye encreaſed, they encamped there
that night.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Here ſir Edmõd Windam
knight, being high ſherife of Norffolk & Suffolk, came &
prolaimed them rebels, commaunding them to departe in the Kings Maieſties
name, with which procla|mation they were greatly offended, and attemp|ted to
haue got him into their hands: but he be|ing well horſed, valiantly brake
through them that had compaſſed him in, howbeit he eſcaped frõ them, and
got into Norwich, being not paſt a myle
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame night there came
a great number of lewde people vnto them, as well out of the ci|tie of
Norwiche, as out of the countrie, wyth weapon, armor, and artillerie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The day before that Ket
came to this place,The citizens of Norwich. a
great number of the meaner ſort of the Citizens of Norwiche had throwne
downe a quickſette hedge, and filled vp the diches, wherewith the foreſayde
Commons were, on the one ſide in|cloſed, to keepe in the cattayle of the
Citizens that had the ſame going before their common Neatherde; and ſo that
fence which by good and prouident aduiſe of their forefathers, had bene
rayſed and made for the common profite of the whole Citie, was thus by a
ſorte of lewde per|ſons defaced and caſt down at that preſent. And vnneth
had they throwne downe the dich in the vpper ende of this paſture, but that
a companie of euill diſpoſed perſons ſtale out of the Citie, and got them to
Kets campe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Maior of the Citie
named Thomas Codde,Thomas Cod. aduertiſed hereof,
doubting what might followe of this miſchieuous begonne rebellion, thought
good to trie if he might perſuade the re|bels to giue ouer their trayterous
enterpriſes, and therefore taking certayne of the Aldermenne with him, he
goeth to Kets campe, vſing what perſuaſions he coulde to reduce them vnto
their duetifull obedience, and to departe home to their houſes, But his
trauaile was in vaine, and ther|fore returned backe to the Citie without
hope to doe any good with that vnruly route.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After whoſe departure,
they conſidering in what daunger they ſtoode to be ſurpriſed, if they
ſhoulde ſcatter abroade in ſuch ſort, as till then they had done, ſeeking to
waſte and ſpoyle the Countrie about them, without keeping togither in anye
warrelike order, thought it ſtoode moſte with their ſuretie to drawe into
one place, and to fortifie the ſame for their further ſtrength, and vppon
this reſolution, they determine to goe with all ſpeede vnto Mouſeholde, a
place as they tooke it, mete for their purpoſe,The rebels
re|queſt licence to paſſe tho|rowe Nor|wich. and therfore ſent to
the Maior of Norwiche, requeſting him of li|cence to paſſe through the
Citie, bicauſe it was their neareſt way, promiſing not to offer any in|iurie
or violence to anye perſon, but quietlye to marche through the Citie vnto
their place ap|poynted: but the Maior did not only denie them paſſage, but
alſo with ſharpe and bitter ſpeach re|prouing their rebellious doings, told
them what woulde followe thereof, if they gaue not ouer in time from further
proceeding in ſuche wycked attempts.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The next daye being
Thurſdaye, ſir Roger Woodhouſe,Sir Roger
Woodhouſe. with ſeauen or eyght of his houſe|holde ſeruauntes,
came to them, bringing with him two cartes laden with Beare, and one cart
laden with other victualles, for a recompence whereof, he was ſtripped out
of his apparell, had his horſes taken from him, and whatſoeuer elſe he had,
the Rebels accounting the ſame a good pray. He himſelfe was cruelly tugged,
and caſt into a diche of one Mores of nether Arleham by Heyleſdon bridge,
where the ſame daye the Re|bels EEBO page image 1658 being diſappointed of
their purpoſe, to paſſe through Norwich, found meanes to paſſe, and coming
to maiſter Corbets houſe of Sprow|ſton, intended to haue brent the ſame
houſe, but yet being perſuaded to ſpare it from fire, they ſpoyled his
goodes, defaced a Doue houſe of his, whiche had bene a Chappell, and
after|wardes got them to Mouſeholde, and coming to Saint Leonardes hill, on
which the Earle of Surrey had built a right ſtately houſe called Mont Surrey,Mont Surrey.
they enkennelled themſelues there on the ſame hill, and in the woodes
adioy|ning that lie on the Weſt and South ſide of the ſame hil, as the
commons or paſture called Mouſehold heath lyeth on the Eaſt ſide,Mouſehold. which conteyneth foure or fiue miles in
length, and three or foure in bredth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 They put ſir Roger
Woodhouſe and other priſoners, whiche they had caught, in ſtreyte warde
within the foreſaid houſe of Mont Sur|rey,
on which they ſeazed, and ſpoyled whatſoe|uer they founde within it.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane time, the
Maior of Norwich taking aduiſe with his brethren the Aldermen, what was beſt
to doe in this caſe, whether pre|ſentlye to iſſue forth, and diſtreſſe the
Rebelles nowe in the beginning, leaſt time might giue them meane to increaſe
in power: or rather to ſtaye, till they had aduertiſed the Counſell of the
whole matter, in the ende they agreed that
this laſt aduiſe was moſte ſureſt, and ſo they diſpatched a Poſte with all
ſpeede to the Courte.
Compare 1587 edition:
Riſing chaſe.Beſide this great Campe, as they
termed it, at Mouſeholde, there was a leſſer at Ryſing chaſe neare to Linne:
but the Rebels there, by ye good diligence and circumſpect policy of the
Iu|ſtices and Gentlemen of thoſe parts, were ſpee|dilye repreſſed, and
driuen from thence. Not|withſtanding afterwards they aſſembled togi|ther
at Watton,Watton. and there remayned about a fortnight, ſtopping the
paſſages alſo at Thet|fort, and Brandon ferrie, within nine myles of the
ſayde Watton, and at length came and ioi|ned themſelues with theſe other at
Mouſehold, by appointment of their generall Captaine, as they tooke him, the
foreſaide Robert Ket.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, there came
flocking from Suf|folke and other partes, a great multitude of lewde
diſpoſed perſons, rayſed by firing of bea|cons, and ringing of belles. Alſo a number of raſcals and
naughtie lewde perſons, ſtale out of the Citie of Norwich, and went to the
campe. And thus being gotte togither in great multi|tude, they added one
wickedneſſe to an other: for to cloake their malicious purpoſe, with a
coun|terfeyt ſhewe of holyneſſe,Counterfeyt [...]eligion. they cauſe one Con|yers Vicar of Saint Martins in
Norwich, to ſaye ſeruice morning and euening, to praye to God for proſperous
ſpeede in that their vngodly enterpriſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, they go about
to ioyne to their cauſe, diuerſe honeſt men and right commen|dable for
religion, doctrine, vertue, and inno|cencie of life, amongeſt whome were
Robert Watſon a preacher, Thomas Codde Maior of Norwich, and Thomas
Alderiche of Man|grene hall. Theſe three, although ſore againſt their
willes, were conſtrayned to bee preſent with them in all matters of
Counſell, and to take vpon them (as aſſociates with Captaine Ket) the
adminiſtratiõ and order of euery thing, whiche happened well for manye, for
when eyther Kette himſelfe, or any other of the Cap|taines, throughe ſetting
on of the outragious multitude, purpoſed any miſchiefe (as often it came to
paſſe) in one place or other, through their graue aduiſe, and approued
induſtrie, their furie was ſundrie times ſtaide and calmed. Although Ket
bent to all vngraciouſneſſe, woulde diuerſe times grant forth cõmiſſions,
abuſing now and then the names of honeſt men thereby, appoin|ting his
vnthriftie mates to fetch in vittayles to furniſh their camp withall. The
tenor of one of the which commiſſions here enſueth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 We the Kings frendes and
Deputies,The forme of a warrant graunted out by the
rebels to take vp vittailes. doe graunt licence to all men, to
prouyde and bring into the Campe at Mouſeholde, all maner of cattaile, and
prouiſion of vittayles, in what place ſoeuer they may finde the ſame, ſo
that no violence or iniurie be done to any honeſt or poore man, commaunding
all perſons as they tender the Kings honour and royall Maieſtie, and the
reliefe of the Common welth, to be obedient to vs the gouernours, and to
thoſe whoſe names enſue. Signed ROBERT KET.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then followed in order a
long liſt of names, for the number of the gouernors was great, as they that
beſide the chiefe Captaines had choſen out of euery hundred two, and there
were xxvj. hundreths. By vertue of ſuch cõmiſſions, many that were of good
worſhip and credite in the coũ|trie,Gentlemen
impriſoned. whome the Rebelles in their rage had con|demned, were
fetched from their houſes, and o|ther places where they might be founde, and
be|ing brought to the Campe, were committed to priſon.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo the diches and
hedges wherewith the cõ|mons abrode in the countrie were incloſed, were
throwne downe, and many were warned and called forth from ſundrie partes, to
come and take part with thẽ in theſe tumultuous vprores: and all theſe
things were done, the Maior, mai|ſter Watſon, and maiſter Aldrich, not only
hol|ding their peace and winking thereat, but alſo ſometime after a maner
giuing their conſent to EEBO page image 1659 the ſame. For to haue reſiſted
them had bene but folly, and the way to haue put themſelues in dan|ger of
deſtruction, and their countrie too.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The honeſt Citizens of
Norwiche in this meane whyle remayned in greate perplexitie, hearing nothing
from the King nor his Coun|ſell. They therefore being vncertaine what to
doe, aboade in the Citie till they might vnder|ſtande what order it ſhoulde
pleaſe the King to take for the quieting of theſe troubles.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The cauſe why the
Counſell was thus ſtack in prouiding remedie againſt the Norffolke re|bels,
was, for that they were buſie in quieting the troubles in the inner parts of
the Realme a|bout London, and other places, as before ye haue hearde, by
meanes whereof, the power of theſe Norffolke rebelles ſtill encreaſed, ſo
that there were aſſembled togither into Kettes campe, to the number of
ſixteene thouſande vngracious vnthriftes,The number of
the rebels. who by the aduiſe of their captaynes fortified themſelues, and made prouiſion of ar|tillerie,
powder, and other abilements, whiche they fetched out of ſhippes, Gentlemens
houſes, and other places where anye was to be founde, and withall ſpoyled
the countrie of all the cat|tayle, riches, and coyne, which they might laye
handes on.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But bicauſe many (as in
ſuch caſes is euer ſeene) did prouide for themſelues, and hid that which
they got, laying it vp for their own ſtore, and brought it not forth to further the common cauſe,Rebels and [...]eenes cãnot kepe togither without mini|tration of iuſtice.
Kette and the other gouernours (for ſo woulde they be called) thought to
prouide a re|medie, and by common conſent it was decreed that a place
ſhoulde be appointed, where iudge|ments might be exerciſed, as in a
Iudiciall hal. Wherevpon they founde out a great olde Oke, where the ſayde
Ket and ye other gouernours or Deputies might ſit and place thẽſelues to
heare and determine ſuche quarrelling matters, as came in queſtion, afore whom ſometime wold aſſemble a
great number of ye rebels, and exhibite complaints of ſuch diſorders as
nowe and then were practiſed among them, and there they wold take order for
the redreſſing of ſuch wrongs and iniuries as were attempted, ſo that ſuch
greedy vagabondes as were ready to ſpoyle more than ſeemed to ſtande with
the pleaſure of the ſayde Gouernors, and further than their Commiſſi|ons
woulde beare, were committed to priſon.
This Oke they named The tree of Reforma|tion.The tree of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Maior, maiſter
Alderiche and others, whome they had receyued into the number of their
gouernours, woulde oftentimes go vp in|to this tree, and make diuerſe pithie
orations to perſuade the outragious multitude to giue ouer their riotous
rapines and ſpoylings.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were alſo certaine
diuines whiche did vſe all wayes poſſible to withdrawe them from their
wicked attemptes, and to reduce them to peace and quietneſſe, althoughe this
was not done without daunger of their liues. Neuer|theleſſe theſe in the
daye time vſed to prea [...] in the Churches, and in the night to watche with armour vpon their
backes, leauing nothing vn|done that might ſeeme to appertaine vnto the
dutie of godly and vertuous diuines or faithfull and obedient ſubiects.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Among theſe was Doctor
Mathewe Par|ker,Doctor Par|ker. afterward
Archbiſhop of Canterburie, whoſe wiſedome, faythfulneſſe and integritie, was
moſt apparant.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 He comming one day into
the Campe with his brother Thomas Parker, that was after Maior of Norwich,
founde them before the tree at Common prayer, the foreremembred Coni|ers
Vicar of Saint Martins in Norwich,He preacheth to the
rebels. ſay|ing the Letanie. Wherevpon Doctor Parker thinking the
time to ſerue for his purpoſe, goeth vp into the tree, where he maketh a
ſermon, deui|ding it into three ſpeciall parts: in the firſt he ex|horted
them to vſe with moderation thoſe vit|tailes which they had prouided and
brought into their campe, & not riotouſly nor lauiſhly to waſt
& conſume the ſame. In the ſeconde, he aduiſed them in no wiſe to
ſeeke reuenge of priuate diſ|pleaſures, and not to chayne or keepe in yrons
thoſe perſons which they helde in warde, nor to take any mans life from him.
Laſtly, he wiſhed that they ſhoulde haue regarde to themſelues, and leaue
off their raſhe begonne enterpriſe, gy|uing eare to ſuch Heraultes or other
meſſengers as came from the King, and to ſhewe ſuch ho|nour vnto his
Maieſtie nowe in his yong and tender yeares, as they might enioy him
hereaf|ter, being grown vp in vertue, to their great ioy, comfort, and
Compare 1587 edition:
1 As he was handling this
matter, with ma|ny good and effectuall reaſons, hauing the audi|torie
attentiue to his wordes, one lewde fellowe among the reſt, cried out and
ſayde, howe long ſhall we ſuffer this hireling Doctor, who being waged by
Gentlemen, is come hither with his tongue, which is ſolde and tyed to ſerue
their ap|petite: But for all his prating wordes, let vs bridle them and
bring them vnder the orders of our lawe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then began the multitude
to ſtirre and make a noyſe, threatening the Preacher,The
rebels threaten Do|ctor Parker. ſome of them ſaying, it were well,
that for his faire tolde tale we ſhoulde bring him downe with a miſchiefe
with arrowes and Iauelings.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 This ſpeache brought
Doctor Parker in no ſmall feare, and the more, for that he hearde a noiſe
and clattering of weapons vnder him, ſo EEBO page image 1660 that he looked
for preſent death among them. But herein he was receyued, for there was not
a man that ſtood next him within the compaſſe of the tree, would him any
harme, & immediatly the foreſaid vicar of Saint Martins that
execu|ted the office of the Miniſter, began with helpe of ſome ſinging men
that were preſent, the Can|ticle Te deum, wherewith the vnruly
multitude ſeemed partly to quiet themſelues, which occaſi|on, Doctor Parker
perceiuing to ſerue his turne, thought not
longer to tarie amongſt them,Doctor Parker [...]yeth h [...]ſ [...]fe from among the rebels but quietly gotte himſelfe downe
from the tree, and with his brother made haſte towardes the citie, but
before he came to enter into Pockthorp gate, there were of the rebels that
came to him, and began to queſtion with him aboute his licence, whereby he
was authoriſed to preach: but he per|ceyuing that there was no reaſon to be
concey|ued of them, ſlipt his wayes, and left his brother to argue the
matter with them. Yet the next day he
entring into Saint Clements Church, tooke occaſion to expounde ſomewhat oute
of one of the Leſſons that was reade that day, concerning theſe wicked
hurlyburlies, many of the Rebelles comming about him, but not interrupting
him a whit, hearing the ende of his exhortation, al|though they ſeemed
greatly therewith offended. But as he came out of the Church, they follo|wed
him, and tolde him that as they vnder|ſtoode, he had three or foure able
Geldings to ſerue the king, and therefore
charged him that after dinner they might be readie for them to occupie, but
Doctor Parker made them no great aunſwere,The policie of
Doctor Parker to beguile the Rebels. but calling to him his
horſe|keeper, commaunded him to pluck off the ſhoes from ſome of his
geldings, and to pare their ho [...]es vnto the quicke, and that he ſhoulde an|noynt the other with
Neruall, as if they had bene lamed with trauaile. The Rebels percei|uing
this, when they ſawe the ſame geldings had
forth as it had bene to paſture, made no further buſineſſe. Wherevpon Doctor
Parker ſhortly after, feyning as if he went abroade to walke two myles off
from the Citie, at Crin|kleforde bridge founde his horſes readye as he had
appointed with his ſeruaunts, and moun|ting vp, tooke his iourney towardes
Cam|bridge, with as muche ſpeede as was poſſible, eſcaping thither out of
all daunger, although by the way they met with and ſawe diuerſe of the
rebels playing their parts in their wonted out|ragious maner. Thus did Doctor Parker eſ|cape the handes of the
wicked rebels, who deſ|piſing his wholeſome admonitions, did after|wards by
Gods iuſt iudgemẽt proue his words to be moſt true.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But in the meane time
proceeding from one miſchiefe to another, after they had practiſed to ſpoyle
the Gentlemen of the countrie of their goodes, they began to attache their
bodies, and by force to bring them into their campe, ſo that ſuch as eſcaped
their hands, were glad to flee, and hyde themſelues in woodes and caues,
where they might beſt keepe themſelues out of their aduerſaries reache.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But to ſpeake of all the
horrible practiſes by theſe vngracious people exerciſed,The falſifying of the Kings commiſsions. it woulde be to long a
proceſſe. What ſhiftes they founde to cloake their doings, and that euen
vnder the Kings authoritie, it is wonderfull: for where as there were
certaine Commiſſions directed vnto diuerſe Gentlemen in the Countrie, to
take order for the appeaſing of theſe tumults, they getting the ſame into
their handes, tooke vppon them the authoritie committed to the Gentlemen,
vnto whome the ſame Commiſſi|ons were ſent, and taking off the ſeales from
the other, faſtened the ſame vnto their counter|feyt writings.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To conclude, they grewe
to ſuch vnmeaſu|rable diſorder, that they woulde not in manye things obey
neither their Generall Captaine, nor any of their gouernors, but run
headlong into all kinde of miſchiefe,The hauocke which
the re|bels made. and made ſuch ſpoile of vittayles which they
brought out of the coũ|trie adioyning vnto their Campe, that within fewe
dayes they conſumed beſide a great num|ber of Beefes, xx. thouſande Muttons,
alſo Swannes, Geeſe, Hennes, Capons, Duckes, and other fowle ſo manye as
they might laye handes vpon. And furthermore they ſpared not to breake into
Parkes, and kill what Dea [...]e they coulde. Suche hauocke they made of all that came in their waye,
and ſuche number of ſheepe ſpecially they brought into their Campe, that a
good fat weather was ſolde for a groate.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The woodes, groues, and
trees, that were deſtroyed, I paſſe ouer, and make no mencion thereof.
Herewith what crueltie was ſhewed by them in fettering and manacling ſuch
Gentle|men as they caught,The outragi|ous dealing
a|gainſt Gentle|men. and committed to priſon for ſome miſliking
they had conceyued of them, it was a miſerable caſe to beholde. Some there
were whome they brought forth, as it had bene to iudgement before the tree
of Reformation, there to be tried afore the gouernours, as if they had bene
guiltie of ſome heynous and grieuous crime, and when the queſtion was aſked
of the commons, what ſhould be done with thoſe pri|ſoners, they woulde crie
with one voyce, hang them, hang them: and when they were aſked why they gaue
ſo ſharpe iudgement of thoſe whom they neuer knewe, they woulde roundly
aunſwere, that other cryed the ſame crie, and therfore they ment to giue
their aſſents with o|ther, although they coulde yeelde no reaſon, but EEBO page image 1661 they were Gentlemen, and therfore not worthie to
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whileſt the rebels thus
rage abroade in the countrie at Hengham xj. miles from Norwich, ſir Edmond
Kneuet knight, with a ſmall com|panie of his owne menyall ſeruaunts, ſet
vpon the night watche of the rebels that were placed there and brake
through, ouerthrowing diuerſe of them, and hauing ſome of his owne men al|ſo
vnborſed by the Rebels, and in daunger to be hewen in peeces among them, yet he recouered them, and eſcaped their
handes through greate manhoode.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After whiche nightes good
ſeruice, as they woulde haue it eſteemed, they repayred to their great
Captaine Ket, to ſhewe their hurts recey|ued, and to complaine of their
griefes. It was talked among them, that they woulde go to ſir Edmonde
Kneuets houſe called Buckenham Caſtell, to aſſault it, and to fetche him out
of it by force. But it was doubted of
ſome, leaſt it were to ſtrong for them, and other feared ſharp ſtripes, if
they ſhoulde attempt that exployt, be|ing at the leaſt twelue myles from
their mayne Campe, and ſo that enterpriſe went not for|warde, the moſt part
thinking it beſt to ſleepe in whole ſkinnes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There was at London the
ſame time, a Ci|tizen of Norwich,Leonarde
Southerton. one Leonarde Southerton, fledde from thence for feare
of his life, whome the Counſell ſent for,
to come and ſpeake with them, and being aſked what he knewe touching the
ſtate of the Rebels, he declared to them from poynt to poynt the maner of
all their outragi|ous procedings: but yet that as he vnderſtoode, there were
many among them that would laye aſide their armour, if they might be aſſured
of the Kings pardon, and therefore if it might pleaſe the King to ſet forth
a proclamation, that all ſuch as woulde depart from the Campe, and
be quiet, ſhoulde haue their pardon for
all that was paſt, he doubted not but that thoſe routes ſhoulde be
Compare 1587 edition:
1 His aduiſe was allowed,
and therevppon was an Herault ſent with all ſpeede in compa|nie with the
ſayde Southerton, vnto Norwich, and comming into the Campe the laſt of Iuly,
and ſtanding before the Tree of Reformation, apparayled in his coate of
armes, pronounced there afore all the multitude, with loude voyce,
a free pardon to all that woulde
departe to their homes,Pardon pro|claymed by an herault
at armes. and laying aſide their armor, giue ouer their trayterous
begonne enterpriſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After he had made an ende
of his Procla|mation, in maner all the multitude cried, God ſaue the King.
And many of them falling down vpon their knees, could not forbeare with
teares guſhing from their eyes, but commende the Kings great and vnſpeakable
mercie thus free|ly offered vnto them, whiche vndoubtedly they had at that
time all of them receyued, if the wic|ked ſpeach of ſome of the [...]ſcal [...]ſort, and name|ly the traiterous perſuaſions of that wicked caſ|tife
Ket himſelfe, had not ſtayd them from their dutifull inclinations.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But after that Ket had
with loude voice de|clared, that Kings and Princes were accuſto|med to
graunt pardons to ſuch as are offenders, and not to others, he truſted that
he needed not any pardon, ſithe he had done nothing but that belonged to the
dutie of a true ſubiect, and here|with he beſought them not to forſake him,
but to remember their promiſe, ſithe he was readye to ſpende his life in the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Herault herevppon
calleth him tray|tor, & commaunded Iohn Petibone the ſword|bearer of
Norwiche, to attache him for trea|ſon.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then began a great hurly
burly among the multitude, ſo that the Herault perceyuing they began [...] to [...] their former purpoſe of receyuing the Kings pardon, departed from
them with theſe words all ye that be the kings frends, come away with me.
The Maior and maiſter [...]riche, with a great number of other Gentlemenne and honeſt women that
were rea|die to obeye the Kings commaundement follo|wed him.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Maior being thus
returned to the citie, cauſed the gates to be ſhut, and ſuch Gentlemen as
had bene committed to priſon within the ca|ſtell, or other places within the
Citie, he cauſed to bee ſet at libertie, and with their aduiſe tooke order
howe the Rebels might be kept out.The citizens fauouring
the rebels. But as he was buſie about ſuch matters, certaine of
the Citizens that fauoured the Rebels, had re|ceyued a great multitude of
them into the citie, which put the citizens in [...] feare, that it was thought the moſt [...]retie for the Gentlemen that had bene nowe releaſed out of priſon, to
be ſhut vp againe, leaſt the Rebelles finding them a|broade, ſhoulde haue
membered them. Yet af|ter this, when the Rebelles were departed out of the
Citie againe, the Maior and Aldermen fell in hande to rampire vp the gates,
to plant ordi|nance, and to make all neceſſarie prouiſion that for them was
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At length they fell to
ſhooting off their artil|lerie as well from the Citie as from the Campe,
doing their beſt to annoy eche other. But when the Rebelles ſawe that they
did little hurt to the Citie with their great ordinance lying vpon the hill,
they remoued the ſame downe to the fote of the ſame hill, and from thence
beganne to beate the walles. Notwithſtanding ſhortly after they made ſuite
for a truce to endure for a tune, that EEBO page image 1662 they might paſſe
to and fro, through the Ci|tie, to fetche in vittayles, whereof ſome want
beganne to pinche them in the Campe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Maior and Aldermen
flatlye denyed their requeſt, protecting that they woulde not permit any
traytours to haue paſſage through their Citie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Rebels ſore kindled
in wrath with this aunſwere, and deniall of their ſuite, came run|ning downe
from the hil, & aſſaulting the gates, were beaten off with ſhot of arrowes and other weapons,
and yet ſuch rage appeared among the Rebelles, that the boyes and yong
laddes ſhewed themſelues ſo deſperate, in gathering vp the arrowes, that
when they ſawe and felte the ſame ſticking in ſome part of their bodies,
they woulde plucke them forth, and deliuered them to their bowe men, that
they might be|ſtowe the ſame againe at the Citizens.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane time whyleſt
they were thus buſie vpon one ſide of the
Citie, an alarme roſe as the defendants backes, crying that the Re|bels were
entred the Citie on the contrarie ſide, and ſo euery man ſhrinking awaye,
and run|ning thither to repulſe the enimie there, that part was left voyde
of defendantes, where the firſt aſſault began, whereof the Rebelles being
aduiſed, ruſhed into the riuers that runneth be|fore Biſhops gate, got to
the gates, and brea|king them open, entred without any great re|ſiſtance.
For all the citizens were withdrawne to
their houſes, and other places where they ho|ped beſt to hide themſelues
from the furie of their enimies.
Compare 1587 edition:
The rebels cõ|uer artillerie and munition out of the
city to their camp.The Rebelles hauing thus entred the Citie by
force, conueyed all the gunnes and artillerie, with other furniture of
warre, out of the Citie, into their Campe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Herault that was yet
abiding in the Citie, to ſee if the Rebelles woulde before the daye prefixed, for their pardons, being not yet
expired, giue ouer their wicked enterpriſe, cometh with the Maior into the
market place, and in the hearing of a great multitude of peo|ple that were
come forth and ſtoode about him, he eftſoones as gaue commandement in the
kings name,The heraults [...]clamation in Norwich. that they ſhoulde laye armes aſide
and gette them home to their houſes whiche to ſo manye as did, hee
pronounced a generall pardon, an [...] to the reſt, extreme puniſhment by death.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Rebels that ſtoode by
and hearde him, when he had once made an ende of his Procla|mation, ba [...]e him get him thence with a miſ|chiefe,The
trayte|rous refuſall of the rebels to accept the [...]ings pardon. for it was not his faire offers, nor hys ſweete
flattering wordes that ſhoulde beguile them, for they made no account of
ſuche ma|ner of mercie, that vnder a colour of pardon, ſhoulde cut off al
their ſafetie and hope of preſer|uation.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Herault perceyuing
howe obſtinately they were bent, and ſet on all miſchiefe, and that it was
impoſſible to bring them from their outragious treaſon, eyther through feare
of pu|niſhment, or hope of pardon, departed without hauing brought that to
paſſe, for which he was ſent.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Immediatly after his
departure, the Rebels ſought for Leonarde Southerton, purpoſing to haue
apprehended him, and committed him to priſon for accompanying the Herault
thither|wardes. But he hauing knowledge of their meaning, hid himſelfe from
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After this, there were by
Kets commaunde|ment apprehended diuerſe perſons,Priſoners
com+mitted to+warde in mont Surrey. as the Ma|ior, Robert Watſon,
William Rogers, Iohn Homerſton, William Brampton, and many other, which were
brought out of the citie, and committed to priſon in Mont Surrey.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Ket perceyuing wel that
he muſt eyther now obteyne a bloudie victorie by force againſt his countrie
or elſe to taſte ſuch an ende as his vn|gracious attempts did wel deſerue,
got togither ſo many wicked perſons as he might procure to come vnto him
from eche ſide,Kets power increaſeth. with great
re|wardes and faire promiſes, ſo that it was a ſtraunge matter to conſider
what a multitude of vnthrifts and raſcals came to him vppon the ſodaine.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Citizens of Norwiche
yet ſore diſplea|ſed, that their Maior being an honeſt man, and one greatlye
beloued among them, ſhoulde be impriſoned, and ſo remayne in daunger of life
among the Rebelles (for they threatened him ſort, and ieaſting at his name,
woulde ſay one to another, let vs all come togither to morow, for wee ſhall
ſee a Coddes heade ſolde in the Campe for a penie) wherevpon the Citizens
fearing leaſt through the malice and rage of the Rebels, their Maior might
chaunce to be made awaye among them, procured maiſter Tho|mas Alderiche
(whoſe authoritie was great a|mong them) to be a meane for his deliuerance,
who comming to Kette, with ſharpe and bit|ter wordes reproued him for his
cruell dealing, by impriſoning ſo honeſt a man as the Maior was, &
withal commaunded him to releaſe him,The Maior of Norwich
ſet at libertie. whiche eyther for ſhame, or rather throughe feare
of a guiltie conſcience that pricked him, he cauſed incontinently to be
done, who there|vpon might nowe and then go and come at his pleaſure to and
fro the Citie, but bicauſe hee coulde not ſtill remaine in the Citie, but
was conſtreyned to continue for the moſt part in the Campe,Auguſtine Stewarde. he appointed Auguſtine Stewarde
to bee his Deputie, who with the aſſiſtaunce of EEBO page image 1663 Henrie
Bacon, and Iohn Atkinſon ſherifes, gouerned the Citie right orderlye, and
kept the moſt part of the Citizens in due obeyſance.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Counſell aduertiſed
nowe vppon the Heraultes returne, that there was no waye to reduce theſe
Norffolke rebels vnto quiet, other|wiſe than by force, appoynted the Marques
of Northampton with fiftene hundred horſemen, to go downe vnto Norwiche, to
ſubdue thoſe ſtubborne traytors that ſo vndutifullye refuſed the kings mercifull pardon, freely offered by his
officer at armes and other.
Compare 1587 edition:
The Lorde Marques of Northampton ſent into Nor+wike to
re|preſſe the rebels.There went with the Lorde Marques, di|uerſe
honourable and worſhipſhull perſonages, as the Lorde Sheffelde, the Lord
Wentworth. Sir Anthonie Dennie, Sir Henrie Parker, Sir Richarde Southwell,
Sir Rafe Sadler, Sir Iohn Clere, Sir Rafe Rowlet, Sir Ri|charde Lee, Sir
Iohn Gates, Sir Thomas Paſton, Sir Henrie Bedingfielde, Sir Iohn Sulyarde, Sir Willyam Walgrane, Sir Iohn Curtes,
Sir Thomas Cornewalleys, Knightes, togither with a great manye of o|ther
Knights, Eſquires, and Gentlemen, and a ſmall band of Italians, vnder the
leading of a Captaine named Malateſta.
Compare 1587 edition:
Norwich ſummoned.The Lorde Marques being approched
within a myle of Norwiche, ſent Sir Gilbert Dethicke knight, nowe Garter,
then Norrey, King at armes, vnto the Citie, to ſommon them within to yeelde it into his handes, or vpon
refuſall to proclayme war againſt them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herevpon Auguſtine
Stewarde the Ma|iors Deputie, ſent to the Maior that was in the Campe with
Kette, aduertiſing him what meſ|ſage he had receyued from the Marques.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Maior ſent worde
againe that no|thing was more grieuous vnto him, than to ſee into what
miſerie the Citie and Countrie about were brought, by the rage of theſe
com|motions, and declaring in what caſe he
ſtoode, being kept by force among the rebels, where as otherwiſe he would
according to his dutie, haue come to his honour. But as for the Citie he had
committed the gouernance vnto Auguſtine Stewarde, who ſhoulde be readie to
ſurrender it into his Lordſhips hands, and that if Kette woulde giue him
leaue, he woulde come him|ſelfe to his honor, ſubmitting all things wholy to
his Lordſhips order and diſpoſition.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This meſſage being
brought backe by the ſayde Norrey, Auguſtine Stewarde the Ma|iors Deputie,
with the Sherifes, and a greate number of the Citizens, came to the Lorde
Marques his Campe, and deliuered vp the Sworde to his Lordſhippe, declaring
howe the Maior himſelfe woulde gladly haue come, if he coulde haue got from
the rebelles, and that al|though a great route of the lewde Citizens were
partakers with the rebels, yet a number of the ſubſtantiall and honeſt
Citizens woulde neuer conſent to their wicked doings, but were readye to
receyue his Lordſhip into their Citie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Marques giuing
good wordes vnto the Citizens, and willing them to bee of good comfort,
ſithe bee truſted to appeaſe theſe troubles verye ſhortlye, deliuered the
ſworde vnto Sir Richarde Southwell,Sir Richarde
Southwell. who bare it before the Lorde Marques as hee paſſed
forth towardes the Citie, entring the ſame by Saint Stephens gate.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And incontinently was
proclamation made that they ſhould all reſort into the market place, where
they conſulted togither howe they might beſt defende the Citie againſt the
enimies, and to repreſſe their furie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herevpon was order giuen
for the placing of watch and warde about the gates and wals, as might ſeeme
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Marques ſupped
that night and lodged in the Maiors Deputies houſe, but his Lordſhippe as
well as other kepte their ar|mour on their backes all that night, for doubt
of ſome ſodeyne aſſault to be made againſt the Citie by the rebels.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Here it chaunced that the
Straungers,The ſtrangers offer ſkirmiſh to the
rebels. ey|ther by appointment or otherwiſe, went forth, and
offered ſkirmiſhe to the rebels vpon Mag|dalen hill.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Rebelles came forth
with their horſe|men; but it ſeemed that they were better practi|ſed to
fetch in booties, than to make their manage or Carere, and therefore not
able to matche the Straungers, whiche being perceyued of their fellowes that
were footemen, they putte forth their archers before their horſemen, and
ſuche numbers herewith came ſwarming forth of their Campe, meaning to
compaſſe in thoſe Straungers, that they perceyuing the maner and purpoſe of
the enimies, caſt themſelues in a Ring, and retired backe into the Citie
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But they left one of
their companie behinde them, a Gentleman that was an Italian, who more
valiantly than warily ventured to farre a|mong the enimies, &
through euill happe being o|uerthrowne beſide his horſe, he was enuironed,
about with a great multitude of thoſe Rebelles, that tooke him priſoner, and
like vyle wret|ches ſpoyling him of his armour and apparell,An Italian hanged. hanged him ouer the walles of Mont
Surrey. Which acte well ſhewed what curteſie myght be looked for, at ſuche
cruell traytours handes, that woulde thus vnmercifully put ſuch a Gen|tleman
EEBO page image 1664 man and worthie ſouldier to death, for whoſe
raunſome, if they woulde haue demaunded it, they might haue had no ſmall
portion of mo|ney to haue ſatiſfied their greedie myndes: but it ſeemed that
their beaſtlye crueltie had bereft them the remembraunce of all honeſt
conſide|ration and dutifull humanitie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Marques of
Northampton cauſing (as before ye haue hearde) diligent watch to be kept
vpon the walles, and at the gates, appointed the ſame to be viſited right often, that through neg|ligence
no miſhap ſhoulde followe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, beſide the
watch at the gates and walles, the reſidue of the ſouldiers making a mightie
huge fire in the market place, ſo as all the ſtreetes were full of light,
they remayned there all that night in their armour ready vppon any occaſion
to reſiſt the enimies if they ſhoulde make anye attempt.Sir Edwarde Warner. Sir Edwarde Warner Marſhall of the fielde
gaue the watche worde, Sir Thomas Paſton,
Sir Iohn Clere, Sir Willyam Walgraue, Sir Thomas Corne|waſleys, and Sir
Henrie Bedingfielde were appoynted to the defence of other partes of the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And now when euery thing
was thought to be ſafely prouided for, & that the L. Marques
& other were layde to take their reſt, the rebels a|bout the middeſt
of the night began to ſhoote off their great artillerie towards the Citie ſo
thick as was poſſible: but the bullettes
paſſed ouer their beades that were lodged in the Citie, with|out doing any
great hurt at all.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Marques by
reaſon of the often alarmes that were giuen, whileſt the enimies thus ceaſed
not to rage with continuall ſhotte of ordinaunce, was called vp by the
Marſhall ſir Edwarde Warner, and comming into the market place accompanied
with the nobles and gentlemen of the armie, fell in counſell wyth them, howe to foreſee that the Citie in ſuche
daunger, might be ſafely defended agaynſt the enimies, with ſuch ſmall power
as he had there with him.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It was therefore
determined, that all the g [...]tes whiche were on the contrarye part of the towne from the Rebels
campe, and likewyſe the ruinous places of the walles ſhoulde be ramped vp,
that if the enimies ſhoulde chaunce to gyue an aſſault to the Citie, they
might more eaſilye be repulſed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But as theſe things were
a doing, and al|moſt brought to ende, in a maner all the whole multitude of
the rebelles came out of their ca|banes, running downe in moſt furious maner
to the Citie, and with great ſhoutes and yel|ling cryes went about to ſet
fire on the gates, to clymbe ouer the walles, to paſſe the [...], and to enter the Citie at ſuche places where the walles were through
age decayed and rui|nous.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſouldiers that were
there with the Lorde Marques, did ſhewe that vttermoſt in|deuour to beate
backe the enimies.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This fight in moſt cruell
wyſe continued for the ſpace of three houres without ceaſing, the Rebels
forcing themſelues to the vttermoſt of their powers to enter perforce vppon
them, and they within the citie ſhewed no leſſe courage to repulſe them
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The hardie manhoode of
diuerſe Knyghtes, and other men of worſhip, was here right ap|parant.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It was ſtraunge to ſee
the deſperate bolde|neſſe of the Rebels, that when they were thruſt through
the bodies or thyghes,The deſperat|neſſe of the
rebels. and ſome of them houghe ſinnewed, woulde yet ſeeke
re|uenge in ſtryking at their aduerſaries, when their handes were vnneth
able to holde vp their weapon.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But ſuch was the
valiancie of the Gentle|men and ſouldiers whiche were there wyth the Lorde
Marques, that in the ende the enimies which were already entred the
Citie,The rebels beaten backe. were bea|ten out
againe and driuen backe to their accu|ſtomed kennell holes with loſſe of
three hundred of their numbers.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 They within the towne
hauing thus re|pulſed the enimies, and accounting themſelues in more ſafetie
than before, for the reſt of the night that yet remayned, which was not
much, they gaue themſelues to refreſhe their wearyed bodies with ſome
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The next daye, the Lorde
Marques was informed by ſome of the Citizens, that there were no ſmall
number in Kettes campe that woulde gladlye come from him, if they might bee
ſure of their pardon, and that at Pocke|thorp gate there were foure or fiue
thouſand that wyſhed for nothing more, than for pardon, and that if the ſame
were offered them, there was no doubt, as they beleeued, but that they
woulde ſubmyt themſelues to the Kings mercie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Marques was glad to
vnderſtande ſo much, and incontinentlye diſpatched Norrey King at armes,
with a trumpettor, to aſſure thẽ on the Kings behalfe, that they ſhoulde be
par|doned for all offences paſt, and that had bene committed in tyme of this
rebellion, if they woulde laye armes aſide.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Norrey and the Trumpet
comming to the gate, founde not a man there, but the trumpette [...] ſounding his trumpette, there came running EEBO page image 1665 downe
from the hill, a great multitude of there people,
[...]. and amõgſt other as chiefe, [...] Flotmã whome Norrey commaunded to ſtay, wherevp|pon, the ſayde
Flotman aſked him what was the matter [...]nd wherefore he [...] called them togither by ſounde of Trumpet got thy wayes (ſayde
[...] offe| [...] the Re| [...]
and tell thy company from my Lorde Marques of Northhampton the Kings
maie|ſties Lieutenant,
[...] offe| [...] the Re| [...]
that hee commaundeth them to ceaſſe fryor committing any further
outrage, and if they will (ſayth hee obey
his comma [...]|dement, all that is paſt, ſhall bee forgyuen and pardoned.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Flotman hauing he and
Norreys declaration, as hee was an outragious and buſie fellow,
pre|ſumptuouſly made aunſawre, that hee comande a pinnes poynſt for my Lorde
Marques, and withall, ly [...] a rebellious Traytor, rayled vpon hys Lordſhippe, and maineteyned,
that hee and the reſt of the Rebelles,
[...] pre| [...]ons trayterous [...]ions. were earneſt defendors of the Kings royall maieſtie, and that they had taken weapon in hands not
againſte the Kyng, but in his diſr [...]ce, as in time it ſhoulde appeare, as they that ſought nothing but to
maynteyne hys maieſties royall eſtate, the libertie of theyr Countrey, and
the ſafetie of the common+wealth &c.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To conclude, hee vtterly
refuſed the Kynges pardon, and tolde Norrey certaynely, that they woulde
eyther reſtore the common wealth from decay, into the whiche it was fallen,
beyng op|preſſed through the couetouſneſſe and tyrannie of Gentlemen, eyther
elſe would they like men, dye in the quarrell.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Vniteth had he made an
ende of his tale, whẽ ſuddaynely a fearefull alarme, was reyſed tho|rough
out the Citie: for whyleſt Flotman was thus in [...] with the Kyng of armes at Pork|thorpe gate, the Rebelles in a great
rage entring the Citie by the Hoſpitall,The Rebelles
enter the Citie got aboute to bring all things to deſtruction, but
beeing enco [...]ted neere to the Byſhoppes palaice, by the Lorde Marques hys men,
there enſued a bloudy con|flicte betwixte them, whyche continued long with
great fierceneſſe, and eger reuenge on bothe parties.
[figure appears here on page 1665]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There dyed aboute ſeuen
ſcore of the Rebels, and of the Souldyers that ſerued againſte them ſome
number, beſide a great multitude that were hurte and wounded on both partes:
but the piti|full ſlaughter of the Lorde Sheyfeld, who ha|uing more regard
to his honor than ſafetie of life, deſtrous to ſhew ſome proofe of his noble
valian|cie, entring amongſt the enimies, as hee foughte right hardily, though not ſo warely as had bene
expediente, fell into a ditche as hee was about to turne his Horſe, and
heerewith beeyng compaſ|ſed about with a number of thoſe horrible tray|ters,
was ſlayne amongſt them, although hee both declared what hee was, and
offered largely to the villaynes, if they woulde haue ſaued dys life: but
the more noble he ſhewed himſelfe to be, the more were they kindled in
outragious furye againſt him, and as he pulled off hys head peece, that it
might appeare what he was, a butcherly knaue named Fulques, that by
occupation was both a Carpenter and a Butcher, ſlat hym in the head with a
clubbe, and ſo moſt wretchedly killed him, a lamentable caſe,The Lord She [...]feld kil|led. that ſo noble a yong Gentleman, endowed with
ſo many com|mendable qualities as were to bee wiſhed in a man of his
calling, ſhoulde thus miſerablye ende hys dayes by the handes of ſo vile a
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Diuers other Gentlemen
and worthy Soul|dyers, came to the lyke ende among thoſe outra|gious
Rebelles, and amongſt other, Roberte Wolnaſton, that was appoynted to keepe
the EEBO page image 1666 dore of Chriſtes Church, was killed by the ſame
Foulkes, that tooke him for Sir Edmond Kni|uet, againſt whome the Rebels
bare greate ma|lice, for that he ſought to annoy them ſo farre, as by any
menes he might, as partly ye haue heard.
Compare 1587 edition:
Alex. Neuill.But the ſlaughter of that noble man
the Lord Sheyfeld, ſore diſcouraged the reſidue of ye Soul|diers that were
come with the Lorde Marques.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And on the other parte,
the Rebelles were ad|uanced therby, in greater hope to preuaile againſt
them, and therevpõ, preaſſed forwarde
with ſuch hardineſſe, that they cauſed the Lorde Marques and his people to
giue place, and to forſake the Citie, euery man making the beſt ſhift he
coulde to ſaue himſelfe: but yet diuers Gentlemẽ of good accompt and
worſhip remayning behind, and a|biding the brunte, were taken priſoners, as
Sir Thomas Cornewaleys, and others, whome the Rebels afterwards kept in
ſtrait durance, till the day came of their ouerthrow by the kings power,
vnder the conduction of the Earle of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lord Marques and the
reſidue that eſca|ped, made the beſt ſhifte they coulde, to get out of
daunger, and at length, hee and the moſt parte of them that wente forthe
with him, came to Lon|don. The Rebels hauing thus repulſed the L. Marques
and his power, ſette fire on the Citie, whereby many fayre buyldyngs were
[figure appears here on page 1666]
and brent. It happened yet well the ſame
time, that there fel great abundance of rayne, the which holp in part to
quench the rage of the fire. Neuer|theleſſe, all the houſes on eyther ſide
of Holmes ſtreete, and the Hoſpitall of the poore: alſo, By|ſhoppes gate,
Pockthorp gate, Magdalein gate, and Beare
ſtreete gate, with many other houſes in other partes of the Citie, were
brent, and fouly defaced with fire.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Citizẽs were brought
into ſuch extreame miſerie, that they knew not which way to turne them. Some
there were that fled out of the Citie, taking with them their gold,
& ſiluer, & ſuch ſhort ware as they might conuey away with
them, a| [...] wife and children, to reſt at the mer|cy of ye Rebels. Other hid
their goodes in welles, priuies, & other ſuch ſecret places out of
the way.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Rebels entring into
the houſes of ſuche as were knowen to be welthy men, ſpoiled & bare
away al that might be [...] of any [...]. But to ſpeake of all the cruell parts which they playd, it would be
tedious to [...]preſſe the ſame, their [...]|ings were ſo wicked and outragious.The [...] ſtate of Nor|wiches. Ther was ſhowting, howling and ſinging
amõg thẽ, wee|ping, wailing, & crying out of women &
Compare 1587 edition:
2 To be ſhort, the ſtate of
that citie at that pre|ſente was moſt miſerable. The Maiors deputie kepte
himſelfe cloſe in his houſe, and mighte be|holde al this miſchiefe and
deſtruction of the Ci|tie, but durſt not come abrode, nor goe aboute to ſtay
them: at lẽgth, a great multitude of the Re|belles that were come downe
from their campe, entring by Saint Auſtines gate, came ſtraight to his
houſe, and ſtrow to breake open the dores, but when they coulde not eaſily
bring theyr pur|poſe to paſſe that way forthe, they began to fyre the houſe,
wherevpon for feare to be brent with|in his owne lodging, be ſet open the
dores, and in came thoſe vnmanerly gueſtes, tooke him, pluckt his gowne
beſide his backe, called him Traytor, and threatened to kill him, if hee
woulde not tell them where the Lord Marques of Northamp|ton had hid
himſelfe, and when he had told them that vndoubtedly hee and all his company
were gone, they were in a great rage, and with terrible noyſe and rumbling,
they fought euery corner of the houſe for him, and taking what they founde,
they departed, but yet many of them afterwards partly pacified for a peece
of money, and other things which they receiued of the Maior, &
part|ly reproued for the wrongfull robberies by ſome that were in credite
among them, they broughte againe ſuch packes and fardels as they had
truſ|ſed vp togither, and threw them into the ſhoppes of thoſe houſes, out
of the which they had taken the ſame before, but yet there were dyuers of
the Citizens that were ſpoyled of all that they hadde by thoſe Rebels, that
entred their houſes vnder a colour to ſeeke for the Marques of Northamp|tons
men. Namely, the houſes of thoſe Citizens that were fled, were ſpoyled and
ranſacked moſt miſerably, for they reputed and called them tray|tors, and
enimies to their Kyng and Countrey, that thus had forſakẽ their houſes
& dwellings in time of ſuch neceſſitie: yet many of the Citizens
bringing forth bred, beere, and other vittayles vn|to the Rebelles to
refreſhe them with, ſomewhat calmed their furious rage, and ſo eſcaped their
vi|olent hands, although no ſmall number were ſo fle [...]ſed (as before ye haue heard) that they haue li|ued the worſe for it
al the dayes of their life, ſince that time.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1667But nowe the Rebels hauing thus gote poſe|ſeſſion, of the
Citie, and chaſed away the kings people they make order to haue the gates
kepte ho [...]ly with watch and warde of the Citizens themſelues, threatning them
with moſt [...]|full [...]eath if they [...]it [...]ed the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe vnruly perſons were
ſo farre ſtept in|to all kynde of beaſtly auerage, that when it reci|ned,
they would kenel vp thẽſelues in the chur|ches, abuſing the place appoynted
for the ſeruice and worſhipping of the
almightie God, in moſt profane and wicked manner; and neyther pray|er nor
yet threates of men or women, that ad|uiſed them to modeſtie could take
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Kynges maiſtie
aduertiſed therefore, that there was no way to tame theyr diueliſhe and
trayterous outrage, but by force, with the aduiſe of hys counſell, cauſed a
power to be: put in a readyneſſe, as well of hys owne ſubiectes, as of
ſtraungers, namely Lanſquenetz, whyche
were come to ſerue hys maieſtie againſte the Scottes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe it was thoughte
expediente to vſe theyr ſeruice agaynſte theſe Rebelles, whoſe po|wer and
deſperate boldneſſe was ſo farre encrea|ſed, that withoute a mayne armye,
guyded by ſome generall of greate experience, and noble conduct, it would be
harde and right daungerous to ſubdue them.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...] Earle of [...]nke ap| [...]ed to go [...] the [...]lke [...].Heerevppon, that noble chiefetayne and vali|ante Earle of Warwike, lately before appoyn|ted to haue
gone agaynſte the Scottes and Frenchmen into Scotlande, was called backe,
and commaunded to take vppon hym the con|duction of thys armye agaynſte the
Norffolke Rebelles: for ſuche was the opinion then concei|ued of that
honorable Earle, for the hyghman|hoode, valiante prowes, and great
experience in all warlike enterpriſes, ſufficiently tryed; and knowen to
reſt in him, that eyther they muſt be
vanquiſhed and ouercome by hym, or by none o|ther.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Captayne Ketie and hys
Rebellious army, hauing ſome aduertiſement by rumors ſpredde, of thys
preparation, and commyng of an armye agaynſte them, they were not ſlacke to
make themſelues ſtrong, and readye to abyde all the hazard, that fortune of
warre myght bryng.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Warwike then
after that hys men and prouiſions were ready, doth ſette for|ward,
[...]e Earle of to [...]wike to [...]dge.
and commeth vnto Cambridge, wher the Lorde
Marques of Northampton and other mette hys Lordſhippe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Heere alſo oyuers
Citizens of Norwiche came to hym, and falling downe vppon theyr knees before
hym, be ſought him to be good Lord vnto them, and withall, declared theyr
miſerable ſtate, great griefe and ſorrowe, whiche they had conceyued for the
wretched deſtruction of theyr Countrey, beſieching hym to haue pitie vppon
them, and if in ſuche extremitie of things as had happened vnto their citie,
they had through feare in ignorance committed any thing [...] to their duetifull allegiance, that it might pleaſe his honor to
pardon them theſe defences in ſuch be|half, [...]any thing were amiſſe on their parts, the ſame came to paſſe ſore
againſt their willes, and to there extreame greefe and forrbid.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Warwike
tolde them, that hee knew indeede in what daunger they had bin a|mong thoſe
vnruly ribauldes, and as for any of|fence whiche they had committed, he knew
not, for in leauing their Citie ſith matters were gro|wen to ſuche
extremitie, they were to be borne with, but in one thing they had ouerſhot
them|ſelues, for that in the beginning, they hadde not ſought to repreſſe
thoſe tumultes, fith if they had put themſelues in defence of their
Countrey, to reſiſt the Rebelles at the firſt, ſuch miſchiefes as were now
growen, myght eaſily haue bin auoi|ded. But neuertheleſſe, vppon this their
humble ſubmiſſion, he graunted them all, the kings mer|cifull pardon, and
commaunding them to pro|uide themſelues of armour and weapon, appoin|ted
them to march forth with the army, wearing certaine laces or ribons about
their neckes for a difference, that they mighte be knowen from o|thers.
There were in this army, vnder the Erle of Warwike, dyuers men of honor and
greate worſhip, as Lords, knights, Eſquiers, & Gentle|men in great
numbers. Firſt the Lord Marques of Northhampton, and ſundry of them that had
bin with him before, deſirous to bee reuenged of his late repulſe, the
Lords, Willoughby Powes and Bray, Ambroſe Dudley, ſonne to the ſayde Earle,
and at this preſente, worthily adorned with the title (which his father then
bare) of Erle of Warwike.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo, Henry Willoughby
eſquier, Sir Tho|mas Treſham, Sir Marmaduke Conneſtable, William Deueroux,
ſonne to the Lorde Fer|ters of Chartley, Sir Edmonde Kniuet, Sir Thomas
Palmer, Sir Andrewe Flammocke, and diuers other Knightes, Eſquiers &
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Warwike, and
ſuch as were come with hym to Cambridge, marched dy|rectly: from thence
towardes Norwiche, and came vnto Wimondham the two and twen|tith of Auguſt,
where and by the way, the moſt part of all the Gentlemẽ of Norffolke that
were at libertie, came vnto him. The nexte day be|times, hee ſhewed hymſelfe
vpon the playne, be|twixte the Citie of Norwich, and Eyton wood, and lodged
that night at Intwood, an houſe be|longing to Sir Thomas Greſham Knighte,
EEBO page image 1668 a two myles diſtant from Norwiche.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Heere they reſted that
daye and nighte follo|wing, not once putting off their armoure, but
remayning ſtill in a readyneſſe, if the enimies ſhoulde haue made any
ſuddaine inuaſiõ againſt them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Warwike in
the meane tyme, ſent the afore remembred King of armes Nor|rey,Norwiche ſummoned. to ſummon the Citie [...] eyther to open the gates that he might quietly enter, or elſe to loke
for warre at his hands that would then
aſſay to winne it by force.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When Kette vnderſtoode
that the Herraulte was come to the gates, he appointed the Maiors deputy,
Auguſtine Steward, & Robert Rugge, two of the chiefe Citizens, to
goe to him, and to know his errand. They paſſing forth at a po|ſterne, and
hearing his meſſage, made aunſwere, that they were the miſerableſt men that
were then lyuing, as they themſelues beleeued, that ſith hauing ſuffered ſuche calamities as they could not
but tremble in calling the ſame to re|membrance, could not nowe haue
libertie to declare the loyall duetie whiche they bare and ought to beare to
the Kyngs hyghneſſe, ſo that they accompted themſelues moſte vnfortu|nate,
ſith their happe was to liue in that ſeaſon, in which they muſt eyther
ieopard loſſe of life, or the eſtimation of their good name, although they
truſted the Kinges maieſtie would be gracious Lord vnto them, ſith they had giuen no conſente vnto
ſuche wicked Rebellion, as was thus reyſed againſt his highnes, but with
loſſe of goodes and perill of life ſo farre as in them lay, hadde done what
they coulde to keepe the Citizens in dueti|full obedience.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 One thing more they
woulde humbly deſire of my Lorde of Warwike, that where as there was no ſmal
number of Kettes army in the Ci|tie without armour or weapon, and as it
ſhould ſeeme yrkeſome and weary of that
whyche had bene alreadye done, it mighte pleaſe him once a|gayne to
vouchſafe to offer them the kyngs par|don, and if hee ſhoulde thus doe, they
had greate hope that the Rebels woulde gladly accepte it, and ſo the matter
mighte bee pacifyed withoute more bloudſhed. Norrey returned to the Earle of
Warwike, and declared what aunſwere hee had receyued. The Earle deſirous of
nothing more than to haue the matter thus taken vppe, as well for other conſiderations as for feare, leaſt the
Gentlemen remayning priſoners with the Rebels, ſhoulde bee vnmercifully
murthered by theyr keepers, if they came to the vttermoſt tri|all of
battayle, he reſolued to proue if it woulde thus come to paſſe, and
heerevpon was Norrey with a Trumpette ſent to offer them a generall pardon,
who beeing entred the Citie, mette a|bout fortie of the Rebels on
Horſebacke,N [...]rrey King of armes, ſent to offer the Rebelles their pardon.
riding two and two togither very pleaſaunte and mer|cie, and ſo paſſing from
Saint Stephans gate vnto Byſhoppes gate, the Trumpe [...]t [...] founded hys Trumpette, and with that, a greate multi|tude of the
Rebels came thronging downe to|gither from the hyll, to whome the Horſemen
ſpeedily rydyng commaunded that they ſhould deuide themſelues, and ſtande in
order vppon ryther ſyde the way, and as Norrey and the Trumpetter with two
of the chiefe Citizens en|tred betwixte them, they were receyued wyth greate
noyſe and clamoure, for euerye of them puttyng off theyr hartes or cappes,
cryed God ſaue Kyng Edwarde, God ſaue Kyng Ed|warde.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Norrey and the two
Citizens highly com|mendyng them heerein, requeſted them to keepe their
place and order wherein they ſtoode for a whyle, and then Norrey paſſing
foorthe aboute two hundred and fiftie paces, came to the toppe of the hyll,
and puttyng vppon his coate ar|moute, ſtayed awhyle, (for Kette was not yet
come) and at length began to declare vnto them in what manner dyuers tymes
ſith fyrſte they hadde taken armes in hande, the Kyngs maie|ſtie by ſundrye
perſons, as well Herraultes as other, hadde ſoughte to reduce them from
theyr vnlawfull and rebellious tumultes, vnto theyr former duetie and
obedience, and yet neuerthe|leſſe, they hadde ſhewed themſelues wilfull and
ſtubborne, in refuſing hys mercifull pardon free|ly offered vnto them, and
deſpiſed the meſſen|gers whiche hys grace hadde ſente vnto them to pronounce
the ſame, hee wylled them therefore to call themſelues nowe at length to
remem|braunce, and to beholde the ſtate of the common wealthe whyche they ſo
often to no purpoſe had ſtill in theyr mouthes, and neuertheleſſe by them
miſerably defaced, and broughte in daunger of vtter ruyne and decay, and
heerewith diſcour|ſing at large of the horrible, wicked, and heynous
murthers, riots, burnings, and other crimes by them committed, hee wylled
them to conſider into what Sea of miſchiefes they had throwen themſelues,
and what puniſhment they oughte to looke for as due to them for the ſame,
ſith as well the wrath of God as the Kyngs army was hanging ouer theyr
heads, and ready at hande, which they were not able to reſiſt, for his grace
hadde reſolued no longer to ſuffer ſo greate and preſumptuous a miſchiefe as
thys, to be foſtered in the middle of his Realme, and therefore hadde
appoynted the righte honorable Earle of War|wike, a man of noble fame and
approued vali|ancie, to bee hys generall Lieuetenante of that hys royall
armye, to perſecute them with fyre and ſworde, and not to leaue off, tyll
hee hadde EEBO page image 1669 vtterly diſperſed and featured that wicked and
abhonimable aſſemble, and yet ſuch was the ex|ceeding greatneſſe of the
Kings bountifull mer|cy and clemency, that hee that was by hym ap|poynted to
be a reuenged of their heynous trea|ſons committed agaynſt hys maieſtie if
they cõ|tinued in there obſtinate, ſhoulde hee alſo the [...] and miniſter of hys graci|ous and free pardon, to ſo manye as woulde
accept it. Which vnleſſe they now [...], the ſayd Earle had made a ſolemne
vowe, that they ſhould neuer haue it offered to them agayne, but that he
would perſecute them till he had puniſhed the whole multitude according to
their iuſt de|ſerter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Manye that hearde him,
hauing due conſi|deration of their miſerable eſtate, were [...] with ſome remorſe of conſcience, fearing at l [...]gth to taſt the reuenge of ſuche horrible crimes at they hadde bin
partakers of, with others in com|mitting
the ſame. But the more part findyng themſelues highly offended with his
wordes, be|ganne to iangle (as they had done before vnto other that had bin
ſent to offer them pardon) that hee was not the Kings Herraulte, but ſome
one made out by the Gentlemen in ſuch a gay coate, patched togither of
Veſt [...]entes and Churche ſtuffe, beeing ſente only to deceyue them,
trotte|ring them pardon, which woulde prone noughte elſe but halters, and
therefore it were well done, to thruſt an
arrow into him, or to hang hym vp. Although other ſeemed duetifully to
reuerence hym, and dyuers that had ſerued in Scotlande and at Bullongne,
remembryng that they hadde ſeene hym there and knewe hym, tolde and
per|ſwaded theyr fellowes, that hee was the Kyngs Herraulte indeede,
whervpon, they became more milde, and offered him no further iniurie: but
yet they could not be perſwaded that this pardon rẽ|ded to anye other ende,
but to bring them to de|ſtruction, and
that in ſteede of pardon, there was prepared for them nought elſe, but a
barrell full of halters.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Suche lewde ſpeeche was
amongſt them, ſauoring altogyther of malitious miſtruſt, and wilfull
treaſon. Norrey neuertheleſſe de|parting from thence, accompanyed with
Kette, came to another place, where hee made the lyke Proclamation: for the
multitude was ſuche, that bee coulde not bee hearde of them all in one
Compare 1587 edition:
[...] Neuyll.Heere before he had made an ende of his tale, there
was a vile boy (as some write) that turned vp his bare tayle to hym, with
wordes as vnseemely, as hys gesture was fylthy: with whych spitefull reproch
this shewed towards the kings maiesties officer at armes, one which in
company of some other (that were come ouer the water to viewe thinges)
beeyng greately offended, with an Harquebus shotte stroke that vngracious
ladde through the body a little aboue the reynes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Which when some of the Rebels had seene, a dozen of theyr
horsemen came galloppyng out of the woodde, crying wee are betrayed friendes
we are betrayed, if you looke not about you: doe you not see howe oure
fellowes are slayne with gunnes before your faces? What may we hope if we
disarme our selves, that are thus vsed beeing armed? Thys Herraulte goeth
aboute nothing else, but to bring vs within daunger of some ambushe, that
the Gentlemen maye kyll and beate vs downe at their pleasure.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Heerevpon, they all shranke away, and fled, as they had bin out
of theyr wittes: yet did their great Captain Robert Kette, Kerte meante to haue talked with the Earle of
Warwike. accompany Norrey, meaning as hathe bin sayd, to haue gone
to the Earle of Warwicke himselfe, to haue talked with him: but as hee was
almost at the foote of the hyll, there came running after him a greate
multitude of the Rebels, crying to him, and asking him whether he went: we
are readye (sayd they) to take suche parte as you doe, be it neuer so badde,
and if hee woulde goe anye further, they would as they sayd surely follow
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Norrey then perceyuing suche numbers of people following them,
desired Kette to staye them who returning backe to them, they were
incontinently appeased, and so they all returned with hym backe to their
Compare 1587 edition:
1 When the Earle of Warwicke vnderstoode that they were thus
altogither set on mischiefe, and neyther with prayer, proffer of pardon,
threatning of punishmente, nor other meanes they coulde be reduced to
quietnesse, hee determineth to proceede againste them by force, and
herevppon, Saint Stephens gate. bryngyng hys armye
vnto Sainte Stephens gate, whiche the Rebels stopped vppe with lettyng downe
the portculice, he commanded those that hadde charge of the artillerie, to
plant the same against the gate, and with batterie to break it open.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 As these things were in hand, he vnderstoode by Augustine
Stewarde the Maiors deputie, that there was an other gate on the contrarye
side of the Citie, called the brasen gate, The braſen
gate. whyche the Rebelles hadde rammed vppe, but yet not so, but
that it might bee easily broken open.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Heerewith were the pioners called and commaunded to breake open
that gate also, whyche beeyng done, the Souldyers enter by the same into the
Citie, and slewe diuers of those Rebelles that stoode readye to defende and
resist theyr entrie.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1670In the meane time had the gunners alſo bro|ken in ſonner
with their ſhotte the portculice, and neere hande the one halfe of the other
gate, by the whiche the Marques of Northampton, and Captayne Drurie,
alias Poignard that y [...]ry [...] ſente from London, meriemy Lorde of Warwike by the way [...]rutred with theyr bands and droue backe the Rebels with ſtaughte, that
were ready there to reſiſt them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, the Maines
deputie cauſed Weſt|wike gate to bee ſette open, at the whiche, the Earle of
Warwike hymſelfe entring with all his army, and fyndyng in manner no
reſiſtãce, came to the market place: heere were taken a threeſcore of the
Rebelles, the whiche are [...]ding to the order of martiall lawe were incontinently
[figure appears here on page 1670] executed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortly after, the
carriages belonging to the army, were
broughte into the Citie by the ſame gate, and paſſing through the Citie by
negli|gence and want of order giuen to them that at|tended on the ſame
cariage, they kept on forward till they were gote out at Byſhoppes gate
to|wards Mouſholde,Cartes laden with muniti|on taken by
the Rebels. whereof the Rebels beeyng aduiſed, they came downe,
and ſetting vppon the Carters, and other that attended on the cari|ages,
putte them to flighte, and droue away the cartes laden with artillerie,
powder, and other munition, bringing the
ſame into their Campe, greately reioyſing thereof, bycauſe they hadde no
great ſtore of ſuche things among them: but yet Captayne Drury with hys
bande commyng in good tyme to the reſcue, recouered ſome of the Cartes from
the enimies, not withoute ſome ſlaughter on eyther ſide.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, the enimies as
yet being not ful|ly driuen out of the Citie, placed themſelues in croſſe
ſtreetes, and were readye to aſſayle the
Souldyers as they ſawe theyr aduantage, parte of them ſtanding at Sainte
Michaels parte at Sainte Stephens, and parte at Saint Petres, and ſome of
them alſo ſtoode in Wenroes ſtreete.
Compare 1587 edition:
Gentlemen ſlayne.Here they aſſayling ſuch as
vnaduiſebly were entred within their daunger, they ſlewe diuers, and among
other, three or foure Gentlemen, be|fore they could be ſuccoured from any
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Warwike
aduertiſed heere|of, paſſed forth with all his forces to remoue the enimie,
and comming to Sainte Andrewe in Iohns ſtreete, was receyued with a ſharp
ſtorme of arrowes, but Captayne Drury hys Harque|buſiers, galled them ſo
with their ſhotte, that they were gladde to giue place, and ſo fledde
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There were ſtaine a
hũdred & thirtie, and dy|uers of them ſhrinking aſyde into
Churchyards and other places vnder the walles, were taken and executed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 All the reſt gote them
vppe to their Camp at Mouſeholde, and ſo the Citie was ridde of them for
that tyme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then dyd the Earle of
Warwike take order for the ſafekeepyng of the Citie, appoyntyng watche and
warde to be kept on the walles, and in euery ſtreete.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo that all the gates
ſhould be rammed vp, excepte one or two that ſtoode towardes the e|nimies,
at the whiche were planted certaine pe|ces of the greate artillerie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But the Rebelles
vnderſtandyng that the Earle of Warwike wanted powder and other things
apperteyning to the vſe of the greate ordinance, and with all perceyuing
that the Welchemenne whyche were appoynted to the guarde of the ſayde greate
peeces of artil|lerie, EEBO page image 1671 were no greate number, and
therefore not able to reſiſt any greate force that ſhould come agaynſte
them, they came downe the hyll vpon the ſuddayne as it were, wholly togither
in moſt outragious manner, and withall, one Myles, that was a very perfect
gunner and maruellous ſkilfull in the feate of ſhooting of great artillerie,
and at that time remayning among the Re|bels, ſhorte off a peece, and ſlewe
one of the Kyngs principall gunners,
[...]en'er [...]e. that was attending vpon
thoſe peeces of artillerie, whiche ſtoode thus before the gate, whome when
the Rebels per|ceyued thus to bee ſlayne, they made forwarde with more
courage, and gaue ſuche a deſperate onſette vppon them that garded the ſayde
artil|lerie, that theyr ſmall number beyng not able to withſtande theyr
aduerſaries greate and huge multitude preſſing in ſuche furious rage vppon
them, that they were conſireyned to flee backe, and to leaue for artillerie
for a pray vnto the e|nimies,
[...] Rebels [...] certayne [...] as of ar| [...]exitem [...]ailect [...]ke.
who ſeaſing vppon the ſame, conueyed them
away with certayne cartes laden with all manner of munitiõ for warres vp to
their camp, a matter as was thoughte of no ſmall impor|tance, ſith the
enimies thereby were furniſhed now with ſuch things whereof before they
ſtood moſt in neede, and nowe hauyng ſlore thereof, they ſpared not
liberally to beſtowe it agaynſte the Citie, beating downe not, onely the
higheſt toppe of Byſhoppes gate, but alſo a greate parte of the walles on
that ſide.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And heere cruely the good
ſeruice of Captaine Drurie is not to be forgotten, who now as car [...] being ready to reuẽge this [...] following vp|pon the enimies, putte them to ſo [...]gh [...]es and re|couered muche of that whyche they had taken from the Earles
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Warwike
after thys, [...]ut [...] off the entries at the gates, and rampired them vp, placed at the
bridges and iournyngs of the wayes and ſtreetes dyuers bandes of Souldyers
to keepe the paſſages, banke downe the [...]ite Friers bridge, and at Byſhoppes gate [...]e ap|poynted the Lorde Willoughby with a greate number of Souldyers to
defende that pure, and in thys ſorte hee made prouiſion to defende the Citie
from the Rebelles, if they ſhoulde at|tempte to make anye ſurpriſe vppon the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The next daye yet they
paſſing ouer the Ri|uer, ſette fire on certaine houſes at Couneſforth,
brenning the more parte of all the houſes of two
[figure appears here on page 1671] pariſhes, and ſo greate was the rage of the fyre, that
catching holde vppon an houſe wherein the merchantes of Norwiche vſe to ley
vppe ſuche wares and merchandiſe as they conuey to theyr Citie from Yermouth, the ſame houſe with greate ſtore of
wheate and other riches, was mi|ſerably conſumed and defaced.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Thus whileſt euery thyng
ſeemed to chance and fall out in fauoure of the Rebelles, there were ſome in
the Earle of Warwikes armye, that deſpairing of the whole ſucceſſe of theyr
iourney, came to the Earle of Warwike, and beganne to perſwade with
hym,Counſell giuẽ to the Earle of Warwike to abandon
the Citie. that ſith the Citie was large, and their companyes
ſmall, (for in deede the whole appoynted numbers as yet were not come,
neyther of Straungers nor Engliſhmen) it was vnpoſſible to defende it
agaynſte ſuche an huge multitude as were aſ|ſembled togither in Kettes
campe, and therefore beſoughte hym to regarde hys owne ſafetie, to leaue the
Citie,The Earles aunſwere. and not to hazard
all vpon ſuch an vncertayn maine chance. The Erle of War|wike as he was of a
noble & inuincible courage, valiante, hardye, and not able to abyde
anye EEBO page image 1672 ſpotte of reproche, whereby to loſe the leaſt peece
of honor that might be, made this aunſwer: why (ſayth he) and to your hearts
fayle you ſo ſoone? or are you ſo madde withall, to thinke that ſo long as
anye lyfe reſteth in me, that I will con|ſent to ſuche diſhonour? Should I
leaue the Ci|tie? heaping vp to my ſelfe and lykewiſe to you, ſuch ſhame and
reprofe, as worthily myghte be reputed an infamy to vs for euer? I will
rather ſuffer whatſoeuer eyther fire or ſword can worke agaynſt mee.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe words being vttered
with ſuch a cou|rage as was maruellous to conſider, he drew out his ſword,
whiche other of the honorable & wor|ſhipfull that were thẽ preſent
likewiſe did, whom he commaunded that each one ſhould [...]iſſe others ſworde, according to an auntient cuſtome vſed amongſt men
of war, in time of great daunger, and herewith they made a ſolemne vowe,
vyn|ding it with a ſolemne oth, that they ſhould not depart from thẽce,
till they had either vanquiſhed the enimies, or loſt their liues in mãful
fight, for defence of the kings honour.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whileſt theſe things were
in doing, the Re|bels brake into ye citie on that ſide, where was no
ſuſpitiõ of their entring at all, but being come al|moſt to the bridges,
they were encountred by the ſouldiers, beaten back, and chaſed by out the
[figure appears here on page 1672] way they came.The
Lance|queniez come to the Earle of Warwike. The next day being the
.26. of Auguſt, there came to the Erle .1400. Lanſque|netz. The Rebels
notwithſtanding that ſuch re|enforcemente of the Earles power mighte haue
ſomewhat diſcouraged them, yet truſting alto|gither on certain vain prophecies, which they had among
them,The Rebels truſt in vayne prophecies. and
ſet our in verſes by ſuche wi|ſerts as were there with them in the campe,
they had conceyued ſuche a vayne hope of proſperous ſucceſſe in their
buſineſſe, that they little eſtemed any power that mighte come againſt them.
A|mong other of thoſe verſes, theſe were two,
Compare 1587 edition:
The countrey gnuffes, Hob, Dick, and Hick, with
clubbes and clouted ſhoone,
Shall fill vp Duſsin dale with ſlaughtered bo|dies ſoone.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Vpon hope therefore of
this and other vayne propheſies, the Rebels through the Diuels pro|curement,
that had nouriſhed and pricked them forwarde all this while in their wicked
procee|dings,The Rebels remoue. they determine
to remoue thither, to the ende, that they mighte with more ſpeede, make an
ende of the matter, before they ſhould be dri|uen to diſperſe themſelues
through famine, for the Earle of Warwike hauing taken order to haue the paſſages ſtopped in ſuch wiſe as no
vit|tayles could eaſily be conueyd to their camp, the want thereof began
already to pinch them: here|vpon, ſetting fire on their Cabanes, which they
hadde reyſed and built heere and there of tymber and buſhes (the ſmoke
whereof couered all the groundes about them) they come downe wyth theyr
enſignes into the valley called Duſſin dale, where with all ſpeede that
might bee, they intrenched themſelues about, and reyſing a ram|pire of a
good height, ſet ſtakes alſo round about them, to keepe off the
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Erle of Warwike
perceyuing their do|ings, the next day being the ſeuen and twentith of
Auguſt, with all hys horſemen and the Al|maines with Captayne Druries
bande,The Earle of Warwike g [...]|eth forth to giue the eni|mies bataile iſſued forthe of the
Citie, marching ſtraighte to|wards the enimies: yet before hee approched in
ſight of them, hee ſente Sir Edmonde Kneuet, and Sir Thomas Palmer Knightes,
with o|ther, to vnderſtande of them, whether nowe at length they would
ſubmitte themſelues, and re|ceyue the Kings pardon,Pardon
offe|red. whiche if they woulde doe, he offered to graunt it
freely to al the whole multitude, one or two of them onely excepted: but
they with generall voyces refuſing i [...], the Earle falleth in hande to encourage his people to the battaile,
and hauing appoynted as well the horſemen as footemen in what order they
ſhould giue the charge, they paſſe forward in approching the enimies. The
Rebels beholdyng them thus to come forwarde, putte themſelues in order of
battayle, in ſuch manner, that all the Gentlemen which had bin taken
priſoners, and were kepte in irons for ſtarting away were placed in the
fore rãke of their battaile, coupled two & two togither, to ye end
they might be killed by their own friẽds that came to ſeeke their
deliuerrance: but as God would haue it yet, ye moſt part of thẽ were
ſaued. Miles the maiſter gũner amõg ye rebels, leuying a peece of
ordinance, ſhot it off, & ſtroke him that EEBO page image 1673 caryed
the Kings ſtandart in the thigh, and the horſe through the ſhoulder. The
Earle of War|wike and others ſore grieued therewith, cauſed a whole volee of
theyr artillerie to be ſhot off at the Rebelles, and herewith Captaine
Drurie with his owne bande, and the Almaines or Lanſque|ners, whether ye
lyſt to call them, on foote, get|ting neare to the enimies, hailled them
with their Harquebuſe ſhot ſo ſharpely, and thruſt forwarde vpon them with
their Pykes ſo ſtrongly, that they brake
them in ſunder.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Gentlemen whome (as
we haue ſayde) being placed in the foreranke, founde meanes (as good happe
was) to ſhrinke a ſide and eſcaped the danger for the more part, although
ſome in deed were ſlaine by the Almaines and other that knew not what they
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The light horſemen of the
Kings part here|with gaue in amongſt them ſo roundly, that the Rebels not
able to abide theyr valiaunt charge, were
eaſily put to flight, and with the formoſte theyr grand Captaine Robert Ket
galloped a|way ſo faſt as his horſe woulde beare him. The horſemen following
in chaſe, ſlue them downe on heapes, euer ſtill as they ouertooke them, ſo
that the chaſe continuing for the ſpace of three or four myles,
[...]mber [...]e rebels [...]. there were ſlaine to the number of three thouſande fiue
hundred at the leaſt, beſide a great multitude that were wounded as they
fled here and there eche way forth, as ſeemed beſt to ſerue theyr turne for theyr moſt ſpeedie eſcape oute of
daunger: yet one part of them that had not bene aſſayled at the firſt onſet,
ſeeing ſuche ſlaughter made of theyr felowes, kept theyr ground by their
ordinance, and ſhranke not, determining as men deſperately bent, not to die
vnreuenged, but to fight it out to the laſt man. They were ſo enclo|ſed with
theyr Cartes, cariages, trenches (which they had caſt) and ſtakes pitched in
the grounde to keepe off the force of horſemen, that it woulde haue beene ſomewhat daungerous to haue aſſay|led
them within their ſtrength: but ſure they were yt now they could not
eſcape, ſeeing no ſmall part of their whole numbers were cut off and
diſtreſ|ſed, and they enuironed on eche ſide, without hope of ſuccour or
reliefe of vittayles, which in the end muſt needes haue forced them to come
forth of their incloſure to their vndoubted ouerthrow and deſtruction.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The Earle of Warwike yet
pitying theyr caſe, and lothe that the
king ſhoulde loſe ſo many ſtowt mens bodies as were there amongſt them,
which might do his Maieſtie and their countrey good ſeruice, if they coulde
be reclaymed from this their deſperate folly vnto due obedience, ſendeth
Norrey vnto them,
[...] eft| [...] offred. offring them pardon of life if they would throw
downe their weapons and yeeld, if not, he threatned that there ſhoulde not a
man of them eſcape the deſerued puniſhment. Their anſwere was, that if they
might be aſſured to haue their liues ſaued they coulde bee conten|ted to
yeeld, but they could haue no truſt that pro|miſe ſhould be kept with them,
for notwithſtan|ding all ſuch fayre offers of pardon, they tooke it that
there was nothing ment but a ſubtile prac|tiſe to bring them into the handes
of their aduer|ſaries the Gentlemen, that had prepared a barell of ropes and
halters, with which they purpoſed to truſſe them vp, and therefore they
woulde rather die lyke men, than to be ſtrangled at the wylles and pleaſures
of their mortal enimies. The Erle of Warwicke right ſorie to ſee ſuche
deſperate myndes among them, ſent to the Citie, and cau|ſed the moſte part
of the footemen which hee had left there to defende the ſame, to come forth
nowe in battaile array, that they myght helpe to de|ſtreſſe thoſe wilfull
Rebels that thus obſtinately refuſed the kings pardon, and hauing brought as
well them as the Almaines and the horſemen in order of battaile againe, and
readie now to ſette vpon the Rebels,Pardon once a|gaine
offred. he eftſoones ſendeth to them to knowe that if he ſhould
come himſelfe and gyue his worde, that they ſhoulde haue their pardon,
whether they would receyue it or not. Herevnto they anſwered, that they had
ſuch confidence in his honour, that if he woulde ſo doe, they woulde giue
credite thereto, and ſubmit themſelues to the kings mercie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Incontinently wherevpon
he goeth to them,They yeeld to the Earle of
Warwike. and commaundeth Norrey to read the Kings pardon freely
graunted to all that would yeelde, which being read, euery man throweth down
his weapon, and with one whole and entier boyce crie, God ſaue king Edward,
God ſaue king Ed|ward. And thus through the prudent policie, and fauourable
mercie of the Earle of Warwike, a great number of thoſe offenders were
preſerued from the gates of death, into the which they were readie to
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Thus were the Norffolke
Rebels ſubdued by the high prowes, wiſedome and policie of the va|liant Erle
of Warwike, and other the Nobles, gentlemen and faithful ſubiects there in
the kings army, but not without loſſe of diuerſe perſonages of great
worſhip, beſide other of the meaner ſort, namely maiſter Henrie Willoughby
Eſquier, a man ſo welbeloued in his Countrey for his libe|ralitie in
houſekeeping, great curteſie, vpryght dealing, aſſured ſtedfaſtneſſe in
friendſhip, and modeſt ſtayedneſſe in behauiour, that the Coun|treys where
his liuings lay, lament the loſſe of ſo worthie a gentleman euen to this
day. There dyed alſo [...] Lucie Eſquier, [...] Forſter Eſquier, and [...] Throckmerton of Northamtonſhire, men of no ſmall credite and worſhip
in their Countreys.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1674The battaile being thus ended, all the ſpoyle gotten in
the fielde was giuen to ye ſouldiers, who ſolde the moſt part thereof
openly in the Market place of Norwich.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The nexte day the Erle of
Warwyke was aduertiſed that Ket being crept into a barne, was taken by two
ſeruants of one maiſter Richeſſe of Swanington and brought to the houſe of
the ſame Rycheſſe. Herevpon were twentie horſes men ſent thither to fetch
him, who brought him to Norwich.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The ſame day examinations
were taken of them that were the principall beginners and ſet|ters forth of
this vnhappie rebellion, and [...] being founde guiltie were hanged,Execution.
and nine of the chiefeſt procurers of all the miſchiefe, (Robert
[figure appears here on page 1674] Ket, and his brother William onely excepted) were
hanged vpon the Oke of reformation, My|les the Gunner, and two of their
Prophets being three of that number. Some
others of them were drawen, banged and quartered, and their heades and
quarters ſet vp in publike places for a terror to others. But yet the Earle
of Warwike ſpa|red many where ſome woulde gladly haue per|ſwaded him,The Earle of Warwike ſhe|weth mercie. that there
myght haue beene a great number more executed, but his Lordſhip percey|uing
them importunate in that vncharitable ſute, tolde them (as it were in fauour
of life of thoſe ſil|lie wretches, whoſe miſerable caſe he ſeemed to
pitie that meaſure muſt be vſed in all
things and in puniſhing of men by death (ſayth he we ought alwayes to beware
that we paſſe not the ſame. I knowe well that ſuche wicked doings deſerue no
ſmall reuenge, and that the offenders are wor|thie to be moſt ſharpely
chaſtiſed. But how farre yet ſhall we goe? ſhall we not at length ſhewe ſome
mercie? Is there no place for pardon? what ſhall we than do? ſhall we holde
the Plowe our ſelues? play the Carters and labour the ground with our owne handes. Theſe and ſuche lyke wordes
taſting altogither of mercie and compaſ|ſion in that noble Erle, did quench
the cruell de|ſire of reuenge in them that were altogither kind|led in
wrath, and wiſhed nothing more than to ſee the whole multitude executed: but
now mo|ued with the Earles wiſe and mercifull anſwere to their rygorous
ſuyte, they became more milde and mercifull towardes the miſerable
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This alſo is not to be
forgotten, that when information was gyuen agaynſt ſome of the re|belles,
for that they had beene buſie fellowes, and great doers in tyme of thoſe
vprores, ſo as it was thought of ſome, that it ſtoode with good reaſon to
haue them puniſhed by death, when the Earle of Warwike vnderſtoode by
credible re|port of Norrey King of Armes, that vppon the offer of the kings
pardon, they were the firſt that threw down their weapons, and ſubmitted
them|ſelues to the Kings mercie, the Earle woulde not in any wiſe conſent
that they ſhoulde dye, but proteſted frankely that hee woulde keepe promiſe
wyth them, and that he woulde bee as good to them as his worde, and ſo they
had their lyues ſaued.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame day was order
gyuen by the Erle that the bodyes of them that were ſlaine in the field
ſhould be buried.The ſlain [...] caſles buried.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 On the Morrow being the .xxix. of Auguſt, the Earle of Warwike,
with the Nobles and Gentlemen of the Armie, and others in greate numbers
both men and women, went to Saint Peters Churche, and there gaue prayſes and
thankes to God for the victorie obteyned, and this done, hee with all the
armie departed oute of the Citie, and returned homewardes wyth high
commendation of the Citizens and others that acknowledged the sayde Earle to
be the de fender
EEBO page image 1675 fender of theyr lyues, and recouerer of theyr wyues,
children, houses and liuings.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 It was afterwardes ordeyned, that the same day in the which the
Rebels were thus subdued, that the Citizens yearely shoulde repayre to their
Churches, and there to heare seruice, and to haue a Sermon abroade, to the
whiche they shoulde come togither, to gyue thankes to God for theyr
delyueraunce as that day, and this is obserued till these our times
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Robert Ket and his
brother William Ket, were brought vp to London, where they were [...]mitted to the Tower, and ſhortly after ar|raigned of theyr treaſon and
founde guiltie, were brought to the Tower agayne, where they con|tinued tell
the .xxix. if Nouember, on which day they were deliuered to Sir Edmonde
Wynd|ham high Sherife of Norffolke and Suffolke, to bee conueyed downe into
Norffolke where Ro|bert Ket was hange in Chaynes vpon the top of Norwich Caſtell, and William Ket his bro|ther
on the toppe of Wyndmondham Steeple, in which towne they had both dwelled,
and con|ſpyred with others to go forwarde with theyr wicked rebellion.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This William Ket (as was
thought) had beene ſure of his pardon, [...] played the trayterous Hypocrite:
[...]liam Ket [...]ſſembling [...]
for vpon his ſubmiſſion at the fyrſt to my Lorde Marques of
Nor|thampton, at hys commyng downe to ſuppreſſe this rebellion, he was ſent to his brother to per|ſwade
him and the reſt to yeelde, and receyue the Kings pardon: but hee (lyke a
diſſembling wretche, although he promiſed to my Lorde to doe what hee coulde
in that behalfe) vppon hys comming to his brother into the rebels campe, and
behelde the greate multitude that were there aboute hym, hee did not onely
not diſwade him and them from theyr trayterous rebellion, but encouraged
them to perſyſt and continue in their
doyngs, declaring what a ſmall number of Souldiours the Marques brought with
him, nothing able to reſyſt ſuche a puyſſaunce as was there aſſembled, ſo
that if it had not beene through the wicked perſwaſion of him, and ſome
other at that tyme, not onely Robert Ket him|ſelfe, but alſo all the
multitude beſyde, woulde haue ſubmytted themſelues, and receyued the Kings
pardon, to the preſeruation of manye a good mans lyfe that after dyed in the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe to returne
ſomewhat backe to the doings in Scotlande, in the meane while that ſuche
hurles were in hande here in Englande, ye ſhall vnderſtande that in the
beginning of thys Sommer, the king by aduiſe of his Counſaile, ſent forth a
nauie by Sea towardes Scotlande, the which arriuing in the Forth, and
comming before Lieth, ſaluted the town with Canon ſhot, and remayning there
a tenne or twelue dayes, tooke in the meane tyme the Iſle of Inaketh,Inaketh taken. lea|uing there [...] Enſignes of Engliſhe men, and one of Italians, with certaine Pioners
to for [...] the place: but the Frenchmen as in the Scottiſh Hyſtorie ye ſhall
finde [...] at large, after the departure of the Engliſh nauie, recoue|red that
Iſle againe out of the Engliſh mennes poſſeſſion, (after they had kept it
ſixteene dayes,) wyth the ſlaughter of Captaine Cotten theyr Generall,
Captayne Appleby, and one Iaſper that was captaine of the Italians beſide
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After the recouering of
this Iſle,Monſieur de Deſſe retur|neth into
Fraunce. Monſieur de Deſſe returned into Fraunce, leauing hys
charge vnto Monſieur de Thermes lately before there, arriued who after the
departure of the ſayde Deſſe with a campe volant did what he could to ſtop
the Engliſhmen within Hadington frõ dy|tayles.The Erle
of Rutlande. But notwithſtanding the Earle of Rut|lande being
Lieutenant of the North, did not onely vytayle it, but put the Frenche armye
in haunger of an ouerthrowe, as it was thoughte muſte needes haue followed,
if they had not with more ſpeede than is vſed in a common marche ſlipt away,
after they perceyued the Engliſh ar|mie ſo neare at their elbowes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer,
M. Foxe.
An other re|bellion or tu|mult begon in Yorkſhire.
beſide theſe inordinate vprores and inſurrections aboue mentioned,
aboute the latter end of the ſayde month of Iuly: the ſame yeare which was
.1549. another like ſturre or commo|tion beganne at Semer in the northeyding
of Yorkeſhyre, and continued in the Eaſt ryding of the ſame, and there
ended. The principall doers and rayſets vp,The chiefe
ſtirrers of this rebellion. wher of was one William Om|bler of
Eaſt [...]eflerton yeoman, and Thomas Dale pariſhe Clearke of Semer, with one
Ste|uenſon of Somer, neighbour to Dale, and ne|phew to Ombler, which
Steuẽſon was a meane or meſſenger betweene the ſayde Ombler and Dale being
before not acquainted togyther, and dwelling ſeuen myles one from the other,
who at laſt by the trauayle of the ſayde Steuenſon, and their owne euill
diſpoſitions inclyned to vn|graciouſneſſe and miſchiefe, knowing before ane
the others mynde by ſecrete conference, were brought to talke togyther on
[...] Iames day Anno .1 [...]4 [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
2 The cauſes moouing them
to rayſe this re|bellion were theſe,The cauſes mouing the
Yorkſhire men to rebellion. firſt and principally their tra|terous
heartes, grudging at the kings moſt god|ly proceedings, in aduauncing and
refourming the true honour of God and his Religion: an o|ther cauſe alſo was
for truſting to a blinde and a phantaſticall prophecie, wherewith they were
ſe|duced, thinking the ſame prophecie ſhould ſhort|ly come to paſſe, by
hearing the rebellions of Norffolke, of Deuonſhyre, and other places, the
[...] of which prophecie and purpoſe, to|gyther EEBO page image 1676 of the
traytours was, that there ſhould us King raigne in Englande,A blinde pro|phecie amõgſt the Northern|men. the
Noble men and Gentlemen to be deſtroyed, and the Realme to be ruled by foure
gouernours, to be elected and appoynted by the commons, holding a
Parlia|ment in Commotion, to beginne at the South and North Seas of
Englande, ſuppoſing that this their rebellion in the North, and the other of
the Deuonſhire men in the Weſt, meeting (as they intended) at one place, to
be the meane howe to compaſſe this their
trayterous,The deuice of the rebels how to compaſſe
their purpoſe. diueliſh deuiſe. And therefore laying their ſtudies
togither, howe they might finde oute more companie to ioyne with them in
that deteſtable purpoſe, and to ſet forward the ſturre, this deuile they
framed, to ſturre in two places, the one diſtant ſeuen myles from the other,
and at the firſt ruſhe, to kill and deſtroy ſuch gentlemen and men of
ſubſtance a|bout them, as were fauorers of the kings procee|dings, or which
would reſiſt them. But firſt of al for the
more ſpeedie rayſing of men, they deuiſed to burne beacons, and thereby to
bring the people togither, as though it were to defende the Sea coaſts, and
hauing the ignorant people aſſembled, then to poure out theyr poyſon, fyrſt
begynning with the rudeſt and pooreſt ſort, ſuche as they thought were
pricked with pouertie, and were vnwilling to labour, and therefore the more
ready to follow the ſpoyle of riche mens goodes, blo|ing into theyr heades,
that Gods ſeruice was layde aſide, and
newe inuentions neyther good nor godly put in place, and ſo fending them
with fayre promiſes, to reduce into the Church againe theyr olde ignorance
and Idolatrie, thought by that meanes ſooneſt to allure them to rage and
runne, with them in this commotion.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 And furthermore, to the
intent they woulde giue the more terror to the gentlemen at the firſt
riſing, leaſt they ſhuld be reſiſted, they deuiſed that ſome ſhould be
murthered in churches, ſome in their
houſes, ſome in ſeruing the king in commiſ|ſion, & other as they
might be caught, and to picke quarels to thẽ by alteration of ſeruice on
the holy dayes: and thus was the platforme caſt of theyr deuice, according
as afterwarde by their cõfeſſion at their examinations was teſtified and
remay|neth in true record. Thus they being togither a|greed, Oindler, and
Dale, and others, by their ſe|cret appointment, ſo laboured the matter in
the pariſh of Semer, Wintringham, and the towns about, that they were infected with the poyſon of this
confederacie, in ſuch ſort that it was eaſie to vnderſtande wherevnto they
woulde encline, if a Commotion were begonne, the accompliſhment whereof did
ſhortly follow. For although by the wordes of one drunken fellow of that
conſpiracy named Caluers, at the Alehouſe in Wintring|ham, ſome ſuſpition of
that rebellion began, to be ſmelles before by the Lord Preſident and
gentle|men of thoſe parties, & ſo preuented in that place, where the
Rebels thought to beginne, yet they gaue not ouer ſo, but drewe to another
place at Se [...]r by the Seawaſt, and there by [...]ight [...] to the Beacons at Staxton, and ſet it on ſide; and ſo gathering
togither a rude route of raſcals yet of the townes neare about, being on a
ſlur, Oin|dler, Thomas Dale, Baxton, and Robert Dale, haſted forthwith with
the Rebelles to ma|ſter Whytes houſe to take him, who notwith|ſtanding being
an horſebacke, mi [...]ting to haue eſcaped their handes, Dale, Ombler; and the reſt of the
Rebels tooke him, and [...]lopton his wiues brother, one Sauage a Marcha [...]d [...]f Yorke, and one Berry ſerualint to ſir Walter Mudmay. Which foure
without cauſe or quarell, ſauing to fulfill their ſeditious prophecie in
foure part, and to giue a terrour to other Gentlemen, they cru|elty
murthered, after they had [...] them one mile from Samer towarde the Wolde, and there after they had
ſtripped them of their clothes and purſes, left them naked behind them in
the plain fieldes for Crowes to feede on; vntill Whites wife and Sauages
wife then at Semer, cauſed them to be buryed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Long it were [...] tedious to recite what re|uell theſe Rebels kept in their raging
madneſſe, who rauaging about the Countrey from towne to towne, to enlarge
their vngracious and rebel|lious bande, taking thoſe with force which were
not willing to go, and leauing in no town where they came any man aboue the
age of .xvj. yeares, ſo encreaſed this number, that in ſhort time they had
gathered three thouſand to fauour their wic|ked attempts, and had like to
haue gathered more had not the Lordes goodneſſe through prudent
circumſpection of ſome interrupted the courſe of theyr furious beginning.
For firſt came the kings gracious and free pardon, diſcharging and pardoning
them and the reſt of the Rebelles, of all treaſons, murthers, felonies and
other offen|ces done to his Maieſtie before the .xxj. of Au|guſt Anno .1549.
Whiche pardon althoughe Ombler contemptuouſly reading, perſyſting ſtil in
his wilfull obſtinacie, diſſwaded alſo the reſt from the humble accepting of
the kings ſo louing and liberall pardon, yet notwithſtanding wyth ſome it
did good.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To make ſhorte, it was
not long after this, but Ombler as hee was ryding from Towne to Towne,
twelue myles from Hum|manbie, to charge all the Coneſtables and
In|habitaunts where he came, in the Kings name to reſort to Hummanbie: by
the way hee was eſpyed, and by the circumſpect diligence of Iohn Worde the
yonger, Iames Aſlabey, Raufe Twinge, and Thomas Coneſtable, Gentle|men EEBO page image 1677 he was had in chaſe,
[...] cap| [...] of the [...] taken. and at laſt by them apprehended, and brought in the
nyght in ſure cuſtodie vnto the Citie of Yorke, to anſwere to his
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After whome within ſhort
time, Thomas Dale,
[...]nes of rebels ta| [...] execu| [...] Yorke. Henrie Baxton, the firſt Chieftaines, and
ringleaders of the former Commotion, whiche Iohn Dale, Robert Wright,
Williã Peacocke, Weatherell, and Edmonde Buttrie, buſie ſtyr|rers in this
ſedition, as they trauayled from place to
place, to drawe people to theyr faction, were lykewiſe apprehended,
committed toward, law|fully conuicted, and laſtly executed at Yorke the xxj.
of September Anno. 1549.
[...] Actis iudicij publici regiſtro exceptis & notatis.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whileſt theſe wicked
commotions and tu|mults through the rage of the vndiſcrete Com|mons were
thus rayſed in ſundrie partes of the Realme, to the great hynderaunce of the
com|mon wealth, loſſe and daunger of euerye good and true ſubiect, ſundry wholſome and god|ly exhortations were
publiſhed to aduertiſe them of their duetie, and to lay before them theyr
hey|nous offences, with the ſequele of the miſchiefes that neceſſarily
folowed therof, the which if they ſhoulde conſider togyther, with the
puniſhment that hanged ouer their heades, they myght eaſily be brought to
repent theyr lewde begonne enter|prices, and ſubmit themſelues to the kings
mer|cie. Among other of thoſe admonitions, one was penned and ſet forth by ſir Iohn Cheeke, whiche I haue
thought good here to inſert, as a neceſſarie diſcourſe for euerie good
Engliſh ſubiect.
1.21.1. The hurt of ſedition how grieuous it is to a com|mon
wealth,The true ſubiect to the Rebell.
The hurt of ſedition how grieuous it is to a com|mon
ſet out by ſir Iohn Checke Knight. Anno.
The true ſubiect to the Rebell.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 AMong ſo many
and notable benefits, where|with God hath alreadye liberally and plenti|fully endued vs, there
is nothing more beneficiall, than that we haue by his grace,
kept vs quiet frõ rebellion at this time. For we ſee ſuch
miſeries, hang ouer the whole ſtate of the common welth, through
the great miſorder of your ſedition, that it maketh vs much to
reioyce, that we haue beene neither partners of your doings, nor
conſpirers of your counſayles. For euen as the Lacedemoni|ans
for the auoyding of drunkenneſſe, did cauſe their ſonnes to beholde their ſeruants when
they were drunke, that by beholding their beaſtlineſſe, they
might auoyd the like vice, euen ſo hath God like a mercifull
father ſtayed vs from your wic|kedneſſe, that by beholding the
filth of your fault, we might iuſtly for offence abhorre you
like Re|bels, whom elſe by nature we loue like Engliſh|men. And
ſo for our ſelues we hau great cauſe to thanke God, by whoſe
religion and holy worde dayly taught vs, we learne not only to
feare him truly, but alſo to obey our king faithfully, and to
ſerue in our owne vocation like ſubiects honeſtly. And as for
you, wee haue ſurely iuſt cauſe to la|ment you as drethren, and
yet iuſter cauſe to [...]yſe againſt you as enimies, and moſt iuſt cauſe to
o|uerthrow you as rebels. For what hurt could bee done either to
vs priuately, or to the whole com|mon wealth generally, that is
now with miſchief ſo brought in by you, that euen as we ſee now
the flame of your rage, ſo ſhall we neceſſarily be con|ſumed
hereafter with the miſerie of the ſame. Wherefore conſider your
ſelues with ſome [...]ight of vnderſtanding, and marke this grieuous and
horrible fault, which ye haue thus vilely commit|ted, how
heynous it muſt needes appeare to you, if ye will reaſonably
conſider that whiche for my duties ſake, and my whole Countreys
cauſe, I will at this preſent declare vnto you.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Ye which be
bounde by Gods worde and to obey for feare lyke men pleaſ [...]s, but for con [...]ed|ence ſake like Chriſtians, haue contrarie to Gods holy
will, whoſe offence is euerlaſting bea [...], and contrarie to the godly order of quietneſſe, ſet out
to vs in the Kings Maieſties [...]wes, the breache whereof is not vnknowne to you, taken in
hande vnrulled of God, vnſent by men, vnfitte by rea|ſon, to
calle awaye your bounden duetyes of o|bedience, and to put on
you agaynſte the Ma|giſtrates, Gods office committed to the
Magi|ſtrates, for the reformation of your pretenſed
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the which
doing ye haue firſt faulted grie|uouſly againſt God, next
offended vnnaturally our ſoueraigne Lorde, thirdly troubled
miſerablie the whole common wealth, vndone cruelly many an
honeſt man, and brought in an vtter miſerie both to vs the Kings
Subiectes, and to your ſelues being falſe Rebelles? and yet ye
pretende that partly for Gods cauſe, and partly for the cõ|mon
welthes ſake, ye do ariſe, when as your ſel|ues cannot denie,
but ye that ſeeke in worde gods cauſe, do breake in deed Gods
commaundement, and ye that ſeeke the common wealth, haue
de|ſtroyed the common wealth, and ſo ye marre that ye would
make, and break that ye would amend, bycauſe ye neither ſeeke
any thing rightly, nor would amend any thing orderly.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 He that
faulteth, faulteth agaynſt Gods ordi|nance, who hath forbidden
all faultes, and there|fore ought againe to be puniſhed by Gods
ordi|nance, who is the reformer of faults. For he ſayth leaue
the puniſhment to me, and I will reuenge them. But the
Magiſtrate is the ordinaunce of God, appoynted by him with the
ſworde of pu|niſhment, to looke ſtreightly to all euil doers.
And therefore that that is done by the Magiſtrate, is EEBO page image 1678 done by the ordinance of God, whom the
Scrip|ture oftentymes doth call God, bycauſe he hath the
execution of Gods office. Howe then do you take in hande to
reforme? Be ye kings? By what authoritie? or by what ſucceſſion?
Be ye ye kings officers? By what commiſſion? Be ye called of
God? By what tokens declare ye that? Gods worde teacheth vs,
that no man ſhould take in hand any office, but he that is
called of God lyke Aaron. What Moyſes I pray you called you?
What Gods Miniſter bade you
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Ye riſe for
religion. What religion taught you that? If ye were offred
perſecution for religion, ye ought to flie, ſo Chriſt teacheth
you, and yet you intend to fight. If ye woulde ſtande in the
truth, ye ought to ſuffer like Martyrs, and you woulde ſley like
tyrants. Thus for religion you keepe no religion, and neither
will follow the counſaile of Chriſt, nor the conſtancie of
Martyrs. Why riſe ye for religion? Haue ye any thing contrary to
Gods booke? Yea haue ye not
al things agreeable to Gods word? But the new is different from
the old, and therfore ye will haue the olde. If ye mea|ſure the
old by truth, ye haue the oldeſt: if ye mea|ſure the olde by
fancie, then it is harde, bycauſe mens fanſies chaungeth, to
giue that is olde. Ye will haue the olde ſtill. Will ye haue any
older than that as Chriſt left, and his Apoſtles taught, and the
firſt Church after Chriſt did vſe? Ye will haue that the Canons
doe eſtabliſh. Why that is a
great deale yonger than that ye haue, of later tyme, and newlyer
inuented. Yet that is it that ye deſire. Why, then ye deſire not
the oldeſt. And doe you preferre the Biſhoppes of Rome afore
Chriſt, mennes inuention afore Gods law, the newer ſort of
worſhip before the older? Ye ſeeke no religion, ye be deceyued,
ye ſeeke traditions. They that teach you, blinde you, that ſo
inſtruct you, deceyue you. If ye ſeeke what the olde Doc|tors
ſay, yet looke what Chriſt the oldeſt of all ſayth. For he ſayth before Abraham was made I
am. If ye ſeeke the trueſt way, he is the verye truth: if ye
ſeeke the readieſt way, he is the verie way: if ye ſeeke
euerlaſting life, he is the verye life. What religion would ye
haue other nowe, than his religion?
Compare 1587 edition:
1 You would
haue the Bibles in againe. It is no maruaile, your blinde guides
would leade you blind ſtil. Why, be ye Howlets and Backes, that
ye cannot looke on the light? Chriſt ſayth to e|uerie one, ſearch ye the Scriptures, for
they beare witneſſe of Chriſt. You ſay pull in the ſcriptures,
for we wil haue no knowledge of Chriſt. The A|poſtles of Chriſt
wil vs to be ſo readie, yt we may be able to giue euerie mã an
account of our faith. Ye will vs not once to read the
Scriptures, for feare of knowing of our faith. S. Paule prayeth
that euerie man may encreaſe in knowledge, yee deſire that our
knowledge might decay againe. A true Religion ye ſeeke belike,
and worthie to be fought for. For without the ſworde indeede
nothing can help it, neither Chriſt, nor truth, nor age can
mainteyne it. But why ſhoulde ye not like that which Gods worde
eſtabliſheth, the pre|matiue Church hath authoriſed, the
greateſt ler|ned men of this Realme hath drawen, the whole
conſent of the Parliament hath confirmed, the Kings Maieſtie
hath ſet foorth? Is it not truly ſet out? Can ye deuiſe any
truer, than Chriſtes Apoſtles vſed? ye thinke it is not
learnedly done, Dare ye Commons take vpon you more lear|ning,
than the choſen Biſhops and Clearkes of this Realme haue? Thinke
ye follie in it? Ye wer wõt to iudge your Parliamẽt wiſeſt,
& now wil ye ſudainly excell them in wiſedom? Or can ye
thinke it lacketh authoritie, which the King, the Parliament,
the learned, the wiſe, haue iuſtly approued? Learne, learne, to
knowe this one point of Religion, that God will be worſhipped as
he hath preſcribed, & not as wee haue deuiſed, and that
his will is wholye in his Scriptures, which be full of Gods
ſpirite, and profitable to teach the truth, to reproue lyes, to
amend faults, to bring one vp in righteouſneſſe, that he that is
a Gods man may be perfite and readie to al good woorkes. What
can bee more required to ſerue God withall? And thus muche for
Religion Rebels.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The other
rable of Norffolke Rebelles, yee pretende a common wealth. How
amende ye it, by killing of Gentlemen, by ſpoyling of
Gentle|men, by impriſoning of Gentlemen? A maruey|lous tanned
commõwelth. Why ſhould ye thus hate them, for their riches or
for their rule? Rule they neuer tooke ſo much in hand, as ye doe
now. They neuer reſiſted the king, neuer withſtood his counſail,
be faithful at this day, when ye be faith|leſſe, not onely to
the King, whoſe Subiectes ye be, but alſo to your Lordes whoſe
tenaunts ye be. Is this your true duetie, in ſome of homage, in
moſt of feaultie, in all of allegeance, to leaue your duties,
goe backe from your promiſes, fall from your fayth, and
contrarie to lawe and truth, to make vnlawfull aſſemblyes,
vngodly compa|nies, wicked and deteſtable Campes, to diſobey
your betters, & to obey your Tanners, to change your
obedience from a King to a Ket, to ſubmit your ſelues to
Traytours, and breake your faith to your true King and Lordes?
They rule but by lawe, if otherwiſe, the Lawe, the Counſaile,
the King, taketh away theyr rule. Ye haue orderly ſought no
redreſſe, but yee haue in tyme founde it. In Countreys ſome muſt
rule, ſome muſte obey, euerie man may not beare lyke ſtroke, for
euerie man is not like wiſe. And they that haue ſeene moſt, and
be beſt able to beare it, EEBO page image 1679 and of luſt
dealing byſide; be moſt [...] rule. It is an other matter to vnderſtande a mans owne
griefe, and to [...] wealthes ſore; and therefore not they that knowe [...] eaſe, an euery [...] doth, but they that vnderſtand the common wealthes ſtate,
ought to haue in Countreys, the preferment of ruling. If ye felt
the paine that is ioyned with gouernours, as yee ſee, and like
the honour, ye would not hurt others to rule them, but rather
take great paine to be ru|led
of them. If ye [...] of the Kings Maie|ſtie committed vnto you, it were wel
done ye had ruled the Gentlemen, but now ye haue it not, and
cannot beare their rule, it is to thinke the Kings Maieſtie [...]liſh and vniuſt, that hath giuen cer|taine rule to them.
And ſeeing by the ſcripture, ye ought not to ſpeake euill of any
Magiſtrate of the people, why do ye not only ſpeake euil of them
whom the kings Maieſtie hath put in office, but alſo iudge euill
of the king himſelfe, and thus ſe|diciouſly in field, ſtand with your [...] againſt him.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 If riches
offende you, bycauſe ye [...]ould haue the like, then thinke that to be no common
welth, but enuie to the common wealth. Cnute it is to appayre
another mans eſtate, without the a|mendment of your owne. And to
bare an Gen|tlemen, bycauſe ye be none your ſelues, is to bring
downe an eſtate, and to mende none. Woulde ye haue all alike
riche? That is the ouerthrow
of labour, and vtter decay of worke in this Realme.
For who will labour more, if when he hath gotten
more, the ydle ſhall by luſt without right take what him luſt
from him, vnder pretence of equalitie wyth hym. This is the
bringing in of ydleneſſe, whiche deſtroyeth the common wealth,
and not the amendment of labour, that mainteyneth the common
wealth: If there ſhoulde be ſuch equalitie, then ye take awaye
all hope away from yours, to
come to any better e|ſtate than you nowe leaue them. And as
ma|nye meane mennes children commeth honeſtlye vp, and is great
ſuccour to all theyr ſtocke, ſo ſhoulde none bee hereafter
holpen by you, but bycauſe yee ſeeke equalitie, whereby all can
not bee riche, ye woulde that belyke, whereby euerye man ſhoulde
be poore. And thinke beſyde that riches and inheritaunce be Gods
prouidence, and gyuen to whome of his wiſedome hee thinketh
good. To the honeſt for the
encreaſe of theyr godlineſſe, to the wicked for the heaping [...] of theyr damnation, to the ſimple for a recompence of
other lackes, to the wiſe for the greater ſetting out of gods
goodneſſe. Why will your wisedome now stop Gods wisedome, and
prouide by youre lawes, that God shall not enrich them, whom he
hath by prouidence appointed as him liketh? God hath made the
poore, and hath made them to bee poore, that he might shew his
might, and set them aloft when he listeth, for such cause as to
him seemeth, and plucke downe the rich, to this state of
pouertie, his power, as he disposeth to order them. Why do not
we then being poore beare it wisely rather than by lust seeke
riches uniustly, and shew our selues contented with gods
ordinance, which we must either willingly obey, and then wee bee
wise, or else we must vnprofitably striue withall, and then we
be madde. But what meane ye by this equalitie in the common
wealth? If one be wiser than another, will yee banish him
bycause ye intende an equalitie of all things? If one be wel
favourder than another, wil ye punish him bycause ye looke for
an equalitie of all things? If one haue better vtterance than
another, will ye pull out his tongue to saue your equalitie? And
if one be richer than another, will ye spoyle him to maintayne
an equalitie? If one be elder than another, will ye kill him for
this equalities sake? Howe iniurious are ye to God himselfe, who
intendeth to bestowe his giftes as hee himselfe lysteth, and ye
seeke by wicked insurrections to make him giue them commonly
alike to al men, as your vaine fansie lyketh? Why woulde ye haue
an equalitie in ryches, and in other gyftes of God? there is no
meane sought. Either by ambition ye seeke Lordlynesse much
vnfitte for you, or by couetousnesse yee bee vnsatiable, a
thing likely ynough in ye, or else by folly ye bee not content
with your estate, a fansie to bee plucked out of you. But and we
being wearie of pouertie woulde seeke to enriche our selues, wee
shoulde go a farre other way to worke than this, and so should
wee rightly come to our desyre. Doth not Saint Peter teache vs
afore God a right way to honour, to riches, to all necessarie
and profitable things for vs? He sayeth, humble your selues that
God might exalt you, and cast all your care on him, for he
careth for you. He teacheth, the waye to all good things at Gods
hand, is to be humble, and you exalt your ſelues. Ye ſeeke
things after ſuch a ſort, as if the ſeruant ſhould anger his
maiſter, when he ſeeketh to haue a good turne on him. Ye woulde
haue ryches I thinke at Gods hande who giueth all riches, and
yet yee take the waye cleane contrarie to riches. Knowe ye not
that he that exalteth himſelfe, God will throwe him downe? Howe
can yee get it then, by thus ſetting out your ſelues? Ye ſhoulde
ſubmit ye by humilitie one to another, and ye ſet vp your ſelues
by arrogancie aboue the Magi|ſtrates. See herein howe much ye
offende God. Remember ye not that if ye come nigh to god, he
will come nigh vnto you? If then ye goe from EEBO page image 1676
God, he will go from you. Doth not the Pſalm ſay, he is holy
with the holy, and with the wic|ked man he is frowarde. Euen as
he is ordered of men, he will order them againe. If ye woulde
follow his will, and obey his commaundements, ye ſhould eate the
fruites of the earth, ſayth the Prophet, if not, the ſworde
ſhall deuour you. Yee might haue eaten the fruites of this
ſeaſonable yeare, if yee had not by the obedience rebelled
a|gainſt God. Now not onely ye cannot eaſe that which yourſelues did firſt how by [...], and [...] deſtroy by ſeditiõ, but alſo if the kings Maieſties
ſworde came not againſt you, as iuſt policie re|quireth, yet ſhe
iuſt vengeaunce of God woulde light among you, as his worde
promiſeth, and your cruell wickedneſſe deſerueth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 For what
ſoeuer the cauſes bee, that haue moued your wilde affections
herein, as they bee vniuſt cauſes, and increaſe your faults
much, the thing it ſelfe, the ryſing I meane, [...]
wicked and horrible afore God,
and the vſurping of authoritie, and taking in hand of rule,
which is the ſitting in Gods ſeate of iuſtice, and prouede
clyming vp into Gods high throne, muſt needes be not onely
curſed new [...] by him, but alſo hath beene often puniſhed afore of him.
And that which is done to Gods officer, God accounteth it done
to him. For they deſpiſe not the Miniſter as he ſayth himſelfe,
but they deſpiſe him, and that preſumption of chalenging Gods
ſeat, doth ſhew you to haue
beene Lucifers, and ſheweth vs that God will puniſh you like
Lucifers. Wherefore rightly looke, as ye duely haue deſerued,
either for great vengeance, for your abhominable tranſ|greſſion,
or elſe earneſtly repent, with vnfeyned mindes, your wicked
doings, and either wyth example of death bee content to dehorte
other, or elſe by faythfulneſſe of obedience, declare howe great
a ſeruice it is to God, to obey your Magiſtrates faythfully, and
to ſerue in ſubiection
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Well, if ye
had not thus grieuouſly offended God whome ye ought to worſhip,
what can ye reaſonably thinke it, to be no fault agaynſt the
king, whome ye ought to reuerence? Ye be bound by Gods worde to
obey your King, and is it no breake of duetie to withſtand your
King? If the ſeruaunt be bounde to obey his maiſter in the
fa|mily, is not the ſubiect bound to ſerue the King in his
Realme? The childe is bounde to the pri|uate father, &
be we not all bound to the common wealthes father? If we ought
to be ſubiect to the King for Gods cauſe, ought we not then I
pray you to be faythfully ſubiect to the king? If wee ought
dutifully to ſhew all obedience to heathen kings, ſhall we not
willingly and truly be ſubiect to Chriſtian kings? If one ought
to ſubmit him ſelfe by humilitie to another, ought we not all by
dutie vs be ſubiect to our king? If the aunſwers of our naturall
bodie all followed head, [...] the [...] of the politicall [...] all [...] king? If good mane [...] be [...] giue pla [...]
[...] lower to the higher, that [...]pan [...] a [...]|way to giue place to the higheſt If [...] ſub|iects will die gladly in the kings ſeruices, ſhould
not all ſubiects thinke to [...] to obey the King with iuſt ſeruice. But you haue [...] diſo|bey as like ill ſubiects, but alſo taken ſtouth
cauſe vpon you like wicked [...] Ye haue bent called to obedience, by counſaile of priuate
men, by the Kings Maieſties free pardon, but what counſaile
taketh place, where liue [...] and [...] aunſweres bee counted wiſedome. Who can perſwade where
treaſon is aboue reaſon, and might wicke myght, and it is had
for lawfull whatſoeuer is luſtfull, and commeth coueniant better
than Commiſſioners, [...] is named commonwealth [...] not broken his lawes, diſobeyed his Counſayle, rebelles
agaynſt [...] And what is the common wealth woorth, when the lawe which
is indiffe|rent for [...], ſhall dewilfully and ſpitefully broken of headſtrong
men, that [...] agaynſte lawes to order lawes, that thoſe may take place,
not what the conſent of wiſe men hath appoyn|ted, but what the
luſte of Rebelles hath deter|mined. What with [...]neſſe is in yll ſeruaunts, wickedneſſe in vnnaſwell
children, ſturdineſſe in vnrulye ſubiectes, crueltie in fierce
enimies wildeneſſe in beaſtly mindes, pryde in diſ [...]in|full heartes, that floweth nowe in you, whiche haue
fledde from houſes conſpiracies, to encam|ped robberies, and are
better contented to ſuffer famin, colde, trauayle, to glut your
luſtes, than to liue in quitneſſe, to ſaue the commonwelthe and
thinke more libertie in wilfulneſſe, than wiſedome in
dutiefulneſſe, and ſo come head-long not to the miſchiefe of
other, but to the de|ſtruction of your ſelues, and vndoe by
follie that yee intende by miſchiefe, neyther ſeeing howe to
remedie that ye iudge faultie, nor willing to ſaue your ſelues
from miſerie, which [...]|neſſe cannot doe, but honeſtie of obedience muſt
Compare 1587 edition:
1 If authoritie
woulde ſerue vnder a King the counſayle haue greateſt
authoritie, if wiſedome and grauitie might take place, they bee
of moſte experience, if knowledge of the common wealth coulde
helpe, they muſt by dayly conſcience of matters vnderſtande is
beſt, yet neither the au|thoritie that the kings Maieſtie hath
giuen them nor the grauitie which you knowe to be in them nor
the knowledge which with great trauail they haue gotten, can
moue ye eyther to keepe you in the duetie ye ought to doe, or to
auoyde the great EEBO page image 1339 diſorder wherein ye be. For
where diſobedience is thought ſtoutneſſe, and ſullenneſſe is
counted manhoode, and ſtomaking is courage, and pra|ting is
iudged wyſedome, and the ciuiſheſt is moſt meete to rule, howe
can other iuſt autho|ritie be obeied, or ſad counſaile be
folowed, or good knowledge of matters be hearde, or
com|maundements of counſailours bee conſidered? And how is the
King obeied, whoſe wiſeſt bee withſtanded, the diſobedienteſt
obeyed, the high in authoritie
not waied, the vnſkilfulleſt made chiefe Captaines, to the
nobleſt moſt hurte in|tended, the braggingeſt brawler to be moſt
ſafe. And euen as the viler partes of the bodie, wold contende
in knowledge and gouernment with the fiue wittes, ſo doth the
lower partes of the common wealth, enterpriſe as highe a matter,
to ſtryue agaynſte their duetye of obedyence to the
Compare 1587 edition:
5 But what
talke I of diſobedience ſo qui|etly, hath not ſuche mad rages runne in youre
heades, that forſaking and bruſtyng the quiete|neſſe of the
common peace, ye haue haynouſlye and Traiterouſly encamped your
ſelfe in field, and there like a byle in a bodie, nay like a
ſinke in a Town, haue gathered togither all the na|ſtie
vagabondes, and ydle loyterers to beare ar|mour againſte him,
with whom all godly and good ſubiects will true and dye withall.
If it be a faulte when two fight togither, and the kings
peace broken, &
puniſhment to be ſought there|fore, can it be but an outragious
and a deteſta|ble miſchiefe, when ſo many Rebelles to num|ber,
malicious in minde, miſchieuous in enter|priſe, fight not among
themſelues, but againſt al the kings true and obedient ſubiects,
and ſeeke to proue whether rebellion maye beare downe honeſtie,
and wickedneſſe may ouercome truth or no? If it be treaſon to
ſpeake haynouſlye of the kings maieſtie, who is not hurt therby,
and the infamye retourneth to
the ſpeaker againe, what kinde of outragious and horrible
treaſon is it, to aſſemble in camp an armie againſt him, and ſo
not onely intende an ouerthrow to him, and alſo to his common
welth, but alſo to call him into an infamie, through all outward
and ſtrange nations, and perſwade them that he is hated of his
people, whom he can not rule, and that they bee no better than
villaines, whyche will not wyth good orders bee ruled. What
deathe can bee deuiſed
cruell ynoughe for thoſe rebelles, who with trouble ſeeketh
deathe, and can not quenche the thirſt of their rebellion, but
with the bloude of true Subiectes, and hatcthe the Kinges
merciful pardon, when they mi|ſerablye haue tranſgreſſed, and in
ſuch an out|rage of myſchyefe, wyll not by ſtubburneneſſe
acknowledge themſelues to haue faulted, but entendeth to broſte
the common welth with the ſame of their treaſon, and as much as
lyeth in them, not onely to anoy themſelues, but to de|ſtroye
all other. He that is miſcontented wyth thinges that happen, and
bycauſe hee can not beare the miſerie of them, renteth hys
heare, and teareth his ſkinne, and mangleth his face, whi|che
eaſeth not his ſorrowe, but encreaſeth hys miſerie, maye hee not
bee iuſtely called madde and fantaſticall, and worthie whoſe
wiſedome ſhoulde be ſuſpected? And what ſhall we ſay of them,
who beeing in the common wealth, fee|ling a ſore grieuous vnto
thẽ, and eaſie to haue bin amended, ſought not the remedy, but
hathe increaſed the griefe, and like frantick beaſts ra|ging
againſt their heade, doth teare & deface as muche as
lyeth in them, his whole authoritie in gouernment, and violẽtly
taketh to themſelues that rule on them, whiche hee by pollicie
hathe graunted vnto other. And who waying well the heauineſſe of
the faulte, maye not iuſtelye ſaye and holde, them to bee worſe
herein than anye kinde of brute Beaſtes. For wee ſee that the
ſheepe wylt obey the Sheephearde, and the nete bee ruled by the
Ne [...]ehearde, and the horſe will knowe his keeper, and the
Dogge will be in awe of his Maiſter, and euery one of them feede
there, and of that, as hys keeper and ru|ler dothe appoint hym,
and goeth from thence, and that, as hee is forbidden by his
ruler. And yet wee haue not hearde of, that anye hearde or
companye of theſe, haue ryſen agaynſte their heardman or
gouernour, but bee alwayes con|tented not onely to obey them,
but alſo to ſuf|fer them to take profite of them. And wee ſee
furthermore that all heardes and all ſortes, bee more egee in
fierceneſſe agaynſte all kynde of ſtraungers, than they bee
againe their owne rulers, and wyll eaſier offende hym who hathe
not hurte them, than touche their ruler who ſeeketh profite on
them. But yee that ought to bee gouerned by youre Magiſtrates,
as the heardes by the heardeman, and ought to be like ſhepe to
your king, who ought to be like a ſhep|hearde vnto you, euen in
the time when youre profite was ſought and better redreſſe was
en|tended, than youre vpſtirres and vnquietneſſe coulde obtaine,
haue beyonde the crueltie of all beaſts, ſouly riſen againſt
your ruler, & ſhewed your ſelues worthy to be ordred
like beaſtes, who in kynde of obedyence wyll fall from the ſtate
of men. A Dogge ſtoupeth when hee hys beaten of his maiſter, not
for lacke of ſtomack, but for naturall obedience: you beeing not
ſtri|ken of your head but fauoured, not kept down, but
ſuccoured, and remedyed by lawe, haue violentlye agaynſte Lawe,
not onely bar|ked like beaſts, but alſo bitten like helhoundes.
EEBO page image 1682 What is the miſchiefe of ſedition, eyther
not knowne vnto you, or not feared? Haue not examples
aforetimes, both told the ende of re|bels, & the
wickedneſſe of rebellion it ſelfe? But as for old examples, let
them paſſe for a whyle, as things wel to be conſidered, but at
this pre|ſent one thing more to be wayed. Loke vpon your ſelues,
after ye haue wickedly ſtepte into this horrible kind of
treaſon, do ye not ſee how many bottomleſſe whirlepooles of
miſchief ye be goulfft
withall, and what lothſome kyndes of rebellion ye be fayne to
wade thorowe?
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Ye haue ſent
out in the kings name, againſt the kings will precepts of all
kinds, and with|out commaundemente, commaunded his ſub|iects,
and vnrulyly haue ruled, where ye liſted to commaund, thinking
your owne fanſies, the kings commaundements, and rebelles luſts
in things, to be right gouernement of things, not looking what
ſhuld folow by reaſon, but what your ſelues followe by affection. And is it not a daungerous
and a cruell kynde of treaſon, to giue out preceptes to the
kinges people?
Compare 1587 edition:
2 There can be
no iuſte execution of lawes, re|formation of faultes, gyuyng
oute of com|maundementes, but from the Kyng. For in the Kyng
onely is the ryghte hereof, and the authoritie of him deriued by
his appointment to his miniſters. Ye hauyng no authoritie of the
Kyng, but takyng it of your ſelues, what thynke ye your ſelues to be? Miniſters ye bee
none, except ye be the Deuils miniſters, for hee is the authour
of ſedition. The Kings Maie|ſtie intendeth to maynteyne peace,
and to op|preſſe warre, ye ſtirre vp vprores of people,
hur|lyeburlies of vagabundes, routes of robbers, is this any
part of the kings miniſterie? If a vacabunde woulde doe what him
luſt, and call himſelfe your ſeruaunt, and execute ſuche
offi|ces of truſt, whether ye would or no, as ye haue committed to an other mans credit,
what wold euery one of you ſay or doe herein? Would ye ſuffer
it? Ye wãder out of houſes, ye make eue|ry day newe matters as
it pleaſeth you, ye take in hande the execution of thoſe things,
God by his word forbidding the ſame, which God hath put the
Magiſtrates in truſte withall. What can ye ſaye to this? Is it
ſufferable think ye? If ye told a priuate meſſage in an other
mans name, can it be but a falſe lye I praye ye? And to tell a fayned meſſage to the
commonwelth, and that from the kyng, can it be honeſt thinke ye?
To commaunde is more than to ſpeake, what is it then to
commaunde ſo trayterous a lye? This then whiche is in worde a
deceytfull lye, and in deed a t [...]ayterous fact, noy ſome to the common welth, vnhonorable
to the Kyng, miſchieuous in you, howe can you otherwyſe iudge of
it, but to be an vnhearde of, and no|table diſobedience to the
king & therfore by no|table example to bee puniſhed, and
not wyth gentleneſſe of pardon to be forgiuen.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Ye haue
robbed euery honeſt houſe, and ſpoi|led them vniuſtly, and
pitteouſly wrong poore men being no offenders, to their vtter
vndoing, and yet ye thinke ye haue not broken the kings Lawes.
The Kings Maieſties lawe and hys commaundemente is, that euery
man ſhoulde ſafely keepe his owne, and vſe it reaſonably to an
honeſt gayn of his liuing. Ye violently take and carrie away
from men without cauſe, all things wherby they ſhould maynteyn,
not on|ly themſelues, but alſo their familie, and leaue them ſo
naked, that they ſhall feele the ſmarte of your curſed
enterpriſe, longer thã your own vnnaturall and vngodly
ſtomackes would wel vouchſafe. By iuſtice ye ſhoulde neither
hurt, nor wrong man, and your pretenſed cauſe of thys monſtrous
ſturre, is to encreaſe mennes wealth. And yet howe many, and
ſaye truth, haue ye decayed and vndone, by ſpoyling and taking
awaye their goods? How ſhould honeſt men liue quietly in the
Commonwelth at any time, if their goods either gotten by their
owne labour, or left to them by their frends, ſhall vn|lawfully
and vnorderly to the feeding of a ſort of rebelles, be ſpoyled
and waſted, and vtterly ſcattred abrode? The thing ye take, is
not your right, it is an other mans owne. The maner of taking
againſt his will, is vnlawfull, & againſt the order of
euery good common wealth. The cauſe why ye take it, is
miſchieuous and horri|ble, to fat your ſedition. Ye that take
it, be wic|ked traitors, and cõmon enimies of al good or|der.
If he that deſireth an other mans goodes or cattell doe fault,
what dothe he thinke you, whoſe deſire taking followeth, and is
ledde to and fro by luſte, as his wicked fanſye voyde of reaſon
doth guyde him? He that vſeth not his owne well and charitably,
hath muche to an|ſwere for, and ſhall they be thought not
vniuſt, who not onely take away other mens but alſo miſuſe and
waſt the ſame vngodly? They that take things priuyly awaye, and
ſteale ſecretely and couertely other mens goodes, be by Lawe
iudged worthye deathe. And ſhall they that without ſhame ſpoyle
thyngs openly, and bee not afeard by impudẽcie to profeſſe
their ſpoyle bee thoughte either honeſt creatures to God, or
faithful ſubiects to their Kyng, or natural men to their
Countrey? If nothing hadde moued you but the example of
miſchiefe, and the fowle practiſe of other moued by the ſame, ye
ſhoulde yet haue abſteyned from ſo licencious and vil|lanous a
ſhewe of robberie, conſydering how manye honeſter there bee,
that beyng loth their EEBO page image 1683 wickedneſſe ſhoulde be
blazed abroade, yet bee founde out by prouidence, and hanged for
de|ſerte. What ſhall we then think or ſay of you? Shall we call
you pickers, or hid theeues, nay more than theeues, day theeues,
heard ſtealers ſhire ſpoylers, & vtter deſtroyers of all
kinds of families, both among the poore, & alſo among
the riche. Let vs yet further fee, is there no mo thynges,
wherein yee haue broken the Kings lawes, and ſo vylie diſobeyed
hym, contrarie to your bounden
Ye haue not onely ſpoyled the Kyngs true ſubiects of
their goodes, but alſo ye haue impri|ſoned their bodies, which
ſhould be at libertie vnder the King, and reſtrayned them of
their ſeruice, which by dutie they owe the kyng, and appaired
both ſtrength and health, wherewith they liue and ſerue the
King. Is there any ho|neſt thyng more deſired than libertie? ye
haue ſhamefully ſpoyled them therof. Is there anye thing more dutifull than to ſerue
their Lorde and maiſter? But as that was deſerued of the one
parte, ſo was it hindered and ſtopped on your part. For neither
can the King be ſerued, nor families kepte, nor the Common
wealth looked vnto, where freedome of libertie is ſtop|ped, and
diligence of ſeruice is hindered, and the helpe of ſtrength and
health abated. Mens bodies ought to be free from all mens
bondage and crueltie, and only in this realme be ſubiect
in publike puniſhment, to
oure publike gouer|nour, and neither be touched of headleſſe
Cap|tains, nor holden of brainleſſe rebels. For the gouernement
of ſo precious a thing, ought to belong vnto the moſt noble
ruler, and not iuſtly to be in euery mans power, which is iuſtly
eue|ry liuing mans treſure. For what goodes be ſo deare to
euerye man, as his owne bodye is, whiche is the true veſſell of
the mynde to bee meaſurably kept of euery man, for all exerciſes
and ſeruices of the mynde.
If ye maye not of your own authoritie, meddle with mẽs goods,
muche leſſe you may of your owne authoritie take order with mens
bodies. For what be goo|des in compariſon of helth, libertie
& ſtrength, whiche bee all ſettled and faſtned in the
body. They that ſtrike other, doe greatly offend, and be iuſtly
puniſhable. And ſhall they that cruel|ly and wrongfully tormente
mennes bodyes with yrons, and impriſonmentes, be thoughte
not of other, but of them
ſelues honeſte, and playne, and true dealyng men? What ſhall we
ſay by them who in a priuate buſineſſe, wil let a man to goe hys
iourney in the kings high way? Doe they not thinke ye playne
wrong? Then in a common cause not onely to hynder them, but also
to deale cruelly with them, and shutte them from doyng their
seruise to the King, and their duetie to the common welth, is it
not bothe disobedience, crueltie, and myschiefe thinke ye? What
an hinderance is it, to haue a good garment hurt, any iewel
appaired, or any estemed thing to be decayed? And seing no
earthly thing a man hath more precious tha(n) his bodie, to
cause it to bee cruelly tormented with yrons, feebled with
colde, weakened with ordering, can it be thought any other thing
but wrong to the sufferer, crueltie in the doer, and great
disobedience & transgression to the king? Howe then be
ye able to defend it? But seing ye so vnpitifully vexe men,
caste them in prison, lade them with yrons, pyne them with
famine, contrary to the rule of nature, contrarye to the Kynges
Maiesties Lawes, contrarye to Gods holy ordinaunces, hauing no
matter, but pretenced and fayned gloses, ye be not only
disobedient to the king lyke rebels, but wythstanding the lawe
of nature lyke beastes, and so worthy to die lyke Dogges, except
the kings Maiestie, without respecte of your deserving, doe
mercifully grant you of his goodnesse, that as you cannot escape
by Iustice.
Yet ye being not content with this, as small things
enterprise great matters, and as though ye coulde not ſatiſfye
your ſelfe, if yee ſhoulde leaue any miſchiefe vndone, haue
ſought bloud with crueltie, & haue ſlayn of ye kings
true ſub|iects in any, thinkyng their murder to be your defence,
when as ye haue encreaſed the faulte of your vile Rebellion,
wyth the horroure of bloudſhead, and ſo haue burdened miſchiefe,
wyth miſchiefe, whyle it come to an impor|table weight of
myſchiefe. What coulde we doe more, in the horribleſt kynde of
faultes, to the greateſt tranſgreſſours and offendoures of God
and men, than to looke ſtraightly on them by death, and ſo to
ridde them out of the com|mon wealth by ſeuere puniſhment, whome
ye thought vnworthie to liue among menne for their dooings. And
thoſe who haue not offen|ded the King, but defended hys Realme,
and by obedience of ſeruice, ſoughte to puniſhe the diſobedient,
and for ſafegarde of euerie man, putte them ſelues vnder duetie
of Law, thoſe haue ye myſerably and cruelly ſlayne, and ba|thed
you in theyr bloud, whoſe dooynges ye ſhoulde haue followed, and
ſo haue appay [...]ed the common welth, both by deſtruction of good men, and
alſo by increaſe of rebels. And howe can that common welth by
any means endure wherin euery mã without authoritie, may
vn|puniſhed, ſlea whome he liſt, and that in ſuche caſe as thoſe
who be ſlaine, ſhewe themſelues moſt noble of courage, and moſt
ready to ſerue the king and the common wealth, and thoſe as doe
ſlea, be moſt villanous & traiterous eche l [...]es EEBO page image 1684 that any common wealth did ouer
ſuſteyn for a Citie and a Prouince [...] and the faire houſes, and the ſtrong walles, nor the
defence of anye engin, but the liuing bodies of men, being able
in number & ſtrength, to mainteyn themſelues by good
order of iuſtice, and to ſerue for all ne|ceſſary &
behouable vſes in the cõmon wealth. And when as mans bodie
being a parte of the whole cõmon welth, is wrongfully touched
a|ny way, & ſpecially by death, then ſuffeyeth the
cõmon welth great iniurie,
and that alway ſo much the more, how honeſter and nobler he is,
who is iniuriouſly murdered. Howe was the Lord Sheffilde handled
among you, a noble gentleman, and of good ſeruice, both ſit for
coũ|ſel in peace, & for conduct in warre, conſidering
either the grauitie of his wiſedome, or the au|thoritie of his
perſon, or his ſeruice to the com|monwelth, or the hope that all
men had in him, or the need that England had of ſuche, or amõg
many notably good, his
ſingular exceſtencie, or the fauour yt all men bare toward him,
being loued of euery man, & hated of no man. Con|ſidered
ye, who ſhould by duetie be the kings ſubiects, either how ye
ſhoulde not haue offen|ded the king, or after offence haue
required the kings pardon, or not to haue refuſed his good|neſſe
offred, or at length to, haue yelded to hys mercie, or not to
haue ſlain thoſe who came for his ſeruice, or to haue ſpared
thoſe, who in dã|ger offred
ranſom But al theſe things forgot|ten by rage of rebellion,
bycauſe one madneſſe cannot be without infinite vices, ye flowe
him cruellye, who offered himſelfe manfully, nor woulde not
ſpare for raunſome, who was worthy for nobleneſſe, to haue had
honour, & he weddim bare, whome ye could not hurt
ar|med, and by ſlauerie flewe nobilitie, in deede miſerably, in
faſhiõ cruelly, in cauſe diuelliſh|ly. Oh with what cruell
ſpite was violently ſundred,
ſo noble a body fro ſo godly a mind? Whoſe death muſt rather be
reuenged than la|mented, whoſe death was no lacke to himſelfe,
but to his countrey, whoſe death might euery way bin better
borne, than at a rebelles hande. Violence is in all thinges
hurtfull, but in life horrible. What ſhoulde I ſpeak of others
in the ſame caſe, diuers and notable, whoſe death for manhood
and ſeruice, can wãt no worthy praiſe ſo long as theſe vgly
ſtirrers of rebellion can be
had in mynd, God hath himſelf ioyned mãs bodie and his ſoule
togither, not to be depar|ted aſunder, afore he eyther diſſeuer
them hym|ſelfe, excauſe them to be diſſeuered by his mini|ſter.
And ſhal rebels and heedleſſes camps being armed againſt God,
and in fielde againſt theyr King, thinke it no faulted ſhead
bloud of true ſubiects, hauing neither office of God, nor
ap|pointment of miniſters, nor luſt cauſe of rebel|lion? He that
ſteale the any part of [...] ſub|ſtance, is worthy to loſe his life. When ſhal we
thinke [...] them, w [...]o ſpoyle men of their lyues, for the mayntenãce whereof,
not only ſubſtance and riches be ſoughte for, but alſo all
common welths be deuiſed? Now then, your own con|ſciences ſhould
be made your iudges and none other ſet to giue ſentence againſt
yet, ſeing ye haue bin ſuche bloud [...]aders, ſo he ynou [...] man|quellers, ſo horrible murderers, could ye do any
other than playnely confeſſe your ſoule & wic|ked
rebellion to be greuous againſt god, & trai|terous to
the king, and hurtfull to the cõmon wealth? So many grieuous
faults meetyng togither in one ſinke, might not onely haue
diſ|couraged, but alſo driuen to deſperation, any o|ther [...]oueſt of indifferent mind. But what fele they, whoſe harts
ſo depe miſchief hath hard [...]|ned, & by vehemencie of affection be made
vn|ſham [...]aſt, and ſtop al diſcourſ [...] of reaſon, to let at large the ful ſcope of their
vnmeaſurable mad|neſſe. Priuate mens goods ſemeth litle to your
vnfatiable deſires, ye haue waxed greedy now vppon Cities, and
haue attempted myghtye ſpoyles, to glut vp and ye could your
waſting hunger. Oh howe marche haue they neede of, that will
neuer hee contented, and what riches can ſuffiſe any that will
attempt high enterpri|ſes adone their eſtate? Ye could not
mainteyne your campes wyth your priuate goodes, wyth your
neyghbours portion, but ye muſt alſo at|tempt Cities, bicauſe ye
ſought great ſpoyles, with other mens loſſes, and had forgotten
how ye liued at home honeſtly with your owne, and thought them
worthie death that wold diſquiet ye in your houſe, and plucke
away that whiche ye by right of lawe thoughte to be your owne.
Herein ſee what ye woulde haue done, ſpoyled the Kinges
Maieſties Subiectes, weakened the kings ſtrength, ouerthrowne
his Townes, taken away his munition, drawne his ſubiec|tes to
like rebellion, yea and as it is among fo|reyne enimies in
ſackyng of Cities, no doubt thereof, ye woulde haue fallen to
ſlaughter of menne, rauiſhyng of Wyues, deſtouryng of Maydens,
choppyng of chyldren, fyeiyng of houſes, beatyng downe of
ſtretes, ouerthro|wyng of altogyther. For what meaſure haue men
in the increaſe of madneſſe, when they can not at the beginning
ſtay themſelues from fal|lyng into it. And if the beſetting of
one houſe to robbe it, bee iuſtly deemed worthye deathe, what
ſhall wee thynke of them that beſiege whole Cities for deſire of
ſpoyle? Wee lyue vnder a king to ſerue hym at all tymes, when he
ſhall neede our ſtrength, and ſhall ye then not only withdraw
your ſelues, whiche oughte as EEBO page image 1685 much to be
obedient as we be, hut alſo violent|ly plucke other away too,
fro the dutie vnto the which by Gods commaundement, all
ſubiectes be ſtraightly bound, and by al lawes euery na|tion is
naturally led? The townes be not on|ly the ornament of the
realme, but alſo the ſeat of merchauntes, the place of
handycrafts, that men ſcattered in villages, and needyng diuers
thynges, maye in little roome knowe, where to fynde their lacke.
To ouerthrowe them then, is
nothyng elſe but to waſte youre owne com|modities ſo, that when
ye woulde buye a ne|ceſſarie thyng for money, yee coulde not
tell where to fynde it. Munition ſerueth the King, not only for
the defence of his owne, but alſo for the inuaſion of his
enimie. And if ye will then ſo ſtraightly deale with him, that
ye wyll not lette hym ſo muche as defend his owne, ye offer him
double iniurie, both that yee let him from doing any notable
fact abroade, and alſo that ye
ſuffer not him quietly to enioy his own at home. But herein
hathe notably appeared, what Cities hath faithfully ſerued and
[...]uffe|red extreme daunger, not onely of goode shut alſo of
famine, and death, rather than to ſufer the kinges enimies to
enter, and what whye liuered Cities hath not onely not
withſtande them, but alſo with ſhame fauored them, a [...] with miſchiefe ayded them. And I woulde I might prayſe
herein all Cities alyke, whiche I woulde doe, if all were lyke worthie. For then I might
ſhewe more faithe in ſubiectes, than ſtrength in rebels, and
teſtifie to menne to come, what a generall faith euery Citie
bare to ye kings Maieſtie, whoſe age although it were not ſitte
to rule, yet his ſubiects hea [...]es were willing to obey, thinking not only of his haue
which al men conceyue hereafter to be in him, but alſo of the
iuſte kynde of gouernemente, whyche in hys minoritie his
Counſaile dothe vſe among
them. And beere howe muche and howe worthily may Exceſter he
commended, whiche beyng in the middeſt of rebelles, vnme [...]|tayled, vnfurniſhed, vnprepared for ſo long a ſiege, did
nobly holde oute the continuall and daungerous aſſaulte of the
Rebell, for they ſuſteyned the violence of the Rebell, not only
when they had plentie inough of victuall, but alſo eleuen or
.xij. dayes after the extreme fa|mine came on them, and liuing
without dread, were in courage
ſo manfull, and in duetie ſo conſtant, that they thoughte it yet
muche bet|ter, to dye the extreme death of hunger, ſhe|wyng
truth to their Kyng, and loue to their Countrey, than to gyue
anye place to the re|bell, and fauoure hym with ayde, althoughe
they myght haue doone it wyth their leſſe dan|ger. Whoſe example
if Norwiche hadde fo|lowed, and hadde not rather gyuen pla [...]e to traytor Ket, thã to kepe their duetie, & had
not ſought more ſafegarde than honeſtie, and pri|uate hope more
than common on [...] they had ended their rebellion ſooner & eſcaped
them|ſelues better, and [...] the loſſe of the worthy Lorde Sheffielde [...] was more [...] ſeruice for his lyfe than in them their goo|des. And
althoughe this can not bee [...] a|gainſt certain honeſt that wer amongſt them whoſe
prayſe was the greater, bicauſe they wer ſo fewe, yet the greate
number was ſuche, that they not only obeyed the Rebell for
feare, but alſo followed him for loue, and did ſo trai|terouſly
order the kings [...]ande vnder my Lord Marqueſſe, that they ſuffred more
damage out of their houſes by the Towns men, than they did
abroade by the Rebelles. Whoſe faulte as the kings maieſtie may
pardon ſo I would auoyde the example might be forgotten that no
ci|tie might hereafter folowe yt like, or the deed be ſo
abhorred, that other hereafter would auoyde the lyke ſhame, and
lerne to be noble by Eace|ſter, whoſe truth dothe not only
deſerue long prayſes, but alſo great rewarde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Who then that
wolde willingly defend can ſay any thing for ye which haue ſo
diuerſ|ly faulted, ſo trayterouſly offended, not onely againſt
priuate men ſeuerally, but alſo gene|rally againſt whole towns,
and that after ſuch a ſort, as outward enimies full of deadly
[...]e [...]d, coulde not more cruelly inuade them. And thus the Kyngs
maieſtie diſhonoured, his Counſell diſobeyed, the goodes of the
poore ſpoyled the houſes of the wealthie ſacked, honeſt mannes
bodies impriſoned, worthie mennes perſona|ges ſlayne, Cities
beſieged and threatened, and all kynde of things diſordered, can
yee without teares and repentaunce heare ſpoken off, whiche
without honeſtie and godlineſſe ye practiſed and not fynde in
your heartes nowe to returne to duetie, which by witchecraft of
ſe|dition, were drowned in diſorder? Haue yee not in diſorder
firſte grenouſly offended God, next traiterouſly riſen againſte
your king, & ſo neither worthie euerlaſting life, as
lõg as ye ſo remain nor yet ciuil life, being in ſuch a breasts
of cõmõ quietneſſe. If eueryone of thoſe cãnot by themſelues
pluck you backe from this your lende and outragious enterpriſes,
yet larthẽ al|together her ſtir ye, or at leaſt be a fearfull
example to other, to beware by lydure vnmeſurable fo|lie, how
they do ſo far prouoke God, or offende man, and finde by your
miſtemped to be them|ſelues better ordered, and learne ſtill to
obeye, bycauſe they woulde not repente, and ſo to l [...]e with honeſtie, that they woulde neither wil|linglye
offend Gods Lawe, nor diſobey mans.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1686But and ye were ſo muche bleared, that you
did thinke impoſſible things, and your reaſon gaue ye agaynſt
all reaſon, that ye neyther diſ|pleaſed God herein, nor offended
the king, yet be ye ſo blynde, that ye underſtande not youre
owne caſe, nor y [...] neighbors myſerie, nor the vaine of the [...]ote common wealth, whyche doth [...] folowe your ſo fowle and bete| [...] ſedition? Doe yee not ſee howe for the mayntenaunce of
theſe vngodly ra [...]ſementes, not only
Cities and Villages, but alſo Shires and Countreys be vtterly
deſtroyed? Is not their corne waſted, their cattell ſet away,
their houſes ryfled, their goodes ſpoyled, and all to feede
youre vpriſyng withoute reaſon, and to maynteyn this tumult of
rebellion, inuented of the Deuill, continued by you, and to be
ouer|throwne by the power of Gods mightie hand? And why ſhould
not ſo hurtfull waſtyng and hartying of countreys, be iuſtly
puniſhed with greate
ſeueritie, ſeing robbing of houſes, and taking of purſes, do by
lawe deſerue the extre|mitie of death? How many ſuffer iniurie
when one hundred of a Shire is ſpoyled, and what iniurie thinke
ye is done, when not only whole Shires be deſtroyed, but alſo
euery quarter of the realme touched? Haue ye not brought vp|on
vs al pouertie, weakneſſe, and hatred with|in the realme, and
diſcourage, ſhame, and da|mage without the realme? If ye
miſerably en|tended not only
to vndoe other, but alſo to de|ſtroye your ſelues, and to
ouerthrow the whole realme, coulde ye haue taken a readier way
to your owne ruine that this is?
Compare 1587 edition:
2 And firſt if
ye be any thyng reaſonable, lifte vp your reaſon, and way by
wiſedome, if not al things, yet your owne caſes, and lerne in
the beginning of matters, to foreſee the end; and ſo iudge
aduiſedly, or ye enter into any thing ha|ſtily. See ye not this
yeare the loſſe of harueſt?
And think ye, ye can grow to wealth that yere, whẽ ye loſe your
thrife & profit? Barnes be poore mens ſtorehouſes,
wherin lieth a great part of euery mans owne liuing, his wiues
& his chil|drens liuing, where with men maynteyne their
families, pay their rẽts, and therfore be always thought moſt
rich when they haue beſt croppes. And how when ther is neyther
plentie of haye, nor ſufficient of ſtraw, nor corne inough, and
that through the greate diſorder of your wicked rebellion, can ye thynke ye to do
well, when ye vndoe your ſelues, and iudge it a common wealthe,
when the commons is deſtroyed, and ſeeke your happe by
vnhappineſſe, and eſteeme your owne loſſe, to be your owne
forwardnes, and by this iudgement ſhewe your ſelues, how little
yee vnderſtande other mennes matters, when ye can ſcarcely
conſider the waightieſt of your owne? Hath not the haye this
yeare, as it roſe fro the ground, ſo rotted to the grounde
again? and where it was wont by mens ſea|ſonable labor to be
taken in due time, and then ſerue for the maintenance of horſe
and cattell, wherewith we liue, nowe by youre diſordered
miſchiefe, hath bene by mens idleneſſe, and vn|dutifulneſſe,
lette alone vn [...]duched, and ſo nei|ther ſerueth the poore to make money
of, nor a|ny cattell to liue with. The corne was ſowne with
labour, and the grounde [...]illed for it wyth labour, and looked to be brought home
againe with labour, and for lacke of honeſt labourers, is loſt
on the ground: the owners being loyte|rers, and ſeeking other
mennes, haue loſt their owne, and hoping for mountains; lucked
their preſent thrift neither obteining yt they ſought, nor
ſeeking that they oughte. And howe ſhall men liue when the
maintenance of their proui|ſion is ſeeking? For laboring and
their olde ſtore is wa [...]ed by wildnes of ſedition, and ſo ney|ther [...] are the olde, nor ſaue the newe. Howe can men be fedde
then or beaſtes fiue, when as there waſtefull negligence is my
ſteady vſed, and myſpending the tyme of their profite, in
ſhameful diſorder of inobedience, they care not treatly what
becomes of their owne, bicauſe they intend to liue by other
mens? Hay is gon, corne is waſted, ſtrawe is ſpoyled: what
re [...]|ke [...]ſing of Harueſt can ye make, eyther for the ayde of
others, or for the reliefe of your ſelues? And thus haue ye
brought in one kinde of mi|ſerie, which if ye ſawe before, as ye
be lyke to feele after, although ye had hated the common welth,
yet for loue of your ſelues, ye wold haue auoyde the great
enormitie thereof, into the which ye wilfully now haue call in
your ſelues.
An other no leſſe is, that ſuch plentie of vic|tuall,
as was abundantly in euery quarter, for the reliefe of vs all,
is nowe all wallfull and vnthrifefully ſpente, in mayntening you
vn|lawfull rebelles, and ſo with diſorder all is con|ſumed,
whiche with good huſbandrye mighte long haue endured, For, ſo
much as wold haue ſerued a whole yeare at home, with diligente
and ſkilfull heed of huſbandrie, that is willfully waſted in a
moneth in the campe, thorough the rauening ſpoyle of v [...]anie. For what is vn|ordred plentie, but a waſtfull
ſpoyle? whereof the inconuenient is ſo great, as ye be worthy to
feele, and dringeth in more hardneſſe of li|uing, greater dearth
of all thing, and occaſio|neth manye cauſes of diſeaſes. The
price of things must needes encrease muche, when the number of
thinges waxeth lesse, and by scarsitie be enhaunced, and
compelleth men to their owne, & also to strangers, And
where the riche wanteth
EEBO page image 1687 wanteth, what can the poore fynd, who in a
co(m)mon scarcitie, liueth most scarcely, and feeleth quicklyest
the sharpnesse of staruing, when euery man for lacke is
hungerbitten, whiche if ye had well remembred before, as ye nowe
maye after perceyue, ye would not, I think so stiffe-neckedly
haue resisted, and endaungered youre selfe in the storme of
famine, whereof ye most lykely, must haue the greatest parte,
whyche moste stubburnly resisted, to your owne shame and confusion. Experience teacheth vs,
that after a great dearth, commeth a great death, for that when
men in great want of meat eate muche yll meate, they fill their
bodies wyth yll humors, and cast them from their state of helth,
into a subiection of sicknesse, bycause the good bloud in the
body is not able to keepe his temper, for the multitude of the
yll humours that corrupteth the same. And so growe great and
deadly plagues, and destroye greate numbers of all sortes,
sparing no kynde that they lyght on, neyther respecting the
poore with mercy, nor the ryche with fauour. Can ye therfore
thinke heerein, when ye see decay of victuals, the riche pinche,
the poore famishe, the following of diseases, the greatnesse of
death, the mourning of widowes, the pitifulnesse of the
fatherlesse, and all this myserie to come thorowe your
vnnaturall misbehauior, tha ye haue not dangerously hurte the
commons of your countrey, with a dolefull and vncurable wound? These thinges being once felt
in the common wealth, as they must meedes be, euery man seeth by
and by what followeth, a greate diminishment of the strength of
the Realme, when the due number that the realme dothe mayneteyne
is made lesse, and therby we be made rather a praie for our
enimies, than a safetie for our selues.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And howe can
there be but a great decay of people at the lengthe, when ſome
be ouerthro|wen in [...], ſome ſuffer for puniſhment, ſome pyne for famine, ſome
dye with the camps diet, ſome he conſumed with ſickneſſe. For
although ye thynke youre ſelues able to matche wyth a fewe
vnprepared Gentlemen, and putte them from their houſes, that ye
myghte gayne the ſpoyle, daye iudge therfore your ſelues ſtrong
inough not onely to withſtande a Kings po|wer but alſo to
ouerthrowe it? Is it poſſible that ye ſhoulde haue ſo madde a
frenſy in your head, that ye
ſhoulde thinke the number ye ſee ſo ſtrong, that all ye ſee not
ſhould not be able to preuayle to the contrarie? With what reſon
coulde ye thinke, that if ye adde the hate brunt of battaile,
but yee muſte needs feele the ſmart, ſpecially the Kings power
comming againſte you, whiche if yee feare not, belyke yee knowe
not the ſorce thereof? And ſo muche the grea|ter number is laſt
in the Realme, that both the ouercountes and the [...] keep [...]ties, althoughe vnlyke, of one Realme: and what loſſe is
not only of eyther ſyde, but of both, that doth playnly [...] to the whole.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There where
ſo great and ſo hort [...] a fault is committed, as wo [...]ſſe can not be made [...] of from the beginning, and bringeth in withal, ſuche
penutie, ſuche weakeneſſe, ſuche diſor|der in the common wealth,
as no miſchief [...] be|ſide [...] doe the lyke: Cunary man thinke wyth iuſte reaſon: that
[...] ſhall eſcape vnpuni|ſhed, that ſhall eſcape the ſworde,
and was ma|nie for [...]mont and examples ſake, ſhould bee looke vnto, who haue
bene eyther great boers in ſuche diſ [...]dred villanie [...] to ſuche an outgrowne miſcheife, ſeeyng the only [...] wilfull [...]. in [...] of ſuch whole [...] good than might to abhorre for dueties ſake, and yll men
hay [...] for lyke puniſhement [...], and [...]
[...] vnpuniſhed, is ſo daunger was, that the [...] of [...] of the fall of in greate [...] one, and [...]
And in suche bareynnesse of victuall, as must needes
come after so rauening a spoyle, it must needes be, that some
though fewe, shal be so nipte with egernesse of famine, yt they shall not recouer again themselues out
of so fretting a daunger. So in a generall weaknesse, where all
shall be feebled, some must needes die, and so diminishe the
number, and abate suche strength as the realme defended it selfe
withall afore. Whiche occasion of neuer so few, comming of so
great a cause, if ye shuld make iust amends for, not of
reco(m)pence which ye could not, but of punishment which ye
ought, how many, howe diuers and how cruel deathes,
ought euery one of ye often suffer? Howe manye came to the camps
from long labor to sodayne ease, and fro(m) meane fare to
stroying of victual, and so fell in a maner vnwares, to suche a
contrary change, that Nature hir selfe abyding neuer greate and
sodain changes, cannot beare it without some groundes entred of
diseases to come, whiche vncircumspect men shall sooner feele
than think of, and then will scarcely iudge the cause, when they
shall be vexed wyth the effect. It is little meruayle that
Idleness, and meate of an other mannes charge, wyll soone feede
vp and fatte lykely menne: but it is greate maruell if ydleness
& other mens meate doe not abate the same sicknesse
again, and specially comming from
EEBO page image 1688 from the one, and going to the other,
contrarye in those who violently seeke to tourne in a momente,
the whole Realme to the contrarye. For while their mynde
chaungeth from obedience to vnrulynesse, and tourneth it self
from honestie to wyldenesse, and theyr bodyes goe from laboure
to idlenesse, from small farre to spoyle of victuall, and from
beds in the night to cabins, and from sweete houses to stinkyng
campes, it must needes be by changing of affections, which alter the body, & by
vsing of rest that filleth the body, & glutting of meats
which weakenth the body, and with cold in the nights which
accraseth the body, and with corupt aire which infecteth the
body, that there folow some greuous tempest, not only of
contagious sicknesse, but also of present death to the body.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The greateſt
plucke of al is, that vehemonelt of plague, whiche naturally
foloweth the dint of hunger, which when it entreth once among
men, what dartes of pangs,
what throwes of paines, what ſhoutes of death doth it call but,
how many fall, not aſtonyed with the [...], but feeted with the pain, how beateth it downe not only
ſmal towns, but alſo great countries?
This when ye ſee light, firſt on your beaſts, whiche
ſacketh fodder, and after fall, [...] men, whoſe bodies gapeth for it, and ſeethe ſcarce|neſſe
of men to be, by this your foule enterpriſe, and not only other
men touched with plagues, but
alſo your owne houſe ſtrong with deathe, and the plague alſo
myſed of your diſyng, to [...]e your ſelues, cã ye thinke you to be any other but man
quellers of other, and murderers of your ſelues, and the
principals of the ouerthrow or ſo great a number, as ſhall
either by ſworde or puniſhment, famine or ſome plague or
pe|ſtilence be conſumed and waſted oute of the Common wealth?
And ſeeing he that decay|eth the number of Cottages of Plowes in
a Towne, ſeemeth to be an
enimie to the com|mon wealth, ſhall we not count him, not only
an enimie, but alſo a murtherer of his country, who by
barbrayned vnrulyneſſe, cauſeth the vt|ter ruine and peſtilent
deſtruction of ſo to anye thouſande men? Graunte this folye them
and ouerſighte, to be ſuche as woorthyly yee maye counte it, and
I ſhall goe further in declaryng of other greate inconueniences,
whiche your dangerous and furious an miſbehauior hath hurt|fully
brought in, ſeing diuers
honeſt and true dealyng men, whoſe lyuing is by their owne
prouiſion, haue come ſo afore hande by tyme, that they haue bene
able well, to liue honeſtlye in their houſes, and paye beſide
the rentes of their fermes truly, and now haue by your cru|eltie
and abhorred inſurrections lost their goodes, their cattail,
their Harueste, whiche they had gotten before, and wherwith they
inte(n)ded to lyue hereafter, and nowe be brought to this
extremitie, that they be neyther able to liue, as they were
woonte at home afore, nor to paye their accustomable rente at
their due tyme. Wherby they be brought into trouble and
vnquietnesse, not only musing what they haue lost by you, but
also cursing you by whome they haue loste it, and also in
daunger of loasing their holdes at their Lordes handes, except
by pitie they shewe more mercie, than the right of the lawe will
graunt by Iustice. And what a griefe is it to an honest man, to
labor truely in youth, and to gaine paynfully by labour,
wherwith to liue honestly in age, and to haue this, gotten in
long tyme, to be sodeinly raughte away by the violence of
sedition, whiche name he ought to abhore by it selfe, although
no miserie of losse folowed to him therby. But what greater
griefe ought seditious rebelles to haue themselues, who if they
be not striken with punishme(n)t, yet ought to pine in
conscience, & melt away with the grief of their own
faults, when they see innocents and men of true seruice,
hindered and burdered with the hurt of their rebellion, and who
in a good common wealthe, shoulde for honesties sake prosper,
they by these rebels only meanes, be cast so behind the hand, as
they can not recouer easily agayne by their own truth, that
whiche they haue lost by those traitors mischief. And if vniust
men ought not so to be handled at any mans hands, but only
sta(n)d to ye order of a law, how much more
shuld true and faithfull subiects, who deserue praise, feele no
vnquietnesse, nor bee vexed with sedition, who be obediently in
subiection, but rather seeke iust amendes at false rebelles
hands, and by lawe obtaine that they loste by disorder, and so
constrayne you to the vttermost, to paye the recompence of
wrongfull losses, bycause ye were the authors of these wrongfull
Then woulde yee soone perceyue the common wealthes
hurt, not when other felt it who deserued it not, but when you
smarted, who caused it, and stoode not and looked vpon other
mens losses, which ye mighte pitie, but torme(n)ted with your
owne, whiche ye would lament.
Nowe that I am past this myschiefe, which yee will
not hereafter deny, when ye shall praise other mennes forsight,
rather than your wicked dooings, in bewayling the ende of youre
furie, in whose beginnyng ye nowe reioyce. What say ye to the
number of vagabu(n)ds and loytring beggers, whiche after the
ouerthrowe of youre Campe, and scatteryng of this seditious
number, wyll swarme in euerye corner of the Realme, and not
onely lye loytering vnder hedges, but also stand in Cities, and
beg boldely
EEBO page image 1869 boldly at euery dore, leauing laboure whiche
they lyke not, and folowyng idlenesse whyche they should not.
For euery man is easily and naturallye brought, from labour to
ease, from the better to the worse, fro(m) diligence to
slouthfulnesse: and after warres it is commonly seene, that a
greate number of those whiche went out honest, returne home
againe like roisters, and as though they were burnt to the
warres bottome, they haue all their life after an vnsauerie
smacke thereof, and smell still toward daysleepers, pursepickers, highwayrobbers, quarrell makers, yea and
bloudsheders too. Doe wee not see commonly in the ende of warres
more robbing, more begging, more murdering then before, and
those to stand in the high way to aske their almes, whom ye be
afraide to say nay vnto honestly, leaste they take it awaye from
you violently, and haue more cause to suspect theyr strengthe,
than pitie their neede? Is it not then daily heard, howe men be not only pursued, but
vtterly spoyled, and fewe may ryde safe by the kings way, except
they ride strong, not so much for feare of theyr goodes, whyche
men esteeme lesse, but also for daunger of their life, which
euery man loueth. Worke is vndone at home, and loiterers linger
in stretes, lurck in Alehouses, raunge in highwaies, valiant
beggers play in townes, and yet complayne of neede, whose staffe
it bee once hote in their hande, or sluggishnesse bredde in their bosome, they wyll neuer
bee allured to laboure agayne, contentyng themselues better with
idle beggery, than with honest and profitable labour. And what
more noysome beastes bee in a common wealthe? Drones in Hiues
suche out the honie, a small matter, but yet to be looked on by
good husbands. Caterpillers destroy the fruite, an hurtefull
thing and well shifted for, by a diligent ouerseer. Diuers
vermine destroy corne, kill Puleyne, engines and snares bee made for them. But
what is a loyterer? A sucker of Honie, a spoiler of corne, a
destroier of fruite, nay a waster of money, a spoyler of
vittayle, a sucker of bloude, a breaker of orders, a seeker of
breakes, a quester of life, a basiliske of the co(m)mon welthe,
whiche by company and sight, doth poyson the whole Countrye, and
staineth honest mindes wyth the infection of hys venyme, and so
draweth the common wealth to deathe and destruction. Suche is the fruites of your labour
and trauayle for your prete(n)sed common welth, whyche iustice
woulde no man shoulde taste of but your selues, that yee might
truelye iudge of your owne mischiefe, and fraye other by example
from presumyng the lyke. When wee see a greate number of flyes
in a yeare, we naturally iudge it like to be a greate plague,
and hauing so greate a swarming of loytering vagabondes, readie
to begge and brawle at euery mannes dore, whiche declare a
greater infection, can we not looke for a grieuouser and
perillouser daunger than the plague is? Who can therefore
otherwyse deeme, but thys one deadly hurt, wherewyth the common
wealthe of one nation is wounded, beside all other is so
pestilent, that there can bee no more hurtefull thyng, in a well
gouerned state, not more throwne into all kinde of vice and
vnrulynesse, and therfore this your seditio(n) is not onely most
odious, but also moste horrible, that hath spotted the whole
cuntrie, with such a staine of idlenesse.
There can be none ende of faultes, if a man rehearse
all faultes that doe necessarily followe this vnrulye
sturdinesse. For not onely vagabondes wanderyng and scatteryng
themselues for myschyefe, shall runne in a mans eyes, but also
disorder of euery degree, shall enter in into a mans
mind, and shall behold hereby the common wealthe miserablye
defaced by you, who should as much as other, haue kept your
selues in order in it. Neither be it the Magistrates duly
obeyed, nor the lawes iustly feared, nor degrees of men
considered, nor Maysters well serued, nor Parents truely
reuerenced, nor Lordes remembred of their tenantes, nor yet
either naturall, or ciuill Lawe muche regarded. And it is
plainly vnpossible that that countrie shall well stande in
gouernement, and the people growe to weled, where order in euery
hands not in|by obſerued, and that body can not be wythout muche
griefe of inflamation, where any leaſte parte is out of ioynt,
or not duely ſette in his owne naturall place. Wherefore order
muſte be kept in the common wealth like healthe in the body, and
all the drifte of pollicie looketh to this ende, howe this
temper may be ſafelyl maintai|ned, without any exceſſe of
vnmeaſurableneſſe, either of the one ſide, or of the other. And
eaſte ynough it is to keepe the ſame, when it is once brought
into the mean, and to holde it in the ſtaye it is founde in, but
when it is once out once wyth a vthemence, and hathe gotten into
[...] diſorder, it ſpeeadeth ſo falſe, and o| [...] all [...] reſiſting to violent|ly, that it will be harde in recouer
the breathe of long time againe, except with greate and will
coanſayle, which no doubt ſhall be in ſeaſon v|ſed, theſe be
wonderfull remedies ſought ther|fore: And euen as a man falling,
is eaſier hol|den vp by ſlay, than when he is fallen downe, he
is [...] to riſe againe, ſo is the common welth ſlippyng, by the
foreſight of wiſedom, better kept from ruine, than when it is
once fallen in|to any kinde of [...]. [...]he ſame may bee caſted EEBO page image 1690 againe to the
olde and former ſtate. Doe wee not euidently knowe, that a man
maye better keepe hys arme or his legge from breakyng or fallyng
out of ioynt, afore hurt come to it, than after ſhe hurt, it
may: ſafely and quietly be hea|led, and reſtored to the former
ſtrengthe and health againe? And nowe thorowe your ſedi|tious
enemies, things that were afore quiet and in good order, lawes
feared and obeyed, Sub|iectes ruled and kepte in duety, bee all
nowe in a greate diſorder, and
lyke if it hee not bolpen, to growe to wildeneſſe, and a
beaſtlineſſe, ſee|ing that neyther common dutye can bee kepte,
whyche Nature preſcribeth, nor common lawe can be regarded,
which pollicie requireth. How can yee keepe your owne if yee
keepe no order, your wiſe and children, howe can they bee
de|fended from other mens violence, if yee well in other thynges
breake all order? by what reaſon woulde ye be obeyed of your as
ſeruauntes, if ye will not
obey the King as Subiectes? howe woulde ye haue others deale
orderly with you, if ye will vſe diſorder againſte all others?
See|ing then there is ſuch a confuſion now of thin|ges, ſuch a
turmoyle of men, ſuch a diſorder of faſhions, who can looke to
liue quietly a greate while, who can thinke but that yee haue
miſe|rablye toſſed the common wealth, and ſo vex|ed all men with
diſorder, that the inconuenience hereof, can not onely nip
others, but alſo touch
Compare 1587 edition:
3 But nowe ſee
howe that not onely, theſe vnlooked for miſchiefes, haue
heauilye growne on ye, but alſo thoſe commodities, whyche yee
thought to haue holpen your ſelues and others by, bee not onely
hindered, but alſo hurte there|by. The Kings Maieſtie by the
aduiſe &c. en|tended a iuſte reformation, of all ſuche
thyngs as poore men coulde truly ſhewe themſelues op|preſſed
wyth, thinking equalitie of iuſtice, to be the Diademe of hys Kyngdome, and the
ſafe|garde of his commons. Whiche was not on|lye entended by
wiſedome, but alſo ſet on wyth ſpeede, and ſo entred into a due
conſideryng of all ſtates, that none ſhoulde haue iuſte cauſe to
grudge agaynſt the other, whẽ as euery thing rightfully had,
nothing coulde be but vnright|fully grudged at. And this woulde
haue bene done, not only with your glad and willing aſ|ſent, but
alſo bene doone by this daye almoſte thorowout the whole Realme, ſo that quietly
it had bene obtayned wythout inconuenience, and ſpeedily without
delay. And whatſoeuer had bene done by the Kinges Maieſties
autho|ritie, that woulde by right haue remained for e|uer, and
ſo taken in law, that the contrary par|tie, neither coulde by
iuſtice, neither would by holdeneſſe, haue enterpriſed the
breake thereof. But leaſte wicked man ſhoulde [...] they whole hattes but not truely hurt [...]|ence; ſhoulde obtaine at the King hande, that they
deſerued not in acomp [...] wel [...], ye haue maruelouſly and worthilye hurte yourſelues; and
gratiouſly prouided except the king [...]|neſſe be more vnto you, thou you nowne deſtres can claim,
that ye he not ſo much worthi [...]n is be benefited in any kind, daye he worthy to loſe that
ye haue on euery ſide. Ye chance, thoughte good to be your owne
reformers, [...] vnnaturally miſtruſting the Kyng [...] but alſo cauellye vn [...]y dealyng with your owne neighbours. Wherein I woulde as
ye haue hurt the whole Realme, ſo ye hadde not enterpriſed a
thyng moſte daungerous to your ſelues, and moſte contrarie to
[...]lyng [...]|tended. If yee had let thinges alone, thought good by
your ſelues to bee redreſſed, and duty|fully looked for? the
perfourmaunce of that the Kinges Maieſtie promiſed reformation
they ſhoulde not haue bene vndone at thys tyme, [...] in a greate ſorte of honeſt [...]acis they bee, for thoſe countries who for their
quietneſſe becauſe worthie to do looked on, ſhould haue bin
vnpro|uided for at this daye. But this commonditie hath happened
by the way, that it is euidently knowne by youre miſchiefe, and
others dutie, who be moſte true to the king, and moſt wor|thie
to be done for, and who be moſte pe [...]|ous and traterous Rebelles. And it is not not bee
doubted, but they ſhall be conſidered wyth. thankes, and finde
iuſteredreſſe with and diſer|ued miſery, and you punyſhed like
Rebelles, who might haue had both praiſe and profit like:
Subiects. For that as ye haue valiantly done of your ſelues,
thinke ye it will ſtande any lon|ger, than men feare your rage,
whyche can not endure long, and that ye ſhall not then bide the
rigor of the lawe, for your priuate iniuries, as ye vſed the
furie of your braynes in othermene oppreſſions? Will men ſuffer
wrong at your handes when Lawe can redreſſe, and the eight of
the common wealthe will maintaine it, and good order in
Countreies will beare it? Ye a|mend faults as yll Surgions heale
ſores, whi|che when they ſeeme to bee whole aboue, they ranckle
at the bottome, and ſo bee faine conti|nuallie to bee ſore, or
elſe bee mended by newe breaking of the ſkinne. Your redreſſe
ſeemeth to you perfit and good, ye haue pulled down ſuch things
as ye would, ye thinke now all is well, ye conſider no farther,
ye ſeeke not the bottome, yee ſee not the ſore, that yee haue
done it by no Lawe, yee haue redreſſed it by no order, what
then? If it be none otherwiſe ſearched than by you, it wil not
tary long ſo, either it will be af|ter cõtinually as it was
afore your comming EEBO page image 1691 or elſe it muſte bee when
all is done amended by the King.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Thus haue ye
bothe lacked in the tyme, and miſte in the dooing, and yet
beſides that ye haue done, whiche is by your dooing to no
pur|poſe, ye haue done the things with ſuch incon|ueniences, as
hathe bene both before rehearſed, and ſhall be after declared,
that better it hadde bin for you, neuer to haue enioyed the
commo|ditie if there bee any, than to ſuffer the griefes
that will enſue, which be
very many. In eue|ry quarter ſome men whome ye ſet by will bee
loſte, whiche euery one of you if ye haue loue [...] ye, woulde rather haue lacked the profit of your
encloſures, then cauſe ſuch deſtruction of them, as is like by
reaſon and iudgement neceſſarilye to followe. What common vealth
is it then, to doe ſuche abhomynable enterpryſes after ſo vile a
ſorte, that yee hinder the good ye would doe, and bryng in that
hurt yee woulde not, and ſo
finde that ye ſeeke not, and followe that ye loſe, and deſtroy
your ſetus by folly, rather then yee woulde bee ordered by
reaſon, and to haue not ſo muche amende youre olde ſores, as
brought in newe plagues whyche ye youre ſelues that deſerue them
wil lament, and wee, whyche haue not deſerued him may curſe you
for. For although the King Maieſtie &c. en|tended for
youre profites a eformation in his common withe, yet his pleſure
was not, nor no reaſon gaue
it, that euer ſubiecte ſhuld bu|ſily intermedle wyth it of [...] owne head, but only thoſe whome his counſaile thought
moſte mete me for ſuch an honeſt [...]rpoſe. The kyngs Maieſtie &c. hathe godly r [...]rmed an vncleane part of religion, and hath [...]ought it to the true forme of the firſt Churche at folowed
Chriſt, thinking that to bee the truſt, not what latter mens
[...]an [...]les haue of themſelues deuiſed, but what ye Apoſtles
& their ſelues had at Chriſtes hand receyued, & willeth the ſame to
be and we and ſet abroade to all his peo [...]le. Shall euerye man now that liſteth and fameth the ſame,
take in hande vncalled, to be a Maieſter, and to ſet forthe the
ſame, hauyng no authoritie? Naye, thoughe the thyng were very
gidlye that were done, yet the perſon muſte nedes doe in that
enterpriſeth it, bycauſe hee doth a good thyng after an yll
ſort, and looketh but or a little part of duetie, conſidering
the thyng, and leaueth a great
part vnaduiſed, not conſidering the per|ſon, when as in a well
and iuſtly done matter, not onely theſe twoo thinges ought well
ſo der weighed, but alſo good occation of tyme, &
rea|ſonable cauſe of the dooing, ought alſo much to be ſet afore
euery doers ries. Now in this your deede, the manner is
vngodlye, the thing vn mi|ſerable, the cauſe wycked, the perſons
ſeditions, the time traiterous, and can yet poſſibly by a|nye
honeſt defence of reaſon, or anye good con|ſcience religiouſlye
grounded, [...]e [...]ye that thys mallicious and hortible fault, ſo wickedly
ſette on, is not onely ſinfull afore God, and teaſte|rous to the
king, but alſo deadly and [...] to the whole common welth of our Countrie, ſo not only
ouerfloweth vs with the miſery, but alſo ouerwhelmeth you wyth
the rage thereof?
Compare 1587 edition:
3 Yet further
ſet, and ye he not wear it, with the multitude of miſeries,
whiche ye haue mar|ueylouſly indeed, what a yoke ye willfully to
bring on youre ſerues, in [...]reyng vp this dete|ſtable ſedition, and ſo bryng your
ſelues into a further ſlauerie, if ye vſe your ſelues often thus
inobediently. Where cõmon order of the lawe, can take no place
in vnrulye and diſobedience ſubiectes, and all men will of
willfulneſſe [...] with rage, and thinke then owne v [...] fence [...]e the beſt iuſtice, then be wiſe Magiſtrates com|pelled by
neceſſitie, to ſeeke an extreme reme|dye, where meane ſelues
helpe not, and bring in the [...] lawe, where none other [...] ſerueth. Then muſte ye bee contented to byde punyſhement
wythout proceſſe condempnati|on wythout witneſſe, ſuſpition is
then taken for iudgement, and diſpleaſure may be iuſt cauſe of
your extention, and to without facour ye ende ſtraiteneſſe;
whiche without rule ſeeke [...]. Yee thinke, it a hards Lawe and vnſufferable. It is ſo
in deede, but yet good for a [...] Deſperate ſickeneſſe in phiſick muſte haue ſe|perate
remedyes, for meane [...] wyll neuer helpe greate griefes. So if yee caſte youre
ſelues into ſuche ſharpe diſeaſes, ye muſt [...] tooke for ſharpe ine [...]yeyries agayne at your [...] handes. And worthy ye be to ſuffer the extremelye in a
common wealthe, whiche ſeeke to do the extremitie, and by
rea|ſon muſte receiue the like yee offer, and ſo bee contented
to bide the ende willingly which ſet on the beginning willfully.
For an greater ſhame can come to the common wealthe, ſhall that
thoſe ſubiects whych ſhould be obedient e|uen without a law, can
not be contented to be ordered by the law. & by the
means kept within there duetie, whiche ſhuld euery way offend
ra|ther than in their own. It is a taken that lye ſubiects in
the reaſon, when they forſake lawe, & thinke eyther by
their multitude to find pa [...] which [...] iuſtly ſtretch [...] all, or elſe by ſtre|ghte to beare the ſtroke, whyche can
not proſper againſt a king. They muſt needes little conſi|der
themſelues, who bring in this neceſſarie, ra|ther to [...]tar [...] to the pleaſure of a mans will, thã to abide the reaſon
of the Lawe and to bee en|daungered more when an other man
thereto, than when himſelfe offendeth. And this muſte EEBO page image 1692 neceſſarily folowe if your rebellion thus
conti|nue: and while yee ſeeke to throwe downe the yoke, whiche
yee fanſie youre ſelues burdened withall, ye bring your ſelues
in a greater bon|dage, leauyng ſafetie and followyng daunger,
and puttyng youre ſelues vnder the Iuſtice of them, whoſe
fauoure ye might eaſily haue kept, if yee woulde willinglye and
duetifullye haue ſerued. Nowe the Gentlemen be more in truſt,
becauſe the commons bee vntruſty, & they got by
ſeruice, which ye loſe by
ſtubburneſſe, and ther|fore muſt needs if ye thus continue, haue
more authoritie from the King, bicauſe ye would be in leſſe
ſubiection to the King, and that as yee will not do of your
ſelues, ye muſt be compel|led to doe by others, and that yee
refuſe to doe willingly, thinke yee muſt be drawne to do the
ſame conſtrainedly. Whyche when it com|meth to paſſe, as
wiſedome ſeeth in your faults that it muſte needes, what gayne
yee then, or what profit can
ariſe to you by riſing, whyche might haue founde eaſe in ſittyng
ſtill? & what ſhall ye be at length the better for this
turmoile, which beſide diuers other incõmodities rehear|ſed,
ſhall be thus clogged with the vnſufferable burden of the
Martiall law.
Compare 1587 edition:
4 Yet there is
one thing behynde, whyche mee thinketh your ſelues ſhulde not
forget, ſeeing yt ye haue giuen the cauſe, ye ſhuld duely looke
for the effect. Ye haue ſpoiled, impriſoned, & thret|ned
gentlemẽ to death,
& that with ſuch hatred of minde, as may not well bee
borne, the cauſe therof I ſpeake not on, which tried will
happi|lye be not ſo great: but ſee the thing, ſet murder aſide,
it is the heinouſeſt fault to a priuat man. What coulde more
ſuitefully haue bin done a|gainſt thẽ, thã ye haue vſed with
crueltie? Can this doe any other but breede in their ſtomacks,
great grudge of diſpleaſure towarde you, and engender ſuch an
hatred as the weaker and the
ſufferer, muſte needes beare the ſmart thereof. The Kings beſt
kinde of gouernment is ſo to rule his ſubiects, as a father
ordreth his childrẽ, and [...]eſte life of obedient ſubiectes is one to be|haue himſelfe
to an other, as though they were brethren vnder the King their
father. For loue is not the knotte onely of the common wealth,
wherby dyuers partes be perfitly ioyned togi|ther in one
pollitike body, but alſo the ſtrength and might of the ſame,
gathering togither into a
ſmall roome with order, which ſcattered wold elſe breede
confuſion and debate. Diſſention we ſee in ſmall houſes, and
therby may take ex|ample to great cõmon welths, how it not duly
decayeth them from wealthe, but alſo abatethe them from
ſtrength. Thinke ſmalle examples to take place in greate
matters, and the lyke thoughe not ſo greate to follow in them
both, and therby learne to iudge of great things vn|knowne, by
ſmall thynges perceiued. When brethren agree not in a houſe,
goeth not the weakeſt to the walles, and wyth whome the father
taketh parte wythall, is not hee lykeſt to preuaile? Is it not
wiſedome for the yonger brother, after the good will of the
parentes, is ſeeke his eldeſt brothers fauoure, who vnder thẽ
is moſte able to do for him? To ſeeke them both wyth honeſtie is
wiſedome, to loſe them bothe by ſullenneſſe is madneſſe. Hathe
there not ben daily benefites from the Gentlemen to you, in ſome
more, and in ſome leſſe, but in none con|ſidered, which they
haue more friendly offered, than you haue gently required. This
muſte ye loſe, when ye wil not be thankfull, and learne to gayne
newe good wyll by deſert, when yee forſake the olde frend ſhippe
vnprouoked. And ye muſt thinke that liuing in a common welth
togither, one kinde hath neede of an other, and yet a great
ſorte [...] you, more neede of one gen|tleman, than one gentleman of
a great ſorte of you, and though [...]ll be partes of one common wealth, yet all be [...]ot like worthye partes, but all being vnder obdience, ſome
kinde in more ſubiection one way, and ſome kinde in more ſeruice
an other w [...]. And ſeing ye be leſſe able by mony &
liberalitie, to deſerue good will than other be, & your
only kinde of deſert is to ſhew good will, which [...]neſt men doe well accept as muche worthe as [...]oney, haue yee not muche hindered and hurt our ſelfe
herein [...]o [...]ing that one kinde of huma [...]itie whiche yee haue onely lefte, and tournir, it into
crueltie, whiche yee ought moſt to adhere, not onely bycauſe it
is wicked of it ſelfe, but alſo moſt noyſo [...] to you. I can therfore for ny part thinke no leſſe
here|in, if yee folowe your ſtiffeneſſe ſtill, and muſt needes
iudge, that ye haue wilfully brought on your ſelues ſuche
pagues, as the like could not haue fallen on you but by your
ſelues. Seeing then thus many [...]ayes, yee haue hurt the com|mon welth of the whole
Countrie within, by deſtruction of [...]hies, loſing of harueſt, waſting of vittaile, decaing of
manhode, [...] of farmers, encreſing of vagabondes, maintai|nyng of
diſorde, hindring of redreſſes, bryng|ing in of Mariall law, and
breeding continu|all hatred anongs dyuers ſtates: what thinke ye
(I pray you) iudge ye not that ye haue com|mitted anodious
& deteſtable crime agaynſte the whole common welth whoſe
furderance ye ought to haue [...]ẽdered by dutie, and not to haue ſought the hurte thereof
with your owne hom|mage.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 Beſides all
theſe inwarde griefes, whych euerye one ſeuerallye muſte needes
feete wyth miſerie, there hapneth ſo many outwarde miſ|chaunces,
EEBO page image 1693 among ſtraungers to vs wyth diſ|dayne;
that if there were nothing i [...] within the Realme which we ſhould feels, yet the ſhame
whiche doth touche vs from other Countries, ſhoulde not onely
moue, but alſo compell yon hartily to forethinke this your
rebellious ſedi|tion. For what ſhall ſtraungers thinke, when
they ſhall heare of the greate miſorder, which is in their
Realme: wyth ſuch a confuſion, that no order of lawe can keepe
you vnder, but muſt be f [...]ine to be beaten downe with a kings power? Shall they not
firſt thinke the kings Maieſtie, in whoſe mind God hath powred
ſo much hope for a child, as we may looke for gifts in a man,
eyther for his age to bee little ſet by, or for back of
qualities not to be regarded or for defaulte of loue to be
reſiſted, & no notable grace of god in him conſidered,
nor the worthines of his of|fice looked vppon, nor naturall
obedience due to him remembred? Shall they not next ſuppoſe,
ſmall eſtimation to bee
giuen to the rulers, to whom vnder the King we owe due
obedience, that can not in iuſte and lawfull matters bee hearde,
nor men to haue that ryght iudgement of their wiſedome, as their
iuſtice in rule, and foreſight in counſaile requireth, but
rather pre|ferre their owne fanſies beefore others experi|ence,
and deeme their owne reaſon to bee com|mon wealthe, and other
mennes wiſedome to but dreaming? Shall they not truely ſaye the
ſubiects to be more
vnfaithfull in diſobedience, than other Subiectes worſe ordered
bee, and licence of libertie to make wilde heades wyth|out
order, and that they neyther haue reaſon, that vnderſtande not
the miſchiefe of ſedition, nor duetye whyche followe their
beaſtiyneſſe, nor loue in them whiche ſo little remember the
common welth, nor naturall affection whiche will daily ſeeke
their owne deſtruction? Thus the whole countrie lacking the good
opinion of other nations, is
caſt into great ſhame by your vnrulineſſe, and the proceedings
of the Coun|trie, bee they neuer ſo godly, ſhall be yll ſpoken
off, as vnfitte to bee brought into vſe, and good things hereby
that deſerueth praiſe, ſhal bide the rebuke of them that liſte
to ſpeake yll, and yll things vntouched ſhall be boldlier
mainteined. Nothing maye wyth praiſe be redreſſed, where things
be meaſured by chaunſable diſorder, ra|ther than by neceſſarye
vſe, and that is thought moſt
pollitike, that men will be beſt contented to do, & not
that which men ſhoulde be brought vnto by duetie. And with what
dutie or vertue in ye, can ye quenche out of memorie this foule
enterpriſe, or gather a good report agayne to this Realme, who
haue ſo vil [...]lye wyth re|proche ſlaundered the ſame, and dyuerſly
diſ|credited it among: others, and abated the good opinion
whiche was had of the iuſte gouerne|ment, and [...] order, vſed heretofore in this noble Realme, whiche is
now moſt grieuous, bicauſe it is n [...]w moſte [...] cauſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 If this
outwarde opinions withoute fur|ther inconuenience were all, yet
it might well be borne and woulde wyth caſe decaye that it grew,
but it hath not only here vs wyth voice, but endaungered vs in
deede, and caſte, vs a greate deale behinde the handes where
alſo we might haue had a ioylyk foredeale. For that
op|portunities of time whiche ſeldome chaunceth, and is alwayes
to hee taken, hath bin by youre frowarde moon is loſt this
yeare, and ſo vainly ſpent at home for bringing downe of you
whi|che ſhoulde elſe profitably haue bin otherwiſe beſtowed,
that it hath bene almoſte as greates loſſe to vs abroad, to
locke that w [...] might haue obtained, as it was [...] we at home, to go about the ouerthrowe of you whoſe
ſedition is to be abhorred. And w [...]r might [...] the conueni|entlye haue awarded ſome, if they woulde not
reaſonably haue gr [...]w [...] to owne kind of friend|ſhip, and alſo defended other
which would be|ſide promiſſe, for times ſake; vniuſtly ſet vpon
vs, and eaſilye haue made this ſtan [...]y a tru [...]e a faire yere vnto vs, if our men had bin ſo happy at
home, as our likelyehoode a broade was fortu|nate. But what is
it I pray you, either to let ſlip ſuch an occaſion by
negligence, or to ſtop is by ſtubburneſſe, which once paſt away,
can be by no meanes recouered, no not though with di|ligence, ye
go about to reenforſe ye ſame again.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 If ye woulde
with wickedneſſe haue forſa|ken your faith to your naturall
Countrey, and haue ſought craftie meanes to haue vtterly
be|traied it to our common enimies, coulde yee haue had any
other ſpeedyer waye than thys is, bothe to make our ſtrengthe
weake, and their weakeneſſe ſtrong? If ye woulde haue ſought to
haue ſpited youre Countrye, and to haue pleaſed youre enemye,
and followe their coun|ſaile for our hindraunce, coulde ye haue
hadde deuiſed of them, any thing more ſhamefull for vs, and
ioyfull to them If they which lye lyke ſpials, and harken after
lykelihoods of things to come, becauſe they declare oportunitie
of times to the enemie, are to bee iudged common enne|mies of
the countrie, what ſhall we reaſonably thinke of you, who do not
ſecretely bewraie the counſailes of other, but openly betray the
com|mon welthe with your owne deedes, and haue as much as lyeth
in you, ſought the ouerthrow of it at home, whych if ye had
obtained at gods hande, as he neuer aloweth ſo horrible an
enter|priſe, how coulde ye haue defended it from the ouerthrow
of o [...]er abroad? For is your vnder|ſtandyng of thynges ſo ſmall,
that althoughe EEBO page image 1694 yee ſee your ſelues not
vnfitte, to get the vpper hande of a fewe gentlemen, that ye be
able to beare downe afore the Kings power, yee and by chaunce ye
were able to doe that, woulde ye iudge your ſelues by ſtrength
mightie ynough, to reſiſte the power of outwarde nations, that
for praiſe ſake woulde inuade ye? Nay thinke truely with your
ſelues, that if ye do ouercom, ye be vnſure both by ſtrength
abroade, and diſ|pleaſure of honeſt men at home, and by the
pu|niſhment of the God aboue.
And now ye haue not yet gotten in deede, that youre daine hope
looketh for by fanſie, thinke howe certainelye ye haue wounded
the common wealthe wyth a ſore ſtroke, in procuryng our enimies
by oure weakeneſſe to ſeeke victorie, & buy our outwarde
miſery to ſeeke outwarde glorit, with inward diſhonor, whiche
howſoeuer they get, thinke it to be long of you, who haue
offered thẽ victo|rie, afore they began war, bycauſe ye wold
de|clare clare to men
hereafter belike, how daungerous it is to make ſturres at home,
when they doe not onely make our ſelues weake, but alſo our
enemies ſtrong.
Compare 1587 edition:
4 Beſide theſe
there is another ſorte of men, deſirous of aduantage, and
diſdainefull of our wealth, whoſe griefe is moſt our greateſt
hap, and be offended with religion, bicauſe they bee drowned in
ſuperſtition, men zealed towarde god, but not fit to iudge,
meaning better with|out
knowledge, than they iudge by their mea|ning, worthier whoſe
ignorance ſhould be ta|ken away, than their will ſhoulde be
followed, whom we ſhuld more rebuke for their ſtubbur|neſſe,
than deſpiſe for their ignoraunce. Theſe ſeeing ſuperſtition
beaten downe, and religion ſet vp, gods word taking place,
traditions kept in their kinde, difference made betwene Gods
cõmaundements and mans learning, the truth of things ſought out
according to Chriſtes in
ſituatiõ, examples taken of the Primitiue chur|ches vſe, not at
the Byſhoppe of Romes ordi|nance, and true worſhip taught
& will worſhip refuſed, do by blindneſſe rebuke that as
by truth they ſhould follow, and by affection folow that as by
knowledge they ſhuld abhorte, thinking vſage to be truth, and
ſcripture to be error not waying by the word, but miſconſtruing
by cu|ſtome. And now things be chaunged to the bet|ter,
& religion trulyer appointed, they ſee mat|ters
go awry, which hurteth the
whole realme, and they reioyce in this myſchiefe, as a thyng
worthily happened, myſtakyng the cauſe, and ſlaunderyng
religion, as though there were no cauſe, why God myght haue
puniſhed, if their vſed profeſſiõ might ſtill haue takẽ place.
They ſee not that where gods glorie is trul [...]eſt ſette forth, there the deuill is moſt buſie for his
parte and laboureth to corrupt by lewdneſſe, that is is gotten
out by the truthe, thynkyng that if it were not blemiſhed at the
firſte, the reſidue of his falſeheade ſhoulde after leſſe
preualye. So he troubleth by bywayes, that he cannot plain|lye
withſtande, and vſeth ſubtileie of Sophi|ſtrie, where plaine
reaſon faileth, and perſwa|deth ſimple men that to bee a cauſe,
whiche in deede cannot be tried and taken for a cauſe. So hee
cauſeth religion, which reacheth obedience, to be iudged the
cauſe of ſedition, and the doc|trine of loue, the ſeede of
diſſention, miſtaking the thing, but perſwading mens mindes,
& abu|sing the plaine meaning of the honeſt, to a
wic|ked end of religions ouerthrow. The huſband man hadde not ſo
ſoone throwne ſtede in hys ground, but ſteppeth vp the enimie,
& he ſoweth cockle too, and maketh men doubt, whether
the good huſbande had done well or no, and whe|ther he had ſowne
there good feede or bad. The fanſifull Iewes in Egipt wold not
beleue Ie|remie, but thought their plague & their miſery
to come by his meanes, and leauing of Idolatrie, to be the cauſe
of penury, wherefore by wylfull aduiſe they entended to forſake
the Prophetes counſaile, and thought to ſerue God moſt tru|ly,
by their rooted and accuſtomed Idolatrie. When the Chriſtian men
were perſecuted in the Primitiue church, & daily
ſuffered Martyr|dome for Chriſtes profeſſion, ſuche faire ſeaſon
of weather was for three or foure yere togither, that the
heathen iudged therevpon, God to bee delighted with their
crueltie, and ſo were per|ſwaded that wyth the bloude of the
Martyrs, they pleaſed God highly. Such fanſies lighted now in
Papiſtes, and irreligious mens heades, and ioyne things by
chaunce happening togy|ther, & concludeth the one to bee
the cauſe of the other, and then delighteth in true worſhippers
hurt, becauſe they iudge curſedly the good to be had, &
therefore reioyſeth in the puniſhment of the godly. For they
being fleſhly, iudge by out|warde things and perceiue not the
inward, for that they lacke the ſpirit, & ſo iudge
amiſſe, not vnderſtandyng God, what diuerſitie hee ſuffe|reth,
to blinde ſtill the wilfull, and howe tho|rowe all daungers, hee
ſaueth his forechoſen. Thus haue ye giuen a large occaſion, to
ſtub|burne Papiſts both to iudge amiſſe, and alſo to reioyce in
this wicked chance, contented with our miſchiefe, not likyng our
religion, & thin|king god doth puniſhe for this better
chaũge, & haue therby an yll opinion of gods holy
truth. cõfirmed in thẽ by no ſure ſcripture, but by fol|lowing
of miſchãce, which they ought to think to come, for the pride
& ſtubburneſſe of ye peopl [...], who doth not accept Gods glorie in good part, nor giue
no due praiſe to their Lorde & maker.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1695What ſhoulde I ſay more? Yee hurt eue|rye
way, the daungers be ſo great, and the pe|rils ſo many, which do
daily followe youre de|uilliſhe enterpriſe, that the more I
ſeeke in the matter, the more I continually ſee to ſay. And what
words can worthily declare this miſera|ble beaſtlineſſe of your,
whiche haue entended to deuide the Realme, and arme the one
parte for the killing of the other? For euen as concord is not
onely the healthe, but also the ſtrengthe of the realme, ſo is ſedition not only the
weak|neſſe, but alſo the apoſtume of the realme, whi|che when it
breaketh inwardely, putteth the ſtate in greate daunger of
recouerye, and cor|ruptethe the whole Common wealthe wyth the
rotten furye, that it hathe long putryfied wyth. For it is not
in ſedition as in other fau|tes, whiche being miſchieuous of
themſelues, haue ſome notable hurt alwaies faſte adioyned to
them, but in this one is there a whole bell of faultes, not ſeuerally ſcattered, but
cluſtered on a lumpe togyther, and commyng on ſo thicke, that it
is vnpoſſible for a Region armed wyth all kynde of wyſedome, and
ſtrength thereto, to auoide the daungers that iſſue out therof.
When ſedition once breaketh out, ſee yee not the lawes
ouerthrowne, the Magiſtrates deſ|pyſed, ſpoyling of houſes,
murderyng of men, waſtyng of Countryes, encreaſe of dyſorder,
diminiſhing of the Realmes ſtrengthe, ſwar|myng of vagabondes, ſcarſitye of labourers,
and thoſe miſchiefes all plenteouſly brought in, whyche God is
wonte to ſcurge ſeuerely wyth all warre, dearthe, and
peſtilence? And ſee|ing yee haue theft and murder, plague and
fa|mine, confuſion and ydleneſſe linked togither, can yee looke
any more miſchiefe in one ſhame|full enterpriſe, than ye
euidently ſee to growe herein? As for warre although it be
miſerable, yet the one parte getteth ſomewhat, and reioy|ceth
in the ſpoyle, and ſo goeth
luſtyer awaye, and either encreaſeth his countrie with riches,
or enhaunceth himſelfe wyth glorye, but in ſe|dition bothe
partes loſeth, the ouercomming can not flie, the ouercommer can
not ſpoyle, the more the winner winneth, the more hee loſethe,
the more that eſcape, the more infamous menne liue, al that is
gained, is ſcarrely ſaued, the win|ning is loſſe, the loſſe is
deſtruction, both waſte themſelues, and the whole moſte waſted,
the ſtrengthnyng of themſelues
the decaye of the Country, the ſtriuing for the victorie, is a
pray to the enemie, and ſhortly to ſaye, the helliſhe turmoyle
of ſedition, ſo farre paſſeth the com|mon miſerye of warre, as
to ſleye hymſelfe is more haynous, than to bee ſlayne of
another. O noble peace, what wealth bryngeſt thou in, howe dothe
al thynges floriſhe in fielde and in towne, what forwardeneſſe
of religion, what encreaſe of lerning, what grauitie in
counſaile, what deuiſe of witte, what order of manners, what
obedience of Lawes, what reuerence of ſtates, what ſafegard of
houſes, what quietneſſe of life, what honor of Countries, what
frend|ſhip of mindes, what honeſtie of pleaſure, haſte thou
alwaies mainteined, whoſe happineſſe we knewe not, while nowe we
feele the lacke, and ſhall leaned by miſerye to vnderſtande
plentie, and ſo to auoyde miſchiefe, by the hurte that it
bringeth, and learne to ſerue better, where re|bellion is once
knowne, and ſo to liue truely, & keepe the Kings peace.
What good ſtate were ye in afore ye began, not pricked with
pouertie, but ſtirred wyth myſchyefe, to ſeeke youre
de|ſtruction, hauing wayes to redreſſe al that was amiſſe.
Magiſtrates moſt ready to tender al iu|ſtice, & pittiful
in hearing ye poore mens cauſes, which ſought to amende matters
more thã you can deuiſe, and were ready to redreſſe them
bet|ter than ye could imagine, and yet for a headi|neſſe you
coulde not be contented, but in deſpite of God, who commaundeth
obedience, and in contempt of the king, whoſe laws ſeeketh your
wealthe, and to ouerthrow the Countrie, whi|che naturally we
ſhuld loue, ye woulde proud|ly riſe, and doe yee wot not what,
and amende thinges by rebellion to youre vtter vndooing, What
ſtate leaue ye vs in now, beſieged with ennemyes, deuyded at
home, made poore wyth ſpoile and loſſe of our Harueſt, vnordered
and caſte downe with ſlaughter and hatred, hinde|red from
amendements, by our owne diueliſhe haſte, endaungered wyth
ſickneſſes, by reaſon of miſorder, laide open to mens,
pleaſures, for breaking of the laws, any feebled to ſuch
faint|neſſe, that ſcarſely it wil be recouered.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Wherefore for
gods ſake haue pitie on your ſelues conſider how miſerable ye
haue ſpoiled, deſtroied, and waſted vs all, and if for
deſperat|neſſe ye care not for your ſelues, yet remeniſhes your
wiues, your children, your Countrie, and forſake this rebellion,
with humble ſubmiſſion acknowledge your faultes, &
ta [...]ry not the ex|tremitie of the Kings ſword, leaue of with
re|pentance, and turne to your dueties, aſke God forgiueneſſe,
ſubmit ye to your King, be con|tented for a common welth one or
two to die, and ye capitaines for the reſidue ſacrifice youre
ſelues, ye ſhall ſo beſt attaine the Kings grati|ous pardon,
ſaue the aſſemble, and helpe the cõ|mon welth, and declare
youre dooings to pro|ceede of no ſtubburneſſe, but all this
miſchiefe to grow out of ignoraunce, which ſeeing the mi|ſerie,
would redreſſe the faulte, and ſo recouer beſt the blot of your
diſorder, and ſtay the great miſeries which he like to
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1696Thus if ye doe not, thinke truely with your
ſelues, that God is angry with you for youre rebellion, the
kings ſworde drawne to defende his countreye, the crye of the
poore to God a|gainſt ye, the readineſſe of the honeſt in armor
to vanquiſh ye, your death to be at hand, which ye can not
eſcape, hauing God againſt ye, as he promiſeth in word, the
kings power to ouer|throw ye, gathered in the field, the cõmon
welth to beate ye down with ſtripes & with curſſes, ye
ſhame of your miſchief to
blemiſh ye for euer.
Thus far Sir Iohn Cheeke.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 During the tyme of theſe
commotions and ſturres here within the realme, to the great dan|ger of the
eſtate, the french king hauing know|ledge thereof, ment not to omitte the
oportuni|tie offred, to recouer out of the Engliſhmens handes thoſe
Fortreſſes whiche they helde at Boullongn and in Boullongnoys. Whervpon
he gaue ſommonance to the gentlemen
& men of armes, and others of his realme, to put them ſelues in
order with al their furniture, that they might bee ready to attende him in
his armie in Boullongnoys by a day appointed. And about the ſame time, to
wit, in the beginning of Au|guſt the French king purpoſing to ſurpriſe the
Iſles of Gernſey and Ierſey apoynted certain Galleys and ſhippes of warre to
paſſe thither, but being receyued by the king of Englandes Nauie that laye there,M. Foxe.
and other of the Iland, they were beaten backe and repulſed, with the loſſe
of a thouſand men (as ſome write) and ſo were conſtrained to retire without
atchieuing their enterpriſe. Credible worde was brought out of Frãce to the
L. Protector, that into one towne in one veſſell were brought at the leaſt
iij. ſcore gentlemen to bee buryed, and alſo an inhibition giuen out by the
Frenche king, not to ſpeake of the euill ſucceſſe of that iourney.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane tyme, the
French king being come downe to Abuile, departed from thence the .xvj. of
Auguſt, and comming vnto Rue, lodged there that night, and the next day came
to Monſtreul, where he found the Conneſtable and Monſteur Daumalle.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The nexte daye beyng the
eightenth of Au|guſt, he came to his army lodged foure leagues on this ſyde
Monſtreull at a Village called Neuf caſtell neere to the Foreſt of Ardelo,
vp|pon the way that leadeth to
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame daye were
certaine Pioners ſent to Pont de Brieque to repaire the Bridge there, and to
make the wayes eaſy for the artil|lerie to paſſe. The nexte daye the ſaide
Kyng with his armye paſſed by Boullongne berg, and camped that night on a
little hill betwixte that forreſt, and the forreſt of Surene.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this place he cauſed
trenches to be caſt a|bout a plot of ground after the maner of a for|treſſe,
within the whiche he left certain bandes of men of warre to bee a ſafegarde
to ſuche as ſhuld paſſe to and fro with victuals to furniſh his campe He
ſtayed not there paſt a day and a halfe, but remoued vnto Ardenton, a myle
or little more beyonde Marguiſen. From thence he came with his armie, and
lodged on a hill, ſomewhat more than a myle and a halfe from Hambletenne.
The French K. hauing viewed the Fortes, cauſed .xxv. peeces of artillerie to
be planted againſt that forte, whiche was buylte in a place called the
Almayne Campe, but the Frenchmen named it le Fort de Selaque, di|ſtant from
Hambletenne about a quarter of a myle. The artillerie hadde not gone off
little more than the ſpace of two hours, but ye Char|les Sturton capitain
of that peece, and George Willoughby, a gentleman aſſociate with him came
forth to parley with the Conneſtable, of|fering to yelde the fort into his
handes,Les Chroni|ques de A|quitaine. The ſort called
the Almayne campe vvo [...]
vppon condition they myght departe with bagge and baggage. But as
they were thus in hande to make their compoſition, the Frenchemen thruſt
foreward to the rampires, and entred in plum|pes into the fortreſſe, ſlewe
.lxxx. perſons, and tooke the reſte priſoners. There mighte bee in al within
that peece .CCxxx. perſons, men and women. This hapned the .xxiiij. of
Auguſt, being Bartholmewe daye.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This done, the King
cauſed part of the ar|tillerie to be planted againſt the caſtel of
Ham|bletenne ſituate at the one ende of the Towne neare to the Sea ſide.
Towardes night Mon|ſicure de Vandoſme gaue an approche to the ſaide
Caſtelland they within by commaunde|ment of my Lorde Iohn Grey retired to
the maine forte to helpe to furniſh the ſame wan|ting numbers ſufficient to
defend it. The next day being the .xxv.The caſtell of
Hambletenne loſte. of Auguſt the Kyng cauſed approches to be made
vnto the greate Fort, and the morrow after, the batterie began moſt
furi|ouſly. The ſame day after diner, the king ſum|moned them within to
yeld, but the Lord Iohn Gray being generall (althoughe he ſawe howe weake
the peece was of it ſelf, and the lacke of ſufficient numbers of men to
reſiſt ſuch a puiſ|ſant force (as the french K. had ther with him) wold not
yet hearken vnto any talke, nor ſuffer the Herralt to come nere, for that he
ſhould not perceiue the weaknes of the pece,Hambletenne
ſommoned. and ſo he was cõmaunded to get him thence with ſpeede,
or elſe they would cauſe him to be packing ſmally to his caſe. The French K.
ſore offended herewt yt his Herault was ſo vncurteouſly vſed, cauſed the
batterie to be reenforced with greate dili|gence, which diſmounting their
ordinãce wtin EEBO page image 1697 and beating downe the Rampires, made
ſuche breaches, that my Lord Iohn and the Captains within perceyued they
were not able by anye meanes to defende the place any longer. Here|vpon they
offred to render the Fort to the King vpon compoſition, which in the ende
fell oute to be thus, that the Souldiours ſhoulde depart with their liues
ſaued,Hambletenne [...] to the [...] king. and that their generall for honor ſake, ſhoulde haue
one horſe to ryde on in his Corſlet without ſworde be or dagger, and
likewiſe two other Captaynes with him: but
as for the other Souldiers, with the women and children, ſhoulde depart a
foote in theyr thyrtes, leauing all their goodes and ſubſtance behind
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After it was agreed that
the Fort ſhould thus be ſurrendered, there entred Monſieur de Caſtillo that
was after Admirall of Fraunce, and Mon|sieur de Delle, lately returned aou
of Scot|lande.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The French Souldiours
entring by ſtealth into the Fort by the
breaches, committed foule diſorders, not onely in ranſacking the houſes but
alſo in ſpoyling the Souldiours by force en|treating them in moſt rigorous
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Frenche writers
confeſſe, that it was pitie to ſee thee poore men and women ſo miſe|rably
handled and abuſed, as they were by the outragious Souldiours that thus
entred the Fort, and ſacked all that they coulde lay handes vpon. Monſieur
de Deſſe ſaued a great num|ber of women,
and yong Maydens from the cruell bandes of theyr aduerſaryes, cauſing them
to paſſe forth by the breache, and preſented them to the King, who appoynted
that they ſhoulde bee conueyed in ſafetie with all that they hadde aboute
them, tyll they were gotten oute ot daunger.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Monſieur de Chattillon by
the Kings com|maundement, cauſed all the reſt wythin the fort to come forth,
who paſſing three and three in a raunge,
came before the king, who ſtoode there to beholde them, with the whole armie
placed ſo in order on eyther ſyde the way as they ſhoulde come, tat they
myght paſſe betwixt their ranks, as it were through a lane. They that came
forth in this ſorte,
[...]mber [...] came [...] Ham| [...] of Ham|bleteune. myght bee as the Frenche wryters record,
about ſeuen or right hundred in al, of men and women, whereof there were
many hurt and mayned ſome with halfe a ſhyrte on to court them, and diuerſe
ſtarke naked. My Lord Iohn Gray being
mounted on a Curtaile, paſſing by the French King, and ſaluting him, was
counr|teouſly of him embraced.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Morrow after was the
Fort of Blank|neſſe or Blaconneſſe rendred to the French king, with the like
conditions as they of Hamblennes had rendred theirs. This was on the Tueſday
the .xxvij. of Auguſt.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The .xxix. of Auguſt, ſir
Nicholas Aruault conueying all the Artillerie, Munition, vitailes, and
goodes out of Bollongne being, cauſed fyre to be ſet on that Fort, and
retyred wyth all hys Souldiours and other people vnto Bollongue, whereuvpon
ſhortly after the Frenchmen ſea|zed vpon the ſayde place of Bollongue beeg
and kept it.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The French K. leauing
Monſieur de Chaul|lon wihthin Hambletenne with the olde bandes of the French
foote men, returned towardes Bo|longue, and approching within a myle and a
halfe of the olde Man, ment to buylde there a forte on the ſea ſyde, but
what through ſuche ſharpe ſkyrmiſhes as the Engliſh men continu|ally were
readie to make with his men, and what through the aboundaunce of rayne
whiche fell in that ſeaſon, he was conſtrayned to breake vp his campe, and
leauing ſtrong garniſons both of Horſemen and footemen in all thoſe places
which hee had in that ſeaſon woone oute of the Eng|liſh mens hands, hee
returned himſelfe with the Princes of his bloud into France.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this meane tyme,
whyleſt the Frenche King was thus occupyed to vſe the oportu|nitie of tyme,
in recouering of thoſe Fortreſ|ſes in Bollonoys oute of the Engliſhe mennes
handes, the Kings Maieſtie, and his Coun|ſayle, were buſie ſtill in quieting
his rebellious Subiectes here in Englande, and finally for meane of a full
pacification, and to ſorte all things in good frame and quiet reſt, the King
publiſhed is Graces moſte generall and free pardon to all Rebelles, ſo that
they woulde foorthwyth vppon publications of the ſame par|don, returne
euerye manne to hys houſe and Countrey, whiche they glady did, and ſo theſe
ſeditious and moſte daungerous troubles were brought to ende and
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Nowe after that theſe
hurlie burlyes were throughly quieted,Grafton.
manye of the Lordes of the Realme, as well Counſaylours as other,The counſaile withdraw thẽ|ſelues into priuate
con|ferences. miſly|king the gouernment of the Protectour, beganne
to withdrawe themſelues from the Court, and reſorting to London, fell to
ſecrete conſultation for redreſſe of things, but namely for the diſpla|cing
of the Lord Protector. And ſodainly vpon what occaſion many marueyled, and
few knew, euery Lorde and Counſaylor went through the Citie weaponed, and
had their ſeruants likewiſe weaponed, attending vpon them in new iourneys to
the great woondeting of many. And as the laſt, a great aſſemble of the ſayde
Counſaylors was made at the Earle of Warwickes lodgings, which was them at
Elie place in Halborne whe|ther all the confederates in this ma [...] came pro|bily armed, and finally concluded to poſſeſſe the Tower of
London, which by the policie of sir William EEBO page image 1689 William
Paulet Lord Treaſurer of Englande was peaceably obteyned, and who by order
of the ſayde confederates immediately remoued ſir Iohn Markam then
lieutenant of the tower, and placed in that rowme ſir Leonard Chamberlain.
And after that the ſayde Counſaile was broken vp at Elie place. the Erle of
Warwike remoued forthwith into the citie of London, and lay in the houſe of
one Iohn Yorke a Citizen of London, who was then chiefe maſter of the mynt,
kept at Suffolkes place in Southwarke. The
Lord pro|tector hearing of the maner of the aſſembly of this counſaile,
& of the taking of the tower which ſeemed to him verie ſtraunge and
doubtfull, did preſently the ſayd night remoue from Hampton Court,The Protector remoueth in haſt with the king to
Wind|ſore. taking the king with him, vnto the caſtell of Windſor,
and there began to fortifie the ſame, & withall wrote a letter to
that noble gentleman the Lord Ruſſel Lord priuie ſeale, remayning as yet in
the weſt countrey, aduertiſing him of theſe troubles as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1.21.1. A letter of the Lord Protectors to the Lord Ruſſell Lord
priuie ſeale, concerning trou|bles working agaynſt him.
A letter of the Lord Protectors to the Lord Ruſſell Lord
priuie ſeale, concerning trou|bles working agaynſt him.
M. Foxe.
A letter of the L Protectors to the Lorde priuie
AFter oure right heartie commendadions to your good
Compare 1587 edition:
1 here hath of
late ryſen ſuch a conſpiracie againſt the kings Maieſtie and vs,
as neuer hath beene ſeene, the which they can|not mainteyne, with ſuch vaine letters and
falſe tales ſurmiſed, as was neuer ment nor intended on vs. They
pretend and ſay, that we haue ſolde Bollongne to the French, and
that we do with|holde wages from the ſouldiours, and other ſuche
tales & letters they do ſpread abrode (of the which if
any one thing were true, we would not wiſh to liue) the matter
now being brought to a marue|lous extremitie, ſuch as we woulde
neuer haue thought it coulde haue come vnto, eſpecially of
thoſe men towards the kings
Maieſtie and vs, of whom we haue deſerued no ſuch thing, but
ra|ther much fauour and loue. But the caſe being as it is, this
is to require and pray you, to haſten you hither to the defence
of the kings maieſtie, in ſuch force and power as you may, to
ſhewe the parte of a true Gentleman, and of a verie friende: the
which thing wee truſt God ſhall rewarde, and the Kings Maieſtie
in tyme to come, and wee ſhall neuer be vnmindefull of it to. We
are ſure you ſhall haue other
letters from them, but as ye render your duetie to the Kings
Maieſtie, we re|quyre you to make no ſtay, but immediatelye
repayre wyth ſuche force as yee haue, to hys highneſſe in his
Caſtell of Wyndſore, and cauſe the reſt of ſuche force as yee
maye make to followe you. And ſo wee bidde you ryghte heartily
fare well.
From Hampton Court, the ſixth of October.
Your Lordſhips aſſured louing friend Edward
Compare 1587 edition:
1.21.1. An anſwere to the Lord Pro|tectors letter.
An anſwere to the Lord Pro|tectors letter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To this
letter of the Lord Protectors ſent the ſixt of October:The effect of the L. Ruſſell letter anſwe+ring
to the Protector. the Lord Ruſſell returning an|ſwere
againe vpon the .viij. of the ſayd Moneth, firſt lamenteth the
heauie diſſention fallen be|twene the Nobilitie and him, which
he taketh for ſuch a plague as a greater coulde not bee ſent of
almightie God vpon thys Realme, beeyng the next waye (ſayeth
hee) to make vs of Conque|rours ſlaues, and like to induce vpon
the whole Realme an vniuerſall thraldome and calami|tie, vnleſſe
the mercifull goodneſſe of the Lorde doe helpe, and ſome wyſe
order be taken in ſtay|ing theſe great extremities. And as
touching the Dukes requeſt in his letters, for as much as hee
had hearde before of the broyle of the Lords, and feared leaſte
ſome conſpiracie hadde beene ment agaynſt the Kings perſon, hee
haſted for|warde wyth ſuche companye as he coulde make, for the
ſuretie of the King as to hym appertey|ned. Nowe peceyuing by
the Lordes Letters ſent vnto him the ſame ſixth daye of October,
theſe tumultes to ryſe vppon priuate cauſes be|tweene him and
them, he therefore thought it ex|pedient, that a conuenient
power ſhoulde bee le|uyed to be in a readineſſe to withſtande
the worſt (what perilles ſoeuer myght enſue) for the
pre|ſeruation both of the king and ſtate of the realme from
inuaſion of forreine enimyes, and alſo for the ſtaying of
bloudſhed, if any ſuch thing ſhould be intruded betwixt the
parties in the heat of this faction. And this he thinking beſt
for the diſ|charge of his allegiance, humbly beſeecheth hys
grace to haue the ſame alſo in ſpeciall regarde and
conſideration, firſt that the Kings Maieſtie be put in no feare,
and that if there bee any ſuche thing, wherein be hath giuen
iuſt cauſe to them thus to proceede, he will ſo conforme
himſelfe, as no ſuch priuate quarels do redounde to the pub|like
diſturbaunce of the Realme: certifying moreouer the Duke, that
if it were true whiche hee vnderſtandeth by the Letters of the
Lordes, that he ſhoulde ſende about Proclamations and letters
for rayſing vp of the Commons, he lyked not the ſame.
Notwithſtanding he truſted well that his wiſedome would take
ſuch a way, as no effuſion of bloud ſhould follow.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And thus much
being conteyned in his former letters ye .viij. of
October,The cõtents the ſecond a [...]|ſwere of the Ruſſell to [...] L. Protector in his next letters again written
the .xj. of October, the ſaid Lord Ruſſell reioyſing to heare of
the moſte reaſonable offers of the Lorde Protectour made to the
Lordes, EEBO page image 1699 writeth vnto him & promiſeth
to doe, what in the vttermoſt power of him (and likewiſe of ſir
W. Herbert y [...]d togither with him did ſir, to work ſome honorable
reaductiation betwene him and them ſo as his ſaide offers being
accepted and ſa|tiſfied, ſome good concluſion might inſue,
accor|ding to their good hope, and ſpectation ſignify|ing
[...] good lord [...]ll a ſali| [...] the peace [...] the Protector the lords. that as touchinge the
liuying of men, they had reſolued to haue the ſame in
readi|neſſe for the benefit of the realme, to occure al
in|conueniences whatſoeuer,
either by forraigne in|uaſion or otherwiſe might happen and ſo
hauing their power as hand to draw neare, wherby they might haue
the better oportunitie to he ſolicitors and a meanes for this
reformation on both parts &c.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And thus much for the
anſwere of the Lorde Ruſſell to the Lord Proteſtors letters.
Compare 1587 edition:
a lordes of [...] ſayle [...]bled a| [...]ed the lord [...]ctor.But now to the matter againe of the Lords who togither
with the Earle of Warwike (vpon what occaſion God knoweth) being aſſembled
at London (as ye haue heard) agaynſt the
lord Pro|tector: whẽ the king with his counſaile at Hamp|ton Court heard
thereof, firſt Secretarie Peter with kings meſſage was ſent vnto them, whom
the Lords notwithſtanding deteyned ſtill with thẽ, making as yet no anſwer
to ye meſſage. Wherevpon the Lord Protector writeth to them in this maner
as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1.21.1. A letter of the Lorde Protector to the Counſaile at
A letter of the Lorde Protector to the Counſaile at
[...] protectors [...] to the [...]
MY Lordes we cõmend vs heartily vnto you.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 And wheras
the kings Maieſtie was infor|med that you were aſſembled in ſuch
ſort as you do, and now remaine, and was aduiſed by vs and ſuch
other of his counſail, as were then hereabout his perſon, to
ſend miniſter Secretarie Peter vnto you with ſuch a meſſage, as
whereby might haue inſued ye ſuretie of his maieſties perſon,
with pre|ſeruation of his
realme and ſubiects, and the quiet both of vs and your ſelues,
as maiſter Secretarie can wel declare to you, his maieſtie an we
of his counſaile here do not a little meruaile, that you ſtay
ſtill with you the ſaid maſter Secretarie, and haue not as it
were vouchſafed to ſend anſwer to his Maieſtie, neither by him
nor yet any other. And for our ſelues we do much more maruel and
are ſorie, as both we and you haue good cauſe to be, to ſee the
maner of your doings bẽt with force of violence, to bring the Kings Maieſtie and
vs to theſe extremities. Which as we do intende if you wil take
no other way but violence,
[...]de hi| [...] ſent [...] Lordes [...] Pro| [...] what [...]ey required [...] to do. to defend (as nature and allegiance doth
binde vs) to ex|tremitie of death, and to put all to Gods hande,
who giueth victorie as it pleaſeth him: ſo if that any
reaſonable conditions and offers would take place (as hitherto
none hath bin ſignified vnto vs from you, nor wee doe not
vnderſtande, what you do require or ſeeke, or what your do
meane) and that you do ſeeke no hurt to the kings Ma|ieſties
perſon, as touching all other priuate mat|ters, to auoyd the
effuſion of chriſtian bloud, & to preſerue the kings
Maieſties perſon, his realme & ſubiects, you ſhall And
vs agreed is to any reaſo|nable conditions that you wil require.
For we do eſteeme the kings wealth and tranquilltey of the realm
more than al other worldly things, yea thã our own life. Thus
praying you to ſend as your determinate anſwere b [...]n by [...] or Secretarie Peter, or if you wil not let him go, by
this beater, we beſeech. God to giue both you and vs greate: to
determinat this matter, as may be to gods honor the preſeruation
of the king & the quiet of vs all: which may [...], if the fault be not in you. And ſo we bid you moſt
hartily farewel.
Frõ the kings Ma|ieſties caſtel of Winſor the
.vij. of October .1459.
Your Lordſhips louing friend Edward Somerſet.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After the recept of theſe
letters, the lords ſee|ming not greatly to regard the offers conteyned
therin, perſiſted in their intended purpoſe, and cõ|tinuing ſtill in London
cõferred with the Maior of London and his brethren, firſt willing them to
cauſe a good and ſubſtanciall watch by night, and a good ward by day, to be
kept for the ſafegard of the Citie, and the portes and gates thereof, which
was conſented vnto: and the companies of Lon|don in their turnes warned to
watch and warde accordingly.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then the ſaid lords
& counſaylors demaũded of the Lord Maior and his brethren fiue. C.
men to ayde them to fetch the Lorde Protector out of Windſore from the king.
But thervnto the Ma|ior anſwered, that he could graunt no ayde with|out the
aſſent of the cõmon counſaile of the citie, whervpon the next day a common
counſail was ſommoned to the Guildhall in London.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But in this meane time
the ſaid Lords of the counſaile aſſembled themſelues at the L. Maiors houſe
in London, who then was ſir Henry Am|cotes Fiſhmonger, and Iohn York, and
Richard Turke Sherifes of the ſaid Citie.A proclamatiõ
publiſhed a+gainſt the lord Protector. And there the ſaid
counſaile agreed and publiſhed forthwith a Proclamation againſt the L.
Protector, the effect of which Proclamation was as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Firſt that the Lorde
Protector, by his malici|ous and euill gouernment, was the occaſion of all
the ſedition that of late had happened within the realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The loſſe of the kings
peeces in France.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 That he was ambicious,
and fought his owne glory, as appeared by his building of moſt ſump|tuous
and coſtly buildings, & ſpecially in the time of the kings warres,
& the kings ſoldiers vnpaid.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1700That he eſteemed nothing the graue counſaile of the
Compare 1587 edition:
1 That he ſowed ſedition
betweene the nobles, the gentlemen, and commons.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 That the Nobles aſſembled
themſelues togy|ther at London, for none other purpoſe, but to haue cauſed
the Protectour to haue liued within his limits, & to haue put ſuch
order for the kings Maieſtie as apperteyned, whatſoeuer the Pro|tectors
doings were, which (as they ſayde) were
vnnaturall, ingrate, and trayterous.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 That the Protector
ſlaundered the counſaile to the king, and did that in him lay to cauſe
vari|ance betwene the king and his nobles.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 That he was a great
traytor, and therfore the Lords deſired the Citie and commons to ayd thẽ to
take him from the king. And in witneſſe & te|ſtimonie of the
contents of the ſaid proclamation the Lords ſubſcribed their names and
tytles as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 - The Lord Riche Lorde Chancellor.
- The Lord S. Iohn Lorde great maiſter and preſident of the
- The Lord Marques of Northamton.
- The erle of Warwike L. great chamberlaine.
- The Erle of Arundel Lord Chamberlaine.
- The Erle of Shrewſburie.
- The Erle of Southamton Wriotheſley.
- Sir Tho. Cheyny knight, treaſurer of ye kings houſe, and Lord
ward [...]n of the cinque portes.
- Sir Iohn Gage knight, coneſtable of ye tower.
- Sir William Peter knight, Secretarie.
- Sir Edward North knight.
- Sir Edward Montagew chiefe Iuſtice of the common place.
- Sir Raufe Sadler.
- Sir Iohn Baker.
- Sir Edward Wootton.
- Doctor Wootton deane of Canterburie.
- Sir Richarde Southwell.
Compare 1587 edition:
3 After the foreſayd
Proclamation was pro|claimed, the Lords or the moſt part of them con|tinuing
and lying in London, came the next day to the Guildhal, during ye time that
the L. Maior and his brethren ſat in their court or inuer cham|ber,
& entred and comuned a long while with thẽ, and at the laſt the
Maior and his brethren came forth vnto the cõmon counſaile,The kings letter read to the Citizens. where was read
the kings letter ſent vnto the Maior & Citizens, commaunding them to
ayd him with a thouſand men, as hath
maſter For, and to ſend the ſame to his caſtel at Winſore: and to the ſame
letter was adioyned the kings band, & the Lord Protectors, On the
other ſide, by the mouth of the Recorder it was requeſted, that the Citizens
would graunt their ayd rather vnto the Lords, for that the pro|tector had
abuſed both the kings Maieſtie, and the whole Realme, and without that he
were taken from the king, and made to vnderſt and his folly, this realme was
in a great hazard, and therefore required that the Citizens would willingly
aſſent to ayde the Lords with ſlue hundred men: here|vnto was none other
aunſwere made but ſilence. But the Recorder (who at that time was a worthie
gentleman called maiſter Broode) ſtill cryed vpon them for anſwere. At the
laſt ſteppes vp a wiſe & good Citizen,The ſaying
George Stad|low, named (as maiſter Fox ſaith) George Stadlow, and
ſayde thus, In this caſe it is good for vs to thinke of things paſt to
auoyde the daunger of things to come. I remember ſayth he, in ſtorie writer
in Fabian Chronicle, of the warre betwene the king and his barons, whiche
was in the time of king Henrie the third, and the ſame time the barons as
out lords do now com|maũded ayd of the Maior & Citie of London,
& that in a rightfull cauſe for the common weale, which was for the
executiõ of diuets good lawes, whervnto the king before had giuen his
content, & after would not ſuffer them to take place, and the citie
did ayd the Lords, & it came to an open bat|tail, wherin the lords
preuailed, & tooke the king & his ſon priſoners, and vpon
certain conditions the lords reſtored again the king & his ſon to
their li|berties. And among all other cõditions this was one, that the king
ſhould not only graunt his par|don to the lords, but alſo to the citizens of
Lõdon, which was graunted, yea & the ſame was ratified by act of
parliamẽt. But what folowed of it? was if forgotten? no ſurely, nor
forgiuen during the kings life, the liberties of ye citie were takẽ away,
ſtrangers appointed to be our heads & gouernors, the Citizens giuen
away body & goods, & frõ one perſecution to another, were
moſt miſerably af|flicted: ſuch it is to enter into ye wrath of a prince,
as Salomon ſaith, the wrath & indignation of a prince is death.
Wherfore foraſmuch as this ayd is required of the kings maieſtie, whoſe
voice we ought to herken vnto (for he is our high ſhepherd) rather than vnto
the lords: and yet I would not wiſh the lords to be clearly ſhaken off, but
yt they with vs, & we with them may ioyne in ſuite, and make our
moſt humble petition to the kings ma|ieſtie. that it would pleaſe his
highneſſe, to heare ſuch complaint againſt the gouernment of the L.
Protector as may bee iuſtly alledged and proued. And I doubt not but this
matter wil be ſo paci|fied, that neither ſhall the king, nor yet the lordes
haue cauſe to ſeeke for further ayde, neither we to offend any of them both.
After this tale the com|mons ſtayed, and the Lorde Maior and his bre|thren
for that time brake vp, and afterwarde co|muned with the Lordes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lords ſate the next
day in counſaile in the ſtarre chamber,Sir Philip Hoby
ſent [...] the king by the Lordes. and from thence they ſent ſir
Philip Hobby with their letters of credence to the kings maieſtie,
beſieching his highneſſe to giue EEBO page image 1701 credite to that which
the ſayd Philip ſhoulde de|clare vnto his Maieſtie in their na [...]lies: and the king gaue him libertie to ſpeake, and moſt gently heard
all that he had to ſay. And truly he did ſo wiſely declare his meſſage, and
ſo grauely told his tale in the name of the Lordes, but therwithall ſo
vehemently and grieuouſly agaynſt the Protec|tor, who was alſo there preſent
by the king, that in the ende, the Lord Protector was commaun|ded from the
kings preſence,
[...] Lord Pro| [...] com| [...]ed to pri| [...]
and ſhortly was cõ|mitted to
warde in a tower within the caſtell of Windſore, called Beauchamps tower.
And ſoone after were ſtayed ſir Thomas Smith, ſir Mi|chaell Stanhope, and
ſir Iohn Thinne knights, maiſter Whalley, maiſter Fiſher, Woulfe of the
priuie Chamber, Grey of Reading, and diuerſe o|ther gentlemen that attended
vpon the lord Pro|tector. And the ſame day the Lordes of the coun|ſaile came
to Windſore to the king, and the next day they brought from thence the
Lorde: Pro|tector, and the other that were
there ſtayed, and conueyed them through the Citie of London, with as much
wonderment as might be,
[...] Lorde [...]rnour [...]mitted to [...]wer. vnto the tower, where they remayned priſoners.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortly after the Lords
reſorted to the tower, and there charged the Protector with ſundrie
ar|ticles, as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1.21.1. Articles obiected againſt the Lord Protector.
Articles obiected againſt the Lord Protector.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 1
In primis, You tooke vpon you the office of a
Protector and gouernour, vpon condition expreſly and ſpecially, that you would doe
nothing in the kings affayres publikely or priuately, but by the
aſſent of the late kings executors.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 2 Alſo
you contrarie to the ſayde condition, of your owne authoritie,
did ſtay and let iuſtice, and ſubuerted the lawes, as well by
your letters as by your commaundements.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 3 Alſo
you cauſed diuerſe perſons being areſted and impriſoned for
treaſon, murder, manſlaugh|ter and felony, to be diſcharger and
ſet at large a|gainſt the king
lawes & ſtatutes of this realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 4 Alſo
you haue made and ordeyned lieutenãts for the kings armies, and
other weightie affaires, vnder your owne writing and ſeale.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 5 Alſo
you haue cõmoned with the Ambaſſa|dors of other realmes,
diſcourſing along with thẽ in the waightie cauſes of this
Compare 1587 edition:
1 6 Alſo
you haue ſometine rebuked, checked and taunted, as wel priuately
as openly, diuerſe of the kings moſt honorable Counſailors, for
ſhewing and declaring their
aduiſes and opinions againſt your purpoſe in the kings weightie
affaires, ſay|ing ſomtimes to them, that you neede not to open
matters vnto them, and would therfore be other|wiſe aduiſed: and
that you woulde if they were not agreeable to your opinion, put
them out, and take other at your pleaſure.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 7 Alſo
you had and held againſt the lawer in your owne houſe, a rouet
of Requeſts, and therby did enforce diuerſe the kings ſubiectes
to anſwere for their hee holds and goods, and determine the ſame
to the ſubuerſion of the ſame lawes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 8 Alſo
you being no often without the [...] of the counſaile, or the more parts of them, did diſ|poſe
of the offices of the kings gifts for many, and graunted leaſes
and wardes of the Kings, and gaue preſentaion to the kings
benefices, & Bi|ſhoprike, hauing no authoritie ſo to do.
And [...]|ther, you old meddle wt the ſelling of ye kings [...].
Compare 1587 edition:
1 9 Alſo
you cõmanded multiplication, and al|cum [...]ſ [...]re to be practiſed to abuſed the kings come.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Alſo
you cauſed a proclamation to be made concerning incloſures,
wherby the cõmon people haue made diuerſe inſurrections, and
[...]uſed open warre, and diſtreyned and ſpoyle diuerſe of the
kings ſubiects, which Proclamation went forth againſt the will
of the whole Counſaile.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 11
Alſo you haue cauſed a commiſſion wyth certian articles thervnto
annexed, to be made out concerning incloſures of cõmons, high
wayes, de|raying of cottages, and diuerſe other things, gy|uing
the Commiſſioners anthoritie to heare and determin the ſame
cauſes, to the ſubuerſion, of the lawes and ſtatutes of this
realme: whereby much ſedition, inſurrection, and rebellion hath
riſen and growen among the kings ſubiects.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 12
Alſo you haue ſuffred the rebels & traytors to aſſemble
and to lie in camp and armor againſt the king his nobles and
gentlemen, without any ſpeedie ſubduing or repreſſing of
Compare 1587 edition:
1 13
Alſo you did comfort and encourage diuers of the ſayd rebels, by
giuing of them diuers ſums of your owne money, and by promiſing
to diuers of them, fees, rewards, and ſeruices.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 14
Alſo you in fauor of the ſaide rebels, did a|gainſt the lawes,
cauſe a proclamatiõ to be made that none of the ſayd rebels and
traytors ſhoulde be ſued or vexed by any perſon, for any theyr
of|fences in the ſayd rebellion, to the cleare ſubuerſi|on of
the ſame lawes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 15
Alſo you haue ſaid in time of the rebellion, that you liked wel
the doings and proceedings of the ſayd rebels and traytors, and
ſaid that the co|uetouſnes of the gentlemẽ gaue occaſion to ye
cõ|mon people to riſe: ſaying alſo, that better it is for the
cõmons to die, than periſh for lacke of liuing.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 16
Alſo you ſaid that the lords of the parliamẽt were loth to
incline themſelues to reformation of incloſures and other
things: therefore the people had good cauſe to reforme the
things themſelues.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 17
Alſo you after the report and declaration of the defaults and
lackes reported to you by ſuch as did ſuruey Bollongue and the
peeces there, would neuer amend the ſame defaults.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 18
Alſo you would not ſuffer the peeces beyond the ſeas, called new
hauen, and Blackneſts, to EEBO page image 1702 bee
furniſhed with men and vytayles, although you were aduertiſed of
the defaultes therein by the Captaines of the ſome peeces and
others, and were thereto aduertiſed by the kings Counſaile:
whereby the French king beeing the kings open enimie, was
encouraged and comforted to winne the ſaid peeces, to the kings
great loſſe, and diſho|nour of his realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 19
Alſo you declared and publiſhed vntruly, as well to the kings
Maieſtie, as other the yong
Lordes attendant vpon his graces perſon, that the Lords of the
Counſail at London minded to deſtroy the king, and [...]n required the king neuer to forget it, but to reuenge it:
and likewiſe you required the yong Lordes to put the King in
re|membrance therof, to the intent to make ſedition and diſcord
betwene the king and his Lords.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 20
Alſo where the Kings Maieſties priuie Counſaile, of their loue
and zealt that they dyd heare vnto the King and his realme, did
con|ſult at London to haue
comuned with you to the intent to moue you charitably to amend
your do|ings and miſgouernment, you hearing of the ſaid
aſſembly, did cauſe to be declared by letters in di|uerſe places
the ſayd Lordes to be high traytors to the King, to the great
diſturbaunce of the Realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And thus much for theſe
troubles of the Lord Protectour, and Articles agaynſt him obiected, to the
ende (as was doubted) that the ſame ſhoulde haue coſt him his life: but ſuch was the pleaſure of almightie God,
diſpoſing mennes heartes as ſeemeth to him beſt, that at length, to wit the
ſixt of Februarie next, he was deliuered, and the Pro|clamation before ſet
forth agaynſt him reuoked and called in. And thus being againe reſtored,
though not to his former office, yet vnto libertie, he continued therein for
the ſpace of two yeares, and two dayes, til new troubles chaunced to him as
after ſhall appeare.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe to returne to
other doings. Whi|leſt theſe hurles and tumultes were in hande, to the
danger of the whole ſtate, the warres againſt the Scottes were nothing
followed, according to the former purpoſed meaning of the Coun|ſaile, ſo
that it ſeemed neceſſarie to giue ouer the keeping of Hadington, the ſame
beeing in deede more chargeable (as was thought) than profi|table, ſithe the
garniſon there coulde not be vy|tayled, but with a greate power to conduct
the Cariages in ſafetie, the enimies being
ſtill rea|die to take theyr aduauntage to dyſtreſſe them vppon anye
oportunitie offred. It was there|fore reſolued that the Earle of Rutlande
ſhoulde goe thither to ſee the fortifications razed, and to conduct from
thence the men and ordinaunce in ſafetie home into Englande.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Herevppon the ſayde Earle
wyth the Al|maines and other Souldiours then remayning on the borders
marched thyther,Hadington razed. and cauſed the
Bulwarkes, Rampires, and Trenches to be ra|zed and filled ſtatte with the
grounde, and brin|ging from thence all the men, artillerie and mu|nition,
bagge and baggage, returned vnto Ber|wike without encounter in peaceable and
quiet maner.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Shortly after this, the
Kings Maieſtie cal|led his high Court of Parliament,A
Parliament which began at Weſtminſter, the .xxiiij. day of
Nouember in this thirde yeare of his raigne, and there conti|nued the ſame
vntill the firſt daye of Februarie next following, which was in the
beginning of the Fourth yeare of his raigne. And among other things there
enacted and concluded, one ſtatute was made for the puniſhmente of
Rebelles,An Act for vn|lawfull aſſem|blies. and
vnlawfull aſſemblies, the which lawe was made by occaſion of the late
rebellion that hap|pened in maner through the Realme the yeare paſſed,
& was not thought nor ment to haue tou|ched any noble man, ſpecially
ſuche as the Duke of Somerſet was, which after (as it ſhal appeare) it did,
and by that Statute hee was condemned within two yeares next after.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the ſame tyme,
An. reg. 4 [...]
Monſieur de Ther|mes that ſucceeded Monſieur de Deſſe in go|uernment
as Generall of the French forces in Scotlande, came before Broughtieragge,
where he did ſo much by batterie and other kindes of enforcement, that
gyuing an aſſault both wyth his Frenchmen and certaine Scots ioyned with
him, the .xx. of Februarie, the Fort was entered by fine force, and all
wythin it eyther taken or ſlaine. Sir Iohn Lutterell gouernour of that
peece, remayned pryſoner amongeſt the Frenchmen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, now after the
ende of the Parlia|ment, the Erle of Warwicke hauing then high|eſt
authoritie, and the reſt of the Lordes of the Counſaile, calling to
remembrance howe the laſt yeare in the tyme of rebellion, the French king
had entred into Bollonois, and woonne dyuerſe of the Engliſh Fortes there
being of great impor|taunce for defence of the Towne and Coun|trey, the
default whereof was imputed to the neg|ligent gouernement of the Lorde
Protectour. And for as much as they well vnderſtoode that the Frenche King
vppon further practiſe had placed a Captaine called the Reingraue wyth
diuerſe regiments of Almaine Lancequenets, and certaine Enſignes of
Frenchmen, to the number of foure or fiue thouſand at the Towne of
Mor|guiſon, being the mydway betwene Bollongne and Calais, to the great
perill and daunger as well of the Countie of Bollonois, as alſo of Ca|lais,
Guiſnes, and all the low Countrey.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King therefore for
the defence of the ſayd EEBO page image 1703 frontiers, cauſed al the
ſtraungers which had ſa|ued that yeare againſt the rebels, being to the
nũ|ber of two .M. to be tranſported ouer ye ſea to the marches of Calays.
And now at Chriſtmas laſt paſt, by order of the ſaid Erle, and of the
counſay|lers aforeſaid, Frances Erle of Huntingdon, and ſir Edwarde Haſtings
his brother, ſir Iames Croſt, ſir Leonard Chamberlaine, and dyuerſe other
Captaynes and ſouldiers, to the number of three thouſand, were ſet ouer to
the marches of Calais, to ioyne with the
ſaid ſtrangers, minding with as cõuenient ſpead as they might, to remoue
the campe, and otherwiſe to annoy the Frenche. But in the meane time through
the diligent tra|uaile of certaine perſons, ſpecially of one Guid [...] an Italian, and a Florentine horne, there was a motion made for a
treatie to bee had by certaine Commiſſioners, appointed betwixt the Kings of
England and France, for the concluſion of ſome peace vpon ſuch reaſonable
conditions and arti|cles as might be
thought expedient for the preſent time, and to ſtande with the honour and
commo|ditie of both the Princes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This motion tooke ſuch
effect, that about the ſeuenth day of Februarie, certaine Commiſſio|ners
appoynted for this treatie,Commiſioners new treate [...]ace. that is to witte, the Earle of Bedforde, the Lord
Paget, ſir Wil|liam Peter the Kings chiefe Secretarie, and ſir Iohn Maſon,
arriued at Calays: By reaſon of whoſe comming, the Earle of Huntingdon, and
the armie ſent ouer before for the
defence of the frontiers were countermaunded frõ any attempt ſo that litle
or nothing was done in that voyage, ſauing certaine ſkirmiſhes at diuerſe
times, not much materiall to be written of.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe commiſſioners being
thus arriued, paſ|ſed from Calais to Bollongne, there to meete with the
Cõmiſſioners appoynted for the French king, where as a certaine houſe was
newly erec|ted for the ſaid treatie to be had, which was vpon the ſide of Bollongne hauẽ next to France, where
after diuerſe meetings and conferences of the Cõ|miſſioners of either
partie, a finall peace was at laſt concluded betwixt both the realmes. But
chiefly among other things, for the reſtitution of Bollongne &
Bollonois vnto the French, which was vpon certaine conditions following.
Compare 1587 edition:
A yea [...]e con|cluded with [...]
Firſt that the French king ſhould yeelde and pay to the king of
England a certaine ſumme of money, and the ſame to bee payde at two
pay|ments, as it was then agreed, and for
the ſame ſumme the king of Englande ſhoulde render the towne of Bollongne,
and all the Fortes thereto adioyning, which he then enioyed, with all ſuche
artillerie and munition as was there founde at the taking of the ſame vnto
the French king. And for the ſure payment of the ſayde ſummes, the French
king ſent into England for hoſtages and pledges, the Counte D'Anguim Lewes
the duke of Vandoſme his brother, the Vidame of Char|ters, and the duke de
Aumale and other. And on S. Markes day next following,Bollongne gi|uen vp to the French. bring the .xxv. day of Aprill,
about .viij. of the clocke in the mor|ning, the Engliſh men did deliuer to
the French men the poſſeſſion of Bollongne, and the Caſtels and fortes in
the Countie of Bollonois; accor|ding to the agreemẽts and articles of peace
afore|mentioned.He entreth. And the fiftenth
day next following the Frenche King entred into the ſayd towne of Bollongne
with Trumpets blowne, and with al the royall triumph that might be, where he
offred one great Image of ſiluer of oure Ladie in the church there, which
was called our Ladie church: the whiche Image he had cauſed ſpecially to bee
made in the honor of the ſaide Ladie, and cauſed the ſame to be ſet vp in
the place where the lyke Image before did ſtande, the which before was taken
away by the Engliſh men at the winning of the towne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Soone after this
agreement,The duke of Somerſet de|liuered out of the
Tower. bycauſe of ſuſ|pition of diſpleaſure and hatred that was
thought to remaine betwene the Earle of Warwike and the duke of Somerſet,
lately before deliuered out of the Tower, a meane was founde that theyr
friendſhip ſhould be renued through alliance,A
mariage. and a mariage was concluded betwene the Earle of Warwikes
eldeſt ſonne, and the Duke of So|merſets eldeſt daughter, the whiche maryage
was ſolemnized at Shene, the King being then preſent.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After the ſolemnitie of
this maryage, there appeared outwardlye to the Worlde great loue and
friendſhip betweene the Duke and the Earle, but by reaſon of carie tales and
flatterers, the loue continued not long, howbeit many did be|rie earneſtly
wiſhe loue and amitie to continue betwene them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About this tyme there was
at Feuerſham in Kent, a Gentleman named Arden,
An. reg. 5. Arden mur|thered.
moſt cruelly murthered and ſlaine by the procurement of hys owne
wife. The which murther for the horrible|neſſe thereof, although otherwiſe
it may ſeeme to bee but a priuate matter, and therefore as it were
impertinent to thys Hyſtorie. I haue thought good to ſette it foorth
ſomewhat at large, ha|uing the inſtructions delyuered to me by them, that
haue vſed ſome diligence to gather the true vnderſtanding of the
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Thys Arden was a manne of
a tall and comelye perſonage, and matched in maryage with a Gentlewoman,
yong, tall, and well fa|uoured of ſhape and countenaunce, who chaun|cing to
fall in familiaritie with one Maſbye a Tayler by occupation, a blacke ſwart
man, ſer|uaunt to the Lorde North, it happened thys Maſby vpon ſome
miſliking to fall out with hir, EEBO page image 1704 but ſhe being deſirous
to be in fauour with him againe, ſent him a paire of ſiluer Dice by one
A|dam Foule dwelling at the Floure de Lice in Feuerſham. After which he
reſorted to hir a|gaine, and oftentymes lay in Ardens houſe, in|ſomuch that
within two yeares after, he obteyned ſuche fauour at hir handes, that he
laye wyth hir, or (as they terme it) kept hir, in al uſing hir bo|die. And
although (as it was ſayde) Maiſter Arden perceyued right well their mutuall
fami|liaritie to be muche greater than
theyr honeſtie, yet bycauſe he woulde not offende hir, and ſo loſe the
benefite which he hoped to gaine at ſome of hir friendes handes in bearing
with hir lewd|neſſe, which he might haue loſt, if he ſhould haue fallen out
with hir, he was contented to winke at hir filthie diſorder, and both
permitted, and alſo inuited Moſby verie often to lodge in his houſe. And
thus it continued a good ſpace before anye practiſe was begonne by them
agaynſt maiſter Arden. Shee at length
inflamed in loue wyth Moſbie, and loathing hir huſbande, wyſhed and after
practiſed the meane howe to haſten his rude.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 There was a Painter
dwelling in Feuer|ſham, who had ſkill of poyſons (as was reported) ſhee
therfore demaunded of him, whether it were true that he had ſuche ſkill in
that feate or not, and he denyed not but that he had in deede. Yea, (ſayde
ſhe) but I woulde haue ſuche a one made as
ſhoulde haue moſt vehement and ſpeedie ope|ration to diſpatche the eater
thereof: that can I doe (quoth hee) and forthwith made hir ſuche a one, and
willed hir to put it into the bottom of a Porenger, and then after to poure
Mylke vpon it, which circumſtance ſhe forgetting, did cleane contrarie,
putting in the Mylke firſt, and after|warde the poyſon.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Now Maiſter Arden
purpoſing that daye to ride to Canterburie, his wife brought him hys
breakfaſt, whiche was woont to bee
mylke and Butter: he hauing receyued a ſpoonefull or two of the Mylke,
miſlyked the taſt and colour there|of, and ſayd to his wife, Miſtres Ales
what milk haue you giuen me here? wherwithal ſhe tylted it ouer with hir
hande, ſaying, I wene nothing can pleaſe you. Then hee tooke horſe and road
to|wardes Canterburie, & by the way fell into ex|treeme purging
vpwards and downwardes, and ſo eſcaped for that time.
Compare 1587 edition:
4 After this, his wife fell
in acquaintance with one Greene of Feuerſham, ſeruant to ſir Anthony Ager,
from which Green maiſter Arden had wre|ſted a peece of ground on the
backſide of the Ab|bey of Feuerſham, and there had blowes & great
threates paſſed betwixt them about that matter. Therefore ſhee knowing that
Greene hated hir huſbãd, began to practiſe with him how to make him away,
and concluded that if he could get any that wold kil him, he ſhuld haue ten
pounds for a reward. This Greene hauing doings for his mai|ſter ſir Anthonie
Ager, had occaſion to goe vp to London, where his maiſter then lay, and
hauing ſome charge vp with him, deſired one Bradſhaw a Goldſmith of
Feuerſham that was his neigh|bour, to accompanie him to Graueſend, &
he wold content him for his paintes. This Bradſhaw be|ing a verie honeſt
man, was content, and roade with him, & when they came to Rainha [...] vowes, they chaunced to ſee three or foure ſeruing men, that were
comming from Leedes, and therewith Bradſhaw eſpied comming vp the hill from
Ro|cheſter, one Blackwill a terrible cruth ruffian with a ſword and a
buckler, and an other with a great ſtaffe on his necke. Then ſayde Bradſhaw
to Greene, we are happie that here commeth ſome companie from Leedes, for
here commeth vp a|gaynſt vs as murthering a knaue as any is in Englãd, if
it were not for them we might chance hardly to eſcape without loſſe of our
money and liues. Yea thought Greene (as he after confeſſed) ſuch a one is
for my purpoſe, and therefore aſked, which is he? Yonder is he quoth
Bradſhaw, the ſame that hath the ſword and Buckler: his name is blacke Will.
Howe knowe you that, ſayde Greene? Bradſhaw aunſwered, I knew him at
Bollongne, where we both ſerued, he was a ſoul|diour, and I was ſir Richard
Cauendiſhes man, and there he committed many robberies and bey|nous murders
on ſuch as trauailed betwixt Bol|longue and France. By this time the other
com|panie of ſeruing men came to them, & they going all togither,
met with black Will and his fellow. The ſeruing men knew black Wil, and
ſaluting him, demaunded of him whither he went, he an|ſwered by his bloud
(for his vſe was to ſweare almoſt at euery word) I know not, nor rate not,
but ſet vp my ſtaffe, and euen as it falleth I got. If thou (quoth they)
wilt go back againe to Gra|ueſend, we will giue thee thy ſupper, by his
bloud (ſayd he) I care not, I am cõtent, haue with you, and ſo he returned
againe with them. Then black Will tooke acquaintance of Bradſhaw, ſaying
felow Bradſhaw how doſt thou? Bradſhaw vn|willing to renue acquaintance, or
to haue ought to do with ſo ſhameleſſe a ruffian, ſaid, why do ye know me?
yea yt I do (quoth he) did not we ſerue in Bollongne togither? But ye muſt
pardon me (quoth Bradſhaw) for I haue forgottẽ you. Thẽ Green talked with
black Wil. & ſaid, whẽ ye haue ſupped come to my hoſteſſe houſe at
ſuch a ſigne, & I will giue you the Seck & ſuger: by his
blud (ſaid he) I thank you, I wil come & take it I warrant you.
According to his promiſe he came, and there they made good chere. Thẽ black
W. & G. went & talked apart frõ Bradſh. & ther
cõcluded togither EEBO page image 1705 yt if he would kill maiſter Ardẽ,
he ſhould haue ten pound for his labour, then he aunſwered, by hys wounds
that I wil, if I may knowe him marie to morrow in Poules I will ſhew him
thee ſayd Greene. Then they lefte their talke, and Greene hade hym got home
to his hoſtes houſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then Greene wrote a
letter to miſtres Arden, and among other things, put in theſe words, we haue
gote a man for one purpoſe, we may thanke my brother Bradſhaw. Now Bradſhaw
not knowing any thing of this, toke the
letter of him, and in the morning departed home agayne, and deliuered the
letter to miſtreſſe Arden, & Greene and blacke Well went vp to
London at the tide.
Compare 1587 edition:
8 At the time appoynted,
Greene ſhewed blacke Will maiſter Arden walking in Poules. Then ſayde blacke
Will, what is hee that goeth after him? marie ſayd Greene, one of his men,
by hys bloud ſayd blacke Will, I wil kil them both, nay ſaid Greene do not
ſo, for he is of counſel with vs in this
matter, by his bloud (ſayd he) I care not for that, I will kill them both,
nay ſayde Greene, in any wiſe do not ſo. Then blacke Wil thought to haue
killed maiſter Arden in Poules Church|yarde, but there were ſo many
Gentlemen that accompanyed him to dinner, that he miſſed of his purpoſe.
Greene ſhewed all this talke to maiſter Ardens man, whoſe name was Michael,
whych euer after ſtoode in doubt of blacke Will, leaſt hee ſhould kill him.
The cauſe that this Michael conſpired with
the reſt againſt his maiſter, was, for that it was determined that he ſhould
marrie a kinſwoman of Moſbyes. After this, maiſter Arden lay at a certaine
Perſonage which he held in London, and therefore his man Michaell and Greene
agreed, that blacke Will ſhould come in the night to the perſonage, where he
ſhould fynd the dores left open, that hee mighte come in, and murther
maiſter Arden. This Michael hauing his maiſter to bed, left open the dores
according to yt appointment. His maſter
then being in bed, aſked him if he had ſhut faſt ye dores, and he ſayd yea:
but yet afterwards, fearing leaſt black Will woulde kill him as well as his
maiſter, after hee was in bed himſelfe. hee roſe agayne and ſhut the dores,
bolting them faſt, ſo that black Wil com|ming thither, and finding the dores
ſhutte, depar|ted, being diſappoynted at that time. The nexte day, blacke
Wil came to Greene in a great chaſe, ſwearing and ſtaring, bycauſe hee was
ſo decey|ued, and with many terrible
othes, threatned to kil maiſter Ardens man firſt, whereſoeuer he met him. No
ſaid Greene do not ſo, I will firſt know the cauſe of ſhutting the dores.
Then Grene met and talked with Ardens man, and aſked of hym, why he did not
leaue opẽ the dores, according to his promiſe, marie ſaid Michael, I will
ſhew you the cauſe. My maſter yeſternight did that he ne|uer did before, for
after I was a hedde, he roſe vp, and ſhut the dores, and in the morning
rated me, for leauing them [...]. And herewith, Greene, & black Wil were p [...]cified. Arden being ready to goe homewarde, [...] came to G [...]ne, & ſaid, this night wil my maiſter goe downe, wherevp|pon
it was agreed that blacke Will ſhoulde kyll him an Raynam downe. When
maiſter Arden came to Rocheſter, his man ſtil fearing ye blacke Wil would
kil him with his maiſter, pricked his horſe of purpoſe, & made him
to hault, to the ende he mighte protract the time, & tarri [...] behinde: hys maiſter aſked him why his horſe halted, he ſaid, I know
not, wel quoth his maiſter, when ye come at the Smith here before (betwene
Rocheſter and the hil foote ouer againſte Chentani) remoue hys ſhot, and
ſearch him, & then come after me. So maiſter Arden to be on, and ere
he came at ye place where blacke Wil lay in waite for him, there o|uertooke
him diuers Gentlemẽ of his aquaintãce, who kept him company, ſo that black
Will miſt here alſo of his purpoſe. After ye maiſter Ardẽ was come home,
he ſent (as he uſually did) his man to Shepey to ſir Tho. Cheny, then L.
Warden of ye cinque ports, about certain buſines, and at his cõming away,
hee had a letter deliuered, ſent by ſir Tho. Cheny to his maiſter. When hee
came home, his miſtres toke the letter, & kept it, willing hir mã
to tel his maiſter, that he had a letter deli|uered him by ſir Tho. Cheny,
& that he had loſt it adding yt he thought it beſt, that his
maiſter ſhuld goe ye next morning to ſir Tho. bycauſe he knew not the
matter: he ſaid he would, and therefore he willed his man to be ſturring
betimes. In thys meane while, blacke Wil, & one George Shake|bag his
company on were kept in a ſtore houſe of ſir Anthony Agers at Preſton, by
Greenes ap|poyntment, and thither came miſtreſſe Arden to ſee him, bringing
and ſẽding him meate & drinke many times. He therfore lurking
there, and wat|ching ſome apportunitie for his purpoſe, was willed in any
wiſe to be vp earely in the morning to lie in waite for maiſter Arden in a
certayne brome cloſe, betwixte Feuerſham and the Fery, (which cloſe he muſt
needes paſſe) and there to do his feate. Now blacke Wil ſtucred in ye
morning betimes but hee miſt the way, & taried in a wrõg place.
Maiſter Arden and his man comming on their way erely in ye morning towards
Shorne|lan, where ſit Tho. Cheyny lay, as they were al|moſt come to the
brome cloſe, his man alwayes fearing that black Wil would kill him with hys
maiſter, feined that he had loſt his purſe, why ſaid his maiſter, thou
fooliſh knaue, could i [...] thou not looke to thy purſe but loſe it? what was in it, three pound
ſaid he, why then goe thy wayes backe a|gayne lyke a knaue ſaid his maiſter,
and ſeeke it, for beeing ſo early as it is, there is no man ſt [...]|ring, EEBO page image 1706 and therfore thou maiſt be ſure to find it,
& then come and ouertake me at the Fery: but ne|uertheleſſe, by
reaſon ye black Wil loſt his way, maiſter Arden eſcaped yet once agayne. At
that time, black. Will yet thought he ſhould haue bin ſure to haue met him
homewardes, but whether that ſome of the L. Wardens men accompany|ed him
backe to Feuerſham, or yt being in doubt, for that it was late, to goe
through the br [...]mye cloſe, and therefore tooke another way, black Wil was diſappointed then alſo. But now S. Valẽ|tines
faire being at hand, ye conſpirators thought to diſpatch their diueliſh
intention at that tyme. Moſby minded to picke ſome quarrell to maiſter Arden
at the faire to fight with him, for he ſayde, he could not find in his hart
to murther a Gen|telmã in that ſort as his wife wiſhed, although ſhe had
made a ſolemne promiſe to him, and hee againe to hir to be in all poynts as
mã and wife togither, and therevppon, they both receiued the Sacrament one Sonday at London, openly in a Church
there. But this deuiſe to fight with hym would not ſerue, for maiſter Arden
both thẽ and at other times had bin gretly prouoked by Moſ|by to fight with
him, but hee would not. Nowe Moſby had a ſiſter that dwelt in a tenemente of
maſter Ardens, neere to his houſe in Feuerſham, and on the faire euen,
blacke Will was ſente for to come thither, and Greene bringing him thy|ther,
met there with miſtres Arden, accompany|ed
with Michael hir man, and one of hir maides. There were alſo Moſby &
George Shakebag, & there they deuiſed to haue him killed in manner,
as aftrwards he was, but yet Moſby at the firſt woulde not agree to that
cowardly murthering of him, but in a fury flong away, and went vp ye Abbey
ſtreete toward the flower de lice, the houſe of ye aforementioned Adam
Foules, where he did oftẽ hoſt: but before he came thither now at this
time, a meſſenger ouertooke him, that was ſente from miſtres Arden, deſiring him of all loues, to come
backe again, to help to accompliſh the mat|ter hee knewe of: heerevpon, he
returned to hir a|gain, & at his comming back, ſhe fel downe vpon
hir knees to him, & beſought him to goe through with ye matter, as
if he loued hir, he would be con|tẽted to do, ſith as ſhe had diuers times
told him, be needed not to doubt, for there was not any ye would care for
his death, nor make any great in|quirie for them that ſhoulde diſpatch him.
Thus ſhe being earneſt with him, at length
he was cõ|tented to agree vnto that horrible deuiſe, & there|vpon,
they conueyd black Wil into maiſter Ar|dens houſe, putting him into a cloſet
at ye end of his Narlour. Before this, they had ſent out of the houſe all
the ſeruants, thoſe excepted which were priuie to the deuiſed murther. Then
went Moſ|by to the dore, and there ſtood in a mighte gowne of ſilke girded
about him, and this was betwixte ſixe & ſeuen of the clocke at night
Maſter Arden hauing bene at a neighbors houſe of his, named Dumpkin,
& hauing cleered certaine rec [...]n [...]ngs betwixt th [...], came home, & finding Moſby ſtan|ding at ye dore, aſked him
if it were ſupper t [...]e, I thinke not quoth Moſby, it is not yet ready, then lette vs goe,
and play a game at the tables to the meane ſeaſon ſaid maſter Arden, and ſo
they w [...]t ſtreight into the Parlor, & as they came by th|rough the
Hall, his wife was walking there, and maſter Arden ſaid, how nowe miſ [...]res Ale [...]? but ſhee made ſmall aunſwer to him. In the meane time, one cheied
the wicket dore of the entilt. When they came into the Parlor, Moſby ſate
downe on the bench, hauing his [...] inward the place where blacke Will ſtood. Then Michaell maſter Ardens
man, ſtoode at his ma [...]ſters backe, holding a candell in his hand, to ſhadowe blacke Wil, ye
Arden might by no meanes perceiue hym comming forth. In their pley, Moſby
ſaid thus, (whiche ſeemed to be the watch word for blacke Willes comming
forth) nowe may I take you ſir if I will: take me quoth maſter Arden, whych
way? with that, blacke Will ſtept forth, and caſt a towell aboute his necke,
ſo to ſtoppe his breath and ſtrangle him. Then Moſby hauing at hys girdle a
preſſing iron of .14. pound weight, ſtroke him on the head wt the ſame, ſo
that he fel downe, & gaue a great grone, in ſo much, yt they
thought hee had bin killed. Then they bare him away, to ley him in ye
counting houſe, & as they were about to ley him down, the pangs of
death comming on him, he gaue a great grone, & ſtretched himſelfe,
& then black Wil gaue him a great gaſh in ye face, and ſo killed
him out of hãd, laid him along, tooke the money out of his purſe, &
the rings from hys fingers, & then cõming out of the counting houſe
ſaid, now this feate is done, giue me my money, ſo miſtres Arden gaue him
ten [...]. & he commyng to Grene, had a horſe of him, & ſo rode
his ways. After ye black Wil was gone, miſtres Ardẽ came into ye counting
houſe, & with a knife, gaue hym ſeuẽ or eight pricks into ye
breſt. Then they made cleen the Parlor, tooke a cloute, and wiped where it
was bloudy, & ſtrewed agayne ye raſhes yt were ſhuffled wt
ſtrugling, & caſt the clout with which they wiped ye bloud,
& the knife that was bloudy, wherewith ſhe had wounded hir huſband,
into a tubbe by the welles ſide, wher afterward, both the ſame cloute and
knife were founde. Thus thys wicked woman with hir complices, moſt
ſhame|fully murthered hir owne huſband, who muſt en|tierly loued hir al his
life time. Then ſhe ſente for two Londoners to ſupper, ye one named Prune,
& the other Cole, yt were Groſers, which before the murther was
committed, were bidden to ſupper. When they came, ſhe ſaid, I maruell where
ma|ſter EEBO page image 1707 Arden is: wel, we wil not tarie for him, come ye
and ſitte downe, for he will not be long. Then Moſbyes ſiſter was ſente for,
ſhe came and ſate downe, and ſo they were mercie.
Compare 1587 edition:
6 After ſupper, miſtres
Arden cauſed hir daugh|ter to play on the virginals, they danced and ſhe
with thẽ & ſo ſeemed to protract time as it were, til maiſter Arden
ſhuld come, & ſhe ſaid, I mar|uel where he is ſo long, wel, hee will
come anone I am ſure, I pray you in the meane while let vs play a game at the tables: but ye Londoners ſaid, they
muſt goe to their hoſtes houſe, or elſe they ſhuld be ſhut out at dares,
& ſo taking their leaue, departed. When they were gone, the ſeruãts
that were not priuie to the murther, were ſent abrode into ye towne, ſome
to ſeeke their maiſter, & ſome of other errands, all ſauing Michael
and a maid, Moſbyes ſiſter, and one of miſtreſſe Ardens own daughters. Then
they tooke ye dead body, & cary|ed it out to lay it in a fielde
next to the Churche yard, &
ioyning to his garden wall, through the which he went to ye Church. In the
meane time it began to ſnow & when they came to ye garden, gate,
they remembred that they had forgottẽ the kay, and one wente in for it, and
finding it, at length brought it, opened the gate, and caried the corps into
the ſame field, as it were ten paces frõ the garden gate, & laid
him downe on his backe ſtreight in his night gowne, with his ſlippers on,
& betwene one of his ſlippers and his foote, a long ruſh or two remained. When they had thus laid him
down, they returned ye ſame way they came through the garden into the
houſe. They beeyng returned thus backe again into the houſe, ye dores were
opened, and the ſeruaunts returned home yt had bin ſent abrode, and being
now very late, ſhe ſent forthe hir folkes againe to make enquirie for him in
diuers places, namely amõg the beſt in ye towne where he was wont to be,
who made an|ſwere, that they could tel nothing of him. Then ſhe began to make an outery, and ſaid, neuer
wo|mã had ſuch neighbors as I haue, and herewith wepte, in ſo much, that
hir neighbhrs came in, & found hir making great lamentation,
pretẽding to maruell what was become of hir huſbande, whervpon, the Maior
and others, came to make ſearch for him. The faire was wont to bee kepte
partly in the towne, & partly in ye Abbey, but Ar|den for his owne
priuate lucre & couetous gaine, had this preſẽt yere procured it to
be wholly kept within the Abbey ground
whiche he had purcha|ſed, and ſo reaping al the gaynes to himſelfe, and
bereauing the towne of that portion which was wont to come to the
inhabitants, gote manye a bitter curſe. The Maior going about the faire in
this ſearch, at length, came to the ground where Arden lay, and as it
happened, Prune the groſſer getting ſight of him, firſt ſaid, ſtay, for me
thinke I f [...] one lye heere, and ſo they looking and be|holding the body, foũd
that it was maſter Ardẽ, lying there throughly dead on [...] vi [...]wing diligẽt|ly the maner of his body and hurtes, founde the ruſhes
ſticking in his ſlippers, and in marking fur|ther, eſpyed certaine
footeſteppes, by reaſon of the ſnowe, betwixt the place wher he [...]y, and ye gar|den dore. Then the Maior cõmanded euery mã to ſtay,
& herewith appointed ſome to goe about, and to come in at the inner
ſide of the houſe tho|rough the gardẽ as the way lay, to ye place where
maiſter Ardens dead body did lye, who al ye way as they came, perceyued
footings ſtill before them in the ſnowe, and ſo it appeared playnely, that
he was brought alõg that way from the houſe tho|rough the garden, &
ſo into the field wher he lay. Then the Maior and his company yt were with
him, went into ye houſe, and knowing hir euil de|meanor in times paſt,
examined hir of the mat|ter, but ſhe defyed thẽ & ſaid. I would you
ſhould know I am no ſuch womã. Then they exami|ned hir ſeruants, &
in the examination, by reaſon of a peece of his heart and bloud founde neere
to ye houſe in the way by the which they caried him forth, and likewiſe by
ye knife with whi [...]h ſhe had thruſt him into the breſt, and the cloute wherewt they wipt
the bloud away whiche they found in the tubbe, into the which the ſame were
throwẽ, they al cõfeſſed the matter, & hirſelf beholding hir
huſbãds bloud, ſaid, oh the bloud of God help, for this bloud haue I ſhed.
Then were they al atta|ched, and committed to priſon, and the Maior wt
others preſently went to the flower de lice, where they found Moſby in bed,
and as they came to|wards him, they eſpyed his hoſe and purſe ſtay|ned wt
ſome of maiſter Ardens bloud, and when he aſked what they meant by their
comming in ſuch ſort, they ſaid, ſee, here ye may vnderſtande wherefore, by
theſe tokens, ſhewing him ye bloud on his hoſe and purſe. Then he confeſſed
ye deed, & ſo he & al the other that had conſpired the
mur|ther, were apprehended, & layd in priſon, excepte Grene, black
Wil, & the Painter, which Painter and George Shakebag, that was alſo
fledde be|fore, were neuer heard of. Shortly were the Seſ|ſions kept at
Feuerſham, where all the priſoners were araigned and condemned. And
therevpon, being examined whither they had any other cõ|plices, miſtres
Arden accuſed Bradſhaw, vppon occaſion of the letter ſent by Greene frõ
Graues end (as before ye haue heard) which words hadde none other meaning,
but onely by Bradſhawes deſcribing of blacke Willes qualities, Greene iudged
him a meete inſtrument for the executiõ of their pretruded murther:
wherevnto notwith|ſtãding (as Greene confeſſed at his death certaine yeares
after) this Bradſhaw was neuer made priuie, howbe it, he was vppon this
accuſation of EEBO page image 1708 miſtres Arden, immediately ſent for to the
Seſ|ſions and indited, and declaration made againſt him, as a procurner of
blacke Will to kill maiſter Arden, whiche proceeded wholly by
miſvnder|ſtanding of the wordes conteyned in the letter which he brought
from Greene. Then hee deſired to talke with the perſons condemned, and his
re|queſt was graunted: hee therefore demaunded of them if they knew him, or
euer had any conuer|ſation with him, and they all ſaid no. Then the
letter being ſhewed and redde, he
declared the ve|ry trueth of the matter, and vpon what occaſion he tolde
Greeke of blacke Wil, neuertheleſſe, hee was condemned, and ſuffered. Theſe
cõdemned perſons were diuerſly executed in ſundry places, for Michaell
maiſter Ardens man was hanged in chaynes at Feuerſham, and one of the maides
was brent there, pitifully bewarling hir caſe, and cryed out on hir miſtres
that had brought hir to this ende, for the whiche ſhe would neuer forgiue
hir. Moſby and his ſiſter were hãged
in Smith|fielde at London: miſtres Arden was burned at Caunterbury the .14.
of Marche Greene came a|gaine certayne yeares after, was apprehended,
condenmed, and hanged in cheynes in the hygh way betwixt Oſpring and
Boughton agaynſte Feuerſham: black Wil was brent on a ſcaffolde at Fliſhing
in Zeland: Adam Foule that dwelte at the floure de lice in Feuerſham, was
broughte into trouble about this matter, and caried vp to London, with his legges bound vnder the horſe belly, and
committed to priſon in the Marſhal|ſey, for that Moſby was heard to ſay, had
it not bin for Adam Foule, I hadde not come to thys trouble, meaning that
the bringing of the ſiluer dice for a token to him from miſtres Arden, as ye
haue heard, occaſioned him to renue familia|ritie with hir againe, but when
the matter was throughly ripped vp, and that Moſby had clered him,
proteſting that he was neuer of knowledge
in any behalfe to the murther, the mans innocen|cie preſerued him. This one
thing ſeemeth verye ſtraunge and notable, touching maſter Arden, that in the
place where he was layd, being dead, all the proportion of his body might be
ſeene two yeares after and more, ſo playne as could be, for the graſſe did
not growe where his body hadde touched, but betweene his legges, betweene
hys armes, and about the holownes of his necke, and roũd about his body,
& where his legges, armes, head,
or any parte of his body hadde touched, no graſſe growed at all of all that
time, ſo that ma|ny ſtrangers came in that meane time, beſide the Towneſmen,
to ſee the print of his body there on the ground in that field, which field
he hadde (as ſome haue reported) cruelly taken from a wo|man, yt had bin a
widow to one Cooke, and after maried to one Richarde Read a mariner, to the
great hinderance of hir and hir huſband the ſayd Read, for they had lõg
enioyed it by a leaſſe whi|che they had of it for many yeares, not then
ex|pired: neuertheleſſe, he got it from them, for the which, ye ſaide
Reades wife not only exclaymed againſt him, in ſheading many a ſalte teare,
but alſo curſed him moſt bitterly euen to his face, wiſhing many a vengeance
to light vpon him, and that all the worlde might wonder on hym: which was
thought then to come to paſſe, when hee was thus murthered, and lay in that
fielde from midnight till the morning, and ſo all that day, being the fayre
day till night, all the whyche daye, there were many hundreds of people came
wondering aboute hym. And thus farre tou|ching this horrible and haynous
murther of ma|ſter Arden. To returne then where we lefte.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About this tyme,A Parliament the Kyngs maieſtie calling hys hygh
Couer of Parliamente, helde the ſame at Weſtminſter the three and twentith
daye of Ianuary, in thys fifth yeare of hys raigne, and there continued it,
vntill the fiftenth daye of A|prill, in the ſixth yeare of his ſayd
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this Parliamente, the
Booke of common prayer which in ſome part had bin corrected and amended, was
newly confirmed and eſtabli|ſhed.
And in the ende of thys
Parliamente,The ſweat [...] ſickneſſe. there chanced a great and contagious ſickneſſe
to hap|pen in the Realme, whych was called the ſwea|ting ſickneſſe, whereof
a great number of people dyed in a ſmall time, namelye, in the Citie of
And it ſeemed that God
hadde appoynted the ſayde ſicknes onely for the plague of Engliſh|menne, for
the moſt that dyed thereof were men, and not women nor children. And ſo it
folowed the Engliſhmen, that ſuche Merchants of En|gland as were in
Flaunders and Spayne, and other Countreys beyonde the Sea, were viſited
therewithall, and none other nation infected therewith.
And it began firſt in
Aprill in ye North parts, and ſo came through the Realme, and continu|ed
vntill September nexte following.
The diſeaſe was ſuddayne
and greeuous, ſo that ſome beeyng in perfect health in one houre, were gone
and dead within foure houres nexte following. And the ſame being hote and
terrible, inforced the people greately to call vppon God, and to doe manye
deedes of charitie: but as the diſeaſe ceaſed, ſo the deuotion quickly
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At this time also, the Kings maiestie, The
embaſi [...] of the coyne. with the aduice of hys priuie Counsaile, and
hauyng also great conference with merchants and other, perceyuing that by
suche coynes and copper moneys as hadde bin coyned in the time of the
EEBO page image 1709 King his father, and now were commonly currant in the
Realm, and in deede, a great number of them, not worthy halfe the value that
they were currante at, to the greate dishonour of the Kings maiesties and
the Realme, and to the deceit and no little hinderance of all the Kynges
maiesties good subiectes, did nowe purpose not onely the abasing of the said
copper moneys, but also meant wholly to reduce them into Bollyo(n), to the
intent to deliuer fine and good moneys for them. And therfore in the moneth of Iuly by his graces Proclamation, he
abased the peece of .xij. pence, commonly called a teston, vnto nine
pe(n)ce, and peece of four pence, vnto three pence. And in August next
following, the peece of nine pence was abased to sixe pence, and the peece
of three pence, vnto two pence, and the pennie to an halfe pennie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The eleuenth daye of
October, there was it greate creation of Dukes and Earles, as the L.
Marques Dorſet, was created D. of
Suffolke, the Earle of Warwike made Duke of Nor|thumberlande, and the Earle
of Wilſhire made Marques of Wincheſter and ſir William Har|bert, maiſter of
ye horſe, was made Erle of Pem|broke, & diuers Gentlemen: were made
Compare 1587 edition:
[...]e Duke of [...]arter a| [...] appre| [...] and committed to [...]e Tower.The ſixtenth day of the ſaide moneth beeing Friday,
the D. of S [...]erſet was agayne appre|hended, and his wife alſo, and committed to the
Tower, and with h [...] alſo were committed ſir Michaell
Stanhope, ſir Thomas Arundell, Sir Rauf Auane, ſir Miles Partridge, and
other, for ſuſpition of treaſon and [...]elonie, whereof they all were ſhortly afterindicted, and ſo ſtanding
en|dicted, the ſeconde day of December next follo|wing, the ſaid Duke was
brought out of ye To|wer of London, with the axe of the Tower borne before
him, with a greate nũber of villes, gleiues, howards, and pollaxes
attending vpon him, and ſo came into Weſtminſter Hall, where was made in the middle of the Hall a new ſcaffolde,
where all the Lordes of the Kinges counſell fate as his iudges, and there
was hee araigned and charged with manye articles both of felonie and
treaſon. And when after much milde ſpeech, hee had aunſwered not giltie, he
in all humble man|ner put himſelfe to be tryed by his peeres, who af|ter
long conſultation among themſelues, gaue their verdict, that he was not
giltie of the treaſon but of the felonie. The people there preſent, whi|che
was a great number, hearing the Lords
ſay not giltie, whiche was to the treaſon, thinkyng moſt certaynely, that he
was cleerely acquited, and chiefly for that, immediately vpon the
pro|noucing of thoſe words, he that caryed the axe of the Tower departed
with the axe, they made ſuch an outery and ioy, as the lyke hathe not bin
heard, which was an euident declaration of their good vntiles toward him:
but neuertheles, he was conteinment [...]
[...] death, whereof ſhortly after he taſted. The felonie that hee was
condemned of, was vppon the [...] the laſt yeare a|gainſte Rebel [...]on, and vnlawful aſſemblies, wherein amongſt other charges is one
branche, that whoſoeuer ſhall procure the d [...]athe of anye [...] or procure|ment ſhal [...]e [...]. And by forte of that Sta|tute, the Duke of Sõmerſet being
accompanyed with certayne wher, was cha [...]ged that he purpo|ſed and attempted the be [...] D. of Nor|thumberland, the Lorde [...], the Lorde of Pembroke, and others of the pe [...]u [...]e Counſayle, the which by Statute was fellonie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 After the D. was thus
condemned,The Duke of Somerſet cõ|demned, retur|neth
to the Tower. hee was againe returne [...] the Tower and landed at the Crol [...]e of the [...], and ſo paſſe [...] through Lon|don, where youre both [...]clamations, the one cry|ed for ioy that hee was acquired, the other
cryed out that he was cõdemned. But howſoeuer they tr [...]ed, he was conuayd to the Tower of London, where hee remained vntill
the two and twentith day of Ianuary next following.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke being condemned
as is aforeſaid, the people ſpake diuerſly, and murmured againſt the Duke of
Northumberlande, and agaynſte ſome other of th [...] Lordes, for the condemnation of the ſaid Duke, and alſo as the common
fame wente, the Kinges maieſtie tooke it not in good part: wherefore as well
to remoue fonde talke but of m [...]ns mouthes, as alſo to recteate and re|freſhe the troubled ſpirites of
the yong King, it was de [...]iſe [...], that the feaſt of Chriſtes natiuitie, commonly called Chriſtmas then
at hand, ſhuld be ſolemnely kepte at Greenewiche, with open houſholde and
franke reſorte, the Court (whyche is called keeping of the Hall) what time
of olde ordinarie, courſe, there is alwayes one appoyn|ted to make ſport in
the Court, called common|ly Lord of miſrule, whoſe office is not vnknowẽ to
ſuch as haue bin broughte vp in noble mennes houſes, and among greate
houſekeepers, whyche vſe liberall feaſting in that ſeaſon. There was
therefore by order of the Counſayle,George Fer|rers
maiſter of the Kyngs paſtimes. a Gentle|man, wiſe and learned,
named George Ferrers, appoynted to that office for this yeare: who be|ing of
better credite and eſtimation than com|monly hys predeceſſors hadde bene
before,recey|ued all hys commiſſions and warrantes, by the name of the
maiſter of the Kynges paſtimes, whiche Gentleman ſo well ſupplyed hys
office, both in ſhewe of ſundrye ſightes and deuiſes of rare inuention, and
in acte of dyuers enterludes, and matters of paſtime, played by perſons, as
not onely ſatiſfyed the common forte, but alſo were verye well liked and
alowed by the Coun|ſayle, and other of ſkill in the lyke paſtimes, but EEBO page image 1710 beſt of all by the yong King himſelfe, [...] appea|red by his princely liberalitie, in rewarding that ſeruice.
Compare 1587 edition:
1552This Chriſ [...]s b [...]ing thats paſſed and ſpent with muche mirth and paſtime, wherewith the
mindes and eares of murmu [...]ers were meetely well appeaſed, according to a former determina|tion
as the ſequeale ſhewed, it was thought now good to proceede to the
execution [...] of the iudge|ment giuen agaynſte the Duke of Somerſette, touching his conuiction and attainder of the
fe|lonie aforementioned: wherevpon, the two and twentith day of Ianuary,
then next following being Friday, hee was broughte out of the To|wer, and
according to the manner, delyuered to the Sheriffes of London,The execution of the Duke of Somerſet. and ſo with a
greate company of the garde and other with weapons, was brought vnto the
Scaffold where he ſhould ſuffer, without changing eyther voyce or
coun|tenance, other than he was accuſtomed to vſe at other times.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſame morning earely,
the Conneſtables of euery warde in London, (according to a pre|cept directed
frõ the Coũſel to ye Maior) ſtraight|ly charged euery houſhold of the
ſame Citie, not to depart any of them out of their houſes, before ten of the
clocke of that day, meaning thereby to reſtreine yt great nũber of people
that otherwiſe were like to haue bin at the ſaide execution,
not|withſtanding, by ſeauen of the clock, the Tower hill was couered with a great multitude, repay|ring from
al parts of the Citie, as well as out of the ſuburbes, & before
eight of the clocke, the D. was brought to the Scaffolde, incloſed with the
Kings gard, the Sheriffes officers, the warders of the Tower, and other with
halberts, where as hee nothing chaunging neither voice or counte|nance,M. Foxe. but in a manner with the ſame geſture which
hee commonly vſed at home, kneelyng downe vpon both his knees and lifting
vppe hys hand, commẽded himſelf vnto God.
After he had ended a few ſhorte prayers, ſtanding vp againe, and turning
himſelfe toward the Eaſt ſide of the Scaffolde, nothing at all abaſhed as it
ſeemed vnto thoſe that ſtoode by, neyther with the ſighte of the axe,
neyther yet of the hangman, or of pre|ſent death, but with the like
alacritie and cheere|fulnes of mind and countenance, as before times he was
accuſtomed to heare the cauſes and ſup|plications of other, and ſpecially of
the poore (to|wards whome as it were with
a certaine father|ly loue to his children, he alwayes ſhewed hym|ſelfe moſt
attentiue) he vttered theſe words to the people.
Compare 1587 edition:
The words of the Duke of Somerſet at his
death.Deerely beloued friends, I am brought hither to ſuffer deathe,
albeit that I neuer offended a|gainſt the K. neither by word nor deede, and
haue bin alwayes as faithfull & true vnto this realme, as any man
hath bin. But for ſo much as I am by law cõdemned to die I do acknowledge
my ſelfe [...]s well as others, to bee ſubiect herevnto. Wherefore do teſtifie made
obedience whiche [...]awe vnto the lawes. I am come hither to [...] death, whervnto I willingly offer my ſelfe with moſt hartie thankes
vnto God, that hathe giuen me this time of repentance, who might through
ſuddayne death haue taken away day life, yt [...]y|ther I ſhoulde haue acknowledged him nor my ſelfe. Moreouer (dearely
inloued [...]) there is yet ſomewhat that I muſt put you in [...]de of as touching. Chriſtian religion, which ſo long as I was in
authoritie [...]. I alwayes diligently [...]tte forth, and furthered to my power. N [...]yther be I repent me of my doings, but [...] ſith nowe the ſtate of Chriſtian [...] moſt neere vnto the forme & order of the prima|tiue Church,
which thing I eſteeme as a greate benefite giuen of God, both to you and me,
moſt hartily exhorting you all, that thys whiche is moſt purely ſette forthe
vnto you, you will with like thankefulneſſe accept and embrace, and ſette
out the ſame in your liuing, whiche thing if you do not, without doubt,
greater miſchiefe & cala|mitie wil folow. Whẽ he had ſpokẽ theſe
words, ſuddainely there was a great noyſe heard,Great
feare a|mong the people. wher|vpon, the people were ſtreight
driuen into a great feare, few or none knowing the cauſe, wherefore I thinke
it good to write what I ſawe (ſayeth Stowe) concerning that matter.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The people of a certaine
hamlet whiche were warned to be there by ſeuen of the clocke to giue their
attendance on the Lieutenant,Stow. nowe came
through the poſterne, and perceiuing the D. to be already on the ſcaffolde,
the formoſt beganne to run, crying to their fellowes to follow faſt after,
which ſodaineſſe of theſe mẽ, being weaponed wt hilles and halberts, this
running cauſed ye people which firſt ſaw them, to thinke ſome power had
come to haue reſeued the D. from execution, and therefore cried away away,
wherevpon, the peo|ple ranne, ſome one way ſome another, many fel into the
Tower ditche, and they whiche tarried, thought ſome pardon had bin brought,
ſome ſaid it thundred, ſome that the grounde moued, but there was no ſuch
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke in the meane
time ſtanding ſtill,Grafto [...]. both in the ſame place & mind wherein hee was
before, ſhaking his cap which he held in his hãd, made a ſigne vnto ye
people, yt they ſhoulde keepe thẽſelues quiet, whiche thing being done,
& ſilẽce obteined, he ſpake to them the ſecõd time in thys
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Deerely beloued
friẽds,The ſecond ſpeech of the Duke of So|merſet
to the people. there is no ſuch mat|ter heere in hand as you
vaynely hope or beleeue, it ſeemeth thus good vnto almightie God, who [...]e ordinance it is meete and neceſſary that we bee EEBO page image 1711 all obediente vnto, wherefore I pray you all to bee quiet, and
withoute tumulte, for I am euen nowe quiet, and let vs ioyne in prayer
vnto the Lorde, for the preſeruation of our noble Kyng, vnto whoſe
maieſtie I wiſh continuall healthe, with all felicitie and abundance, and
all manner of proſperous ſucceſſe: whervnto the people cryed out Amen.
Moreouer (ſaieth the Duke) I wiſhe vnto all his Counſaylers, the grace
and fauoure of God, whereby they maye rule all things vp|rightly
with iuſtice, vnto whome I exhorte
you all in the Lord, to ſhew your ſelues obedient, the whiche is alſo
verye neceſſarye for you, vnder the payne of condemnatiõ, and alſo moſt
profitable for the preſeruation and ſafegard of the Kynges maieſtie. And
for aſmuch as heeretofore I haue had oftentimes affayres with diuers men,
and that it is hard to pleaſe euery man that hath bene offended or
iniured by mee, I moſt humbly re|quire and aſke them forgiuenes, but
eſpecially, almighty God, whome
throughout all my life I haue moſt greeuouſly offended. And vnto all
o|ther whatſoeuer they bee that haue offended me, I do with my whole
heart forgiue them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And once agayne
deerely beloued in the Lorde, I require that you wyl keepe your ſelues
quiet and ſtill, leaſt through youre tumulte, you myghte cauſe mee to
haue ſome trouble, whyche in thys caſe woulde nothyng at all proffit mee,
neyther bee anye pleaſure vnto you: for albeeit the ſpirit bee willing and ready, the fleſh is fraile
and wauering, and through youre quietneſſe, I ſhall bee muche more the
quieter, but if that you fall vnto tumulte, it will bee greate trouble,
and no gayne at all vnto you.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Moreouer, I deſire you
to beare me witneſſe, that I dye heere in the faythe of Ieſus Chriſte,
deſiring you to helpe mee with youre prayers, that I may perſeuer
conſtante in the ſame vnto my liues ende.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Then hee turning himſelfe
aboute, kneeled downe vppon his knees, vnto whome Doctor Coxe whiche was
there preſente, to counſayle and aduertiſe hym, deliuered a certayne ſcroll
into hys hande, wherein was conteined a briefe confeſſion vnto God, which
being redde, he ſtood vppe agayne on hys feete, without any trouble of mynde
as it appeared, and fyrſt bade ye She|riffes farewell, then the Lieutenant
of the To|wer, and certayne other that were on the Scaf|fold, takyng them
all by the hands. Then hee gaue the executioner certayne money, whyche done,
he put off his gowne, and kneeling downe agayne in the ſtrawe, vntyed his
ſhirt ſtrings, and then the executioner comming to him, tur|ned downe hys
coller round aboute hys necke, and all other things whyche dyd lette and
hin|der hym. Then hee couering his face wyth hys owne handkerchefe, lifting
vppe hys eyes vnto Heauen, where hys onely hope remayned, layde hym ſelfe
downe along,The death of the Duke of Somerſet. and
there ſuffered the heauie ſtroke of the axe, whyche diſſeuered the head from
his bodye, to the lamentable ſyghte and greefe of thouſandes, that hartily
[figure appears here on page 1711] God for hym, and entierly loued
Compare 1587 edition:
1 This Duke was in high
fauoure and eſti|mation with Kyng Henry the eyght, of whome bee receyued
ſundry hygh and great prefermẽts, by reaſon that the ſayde Kyng hadde
marryed Ladye Iane [...]hys ſiſter, by whome he hadde iſſue Kyng Edwarde the ſixth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 He was not only
courteous, wiſe and gentle, beyng dayly attendante at the Courte, but
for|ward and fortunate in ſeruice abroade, as maye well appeare in his
ſundrye voyages, bothe in Fraunce and Scotland.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 He was of nature very
gentle and pitifull, not blemiſhed by any thing ſo much, as by ye death of
EEBO page image 1712 Admirall his naturall brother, whiche could not haue
bin broughte to paſſe in that ſorte, without his conſent.
Compare 1587 edition:
An. reg. 6. Sir Raufe a|Vane and o|ther executed.The ſixe
and twentith of February, ſir Rauſe Auane, and Sir Miles Partridge were
hanged on the Tower hil, Sir Michael Stahhope with Sir Thomas Arondell, were
beheaded there.
Compare 1587 edition:
Houſe blowen vp with gunne powder.The laſt of
Aprill, through negligence of the gunnepouder makers, a certayne houſe neere
the Tower of London, with three laſt of powder was blowen vppe and brente, the gunne powder makers
beryng fifteene in number, were all ſlayne.
Compare 1587 edition:
Muſter of horſemen.The ſixteenth of May, was
goodly muſter of horſemen made before the king, in the Parke at Greenewich,
vnder the Kings banner his bande of pentioners, in number .150. euery
pẽtioner two great horſes and a gelding, the Lord Bray their
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Marques of
Wincheſter, hygh treaſorer, vnder his
banner the Faulcõ, one hun|dred men.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of
Northumberlande, great mai|ſter of the Kyngs houſholde vnder the white Li|on
and the ragged ſtaffe fiftie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Duke of Suffolke
vnder the Vnicorne in the ſtarre a hundred and ten.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Bedford Lord
priuie ſeale vn|der the goate a hundred.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Marques of
Northamptõ high Cham|berlayne vnder the
maidenhead a hundred.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Warwike,
maiſter of the kings horſes vnder the white Lion fiftie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Huntingdon
vnder hys banner fiftie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Rutlande
vnder the Peacocke fiftie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Earle of Pembroke
vnder the greene Dragon fiftie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Darcy vnder the
maydens bodye fiftie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lord Cobham vnder ye
Sarazens head, fiftie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lord Clinton Lord
Admirall vnder the anker fiftie.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lorde Warden of the
fiue portes, vnder the roſe in the Sunne beames one hundred.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Not lõg after ye death
of ye ſaid D. of Somer|ſet, & his cõplices, it chanced ye
reuerẽd father in God maiſter Doctor Ridley then Byſhoppe of London,Grafton. to
preach before the Kings maieſtie at Weſtminſter. In the whiche ſermon, he
made a frutefull and godly exhortation to the rich, to bee mercifull vnto
the poore, and alſo to moue ſuche as were in authoritie, to trauayle by ſome
chari|table way and meane, to comforte and relieue them.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Wherevpon the Kinges
maieſtie beeyng a Prince of ſuche towardneſſe and vertue for hys yeares, as
England before neuer brought forth, and the ſame alſo being ſo wel reteined
& brought vp in all godly knowledge, as well by his deere Vncle the
late Protector, as alſo by his vertuous and learned ſcholemaiſters, was ſo
careful of the good gouernement of the Realme, and chiefly to do and prefer
ſuche things as moſt ſpecially tou|ched the honor of almightie God. And
vnder|ſtanding that a great number of pore people did ſwarme in this Realme,
and chiefly in the Citie of London, and that no good order was taken for
them, dyd ſuddaynely and of himſelfe ſende to the ſayd Byſhop as ſoone as
his Sermõ was ended, willing him not to depart, vntill that hee had ſpoken
with him (and this that I now write was the very report of the ſaid Byſhop
Ridley) who according to the kings commaundement, gaue his attendaunce. And
ſo ſoone as the kings maieſtie was at leaſure, he called for him, and made
him to come vnto him in a greate gallerie at Weſtminſter, wherein to his
knowledge, and the King alſo told him ſo, there was preſente no moe perſons
than they two, and therefore made him ſitte downe in one chaire, and he
himſelfe in another, which (as it ſeemed) were before ye com|myng of the
Biſhoppe there purpoſely ſette, and cauſed the Byſhoppe maugre his teeth, to
be co|uered, and then entred communication with hym in thys ſort:
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Fyrſt giuing him moſt
hartie thankes for his Sermon and good exhortation, and therein re|hearſed
ſuch ſpeciall things as he had noted, and that ſo manye, that the Byſhoppe
ſayd, truely, truely (for that was commonly his othe) I could neuer haue
thoughte that excellencie to haue bin in his grace, that I behelde and ſaw
in him. At the laſt, the Kings maieſtie muche commended him for his
exhortation for the reliefe of the pore, but my Lorde (ſayth hee) ye willed
ſuche as are in authoritie to be carefull thereof,A moſt
nobl [...] and vertou [...] ſaying of a Prince. and to deuiſe ſome good order for their
reliefe, wherin I thinke you meane me, for I am in hygheſt place, and
therefore am the firſt that muſt make aunſwere vnto God for my negligence,
if I ſhoulde not bee carefull therein, knowing it to be the expreſſe
commaundement of almightie God, to haue cõ|paſſion of his poore and needie
members, for whome wee muſt make an accompt vnto him. And truely my Lorde, I
am before all thyngs moſt willing to trauaile that way, and I doubt nothing
of youre long and approued wiſedome and learning, who hauyng ſuche good
zeale as wiſheth helpe vnto them, but that alſo, you haue hadde ſome
conference with others, what wayes are beſt to bee taken therein, the whych
I am deſirous to vnderſtand, and therefore I pray you ſay your minde.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1713The Biſhop thinking leaſt of that maiſter and being
amaſed to heare the wiſedome and earneſt zeale of the King was as he ſayde
him ſelfe, ſo affirmed, that hee woulde not well tell what to ſaye. But
after ſome pauſe, ſayde that as he thinke great this preſent for ſome
entrance to the had, it were good to practiſe with the C [...]if|tie of Lourdes, bicauſe the number of the poore there are very
great, and the Citizens are many and alſo wyſe. And hee doubted not but they
were alſo both pittifull &
mercifull, as the Maids and his brethren, and other the worſhipfull of the
ſayde Citie, and that if it woulde pleaſe the Kings maieſtie to direct his
gratious letter vnto the Maior of London, willing him to call vnto him ſuch
aſſiſtants as he ſhoulde thinke meete, to conſult of this matter, for ſome
order to bee taken therein, hee doubted not but good ſhoulde follow thereof.
And he himſelfe promiſed ye K, to be one himſelfe that ſhuld earneſtly
trauel therin.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The King forthwith not
newly graunted his letter, but made the Biſhop came vntill the ſame was
written, and his hand and ſignet at there|vnto, and commaunded the Biſhop
not onelye to deliuer the ſayde letter himſelfe, but alſo to ſignifie vnto
the Maior that it was the Kings ſpeciall requeſt and expreſſe commaundement,
that the Maior ſhoulde therein trauayle, and as ſoone as he might conne [...] giue himſelfe know|ledge how ſome he had prouided, therein.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Biſhop was ſo ioyous
of the hauing of this letter, and that he had nowe an occaſion to trauay him
that good matters wherein hee was marueylous [...]atous, that nothing coulde more haue pleaſed and delighted him:
wherefore the ſame night he, came to the Maior of London, was then was Sir
Richarde Dobbes knight, and deliuered the Kings vtter, and ſhe were his
meſſage with effect.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Maior not onely
ioyouſly receyued this letter, but with all ſpeede agreed to ſee forward
this matter for he alſo fauoured it very muche. And the next day being
Monday, he deſired the Biſhoppe of London to dine with him, and a|gainſt
that time, the Maior promiſed that hee woulde ſende for ſuch men, as he
thoughe in [...]|teſt to talke of this matter, and ſo he did. And ſent firſt for two
Aldermen and flee Commo|ners, and afterwarde were appoynted more to the
number of xxiiij. And in the ende after ſun|drie meetings, (for by, meane of
the good dili|gence of the Biſhop, it was well followed) they agreed vppon a
books that they had deniſed, wherein firſt they conſidered of it, ſpeciall
kindes and ſorts of poore people and thoſe they brought in theſe three
Degrees of pooreThree degrees of
- 1 The poore by impotencie.
- 2 Poore by caſualtie.
- 3 Thriftleſſe poore.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 1 The poore by impotence
are alſo deuided into three kindes, that is to ſaye.
- 1 The fatherleſſe or poore mans chylde.
- 2 The aged, blinde, and lame.
- 3 The diſeaſed perſon, by Leprie, Dropſie. &c.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 2 The poore by caſualtie
are alſo three kyndes, that is to ſaye:
- 4 The wounded ſouldior.
- 5 The decayed houſholder.
- 6 The viſited with greuous diſeaſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 3 The thriftleſſe poore
are three kyndes, that is to ſaye:
- 7 The riotour that conſumeth all.
- 8 The vagaboude that will abide in no plece.
- 9 The ydle perſon, as the ſtrumpet and other.
Compare 1587 edition:
Chri [...]tes hoſ| [...]. For these sortes of poore were prouided three seuerall
houses: first for the innocent and fatherlesse, whiche is the beggers
childe, and is in dede ye seede & breeder of
beggerie, they prouided ye house that was late Gray
friers in London, & nowe is called Christs hospital, where the poore
children are trayned in the knowledge of God, and some vertuous exercise to
the ouerthrowe of beggery.
Compare 1587 edition:
Saint Thomas [...]oſpitall. For the second degree, is prouided the hospitall
of S. Thomas in Southwarke, and Saint
Bartholemewe in west Smithfielde, where are continuallye at the least, two
hundred diseased persons, which are not onely there lodged and cured, but
also fed and nourished.
Compare 1587 edition:
Brydewell. For the thirde degree, they
prouided Brydewell, where the vagabonde and ydle strumpet is chastised
& compelled to labor, to the ouerthrowe of the vicious lyfe of
Compare 1587 edition:
They provided also for the honest decayed housholder, that he
should be relieued at home at his house, and in the Parishe where he
dwelled, by a weekelye reliefe and pencion. And in lyke maner they provided
for the Lazer to keepe him oute of the Citie from clapping of dysshes, and
ryinging of Belles, to the great trouble of the Citizens, and also to the
dangerous infection of manye, that they shoulde bee relieued at home at
their houses with seuerall pensions.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Now after this god [...]
[...] to taken the citizens by ſuch means as may truiſed willing to
fur|ther ye lande, the report therof man made [...] ye [...] hereof, was not onely willing to graunt ſuche EEBO page image 1714 as
ſhoulde be the ouerſiers and gouernors of the ſaid houſes, a corporation and
authoritie for the gouernement thereof: but alſo required that he might bee
accounted as the chiefe ſounder and patrone thereof: And for the further [...]unce of ſhe ſayde worke,King Edwarde the ſixth
foun|der of the hoſ+pitals in Lon|don. and continuall maintenaunce
of the ſame, he of his meere mercie and goodneſſe graunted, that where
before certaine landes were giuen to the maintenaunce of the houſe of the
Sanoy, founded by King Henrie the ſea|uenth, for the lodging of pilgrimes and ſtraun|gers, and that the ſame was nowe
made but a lodging of loyterers, vagabondes, and ſtrum|pets that laye all
daye in the fields, and at night were harboured there, the which was rather
the mayntenance of beggerie, than the reliefe of the poore, gaue the ſame
landes being firſt ſurren|dred into his hands by the Maiſter and felowes
there, (whiche landes were of the yearely value of ſixe hundreth poundes)
vnto the Citie of London, for the
maintenaunce of the foundati|on aforeſayde.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And for a further
reliefe, a petition being made to the Kings maieſtie for a licence to take
in mortmayne, or otherwiſe without licence, landes to a certaine yearely,
value, and a ſpace left in the patent for his Grace to put in what ſumme it
woulde pleaſe him, he looking on the voyde place, called for penne and ynke,
and with his owne hande wrote this ſumme, in theſe wordes (Foure thouſande markes by yeare) and then ſayde
in the hearing of his Counſaile,A bleſſed king
Lord God I yeelde thee moſt heartie thanks that thou haſt giuen mee life
thus long, to finiſhe this worke to the glorie of thy name. After whiche
foundation eſtabliſhed, he liued not aboue two dayes.
Compare 1587 edition:
Sir William Cheſter Iohn Calthrop Draper.By
example of whiche acte of this vertuous yong king, ſir William Cheſter
Knight and Alderman of London, and Iohn Ealthrop Ci|tizen and Draper of the ſayd Citie, at their own proper coſtes
and charges made the brickwals and want on the backeſide that leadeth from
the ſayde new hoſpitall, vnto the hoſpitall of Saint Bartholomewes, and alſo
couered and vanted the towne ditch from Alderſgate to Newgate, which before
was very noiſome and contagious vnto the ſayde Hoſpitall.
Compare 1587 edition:
Richard Caſtel ſhoomaker.This Hoſpitall being thus
erected and put in good order, there was one Richarde Caſtell alias
Caſtellee, ſhown mater dwelling in
Weſtminſter, a man of great t [...]ile and labor in his facultie with his owne handes, and ſuche a one as
was named the Edeke of Weſtminſter, for that both Winter and Sommer as was
at his worke be|fore foure of the clock in the morning. This mã thus truly
and painfully laboring for his liuing, God bleſſed and increaſed his [...]hoc [...] ſo abun|dantly, that heputt h [...]ſed lands and [...] in Weſtminſter, to the yearely value of xliiij. [...] And hauing no childe, with the conſent of his wife (who alſo yet
liueth, and is a vertuous and good woman) gaue the ſame landes wholye to
Chriſtes hoſpitall aforeſayde, to the reliefe of the innocent and
fatherleſſe children, and for the ſuc|cor of the miſerable, ſore and ſicke,
harboured in the other hoſpitals about London, whoſe exam|ple, God graunt
many to followe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About this time there
were three notable ſhips ſet forth and furniſhed for the great aduenture of
the vnknowne voyage into the Eaſt by ye north ſeas. The great doer and
encourage of which voiage, was Sebaſtian Caboto an Engliſhmẽ,Sebaſtian Caboto. born at Briſtow, but was the ſ [...] of a Gena|waies. Theſe ſhips at the laſt arriued in the coũ|trie of
Moſcouia, not without great luſſe & dan|ger, & namely of
their captaine, who was a wor|thie & aduenturous gentleman, called
ſir Hugh Willough by knight, who being toſſed and dri|uen by tempeſt,
hernous at the laſt founde in his ſhip froſen to death and all his people.
But now the ſayde voyage and trade is greatly aduaun|ced, and the merchants
aduenturing that waye, are newly by acte of Parliament incorporated and
moued with ſundrie priuiledges and liber|ties.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 About the beginning of
the moueth of Maye next following,Three no [...] mariages. there were three notable maria|ges concluded, and
ſhortlye after ſolemniſed at Durham place.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The firſt was betweene
the Lorde Guil|forde Dudley the fourth ſonne of the Duke of Northumberlande,
and the Ladie Iane eldeſt daughter of Henrie Duke of Suffolke, and the Ladie
Frauncis his wife, was the daughter of Marye ſeconde ſiſter to king Henrie
the eyght, firſt married to Lewes the Frenche King, and after to Charles
Brandon Duke of Suf|folke.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The ſeconde mariage was
betweene the Lorde Harbert ſonne and heyre of William Earle of Pembroke, and
the Ladie Katherine ſecond daughter of the ſaid Lady Francis, by the ſaid
Henrie Duke of Suffolke.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 And the thirde was
betweene Henrie Lorde Haſtings, ſonne and heyre of Frauncis Earle of
Huntington, and Katherine yongeſt daugh|ter of the Duke of Northumberlande,
which three mariages were [...]mpaſſed and concluded, chieflye vppon purpoſe to chaunge and alter the
order of ſucceſſion to the Crowne, made in the tyme of King Henrie the
eyght, from the ſaide Kings daughters, Marye and Elizabeth, and to conuey
the ſame immediatlye after the EEBO page image 1715 death of King Edwarde to
the houſe of Suf|folke in the right of the ſayde Ladie Fraunces, wherein the
ſayde yong King was in [...]moſt trauaylee in the time of his ſickeneſſe, and all for feare that
if his ſiſter Marie being next heire to the Crowne, ſhoulde ſucceede, that
ſhe would ſubuert all his lawes and ſtatutes made conuer|ning religion,
whereof he was moſt carefull: for the continuance whereof he ſought to
eſtabliſhe a meete order of ſucceſſion by the alliaunce of great houſes by way of mariage, which neuer|theleſſe were
of no force to ſerue his purpoſe. For tending to the diſheriſon of the
rightfull heyres, they proued nothing proſperous to the parties: for two of
them were ſoone after made fruſtrate, the one by death, the other by
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the meane whyle, the
King became eue|ry day more ſicker than other, of a conſumption in his
lungs, ſo as there was no hope of his re|couerie, wherevppon thoſe that then bare chiefe authoritie in
Counſayle, with other Prelates and Nobles of the Realme, called to them
di|uerſe notable perſons learned as well in Diui|nitie, as in the lawes of
the lande, namely Bi|ſhops, Iudges, and other, fell to conſultation vpon
this ſo weightie caſe, and laſtly conclu|ded vpon the deuiſe of King
Edwardes will, to declare the ſayde Ladie Iane eldeſt neece to K. Henrie the
eyght, and wife to the ſayde Lorde
Gullforde to bee righfull heire in ſucceſſion to the Crowne of Englande,
without reſpect had to the ſtatute made in ye xxxv. yere of king Hẽry the
eight: the true meaning of which ſtatute they did impugne &
ouerthrow by diuerſe ſubtill and ſiniſter conſtructions of the ſame, to
diſinherite the ſayde Kings ſiſters, to whome the ſucceſſi|on of the Crowne
of Englande of right apper|tayned, as well by the common lawes of thys
Realme, as alſo by the ſayd ſtatute made in the ſaid xxxv. yere of king Henrie, as aforeſaid. To which
new order of ſucceſſion all the ſaid Kings Counſayle, with many Biſhops,
Lordes, Do|ctors and Iudges of the Realme, ſubſcribed their names without
refuſall of anye, except ſir Iames Hales knight, one of the Iuſtices of the
Common place, who being called to this coun|ſayle, woulde in no wiſe giue
his aſſent eyther by worde or writing, as ye ſhall heare more in the
hiſtorie of Queene Marie.
Compare 1587 edition:
The death of King Edwarde [...]th.Nowe when theſe matters were thus con|cluded, and after
confirmed by a number of handes, as aforeſayde, then the noble Prince King
Edwarde the ſixth, by long lingring ſick|neſſe and conſumption of his lungs
aforeſayde, approched to his death, and departed out of this life the vj.
daye of Iuly, in the vij. yeare of his reigne, and xvij. of his age, after
he had reygned and noblye gouerned this Realme vj. yours, v. monethes and
eyght dayes. And a little before his departing, lifting vp his eyes to God,
he prayed [...] followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
[...] deliuer me out of this miſerable and wre [...] life, take me among thy choſen,The prayer of King
Edwarde the ſixth at his death. howbeit not my will, but thy will
be done: Lord I committe my ſpirite to thee, oh Lorde thou knoweſt howe
happie it were for me to be with thee: yet for thy choſen ſake if it be thy
will, ſende me life and health that I maye truly ſerue thee. Oh my Lorde
bleſſe thy people, and ſerue thine inheritance. O Lord God ſaue thy cho|ſen
people of Englande. O my Lorde God de|fend this Realme from papiſtrie, and
maintaine thy true religion, that I and my people maye prayſe thy holy name.
And therewithall he ſaid, I am faint, Lorde haue mercie vppon vſe, and take
my ſpirite, and ſo he yeelded vp to God his ghoſt the vj. daye of Iuly, as
before is mentio|ned, whom if it had pleaſed God to haue ſpared with longer
life, not vnlyke it was, but he ſhould haue ſo gouerned this Engliſhe common
welth, that he might haue bene comparable with any of his noble
progenitors,The commen|dation of king Edwarde.
ſo that the loſſe of ſo to|wardly a yong king, greatly diſcomforted the
whole Engliſhe nation, that looked for ſuche a reformation in the ſtate of
the Common welth at his handes, as was to be wiſhed for of all good
ſubiectes, which bredde ſuche a lyking in them towards him, that euen among
the very tray|terous rebelles, his name yet was had in reue|rence, although
otherwiſe they neuer ſo muche forgat their dutie both towards him and other,
appointed to gouerne vnder him, through a ma|licious and moſte wilfull
error, as if his tender yeares had not ſufficiently warranted his royall
authoritie, but that the ſame had bene vſurped by others againſt his will
and pleaſure, and as hee was entirely beloued of his ſubiectes, ſo with the
lyke affection he loued them againe. Of nature and diſpoſition meeke, muche
enclined to cle|mencie, euer hauing a regarde to the ſparing of lyfe.See M. Foxe vol. 2. pag. 1484. There wanted in him no
promptneſſe of wit, grauitie of ſentence, ripeneſſe of iudgement, as his age
might beare, fauour and loue of reli|gion was in him from his childehoode,
his ſkill and knowledge in ſciences, beſide his other ex|cellent vertues,
were ſuche, that to them he ſee|med rather borne than brought vppe. It maye
ſeeme very ſtraunge, that in his yong yeares (as Maiſter Foxe reporteth of
him) hee coulde tall and recite all the portes, hauens, and creekes, not
within his owne Realme onelye, but alſo in Scotlande, and likewiſe in
Fraunce, what comming in there was, howe the tyde ſerued in euery of them.
Moreouer, what burthen, and what wynde ſerued for the comming into EEBO page image 1716 eche heauen. Alſo of all his Iuſtices, Magi|ſtrates,
Gentlemen that bare anye authoritie within his Realme, he knewe their names,
their houſe keeping, their religion, and conuerſation what it was. He had a
ſingular re [...] iuſtice, a vertue moſte commendable in [...] Prince, and chiefely to the diſpatche of poore mens ſuites. He
perfectly vnderſtoode the Latine tongue, the French, the Greeke, Italian,
and Spaniſhe, neyther was he ignorant (ſayeth Cardanus) in Logicke, in the principles of naturall Philoſo|phie, or
in Muſicke.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To conclude, his
towardlyneſſe was ſuche, in all Heroicall vertues, noble gyftes, and
mar|kable qualities conuenient for his Princely e|ſtate, that ſo much was
hoped for in his royall perſon (if he had liued till triall might haue bene
had of the proofe) as was to be looked for in any one Prince that euer had
rule ouer this noble Realme.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe to proceede with
the doings that followed. Immediately after the death of this ſo worthie a
Prince King Edwarde,Ladie Iane Proclaymed Queene.
the afore|ſayde Ladie Iane was proclaymed Queene of this Realme by the
ſounde of Trumpet, that is to ſaye, the ninth daye of Iulye, at whiche
Proclamation were preſent, the Lordes of the Counſayle, the Maior of London,
with o|ther.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Ladie Marie, a little
before lying at Honeſdon in Hartfordſhire,
hauing intelligence of the ſtate of the King hir brother, and of the ſe
crete practiſe againſt hir: by the aduiſe of hir frendes, with all ſpeede
tooke hir iourney to|warde hir houſe of Kenningall in Norffolke, entending
there to remayne vntill ſhee coulde make hir ſelfe more ſtrong of hir
frendes and al|lies, and withall writeth to the Lordes of the Counſayle in
forme as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1.21.1. A letter of the Ladie Marie ſent to the Lordes of the
Counſayle, wherein ſhe claymeth the Crowne now after the deceaſe
of hir brother King Ed|warde.
A letter of the Ladie Marie ſent to the Lordes of the
Counſayle, wherein ſhe claymeth the Crowne now after the deceaſe
of hir brother King Ed|warde.
MY Lordes we greete you well,
Compare 1587 edition:
1 and haue
re|ceiued ſure aduertiſement that our deareſt brother the King
our late ſoueraigue Lorde is
departed to Gods mercie, whiche newes, howe they be wofull to
our heart, he onely knoweth, to whoſe will and pleaſure wee muſt
and doe humblye ſubmitte vs, and all our wylles. But in this ſo
lamentable a caſe, that is to witte, nowe after his Maieſties
departure and death, concerning the Crowne and gouernaunce of
this Realme of Englande, with the tytle of Fraunce, and all
things thereto belonging that hath bene prouided by acte of
Parliament, and the Teſtament and loſt will of our deareſt
Fa|ther, beſides other circumſtances aduauncing our right, you
knowe, the Realme, and the whole worlde knoweth, the rolles and
recordes appeare by the authoritie of the King our ſayde father,
and the King our ſayde brother, and the ſubiectes of this
Realme, ſo that wee veri|ly truſt that there is no true ſubiect
that is can, or woulde pretende to bee ignoraunt thereof, and of
our part wee haue our ſelues cauſed, and as God ſhall ayde
& ſtrength vs, ſhall cauſe oure right and tytle in this
behalfe to be publiſhed and proclaymed accordingly. And albeit
this ſo weyghtie a matter ſeemeth ſtraunge, that the dying of
oure ſayde brother vppon Thurſdaye at night laſt paſt, wee
hitherto had no knowe|ledge from you thereof: yet wee conſider
youre wiſedomes and prudence to be ſuch, that hauing eſtſoones
amongſt you debated, pondered, and well weyghed this preſent
caſe with our eſtate, with your owne eſtate, the Common wealth,
and all our honours, wee ſhall and maye con|ceyue great hope and
truſt, with muche aſſu|rance in your loyaltie & ſeruice,
and therefore for the time interprete and take things not to the
worſt, and that ye yet will lyke noble men worke the beſt.
Neuertheleſſe, wee are not ig|noraunt of your conſultations to
vndoe the prouiſions made for our preferrement, nor of the great
bandes and prouiſions forcible, where|vnto ye be aſſembled and
prepared, by whom, and to what ende, God and you knowe, and
nature can feare ſome euill. But bee it that ſome conſideration
politicke, or whatſoeuer thing elſe hath moued you thereto, yet
doubt you not, my Lordes, but wee can take all theſe your doings
in gracious part, being alſo right readie to remitte and fullye
pardon the ſame, with that freelye to eſchewe bloudſhedde and
vengeaunce againſt all thoſe that can or will intende the ſame,
truſting alſo aſſuredly you will take and accepte this grace and
vertue in good part, as appertayneth, and that wee ſhall not be
inforced to vſe this ſeruice of other oure true ſubiectes and
frendes, whiche in this oure iuſt and rightfull caſe, God in
whome oure whole affiaunce is, ſhall ſende vs. Where|fore my
Lordes, we require you, and charge you, and euerye of you, that
euerye of you of youre allegiaunce whiche you owe to God and vs,
and to none other, for oure ho|noure, and the ſuretie of oure
Realme, onelye employe yourſelues and forthwith vp|on receypie
hereof cauſe our righte and tytle EEBO page image 1717 to the
Crowne and gouernemente of thys Realme, to bee proclaymed in
oure Citie of London, and ſuche other places as to youre
wiſedomes ſhall ſeeme good, and as to this caſe appertayneth not
fayling hereof, as our verie truſt is in you: and thus our
letter ſig|ned with our owne hande ſhal be your ſufficient
warrant in this behalfe. Y [...]uen vnder our ſig|ne that one manour of Keningall the ix.
of Iu|ly [...]
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To this
letter of the Ladie Marie, the Lordes of the Counſayle anſwered
agayne as followeth.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Madame, wee
haue receyued your letters the [...] is inſtant, declaring your ſuppoſed into, [...]don iudge your ſelfe to haue to the Imperiall Crowne of
this Realme, and all the Durmuned is thereto belonging. For
aunſwere whereof, this is to aduertiſe you, that foraſmuch as
our Soueraigne Ladie Queene Iane, is after the death of our Souereygne Lorde
Ed|warde the ſixth, a Prince of moſt noble memo|ry, inueſted and
poſſeſſed with the iuſt and right tyme nothe Imperiall Crowne of
this Realme, not only by good order of old ancient good lawes of
this Realme: but alſo by our late ſoueraigne Lordes letters
patentes, ſigned with his owne hande, and ſealed with the great
ſeale of Eng|lande in preſence of the moſte part of the No|bles,
Counſaylours, Iudges, with diuerſe o|ther graue and ſage perſonages, aſſenting and
ſubſer [...]bing to the ſame: Wee muſt therefore, as of moſt bonnde
dutie and allegiaunce, aſſent vnto hir ſayde Grace, and to none
other, except we ſhoulde (whiche faithfull ſubiectes cannot)
fall into grieuous and vnſpeakeable enormi|ties: wherefore wee
can no leſſe doe, but for the quiet both of the Realme,
& you alſo, to aduertiſe you, that foraſmuche as the
diuorſe made be|tweene the King of famous memorie King
Henrie the eyght, and the
Ladie Katherine your mother, was neceſſarie to bee had, both by
the euerlaſting lawes of God, and alſo by the Ec|cleſiſticall
lawes, and by the moſt parte of the noble and learned
Vniuerſities of Chriſten|dome, and confirmed alſo by the ſundrie
actes of Parliaments, remayning yet in their force, and thereby
you iuſtly made illegitimate, and vnheritable to the Crowne
Imperiall of thys Realme, and the Rules, Dominions, and
poſ|ſeſſions of the ſame, you
wil vpõ iuſt conſidera|tion herof, & of diuers other
cauſes lawfull to be alledged for the ſame, and for the iuſt
inheritance of the right lyne, and godly orders taken by the
late King our Soueraigne Lorde King Ed|warde the ſixth, and
agreed vpon by the No|bles, and greateſt perſonages aforeſayde,
ſur|ceaſe, by any pretence to vexe and moleſt any of our
ſonereygne Ladie Queene Iane hir ſubiects from the true ſayth
and allegiance due vnto his Grace, aſſuring you, that if you
will for re|ſpecte the way oure ſelfe quiet and obedient (as you
ou [...] you ſhall finde vs all, and ſeuerall, readie to doe you
any ſeruice that we with du|tie maye, and to be gladde of your
quietneſſe, to preſerue the common ſtate of this Realme, wherin
you may be otherwiſe grieuous vnto vs, to your ſelfe, and to
them. And thus we byd you moſt hartilye well to face. From the
tower of London this ix. of Iuly.
Your Ladyſhippes frendes ſhewing your ſelfe an o|bedient
Thomas Canterburie.
The Marques of Wincheſter.
Iohn Bedforde.
Willyam Northampton.
Thomas Ely Chauncelour.
Iohn Northumberlande.
Henrie Suffolke.
Henrie Arundell.
Frauncis Shreweſburie.
Willyam Penbroke.
R. Riche.
R. Cotton.
Iohn Gates.
Willyam Peter.
Willyam Cecill.
Iohn Cheeke.
Iohn Maſon.
Edwarde North.
Robert Bowes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 All theſe aforeſayde,
except onely the Duke of Northumberlande, and ſir Iohn Gates, were eyther by
ſpeciall fauour, or ſpeciall or ge|nerall pardon, diſcharged for this
offence againſt hir committed, after hir comming to bee Queene.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 But nowe vpon the receyt
of this aunſwere, vnderſtanding by hir frendes that ſhe coulde not lye in
ſuretie at Kenningall, being a place open and eaſie to bee approched,
remoued from thence vnto hir Caſtell of Fremingham, ſtanding in a woode
countrie, and not ſo eaſie to be inuaded by hir enimies.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 So ſoone as the Counſell
hearde of hir ſodain departure, & cõſidering that all came not to
paſſe EEBO page image 1718 as they ſuppoſed. They cauſed ſpeedily a power of
men to be gathered togither. And firſt they agreed that the Duke of Suffolke
father to the newe made Quene, ſhould haue the conduction and leading of the
armie. But afterwardes vp|pon further conſiderations, it was deuiſed that
the Duke of Northumberlande ſhoulde haue the charge of this greate
enterpriſe, whiche Duke hauing Commiſſion from the whole counſaile, and his
warrant vnder the brode ſeale of
England,The Duke of Northumber|lande ſent a|gainſt the
La|die Marie. without miſtruſt of that which af|ter fortuned,
tooke in hande that vnhappie voy|age to his owne deſtruction: as in the
hyſtorie of Queene Marie ſhall appeare: ſo that ſetting apart the feare of
all perils (whiche in other leſſe caſes he neuer vſed) when all things were
in a readineſſe, he being accompanied with no ſmall number of Lordes and
Gentlemen, ſet forwarde on his iourney, hauing notwithſtanding hys times
preſcribed, and his iourneyes appointed by
the Counſayle, to the intent he woulde not ſeeme to doe any thyng but vppon
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And as he was nowe
forwarde on his way, what a doe there was, what ſtirring on euerye ſide,
what ſending, what ryding and poſting, what letters, meſſages, and
inſtructions went to and fro, what talking among the ſouldiers, what
hartburning among the people, what faire pretences outwardly, inwardly what
pri|uie practiſes there were, what ſpeeding and ſen|ding forth ordinance out of the tower, yea, euen the ſame day
that Queene Marie at euen was proclaymed Queene, what rumors, and com|ming
downe of ſouldiers as there was from all quarters, a worlde it was to ſee,
and a proceſſe to declare, ynough to make (as ſayeth maiſter Foxe) a whole
volume, euen as bygge as an Ilias.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The greateſt helpe that
made for the Ladie Marie, was the ſhorte iourneyes of the Duke, which by Commiſſion were aſſigned to him be|fore,
as aboue is mencioned, and happilye not without the politike forecaſt of
ſome in fauour of the Ladie Marie, for the longer the Duke lin|gered in his
voyage, the Ladie Marie the more increaſed in puiſſance, the heartes of the
people being mightily bent vnto hir. Wherevpon ſhe in the meane time
remayning at Fremingham, & hearing of this preparatiõ againſt hir,
gathered togither ſuch power of the noblemẽ and other hir frendes in that countrie, as ſhe coulde get. And firſt of
all, the noblemen that came vnto hir aide were the Earles of Suſſex, Bathe,
and Oxe|forde, the Lorde Wentworth, Sir Thomas Cornewalleys, Sir Henrie
Ierninghan, Sir William Walgraue, with diuerſe other Gen|tlemen, and Commons
of the counties of Nor|folke and Suffolke.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Here as maiſter Foxe
noteth, the Suffolke men being the firſt that reſorted to hir, promiſed hir
their ayde and helpe to the vttermoſt of their powers, ſo that ſhe woulde
not go about to al|ter the religion whiche hir brother had eſtabli|ſhed, and
was nowe vſed and exerciſed through the Realme. To this condicion ſhe
agreed, with ſuch promiſe, as no man woulde haue doubted that anye
innouation of matters in religion ſhoulde haue followed, by hir ſufferance
or pro|curement during hir reygne: but howe ſoone ſhe forgate that promiſe,
it ſhall ſhortlye after appeare.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 In this meane ſeaſon, the
Lorde Windſor, Sir Edmonde Peckham, ſir Robert Drurie, and Sir Edwarde
Haſtings, rayſed the Com|mons of the ſhire of Buckingham, to whome Sir Iohn
Willyams, which afterwarde was Lord Willyams of Thame, and Sir Leanarde
Chamberlaine, with the chiefe power of Oxe|fordſhire. And out of
Northhamptonſhire came Sir Thomas Treſham, and a great number of Gentlemen
out of diuerſe partes, whoſe na|mes were to long to rehearſe.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe Captaines with
their companies being thus aſſembled in warlike maner, marched for|warde
towardes Norffolke to the ayde of the Ladie Marie, and the further they
went, the more their power encreaſed.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The Lords of the counſel
being in this meane whyle at London, after they vnderſtoode howe the better
part of the Realme were enclyned, and hearing euery daye newes of great
aſſem|blies, began to ſuſpect the ſequele of this enter|priſe: ſo that
prouiding for their owne ſuretie, without reſpect of the Duke (who nowe was
at Burie) they fell to a newe counſayle, and laſtly by aſſent made
Proclamation at London in the name of the Ladie Marie, by the name of Marie
Queene of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defender of the faith, and of the
chur|ches of Englande and Irelande ſupreme heade. Of whiche Proclamation,
after the Duke of Northumberlande, being then at Burie, was aduertiſed by
letters from the Counſayle, he in|continently, according to the newe order
re|ceyued from them, returned with his power a|gaine to Cambridge, and ſuche
a ſodayne chaunge of myndes forthwith appeared in his armie, that they
whiche late before ſeemed moſt forwarde in that quarrell, beganne firſt to
flie from him, and ſo euerye man ſhifting for himſelfe, he that late before
was furniſhed of ſuch multitude of ſouldiers, was ſodenly forſa|ken of all
ſauing a fewe, whoſe perils were ioy|ned with his.
Compare 1587 edition:
EEBO page image 1719But nowe before I proceede any further in the hiſtorie of
Queene Marie, that was nowe receyued & proclaymed Queene, as then to
ſuc|ceede hir brother, I will ſpeake ſomewhat of the lerned men that wrote
and publiſhed any pam|phlets or treatiſes in his dayes, as in deede there
were many, but for that the more part of them dyed in Queene Maries time, or
in the Quee|nes Maieſties time that nowe is, or elſe are yet liuing, I doe
omit thoſe here, meaning to ſpeak of them
hereafter, if God ſhall permit, as occa|ſion may ſerue. For the reſidue that
ended their liues in this Kings dayes, theſe I finde: Dauid Clapham a
lawyer, and well ſeene in the La|tine tongue, wrote ſundrie treatiſes:
Robert Talbot a Prebendarie of Norwich, very ſkil|full in antiquities:
Edwarde Hall a Counſay|lour in the Common lawe, but excellently ſeene in
hyſtories, wrote a notable Chronicle of the vnion of the two houſes of Yorke
and Lanca|ſter: Richarde Tracie of
Todington in Glo|ceſterſhire, an Eſquire, and verye well learned, ſonne to
Willyam Tracie: Doctor Ioſeph an excellent Preacher: George Ioye a
Bedforde|ſhire man, that wrote diuerſe treatiſes concer|ning Diuinitie, and
dyed eyther in the laſt yere of King Edwarde, or in the beginning of Queene
Maries reygne, as appeareth by mai|ſter Bale: Alexander Barkeley a Scotte, a
no|table Poet, and a good Rhetorician, departed this life in the yeare
M.D.LII. Willyam Hugh a Yorkeſhire manne, wrote, beſide other things, a
notable treatiſe called the Troubled mans medicine, he deceaſed by the
burſting of a veyne, in the yeare M.D.XLIX: Thomas Sterneholde borne in
Southampton, turned into Engliſhe meeter xxxvij. Pſalmes cho|ſen forth of
Dauids Pſalter. Of ſtraungers that liued & died here in this Kings
days, excel|lently learned, and renoumed for ſuch treatiſes as they
publiſhed to the worlde, Martine Bucer and Paulus Fagius are moſt
Compare 1587 edition:
1 To ende nowe with this
parte of the booke, concerning King Edwarde, I haue thought good to ſet
downe Cardanes verſes, written as an Epitaph of him, as here
Carmen Epi|taphicum Car|dani in obitũ Regis Edo|uardi.
FLete nefas magnum, ſed toto flebilis orbe
Mortales, veſter corruit omnis honor.
Nam Regum decus, & Iuuenũ flos, ſpes bonorũ,
Delitia ſecli, & gloria gentis erat.
Dignus Apollineis lachrymis, doctae, Minerua:
Floſculus heu miſerè concidit ante diem.
Te cumulo dabimus muſae, ſuprema flentes
Munera, Melpone triſtia fata canet.