Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane while was the cardinall of Scot|land deliuered forth of prison, and shortlie after got into his hands againe all such conclusions as were made touching the marriage betwixt the quéene of Scots and prince Edward, procuring in maner all the lords and nobles of the realme to renounce that which they had promised to the king of England, as well diuerse of those whome the said king had relea|sed home out of captiuitie, as others. Wherwith the king tooke such sore displeasure, that he prepared an armie to passe into Scotland by sea, and ordeined the lord Edward Seimer,The earle of Hertford lieutenant of the north. earle of Hertford to be lieute|nant of the north parts, and to haue the leading of the same armie, who went thither in March, as well for defense of the borders, as to foresee all things in order for the armie that should thus go into Scot|land, whereof he was appointed generall.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 When all things were in a readinesse for the na|uie which was rigged to set forward towards Scot|land, and that the soldiers were come which were ap|pointed to go with sir Iohn Dudleie lord Lisle,The lord ad|merall Dud|leie setteth foorth from London to|wards Scot|land. and high admerall of England in that voiage, they were imbarked, and so the two and twentith of March the said lord admerall, with sir Nicholas Pointz, and di|uerse other knights and capteins departed from the port of London towards the north parts; and com|ming to Newcastell, found the erle of Hertford rea|die with such power as was appointed to be there at a daie assigned, forth of those countries that lie from Trent northwards. And now wanted nothing to fur|ther their iournie, but a conuenient wind; which cau|sed them to staie certeine daies at the said towne of Newcastell, and in the villages thereabouts.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After that the earle of Hertford, Anno Reg. 36. and the lord ad|merall, accompanied with the earle of Shrewesbu|rie, the lords Cobham, Clinton, Couiers, Stinton, the lord William Howard; and manie other right valiant knights, gentlemen, and capteines, had lien with the armie and nauie readie at Newcastell a certeine time,The armie setteth for|ward by sea towards Scotland. looking for a prosperous wind to set forward on their purposed iournie, at length the same came about verie fit to serue their turne, and then with all spéed the soldiers were bestowed aboord, euerie companie in their appointed vessels: and here|with vp went the sailes, and forth they got into the maine seas, making their course directlie towards the Forth, a gulfe or riuer in Scotland, able to beare vessels fiftie miles vp within the countrie. There were at the least two hundred saile which the lord ad|merall had caused to come togither, according to his commission, rigged, trimmed,The number of the Eng|lish armie. and furnished with all things necessarie for the conduction of such an armie, estéemed to be about ten thousand men.