Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Beside this, at sundrie times the Englishmen in|uading the countrie of Bullognois, wasted the townes and villages, brought awaie great booties of goods and cattell, to the great impouerishing of the countrie. They burnt at one time the towne of Au|dinghen, and tooke the stéeple of the church there, into the which were fled six score pezzants with their wiues and children, whome the Englishmen threw downe headlong out of the steeple, bicause they had most stubbornelie refused to yéeld. In this yeare a great death of the pestilence reigned in London,A great death in London. and therefore Michaelmasse terme was adiourned to S. Albons, and there kept till the end thereof. The eightéenth of December the archbishop of Cantur|buries palace at Canturburie was burnt, I. Stow, pag. 1 [...]27. and ther|in was burnt his brother in law, and other men.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In Christmasse weeke came to the king lieng at Hampton court, Ferdinando Gonzaga viceroie of Sicilie,Ambassadors from the em|perour. prince of Malfeta, duke of Iuano, the em|perours capteine generall. The chiefest cause of his comming was, to appoint what time the emperours armie should be readie to inuade France. He had great chéere, and at his departure was rewarded with a hundred and fiftie thrée ounces of gold in plate, and foure thousand and thrée ounces in guilt plate, all verie curiouslie wrought, and all the time of his being here, his charges were borne by the king. The sundaie before Christmas, the lord Willi|am Par brother to the quéene, who had married the daughter & heire of Henrie Bourchier erle of Essex, at Hampton court was created earle of Essex,The lord Par created earle of Essex. & sir Will. Par knight vncle to them both, was made lord Par of Horton, & chamberleine to the quéene.
Compare 1577 edition:
On New yeares daie, was sir Thomas Wrio|thesleie the kings secretarie made
lord Wriothesleie of Tichfield.
The lord Wriothesleie. Abr. Fl. ex I S. pag. 1027 Foure E| [...]lipses. Germaine Gardner and other execu|ted.
I Stow 1005. Charitable déeds of sir Iohn Allen.