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At the last maister Walsh being entred the cardi|nals chamber, began to plucke off his hood, and after knéeled downe to the cardinall. Unto whom the car|dinall said, Come hither gentleman & let me speake with you: Sir, héere my lord of Northumberland hath arrested me, but by whose authoritie he sheweth not, if yée be ioined with him I praie you shew me. Indéed my lord (quoth maister Walsh) he sheweth you the truth.The cardinall desireth to sée the commissi|on of the arest. Well then (quoth the cardinall) I praie you let me see it. Sir I beséech you (quoth maister Walsh) hold vs excused: there is annexed to our commission certeine instructions, which you may not see. Well (quoth the cardinall) I trow yée are one of the kings priuie chamber, your name is Walsh, I am content to yeeld to you, but not to my lord of Northumberland without I see his commissi|on: the worst in the kings priuie chamber is suffici|ent to arrest the greatest péere of the realme by the kings commandement, without anie commission, therefore put your commission and authoritie in exe|cution, spare not, I will obeie the kings will; I take God to iudge, I neuer offended the king in word nor deed.

The cardinall committed to the custodie of the earls gen|tlemen.Then the earle called into the chamber diuerse gentlemen of his owne seruants, and after they had taken the cardinals keies from him, they put him in custodie of the earles gentlemen, and then they went about the house to set all things in an order. Then sent they doctor Augustine awaie to London with as much spéed as they could, who was bound vnto the horsse like a traitor. But it was sundaie toward night yer the cardinall was conueied from Cawood, who lodged that night in the abbeie of Pomfret. The next daie he remooued toward Doncaster, and was there lodged at the Blacke friers. The next daie he was remooued to Shefield parke, where the earle of Shrewsburie with his ladie, and a traine of gentle|men and gentlewomen receiued him with much ho|nour. Then departed all the great number of gentle|men that conducted him thither.

The cardinall honourablie receiued and serued at the earle of Shrewsbu|ries house.The cardinall being thus with the earle of Shrews|burie, continued there eighteene daies after, vpon whome the earle appointed diuerse gentlemen to at|tend continuallie, to sée that he should lacke nothing, being serued in his owne chamber as honorablie as he had béene in his owne house, and once euerie daie the earle would repaire to him and commune with him. After the cardinall had thus remained with the earle of Shrewsburie about a fortnight, it came to passe at a certeine time as he sat at dinner in his owne chamber, hauing at his boords end a messe of gentlemen and chapleins to kéepe him companie, to|ward the end of his dinner, when he was come to eating his fruits, his colour was perceiued often to change, whereby he was iudged not to be in good health.

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