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Sir (quoth he) seeing that yee doo but intend to set one of your seruants in my place to kéepe the gates,The porters words to the earle. I know no seruant that yée haue but I am as able as he to doo it, and kéepe the gates to your purpose (whatsoeuer it be) also the keies were deliuered me by my lord and maister, wherfore I praie you to par|don me, for whatsoeuer yée shall command me to doo in the ministration of mine office, I shall doo it with a good will. With that (quoth the earle) hold him a booke (& commanding him to laie his hand thereon:) Thou shalt sweare (quoth he) that thou shalt well and trulie kéepe the gates to the kings vse, and to doo all such things as we shall command: and that yée shall let passe neither in nor out at these gates, but such as yée be commanded by vs. And with this oth he recei|ued the keies at the earles hands.

Of all these doings knew the cardinall nothing, for they stopped the staires,The cardinall maruelleth at the earls sud|den comming. so that none went vp to the cardinals chamber, and they that came downe could no more go vp againe. At the last one escaped, who shewed the cardinall that the earle was in the hall. Whereat the cardinall maruelled, and would not be|léeue him, but commanded a gentleman to bring him the truth, who going downe the staires, saw the earle of Northumberland, and returned, and said it was verie he. Then (quoth the cardinall) I am sorie that we haue dined, for I feare our officers be not prouided of anie store of good fish to make him some honorable chéere, let the table stand (quoth he.) With that he rose vp, and going downe the staires, he en|countered the earle comming vp with all his taile. And as soone as the cardinall espied the earle, he put off his cap, and said, My lord ye be most hartilie wel|come, and so imbraced each other.

Then the cardinall tooke the earle by the hand, and had him vp into the chamber, whome followed all the number of the earles seruants. From thence he led him into his bed-chamber,The action of arrest which the cardinall taketh in ill part. and they being there all a|lone, the earle said vnto the cardinall with a soft voice, laieng his hand vpon his arme: My lord I ar|rest you of high treason. With which words the car|dinall being maruellouslie astonied, standing both EEBO page image 916 still a good space. At last (quoth the cardinall) What authoritie haue you to arrest me? Forsooth my lord (quoth the erle) I haue a commission so to doo. Where is your commission (quoth he) that I may sée it? Naie sir that you may not (said the erle.) Well then (quoth the cardinall) I will not obeie your rest. But as they were debating this matter betwéene them in the chamber, as busie was maister Walsh in arresting doctor Augustine at the doore of the palace, saieng vnto him, Go in traitor or I shall make thée.

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