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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But the cardinall taking him aside, so handled the matter with him, that he came no more into the house, willinglie absenting himselfe to his great in|famie,The cleargie grant halfe of all their spi|rituall reue|nues for one yeare. and losse of that estimation which men had of his innocencie. Thus the belwedder giuing ouer his hold, the other yéelded, and so was granted the halfe of all their spirituall reuenues for one yeare, to bée paid in fiue yeres following, that the burthen might the more easilie be borne. The parlement being be|gun (as ye haue heard) the cardinall on the nine and twentith day of Aprill came into the common house, Anno Reg. 1 [...]. and there shewing the great charges that the king necessarilie was at, and dailie must be at in mainte|nance of his warres against the French and Scots,A great subsi|die demanded by the cardi|nall in the cõmon house. demanded the summes of eight hundred thousand pounds to bée raised of the fift part of euerie mans goods and lands, that is to wit, foure shillings of eue|rie pound.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This demand was inforced on the morrow after, by sir Thomas Moore then speaker of the parlement: but he spake not so much in persuading the house to grant it, but other spake as earnestlie against it, so that the matter was argued to and fro, and handled to the vttermost.Hard hold a|bout grant of the great subsidie. There were that proued how it was not possible to haue it leuied in monie, for men of lands and great substance had not the fift part of the same in coine. And sith the king by the loane had re|ceiued two shillings of the pound, which by this rate amounted to 400000 pounds: and new to haue foure shillings of the pound, it would amount in the whole vnto twelue hundred thousand pounds, which is first and last six shillings of the pound, being al|most a third part of euerie mans goods, which in coine might not be had within this realme.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 For the proofe whereof was alleaged, that if there were in England but tw [...]ntie thousand parishes, and euerie parish should gi [...] an hundred markes, that were but fiftéene hundr [...] thousand markes, which is but an hundred thousand pounds; and there be not ve|rie manie parishes in England one with another, a|ble to spare an hundred markes,There are no [...] 10000 pari|shes in Eng|land as Stow hath trulie noted. out of cities and townes. And where it is written, that in England there be fortie thousand parish churches, it was proo|ued that there were not thirtéene thousand at this daie. Hard hold there was about this demand, and certeine wise and discréet persons were sent to the cardinall, to mooue him to be a meane to the king,The obstinate answer of the cardinall to the motion of the common house in the parlement. that a lesse summe might be accepted: but he answe|red that he would rather haue his toong plucked out of his head with a paire of pinsers, than to mooue the king to take anie lesse summe: and so with that an|swer they departed, reporting to the house the cardi|nals words. Then euerie daie was reasoning, but nothing concluded.

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