After they were departed, Soliman for a more contempt of christian religion [...] , made his entrie into the citie vpon the daie of the birth of the sonne of God: which daie being celebrated in the churches of christians with noise of musike & holie inuocations, he connected all the churches of Rhodes dedicated to the seruice of Iesus Christ, into Mosqueis (so they call their temples) which after all the christian rites and ceremonies were abolished, they made dedica|torie to Mahomet. Good cause had the christians here|vpon with heauie hearts to make their complaint to God by the president of the psalmist, lamenting the li|bertie of the enimies exercising the vehemencie of his rage against Gods people; & full well with swolne eies testifieng the sorrow of their soules might (sad|lie sounding the dumps of their threnomina) saie:
—perde funditùsHostes proteruos, [...] 74. qui tuum sacrariumManu nefanda polluunt,Clangunt sonora buccina, non quae tuasLaudes canat, ludibrioSed festa acerbo quae profanet; in tuisVexilla figunt turribus, &c.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 To vnderstand more of this historie touching the taking of Rhodes, what mooued the Turke to couet the same, his letter comminatorie to Philip de Uilli|ers who tooke part against him, with other accidents and circumstances belonging to this martiall acti|on; [...] read the report of Edward Hall, which is verie copious and plentifull in this behalfe. And now will we returne to our owne affaires here in England.] About this time the bishop of Durham departed this life,Cardinall [...] made bishop of Durham. & the king gaue that bishoprike to the cardinall, who resigned the bishoprike of Bath to doctor Iohn Clerke maister of the rolles, and sir Henrie Mar|neie. that was vicechamberleine, was made lord pri|uie seale, and shortlie after was created lord Mar|neie. In the end of this yeare, doctor Blith bishop of Chester was attached for treason, but he acquited himselfe. About this time the cardinall exercised his authoritie (which he pretended by his power legan|tine) verie largelie, not onelie in proouing of testa|ments in his court, calling the executors and admi|nistrators before him,The cardinall [...] his [...]. of what diocesse soeuer they were, but also by prouisions he gaue all benefices be|longing to spirituall persons, and ran thereby with|in danger of the premuni [...]e, as afterward was laid to his charge.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But after that he perceiued his owne follie and rash dooing herein, contrarie to the lawes, which would not permit that anie such things as were moo|ued within the prouince of Canturburie, might bee concluded without the authoritie of the archbishop, he sent them againe to Poules, and sate himselfe at Westminster with his cleargie of the prouince of Yorke. And euen as there was much adoo amongst them of the common house about their agréement to the subsidie, so was there as hard hold for a while a|mongst them of the clergie in the conuocation house. Namelie Richard bishop of Winchester, & Iohn bi|shop of Rochester held sore against it, but most of all sir Rowland Philips vicar of Croidon, and one of the canons of Poules, béeing reputed a notable preacher in those daies, spake most against that pai|ment.