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After this ioy ended, there issued out of the citie in maner of procession, seuen hundred and mo christi|ans, as well men, as women and children, which had bin there prisoners and liued in bonds, seruitude, and miserable captiuitie, whereof the most part were na|ked, wounded, and in maner famished for hunger. To whome the king (of his great liberalitie) gaue both apparell, viands and monie. These poore prisoners comming out of the citie sang this psalme; Bene|dictus Dominus Deus Israel, qui visitauit & fecit redemp|tionem pledis suae; Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, which hath visited and redeemed his people. And so singing foorth the psalme, went to the church of saint Faith, which the king Ferdinando had caused to bée most sumptuouslie edified during the time of the siege, being distant from Granado two or thrée miles.

Now as this poore procession passed by the host, one espied his sonne, and another saw his brother; and the son perceiued the father, and the father found the daughter, which were now deliuered out of mise|rable seruitude and bondage. But they could not re|fraine nor bridle themselues from distilling of teares and sobbing, séeing their parents and kinsfolke resto|red to libertie & fréedome. And when these people had said their orisons in the church of saint Faith, and were come to the armie, they knéeled before the king, kissed his féet, crieng with one voice; God grant to the king of Spaine euerlasting life. The next daie after the lord Euerus de Mendoza,The lord E|uerus de Mẽ|doza made capteine of the house roiall. earle of Tendi|glie, was by the king made capteine of the house roiall and principall tower of the citie of Granado, called Alhambra, hauing to him appointed and assig|ned one thousand men of armes, and two thousand footmen. Unto the which earle, the great master deli|uered the keies of the said palace and tower, and o|ther ports and fortresses.

On saturday the eight daie of Ianuarie, in the yeare of our Lord 1492, Ferdinando K. of Spaine & Granado, the quéene,A great num|ber of states with their traine enter triumphantlie into Granado to take reall possession. & their eldest son Don Iohn prince of Spaine, the lord Peter of Mendoza, the archbish. of Toledo, the patriarch of Alexandria, the cardinall of Spaine, the lord Peter prince of Lion, the duke of Gaditan, the marques of Uillena & Moia, the erle of Capre, the erle of Uienna of Cifnentes, and manie other earles, barons, and nobles, whereof some were Englishmen (whose names I haue not) with ten thousand horssemen, and fiftie thousand foot|men, with great triumph and roialtie entered into the citie of Granado, and thereof tooke reall possessi|on & seazine, and caused masse to be soong in a great place called Melchita, where hée caused a solemne church to be builded in the honour of God and his EEBO page image 774 mother. When masse was ended, the king and quéene repaired to the palace roiall of Alhambra, the which was woonderfull, both in qualitie & sumptuous buil|ding, which house was adorned with rich arras and tapestrie in euerie chamber.

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