When he had the keies, and was also possessed of that strong and magnificent place, he first of all dis|patched the house of all the Moores and pagans, and appointed a garrison of valiant and noble christians, to kéepe and defend the same: and the same day cau|sed a masse solemnlie to be celebrate in a place of the same palace called Melchita; which done and finished, he tooke possession of all the fortresses, towers, and holds to the said citie and towne of Granado belon|ging or apperteining. And then he caused to be erec|ted and set vp on the highest tower of the palace (where it might best be séene) the signe and token of the crosse, whereon Christ for vs sinners suffered his bitter passion. At the raising whereof were present an archbishop, and thrée bishops, with other prelats, which deuoutlie sang this antheme: O crux, aue spes vnica.
The said crosse was thrée times deuoutlie lifted, and at euerie exaltation, the Moores being within the citie, rored, howled, & cried, prostrating themselues, groueling on the ground, & making dolorous noise and pitifull outcries. The armie incamped without the citie, seeing these things, humbled themselues méekelie before the crosse, rendering to almightie God their most humble and heartie thankes. The king of Spaine,The maner of the Spanish kings giuing of thanks for victorie. being mounted on horssebacke, per|ceiuing the erection of the crosse, descended from his genet, and knéeled downe on the bare ground; and rendered to God, la [...]d, honour, and praise; for that noble and triumphant victorie. And after that the crosse was thus set vp on the high tower, the banner of saint Iames, and the kings banners were pitched and fixed vpon the turrets and pinacles of the citie: an herald standing in the top of the high tower, pro|claming and publishing these words following.
Saint Iames, saint Iames, saint Iames; Castile, Castile, Castile; Granado, Granado, Granado.
By high and mightie power, lord Ferdinando and Eli|zabeth, king and quéene of Spaine, haue woone from the infidels and Moores the citie and realme of Gra|nado, through the helpe of our Lord God, & the most glorious virgin his mother, and the vertuous apostle S. Iames, and the holie father Innocent the eight, togither with the aids and succours of the great pre|lats, knights, and other gentlemen borne, and com|mons of their realmes and countries.When the herald had finished, the artillerie sounded,The Spani|ards reioising & triumphing after the con|quest of the Moores. the min|strels blew, the people applauded and clapped their hands for gladnesse, that the earth séemed to tremble and quake vnderneath them.