Compare 1577 edition: 1 But where he appointed certeine persons as his deputies to enter into the priorie of Durham, and to take charge thereof in place of the prior,He is kept out of the abbeie [...] Durham. the moonks shut the gates against them, appealing to the pope, and pretending the kings protection, which they had purchased. But those that thus came in the bishops name, accursed the moonks, & so departed. The king héerewith was highlie offended, so that he caused them to answer the matter afore the iustices of his bench, and for their presumption in pronouncing the cursse, without making the king priuie to their doo|ings, [...]e is summo| [...]ed to appéere before the K. [...] refuseth. they were put to their fines. And whereas the bishop was summoned to appeare before the king in person at a certeine daie, he made default, and de|parting out of the realme, got backe againe to the pope, contrarie to the kings prohibition: wherevpon the liberties of the see of Durham were seized into the kings hands, and the king placed his iustices and chancellor there, and in the yeare next insuing, he ex|acted of the tenants of the archbishoprike, the thir|téenth penie of their goods, and otherwise vexed them with sundrie talages.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The conclusion of this matter was this, that the prior was cited by the pope,The conclu|sion of the strife betwixt the bishop and moonks of Durham. to appeare at his consisto|rie, whither he went, hauing the kings letters in his fauour directed to the pope; wherevpon, when the pope had examined the matter, and heard the prior speake in his owne person, he perceiued him to be otherwise than he was informed (a sober and discréet man) and therefore restored him againe to the gouernment of his house; but he remained in the popes court, till after the kings death, and finallie died there himselfe in the yeare 1307. But now to returne to other doo|ings of king Edward. We find, that whilest he lay still at Lauercost,Bernards ca|stell giuen to the earle of Warwike. he gaue to the earle of Warwike Bernards castell, the which he had by escheat, through forfeiture thereof made by Iohn Balioll late king of Scotland. He also tooke and seized into his hands Penreth with the appurtenances.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the octaues of S. Hilarie, Anno. Reg. 35. 1307 the king held a par|lement at Carleill, in the which, by the peeres of the realme, great complaint was made of the oppressi|ons doone to churches, abbeies, and monasteries,A parlement at Carleill. by reason of paiments latelie raised and taxed by one maister William or Guilelmo Testa the [...]pes cha|pleine.William Te|sta the popes chapleine inhibited to leuie monie. Commandement therefore was giuen to the same chapleine, that from thencefoorth he should not leauie anie such paiments; and for further remedie, messengers were made foorth vnto the pope, to de|clare vnto him the inconuenience thereof. This Te|sta was sent from pope Clement into England with bulles, in the contents whereof it appeared, Abington. that the pope had reserued to himselfe the first fruits of one yeares reuenues of euerie benefice that fell void by anie manner of meanes within the realme of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, and like|wise of all abbeies, priories, and monasteries; so that it may well be said of him & his retinue, according to the processe of all their actions, as it was said of old,
Curia Romana non quaerit ouem sine lana.