Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the feast of saint Michaell, the new Scotish EEBO page image 315 king Robert le Bruce returned foorth of the Iles (in|to the which he had fled) with manie Irishmen and Scots in his companie, and remained a certeine time in Kentire, he sent certeine of his officers, to le|uie and gather vp the rents of the fermes due at the feast of saint Martine for such lands and possessions as they held in that countrie,The L. Per|cie put to flight by the Scotish king Bruce. wherof the lord Percie being aduertised, hasted thither; but the new king comming vpon him, slue certeine of his men, tooke his horsses and plate, with other things, and droue him into a castell, within the which he besieged him, till at length by a power sent from king Edward, Bruce was constreined to depart. The king in this meane time was come to Lauercost néere to Car|leill, and there remained a long time. From thence he sent his iustices vnto Berwike, where they sate in iudgement vpon Nigell Bruce, and the other pri|soners taken with him,Nigell or Neall Bruce condemned and executed. which were condemned to die, and so they were hanged, drawen and quartered. The earle of Atholl was conueied to London, and al|though he sued for pardon in respect of that he was of kin to the king, yet was he hanged vpon a gib|bet higher than all the residue, his bodie burned vn|der the same gibbet,The earle of Atholl exe|cuted. and his head first cut off, was set vpon a pole ouer London bridge for example sake that traitors should looke for no pardon.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The elect archbishop of Yorke William Gréene|field was confirmed this yeare by pope Clement the fift, at the citie of Lions in France, where the same pope was crowned about the same time, and held his court there, liuing cheeflie by the monie which he got of bishops that came to him for their confirmations: he had of the said archbishop of Yorke within one yeare,The summes of monie which the pope had of the archbish. of Yorke. nine thousand and 500 markes, besides the ex|penses which he was at whilest he laie there, and so when this archbishop was returned into England, through pouertie he was driuen to gather monie of the persons, préests, and religious men within his prouince at two sundrie times in one yeare, as first, in name of a courtesie and gratious beneuolence, and the second time by waie of an aid.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, pope Clement ordeined Anthonie bi|shop of Durham, patriarch of Ierusalem, dispensing with him, so as he held still the bishoprike of Dur|ham, notwithstanding his other promotion; and this was, bicause the bishop was rich, and the pope poore. For this bishop might dispend in yearelie reuenues by purchases & inheritances,The great re [...]nues of Anthonie B. of Durham. besides that belonged to his miter, aboue fiue thousand marks, and he gaue great rewards to the pope, and to his cardinals, by means whereof he obteined in suit against the prior of Durham, so that he had the charge and ouersight of the monasterie of Durham, both the spirituall go|uernement and temporall, through informing the pope, that the prior was not able in discretion to rule the house. At his returning home, he caused a crosse of siluer and gilt, adorned with an image of the cruci|fix, to be borne afore him.