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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The archbishop Anselme tooke the worth of two Eadmerus. hundred markes of siluer of the iewels that belong|ed to the church of Canturburie (the greater part of the couent of moonks winking thereat) towards the making vp of such paiment as he was constreined to make vnto the king towards his aid at that time. But bicause he would not leaue this for an example to be followed of his successours, he granted to the church of Canturburie the profits and reuenues of his manour of Petteham, vnto the vse of the same church for the terme of seauen yeares, which amoun|ted to the summe of thirtie pounds yearelie in those daies.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus king William seeking rather to spoile the realme of England, Polydor. than to preserue the roiall state thereof, after he had gotten togither a great masse of monie, sailed ouer into Normandie, and there de|liuering vnto the duke the ten thousand pounds a|foresaid, was put in possession of the duchie,The duchie of Normandie morgaged to king William. to enioy the same, and the profits rising thereof, till the said ten thousand pounds were paid him againe: or (as some write) it was couenanted that in recompense thereof, Eadmerus. the king should enioy the profits for terme onelie of three yeares, and then to restore it with|out any further interest or commoditie. This doone, he returned againe into England. Polydor.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now duke Robert setteth forward on his iornie, in companie of other Noble men, towards the holie land. In which voiage his valorous hart at all assaies (when any seruice should be shewed) was most mani|festlie perceiued, to his high fame and renowme a|mong the princes and nobilitie there and then as|sembled.

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