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Compare 1577 edition: 1 S [...]mo [...] Dun. [...]he earle of [...]we.Some write that the meaning of the earle and his complices (amongst whom was William earle of Ewe, who renouncing his allegiance to Robert duke of Normandie, was become the kings man) was to haue displaced the king from his roiall throne, and to haue set vp his sonne William de Al|bemarle, whome he had begotten of his concubine. But whatsoeuer their purpose was, after that the king had quieted his countrie in the north parts, he bent all his force against the Welshmen, Matth. Paris. who the yeare before had destroied and ouerthrowne the ca|stell of Moungomerie, and slaine the Normans that laie there in garison to defend it, whereat he was ve|rie much offended,King William inuadeth Wales. & therefore entering into Wales, he began to spoile and wast the countrie. For he saw that the Welshmen would not ioine in battell with him in the plaine field, but kept themselues still a|loofe within the woods and marishes, and aloft vpon mountaines: albeit oftentimes when they saw ad|uantage, they would come foorth, and taking the En|glishmen and Normans at vnawares, kill manie, and wound no small numbers, he still pursued them by hils and dales, though more to the losse of his owne people than the hurt of the Welshmen, who easilie eschewed the danger of battell, and still at the straites and combersome passages distressed manie of their enimies: whereby the king at length percei|uing that he could not preuaile against them, ceassed further to follow on with his purposed voiage, and therewith returned home,The king re|turneth out of Wales with dishonour. Eadme [...]us. Murcherdach king of Ire|land. not without some note of dishonor.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the same time Murcherdach king of Ire|land, with the clergie and people of the citie of Du|blin, elected one Samuell a moonke of S. Albons, an Irish man borne, to the gouernement of the church and bishops sée of Dublin, and (according to the an|cient custome) presented him by sufficient letters of testimonie vnto Anselme archbishop of Cantur|burie, to be consecrated of him, who (according to their request) did so, and receiued from him a promise of his canonicall subiection, after the old vsuall ma|ner, hauing foure bishops (suffragans to the sée of Canturburie) ministring to him at that consecra|tion.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In like maner, pope Urban calling a councell at Clermount in Auuergne,The councell of Clermount. exhorted the christian prin|ces so earnestlie to make a iourneie into the holie|land, for the recouerie thereof out of the Saracens hands, that the said great and generall iournie was concluded vpon to be taken in hand;

The iournie into the holie land.

Godfray be Bullion.

wherein manie Noble men of christendome went vnder the leading of Godfray of Bullion, and others, as in the chroni|cles of France, of Germanie, and of the holie land dooth more plainlie appeare. There went also among other diuers Noble men foorth of this relme of Eng|land, speciallie that worthilie bare the surname of Beauchampe. Robert duke of Normandie minding also to go the same iournie, and wanting monie to furnish and set foorth himselfe, Anno Reg. 9. 1096. morgaged his duchie of Normandie to his brother king William, Hen. Hunt. Wil. Thorne. Simon Dun. A subsidie. for the summe of ten thousand pounds. About this time an|other occasion was offered vnto king William, to laie a new paiment vpon his subiects, so gréeuous and intollerable, as well to the spiritualtie as the temporaltie, that diuerse bishops and abbats, who had alreadie made away some of their chalices and church iewels to paie the king, made now plaine an|swer that they were not able to helpe him with any more. Unto whom on the other side (as the report went) the king said againe;
Haue you not (I beséech you) coffins of gold and siluer full of dead mens bones? Meaning the shrines wherein the relikes of saints were inclosed.
Which (as his words seemed to import) he would haue had them conuert into mo|nie, therewith to helpe him in that need, iudging it no sacrilege, though manie did otherwise esteeme it, considering (as he pretended) that it was gathered for so godlie an vse, as to mainteine warres against Infidels and enimies of Christ.

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