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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The Scots nestled themselues in the Iles and coasts alongst the sea side. The Picts held the middle part. But shortlie after, the peace began to hang doubtfull betwixt them: for the diuersitie of people, place, custome and language, togither with the me|morie of old grudges, mooued such gelousie and in|ward hate betwixt those nations, that it séemed they were readie to breake out into open dissention vpon Their f [...]ing out. the first occasion. And as in such cases there neuer EEBO page image 52 wanteth one deuise or other to raise tumults: it chanced that certeine of the Scotish nobilitie had got out of Greece (as some write) a Molossian hound, which both in swiftnesse of foot, and pleasantnesse of mouth, was accounted peerlesse. This hound being stollen by a Pict, was cause of the breach of peace; so Str [...] about a dog. that cruell wars thereof insued, as in the Scotish historie more at large appéereth. But where some write, that Eugenius should reigne ouer the Scots when this quarell [...]ell out for stealing of this hound, Hector Boetius saith, it was in king Crathlinths daies. Morouer it shuld séeme by that which the same Boetius writeth, that the hound or grethound for the which this trouble rose, was not fetched so far as out of Grecia, but rather bred in Scotland: notwith|standing bicause the Latinists call such kind of dogs Molossi, for that the first generation of them, or the like, came from a citie of Grecia called Molosse; it may be, that some haue thought that this gre [...]hound came from thense, for that he was so called after the name of that place from whense the bréed of him first came. But to returne to the historie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After the Scots and Picts had tugged togither a while, at length one Carausius a Briton laboured a Carausius agreeth them. Anno Christi. 288 friendship betwixt them, and bringing his purpose to passe, persuaded them to lend him their helpe to expell the Romans out of Britaine: but his hap was shortlie after to be slaine by the Romane cap|teine Alectus. And so new sturs were in hand be|twixt the Britons and Romans, the Scots & Picts for the most part taking part with the Britons, till at length Maximus the Romane lieutenant found means to set the Scots and Picts at variance, and ioining with the Picts in league, vsed their aid against the Scots, whome he so earnestlie pursued with all the power he might make, that in the end they were vtterlie expelled out of all the coasts of The Scots expelled. See more of this matter in Scotland. 326 Britaine, so that they fled some into one part, some into another, but the most number got them ouer in|to Ireland, and the Iles, where they remained for the space of fourtie thrée yeares, and then at length re|turned thither, vnder the leading of their prince Fer|guse, being the second of that name, as they account him. From thensefoorth the Scots kept such foot in Britaine, that they incroched vpon their neighbors, in such wise as they waxed stronger than the Picts, whome in the end they quite rooted forth, and nestled themselues in their seats, although now at their first The Picts [...] foorth by the Scots. returne they concluded a firme amitie with the same Picts, that ioining their forces togither, they might the better make head against both Romans and Britons, whome they reputed as common eni|mies to them both.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus the Scots a liuelie, cruell, vnquiet, ancient and victorious people, got place within this Ile of Britaine, mixed first with Britons, secondlie with Picts, thirdlie and chieflie with the Irish, which after this time left their name of Scots vnto those in Bri|taine, and chose rather to be called Irish: and then came vp the distinction of the name, as Scotia maior for Ireland, Scotia minor for the countrie inhabited by the Scots within Britaine. But Cambrensis saith, that the Scots chieflie preuailed vnder the leading Giraldus Cambrensis. of six valiant gentlemen, sons to Muridus king of Ulster, who in the time of N [...]ale, surnamed the great that inioied the monarchie of Ireland, passing ouer into Scotland to succour their countriemen there, at length tooke vp for themselues certeine parcels of ground, which their posteritie were owners of in the time that Cambrensis liued, to wit, about the yeare of our Lord 1200, who treateth hereof more largelie in his booke intituled Topographia Britanniae. Since which time they haue béene euer taken, reputed and named Scots, the Pictish nation being driuen into corners, albeit the mounteine parts and out Iles e|uen vnto this daie are inhabited with a wild kind of people called Red [...]hanks, estéemed by some to be mingled of Scots and Picts.

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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scots neſtled them ſelues in the Iles and coaſts alongſt the ſea ſide. The Picts held the middle part. But ſhortely after, the peace began to hang doubtfull betwixt them: for the diuerſitie of people, place, cuſtom & language,Their fallyng out. together with the memorie of olde grudges, moued ſuch iealoſy and inward hate betwixte thoſe nations, that it ſeemed they were redy to breake out into open diſſention vpon the firſte occaſion. And as in ſuche caſes there neuer wanteth one deuiſe or other to rayſe tumults: it chaunced that certaine of the Scottiſh no|bilitie had got out of Greece (as ſome write) a Moloſſian hound, which both in ſwiftneſſe of foot, and pleaſantneſſe of mouth, was accomp|ted peerleſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This hounde being ſtollen by a Picte, was cauſe of the breache of peace,Stryfe about a dogge. ſo that cruell warres therof enſued (as in the Scottiſh hiſto|rie more at large appeareth. But where ſome write, that Eugenius ſhoulde reigne ouer the Scottes when this quarell fell out for ſtea|ling of this hound, Hector Boetius ſayeth, it was in king Crathlinths dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer it ſhould ſeme by that which the ſame Boetius writeth, that the hound or grei|hound for the which this trouble roſe, was not fetched ſo far as out of Grecia, but rather bred in Scotland: notwithſtãding bicauſe the La|tiniſts call ſuch kinde of dogs Moloſsi, for that the firſt generation of them, or the like, came from a citie of Gretia called Moloſſe, it may be, that ſome haue thoughte, that this grey|hounde came from thence, for that he was ſo called after the name of that place frõ whence the breed of him firſt came. But to returne to the hiſtorie.