Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 That he incountred with Coilus king of the Bri|tons Knockfergus as the Scots write) is not possible, as our au|thor hath verie well noted; except they mistake the name of Coilus for Cailus, with whome the age of Ferguse might well méet: the rather, for that in the first yeare of Cailus reigne the Picts entered, Fer|guse immediatlie after them, 330 yeares yer Christ was borne; where Coilus reigned in the yeare after the incarnation 124, about which time befell the se|cond arriuall of the Picts in Britaine. And thus it 124 may be they mistake, by errour of the name, Coilus for Cailus, and the second arriuall of the Picts for the first. But now to the course of the historie. Whi|lest the Picts were seated in the north of Britaine, and grew to a great multitude; the Irish made sun|drie errands ouer to visit their daughters, nephues, and kinsfolks, and by their often comming and go|ing they were aware of certeine wasie corners, and small Ilands void of inhabitants, as that which see|med rather neglected and suffered to lie waste.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Hereof they aduertised their princes, namelie Reuther or Reuda, who being descended of Fer|guse, Reuther or Reuda. determined to inuest himselfe in certeine por|tions of land beside the Picts. He therefore well ap|pointed passed ouer, and partlie by composition, and partlie by force, got possession of those quarters which were desolate, & began to erect a kingdome there, by little and little increasing his limits: and finallie got betwixt the Picts and Britons, possessing that countrie which tooke the name of him called Reu|dersdahall, and now Riddesdale (as you would saie) Rheudas part; for Dahall in the Scotish toong signi|fieth a part. In these quarters he could not setle him|selfe, but that he was oftentimes assailed by the Bri|tons that bordered next vnto him, and at length his chance was to be slaine, but the kingdome continu|ed still in the hands of his successors: and the Picts The amitie betwixt Scots and Picts. and Scots grew in friendship togither, permitting ech other to liue in quiet.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The Scots nestled themselues in the Iles and coasts alongst the sea side. The Picts held the middle part. But shortlie after, the peace began to hang doubtfull betwixt them: for the diuersitie of people, place, custome and language, togither with the me|morie of old grudges, mooued such gelousie and in|ward hate betwixt those nations, that it séemed they were readie to breake out into open dissention vpon Their f [...]ing out. the first occasion. And as in such cases there neuer EEBO page image 52 wanteth one deuise or other to raise tumults: it chanced that certeine of the Scotish nobilitie had got out of Greece (as some write) a Molossian hound, which both in swiftnesse of foot, and pleasantnesse of mouth, was accounted peerlesse. This hound being stollen by a Pict, was cause of the breach of peace; so Str [...] about a dog. that cruell wars thereof insued, as in the Scotish historie more at large appéereth. But where some write, that Eugenius should reigne ouer the Scots when this quarell [...]ell out for stealing of this hound, Hector Boetius saith, it was in king Crathlinths daies. Morouer it shuld séeme by that which the same Boetius writeth, that the hound or grethound for the which this trouble rose, was not fetched so far as out of Grecia, but rather bred in Scotland: notwith|standing bicause the Latinists call such kind of dogs Molossi, for that the first generation of them, or the like, came from a citie of Grecia called Molosse; it may be, that some haue thought that this gre [...]hound came from thense, for that he was so called after the name of that place from whense the bréed of him first came. But to returne to the historie.