1.4. King Stephen.
EEBO page image 365King Stephen.
Stephen [figure appears here on page 365]
An. Reg. 1
_STephen Erle of Bul|longne, ye ſon of Ste|phe Erle of Bloys, by his wife Adela, daugh|ter to William Con|querour, came ouer wt al ſpeed after the death of his vncle, and tooke open him the gouern|ment of the realm of England, partly vpon con|fidence which he had in the puiſſance and ſtrẽgth at his brother Theobald Erle of Bloys, and part|ly by the ayde of his other brother Henrie Biſhop of Wincheſter, and Abbot of Glaſtenburie, al|though yt he with other of the nobles had ſworne afore to bee true vnto the Empreſſe and his iſſue as lawfull heyres of king Henrie lately deceaſſed, (as you before haue heard.) The ſame day in the which he ariued in Englande,A tempeſt. Math. VVeſt. there chaunced a mightie great tempeſt of thunder, with lightning maruelous and horrible to heare and behold. And bycauſe this happened in the winter time, it ſee|med agaynſt nature, & therefore it was the more noted as a foreſhewing of ſome trouble and cala|mitie to come.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 This Stephen beganne his raigne ouer this realme of England the ſecond day of December, in the yeare of our Lord .1 [...]35. in the .xj. yeare of the Emperor Lothair, the ſixt of Pope Innocen|tius the ſecond, and about the .xxvij. of Lewes the .vij. ſurnamed Craſſus king of Fraunce, Da|uid the firſt of that name, then raigning in Scot|land, and beeing alreadie entred into the .xij. of his regiment.Math. Paris. VVil. Mal. Simon Dun. He was crowned alſo at Weſt|minſter vpon S. Stephens day, by William the Archbiſhop of Cantervburie, the moſte part of the Nobles of the Realme being preſent, and ſwea|ring their obedience vnto him, as to their [...]me and lawfull ſoueraigne. Howbeit there were diuerſe of the wiſer ſort of all eſtates, whiche regarding their former of he, could haue beene contented that the Empreſſe ſhould haue gouerned till hir, ſonne had come to lawfull age, notwithſtanding they helde their [...]eace as yet, and conſented vnto Ste|phen.Periurie pu|niſhed. But to ſay the truth, the breach of theyr o|thes was worthily puniſhed afterward, inſomuch that aſwell the Biſhops as the other nobles either, died an euill death, or were afflicted with diuerſe kindes of calamities and miſchaunces, and that euen here in this life, of whiche ſome of them as their time ſerueth maye bee remembred hereafter. Yet there were of them, VVil. Mal. The Biſhop of Salisburies proteſtation. (and namely the Biſhop of Saliſburie, which proteſted that they were free from their othe of allegiaunce made to the ſayde Empreſſe, bycauſe that without the conſent of the Lordes of the land, ſhe was maried out of the realme, whereas they tooke their oth to receyue hir for Queen, vpon that cõdition, that without their aſſent ſhe ſhould not marcy with any perſon out of the realme. Moreouer (as ſome writers think) the Biſhops tooke it,The Biſhop [...] think to pleaſe God in brea+king their oth that they ſhould do god good ſeruice in prouiding for the welth of the realme, & the aduancement of the Church by their periurie. For whereas the late deceaſſed king vſed himſelfe not altogither for their purpoſe, they thought that if they might ſet vp and treate a king chiefly by their eſpeciall meanes & authoritie, he woulde fol|low their counſell better, and reforme ſuch things as they iudged to be amiſſe.Mat. Pat. But a greate cauſe that moued many of the lords vnto the violating thus of their othe, was (as ſome Authors reherſe) for that Hugh Bigot,Hugh Bigot. ſomtime ſtewarde to king Henry the firſt immediately after ye deceaſe of K. Henry c [...]me into England, and aſwell before the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, as diuerſe other lords of the land, tooke an othe of his owne accorde (al|though moſt men thinke that hee was hired ſo to doe bycauſe of great promotion) declaring vpon the ſame that he was preſent a little before King Henries death, when the ſame king adopted and choſe his nephew Stephen to be his heyre & ſuc|ceſſour, bycauſe that his daughter the Empreſſe had grieouſly diſpleaſed him. But vnto this mans othe the Archbiſhop and the other Lordes were too ſwi [...]t in giuing of credite. And the ſayde Hugh eſcaped not after [...] worthie puniſhment for that his perſury: for ſhortly after he came (by ye iuſt iudgment of God) to a miſerable ende.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to our purpoſe. King Stephen by what fifte ſoeuer he came by the ſame immediatly after his coronation,Sim. Dunel. 1136 went firſt to Reading to the bu|rial of the bodie of his vncle Hẽrie, the ſame being now brought ouer forth of Normãdy:Polidore Simon Dun. Mat. Par. & after the buriall he repayred vnto Oxford, & and there cal|ling a Councell of his Lords and other eſtates of his realme.The fayre pro|miſes of king Stephen. Amongeſt other things hee promiſed before ye whole aſſembly (to win the hearts of the people) that he would lay down and quite aboliſh that tribute which oftentimes was accuſtomed to be gathered after the rate of their acres or bides of lande, commonly called Dancgylt, whiche was two ſhillings of euery hide of lãd. Alſo yt he wold ſo prouide ye no Biſhops ſees nor other benefices ſhould [...] void, but immediately after vpon EEBO page image 366 theyr firſt being vacant ſhould be again beſtowed vpon ſome conuenient perſon meete to ſupplie the rowme. Further he promiſed not to ſeaze vpon any mans wooddes, as forfeyt, though any pry|uate man had hunted and killed his Deere in the ſame wooddes, as the maner of his predeceſſour was: for a kinde of forfeyture was deuiſed by K. Henrie, that thoſe ſhoulde loſe their right of inhe|ritance in their woods, that chaunced to kill any of the kings Deere within the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polidore Ran. Higd. Licence to build caſtels.Moreouer he graunted licence to all men, to buylde eyther Caſtell, Tower or other holde for defence of themſelues vpon their owne groundes. And this he did chiefly in hope that ye ſame might be a ſauegard for him in time to come, if the Em|preſſe ſhould inuade the lande, as he doubted ſhee ſhortly would. Moreouer he aduanced many yõg luſtie Gentlemen to great liuings. For ſuch as were of any noble family,VVil. Mal. in nouell [...] hiſtoria. and thereto through a certaine ſtouteneſſe of ſtomack ſought prefermẽt, eaſily obteyned of him the poſſeſſion of Caſtels, & great Lordſhips, and diuerſe of them he honored with titles of dignitie, creating ſome of thẽ Erles and ſome of them Lords. And ſuch was their im|portunate ſute alſo in demaunding, that when he had little more to beſtow amongſt them, hauing alreadie giuen ſundrie portions that belonged to the crowne, they ceaſſed not to be in hande wyth him for more, and beeing denied with reaſonable excuſes on his behalfe, they thought themſelues not well delt withal, & ſo turned from him, & for|tifying their Caſtels and holdes, made opẽ warre againſt him (as hereafter ſhall appeare.)
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 There came ouer vnto him alſo a great num|ber of Flemings and Britons to ſerue vnder him as Souldiers,The reſort of ſtraungers to ſerue king Stephen. the whiche he reteyned, to bee the ſtronger and better able to defend himſelf from the malice of the Empreſſe, by whom he looked to bee moleſted he wiſt not how ſoone. And therefore he ſhewed himſelf very liberal, curteous, and gentle towardes al maner of perſons at the firſt, & (to ſay truth) more liberal, familiar, & free harted thã ſtood with the maieſtie of a king: which was afterward a cauſe that he grew into cõtempt: but to ſuch in|cõuenience are princes driuen that attain to their eſtates more through fauor and ſupport of others than by any good right or title whiche they maye pretende of themſelues. And thus the gouernmẽt of this prince at the beginning was nothing bit|ter or heauie to his ſubiects, but full of gentle leni|tie, courteſie, and ſoft mildneſſe.Polidor. But yet whileſt theſe things were a doing, certaine of the Engliſh nobilitie abhorting both the king and the preſent ſtate of his gouernaunce, went priuily out of the realme into Scotland vnto K. Dauid, declaring vnto him what a deteſtable act was cõmitted by the Lords of England, in that contrarie to theyr othe made vnto the Empreſſe Mawd, and hir iſ|ſue, they had now crowned Stephen. Wherefore they beſought the ſaid king to take in hand to re|uenge ſuch a high iniury practiſed againſt hir, and to reſtore the kingdome vnto the ſaid Empreſſe, which if he did, it ſhould be a thing moſt accepta|ble both to God & mã. King Dauid hauing heard and weyed well the effect of their requeſt,The king of Scots inuadeth the Engliſh marches. Simon Dun. Mat Par. Polidor. forthwt he was ſo moued with their words, that in al poſ|ſible haſt he aſſembled an armie, and entring into Englande, he firſt tooke the Citie and Caſtell of Carleil. And afterward cõming into Northum|berland, tooke Newcaſtel, and many other places vpon the borders there. Whereof K. Stephen be|ing aduertiſed, ſtreight ways aſſembled a power, and forthwith haſted into Cumberland, meaning to recouer that again by force of armes, which the enimie had ſtolme from him by craft & ſubtilty.King Stephen encamped nere to his enimie the king of Scottes. At his approch nere vnto Carleil, he pight down his field in the euening, thinking there to ſtay till the morning, yt he might vnderſtand of what power [figure appears here on page 366] EEBO page image 367 the enimiſ was, whom he knew to be at hand.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Dauid alſo was of a fierce courage, and readie ynough to haue giuen him battell, but yet when he beheld the Engliſh ſtandarts in the field, & had diligently viewed their order and behauior, he was at the laſt cõtented to giue eare to ſuch as entreated for a peace on both ſides, and ſo cõming vnto K. Stephen, he made a friendly peace with him, wherin he ſurrẽdred vp Newcaſtel, with cõ|dition that he ſhould retaine Cumberlande by the free graunt of K. Stephen,An accorde made betwixt the two kings, Stephen and Dauid. who hoped thereby to find king Dauid the more faithfull vnto him in time of neede: but yet he was deceyued, as after|wards it manifeſtly appeared. For when K. Ste|phen required of him an othe of allegiance, he an|ſwered that hee was once ſworne alreadie vnto Mawde the Empreſſe. But yet to gratifie him withall, he cõmaunded his ſon Henrie to receyue that othe, for the which the K. gaue vnto him the Erledome of Huntington, to hold of him for euer.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hec. Boctius.The Scottiſh Chronicles ſet out the matter in other order, but yet all agree that Henry ſware fealtie to K. Stephen, as in the ſayde Hiſtorie of Scotland you may ſee more at large.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Stephen after he had concluded a peace with K. Dauid returned to London, and there kept his Eaſter with greate ioy and triumphes.Simon Dun. Math. Paris. And whileſt he was yet in the middeſt of all hys paſtime, about the Rogation weeke, he chaunced to fallſick of a litargie, Sim. Dunel. King Stephen ſicke. by reaſon wherof, a rumor was ſpred ouer all the realme that he was deade. And though this was but a vaine tale, and of no importance at the firſt, yet was it after the occa|ſion of much euill. For vpon the report of that ru|mour greate ſedition was rayſed by the kings e|nimies amongeſt the people,Falſe rumors what burt they oftentimes do. and that more was, the myndes of his friendes were alienated from him, and many of the Normans (which beeing enured with periuries and treaſons) thought they might boldly attempt all miſchiefes that came to hande, and herevpon they tooke vpon them to defende ſome one place, and ſome another.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hugh Bigot Baldwin Red|uers. Robert Quiſ|quire.Hugh Bigot Earle of Norffolke a valiaunt chieftaine entred into Norwich, Baldwin Red|uers tooke Exeter, and Robert Quiſquere got certaine Caſtels alſo into his handes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Stephen hearing what his enimies had done, though hee was ſomewhat mooued wyth this alteration of things, yet as one nothing a|frayde of the matter, he ſayde merily to thoſe that ſtoode about him: we are aliue yet God be than|ked, and that ſhall bee knowne to our enimyes ere ought long. Neither doubted hee any thing, but ſome ſecrete practiſe of treaſon, and there|fore vſing all diligence, he made the more haſte to goe agaynſt hys enimies, whoſe attemptes, though ſtreight wayes hee for the more part re|preſſed, yet coulde hee not recouer the places that they had gotten without much adoe, as Exeter, and other: which when he had obteyned, he con|tented himſelfe for a time (whiche many manne would not haue done) and followed not the vic|torie any further in purſuing of his aduerſaries. Wherevpon they became more bolde afterwarde than before. And ſoone after they practiſed diuerſe things agaynſt him, whereof (God willing) ſome in places conuenient ſhall appeare: Howbeit they permitted him to remain in quiet for a time.Polidor But whileſt he ſtudied to take order in things aboute home (perceyuing howe no ſmall number of his ſubiects did dayly ſhewe themſelues to beare him no heartie good will) hee beganne by little and little to take away thoſe liberties from the people, which in the beginning of his raign he had gran|ted vnto them, and to dente thoſe promiſes which hee had made, according to the ſaying, That which I haue giuen, I would I had not giuen, & that which remayneth I will keepe ſtill.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ſodaine alteration and [...] kind of tough dealing, purchaſed him in the ende great [...] a|mongſt all men. And in Normandie about the ſame time great commotions were cayſed about the Lorde Geffrey Earle of Aniou, huſbande to Mawde the Empreſſe,Geffray Earle of Aniou. ſetting the whole Coun|trey in trouble: but ere any newes thereof came into England, K. Stephen goeth againſt Bald|win Reduers, who being lately (though not with|out great and long ſiege expulſed out of Exeter) got him into the Ile of Wight, and there began to deuiſe a newe conſpiracie. Howbeit the king comming ſodainely into the Ile,Simon Dun. VVil. Paruus Polidor. tooke it at the fyrſt aſſault, and exiled Baldwyn oute of the realme.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Hauing thus with good ſucceſſe finiſhed thys enterpriſe,
An. Reg. 2
King Stephen paſſeth into Normandie.
and being now aduertiſed of the buſi|neſſe in Normãdie, he ſayled thither with a great army: and being come within two dayes iourney of his enimie the Erle of Aniou, he ſent forth hys whole power of horſmẽ, deuided into three partes, which were not gone paſt a dayes iourney for|ward, but that they encountred with the Earle, finding him with no great force about him, and thervpõ giuing the charge vpõ him,They Earle of Aniou put to flight. they put him to flight, & ſlue many of his people. This enter|priſe in this maner valiantly atchieued, euen ac|cording to the minde of K. Stephen, he ioyned in friendſhip with Lewes the ſeuenth K. of France.Lewes king of France. And hauing lately created his ſon Euſtace Duke of Normandie, hee preſently appoynted him to doe his homage vnto the ſayde Lewes for the ſame.Euſtace ſon to King Stephen. Mat. Par. The obald erle o [...] Bloys. Alſo whereas his elder brother The obalde Earle of Bloys at that time being in Norman|die, found himſelfe grieued, that Stephen being the yonger brother had vſurped in the landes that belonged to theyr Vncle King Henrie, ra|ther than himſelfe to ſtoppe his iuſt complayne, EEBO page image 368 he agreed with him,King Stephen agreeth with the Earle of Aniou. couenanting to paye him yearely two thouſande Markes of ſuche currant money as was then in vſe. Furthermore, whereas Geoffrey Earle of Aniou demaunded in right of his wife the Empreſſe the whole kingdome of England, to be at an ende with him, king Ste|phen was contented to ſatiſfie him with a yeare|ly penſion of fiue thouſand Markes, which com|poſition he willingly receyued.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 PolidorThus when he had prouided for the ſurety of Normandie, he returned againe into Englande, and was no ſooner there arriued, but that aduer|tiſement was giuen him of a new begonne warre with the Scottes, whoſe king vnder a colour of obſeruing the othe made to the Empreſſe,The Scottes inuade the Engliſhe bor|ders. dayly made reyſes and inuaſions into Englande, to the great diſturbance of K. Stephen and annoyance of his people. King Stephen being herewith ſom|what moued, went forthwith toward the north partes, and determined firſt to beſiege Bedforde by the way, which apperteyned to the Erledom of Huntington, by gift made vnto Henry the ſonne of K. Dauid, and therevpon at that preſent, kept with a gariſon of Scottiſh men, which place the [figure appears here on page 368] king beſieged by the ſpace.Simon Dun. of .xxx. dayes togither, in maner, giuing thereto euery day an aſſault or alarme, inſomuch that cõming thither on Chriſt|maſſe day, he ſpared not on the morow to aſſaile them, and ſo at length wanne the towne frõ them by pure force and ſtrength.
An. Reg. 3
King Dauid inuadeth Nor|thumberland. Math. VVeſt. Polidor. Mat. Par. Simon Dun.
King Dauid hearing thoſe newes, and beeing alreadie in armor in the fielde, entred into Northumberland, and licenſed his men of warre to ſpoyle and rob the Countrey thereabout at their pleaſure. Herevpon followed ſuch crueltie, that their rage ſtretched vnto olde and yong, vnto prieſt and clerke, yea womẽ with childe eſcaped not their handes, they hanged, hea|ded, and ſlue all that came in theyr way: houſes were burnt, caſtell driuen awaye, and all put to fire and ſworde that ſerued to any vſe for reliefe, either of man or beaſt.Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Stephen maketh haſt to reſcue the north partes. The Scottes retire. In the meane time king Stephen hearing of this pitifull ſpoyle, haſted forwarde with greate iourneyes to come to the reſkue of the Countrey. The Scots put in feare of his ſpedie comming to encounter them, withdrew home into Scotland: but he followed them,King Stephen burnt the ſouth partes of Scotland. and entring into their coũ|trey he burned and deſtroyed the South partes of that realme in moſt pitifull maner.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt king Stephen is thus about to beate backe the foreyne enimies, and to reuenge himſelf on them, be is aſſayled by other at home, and not without the iuſt vngeance of almightie god, who ment to puniſh him for his periurie committed in taking vpon him the Crowne, contrary to hys othe made vnto the Empreſſe and hir children. For Robert Erle of Glouceſter,Robert Earle of Glouceſter baſe brother vnto the Empreſſe, and of hir priuie Councell, ſought by all meanes howe to bring king Stephen in|to hatred, both of the Nobles and Commons, that by theyr helpe hee mighte bee expulſed the realme, and the gouernment reſtored to the Em|preſſe and hir ſonne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Such earneſt trauaile was made by this erle of Glouceſter, that many of his friends which fa|uored his cauſe, now that king Stephen was oc|cupied in the North parties, ioyned with him in conſpiracie agaynſt their ſoueraigne. And firſt the ſayde Earle himſelfe tooke Bryſtowe.Briſtow taken. And after this diuerſe other townes and Caſtelles there in that countrey were taken by him and others, with full purpoſe to keepe the ſame to the behoofe of the Empreſſe and hir ſonne. Sim. Dun. Talbot. Mat. Paris. Louvell. Paynell. Amongſt other Wil|liam Talbot tooke vpon him to defend Hereforde in Wales: William Louell helde the Caſtell of Cary: Paganell or Paynell kept the Caſtell of Ludlow: William de Moun, the caſtel of Dune|ſtor: Robert de Nichol, the Caſtell of Warram: EEBO page image 369 ſuſtace Fitz Iohn,Fitz Iohn. Fitz Alayn. [...]he caſtle of Waltõ, Wil|liã Fitz Alain, the caſtle of Shrewſbury. Whẽ word hereof came to K. Ste. he was [...]ruey|louſly vexed: for being determined to haue purſued the Scots euen to the vttermoſt limits of their coũtrey, he was now driuen to change his mind, and thought it good at the firſt to ſtop the proceedings of his enimies at home, leaſt in geuyng them ſpace to increaſe their force, they might in proceſſe of tyme grow ſo ſtrõg, that it wold be an hard matter to reſiſt them at the laſt. Hereupõ therfore he returned South|ward, & cõming vpõ his enimies, S. Dunel. M. Paris. The caſtle of Douer deliuered to the queene. Polid. recouered out of their hãds, diuers of thoſe places which they held, as Hereford & the caſtle of Shrewſbury: & about the ſame tyme one Walkelyne yielded the caſtle of Douer vnto the Queene, who had beſieged him within the ſame. But K. Stephẽ knowing how the Scots wer not like long to continue in quiet, he returned Northwards a|gayn. And cõming vnto Thurſtain the archb. of Yorkes, he cõmitted the keeping of the coun|trey vnto his charge,Thurſtayne archbish. of Yorke made Lieutenãt of the North partes. cõmandyng hym to be in areadyues to defend the borders vpon any ſo|daine inuaſion. Which thing the couragious archb. willingly vndertooke. By this meanes kyng Stephen being eaſed of a great part of his care, fell in hande to beſiege the reſidue of thoſe places which the rebels kept: but they fea|ring to abide the daunger of an aſſault, fled a|way, ſome into one part, and ſome into an o|ther. Whom the kyngs power of horſmen ſtyl purſuyng and ouertakyng them by the waye, ſlew, and tooke no ſmal number of them priſo|ners in the chaſe. Thus was the victory in ma|ner wholy atchieued, and all thoſe places reco|uered, which the enimies had fortified.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 In like maner whẽ king Dauid heard that the kyng was thus vexed with ciuill warre at home,The Scottes eftſoones in|uade Nor|thumberland he entred England againe in moſt for|cible wiſe: and ſendyng his horſmen abroade into the countrey, cõmaunded them to waſte & ſpoyle the ſame after their accuſtomed maner. But in the meane tyme he purpoſed with him ſelfe to beſiege Yorke: which citie if he might haue wonne, he determined to haue made it the frõtier hold againſt kyng Stephẽ, and the reſt that tooke part with hym. Hereupon callyng in his horſemen from ſtraying further abroade, he marehed thitherwards, and comming neare to the citie, pitched downe his Tentes. In this meane while the archbiſh. Thurſtaine, to whõ the charge of defendyng the countrey chiefly in the kings abſence apperteyned,Archbishop Thurſtayne raiſeth a po|vver to fight vvith the Scots. called together the Nobles and Gentlemen of the Shyre and parties adioyning, whom with ſo pithy and effectual words he exhorted to reſiſt the attẽpts of the Scots, whoſe cruel doings cold kope no meaſure,) that incõtinently all the power of ye Northparts was rayſed, (& vnder the leadyng of Welliãearle of Albernacle, Walter Eſpek [...], S. Dunel. Captaynes of the army. William Penerell of Nortingham, and two of the Lacyes, Walter, and Gylbert) offred to the vttermoſt peryll of lyfe and lymme to trye the matter with the Scottes in a pight fielde, and eyther to driue them out of the countrey, or els to looſe their lyues in the quarell of their prince. It chaunced at this time, that the archb. Thurſtaine was diſeaſed with ſickneſſe, and could not come therfore into the fielde himſelf, but yet he ſent Raufe Biſhop of Durham to ſupply his roume,Raufe B. of Durhã ſup|plieth the roume of the Archbishop. who though he ſawe and perceyued that euery man was ready enough to encoũter with their enimies, yet he thought good to vſe ſome exhortatiõ vnto thẽ, the better to encourage them, in maner as here enſueth. Moſt noble Engliſh men, and ye right valiant Normans,M. Paris. S. Dun. of whoſe courage the Frenchman is afrayde, by whoſe power Englande is kept vnder, by you alſo Apulia doth floriſh, and vnto you Ieruſalẽ & Antioch haue yelded their ſub|iectiõ. We haue at this preſent the rebellious nation of Scotland (which of right ought to be ſubiect to the crowne of England) come in|to the fielde againſt vs, thinking for euermore to rid them ſelues of their ſubiection, & to bring both vs and our countrey into their bondage & thraldome. And now albeit I ſee in you cou|rage ſufficient, to beate them backe from any further attempt, yet leaſt when you ſhal come to the tryall, by any maner of chance, you ſhold looſe any peece thereof. I lamentyng the ſtate of my countrey (whoſe diſpleaſures I wiſhe you ſhoulde redreſſe) do meane to vſe a [...]ewe wordes vnto you, not for that I woulde ex|hort you to doe any man wrong, but rather to beate them backe, whiche offer to doe wrong vnto you.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Therefore conſider that you ſhall here ſight with that enimie, whom you haue oftentymes ouercome, whom oftentymes defamed with the ſpots of periorie, you haue worthily puni|ſhed: whom (to be briefe) ragyng after the manner of cruell robbers, wickedly ſpoylyng Churches, taking away our goodes, you lately dyd conſtrayne to hide hymſelfe in deſert pla|ces & out of ſight. Againſt this enimy (I ſay) therefore worthy of puniſhment for his ſo ma|nyfold crimes, ſhew your ſelfe valiant, & with manlike ſtomackes driue him out of our con|fines: for as farre as I ran perteine, the victorie is yours, God ſurely wyl aid you, who can not lõger abide the ſinnes of this people. Wherfore be that loſeth his life in this ſo iuſt a quarel ac|cordyng to the ſaying of our Sauiour, he ſhall finde it.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 370Let not their raſhe preſumptuous boldneſſe make you afrayd, ſith ſo many tokens of your approued valiancy can not cauſe them to ſtand in doubt of you. You are clad in armour, and ſo appoynted with Helmet, Cuyraſe, Greues, & Target, that the enemy knoweth not where to ſtrike to hurt you. Then ſith you ſhall haue to do with naked men, and ſuch as vſe not to we are any armour at all, but ſuche as is more meete for brablers and ale houſe quarrellers, than men of warre frequented to the fielde: What ſhoulde you ſtande in doubt of? Their huge number is not able to ſtand againſt your ſkilfull order and practiſed knowledge in all warlike feates and martiall diſcipline. A rude multitude is but a let, rather than a furtherãce to atchieue the victory. A fewe in number of your worthy Elders, haue oftentimes vanqui|ſhed great multitudes of enemies.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 As the Byſhop was thus ſpeakyng to the Engliſh army, and before he grew to any ende of his exhortation, the Scottes approche with their batailes, and firſt certaine of their bandes of horſmen were ſent afore, to take the higher ground: which when the Engliſh men percey|ued, they ſtayed not tyl the enemies ſhould be|gyn the bataile,The English men ſet vpõ the Scots. but ſtrayt wayes cauſed their Trumpets to blowe, and ſo gaue the onſet.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Scottes were as ready to encounter with thẽ, ſo that the bataile began right hotly, [figure appears here on page 370] and euen at the firſt out flew the arrowes, and after that beganne the footmen to ioyne, who fought moſt fiercely on both ſides.The Scots of Lodian diſ|order the English men S. Dunel. M. Paris. Herewith a wyng of them of Lodyan which were in the Scottiſh vauntgard, dyd breake in vppon the vauntgard of the Engliſh men: but yet they cloſing together againe, kept out the enimies, and caſting about with a wing, compaſſed the Scottiſh horſmen round about, and paunching their horſes, they ſlewe a great nũber, and con|ſtrayned the reſidue to retyre. Whiche thyng when their felowes in the other wyng ſawe, their harts began to faint, and by and by fel to flat runnyng away. The rumor of this flight being notified to the mayne battel of the Scot|tiſh men, wher king Dauid him ſelf was figh|tyng with his enimies, diſcomfited them alſo, in ſuch wiſe,The Scottes put to flight. that they in like ſorte beganne to ſhrinke backe: firſt by partes, & after by heapes together. The king dyd what he coulde to ſtay them: but the Engliſh men preſſed ſo vpõ them, that there was no recouery. Wherefore he hym ſelfe was glad in the ende to beare his men company, in ſeeking to ſaue hym ſelfe by flight, & make ſuch ſhyft as he could amõgeſt ye reſidue.Henry earle of Hunting|ton his vali|ancie. His ſonne Henry the earle of Hũting|tõ more regarding his honour, than the dãger of life, neither moued with the flight of his fa|ther, nor ouerthrowe of the other, came in a|mongeſt his men, beyng readye to turne their backes, and with bold countenance ſpake theſe or the like words vnto them as the ſhortneſſe of the tyme would ſerue: Whither goe you good felowes? Here ſhal you find armour and force, neither whileſt life remayneth in your captain (whõ ye ought to folow) ſhal ye depart with|out the victorie. Therfore choſe whether ye had rather try the matter with the enemies by bat|taile, or to be put to a ſhamefull death at home after your returne thither? The Scots moued wt theſe vehemẽt words of their valiãt captain, turned vpõ their enemies again, & begã a cruel ſlaughter: but being no great nũber, and beſet with the Engliſh footmẽ before, and with the horſmẽ behind, they wer ſhortly brought to di|ſtreſſe, & for the more part either takẽ, or ſlaine.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 At length earle Henry perceyuyng how the matter went, and that there was no hope left EEBO page image 371 of recouery, he alſo fled with thoſe that coulde eſcape, bitterly curſing the frowardneſſe of for|tune, and miſhap of that dayes chaunce.Polid. H. Hunt. The nũber. The number of them that were kylled at this bat|tayle, was aboue tenne thouſande. In which nũber ther wer not many of the Engliſh men: but yet among other, Walter Lacy the bro|ther of Gylbert Lacy, one of their chiefe cap|taines, is remẽbred to be one. This battel was fought in the moneth of Aug.S. Dun. M. Paris. VV. Paru. Polid. in the .iiij. of K. Ste. who hearing of this victorye, greatly re|ioyced, and gaue infinite cõmendations to his ſubiects (the Engliſhmen & the Normans) but namely he prayſed the archb. Thurſtaine & the B. of Durhã for their faithful & diligẽt ſeruice ſhewed in this behalfe. On ye other ſide he hym ſelf vſing the like good ſucceſſe amongſt the re|bels at home, ouercame thẽ, and chaſed thẽ out of the land. Ra. Higd. Caſtles re|couered by K. Stephen. For in this meane tyme he had ta|ken the caſtles of Hereford, Glouc. Webbeley, Briſtow, Dudley, and Shrewiſbury. Likwiſe Rob. earle of Gloceſter not being able to reſiſt the king thus preuailyng agaynſt his aduerſa|ries on ech hand, fled into Frãce vnto his ſiſter the Empreſſe.N. Triuet. S. Dunel. M. Paris. After this in the Aduent ſeaſon, the Popes Legate, one Alberike biſhop of Ho|ſtia, helde a Synode at London, within the church of S. Paul, where by the kings cõſent, Theobalde Abbot of Bechellouin was ſacred Archb. of Canter. being the .xxxvij. Archbiſh.Theobald Archb. of Canterbury. which had ruled that Ser, after Auguſtine the Monke.
Anno re|gni. 5.
Polid. M. Paris. R. Stephen inuadeth Scotland.
The king hauyng now atchieued his buſineſſe, taken the caſtle of Leides, & brought the ſtate of the realme into a meetly good ſtay, he thought it expedict after the late ouerthrow giuen to the Scots, to purſue the victory, and vtterly to ſubdue them with al expedition. He brought his army therfore into Scotland, and firſt waſted and ſpoyled the coũtrey, and after|ward prepared to fight wt ſuch Scots as came forth to defend their goods and houſes, King Dauid perceiuyng hym ſelfe to be too weake, made ſuite vnto the king for peace,A peace cõ|cluded be|tvveene the tvvo kings of England & Scotland. which with much difficulty he obteyned al length, by deli|uering his ſonne Hẽry vnto K. Ste. in pledge for the ſure performance of the couenants that wer concluded betwixt thẽ. And hereupon K. Ste. hauing thus ended his buſineſſe in Scot|land, returned into England: and after direc|tyng his iorney towardes Wales,Ludlovv vvonne. he came to Ludlow: which towne being kept by his ad|uerſaries, he wan ere long out of their hands.[figure appears here on page 371]
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this he went to Oxford, and whileſt he remayned ther, a great bruite was ſpred abrode that the Empreſſe was cõmyng with hir bro|ther the Earle of Gloceſter: which cauſed him to put ye leſſe truſt in his people frõ thẽceforth: in ſo much that he beganne to repent hym ſelf (although too late) for that he had graunted li|cence to ſo many of his ſubiectes to builde ca|ſtles within their own grounds: For he had thẽ al in ſuſpition:Roger bish. of Salisbury and amongſt ether, he concey|ued a miſtruſt agaynſt Roger Byſhop of Sa|liſbury (who had done very muche for hym) and alſo agaynſt Alexander B.Alexander B. of Lin|colne. VV. Mal. of Lincolne that was nephew to the ſaid B. of Saliſb. or as ſome thought, more neare to him in kinred than his nephewe, that is to meane, his ſonne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the ſayde Roger had buylded diuers Caſtles, as at Shierborne, at the Vies,Caſtles buſſe by the B. of Salisbury. and at Malmeſbury.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 And likewiſe the ſaid Alexander folowyng his Vncles example, beſtowed his money that way foorth very freely, S. Dun. Nevvarke caſtle built by the B. of Lincolne. hauing buylded one ca|ſtle at Newarke, and an other at Sleeford. The K. therfore hauing comitted both theſe bi|ſhops to priſon, & furthermore ſent Nigel or Neelle the B. of Ely into exile (which Nygell was nephew alſo to ye foreſaid B.The B. of E|ly banished. of Saliſbu|ry) he threatned thẽ to keepe thẽ without either meate or drinke, if they would not cauſe theſe caſtles to be deliuered into his bãds & ſo he de|teined EEBO page image 372 thẽ, & moreouer foũd in the B. of Saliſ|buryes cofers .xl. M. marks, which he tooke to his own vſe, as forfeyt vpon his miſdemeanor. Which B.The Bishop of Saliſbury dyeth of thought. VV. Mal. in nouella historia. hauyng receyued this ingratitude of the king, & taking thought for the loſſe of his houſes & money, pyned away, & dyed with|in a while after. The quarrel which was firſt piked to theſe Biſhops, roſe for a fray whiche chanced betwixt the biſhops men & the ſeruãts of Alaine duke of Britain, about the taking vp of Innes at their cõming to Oxford. In which affray one of the dukes mẽ was kylled, his ne|phew almoſt ſtayne, & the reſidue of his folkes ſore beaten & chaſed. And hereupõ were the bi|ſhops firſt cõmitted to ward, & afterward hãd|led at ye kings plaſure, as partly ye haue heard. And this,Fortunes in|conſtancie. VV. Paris. good reader, is one example worthy to be marked of fickle fortunes incõſtãcy. This Roger B. of Saliſbury, was in the dayes of Will. Rufus a poore prieſt ſeruyng a cure in a village nere to the city of Cane in Normandy. And as it chanced, the L. Henry the kings bro|ther came thither on a time, & called for a prieſt to ſay maſſe before him Wherupõ this Roger cõmyng to the altar, was by & by ready, and ſo quickly at it, & therwithal had ſo ſpedily made an end therof, that the mẽ of war which as thẽ wer attendãt on the ſaid L. Henry, affirmed yt this prieſt only aboue all other, was a Chaplen meet to ſay Maſſe before mẽ of war, bicauſe he could make ſuch quick diſpatch withal. Wher|vpõ ye kyngs brother cõmaũded hym to folow him, which he dyd, wt as much diligẽce as euer Peter folowed Chriſt. And ſo for his diligent ſeruice, and redy diſpatch of matters, after that Henry had atteined the crowne, he was by him aduãced to great promotiõs:The Biſhop of Salisbury made Lorde Chancelour. as firſt to be Chã|celor of Englãd, & after B. of Saliſbury, gro|wing ſtyl into ſuch eſtimation, that he myght do wt the king more thã any other of ye coũſel. But to returne againe to K. Ste. who after he had thus impriſoned the aforeſaid biſhops, mã|ned thoſe caſtles which he tooke frõ them with his own ſoldiers, in like maner as he had done all the other which he had taken frõ the rebels, that he might ye better withſtand the Empreſſe and hir ſonne, whoſe comming he euer feared. He began alſo to ſhew him ſelf cruel towardes al mẽ, & namely agaynſt thoſe that had chiefely furthered his Title to the obteynyng of the Crown: which thing, as many tooke it, came to paſſe by the prouiſion of almighty God, that thoſe ſhold ſuffer for their periuries, which cõ|trary to law and right had cõſented to crown hym king.K. Stephens doubt vvhõ to truſt. In deede he wiſt not wel whom he might truſt, for be ſtood in doubt of al men, bi|cauſe he was aduertiſed by credible report, that the Empreſſe ſought for ayd on all ſides, mea|nyng very ſhortly to come into England. For this cauſe alſo he thought good to procure the frendſhip of Lewes Kyng of France,He contra|cteth affinity vvith the French king. which he brought to paſſe by concludyng a mariage be|twene his ſonne Euſtace and the Lady Con|ſtance ſiſter to the ſayd Lewes. But within a few yerees after this Euſtace dyed, & then was Coſtãce maryed vnto Raymõd earle of Tho|louſe. In the meane tyme, that is to wyt, VV. Mal. Polid. M. Paris. Alberike de Veer plea|deth the kings cauſe. on ye firſt day of Sept. there was a Coũcel holdẽ at Winch. in the which Earle Alberike de Veer pleaded with great eloquence the kyngs cauſe in excuſe of his fault, for impriſonyng the by|ſhops, which was ſore laid to his charge by his own brother the B. of Winch. beyng alſo the Popes Legate: who together with the Archb. of Cant. & other biſhops had called this Coũcel for that purpoſe. But they got nothyng of the kyng, but fayre words, and promiſes of amen|demẽt in that which had bin don otherwiſe thã equitie required, which promiſes were nothing kept, and ſo the Coũcel brake vp. In the mo|neth of Iuly the Empreſſe Maude landed here [figure appears here on page 372] in England at Porteſmouth,The Em|preſſe lãded here in En|gland. and went ſtrayt to Arundel, which town together wt the Coũ|ty of Suffex, hir mother in law, Adelicia king Henryes ſecond wife, that had maried Williã de Albeney, held in right of aſſignation for hir dower. There came in with the Empreſſe, hir brother Robert and Hugh Bigot, of whom ye haue heard before.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Some write that ye Empreſſe brought with hir a great army, to the entent,VVhat po|vver shee brought vvith hir. that ioynyng with Ranulph earle of Cheſter (who tooke part with Rob. earle of Gloc. bicauſe ye ſame Rob. had maryed his daughter) ſhe might fight with K. Ste. and try with hym the bataile.VV. Mal. Other declare that ſhe came into Englãd now at the firſt, but wt a ſmal power (as vij.Polid. ſcore horſmen or men of armes as we may cal thẽ) in hope of gods aſſurance (who ſeldome faileth thoſe that fight in a rightful cauſe) & againe vpon truſt of EEBO page image 373 aid of feeds, which for the benefits receiue that hir fathers hands, wold be redy to go againſt K. Ste. Whervpon hir brother earle Robert leauing his ſiſter in the caſtle of Ar [...]a [...], to do with al ſpeed vnto Gloc. through his enimies coũtrey not taking with [...] in paſt .xij. men of armes, and as many archers on horſbacke, that dyd his cõming thither, he might leuy a ma [...]lny with ſo much ſpeed as was poſſible.Karle Rob. commeth to Gloceſier. At his cõ|myng to Gloc. though the citie was kep [...] by as garriſon of ſoldiers placed there by K. Ste. yet the townſmen, after they heard that their [...] was once come, & approched to the gatte they drown out the garriſon, and receyued hym into the towne, where he remayned a tyme, partly to aſſemble an army, & partly to practiſe with other to [...] and caſtles therabouts, to reuolt vnto his ſiſter Ann õ [...] other,
M. Paris. Brian the earle of Glo|ceſters ſonne Myles, earle of Hereford. Polid.
The Em|preſſe be|ſieged Ar [...]|del caſtle
ye earle [...] ſonne Britaine and Myles of Gi [...] there right ioyfull of the [...] of the Empreſſe arriual, & gladly prepared them ſelues to fight in defence of bi|cauſe, In the [...] kyng [...] knowing of this liuing of the Empreſſe no|thing [...] came ſtrayt [...] A [...]ũdel where he beſiege his in the moſt and ſpent his [...] certain dayes in vaine about ye [...] of it [figure appears here on page 373] but at that preſent he did not preuayle, for ther were certaine with hym, which in fauor of the empreſſe bare him in hãd, that it was not poſ|ſible to wyn ye fortreſſe, & therfore aduiſed him to raiſe his ſiege, & ſuffer the Empreſſe to be at liberty to go ſomwher els, wher he might with more eaſe & leſſe damage, get hir into his hãds. The K. not perceiuyng the drift of thoſe ſecret practiſers,The K. ray|ſeth his ſiege folowed their coũſel. Wherupon the Emprſſe being now at liberty, went frõ place to place to try & ſolicit hir frends: & as a rynce increaſeth in the paſſage, ſo the farther ye Lady went, the more hir power increaſed. About the midſt of the next night after the ſiege was rai|ſed,The Empreſſe goeth to Briſtovv. ſhe daparted out of the caſtle, & with great iorneys ſped hir towards Briſtow, which was alredy reuolted to hir ſide. Theſe things being thus bruyted abroad, the Pecres of the realme reſorted to hir, as they that well remẽbred how in tyme paſt by othe of allegeance, they were ſurely boũd to hir & hir iſſue. The kyng in the mean time beſieged the caſtle of Wallingford,K. Stephen beſiegeth VValing|ford. but after he vnderſtood that the Empreſſe was gotten to Briſtow, repentyng hym ſelf for his light credit giuẽ to euyl counſel, he left off the beſieging of Wallingford, & draweth towards Briſtow, that he might, if it were poſſible, en|cloſed his aduerſaryes within that walled city: But the Empreſſe beyng aduertiſed of his de|termination (by ſuch of hir frends as wer reſi|dent about hym) firſt went to Glouceſter, and after to Lincolne, where ſhe prouideth for vit|tayles and al other things neceſſary for hir ar|my and defence: purpoſing to remayne in that citie, tyll the matter wer either teyed by chaũce of warre betwixt hir & K. Ste. or that by the peoples helpe reuoltyng to hir ſide, he might be driuen out of the realme, and ſhe reſtored to the entire gouernment. The K.Anno. re|gni.
6. 1141.
folowed hir alſo very earneſtly, and cõmyng vnto Lincolne, he beſieged it, aſſaying on euery ſide which way he might beſt find meanes to wyn it, and enter into the ſame.S. Dun. R. Houes
K. Stephen vvynneth Lincolne. R. Higd. S. Dunel.
At length the Empreſſe founde ſhift to eſcape from thence, and within a litle while the kyng got poſſeſſion of the city. But ſhortly after, Rob earle of Gloc. and Ranulph earle of Cheſter, Hugh Bigot, and Robert of Morley aſſẽbling their power, aſwel of Welch mẽ as other to come to the ſuccor of thoſe that wer thus beſieged, came to Lincoln,Polid. N. Triues. & pitching down their tẽts nere in ye enemies, they reſted the firſt night wtout making any great attẽpt. In the morning bring the .ij. day of February EEBO page image 374 ſo ſoone as it was day they ſet the [...] in or|der of battel, & brought thẽforth in ſight of the K.The ordring of the kings army read [...] to geue ba|taile. S. Dunel. M. Paris. & his hoſt: who on the other ſide meaning not to refuſe the fight, ordered his men redy to encoũter them, deuidyng thẽ into three ſeuerall battels. The chiefeſt part of his armed men, he appoynted to remaine a foot, amongſt whiche placed himſelf, with certaine noblemẽ, as earle Baldwin, & others. Thereſidue being horſmẽ, he of poſed into two ſeuerall wings, in our of the which wer theſe men of honor,The Earles of Norfolk, Hampton, Mellent, & VVarenno. Alaine duke of Britaine, Hugh Bigot earle of Norfolke. Simõ earle of Hãpton, & ij. other earles, Mel|lent [...] [...]: but they were not furniſhed with ſuch nũber of men as had bin requiſite: for as it fel out, they brought no great re [...]ma [...]s wt thẽ.The Earle of Albe|marle. VVilliam de Ypres. The orde|ring of the batailes on the kings ad|uerſaries part. The other wing was gouerned by ye earle of Albermarle, & Will. be Ypres. On the ſide of the aduerſaries, the earle of Cheſter led ye fore ward, & thoſe whom K. Ste. had diſinherited, were placed in the [...] ward. In the rere|ward the earle of [...] with his cõpa [...]es had the rule. And beſides thoſe three batailes, the Welchmen wer ſet as a wyng vpon one of the ſides. Here the earle of [...]heſt. to vtter his good wyll which he had to fight, appoynted in fayre armor as he was, ſpake theſe words in effect as followeth, directing the ſame to the Earle of Gloc.The oration of the Earle of Cheſter. Ra. Higd. and other the captaines, ſaying:I geue you al harty thanks, moſt inuincible chieftain, and you my felow ſoldiers, which declare your harty good wils towards me borne, euen to the ieoparding of your lyues at this my requeſt & inſtance. Sith thẽ I am the occaſiõ of your pe|ril, it is cõuenient that I firſt do enter ye ſame, & geue the firſt on ſet vpõ the battel of that moſt diſloyal K. which graũting a truſe, hath brokẽ the peace, & ſwering to be a ſubiect, is now pro|ued a moſt wicked vſurper. I therfore truſtyng both vpõ reuenge of the vniuſt dealings of this kyng, and alſo vpõ myne own force & courage, ſhal ſtraytwayes breake in ſunder the array of his army, and make way through the middeſt of the enemies with ſword in hãd. Your parts ſhalbe thẽ to folow me, that ſhall leade you the way: for euẽ now my mynd giueth me, that I ſhal paſſe through their batailes, tread his cap|taines vnder foot, & run the king thorow wt this my ſharpe & kyne ſword.Whẽ he had thus en|ded,The Earle of Gloce|ſters anſvver to the Earle of Cheſters oration. the earle of Gloc. anſwered in this wiſe.
It is not againſt reaſon that you ſhold require the honor of the firſt onſet, both for the nobility of your houſe, & alſo for reſpect of the prowes wherin you do excel: but yet if ye ſtande vpon nobility, for my part, being the ſonne of a king & the nephew of a king, ought not I to be pre|ferred? if vpõ valiãcy here are many moſt wor|thy men, afore who there is not any one alyue that may chalenge any prerogatiue at all. But another reaſon moueth we moſt chiefly to be ye formoſt: the K. which cõtrary to his oth made to my ſiſter, hath cruelly vſurped the kingdões and ſetting all in trouble, hath bin the cauſe of many thouſands of mens deathes, and hath di|ſtributed lãds and liuyngs to ſuch as haue no right to the ſame, which he hath violently takẽ frõ the rightful owners, and ſo them diſinheri|ted. This K. (I ſay) is firſt to be aſſailed with the aſſiſtance of the righteous Iudge whiche prepareth puniſhment for wicked doers: for the almighty God which iudgeth his people in e|quitie, wil looke down frõ his heauenly habita|cle, and wyll not leaue vs cõfortleſſe i [...]th [...] ſo great a neceſſity. One thyng there is, thoſe ba|liãt captaines, and al you right hardy ſoldiers, which I would haue you to conſider, that tho|row the Fennes, which with muche and you haue paſſed, there is no way to eſcape by flight:The neceſs|tie to fight valiantly. here [...]ſt we eyther vanquiſh the enemies, or els dye in the place: for no hope of ſafegarde re|mayneth in fleeing away. This only reſteth (I ſay) that you make way for you to enter the ci|tie with your weapõ points. If I be not much deceyued in that my mynd geueth me to cõiec|ture, the lacke of meane to eſcape otherwiſe thã by ſhewing your ſelues valiant men, by Gods helpe wyll bring vs the victorye. For he muſt needes play the man, which hath not other ſuc|cor to auoyd the daũger of deſtruction. The ci|tizens of Lincolne which ſhal fight ſo neare to their houſes as you ſhall ſee, wyl not ſtay long to get them thyther for their refuge. And here|with conſider and wey (I beſeech you) againſt whom you ſhal match in this batayle:Ala [...]e Duke of Britaine. There is Alane duke of Britaine, which cõmeth armed agaynſt you, yea rather agaynſt God, a wic|ked perſon, and ſpotted with al kinds of filthy|neſſe. In malice he hath no peere, as he that ne|uer wanted deſire to do miſchiefe: and not to be incomparable in crueltie, he would iudge it a great reproch.The earle of Mellent. There commeth alſo the Earle of Mellent, a man full of all guyle and deceit, in whoſe hart iniquitie is engraffed, and no|thyng in his mouth but vnthãkfulneſſe, ſlouth|full in deedes, and preſumptuous in words, not haſtye to fight, but ſwift to run away.Earle Hugh. Then commeth earle Hugh, to whom it hath not bin ſufficiẽt to breake his oth to my ſiſter the Em|preſſe, except he ſhoulde the ſecond tyme cõmyt periurie in aduouchyng vpon a newe oth, that King Henry graunted the kingdome to Ste|phen, and diſenabled his daughter.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5
After him marcheth the earle of Albemarle,The earle of Albermarle. a man in euyl, of a ſingular conſtancie, ready to attempt a miſchiefe, and loth to giue it ouer.Earle of Al|bermarles vvyfe. Whoſe wife through irkſomneſſe of his filthy EEBO page image 375 behauior is runne from him: and he that kepeth hit, commeth with hym alſo againſt vs, a [...]an that is an open adulterer, one well eſteemed of Bacchus, but nothing acquainted with Mars. Then ſetteth forth Symon earle of Hamptõ.Simon earle of Hampton. wh [...] deede conſiſteth in words, & whoſe gifts reſt [...] promiſes, for when he hath ſaid he hath done, & when he hath promiſed, ye get no more. Finally there cõmeth together a kno [...] of yeeres and Noble men,Like maſter, like ſeruant. like to their king and maiſter, accuſtomed to roberies, enriched with rap [...]u [...]es, embrewed with manſlaughters, and defamed with pe [...]iurie: you therfore moſt valiant cap|taines and hardy ſouldiers, whom king Henry hath adua [...]ed, and this man hath brought vn|der foote, whom he made welthy, and this man hath impoueriſhed, vpon truſt of your worthy val [...]ricie, yea rather vpon truſt of Gods iuſtice ſeeke your reuenge thus offred by God of theſe wicked wretches, and with manly ſtomackes vow to go forward, & for were ſtepping backe.The earle had vnneth made an ende when all the army liftyng vp their hands to God abſu|red al intention to flee, and ſo made themſelues ready to ſet forward. King Stephen hauing no pleaſant voyce of him ſelf, appointed earle Baldwin to geue an exhortation to his army, whereupon getting him ſelfe to an high place where he might be ſeene & heard of thẽ,Earle Bald|vvin his ora|tion in the behalfe of K. Stephen. Three things to be fore|ſeene by thẽ that shall geue bataile he thus began. Al ſuch as ſhal geue bataile ought to foreſee three things: firſt, that their cauſe be righteous: ſecondly, the number of their men e|qual at the leaſt: and thirdly the goodneſſe, and ſufficiencie of them: the righteouſnes of their cauſe, leſt men run in danger of ſoule, ye nũber of men, leſt they ſhould be oppreſſed with mul|titude of enemies, the goodneſſe of the ſoldiers, leſt truſting in ye multiude, they ſhold preſume vpõ the aid of feeble perſons & ſuch as are but of ſmal valure. In al theſe poyntes we ſee out ſelues ſufficiently furniſhed. The iuſtice of our cauſe is this: that obſeruing the thing that we haue vowed to our king before god, we ſtãd to the ſame againſt thoſe yt haue falſed their faiths euen to the peril of death. Our number is not much leſſe in horſemen, & in footmen we exceed them. As for the goodneſſe or ſufficiencie of our men, who is able to expreſſe the noble prowes of ſo many earles, of ſo many lords & ſoldiers, trayned vp euer in wars? the paſſing valiancy of our king may ſtand in place of innumerable ſoldiers. Sith then he being the lords annoyn|ted, is here amõgſt you, vnto whõ ye haue vo|wed allegeance, performe your vow, for ye more earneſtly and faithfully ye ſerue your prince in this bataile which you are redy to fight againſt periured perſons, the more ſhal your reward be at the hands of God and him: be you therfore of good cõfort, and haue [...] remẽbrance againſt whom you do [...]artaine the bataile.Earle Rob. The force of earle Robert is wel knowen his [...] is to threaten much, and to worke [...] wordes, eloquent of ſpeach,The earle of Cheſter. and baſe through ſlackneſſe of deedes. The earle of Cheſter what is hee a man of vnreaſonable boldneſſe, bene to cõſpiracie, inconſtãt to performe that, which he [...] in hand, redy to run into bataile, in circumſpect of daunger, practiſing things of great [...] ſeeking after things impoſſi|ble, bringing with him few good ſoldiers, but gathering diſper [...] of raſcals. There is nothing in him that we ought to be afrayde of, for [...] whatſoeuer he manfully attẽpteth, he [...]ill womãly giueth it ouer, infortunate ſhal his doings, in al [...] either is he ouer|come & fleeth away, or if he get the vpper hand (which ſeldome tymes [...] he ſuſteyneth greater loſſe than they was [...] doth vanqui [...]h. The Welſhmen whith he bringeth with him are [...] eſteemed of vs, the which preferte a [...]a|ked [...] without and [...], [...] that as men without any knowledge of martiall policie, they fal as bruite beaſts vpõ the huters Iauelyn. The other, aſwel the nobles as ye cõ|mon ſoldiers are but runagates & vagahond [...] of the which I would with the nũber greater than it is: for the more they be, the worſe in ef|fect their ſeruice ſhall proue in tyme of neede. You therfore moſt worthy chieftaines, you mẽ of honor, it stãdeth you vpon to haue in regard your vertue and dignities. This day aduance your renoume on high, and folow the foreſteps of your famous anceſtors, leaue to your ſonnes an euerlaſting cõmendation:Continuall good ſucces a prouocatiõ of boldneſſe the cõ [...] ſuc|ceſſe of victories ought to be vnto you [...]|cation to do manfully: the continuance of [...] ſpeed may be to yonder ſide an occaſion to run away: for euen alredy, I dare ſay, they repent them of their cõming hither, and could he con|tented to be gon, if ye qualitie of the place wolde ſuffer thẽ to depart. Then ſith it is not poſſible for them eyther to fight or to flee, what other thing can they do, but as appoynted by Gods ordinance, offer them ſelues and al that which they haue about them, preſently vnto vs Ye ſe then their horſes, their armor, and their bodyes ready here at your pleaſure: plucke vp your harts therfore, & put forth your handes to take that with great chearefulneſſe of mynd, which the Lord hath thus offred and freely preſented vnto you. But ere he had al made an end of his words, the batailes were ready to idyne, & ſo with great noyſe of trũpets & other inſtru|ments they met, and the fight began with right ſore and cruel ſlaughter: hard it was in the be|ginnyng to geſſe who ſhould haue the better. EEBO page image 376 The wing of the diſinherited men ouerthrew & bare downe their aduerſaries,M. Paris. H. Hunt. which were led by the duke of Britaine, and the forenamed earles. On the contrary part, the arle of Albermarle, & William [...] Yppes put the Welchmẽ to flight, but by the Earle of Cheſter and his retinue, the ſame Earle & William de Ypres were fiercely of newe aſſailed, and put out of order. And thus [figure appears here on page 376] anon the kings ſide was put to the worſe,VV. Paris. H. Hunt. name|ly his horſemen, which being placed in the fore|front, and there ouermatched, fell to galoping away: which thing when the king beheld, he was not yet any thing therewith abaſhed, but like an hardy captaine (as he was no leſſe in deede) comforted his footemen which he had a|bout hym, and with them ruſhed foreward vpõ his enemies, bare them downe, and ouerthrew ſo many as ſtoode before hym, ſo that with the poynt of his weapon he made him ſelfe waye.Polid. His footmen which were but a few in number in reſpect to the multitude of his enemies coun|teruaſle in all pointes the prowes and man|like doings of their king and captaine, that few battailes had bin better ſought, nor with grea|ter ſlaughter of people on both ſides, if the kings fore ward (which in maner at the firſt ſhranke backe and was diſordered, not without ſome ſuſpition of treaſon) had ſtaied the brunt of the enemies a while, as it had bene requiſite.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 At length the king encountryng with the earle of Cheſter, being ouerſet with multitude, was taken priſoner by one William de Ka|hames.S. Dunel. H. Hunt. Earle Baldwin that had made the o|ration in the kings behalfe, was alſo taken af|ter he had fought valiantly and receiued many ſore woundes. Likewiſe Richard Fitzvrze who had ſhewed that day good proofe of his manhood, hauing geuen & receiued many a ſore ſtripe. To conclude, all thoſe that abode with the kyng, and namely al the footemen were ta|ken priſoners,M. Paris. thoſe excepted which wer ſlaine in the place.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 VV. Paris.This battaile was fought in the ſixt yeare of K. Stephens raigne, & vpõ Cãdlemas day,Polid. being ſonday, as Niger ſaith.The king led to Bu|ſtovv. The king being thus apprehẽded and brought to the Empreſſe lying at Glouceſter, was commaunded by hir to be conueied in ſafetie vnto Briſtow, where he was kept as priſoner from that time of his taking, vnto the feaſt of al Saintes next enſu|ing. Not long after this flelde fought, as ye haue heard,VV. Paris. Geffrey Earle of Aniou huſbande to the Empreſſe, receiuing aduertiſemẽt of this victorie gotten in England, forthwith inuaded Normandye, inducyng all the Nobles of the countrey to incline vnto him: for by publiſhing the captiuitie of king Stephẽ, it was not hard for him to come by the poſſeſſion of the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Alſo Dauid king of Scotland entred into Northumberland,The king of Scottes ta|ket Nor|thumberland into his poſ|ſeſsion. Polid. The Em|preſſe folo|vveth the victorie. and by commaundement of the Empreſſe, tooke the coũtrey into his hands, whileſt ſhee like a woman of great wiſedome, as ſhee was no leſſe in deede, iudging that it ſtood her vpon to vſe the victorie that thus was chaunced vnto hir, ſlept not hir buſineſſe, but went forward, and ſetting from Glouceſter, ſhee came to Wincheſter, where ſhee was ho|norably receiued of the Biſhop Henry, though he was king Stephens brother, and inwardly lamented the miſfortune of the king. Then came ſhee backe agayne to Wylton, and ſo to Oxford, from thence to Reading, and then to S. Albones, into al the which cities & townes ſhee was receiued with much triumph and ho|nour. Thus hauing paſſed through all the South parties of the Realme on that ſide,Shee com|meth to Lõ|don. ſhee finally came to London, where the citizens welcomed hir alſo in moſt ioyfull & harty ma|ner. EEBO page image 377 Being come to London, and wh [...] ſhee conſute [...]d with thoſe of hir counſaile [...] for the quieting of the whole ſtate of the Realme, Queene Mondo wife to king Stephen (for ſo ſhee was alſo called) maketh humble ſure vn|to hir to haue hir huſband [...] all fortie promi|ſing that he ſhould reſigne his whole clayme & [...] into hir hand is, and [...] hade ſome word ã priuate life.The queene [...]eth to the empreſſe for the deliuery of her huſ|band. But [...] would farre of bid being graunted, that ſhe was relucted with de|prochfull wordes. Wherevpon ther co [...]ienued a moſt high diſpleaſure, and [...] nowe will ynough, that peace was to be purchaſed onely by force of armes, and not in any other maner. Therefore with all diligence ſhee ſent to hir ſonne Euſtrace as then being in Kent, willyng hym to prepare an army, which he did moſt ſpeedily.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 It chaunced at the ſame tyme alſo that the citizens of London made great labour to the ſaid Empreſſe that they might haue the lawes of king Edward the Cõfeſſor reſtored againe, & the ſtrait lawes of hir father king Henry a|boliſhed. But for ſomuch as they could get no graũt of their petition, and perceiued the Em|preſſe to be diſpleaſed with thẽ about that im|portunat requeſt, wherin only ſhe ouerſhot her ſelf,The Lon|doners con|ſpire to take the empreſſe they druiſed how & by what meanes they might take hir priſoner, knowing that all the Kentiſhmen would helpe to ſtrengthen thẽ in their enterpriſe: But ſhe being therof warned, fled by night out of the citie,Shee fled in the night tyme out of the citie. & wẽt to Oxford, determining to be reuenged vpon hir aduerſa|ries when tyme ſhould ſerue hir tuene: & here|with began ſhe to waxe more diſpleaſant both to thoſe nobles whom ſhe had in priſon, & alſo to other, but namely to K. Stephen, whõ ſhe cõmaunded to be lodẽ with yrons, & kept with very ſlender diet.N. Triuet. After that ſhe was thus fled out of London, which chanced about the feaſt of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptiſt, the To|wer of London was beſieged, which Geffrey de Maũdeuille held & valiantly defended.
Geffrey de Maunde|uill.
The Bishop of London taken.
The ſame Geffrey iſſuing forth one tyme, came to Fulham, where he tooke the Biſhop of Londõ as thẽ lodging there in his own manor place, being one of the contrary faction.Polid. Henry Bi|ſhop of Wincheſter perceiuing the wrath of the Empreſſe more & more to encreaſe daily a|gainſt hir people,Caſtles for|tified by the Bishop of VVinche|ſter. thinking it wiſdome to ſerue the time, manned all the Caſtles which he had builded within his dioces as at Waltham, al Farnham, and in other places, and withdrew him ſelfe into the caſtle of Wincheſter, there to remaine, tyl he might ſee to what end the fury of the womã would incline. This being kno|wen, the Empreſſe calleth vnto hir: Dauid K. of Scotland that was hir vncle, who immedi|etly came vnto hir, and then ioyning theſe ar|mies together, they go to Wincheſter and be|ſiege the caſtle. In them haue time the [...] a [...]her ſonne Euſtace thou, with the [...]ipe of their frends, as the K. without, the Londoners and offer, had aſſembled a great army and ap|poynted the gouernment and generall conduct t [...] of vnto one Will [...] of Ypres a Fremyng,VVilliam de Ypres. who for as valiancie was by K. Stephen cre|ated Earle Kent.La Meir. He was ſonne to Philip of Flaunders, but bigot of a Concubine, which Philip was ſonne to Earle Robert of Flaun|ders, ſurnamed Foi [...]. This William was baniſhed out of his countrey by The d [...]pike of [...]raſſ earle of Flaunders, bicauſe he attem|pted to ber [...]ne hym of his Earledome. The Queenes army thus committed to his landing came nere vnto Wincheſter, and kept the Em|preſſe and hir people in maner beſieged: and at length perceiuyng the aduantage aform the rõ|myng of a great ſupply of Londoners to their ayde, VV. Mal. in nouelta historia. N. Trimete. S. Dun. Polid. The Em|preſſe army put to flight. VV. Mal. Rob. Earle of Glouce|ſter taken priſoner. they ſet vpon hir army as the ſame was departing, with ſuche violents, that ſtraight|wayes hir power was put to flight and diſ|comfited. The Empreſſe was glad to ſlaine hir ſelfe dead, and ſo to be conueyed in a Coache as a dead corps vnto Glouceſter. Her brother Robert with many other of the Nobles that ſtayed behynd tyl ſhee and other might get out of daunger, were taken priſoners. And bicauſe the king was kept at Briſtowe vnder the cu|ſtodye of the ſaid Robert, the Queene cauſed hym to be ſtraitly vſed, that he might proue the wordes of the Goſpell true: With what mea|ſure ye meate vnto other, with the ſame by o|ther ſhall it be meaſured vnto you againe.M. Par. He had deſerued very euyll of the king hereto fore, and therefore it was nowe remembred.Compare 1587 edition: 1 He was taken in maner aboueſaid, on the feaſt day of the exoltation of the Croſſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dauid king of Scotland was not at the bataile hym ſelfe, VV. Paris. N. Triuet. Dauid K. of Scottes reti|red home. S. Dun. R. Ho. Alberike de Veer ſlaine. but hearing of the diſcomfi|ture, he got hym out of the countrey, and by helpe of truſty guides returned into Scotland, whileſt Alberike de Veer was ſlaine at Lon|don in a ſeditious tumult raiſed by the octi| [...]eus. The kingdome being thus deuided into two ſeuerall factions, was by all ſimilitudes like to come to vtter ruine: for the people kin|dled in hatred one againſt another, ſought no|thing els but reuenge on both ſides,VV. Mal. and ſtyll the lande was ſpoyled and waſted by the men of warre which lodged within the Caſtles and Fortreſſes, and would often iſſue out to harry and ſpoyle the countryes about.Polid. But now that the two chiefeſt heades were priſoners, there was good hope conceyued, that God had ſo wroght it, wherby might growe ſome ouer|ture EEBO page image 378 of talke to quiet ſuch troubles by frendly peace and agreement. Herevpon thoſe Lordes that wiſhed wel to the common wealth, began to entreate betwixt them, and articles were proponed for a concorde to be had, and an ex|chaunge of priſoners on both ſides. But the Empreſſe and hir brother would not hearken to any agreemẽt, except that the realme might wholy remayne to the ſayd Empreſſe. Wher|by the enemies rather encreaſed, thã anything decreaſed by this treaty, ſo that at length the kyng and the [...]a [...]e weried with long yr [...] ſom|neſſe of prous & hard impriſonment,
Geruaſius Dorobern. The king & the Earle of Gloceſter deliuered by exchange.
Anno re|gni. 7.
Ger. Do. A parliamẽt called.
and put|tyng all their hope in the chaunce of warre (a|bout the feaſt of al Saints) made exchange by deliueryng of the one for the other, without makyng mentiõ of any peace at al: and ſo kin|dled with new diſpleaſures, they renewed the warre agayne. Kyng Stephen beyng deli|uered in ſuch wiſe as you haue heard, cõmyng to Lõdon, and there beyng accompanied with his brother Henry Byſhop of Wincheſter (as then the Popes Legate) Theobald Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and others, he called a Parlia|ment, in the which the kyng declared in what caſe the preſent ſtate of thyngs ſtoode, how the enemie was brought to that poynt, that if it woulde pleaſe the Nobles of the Realme to maynteyne hym with men and money, he tru|ſted now to worke ſo, as they ſhould not neede to feare their cõmyng vnder the yoke of a wo|mans gouernment: which at the firſt they ſee|med much to miſlike, & nowe ſithence, to their great griefe, they had proued to be intollerable. The ſumme of his taletended to this end, that thoſe whiche were able of them ſelues to eyde hym with their owne perſons, ſhould prepare them out of hand ſo to do, and the reſidue that were not meet, as biſhops, and ſuch like maner of men, ſhould be contributers to aid him with hyred ſoldiers, armour, and money. This was gladly agreed vpon, with the general conſent of al the aſſembly: and bicauſe the biſhops ſhe|wed them ſelues very liberall towards the ad|uancing of the kings purpoſe, there was a ſla|tute made at the ſame parliament, that who ſo euer did lay any violent handes on a ſacred perſon,A ſtatute e|ſtablished in fauour of prieſtes. or els take vpon hym to apprehend any of them, for what fault ſoeuer, without the Bi|ſhops licence, he ſhould be accurſed, and not be aſſoyled of any maner of perſon, except of the Pope, as by a Canon it was already decreed, but not obeyed among the Engliſhe men tyll that day. The cauſe of makyng this ſtatute was chiefly, for that prieſts during the tyme of the ciuill warres, were dayly eyther ſlayne or taken and put to their ranſomes & greeuous fines. The B. of Wincheſter at this Councel alſo began an other bra [...] among the Clergie, for being brother to K. Stephen, hauyng the Popes authoritie as his Legate in England, by reaſon of exerciſing his authoritie, fel at va|riance with the B. of Canterbury, who tooke hym ſelfe for his ſuperior, bycauſe he was his Primate. And this matter grewe ſo farre in queſtion, that they wẽrhoth to Rome to haue the controuerſe decided, and ſo bringing their quarrelles thyther, contented well the eares of them that had the hearyng of the ſame: for the more weighty the cauſe ſeamed, the better it ly|ked them. But enough of this. As the kyng begã (after his liberty obteined) to prouide for the warres, M. Paris. Earle Rob. paſſeth ouer into Nor|mandy. ſo Earle Robert after he was diſ|charged, ſayled ouer into Normandy, taking with hym the ſonnes of diuers Noble mate which fauored the Empreſſe, the which he de|liuered vnto hir huſband the earle of Anio [...] to be kept as pledges, and earneſtly befought him to paſſe ouer into England with an armye, to the aid of the Empreſſe.Normandy vvon by the Earle of Anion. But bicauſe he was newly entred into the Cõqueſt of Normandy, and had already won the moſt part thereof, he thought good to make firſt an ende of his wars three, hauing alſo ſomwhat to do againſt cer|taine rebelles of his owne Countie of Anion, which did not a litle moleſt him. But he reco|uered whileſt the earle of Gloc. was ther with him, Allney, & Mortaigne, with Tenerghbrey & diuers other places perteinyng chiefly to the earle of Morteigne. Alſo they of Conſtances about the ſame tyme ſubmitted thẽſelues vnto hym. Thus the earle of Aniou being occupied in thoſe parties, could not wel come into En|gland. Wherupon the Earle of Gloue. VV. Mal. Earle of Gloceſter returneth. came backe againe him ſelfe, and bringing with him ſomwhat leſſe than .iiij. C. men of armes (en|barked in .lij. ſhips) he landed with the ſame at Warrhã, & beſieged the caſtle there, which his enemies had won out of his handes whileſt he was abſent in Normãdy In the end thei that wer within it (vnder ye gouernmẽt of Herebert de Lucy) ſel to agreement by cõpoſition,Ger. Dor. that if they were not ſuccored by a certaine time, they ſhould deliuer the caſtle vnto the earle.VV. Mal. Kyng Ste. hym ſelfe the ſame tyme held a ſiege be|fore Oxford, within the which he had encloſed the Empreſſe, as hereafter ſhalbe ſhewed: So that they within the Caſtle of Warrhã had no ſuccor ſent vnto thẽ, and therfore accordyng to the articles of their cõpoſition, they yeelded vp the Hold, after earle Rob. had lyen iij. weekes before it. This Caſtle being thus won, Earle Robert ſubdued alſo ſuche as kept the Ile of Portlãd,The Ile of Portland. Circeſter. and had fenced it after the maner of a Fortreſſe: afterwardes he came to Circeſter, and there aſſembled al thoſe that fauoured the EEBO page image 379 part of the Empreſſe, meanyng with al conue|nient ſpeed to go vnto Oxford, & there to geue bataile to kyng Stephen, if he would abide it. Who after his deliuerance from captiuity, had aſſembled a great hoſt of men and comming to Oxford, wher the Empreſſe as then lay,The Em|preſſe beſie|ged in Ox|ford. ſoden|ly beſſeged her before ſhe looked for him: and to the end alſo that he might compel the townſent [figure appears here on page 379] to yeeld, or els keepe them from entring which would attempt to come to their ſuccors, he go|eth abroade into the countrey with part of his army, waſting al before him with fire & ſword. This ſiege continued almoſt .ij. monethes, that is to wyt, in maner frõ his deliuery in the be|ginning of Nouẽber, vnto Chriſtmas, that tho|row lacke of vitails they within the town be|gan to raiſe mutinies. The Empreſſe therfore doubting the ſequele, and ſeeing alſo hir pro|uiſion to decay, deuiſed a ſhift howe to eſcape that preſent danger, which by force ſhe was vn|likely to performe. It was a very hard wynter that yeare, & beſide the great froſt wherwith the Thames and other ryuers therabouts were froſen ouer, ſo that man and horſe might ſafly paſſe the ſame aloft vpon the yſe, N. Triuet. S. Dun. VV. Paru. R. Higd. M. Par. The Em|preſſe eſ|capeth out of Oxford. Polid. VV. Mal. S. Dunel. M. Paris. M. Paris. Brian ſome to the Earle of Gloceſter Polid. S. Dun. N. Triuet. the fields wer alſo couered with a thicke & deepe ſnow. Here|upõ taking occaſion, ſhe clad hir ſelf and al hir company in white apparell, that a farre of they might not be diſcerned frõ the ſnow, and ſo by negligẽce of the watchmẽ that kept their watch but ſlenderly, by reaſon of the exceeding colde weather, ſhe and hir partakers apparelled ſo in white, ſecretely in the night ſeaſon iſſued forth of the towne, and paſſing the Thames, came to Walingford, where ſhe was receyued into the Caſtle by thoſe that had the ſame in keping to hir vſe: of whõ Brian ſonne to the Earle of Gloc. was the chiefe. After hir departure from Oxford, the townſmen yeelded vnto the king. who hauing taken order for the keeping of thẽ in obediẽce, he marched toward Walingford, mynding to beſiege the caſtle there: but beyng encountred by the way by his enemies, he was driuen backe, and ſo conſtrained to turne ano|ther way.Anno re|gni. 8.
The Em|preſſe ſome the Lorde Henry.
Earle Robert hearing now that his ſiſter was eſcaped and gotten to Waling|ford, he haſted thither with al ſpeed to viſit hir: And as ſome write, he brought with him hir ſonne the Lord Henry, that was come with him frõ the parties of beyõd the ſeas, to ſee his mother: ſo that the Empreſſe nowe beholdyng both hir ſonne and brother, receyued them with al ioy & honor that ſhe could or might preſently make them. Hir ſonne remainyng ſtyll vnder the gouernment of earle Robert, was then ap|poynted by him to abide within the citie of Briſtowe, and there for the ſpace of .iiij. yeres, he continued, being comitted to the bringyng vp of one Mathew, as his ſcholemaiſter, to in|ſtruct him both in knowledge of letters, and ciuilitie of behauiour.Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Stephen, after the ſpoyling of ſundry Churches, the robbing and burnyng of many townes and villages by the hands of his hyred men of warre, that were for the more part Fle|myngs, at length with his brother the Biſhop of Wincheſter he came with a ſtrong army of men vnto Wilton,The kyng commeth to VVylton. where he tooke in hande to fortifie the Nunry in ſteed of a Caſtle to reſiſt the incurſions and enterpriſes of them of Sa|liſbury, whiche in the behalfe of the Empreſſe had done many diſpleaſures vnto his frendes: but earle Robert vnderſtãding of his doings, got a power together with al ſpeede, & the firſt day of Iuly about ſunne ſetting came to Wil|ton, and ſodenly ſet fire on the towne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king being lodged within the Nun|ry, and feating no ſuch matter, after he hearde EEBO page image 380 of the ſoden aſſembly of his enemies, was put in ſuch feare, that he tooke hym ſelfe diſhonou|rably to flight, leauyng his men, his plate, and other riches altogether behind him. The earles ſoldiers egerly aſſaile the kings people,VV. Parm. S. Dun. N. Triuet. M. Paris. killing and taking thẽ at their pleaſure, riſted ye kyngs treaſure without any reſiſtance. In this broile was Williã Marcel or Martell taken priſoner by earle Robert [...] men, and led to the caſtle of Walingford, where Brian the earle of Gloce|ſters ſonne hauyng charge of that caſtle, kept him in ſtrayt priſon, & vſed him hardly enough: and by reaſon of the opinion which men had cõceyued of his valiancy, he could not be deli|uered, tyll he had payd for this ranſome. iij. C. markes, and deliuered into the Earles handes the caſtle of Shirborne. Within a few dayes after, Milo earle of Hereford departed this life,Miles earle of Hereford deceaſeth. whoſe death was right diſpleaſant to the em|preſſe, for he was one of hir chiefe frendes and counſellors. His eldeſt ſonne Roger ſucceded hym, a Gentleman though young in yeares, yet valiant and forward in feares of armes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 William Maundeuille earle of Eſſex, an an|cient captain, and a perfect good man of warre, Ger. Dor. The earle of Eſſex taken. that ſerued the Empreſſe, was takẽ alſo at S. Athons (in the kings Court rather neceſſarily than honorably) but not without great ſlaugh|ter [figure appears here on page 380] of the kings ſouldiers that were at the ta|king of hym: in ſo much that among other the Earle of Arundel, a right valiaunt man of his hands, was ouerthrowen both horſe and man in the myddeſt of the water there, called Hali|well, by a knight called Walkeline de Oxcay,The earle of Arundel. ſo that the ſame Earle of Arundell was ſore bruiſed in his body, and almoſt drowned. The king was preſent hym ſelf at the taking of the ſaid Maundeuille,N. Triuce. VV. Paris. whom he ſpoyled of all his goods, and conſtrayned him by way of redem| [...]ption of his libertie, to deliuer into the kings handes the Tower of London, the Caſtle of Walden, and Piefhey. Wherupon the ſame earle being releaſed of impriſonment, through pouertie was driuen to ſeeke ſome recouery of his loſſes by ſundry ſpoiles and roberies.
Anno re|gni. 9.
H. Hunt.
Firſt of all therefore he ſpoyled the Abbey of S. Al|bons, and after the Abbey of Ramſey, which he fortified, and defended as a fortreſſe, caſting the Monkes out of the doores, and in euery place where ſoeuer he came, he robbed the countrey afore hym, tyll at length in the midſt of his re|uenge and malicious doings, he was ſhot tho|row with an arow amongſt his men by a ſim|ple felow on foot, and ſo ended his life with cõ|fuſion, receyuyng worthy puniſhment for his vngodly behauior. He was a man of high va|liãcy, but therwith very obſtinate againſt god,S. Dunel. I. Pike. M. VVeſt. N. Triuet. of great induſtry in worldly buſineſſe, but paſ|ſing negligent towards his maker, as writers report of hym. Likewiſe Rob. Marmion who had attempted the ſemblable robbery & ſpoyle in the Abbey Church of Couentry, was ſlayne before the ſame Abbey by a like miſchance, for going forth to encoũter with the earle of Che|ſter (that was his mortal enimy,VV. Mal. VV. Paru. and being ap|proched as then towardes the city) he fell with his horſe into a ditch, which he cauſed to be co|uertly made for the deſtruction of his enemies: and before he could he relieued, a ſoldier of the earles part leapt to him & there ſtroke his head frõ his ſhoulders in ſight of both the armyes. Ernulfus the ſonne of earle Geffrey Mande|uile that kept the Church of Ramſey as a for|treſſe, after his fathers death was takẽ at lẽgth and baniſhed. About the ſame tyme aduertiſe|ment was giuen alſo that the citie of Lincoln which the earle of Cheſter had in keeping, was but ſlenderly manned. Wherupon the king cõ|ceyuyng ſome hope to wynne the ſame,Lincolne beſieged haſted forward: and cõmyng thither in the night, laid ſiege to the citie, and began to caſt a trench to ſtop them within from making ſalies forth.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The earle at the firſt being ſomwhat ama|ſed with the ſodaine approch of the enemie, yet EEBO page image 381 in beholdyng frõ the walles the maner of them without, he perceyued the rankes to be verye thinne: and therby geſſyng their ſmall num|ber, he ſodenly iſſued forth at the gates to en|coũter with them. The king abode not the ge|uyng of the charge, bicauſe he was but weake in deede: and ſo incõtinently fled, neither could the earle wel folow the chaſe,The ſiege rayſed. vpõ the like cauſe, but ſetting vpõ thoſe that were about to make the Trench,N. Triuet. he flew .lxxx. of the workmẽ, and then retyred into the caſtle. This yere alſo was an heynous acte commytted by the Iewes at Norwich,A child cru|cified by the Ievves. where they put a chylde to death in crucifyig hym vpon a Croſſe, to the reproche [figure appears here on page 381] of the Chriſtian religion.
M. Paris. S. Dun. Anno re|gni. 10.
A caſtle built at Faringdõ. H. Hunt.
In the yere folow|ing, that is to wit, in the .x. yere of K. Stephẽs raigne, Robert earle of Gloc. and other cap|taines, tooke in hand to build a caſtle at Farin|don. But K. Ste. aſſembling an army of Lõ|doners and other, came thither, and beſieged thẽ within. And whileſt earle Rob. and other of the Empreſſes captaynes remaynyng not farre of, taryed for a greater power to come to the aid, the kyng with ſharpe aſſaulte, and not without loſſe of his men,The Kyng vvinneth is by force. wanne the fortreſſe: wherby then the kings ſide began to waxe the ſtrõger, and to be the more highly aduaunced. After this he came with a mighty army vnto Walingford,Anno. re|gni. 11.
Ra. Higd. M. Paris. N. Triuet. S. Dun.
and there buylded a ſtrong caſtle ouer aneynſt the other caſtle which his aduer|ſaries held againſt him Thither came alſo the earle of Cheſter with a gret retinue of knights and gentlemen vnto the king, and ſo at length they wer they accorded and made frends ap|parance, but nothing ſo in deede on the kings behalfe. For ſhortly after the earle was craftily taken at a parliament holden at Northamptõ, by the practiſe of Stephẽ, and could not be de|liuered, tyll he had ſurrendred into the kyngs handes the citie and caſtle of Lincolne wt other fortreſſes perteinyng to the crown. R. Higd. The vvelch|men vvaſt Cheshyre. Ger. Do [...]. That time did the Walehmẽ deſtroy the prouince of Che|ſter, but at the laſt they were diſtreſſed. This yere alſo the L. Geffrey earle of Anion ſent .iij. Noble men into England, accõpanyed with certaine men of warre, vnto earle Rob. reque|ſting hym to ſende ouer his ſonne Henry into France, that he might ſee hym, and if neede re|quired, he promiſed to ſend hym backe againe with al cõuenient ſpeed, Earle Rob was cõ|tẽted to ſatiſfie his requeſt; and ſo with a good power of men of warre brought the L. Henry vnto Warha, wher he tooke leaue of him neuer after to ſee hym in this world: for after ye child was trãſported ouer, earle Rob. returned ſpe|dily backe to the parties frõ whence he came,The earle of Gloceſter departeth this life. & there falling into an ague, he departed this life about the beginnyng of Nouember, and was buried at Biſhop. The L. Henry cõmyng to his father was of him ioyfully receiued, and ſo remained in thoſe parties for the ſpace of two yeres and foure monethes.Anno re|gni. 12.
In the meane ſea|ſon the vniuſt proceedings of K. Ste. againſt the earle of Cheſter, purchaſed him new hatred of his old aduerſaries, and like ſuſpitiõ of ſuch as were his frends, for it ſounded not a litle to his diſhonor. Euery mã therfore was in doubt of his dealing, and iudged that it ſtood thẽ vpõ to take heed to themſelues.S. Dunel. But he as one that though he had atchieued ſome high exployt,K. Stephen entreth into Lincolne vvith his crovvne on his head. in triumphãt wife ſhortly after entred into Lin|colne in his royall robes, and with his crowne on his head, wheras it had not bin heard of, yt any king had done the like, of many yeers be|fore. It is reported by ſome writers, that he did this, to take out of mens myndes a fooliſh ſuperſtitious cõceit, which beleued that no [...] with his crown vpõ his head might enter that citie, without ſome miſchaunce to light vpon him: and ſo by this meanes he ſeemed to muche their ſuperſtitious imagination. About the ſame tyme many of the Nobles of the realme perceiuyng the great want of the kings royall authority to repreſſe violent wrongs cõmitted by euyl doets, builded vpon their own groũds ſundry ſtrong caſtles & fortreſſes, either to de|fend thẽſelues, or out of the ſame to make rei|ſes vpon their enemies nere adioynyng. After the departyng of the king frõ Lincolne, came ye earle of Cheſt thither wt an army, to aſſay if he might recouer that city. But his Lieutenãt EEBO page image 382 that had the leadyng of his men,S. Dunel. was ſlayne at the entring of the Northgate, and ſo the Earle was beaten backe and repulſed with the loſſe of many of his men: and the citizens hauing ſo got the vpper hand, reioyced not a litle for the victory. But here to ſtay a litle with the tem|porall affayres, it ſhal not be amiſſe to rehearſe the effect of a contention which fell alſo about this tyme betwene that king and the Archb. of Canterbury. For ſo it happened, as Geruaſius Dorobernenſis writeth,Ger. Dor. that Pope Eugenius came this yere into Fraunce, about the middeſt of Lent, and afterwarde helde a Councell at Rheimes: To the which Councell Theobald Archb. of Cãterb. with others of the Engliſh Biſhops were called. The Archbiſhop therupõ aſking licence of the kyng, and not obteynyng it, founde meanes to ſteale awaye in a ſmall Boate, not without daunger of his perſon.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The caſe of this Theobald therefore ſtoode now very hard: for Henry Biſhop of Win|cheſter the kings brother, through enuie had ſo wrought, that if the Archbiſhop tranſported o|uer without licence, he ſhould be confined of the king. Againe, he was ſure, if he came not to the Coũcel, that he ſhold be alſo ſuſpẽded by the Pope. Hereupon the Archbiſhop meaning rather to offende the kyng than the Pope, got ouer, as it were ſwimmyng, rather than ſay|lyng. The veſſel in which he paſſed ouer being ſo bad, for al the Ports were kept by the kings ſeruauntes, ſo that he was glad to take ſuche a boat as came next to hand. In conſideration wherof he was highly cõmended by the pope. In this Councell the Prebendaries of Yorke together with Henry Mordack then Abbot of Fountneys, preſented them ſelues, exhibityng their cõplaint againſt Williã Archb. of Yorke, for that, as they alledged, he was neither cano|nically choſen, nor lawfully conſecrated, but thruſt in by the kings authority. At lẽgth ther|fore was the Archb. William conuict and de|poſed, Alberte Biſhop of Hoſtia pronouncing the ſentence in this wiſe: We do decree by the apoſtolike authoritie, that William Archb. of Yorke is to be depoſed from his See, bycauſe that Stephẽ kyng of England, before any ca|nonicall electiõ, named hym: then for that pope Eugenius had thus depoſed the Archb. Willi|am, although not with the conſent of the more part of the Cardinalles, the Chapiter of the church of Yorke, by his cõmaundement com|myng together, part of them choſe Hylary bi|ſhop of Chicheſter, & the other part choſe Hen|ry Murdacke Abbot of Founteney. The fore|ſaid Pope Eugenius, when both the elections wer ſhewed vnto hym at Auxerre, he cõfirmed the electiõ of Henry Murdacke, & diſanulled ye other, although with no ſmal commendations of the perſon elected, & ſo cõſecrated the foreſaid Henry with his owne hands. The late nomi|nate Archbiſh. William being thus depoſed, returned into England, & remayned at Win|cheſter with K. Henry tyll the death of Pope Eugenius, folowing the counſell of the ſame Biſhop in all things. After the Councell at Rheimes was ended, the archb. Theobald re|turned into Englãd, & cõming to Cant. was receiued wt great honor of the Conuẽt & citizẽs there. But the king remainyng as thẽ at Lon|don, whẽ he heard of it, was ſore moued in diſ|pleaſure, & came with great ſpeed vnto Cãter|bury, wher much conference being had betwixt hym and the archb. although to ſmall purpoſe, for the bringyng of them to an agreement, at length the king cõpelled the archb. to depart ye realme. Wherupon, after a few dayes reſpect he went to Douer, where he tooke ſhip, & paſſed ouer into Fraunce. But ſhortly after he was called backe by the queene and Will. of Ypres, vnto S. Omers, that they might the ſooner ad|uertiſe hym of the kings mynde and pleaſure. Here he conſecrated Gylbert the elect Biſh. of Hereford, the .v. day of Sept. Theodoric Bi|ſhop of Amieus, and Nicholas Biſhop of Cã|brey aſſiſtyng hym. After this, whẽ by ſending to and fro of meſſengers, aſwell Biſhops, Ab|bots, and other, both ſpiritual perſons and tem|poral, there could no agreement be made, he di|rected his letter to certain churches here in En|gland, pronouncing by a certaine day, to wyt, the .xij. day of Sept. a ſentence of Interdictiõ to be obſerued through ye realme. The monkes of Cãterbury ſore offended herewith, before the prefixed day of this ſentence to be put in vre, ſent two Monkes of their own houſe, Nigelle & Abſolon, vnto the Pope: whoſe errand when the Pope had vnderſtoode, he cõmaunded thẽ to returne home, & to obey their archbiſhops ſen|tence in all things. In the meane tyme the archbiſhops men and tenãts were ſore oppreſ|ſed, and his rentes and reuenues ſeaſed and ta|ken to the kings vſe, and that before the dayes of payment. Which maner of proceedyng ſore grieued the archbiſhop: in ſo much that he de|parting from S. Omers, came to Grauelyng, and there taking the ſea, came ouer to a town called Goſ [...]ford, that belõged vnto Hugh Bi|got Earle of Norfolke: which Earle receiued hym with great honour, and ſent him al neceſ|ſarye prouiſion, ſo long as he remayned in his countrey. At the terme appoynted he interdic|ted al the kings dominions, and would not re|uoke the ſentence, tyll Robert biſhop of Lon|don, Hylarie B. of Chicheſter, & Williã B. of Norwich, with many other Noble mẽ, came EEBO page image 383 to hym vnto Framelingham in Northfolke, a caſtle apperteynyng vnto the ſaid earle, where at length an attonement was concluded be|twixt him & the king: and thẽ was he brought home vnto Cãterbury with great ioy and ho|nor. The Monkes of Canterbury, for diſobey|ing the Interdiction, he accuſed, truſtyng that the Pope would not heare thoſe two Monkes which they had ſent, as he dyd not in deede.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 And as before it appeareth, he excõmunica|ted alſo all thoſe that had receiued the Sacra|mentes amongſt them, during the tyme of the Interdiction. Thoſe Monkes therefore being at their wits end, diſpatched with all ſpeede o|ther two Monkes to the Pope, to obteyne an abſolution, before the archb. ſhould vnderſtand it: but they wer ſent backe againe with checks, and cõmaunded to obey their archbiſhop in all things,
Geruaſius Anno. re|gni. 13.
as the other were, which had bin there with hym before. The Monkes of Canterbu|ry that were ſent to Rome, returnyng, came from thence to Bollongne, where they founde thoſe that wer firſt ſent thither: and ſo they all foure together came to Cant. The Pope alſo had ſent a priuie commaundement to the arch|biſhop, that he ſhould duely puniſh aſwell them as the other. The archbiſhop therfore takyng counſell with his frendes, depoſed the Prior, whoſe name was Silueſter, frõ his roume of Priorſhip, and ſuſpended the Secretary of the houſe, named Will. frõ entring the queere It was decreed alſo, that the reſidue ſhould ceaſe ſo long a tyme frõ ſaying ſeruice, as they had ſayd it before vnlawfully againſt the archbi|ſhops commaundement. For it was thought reaſon, that whileſt other ſang and wer mery, they ſhould keepe ſilence, which wilfully tooke vpon thẽ to ſing, whileſt other held their peace and were ſtyll. They began therefore to ceaſe from ſaying diuine ſeruice, and from ringyng of their belles in the ſecond weeke of Lent: and ſo kept ſilence from the .xij. day of March, vn|to the firſt day of Auguſt. The Queene wife to K. Stephen, in this meane while lay much at S. Auguſtines in Canterb. bicauſe of haſte|nyng forward the buildyng of Feuerſham Ab|bey, which ſhe with hir huſbande K. Stephen had begon frõ the very foũdation. And bicauſe the Monkes of S. Auguſtine might not cele|brate diuine ſeruice, ſhe called thither cõmonly the Monkes of Chriſtes churche, to ſay ſeruice before hir. And thus muche for that purpoſe. Now to returne againe vnto other doings.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The L. Hen|ry returneth into Englãd.The L. Henry Fitz Empreſſe after al theſe buſineſſes returned into England, in the mo|neth of May,
Anno re|gni. 14.
with a gret cõpany of mẽ of war both horſmen and footmen [...] reaſon whereof many reu [...]ted from K. Stephen to take part with hym: whereas before they ſate ſtyll, and wold not attẽpt any exployt againſt hym But now encouraged with the preſence of the Lord Henry, they declared thẽſelues frends to hym, & enemies to the king. Immediately after his arriual, he tooke with hym the earles of Cheſter and Hereford, Randall and Roger, and diuers other Noble men and knightes of great fame, beſide thoſe which he had brought wt him forth of Normãdy, and went vnto Carlile, wher he found his coſin Dauid K. of Scotlãd, of whõ he was moſt ioyfully receiued: and vpõ Whit|ſonday with great ſolemnity, he being not paſt xvj. yeres of age,He is made knight. R. Houe. was by the ſame kyng made knight, with diuers other young Gentlemen that were much what of the ſame age. Some write; that the K. of Scots receyued an oth of hym, before he gaue to him ye honor of knight|hood, that if he chanced to attaine vnto the poſ|ſeſſion of the realme of England, he ſhould re|ſtore to the Scottes, the towne of Newcaſtle, with the coũtrey of Northũberland, frõ the ry|uer of Tweed, to the ryuer of Tyne: but whe|ther it were ſo, or not, I am not able to make warrantiſe. Howbeit K. Ste. hearing that the king of Scots, and his aduerſary the L. Henry with the chiefeſt Lordes of the Weſt partes of England, lay thus in Carleil, he rayſed an ar|my, and came to the citie of Yorke,K. Stephen vvith an ar|my commeth to Yorke. where he re|mayned for the moſt part of the moneth of Au|guſt, fearing leaſt his enemies ſhould attempt the winnyng of that citie. But after that the one part had remayned for a tyme in Carleil, & the other in Yorke, they departed from both thoſe places, without any further exployt for that ſeaſon, ſauyng that Euſtachius K. Ste|phens ſonne hauyng alſo lately receyued the order of knighthood, dyd much hurt in the coũ|treys that belonged to thoſe Noble men that were with the Lord Henry.Compare 1587 edition: 1 The great raine that ſet in the ſumer ſeaſon this yeare, M. Paris. Great rayne dyd much hurt vnto the groweth of corne on the ground, ſo that a great [...]earth fo|lowed. And in the Wynter after, about the tenth day of December,A ſore froſt. it beganne to freſe ex|tremely, and ſo continued tyll the .xi [...]. of Fe|bruary. Whereby the Ryuer of Thames was ſo froſen, that men might paſſe both [...] foote and horſbacke ouer the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane while Henry Duke of Nor|mandy,
Anno re|gni. 15.
after he was returned from the [...]yng of Scottes, paſſed ouer againe into Norman|dye, about the beginnyng of Auguſt, leauyng England full of all thoſe calamities, which ci|uill warre is accuſtomed to bring with it, as burnyng of houſes, kylling, robb [...]ng, and ſpoy|ling of people, ſo that the land was in daunger of vtter deſtructiõ, by reaſon of that preſent diſ|corde EEBO page image 384 betwixt the parties.Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the .xxiij. of February, Galfri|dus Monumetenſis, otherwiſe called Galfridus Arthurius, that turned the Britiſh hiſtorie into Latine, was conſecrated biſhop of S. Aſſaph, by Theobald archb. of Canterbury, at Lam|heth, William Biſhop of Norwich, and Wal|ter Biſhop of Rocheſter aſſiſting hym.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Ger. Dor. The earle of Aniou fa|ther to Hẽry Fitzem|preſſe depar|teth th [...]s lifeMoreouer, this yeare, as ſome writers haue recorded, Geffrey Earle of Aniou, huſbande to the Empreſſe Mauld, departed this life, on the vij. day of Sept. leauyng his ſonne Henry his only heyre & ſucceſſor in the eſtates of the Du|chy of Normandy & Countie of Aniou. The body of ye ſaid earle was buried at Mans, with great funerall pompe: his .iij. ſonnes Henry, Geffrey,VVorceter aſſaulted. & Williã being preſent. King Ste. alſo aſſaulting the fayre citie of Worceter wt a great power of men of warre tooke it, & conſu|med it wt fire, but the caſtle he could not wyn. [figure appears here on page 384] This city belonged to earle Waleran de Mei|lent, at that ſeaſon: for K. Ste. to his own hin|derance had giuẽ it to hym. After that the men of war had diu [...]ded the ſpoyle amõgſt thẽ; they came back,
Anno re|gni. 16.
& paſſing through the lands of their enimies, they got great booties & ſpoyles, which they alſo tooke away with thẽ, finding none to reſiſt thẽ in their iorney. Geruaſius Dorobern. A Synode at London. In the yere folowing Theobald archb. of Cant. and Legate to the See apoſtolike, held a general Coũcel at Lon|don in the Lent ſeaſon, where K. Ste. himſelfe with his ſonne Euſtachius, & other the peeres of the realme wer preſent. This Coũcel was full of appeales, cõtrary to that had bin vſed in this land, tyl the tyme that Hẽry B. of Wincheſt. to his own harme (whileſt he was likewiſe the Popes Legate) had by cruel intruſion brought thẽ in, & now at this Councel he was hym ſelfe thriſe appealed to the hearing of ye Popes own Cõſiſtory. After this K. Ste. in the ſame yere eftſoones brake into the citie of Worceter, and wher he could not the laſt time wyn the caſtle, he now endeuored wt al his whole force to take it. But whẽ thoſe within made valiãt reſiſtãce, he raiſed two caſtles againſt it, and leauing in the ſame certaine of his Nobles, to continue the ſiege, he him ſelfe returned home. Thus as ye ſee, the kings propertie was to attẽpt many things valiãtly, howbeit he proceded in thẽ of|tentymes very ſlowly: but now by the policie of the earle of Leiceſter, thoſe ij. caſtles which the kyng had rayſed to beſiege the other caſtle, wer ſhortly after deſtroyed: and ſo the beſieged were deliuered from daunger.Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earle of Leiceſter was brother to the Earle of Melent.
The earle of Leiceſter brother to the earle of Melent.
Anno. re|gni. 17.
The duke of Normandy Fitzem|preſſe mary|eth the Du|cheſſe of A|quitaine.
And thus the kings purpo|ſed intention and painfull trauayle on that be|halfe, came to none effect.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane while Henry duke of Nor|mandy married Elianor Duches of Guyen or Aquitaine, lately diuorſed frõ the French K. & ſo in right of hir he became duke of Aquitain, & [figure appears here on page 384] EEBO page image 385 Earle of Poictou,The French king maketh warre agaynſt the Duke of Normandie. for ſhe was the onely daughter of William Duke of Guian, & Erle Poictou, and by hir father created his ſole and lawfull heyre. The French king was nothing content with this mariage, inſomuch that he made ſore warre vpon Duke Henrie, ioyning himſelfe in league wyth king Stephen; and his ſonne Euſtace, and alſo with the Lorde Geffrey, brother to Duke Henry, ſo that the ſayde Henrie was conſtrayned to de|ferre his iourney into Englande, and to turne his forces to defende his Countreyes and ſubiects on that ſide of the ſea. For whereas he was rea|die at the mouth of the ryuer of Barbe to tranſ|port ouer into Englande, ſomewhat after the feaſt of the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptiſt, the French king, with Euſtace K. Stephens ſonne, Robert Earle of Perche, Henry Earle of Cham|paigne, and Geffrey brother to Duke Henrie, ha|uing aſſembled a mightie armie, came and be|ſieged the Caſtell of Newmerch, and ſent forth the Lorde Geffrey with a ſtrong power to winne the Caſtel of Angers. Duke Henrie aduertiſed hereof, departing from the place where he ſoiour|ned, haſted forth to ſuccour his people that were beſieged,The Caſtell of Newmarch deliuered to the French king. but the Caſtell of Newmarch was de|liuered to the Frenche King through treaſon of thoſe that had it in keeping; before the Duke could come to their reſcue. Wherevpon the ſayd Duke hauing knowledge by the way that hee ſhoulde come to late thither, hee encamped firſt vpon the ſyde of the Riuer of Andelle, and waſted a great part of the Countrey of Veuxin, or Veulqueſine,Veulqueſine, or Veuxin. ſurnamed le Normant, whiche lyeth betwixt the riuers of Epte, and Andelle. This countrey be|longed ſomtime to Normandy, but Geffrey Erle of Aniou the Dukes father had reſigned it to the French king, to the ende he ſhould not ayde king Stephen. The Duke burned alſo the Caſtels of Baſcheruille, Chitrey, and Stirpiney. Alſo a Ca|ſtell that belonged to Hugh de Gourney called [figure appears here on page 385] Fert, with diuerſe other. And aboute the ende of Auguſt he left his townes in Normandie ſuffici|ently furniſhed with garriſons of ſoldiers, & went into Aniou, where he beſieged the caſtel de Mon|te Sotelli, till hee had taken it, and all thoſe that were within it, amongſt whome was the Lorde thereof named William. The French king on the other ſide entring into Normandy, burnt part of the borough of Rieule, [...]he Caſtell of [...]ernon. [...]non Dun. and either then or ſhort|ly after that Duke Henrie was gone ouer into England, he toke the towne & caſtell of Vernon.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Whileſt theſe things were thus a doing in France, King Stephen woulde haue cauſed the Archbiſhop of Cãterbury & diuerſe other biſhops, whõ for that purpoſe he had aſſembled, to crown, annoynt, and confirme his ſonne Euſtace king o|uer the realme of England, but the Archbiſhops & the reſt of the Biſhops refuſed ſo to do,The Pope is [...]gaynſt it. bicauſe the Pope by his letters ſent to the Archbiſhop, had cõ|maunded him to the contrarie, that is, that hee ſhould in no wiſe crown the kings ſonne, bycauſe his father king Stephen had got poſſeſſion of the land agaynſt his othe receyued in behalfe of the Empreſſe. The father and ſonne being not a litle offended herewith,The Biſhops are threatned. committed moſt of the biſhops to warde, ſeeking by threates and menacings to bring them to their purpoſe. The BiſhopS alſo were in no ſmall perplexitie: for according to the truth, the king ſeemed neuer to fauor Churchmẽ greatly, bycauſe of their ſtrength, as before tyme by his rigor vſed againſt the biſhops of Saliſbu|rie and Lincolne it had well appeared, and yet would not theſe men yeeld to his pleaſure: where|vpon although they were ſet at libertie, they were neuertheleſſe depriued of their temporall poſſeſſi|ons, which notwithſtanding afterwards vpõ the kings own motion were reſtored again vnto thẽ. Howbeit the Archb. of Canterbury perſiſting ſtill EEBO page image 386 in his opinion was forſaken of diuerſe of the Bi|ſhops whiche through feare durſt not ſtande a|gainſt their princes pleaſure.Ger. Dor But the Archbiſhop when he perceiued how the matter went, and that all the blame was lyke to light and reſt on hys ſhoulders,The Archbi|ſhop of Caun|terbury flieth out of the realme. he got himſelfe by a maruellous hap o|uer the Thames, and with ſpeede ryding to Do|uer, there paſſed the ſea, ſo to auoyde both the fa|ther and ſonnes reuengeful diſpleaſure. Whervp|pon the king ſeaſed into his hands all the landes & poſſeſſions that belonged to the Archbiſhop.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Mat. Paris. Ger. Do.This yeare Queene Mawde, wife to King Stephen, departed this lyfe at Hangey Caſtell, that belonged to Earle Alberike de Veer, aboute the thirde day of May, and ſhe was buried in the Abbay of Feuerſam, which ſhe with hir huſbande king Stephen had lately founded. Alſo through great and immoderate raine that fel in the Som|mer, the growing of corne was ſore hindred, and after followed a great death of people.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The battell of Monadmore.This yeare was the Battaile of Monadmore fought in Ireland, where the flower and chiefeſt perſonages of Moũſter and Leyniſter were ſlain. Moreouer one Iohn, a Monke of Sagium, was made the ſeconde Biſhop of the Ile of Manne. Mat. Par. The ſecond [...] and alſo the firſt Biſhop [...] of Man. The firſt Biſhop that was there inſtituted hight Wimonde a Monke of Sauinie, who for ſome maner of his importunate miſdemeaner had hys eyes put out and was expulſed.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Papirio a Cardinall, beeing ſent from the Pope as Legate into Ireland,Hen Marle. ordeyned there foure Archebiſhoppes, one at Dublyn, an other at Ardmach, the thirde at Caſſelles, and the fourth at Connach.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſea of Dublin he chaunged into an Arch|biſhops ſea,The Biſhop of Dublyn made Archbi|ſhop. one Gregorie at that time ſitting in the ſame: to whome hee gaue the firſt and chiefe Pall, and appoynted the Churche of the bleſſed Trinitie to be the Metropolitane Church. As this Cardinal paſſed through England he recey|ued an othe of fidelitie vnto king Stephen.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yere alſo king Stephen wanne by [figure appears here on page 386] ſiege and force of aſſault the Caſtell of Newbery not far diſtant from Wincheſter.The Caſtel of Newburie wonne. And this done he went to Walingforde, and beſieging the Ca|ſtell, he buylded at the entring of the bridge a for|treſſe to ſtoppe them within from iſſuing forth, and likewiſe from receyuing anye reliefe or ſuc|cours by their friendes abrode. The defendants perceyuing themſelues ſo hardly layde vnto, ſent to the duke of Normandie, in whoſe name they kept that Caſtell, that he woulde eyther ſuccour them, or elſe giue them licence to yeeld the Caſtell to the king.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon Duke Henry hauing atchieued his buſineſſe on the further ſide the ſea, beganne to be kindled with a feruent deſire once againe to attempt his fortune here in England for recouery of that kingdom, and ſo with three thouſand foot|men,Duke Henry [...]itz Empreſſe returneth into England. and ſeuen ſcore horſmen, with al ſpeed poſ|ſible he tranſported ouer into England, where hee landed about the .xij. day in Chriſtmaſſe. He was no ſooner arriued,Ger. Do. but that a greate number of ſuch as tooke part with his mother came flocking in vnto him. Wherevpon being now furniſhed with a great and puiſſaunt armie,He beſegeth the Caſtell of Malmsbury. Mat. Paris, Polidor. hee marched forth vnto Malmeſburie, where in the Caſtell was a great garriſon of ſouldiers placed by king Stephen.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Duke Henrie planted his ſiege aboute thys Caſtell the thirtenth day of Ianuarie, and en|forced himſelfe to the vttermoſt of his power to winne it.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But King Stephen hearing of his enimyes arriuall. with all haſt poſſible gotte his armie on foote, and comming ſodainly towardes the place,King Stephen conſtrayneth him to rayſe his ſiege. where his enimyes were, hee cauſed Duke Henrie to rayſe hys ſiege, and following after, offred him battaile.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But Duke Henrye knowing that hys eni|myes were farre more in number than he was at that preſent, and alſo conceyuing with himſelfe EEBO page image 387 that by prolonging time his owne power woulde encreaſe, abſteined from fighting & kept him with|in the cloſure of his camp. Thus haue ſome writ|ten.VVil. Par. Other authors there be whiche write, that Henrie kept himſelf in deed within his campe, and refuſed to giue battaile, but yet remoued not his ſiege till the king departed from thence, after hee ſaw he could not haue his purpoſe, and then did duke Henrie winne the Caſtell of Malmeſburie, or rather the Maſter tower or chiefe dungeon of that Caſtell. For as Simon of Durham wry|teth,Si [...]. D [...]nel. Ger. Do. he had wonne by aſſault the other partes and lymmes of the Caſtel before king Stephen came to remoue him. This tower that thus helde out, was in the keeping of one captaine Iordan, who eſcaping forth came to the king, enforming him in what ſtate he had left his men within the tower: wherevppon the King aſſembling all the puiſ|ſaunce hee coulde make, ſet forwarde, and com|ming to Circiter, lodged there one night, and in the morning purpoſing to rayſe the ſiege, or to fight with hys enimyes (if they woulde abide battaile) marched forth towardes Malmeſburie. But vpon his approche to the Dukes campe the day following hys comming thyther, there roſe ſuche an hideous tempeſt of wynde and rayne, beating full in the faces of King Stephens peo|ple, that God ſeemed to fight for the Duke, who for number of people was thought to weake to deale with the ſtrong and puiſſaunt army of the king:A ſore ſtorme. but where the ſtorme was on his backe, King Stephens menne had it ſo extremelye in theyr faces, that they were not able to holde their weapons in theyr handes, ſo that hee perceyued hee myght not paſſe the Ryuer that ranne be|twixt the armyes: wherevppon conſtrayned in that ſort through the violent rage of that colde and wette weather, he returned to London full euill apayed, in that hee coulde not ſatiſfie hys purpoſe at that preſent.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Tower that Duke Henrie had ſtreight|ly beſieged, immediately herewith was to hym rendred and then making prouiſion for vitayles and other things,The caſtell of Walingford. to the reliefe of them that kepte the Caſtell of Walingforde, hee haſted thither, and fynding no reſiſtaunce by the way, eaſily ac|compliſhed his enterpriſe. There were dyuerſe Caſtels thereaboutes in the Countrey furniſhed with garniſõs of the kings ſoldiers, but they kept themſelues cloſe, & durſt not come abrode to ſtop his paſſage. Shortly after he beſieged the Ca|ſtell of Cranemers,The Caſtell of Cranemers. and caſt a trenche aboute it, ſo as his people within the caſtell of Walingford might haue liberty to come forth at their pleaſure: but as for thoſe within the caſtell of Cranemers, they were ſo hardly holden in, that there was no way for them to iſſue abrode. The king aduerti|ſed hereof, got all his puiſſance togither, and came right terribly forward toward D. Henries camp. But he ſhewing no token of feare, cauſed forth|with the trenche wherewith hee had encloſed his campe to be caſt downe, & leauing the ſiege, came into the fields with his army put in order of bat|tel, meaning to trie the matter by bint of ſworde, although he had not the like number of mẽ to thẽ which the K. had in his army. The kings army perceyuing the enimies ſo to come in the face of them, was ſtriken with a ſoden feare: neuertheleſſe he himſelfe being of a good courage, commaunded his people to march forward agaynſt their aduer|ſaries. But herewith certaine noble men, that lo|ued not the aduancement of either part, vnder a colour of good meaning ſought to treat an agree|ment betwixt them, ſo that an abſtinence of war was graunted, and by compoſition the Caſtell which the king had built, & the duke beſieged, was razed to the ground. The K. & the duke alſo came to an enteruiew & cõmunication togither, Mat. Par [...] Ger. Do. Euſtace king Stephens ſon. a riuer running betwixt them. Whereas ſome write they fell to agreement, K. Stephen vndertaking to raze the Caſtel of Cranemers himſelfe, and ſo laying armor aſide for that time they departed a|ſunder. But Euſtace king Stephens ſonne was ſore offended herewith, and reprouing his father for concluding ſuch an agreement, in a great rage departed from the court, & taking his way toward Cambridgeſhire, whiche countrey he ment to o|uerrunne, he came to the Abbey of Burie, & vpon Saint Laurence day, cauſed all the corne in the Countrey about, and namely that which belon|ged to the ſayd Abbay, to be ſpoyled and brought into a Caſtell which he had in keeping not far frõ thence.Euſtace king Stephens ſon, and Si|mon Earle of Northamton, depart this life both in one weeke. But as he ſat down to meat the ſame day vpõ receiuing the firſt morſel he fell mad (as wri|ters haue reported) & miſerably ended his life. The ſame week of a like diſeaſe Simon Erle of Nor|thãpton departed this world, & ſo two of the chie|feſt aduerſaries, which Duke Henrie had, were rid out of the way. Euſtace was buried at Feuerſam in Kent, & erle Simon at Northãpton.The Earlr of Cheſter de|ceaſſeth. About the ſame time alſo that noble & valiãt erle of Cheſter called Ranulf departed this life, a mã of ſuch ſtout+neſſe of ſtomacke, yt vneth might death make him to yeeld, or ſhewe any token of feare. He was poi|ſoned (as was thought) by William Peuerell.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 After him ſucceeded his ſon Hugh, a man like|wiſe of paſſing ſtrẽgth and vertue. And although Erle Ranulf fauored the part of duke Henrie, yet in theſe late yeares hee did but little for him, and therfore it was thought that the death of this erle was not ſo great a loſſe to the duke, as the deathes of Euſtace, erle Simon, & other the kings friends deceaſing about the ſame time ſeemed to further him, ſo yt his part became dayly ſtronger, and the kings to decay. About ye ſame time alſo ye caſtels of Reeding & Beertwel were deliuered to D. Hẽ, EEBO page image 388 and the Lady Gundreda counteſſe of Warwike did driue out of the Caſtel there the ſouldiers that helde it for K. Stephen,Mat. Par. Rob. Mon [...]. & deliuered the towne to duke Henrie. Moreouer the duches Elynor, wife to Hẽry Fitz Empreſſe, was brought to bed this yeare of hir firſt borne ſon, whõ they named Wil|liam, after the maner of the auncient dukes of A|quitain. And thus things came to paſſe in ſundry places with ſo good ſucceſſe as duke Henry could wiſh, wherevpon meaning to follow the ſteps of proſperous fortune, Stamford [...] Simon Du [...] Ger. Dor he marched forth vnto Stã|ford, the towne he toke at his firſt cõming there|vnto, & then laid ſiege to the caſtel. They that had it in keeping ſent meſſengers vnto K. Stephẽ,Gipſwich or Ipſwich beſ [...]|ged. re|quiring him to come to their reſcue, but he ye ſame time had laid ſiege to ye caſtell of Gipſwich, which [figure appears here on page 388] Hugh Bigot kept agaynſt him, and bycauſe hee woulde not depart from that ſiege till he had the caſtel deliuered into his hands (which came at the laſt to paſſe) in the meane time the caſtel of Stã|ford was yeelded vnto Duke Henry,Nic. Triuet: who imme|diately thervpõ departed from Stamford Eaſt|ward, meaning to come to ye ſuccors of his friẽds beſieged at Gipſwich or Ipſwich (as it is cõmon|ly called) not vnderſtanding as yet that they had ſurrendred the hold: but getting knowledge by the way what was happened, he turned backe & mar|ched ſtreight to Notingham.Notingham. The towne he eaſi|ly got, for they within the Caſtell had ſet it on fire. therefore he beſieged the Caſtel ſtanding vp|on ye point of a ſteep craggie rock. It was furni|ſhed with a ſtrong garriſon of men, and al things neceſſarie for defence, ſo that it could not eaſily be wonne.Duke Henrie reyſeth his ſiege from Notingham. Polidor Wherfore Duke Henrie after he had aſ|ſayed all the wayes how to take it, and ſaw that he could not preuail, minded not to loſe any more time about it: but rayſing from thence he goeth a|brode to take other places into his poſſeſſion, & fi|nally came to his mother, whẽ lying at Waling|ford. K. Stephen in this mean time being ſtrong in the field, ſought for time & place to haue Hen|rie at ſome aduantage, whoſe yong yeares as yet not hauing taſted any miſfortune, hee thought would raſhly attempt ſome vnaduiſed enterpriſe. But whereas the realme of Englande had beene now many yeares miſerably turmoyled with ci|uil warre,The miſerie of this land in time of the ci|uill warre. honeſt matrones and mens wiues vio|lated, maydes and virgines rauiſhed, and Chur|ches ſpoyled, townes and vyllages robbed, whole flockes and heards of ſheepe and beaſtes deſtroied, wherein the ſubſtance of the realme chiefly conſi|ſteth, and hereto men without number ſlaine and made away, it pleaſed the goodneſſe of almightie God at length to deliuer the lande of ſuche miſe|ries, which were notified to all Countreys about, that ſore lamented the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 And whereas king Stephen was the cauſe of all the troubles, in hauing vſurped an other mannes rightfull inheritaunce, it pleaſed God to moue his hart now at lẽgth to couet peace which he had euer before abhorred. The cauſe that mo|ued him chiefly to chaunge his former purpoſe, was for that his ſonne Euſtace by ſpeedie death was taken out of this worlde (as before yee haue heard) which loſſe ſeemed great not onely to the father, but alſo to al thoſe Lords and other which had euer taken his parte, bycauſe he was a yong man ſo well lyked of all men,The Ladie Conſtance [...] to Euſtace, [...] home. that he was iudged to be borne to all honour. But his wife Cõſtance aboue meaſure tooke his death moſte ſorowfully, and the more indeede for that ſhee had brought forth no iſſue by him, wherevpon ſhe was ſhortly after ſente honourably home to hir father King Lewes with hir dower, & other rich and princely gyftes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Stephen therefore ſeeing him depriued of his onely ſonne, vnto whome hee mynded to leaue the kingdome which he ſo earneſtly ſought EEBO page image 389 eſtabliſh to him by warlyke trauaile, and that a|gaine the French kings ayde woulde not bee ſo readie as heretofore it had beene (wherevpon he much ſtayed) nowe that the bondes of affinitie were aboliſhed he began then a length, although not immediatly vpo his ſonnes deceaſſe, to with|draw his minde from fantaſying the warre, and enclyned it altogither to peace,King Stephen began to en|cline his mind to peace. which inclination being perceyued, thoſe Nobles that were glad to ſee the ſtate of their Countrey quieted, did theyr beſt to further it, namely the Archbiſhop of Can|terbury Theobald,Mat. Par. trauailed erneſtly to bring the princes to ſome agreement, now talking with the king, now ſending to the duke, & vſing al meanes poſſible to make thẽ both at one.Ger. Do. The Biſhop of Wincheſter alſo that had cauſed all the trouble, vpon conſideration of the great calamities wher|with the land was moſt miſerably afflicted, began to wiſh an end thereof. Whervpon the lordes ſpi|rituall & temporall were called togither at Win|cheſter about the latter end of Nouẽber, that they might alſo with their conſentes confirme that which the king and duke ſhould conclude vpon.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 An aſſembly of Lordes at Wincheſter.Thus was there a publike aſſemble made in the citie of Wincheſter, whither alſo duke Henrie came, and being ioyfully receyued of the king in the Biſhops Palace, they were made friendes, the king admitting the duke for his ſonne, & the duke the king for his father.A peace con|cluded betwixt the king and the duke. And ſo the agreemẽt which through the careful ſuite of the Archbiſhop of Cã|terburie had beene with ſuch diligence to good ef|fect laboured, was now confirmed.
Compare 1587 edition:
The chief articles whereof were theſe:
That king Stephen during his naturall life; ſhould remaine king of
England,Some writers haue recorded, that duke Hẽ|rie
ſhould pre|ſently by this agreement en| [...]oy h [...]lfe the realm of Eng|lande. & that Hẽrie the
Empreſſes ſonne ſhoulde enioy the dukedome of Normandie, and further be
proclamed heyre ap|parant to ſucceede in the kingdome and gouern|ment of
Englande, after the deceaſſe of Stephen. Moreouer, ſuch noble men &
other which had ta|ken either the one
partie or the other during the time of the ciuill warres, ſhould be in no
daunger for the ſame, but enioy theyr lands, poſſeſſions & liuings,
according to their auncient rightes and titles. There was alſo conſideration
had of a ſonne whiche King Stephen had, named Wil|liam, who though hee were
very yong, was yet appoynted to ſweare fealtie vnto duke Henrie as lawfull
heyre to the crowne. The ſame William had the Citie of Norwich, &
diuerſe other landes aſſigned him for the
maintenance of his eſtate, & that by the conſent and agreement of
duke Hẽrie his adopted brother. Moreouer it was concluded, that the king
ſhould reſume & take into his hands againe all thoſe portions and
parcels of inheri|tance belonging to the crowne, as he had giuen a|way, or
were otherwiſe vſurped by any maner of perſon, and that all thoſe
poſſeſſions which by any intruſion had beene violently taken frõ the right
owners fith the dayes of king Henrie, ſhoulde bee again reſtored to them
that were rightly poſſeſſed in the ſame by the dayes of the aforeſayd
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Moreouer it was agreed, Mat. Par. Caſtels to be raſed in num|ber .1115. that all thoſe Ca|ſtels which contrarie to all reaſon and good order had beene made and builded by any maner of per|ſon in the dayes of King Stephen, ſhoulde be o|uerthrowne and caſt downe, whiche in number were founde to bee .xj. hundred and fiftene. The king alſo vndertooke to refourme all ſuch miſor|ders as the warre had brought in, as to reſtore fermers to their holdings, to repayre the decayed buyldiſſs, to ſtore the paſtures and leaſſues with cattell, the hilles with ſheepe, to ſee that the Cleargie might enioy theyr due quietneſſe, and not to be oppreſſed with any vndue exactions, to place Sherifes where they had beene accuſtomed, to beare rule with inſtructions giuen to them, to deale vprightly in cauſes, ſo as offenders might not eſcape through brybes or any other reſpect of friendſhip, but that euery man might receyue ac|cording to right and equitie, that which was his due. That Souldiers ſhoulde conuert theyr ſwords (as Eſay ſayth) into Culters and plough ſhares, theyr Speares into Mattockes, and ſo returne from the campe to the plough, and ſuche as were wont to keepe watche in the night ſea|ſon might now ſleepe and take theyr reſt without any daunger. That the huſbande man might bee relieued of all vexation, and that Marchant men and occupiers might enioy theyr trade of occu|pying to theyr aduauncement, one kind and ma|ner of ſiluer coyne to runne through the lande, ſo as the war that had continued now for the ſpace of .xvij. yeares, might in this ſort bee brought to ende and fully pacified.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe things being thus concluded at Win|cheſter, the king tooke the duke with him to Lon|don, doing to him all the honour he coulde deuiſe. The news wherof being ſpred abrode, euery good man that was the childe of peace reioyced thereat. And thus through the great mercie of our God, peace was reſtored vnto the decayed ſtate of this realme of England. Theſe things being thus ac|compliſhed with great ioy and tokens of loue, K. Stephen and his new adopted ſonne duke Henry tooke leaue either of other, appoynting ſhortly af|ter to meete againe at Oxford, there to perfect e|uerie article of their agreement, which was thus accorded a little before Chriſtmas.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 And for the more perfect vnderſtanding of the ſame agreemẽt, I haue thought good to ſet down the verie tenor of the charter thereof made by king Stephen, as I haue copied it and tranſlated it in|to Engliſhe oute of an autentike booke con|teyning the olde Lawes of the Saxon and Daniſhe Kinges, in the ende whereof EEBO page image 390 the ſame Charter is exemplifyed, whiche booke is remayning with the right worſhipfull Wil|liam Fleetewoodde Eſquire, nowe Recorder of London.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 31.4.1. The Charter of King Stephen, of the pacifi|cation of the troubles betwixt him and Henrie Duke of Normandie.
The Charter of King Stephen, of the pacifi|cation of the troubles betwixt him and Henrie Duke of Normandie.
STephen king of Englande,
to all Archbiſhops, Biſhops, Abbots, Earles, Iuſticers, Sherifes, Barons, and all his faythfull ſubiectes of Eng|land ſendeth greeting.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Know ye that I K. Ste|phen, haue ordeyned Henry Duke of Normandie after me by right of inheritance to be my ſucceſ|ſour, and heyre of the kingdome of England, and ſo haue I giuen and graunted to him & his heyres the kingdome of England. For the which honor, gift and cõfirmation to him by me made, he hath done homage to mee, and with a corporall othe hath aſſured mee, that he ſhall bee faythfull and loyall to mee, and ſhall to his power preſerue my life and honour: and I on the other ſyde ſhall mainteyne and preſerue him as my ſonne and heyre in all things to my power, and ſo farre as by any wayes or meanes I may. And Wil|liam my ſon hath done his lawfull homage,William ſon to king Ste|phen. and aſſured his fidelitie vnto the ſayd Duke of Nor|mandie, and the Duke hath graunted to him to holde of him all thoſe tenements and holdings which I helde before I atteyned to the poſſeſſi|on of the Realme of Englande, whereſoeuer the ſame be in England, Normandie, or elſe where, and whatſoeuer he receyued with the daughter of Earle Warrenne,Earle of War|renne. eyther in Englande or Nor|mandie, and likewyſe whatſoeuer apperteyneth to thoſe honours: and the Duke ſhall putte my ſonne William and hys menne that are of that honour in full poſſeſſion and ſeaſine of all the landes, Boroughes and rentes, whiche the Duke thereof nowe hath in his Demaine, and namely of thoſe that belong to the honour of the Earle Warrenne, and namely of the Caſtelles of Bellencumber,The Caſtels Bellen Cum|ber, and Mor|timer. and Mortimer, ſo that Re|ginalde de Warrenne ſhall haue the keeping of the ſame Caſtelles of Bellencumbre, and of Mortimer, if hee wyll: and therevppon ſhall gyue Pledges to the Duke, and if he wyll not haue the keeping of thoſe Caſtelles, then other liege men of the ſayde Earle Warrenne whome it ſhall pleaſe the Duke to appoynte, ſhall by ſure Pledges and good ſuretye keepe the ſayde Caſtelles.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 And moreouer the Duke ſhall delyuer vnto him according to my will and pleaſure the other Caſtelles whiche are belonging vnto the Earle|dome of Mortaigne by ſafe cuſtodie and pled|ges,The Erledom of Mortaigne. ſo ſoone as he conueniently may, ſo as all the pledges are to bee reſtored vnto my ſonne free, ſo ſoone as the Duke ſhall haue the Realme of Englande in poſſeſſion. The augmentation alſo whiche I haue gyuen vnto my ſonne Wil|liam, he hath likewiſe graunted the ſame to hym, to witte, the Caſtell and Towne of Nor|wiche, wyth ſeuen hundred pounde in landes,Norwich. ſo as the rentes of Norwiche bee accounted as parcell of the ſame ſeuen hundred pounde in landes, and all the Countie of Norffolke, the profites and rentes excepted whiche belong to Churches, Biſhoppes, Abbottes, Earles, and namely alſo excepted, the thirde pennie whereof Hugh Bygot is Earle,Hugh Bigot. ſauing alſo and reſer|uing the Kings royall iuriſdiction for admini|ſtration of iuſtice. Alſo the more to ſtrengthen my fauour and loue to hymwardes, the Duke hath gyuen and graunted vnto my ſayde ſonne whatſoeuer Richer de Aquila hath of the ho|nour of Peuenſey.Richer de Egle. And moreouer the Caſtell and Towne of Peuenſey, and the ſeruice of Fare|mouth beſyde the Caſtell and Towne of Do|uer, and whatſoeuer apperteyneth to the honour of Douer.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke hath alſo confyrmed the Churche of Feuerſham wyth the appurtenaunces and all other things gyuen or reſtored by mee vnto other Churches,The Church of Feuerſham. hee ſhall confyrme by the counſayle and aduice of holye Churche and of mee. The Earles and Barons that belong to the Duke whiche were neuer my leeges, for the honoure whiche I haue done to theyr Maiſter, they haue nowe done homage and ſworne feaultie to mee, the couenauntes alwayes ſaued betwixte mee and the ſayde Duke. The other whiche hadde before done homage to mee, haue ſworne feaultie to mee as to theyr ſoueraigne Lorde. And if the Duke ſhoulde breake and goe from the pre|myſſes, then are they altogyther to ceaſſe from doyng hym anye ſeruice tyll hee refourme hys myſdoings. And my Sonne alſo is to con|ſtrayne hym thereto, according to the aduice of holye Churche, if the Duke ſhall chaunce to goe from the couenauntes afore mentioned. My Earles and Barons alſo haue done theyr liege homage vnto the Duke, ſauyng theyr faythe to mee ſo long as I liue, and ſhall holde the Kingdome, wyth lyke condition, that if I doe breake and goe from the premytted coue|nauntes, that then they maye ceaſſe from do|ing to me any ſeruice, till the tyme I haue refour|med that which I haue done amyſſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Citizens alſo of Cityes, and thoſe perſones that dwell in Caſtelles, whiche I haue in my Demayne, by my commaunde|mente haue done Homage, and made aſſu|raunce to the Duke, ſauyng the fidelitye EEBO page image 391 whiche they owe to me during my lyfe, and ſo long as I ſhall holde the Kingdome. They whiche keepe the Caſtell of Wallingforde haue done theyr Homage to mee,Walingforde Caſtell. and haue gyuen to mee Pledges for the obſeruing of theyr fidelitie. And I haue made vnto the Duke ſuche aſſu|rance by the coũſaile and aduice of holy Church, of the Caſtelles and ſtrengthes whiche I holde, that when I ſhall departe this lyfe, the Duke thereby may not runne into any loſſe or impech|ment, whereby to bee debarred from the King|dome.The Tower of London. Mota de Win|ſor. Richarde de Lucie. The Tower of London, and the For|treſſe of Windſor, by the counſaile and aduice of holy Churche are deliuered vnto the Lorde Ry|charde de Lucie, ſafely to be kept, which Richarde hath taken an othe, and hath delyuered his ſonne in pledge to remayne in the handes and cuſtodie of the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, that after my deceaſſe he ſhall deliuer the ſame Caſtels vnto the Duke. Likewyſe by the counſell and aduice of holy Churche, Roger de Buſſey keepeth the Ca|ſtell of Oxforde,Mota de Ox|forde. and Iordaine de Buſſey the Caſtell of Lyncolne, whiche Roger and Ior|daine haue ſworne, and thereof haue delyuered pledges into the handes of the Archebiſhop, that if I ſhall chaunce to depart this lyfe, they ſhall render the ſame Caſtelles vnto the Duke wyth|out impeachement.The Biſhop of Wincheſter. The Biſhoppe of Wyn|cheſter hath alſo giuen his fayth in the handes of the Archebiſhop of Canterburie, that if I chance to depart this lyfe, he ſhall render vppe vnto the Duke the Caſtelles of Wyncheſter, and the For|treſſe of Hampton. And if any of them vnto whõ the cuſtodie of theſe Fortreſſes ſhall bee commit|ted, fortune to die, or otherwiſe to depart from his charge, and other ſhall be appoynted to the keeping of the ſame Fortreſſe, before he ſhall depart forth therof by the counſaile and aduice of holy church. And if any of thoſe perſones that haue any Ca|ſtelles or Fortreſſes belonging to me in theyr cu|ſtodie ſhall bee founde diſobedient, and rebell, I and the Duke ſhall conſtraine him to ſatiſfie our wyll and pleaſure, not leauing hym in reſt till he be ſo conſtrayned. The Archbiſhops and Biſhops of the Realme of England, and the Ab|bots alſo, haue by my commaundement ſworne fealtie vnto the Duke, and the Biſhops and Ab|bots that hereafter ſhall be made and aduaunced here within the Realme of Englande ſhall like|wiſe ſwere fealtie to him. The Archbiſhops alſo and Biſhops on either part, haue vndertaken that if either of vs ſhall goe from the foreſayde coue|nauntes, they ſhall ſo long chaſtice the partie offending with the eccleſiaſticall cenſures, tyll he reforme his fault, and returne to fulfill and ob|ſerue the ſayd couenants. The mother alſo of the Duke, and his wife, and his brethren and ſub|iectes whom he may procure, ſhall likewiſe aſ|ſure the premiſſes. In matters belonging to the ſtate of the Realme, I ſhall worke by the Dukes aduice. And throughe all the Realme of Englande, as well in that part whiche be|longeth to the Duke, as in that whiche belon|geth to mee, I ſhall ſee that regall Iuſtice bee executed. Theſe beeing witneſſes,
- Theobalde Archbiſhoppe of Canterburie,
- Henry of Wyn|cheſter,
- Robert of Exceſter,
- Robert of Bathe,
- Goceline of Saliſburie,
- Robert of Lyncolne,
- Hylarie of Ciceſter,
- William of Norwiche,
- Richarde of London,
- Nigell of Elie,
- Gylbert of Hereforde,
- Iohn of Worceſter,
- Walter of Cheſter,
- Walter of Rocheſter,
- Geffray of Saint Aſaph,
- Robert Priour of Bermond|ſey,
- Othon Knight of the Temple,
- William Earle of Ciceſter,
- Robert Earle of Leyceſter,
- William Earle of Glouceſter,
- Reynalde of Cornewall,
- Baldwyn de Toning,
- Roger de Hereforde,
- Hugh Bygot,
- Patrike de Saliſbu|rie,
- William de Albemarle Earle Albericke,
- Roger Clare,
- Rycharde Earle of Pembroke,
- Richarde de Lucie,
- William Martell,
- Ry|charde de Humer,
- Reginalde de Warenne,
- Mahaſer Biſet,
- Iohn de Port,
- Richarde de Cameville,
- Henrie de Eſſex.
Yeuen at Weſt|minſter.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus farre the Charter: and now therefore to proceede with the hyſtorie.
This concorde and peaceable agreement ſure|ly was moſt acceptable to all the Commons of Englande,An. Reg. 19 who during the time of the warre be|twixt the two factions, had bene oppreſſed with many and moſt grieuous calamities.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Immediately after Chriſtmaſſe,
Ger. Do
to wit in the Octaues of the Epiphany, the king & duke Henry met again at Oxforde, where all the Earles and Barons of the land being aſſembled, ſware fealty vnto Duke Henrie, theyr allegeance euer ſaued due vnto King Stephen, as to their ſoueraigne Lord and ſupreme gouernor, ſo long as he liued. The forme of the peace was nowe ingroſſed alſo and regyſtred for a perpetuall witneſſe of the thing, in this yeare .1154. after their account that begin the yeare at Chriſtmaſſe, as about the feaſt of Saint Hillarie in Ianuarie commonly called the twentie day. Thus was Henrie the ſonne of the Empreſſe made the adopted ſonne of King Stephen, and therevppon the ſayde Henrie ſa|luted him as King, and named him father.Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the concluſion of this peace, by the power of almightie God, all debate ceaſſed, in ſuch wife, that the ſtate of the realme of England did mar|uelouſly for a time flouriſh, concord being main|teyned on eche hande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 There hee that affyrme, there was an other cauſe that bound king Stephen to be agreeable to this attonement moſt chiefly, and that was this EEBO page image 392 The Empreſſe (as they ſay) was rather King Stephens peramour than enimie,Polidor. and therefore when ſhe ſawe that the matter was come to that poynt, that they were readie to trie it by battaile, Mat. Paris. Egelaw heath. with their armies readie raunged on a plaine in the weſt parties, called Egelaw heath, ſhe came [figure appears here on page 392] ſecretly vnto king Stephen, and ſpake vnto him on this wiſe.The wordes of the Empreſſe to K. Stephen. What a miſchiefe and vnnaturall thing go ye about? is it meet that the father ſhuld deſtroy the ſonne? is it lawfull for the ſonne to kill the father? For the loue of God man re|fraine thy diſpleaſure, and caſt thy weapons out of thy hande,The Empreſſe confeſſeth hir|ſelfe to bee [...]aught of hir bodie. ſith that as thou thy ſelfe knoweſt full well) Henry is thine owne ſon, and ſo further to put him in remembrance, declared that he had to do with hir a little before ſhe was tokens as the Empreſſe put him in remembrance of, tooke hir wordes to bee true, and therefore all his malice was quenched ſtreight wayes. And ca [...]ling forth the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, vttered to hym the whole matter, and tooke therewith ſuche di|rection, in ſending to his aduerſaries for auoyding battatle at that preſent, that immediately the ar|myes on both ſides wrapped vp theyr enſignes, & euery man was cõmaunded to keepe the peace, that a communication might be had aboute the concluſion of ſome ſmall concorde, which after|wardes enſued in maner as before is mencioned. But whether this or ſome other cauſe moued the King to this peace, it is to bee thought that God was the worker of it. And ſure a man may thinke it good reaſon, that the report of ſuch ſecret companie keping betwixt the King and the Em|preſſe,Slaunders de|uiſed by ma|licious heades. was but a tale made among the common people vpon no grounde of truth, but vpon ſome ſlaunderous deuice of a malicious heade. And ad|mit that King Stephen had to do with hir, yet is it like that both of them woulde doe the beſt to keepe it ſecrete, that no ſuche reproche might bee imputed eyther to Henrie, who was taken to be legitimate, or to his mother whoſe honour therby ſhould not a little be ſtayned.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to the purpoſe.Oxford. Ger. Do. The king and duke meete [...] Dunſtable. Shortly after that the King and duke Henrie had bene togither at Ox|ford, where they made all things perfite touching the peace and concorde betwixt them concluded, they met againe at Dunſtable, where ſome clowd of diſpleaſure ſeemed to darken the bright Sun|ſhine of the late begonne loue and amitie betwixt thoſe two mightie Princes the king and the duke: For where it was accorded among other articles that all the Caſtels whiche had beene buylt ſince the dayes of the late king Henrie for euill intents and purpoſes, ſhould be razed & throwne downe:Articles not performed. contrarie therevnto, (notwithſtanding that ma|ny of them were ouerthrowne and deſtroyed to the accompliſhment of that article) diuerſe were through the kings permiſſion ſuffred to ſtande: and where the duke complayned to the king ther|of, he coulde not gette at that time any redreſſe, which ſomewhat troubled him: but yet bycauſe hee woulde not giue occaſion of any newe trou|ble, nor offende the King, to whome (as to hys reputed father) hee woulde ſeeme to yeelde all ho|nour and due reuerence, he paſſed it ouer.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Within a while after,The king and duke come to Canterburie. the King and hee came to Canterburye, where of the Couent of Chriſtes Church they were with Proceſſion ſo|lemnly receyued.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, in the Lent ſeaſon they went to Douer, where they talked wyth Theodoricke Earle of Flaunders, and with the Counteſſe his wife, that was Aunte to Duke Henrie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 At theyr comming towards Canterburie (as it was bruyted) the Duke ſhoulde haue bene mur|thered through treaſon of the Flemings yt enuied both the dukes perſon,The enuie of the Flemings. & alſo ye peace which he had EEBO page image 393 concluded with the King: but ſee the hap, as thys feate ſhuld haue bin wrought on Berham down, William Earle of Northfolke King Stephen hys ſonne, that was one of the chiefe conſpira|tors, fell beſyde his Horſe, and brake his legge, ſo that euery man by that ſuddayne chaunce was in a maſe, and came wondering about him. Duke Henry herewith getting knowledge of the trea|ſon contriued againſt him, or at the leaſt ſuſpec|ting ſomewhat, got him backe agayne to Caun|terbury, and ſo auoyded the preſent daunger if a|ny were at hand. After this, takyng his way to Rocheſter, and ſo to Londõ, he got him a Ship|boord there,Duke Henry paſſeth ouer into Normãdy and ſayled by long Seas into Nor|mandy, where he arriued in ſafetie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 After his departure, King Stephen ſpent the Sommer ſeaſon of this yeare, in going about the moſt part of the Realme, ſhewing all the curteſie he coulde deuiſe to the people in all places where he came, VVil. Paruus. Philip de Co|leuille. The Caſtell of Drax. except where he founde any Rebellious perſons, as in Yorkſhire, where Philip de Cole|uille in truſt of his Caſtell which he had ſtrongly fortified at a certayne place called Drax, ſhewed himſelfe diſobedient to the King, who aſſembling a power in the countrey, beſieged that Caſtell, and ſhortly wanne it, without anye greate adoe. After that Duke Henry was departed (as ye haue heard) and gone ouer into Normandy, now that he hadde concluded a peace with King Stephen,The puiſſance of Duke Hẽry. his puiſſãce was thought to be ſuch, that he was able to maynteyne warres with the mightieſt Prince that then raigned: for in right of hys wife he had got poſſeſſion of the Duchie of Aquitayne, and ye Erledome of Poy [...]ou, and further by his mother, hee enioyed the Duchie of Normandy, and looked to ſucceede in the Kingdome of Eng|lande: and in righte of his father he was Earle of Aniou, Thouraigne and Maine. Thys Duke then reuoked into his hands againe certayne per|cels of his demeane lands which his father hadde giuen away, and paſſing from thence into Aqui|tayne, myghtely ſubdued certayne Lordes and Barons there, that had Rebelled againſt hym. Alſo about the ſame time, a peace was concluded betwixt the French King,A peace con|cluded be|twixt the French Kyng, and Duke Henry. Mat. VVeſt. and this Duke Hen|ry. The Kyng reſtoring vnto the Duke the Townes of Newmarche and Vernon which he had before taken from him, and the Duke giuing vnto the King .20000. markes of ſiluer, for the harmes done by hym, within the Realme of France. But now to returne vnto K. Stephen. Yee ſhall vnderſtande, that within a while after that he had made his progreſſe aforeſayde almoſt about the whole Realme, he returned vnto Lon|don, where he called a Parliament as well to cõ|ſult of matters touching the ſtate of the common [figure appears here on page 393] wealth, VVil. Paruus. [...]oger Arch| [...]eacon of Cã| [...]rbury, made [...]rchbiſhop of [...]orke. as to prouide the Sea of Yorke of a ſuffi|cient Archbiſhoppe: wherevpon one Roger that was before Archdeacon of Canterbury, was cho|ſen to that dignitie, and conſecrated the tenth day of October, by the Archbiſhop Theobald, as Le|gate to the Pope, and not as Archbiſhop of Can|terbury:Thomas Bec| [...]et Archdeacõ [...]f Canterbury and then was Thomas Becket [...] Archdeacon of Canterbury by the ſayde Theo|bald. The new Archbiſhop Roger firſt went vn|to his See at Yorke, where after hee had receyued his inthronization, and ſet order in his buſineſſe there, he toke his iourney towards Rome to fetch his pall in his owne perſon. Alſo King Stephan after the ende of the Parliament went to Douer,The Earle of Flaunders. there to meete [...]tſoones with the Earle of Flaun|ders, who came thither to talke with him of cer|tayne [...]neſſe. The Earle was no ſooner retur|ned backe, [...] that the King fell ſicke, and was ſo g [...] [...] tormented with paine in his bellie, and with an old diſeaſe alſo, wherewith as ſhould appeare he hadde bin often troubled, to witte,King Stephan departed this life. the Emrodes, that finally there in the Abbey hee de|parted EEBO page image 394 thys lyfe the fiue and twentith daye of October,Mat. Par. Nic. Triuet. in the nyne and fortith yeare of his age, and after he hadde raigned eyghtene yeares tenne monethes and odde dayes, in the yeare after the birth of our Sauiour .1154.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 His body was enterred in the Abbey of Fe|uerſham in Kent, whiche he had buylded, where his wife alſo, and his ſonne Euſtace were buryed [figure appears here on page 394] before.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 His ſtature.He was of a comely ſtature, of a very good cõ|plection, and of great ſtrength of body, his quali|ties of mind were excellent, expert in warre, gen|tle, curteous, and very liberall: for though he con|tinued all his tyme in a manner in mayntenance of the warres, yet hee leuied but fewe tributes, or almoſt none at all. Hee put dyuers Biſhops to greeuous fynes, and that not withoute the ap|poyntmente of the moſt iuſt and Almighty God, that they mighte ſo bee puniſhed duely for theyr periurie committed in helping him to ye Crowne. Vices wherewith he ſhould be noted I find none, but that vppon an ambitious deſire to reigne, hee brake his oth which he made vnto the Empreſſe Maude.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Abbey [...]s foũ|ded.In his dayes, the Abbey of Tiltey was foun|ded.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Coggheſhall h [...] founded himſelfe, and Fontneys in Lancaſhire, and F [...]rſhã in Kente.Alſo the Abbeys of Fontneys, Rieualle, Cog|geſhall in Eſſex, Newbourgh and Beelande, Meriuale in Warwikeſhire, and Garedon in Leiceſterſhire, and Kirkſteed in Yorkſhire, with dyuers other in other parties of the Realme, in ſo muche, that there were more Abbeys founded in hys dayes, than had bin within the ſpace of an hundred yeares before,VVil. Par [...] as William Paruus wri|teth.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were alſo a greate number of Caſtels builded in his dayes (as before yee haue heard) by the nobles of the Realme, eyther to defende the confynes of their countreys from inuaſions of o|ther, or that they myghte out of the ſame the more eaſily inuade theyr neyghbours abroade.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Dyuers learned menne lyued in theſe dayes, namely Hiſtoriographers, as William Mal|meſbury, Henry Huntington, Simon Dunel|menſis, Galfridus Arturius, otherwiſe called Monumetenſis, Caradoc Lancarnauenſis, William Rheuellẽſis, and other. Alſo, the Arch|biſhop of Yorke Thurſtaine is not to be forgot|ten, beſyde other whyche in dyuers ſciences were righte experte and ſkilfull, as by treatiſes whyche they ſet foorthe, it hathe to the worlde ſufficiently appeared.