1.3. ¶Henry the firſt.
¶Henry the firſt.
[figure appears here on page 336]
Compare 1587 edition: 1
Henry the firſt.
1100 An. Reg. 1.
_HEnry yongeſt ſonne to William the firſt, bro|ther to Rufus lately de|parted, the firſte of that name that ruled heere in Englande, and for hys knowledge in good lite|rature ſurnamed Beau|clerke, was admitted K. by the whole aſſent of the Lords and commons, & began his raigne ouer England the firſte of Au|guſt, in the yeare after the creation of the worlde .1067. after the birth of our Sauiour .1100. and .44. of the Emperoure Henry the fourth, Paſcall the ſecond as then gouerning ye Sea of Rome, whi|che was about the . [...]i. yeare of Phillip the firſte of that name K. of France, & beginning of ye raigne of Edgar K. of Scotlande, and was ſacred and Crowned at Weſtminſter,VVil. Thorne Geruaſius Dorobernẽſis. the fifth daye of Au|guſt, by Thomas, Archbiſhop of Yorke, & Mau|rice Biſhop of London, bycauſe at that time An|ſelme Archbiſhop of Cãterbury was exiled. This Prince hadde aforehand framed the people to hys purpoſe in bringing them to thynke well of him, and to conceyue a maruellous euil opinion of his brother Duke Robert,Mat. Paris. perſwading them moreo|uer, that ye ſaid Duke was likely to prooue a ſharp and rigorous gouernour, if he once atteyned to ye Crowne and dominion of the Iland. Moreouer, EEBO page image 337 he cauſed it to be bruted abrode, and reported for a certain trouth, that the ſame Robert was al|readie treated king of Ieruſalem: And therefore cõſidering that the kingdom of Paleſtine (as the report went) was of greater reuenues, than that of England, there was no cauſe why they ſhuld ſtay for him, who would not willingly leaue the greater for the leſſe. By which meanes the nobi|litie and commons were the ſooner perſuaded to decline from the election of the ſayd Robert, and to receiue his brother Henry for their lauful king, who on the other ſide ceaſed not to promiſe moũ+taines till his enterpriſe tooke effecte, and then, at leyſure payed ſome of them with molle hylles, as by the ſequele of the ſtorie ſhal more at large ap|peare.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This Henry therefore comming thus to the Crowne, conſidered furthermore with him ſelfe, that hereafter when his eldeſt brother Roberte ſhould returne, and vnderſtand how the matter was brought about, he would thinke himſelfe to haue had much wrong, and bin very euill dealte withall, ſith that by right of birth, and alſo by a|greement made with his brother Williã Rufus, he ought of right to be preferred, & thervpon wold not fayle, but make earneſt clayme againſt him. Wherfore ere he ſhuld come home out of the ho|ly land (where he yet remained) the King ſtudied by all meanes poſſible how to gratifye all the ſta|tes of his realme,The king ſee|keth to vvyn the peoples fauour. and to plant in their harts ſome good opinion of him: & firſt of all to begin with, he reformed ſuche things as his brother had lefte very preiudiciall to the eſtate of the Church, ma|king the ſame free which before was ſore oppreſ|ſed: & furthermore ſomwhat to releue the cõmon wealth, he promiſed to reſtore the lawes of good K. Edw. & to aboliſh or amende thoſe whiche by his father and brother were alreadye ordeined to the hurt and preiudice of the olde auncient liber|ties of the realme of England.Simon Dun. Hen. Hunt. Mat. Paris. He reuoked An|ſelme the Archebiſhop of Canterbury out of exile who fled (as ye haue heard) to auoyd the wrathe of K. William.Anſelme called home. VVil. Mal. VVil. Giffard bish. of VVin|cheſter. H. Hunt. Moreouer, he placed in the ſea of Wincheſter, one William Gyffarde, a graue and diſcrete perſon, and alſo ordeined Monkes of honeſt reputation to be Abbots in certain abbeys which had bin long voyd, & in the hands of Wil|liam his brother: in like maner hee pardoned cer|tain payments whiche his brother & predeceſſour had cauſed to bee raiſed by waye of taxes & cu|ſtomes, and beſides this on the .viij. day of Sep|tember, he cõmitted to priſon within the Tower of London Rafe the biſhop of Durhã,Raufe bish. of Durham com|mitted to the tovver. Simon Dun. The firſte or|deyning of the yard meaſure. by whoſe naughtye counſel his ſaid brother being ſeduced, had in his life time done many oppreſſions to his people. He ordeyned alſo that one length of mea|ſuring ſhould be vſed through this realme, which was a yard, apointing it to be cut after the length of his owne arme,VVil. Malm many other things he amẽded alſo greatly to the contentation and commodi|tie of his ſubiects, who gaue God thankes that he had in ſuche wyſe deliuered them oute of the handes of cruell extorcioners. After that he had thus brought the cõmon welth in ſo good eſtate,VVil. Mal. Polidore. he conſulteth his nobilitie, where he mighte beſte get him a wyfe, and thereby leaue the vnlawfull vſe of keeping of concubines: whiche demaunde was not myſliked of them at all: & ere long they conſidered how Edgar king of Scotlãd had a ſi|ſter named Maude, a beautiful lady, and of ver|tuous conditions, who was profeſſed a Nonne, in a religious houſe, to the end ſhe might auoyde the ſtorms of the world, and lead hir life in more ſecuritie after hir fathers deceaſſe. This woman notwithſtanding hir uow, was thought to be a mete bedfellow for the king, therfore he ſent am|baſſadors [figure appears here on page 337] to hir brother Edgar, requiring him yt he might haue hir in mariage: but ſhee refuſyng ſuperſtitiouſly at the firſt, to breake hir profeſſion or vow, wold not heare of the offer, wherwithall K. Henrie being the more enflamed, ſendeth new Ambaſſadors to moue the ſame in more earneſt ſort thã before in ſo much that Edgar, vpon the declaration of their ambaſſage, ſet the Abbeſſe of ye houſe (wherin ſhe was encloſed) in hand to per|ſwade hir to the mariage, the which ſo effectual|ly declared vnto hir in ſundry wiſe, how neceſſa|ry, profitable, and honorable the ſame ſhould bee both to hir countrey and kinred, did ſo preuaile at the laſt, that the yong Lady graunted willingly to the mariage.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon ſhe was conueyed into Englande, & maried to the king, who cauſed the Archbiſhop Anſelme to crown hir Queene on Saynt Mar|tines day, whiche fell as that yeare came about, vppon the Sundaye, being the eleuenth of No|uember.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 It ſhoulde ſeeme by Eadmerus, that ſhee was neuer Nonue, but only veyled by hir mo|ther, and placed amongſt Nonnes agaynſt hir EEBO page image 338 mynde (as ſhe proteſted to the whole worlde) at ſuche tyme as the Archebiſhoppe Anſelme refu|ſed to conſent to ſolemniſe the mariage betwixt them, [...]eru [...] tyll that doubte were cleared, and the occaſion remoued, whervpon euill diſpoſed men would haue grounded theyr iudgementes, and reported the worſte.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But whether ſhe were profeſſed or veyled, on|ly, loth ſhe was to conſente at the fyrſt (as part|ly ye haue hearde) but after that ſhe was cou|pled with the kyng in marriage, ſhee proued a right obedient wyfe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archebi|ſhop of Vienne the Popes Le|gate.About thys ſeaſon the Archbiſhop of Vienne came ouer into Englande wyth the Popes au|thoritie, (as he pretended) to bee Legate ouer all Britayne, whyche was ſtraunge newes vnto England, and greatly meruayled at (as ſayth Eadmer) of all menne. For it hadde not beene hearde of in Englande before that tyme, that a|ny perſon ſhoulde exercyſe the Popes roome, ex|cepte the Archebiſhoppe of Canterbury.He is not recei|ued for legate. And ſo he departed as he came, for no manne receyued him as Legate, nor he exercyſed any Legantine authoritie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Soone after, the Kyng ſenſe Ambaſſadours vnto Rome, for a ſuite whyche hee had againſt the Archebiſhoppe Anſelme, for that hee denyed not onely to doe hym homage, but alſo would not conſecrate ſuche Biſhoppes and other Ec|cleſiaſticall Gouernours as he tooke vppon hym to inueſte: About which matter no ſmall trou|ble was moued, as partely hereafter it ſhall ap|peare.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 1011.In the meane tyme, Roberte the kyngs elder brother, retourning out of the holy lande, com|meth into Normandye: for after he hadde ad|uertiſemente of the deathe of hys brother Ru|fus, and that his younger brother Henrye was crowned kyng of Englande, hee was greately diſpleaſed in hys mynde, and meante wyth all ſpeede to aſſaye if hee myght recouer it oute of hys handes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ran. Higd. Duke Roberte choſen king of Hieruſalem.Wee reade, that when the Chriſtian Prin|ces hadde wonne Hieruſalem, they did aſſemble togyther in the Temple to chooſe a Kyng to haue the gouernemente of that Citie and coun|trey, and that Duke Roberte was choſen be|fore all the reſidue to be King there, by reaſon of a certain kynde of miracle wrought by the quen|chyng of a taper, and ſodaine kindelyng thereof agayne, as he helde the ſame in his hande, ſtan|dyng in the Churche afore the Altar amongeſt other on Eaſter euen, as a vayne tale hath ther|of bin tolde. So as thereby it ſhould be thought he was appoynted among all the reſidue to be Kyng, and ſo was he nominated. But hee ha|uyng hys mynde more enclyned to Englande,Polid [...]r. refuſed to take the charge vpon hym, wherevp|pon after that daye he neuer greately proſpered in any buſineſſe whyche he tooke in hande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But other Authours of good credite whiche haue written the Hiſtorie of that voyage made into the holye Lande, make no mencion of any ſuche matter, but declare, that Godfray of Bo|longne was by the generall conſente of all the Princes and Capitaynes there elected kyng, as in the deſcription of the voiage into the holy land more playnly appeareth. But nowe to retourne from whence I haue digreſſed.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the fame was blowne into England that duke Robert was returned into Norman|die,An. reg. 2. and that the people had receiued him for their Duke with great triumph and ioye: there were diuers whiche deliting in newe alterations, and being wearie of the quiet gouernement of king Henry,Duke Roberte is ſolicited to come into En|gland to claime the crovvne. wrote letters ouer oute of Englande to the Duke, ſignifying to hym, that if he woulde make haſte, and come to recouer the realme oute of his brothers handes (who vſurped therein by wrongfull title) they would be ready to aide him with all their powers. And herewithall the duke beeing [...]eadye of his owne accorde to thys en|terpriſe, was not a little enflamed, and nowe made more earneſt to make haſte about this bu|ſineſſe. And where hee woulde not ſeeme at the firſt muche to eſteeme of the offer made to him by thoſe Engliſhmen, whiche had thus written ouer vnto him (blaming generally all the engliſh nobilitie,) for that whyleſt he was abroade in the ſeruice of the Chriſtian common wealth a|gaynſte the Infidels, they woulde ſuffer hym to be in ſuche wyſe defrauded of his fathers in|heritance, by his brother, through their vntrouth and negligence) yet although he mente to delay ye matter, & thought it rather better to diſſemble with them for a tyme,VVil. Mal. Simon Dun. than to committe the ſuc|ceſſe of his affaires and his perſon vnto theyr in|conſtancie. Shortely after beeing ſette on fire, and ſtill encouraged by the perſwaſion of Raufe biſhop of Durham (who by a meruaylous wy|lye ſhifte,In the kal. of February. R Haue. H. Hunt. Polidore about the firſt of February had broken out of priſon, with all ſpeed poſſible he gathered his armie, purpoſing out of hande to paſſe ouer with the ſame into England, and to hazard his right by dente of ſworde, whiche was thus by playne iniurie moſte wickedly deteyned from hym.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry in the mean time vnderſtanding his meaning, likewyſe aſſembled his power, and furniſhed foorth a great number of ſhips, appoin|tyng them to lye in a readineſſe to ſtop hys bro|thers comming to land if it myght be. He himſelf alſo lodged wyth hys mayne armie neere vnto the towne of Haſtings, to be readie to giue him battayle if he landed thereaboutes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Duke Robert alſo meanyng to ſet foreward, EEBO page image 339 ſente certaine of his ſhippes afore to chooſe ſome conuenient place where hee myght lande wyth his armie, which ſhippes by chaunce fell into the daunger of the kings nauie, but yet abſteyning from battayle, they recouered the wynde, and returned backe to the Duke agayne, ſignifying from pointe to pointe howe they had ſped in this voyage. The Duke as he was of a bold courage, and of ſo gentle a nature that he beleeued he ſhuld win their good willes, with whom he ſhuld haue any thing to doe, paſſed forwarde, and comming neere to the kings nauie, vſed ſuche gentle per|ſwaſions, [figure appears here on page 339] that a great parte of the Souldiours which were a boord in the kings ſhips, ſubmitted themſelues vnto him, Duke Roberte arriued at Porteſmouth. Si. Dunelm. VVil. Mal. H. Hunt. Polidor. by whoſe conduct he arri|ued in Portſmouth hauen, and there landed with his hoſt about the beginning of the month of Au|guſt: and after he had reſted a fewe dayes to re|freſhe his men, he toke the waye towards Win|cheſter, a great number of people flocking vnto him by the way.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The king hauing knowledge both of the ar|riuall of his enimies, and of the reuoltyng of his ſubiectes, reyſed his Campe, and came to lodge neere vnto his enimies, the better to perceyue what he attempted and ment to doe. They were alſo in manner readye to haue ioyned battayle, when dyuers noble men that ought good will to both the brethren, and abhorred in their myndes ſo vnnaturall diſcorde beganne to entreate for a peace,VVil. Mal. Simon Dun. H. Hunt. which in the ende they concluded on thrſe cõditions: that Henry (who was borne after his father had conquered the Realme of England,) ſhould therefore nowe enioye the ſame, yelding and paying yerely vnto duke Robeet the ſumme of .iij.M. marks, & whether of thẽ ſoeuer did de|part this life firſt, ſhuld make the other his heire. Moreouer that thoſe Engliſhmen or Normans which had taken parte, either with the king or the duke,Hen. Hunt. VVi. Thorne. Mat. VVest. Geruaſius Dorober. ſhould be pardoned of al offences that could be layd vnto them for the ſame by eyther of the princes. There were alſo .xij. noble men on ey|ther parte that receyued corporall othes for per|formance of this agreement, which being con|cluded in this maner Duke Robert which in his doings ſhewed himſelf more credulous than ſuſ|picious, remayned with his brother here in En|glande till the feaſt of S. Michaell, & then ſhe|wing himſelfe wel contented with the agreemẽt, returned into Normandie. In this ſeconde yeare of this kings reigne, the Queene was deliuered of hir daughter named after hir, Maude or Ma|thilde, that was after Empreſſe, of whome by Gods grace ye ſhall heare more afterwardes in this hiſtorie.1102. The king being now rid of forrein trouble was ſhortly after diſquieted with the ſe|dicious attempts of Robert de Beleſme earle of Shrewſbury, ſonne to Hugh before named, Simon Dun. Robert de Be|leſmo Earle of Shrevvſbury. who fortified the Caſtel of Bridge north, and an o|ther caſtel in Wales, at a place called Caircoue, and alſo furniſhed the towne of Shrewſburye, with the caſtels of Arundell and Tickhill, which belonged to him in moſte ſubſtantiall maner.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer he ſought to win the fauour of the Welchmen, with whoſe ayde he purpoſed to de|fende hymſelfe againſt the king in ſuche vnlaw|full enterpriſes as he ment to take in hand. But the king hauing an inklyng wherabout he went, ſtreightwayes proclaimed him a traitor, where|vpon he got togither ſuch number of Welchmen and Normans as he coulde conueniently come by, and with them and his brother Arnolde,Stafford vva|ſted. he entred into Staffordſhire, whiche countrey they forrayed and waſted exceedingly, bringing from thence a great bootie of beaſtes and cattell, with ſome priſoners alſo, which they ledde foorthwyth into Wales, where they kepte themſelues as in place of greateſt ſafetie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 340The king in the meane tyme with all conue|nient ſpeede reyſed a power, and fyrſte beſieged the Caſtell of Arundell,Arundell caſtel beſieged. and planting diuers ba|ſtillions before it, he departed from thence, and [figure appears here on page 340] ſending the Biſhop of Lincolne with part of his armie to beſiege Tickhill, he himſelfe goeth to Bridge north,Bridgenorth beſieged. the whiche he enuironeth aboute with a mightie armie, gathered out of al the par|tes of his Realme, ſo that what wyth giftes, large promyſes, and fearefull threatnings, he at the laſt allureth to his ſide the fickle Welchmen, and in ſuche wyſe winneth them, that they a|bandoned the Erle,An. reg. 3. and nowe tooke part againſt him. Wherevppon the king within .xxx. dayes wanne al the townes and caſtels which he held) out of his handes,The Erle of Shrevvesburye banished the realme. and baniſhed him the realme, and likewyſe ſhortely after, he confined his bro|ther Arnold for his traiterous demeanour vſed a|gaynſt him, wherby their attemptes were brou|ght vnto an ende.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 A Synode of Bishops. Eadmerus After this, in the feaſte of Saincte Michaell, Anſelme archbiſhop of Canterbury held a coun|cell at Weſtminſter, at the whiche were preſent the Archbiſhop of Yorke, with the biſhoppes of London, Wincheſter, Lincolne, Worceſter, Cheſter, Bathe, Norwiche, Rocheſter, and two other Biſhops lately before electe by the King, that is to wit, Saliſbury and Hereforde: the bi|ſhop of Exceſter was abſente by reaſon of ſicke|neſſe.Abbottes and Priours depri|ued. At this Councel or Synode, diuers Abbots and Priours both Frenchmen and Engliſhmen were depriued of their promotions and benefices by Anſelme, bicauſe they had come to them other+wiſe than he pretended to ſtand with the decrees of the church,M. Paris. as the abbottes of Perſore. Ram|ſey, Taveſtock, Peterborrow, Middleton Bu|rie and Stoke,The cauſe vvhy they vver depriued. H. Hunt. Si. Dunelm. with the Prior of Ely, and others. The chiefeſt cauſe for which they were depriued, was for that they had receyued their inueſtures at the kings handes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Diuers conſtitutions were alſo made by au|thoritie of this councell, but namely thys one, Eadmerus. Mariage of Prieſts forbid|den That Prieſts ſhould no more be ſuffered to haue wiues, who were neuer abſolutely forbiddẽ ma|trimonie in this lande before this tyme.H. Hunt. Whiche decree (as ſayeth Henry of Huntington) ſeemed to ſome very pure, but to ſome againe very dan|gerous, leaſte whileſt diuers of thoſe that coue|ted to profeſſe ſuche a cleanneſſe and puritie of lyfe, as paſſed their powers to obſerue, myghte haply fall into moſte horrible vncleanneſſe, to the hygh diſhonour of the chriſtian name, and offence of the almightie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Moreouer,Decrees inſti|tuted in thys Councell. it was decreed in the ſame Coun|cell, That no ſpirituall perſon ſhoulde haue the adminiſtration of any temporall office or func|tion, nor ſitte in iudgement of lyfe and deathe:Againſt prieſte that vvere ale houſe hunters. That Prieſtes ſhoulde not haunte Alehouſes, and further, that they ſhoulde weare apparell of one manner of colour, and ſhoes after a come|lye faſhion: for a little before that tyme,Archedeacon|ries. Prie|ſtes vſed to goe verie vnſeemely: That no Arch|deaconries ſhoulde bee lette to ferme: That e|uerie Archedeacon ſhoulde at the leaſte receyue the orders of Deacon: That none ſhould be ad|mitted to the orders of Subdeacon,Subdeacons. Prieſts ſonnes. withoute profeſſion of chaſtitie: That no Prieſtes ſon|nes ſhoulde ſucceede their fathers in their benefi|ces: That Monkes and Prieſtes which hadde forſaken theyr orders (for the loue of theyr wi|ues) ſhoulde be excommunicate, if they would not retourne to theyr profeſſion agayn: That Prieſtes ſhoulde weare brode crownes:Prefes to vvear That no tythes ſhoulde be gyuen but to the Church,Tythes. Benefices. Nevv chapel [...]. That no benefices ſhoulde be bought or ſolde, That no newe Chappells ſhoulde bee buylded withoute conſente of the Biſhoppe, That no Churche ſhould be conſecrated except prouiſion EEBO page image 341 were firſte had to the mayntenance thereof,Conſecration of Churches. Abbottes. and to the miniſter. That Abbots ſhoulde not make any knightes or men of warre, and ſhoulde ſleep and eate within precinct of their owne houſes, except ſome neceſſitie moued them to ye contrary:Monkes. That no Monks ſhould enioyne penance to any mã without licence of their Abbot, and ye Abbots knight not graunt licence but for thoſe of whoſe ſoules they had cure. That no Monk ſhould be godfather, nor Nonne godmother to any mans childe:Fermes. Perſonages. That Monkes ſhoulde not hold and oc|cupie any fermes in their hands: That no mon|kes ſhoulde receyue any perſonages, but at the handes of the Biſhop, nor ſhoulde ſpoyle thoſe which they did receiue in ſuch wiſe of the profits and reuenewes, that Curates which ſhould ſerue the cures might thereby want neceſſarie prouiſi|on for them ſelues and the ſame Churches:Contracts. That contracts made betwene man and womã with|out witneſſes concerning mariage ſhoulde bee voyde,VVearing of haires. if either of them denyed it: That ſuche as did weare their heare long ſhould be neuertheleſſe ſo rounded, that parte of theyr eares mighte ap|peare: That kynſefolke myghte not contracte matrimonie within the ſeuenth degree of con|ſanguinitie: That the bodies of the dead ſhould not be buryed but wythin theyr paryſhes,Buryall. leaſte the Prieſt might loſe his duetie: That no man ſhould vpon ſome newe raſhe deuotion giue re|uerence and honour vnto any dead bodies foun|taynes of water,Fond vvor|shipping of dead men. or other thyngs withoute the Biſhoppes authoritie, whych hath bin wel kno|wen to haue chaunced heretofore: That there ſhoulde be no more buying and ſelling of menne vſed in Englande, whiche was hytherto accu|ſtomed as if they had bene kyne or Oxen. Alſo all ſuche as committed the fylthie ſynne of So|domitrie ſhoulde bee accurſſed by the Deccre of thys Councell, tyll by penaunce and confeſſion he ſhould obteyne abſolution: And if he were a prieſt or any maner of religious perſon, he ſhuld loſe his benefice, and bee diſinabled to obteyne any other: and if he were a laye man, he ſhould loſe the prerogatiue of his eſtate, and that no re|ligious man might bee abſolued of this cryme but at the Biſhops hands:The curſſe to be red euery Sunday. it was alſo ordeyned, that euery Sundaye thys curſſe ſhould be red in euerye Churche. The Kyng alſo cauſed ſome ordinaunces to bee deuyſed at this coun|ſell, neceſſarye to moue and procure menne to the leadyng of a good and vpryght trade of lyfe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the third yere of K. Henries reigne the fundation of S. Bartholomew by Smythfield was begon by Rayer one of the Kings Muſi|tians (as ſome write) who alſo became the fyrſt Priour thereof. In thoſe dayes Smithfielde was a place where they layde all the ordure and filthe that was hadde foorth of the Citie. And alſo it was the appoynted place of execution where Felons and other tranſgreſſoures of the lawes did ſuffer.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In thys third yeare of kyng Henries reigne the Queene was delyuered of a ſonne called Willyam.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the Earle of Shreweſburye was banyſhed (as before ye haue hearde) the ſtate of the Realme ſeemed to be reduced into very good quiet. So that king Henrie aduaunced with ſo good ſucceſſe in his affaires, was nowe in no feare of daunger any manner of waye: howbeit herein he ſomewhat diſpleaſed the Clergie: for leaning vnto his princely authoritie, hee tooke vppon him both to nominate Biſhoppes, Polidor. The king be|ſtovveth bi|shoprikes. Math. Paris. and to inueſte them into the poſſeſſion of their ſeas: and amongeſt other whiche hee inueſted, there [figure appears here on page 341] was one Rem|clid, whom he ordeyned By|ſhop of Here|forde. But the ſame Remclid or Remeline, did afterwards reſtore that bi|ſhoprike to the king again, for that hee was perſuaded gret|ly to haue of|fended in recei|uyng the ſame at a temporall mannes handes.Simon Dun.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Truely not onely kyng Henry heere in En|glande, but alſo other Princes and hygh po|tentates of the temporaltie about the ſame ſea|ſon, chalenged thys ryght of inueſting Biſhops and other ſpirituall miniſters, as a thyng due vnto them and their predeceſſours, without all preſcription of tyme, as they alledged, whiche cauſed no ſmall debate betwixte them and the clergie, as in that whiche is written thereof, at large by other, maye more eaſily appeare.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Anſelme the Archebiſhoppe of Canter|bury more earneſt in this caſe than many other,Anſelme refu|ſeth to conſe|crate the bi|shops inueſted by the king. woulde not admitte nor conſecrate ſuch biſhops as were nominate and inueſted by the Kyng, making no accompte of their inueſtitute: and further hee tooke vppon hym to aduiſe the Kyng not to violate the ſacred lawes, rites, and cere|monies of the chriſtian Religion, ſo lately de|creed concerning thoſe matters.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſo farre was the King from gyuing a|ny eare to his admonitions, that he ſtoode the more ſtyffely in hys chalenge. And where Thomas the Archebyſhoppe of Yorke was lately before departed out of this tranſitorie lyfe, EEBO page image 342 he gaue that benefice ſo beeing voyde vnto one Gerard,Gerard inue| [...] Archbishop of Yorke. a man of great witte, but (as ſome wri|ters reporte) more deſirous of honour than was requiſite for a man of his calling, and willed him in deſpite of Anſelme to conſecrate thoſe biſhops which he had of late inueſted. This Gerard ther|fore obeying his cõmandement, did conſecrate them all,VV. Giffarde biſhop of VVincheſter. M. Paris. VV. Thorne. Polidor. William Giffard, the biſhop of Win|cheſter onely excepted who refuſed to be conſe|crated at his handes, whervpon he was depriued and baniſhed the realme. Alſo the Archhiſhoppe Anſelme was quite out of fauor, for that he cea|ſed not to ſpeake agaynſt the king, in reprouing his doings in this behalfe, till time the king was contẽted to referre the matter to Pope Paſcall,Polidore & to ſtande vnto his decree and order therein: alſo that ſuch as he had placed in any biſhoprik, ſhuld haue licence to goe to Rome to pleade their cau|ſes, whether he promiſed ſhortly to ſend his am|baſſadours, and ſo hee did: Appointing for the purpoſe,1103. Herbert biſhop of Norwiche, and Ro|bert biſhop of Lichefield, being both of his priuie counſell,An. reg. 4. and William Warlewaſt, of whome mention is made before, who went on their way and came to Rome,Ambaſſadors ſent to Rome. Anſelme goth alſo to Rome. accordyng to their Com|miſſion.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After them alſo followed Anſelme the arche|biſhop of Canterbury, Girarde the archebiſhop of Yorke, and William the electe of Winche|ſter, whome the Pope receyued with a curteous kynde of entertaynemente. But Anſelme was highly honored before all the reſidue, whoſe dili|gence and zeale in defence of the ordinaunces of the ſea of Rome, he well inough vnderſtoode. The Ambaſſadours in lyke maner declaring the effect of their meſſage opened vnto the Pope the grounde of the controuerſie begonne betwene the king and Anſelme, and with good argumentes wẽt about to proue the kings cauſe to be lawful. Vpon the other ſide Anſelme and his partakers with contrary reaſons ſeeke to confute the ſame: Whervpon the Pope declared that ſith by the la|wes of the Church it was decreed, that the poſ|ſeſſion of any ſpirituall benefice obteyned other|wyſe than by the deliuerie of a ſpirituall perſon, coulde not be good or allowable, from thence|foorth, neyther the kyng, nor any other for hym, ſhoulde challenge any ſuche right to appertayne vnto them.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kings Ambaſſadours hearing this, were ſomewhat troubled in their myndes: whervpon William Warlewaſt burſte out and ſaid with great vehemencie euen to the Popes face: Eadmerus. The ſaying of VVil. VVarle|vvaſt to the Pope.
What ſoeuer is or may be ſpoken in this manner too or fro, I woulde all that be preſent ſhould wel vn|derſtande, that the King my mayſter will not loſe the inueſtures of Churches for the loſſe of his whole realme.Vnto which wordes Paſcall himſelfe replying, ſayd vnto hym agayne:The Popes an|ſvvere to him. If as thou ſayeſt, the king thy maiſter will not forgot the inueſture of churches for ye loſſe of his realme Know thou for certain, and marke my wordes well, I ſpeake it before God, that for the raun|ſome of his head, Pope Paſcall will not at any tyme permitte that he ſhall enioy them in quiet. At length by the aduiſement of his Counſell, the Pope graunted vnto the King certaine priuiled|ges and cuſtomes which his predeceſſours hadde vſed and enioyed: But as for the inueſtures of Biſhops he woulde not haue him in any wyſe to medle with: yet did hee confirme thoſe Biſhops whiche the king had already created,Polidor. leaſt the re|fuſall ſhoulde bee occaſion to ſowe anye further diſcorde.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus this buſineſſe being after this manner ordered, the ambaſſadours were licenced to de|parte, and receyuing at the Popes handes great rewardes, and the Archbiſhop of Yorke Girarde his palle, they ſhortely after returne into Eng|lande, declaring vnto the king the Popes decree and ſentence.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The King beeing ſtill otherwyſe perſua|ded, and looking for other newes, was nothing pleaſed with this matter, and long it was ere he woulde giue ouer his clayme, and yelde vn|to the Popes iudgement, till that in proceſſe of tyme, ouercome with the earneſte ſute of An|ſelme, he graunted to obey the Popes order here|in, though (as it ſhoulde appeare) righte ſore a|gainſt his mynde. But in this meane time the king had ſeyſed into his handes,VVil. Mal. the poſſeſſions of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and baniſhed Anſelme, ſo that he ſtayed at Lyons in France, for the ſpace of one yere and foure monethes, du|ring whiche terme there went many letters and meſſages to and fro, & ſpecially the Pope wrote to kyng Henry very courteous letters, exhorting him to call Anſelme home againe, and to releaſe his clayme to the inueſtures of biſhops.The Pope vvriteth curte|ouſly to the king. Where|vnto he coulde haue no right, ſith it appertained not to the office of any temporal magiſtrate: ad|ding furthermore, if the kyng woulde giue ouer that vngodly and vſurped cuſtome, that he wold ſhewe ſuche friendly fauour in all thinges as by the ſufferance of God in any wyſe he mighte be able to performe, and further would receyue not onely him, but alſo his young ſonne William, (whiche lately it had pleaſed God to ſende him by his vertuous wyfe Quene Maude) into hys protection, ſo that who ſo euer hurte eyther of them ſhould be thought to hurt the holy churche of Rome.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In one of the Epiſtles alſo whiche the ſayde Pope writeth vnto Anſelme, (after that the king was contented to renounce the inueſtures afore|ſaid) he willeth Anſelme, according to ye promiſe EEBO page image 343 whyche hee had made to aſſayle as well from ſinne as from penaunce due for the ſame, bothe the King and alſo hys wyfe Queene Maude, with all ſuche perſons of honour, as in his behalf had trauayled with the kyng to induce hym to be agreeable to his purpoſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1
The Earle of Mellent.
Moreouer, the Earle of Mellent, and Ry|charde de Riuers, the whiche had counſelles the kyng to ſticke in it at the firſte, and not to gyue ouer his title to ſuche inueſtures,An. regn. 5. fith his [...]nce|ſters had vſed the ſo long a time before his day [...], by reaſon whereof, in renouncing his ryghte to the ſame, he ſhoulde doe a thing greately preiu|diciall to his royall eſtate and Princely Maie|ſtie) were nowe earneſte trauaylers to agree the kyng and the Pope,The king per|ſuaded to re|nounce his ti|tle to the inue|ſture of prelats Eadm [...]rus. and ſo in the ende the kyng was perſwaded by Anſelme and them to giue o|uer his holde, whyche hee performed, reſignyng the inueſtures with ſtaffe and ring, notwithſtan|ding that hee ſtill reſerued the right of Electiõs, and ſuche other royalties as otherwyſe appertai|ned to hys Maieſtie, ſo that ſuche Biſhoppes as had done homage to the kyng, were not diſabled thereby, but quietly permitted to receyue theyr iuriſdictions.Compare 1587 edition: 1 Duke Robert commeth into Englande to viſite his bro|ther.About this tyme alſo Roberte Duke of Nor|mandie came into Englande to ſee his brother: and through the ſugred wordes and ſweete en|tertaynmẽt ſhewed to him by the king, he relea|ſed the yerely tribute of .3000. marks, whiche he ſhuld haue had out of the realme by the agrement (as before ye haue hearde) but [...]hir [...]ly in deede at the requeſt of the Queene, being inſtructed by hir huſbande howe ſhe ſhoulde vſe the matter wyth him, that was knowne to be free & liberall, with|out any greate conſideration what he preſentlye graunted.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After he hadde bene here a certaine tyme, and ſported him with his brother and ſiſter, hee re|turned into Normandie, and ſhortely after, be|gunne to repente him of his follye in being ſo li|berall, as to releaſſe the foreſayde tribute: And here vpon alſo he menaced the king, and openly in his reproch ſayd, that he was craftily circum|uented by him, and in the ende [...]atly beguyled.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There were diuers in Normandie, that deſi|red nothing more earneſtly than to ſette the two brethren at ſquare, namely Roberte de Bel [...]me erle of Shrewſbury, VV. Malm. Factious per|ſons practiſe to ſet the tvvo brethren at variance. and William erle of Mor| [...]aigne: theſe two wer baniſhed [...] En|glande the one that is to ſay, the erle of Shrewſ|bury by the kings comaundement for his rebel|lous attempts (as before ye haue hearde) and the other, that is to wit, the earle of Mortaigne,The erle of Mortaigne. left the land of his owne wilful and ſtubborn minde, [...] himſelf, only for the hatred which he [...] vnto the king for being not contented with the Earledome of Mortaigne in Normandie, and the erledome of Cornwall in England, he made ſuite alſo for the Earledome of Rent, whiche his vncle Odo ſometyme helde and bicauſe he was not only denyed of that his [...], but alſo by or|der of lawe had certaine parcels of lande taken from him, which he wrongfully deceyued, he got him into Normandie, and there made war both againſt thoſe places which the king held, [...] and al|ſo againſt other,Richard earle of Cheſter. which belonged to Richard erle of Cheſter, who was then vnder gouernment of the king by reaſon of his minoritie. The threat|nyng woordes of Duke Roberte, commyng at the laſt to King Henries eares (by ſuch as coulde ſette them foorth in woor [...]er ſorte than peraduen|ture they were ſpoken) cauſed hym foorthwith to conceyue righte high diſpleaſure againſte the Duke,A povver of men ſent into Normandie in ſo muche that he ſent ouer a power in|to Normandie, whiche fynding no greate reſi|ſtance, did muche hurte in the countrey, by fet|chyng and carying ſpoyles and prayes.
[figure appears here on page 343]
Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 344Agayne, the Normans rather fauoured than fought to hinder the enterpriſe of king Henry bi|cauſe they ſawe howe duke Robert with his foo|liſhe prodigalitie and vndiſcreete liberalitie had made away al that belonged to his eſtate ſo that of the whole duchie of Normandie, hee had not any citie or towne of name left in his owne poſ|ſeſſion; Roan only excepted, which he alſo would haue departed with,Gemeticenſis. if the Citezens would haue conſented to any ſuche alienation.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry therfore be [...]ing of the good ſucceſſe of his men,
The K. paſſeth ouer into Nor|mandie. Anno reg. 6. St. Dunelm Gemeticenſis. Polidor.
paſſed ouer hymſelf ſoone after with a mightie armie, [...] tooke with ſmall trauaile E [...]|reur, or as other haue Baicus and Cane, which cities when he had furniſhed with ſufficient gar|niſons of men, he repaſſed the ſea again into En|glande bycauſe the wynter began to approche, and the wether waxed troubleſom for ſuch as lay in the fielde. Herevpon duke Robert conſidering with himſelf how vnable he was (by reaſon that his people fayled him at nede to reſiſt king Hen|rie, ſith the Brytaines alſo and they of Aniow tooke parte with the ſayd king, he thoughte good to lay armour aſide, and to paſſe ouer into En|glande, to entreate with him by way of brother|ly frendſhip in full hope by that meanes to auoid this preſent daunger,1106. which he did. But at his ar|riuall here he learned howe the king his brother as then was at Northampton:An. reg. 7. wherfore he ha|ſted thyther, and comming to him, he made ear|neſt [...] for peace, beſeeching the king in reſpecte of brotherly loue to graunt the ſame or if it were that he regarded not the good will of his naturall brother, he required him to conſider at the leaſte wiſe what appertayned to his accuſtomed gen|tleneſſe, and to thinke with himſelf that war be|twixte brethren coulde not be maintayned with out reproch, nor the victorie gotten be honorable that was obtained againſt his owne fleſhe: and therefore hee required hym not to refuſe peace, frendſhippe, and offred beneuolence, ſyth he was nowe ready to render all that euer he hadde into his handes.Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King nothyng moued herewith, but as one that diſdayned to make a directe aunſwere, murmured certaine thinges with himſelfe, and turned away from the Duke, as hee that eyther by experience knewe his brothers lighte and vn|ſtable mynde, or els as one that determined to be reuenged of him euẽ to the very vttermoſt.The brethren depart in diſ|pleaſure. Duke Robert alſo abhorring and vtterly deteſting this his brothers pride, ſtreightways returned home, purpoſyng with hymſelfe to trye the hazarde of warre, ſith he ſawe no hope to be had in brother|ly loue and amitie. And thervpon prouideth for warres with all his power, ſeekyng ayde from all places where he might gette any, though the kyng his brother gaue him ſmall leyſure thereto,K. Henry paſ|ſeth into Nor|mandie to p [...]|ſue his brother. folowing him incontinently with a new ſupply of ſouldiours, and deſyring nothing more than to get him within his daunger.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Soone after, bothe the brethren approchyng neere together, eche of them pitched downe his Campe wythin the ſyghte of other preparyng them ſelues to giue battayle wyth luſt ye and manlyke ſtomackes. The Kyng ſurmoun|ting the Duke his brother in number,They ioyne [...] battayle. firſt brin|geth foorth his men in order of batayle, & ſtreight wayes the Duke lykewyſe both being readie to trye the matter by dint of ſworde. Herevpon al|ſo the one prouokyng the other, the trumpettes blow vp, and the fight is begun. The kings ſoul|diours truſting too muche in their owne force, by reaſon of their greate multitude, breake theyr array, and aſſayle theyr enimies on eche ſide ve|ry diſo [...]derly: But the Normans being wyſely ordered and inſtructed by their Duke, kept them ſelues cloſe togither ſo that the kinges battaile whiche had, without order ſtepte foorth to aſſayle them, finding ſterne reſiſtaunce began nowe to [figure appears here on page 344] EEBO page image 345 giue backe, for not onely Duke Robert but alſo William Erle of Mortaigne preaſſed foreward amongſt their men, and foughte valiantly with their owne hands, whervpon the king when he perceyued howe his men began to ſhrinke, [...] vpon them to ſtay, and withall commaunded all his horſemen to breake vppon the flankes of his enimies battayle, which they did with ſuch vio|lence, that they diſordered the ſame, and cauſed the enimies to ſcatter. Herewith alſo the kings footemen togither with the horſemen inuaded the Normans a freſhe,The Normans vanquished. which neuertheleſſe reſiſted a whyle, till being compaſſed about in manner on euery ſide, they began to flee, as often tymes it chanceth, when a few driuen in ſunder by a mul|titude, are aſſayled on all ſydes. The king then hauing vanquiſhed his aduerſaries, foloweth the chaſe, & maketh great ſlaughter of them, though not without ſome loſſe of his owne men: for the Normans deſpairyng of ſafetie, tourned often|tymes agayne vppon thoſe that followed them.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The earle of Mortaigne.Duke Roberte and the Earle of Mortaigne fighting moſt earneſtly in the mid preaſe of their enimies, were taken, or (as other ſay) betrayed, and deliuered into their enimies hands. Alſo be|ſide Duke Robert and the foreſaid Erle of Mor|taigne, Eadmerus. VV. Criſpyne. VV. Ferreys. Robert de E|ſtoutville. The number ſlayne. William Criſpyne, William Ferreys, Roberte Eſtoutville the elder, with .iiij.C. men of armes were taken, and to the number of .x.M. footmen. But of the number that were ſlayne in this battayle, there is none that declareth any certaintie: but yet it is reported by diuers wri|ters t [...] [...] battayle in thoſe dayes was ſo|rer fought nor with greater bloudſhed [...] of Normandie or [...].
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus haue you the common opinion of the apprehension of the Duke, howbeit the sayd relation therof agreeth not in all points with that whiche Gemeticensis writeth, who speaking of this matter, Gemeticenſis declareth in briefe sorte, howe that king Henry being offended with his brother duke Robert, that he should alienate and make away the Duchie of Normandie his inheritance with suche riotous demeanour as hee vsed, so that he left himselfe nothing but the citie of Roan, which he had not passed to haue giuen away also, if the Citizens wolde thereto haue granted their consent. The king (I say) taking displeasure herewith, wente ouer into Normandie, and assembling no smal army togither, first besieged Bayeux, and finally after he hadde halfe destroyed it, tooke it by force. After this he tooke Caen also: and then besieged a Castell called Tenerchbray appertayning to the Erle of Mortaigne, duryng whiche siege his brother Roberte, and the sayd Erle of Morteign came with a great multitude of people in hope to be reue(n)ged of the king, and to chase him out of the countrey: and hereupon assailed him right fiercely. But the punishment of God fell so vppon them, that they were both taken, and many of their friends with them, as Robert of Estoutvile and Willia(m) de Crispyn with other, whiche were broughte before Kyng Henry as Prisoners. And thus did almyghtie [figure appears here on page 345] God graunte vnto the Kyng a notable victorie without bloudshed, for he lost not a man, and of his aduersaries, there dyed in the fielde not paste three score persons.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 VVil. Mal.This ſeemeth alſo to agree with that whiche Wil. Malmſbury writeth of this matter: for he ſayth, that K. Henry with ſmall adoe broughte into his handes duke Robert, who with a greate power of men came againſt him as then lodging nere to the ſayd caſtell of Tenerchbray: the erle of Mortaigne was alſo taken,Roberte de Be [...]ſme. but the Earle of Shrewſbury eſcaped by flight, notwithſtanding ſhortly after he was lykewyſe taken, as he went about to practiſe ſome priuie conſpiracie againſt the Kyng.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This battayle was fought as the ſame Wil. Malmſbury affirmeth, vpon a Saterday,The .27. of Sep|tember chro. de Nor. being the daye of Saint Michaell in Gloria, and that as may be thought by the prouident iudgemente of God, to the ende that Normandie ſhould he ſubdued vnto Englãd on that day, in the whiche fortie yeares paſſed, King William the conque|rour firſt [...] foote on land at Haſtings, when he came out of Normandie to ſubdue Englande.Si. Dunelm. Neyther doth Symon Dunelmenſis in maner vary in any thyng from Gemeticenſis touchyng the concluſion of this buſyneſſe, and takyng of duke Roberte.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe warres beeing thus finiſhed, and the countrey ſet in quiet which through the mere fo|lie EEBO page image 346 of Duke Robert was wonderfully impo|ueriſhed. The king receiued the keys of all the townes and Caſtels which belonged eyther to the Duke, or to the Earle of Mortaigne, and furniſhed the ſame with garniſons to be kepte to his behoofe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1
Mat. VVest.
Anſelme retur|neth home.
After that he had thus pacified the countrey of Normandie, he came to Bec or Bechello|vyn, where the archbiſhop Anſelme then remai|ned, whome by mediation of frendes, he recey|ued into fauour agayne, and ſending him ouer into Englande, immediately after followed himſelfe.Compare 1587 edition: 1 Duke Roberte priſoner in the the caſtell of Cardiffe.In like manner Duke Roberte being thus ſpoyled of his dominions, landes and libertie, was ſhortely committed to priſon within the Caſtel of Cardiff in Wales, where he remai|ned about the ſpace of .xxvi. yeres, & then died. He gouerned the Duchie of Normandie .xix. yeres,Gemeticenſis & was a perfect good mã of war, worthy to be compared with the beſt captains that then liued,Polidor. if he had bin ſomewhat more ware and circumſpect in his affaires, and therewyth cõ|ſtant and ſtedfaſt in his opinion. His worthye actes valiantly and happily atchieued againſt the Infidels, ar notified to the world by many and ſundry writers, to his high cõmendation and eternal praiſe. It is ſayd alſo, that he was after his taking, once ſette at libertie by kyng Henry, and bounde to forſweare the realme of England and Normandie alſo, being apoin|ted to auoide within the ſpace of .xl. days, and twelue houres. But for that he was perceiued to practiſe ſomewhat againſt the king, he was eftſones takẽ again, & hauing his eyes put out, committed to priſon, where finally worn tho|rough age and grief of mind, he ended his mi|ſerable lyfe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The forme of banniſhing men the Realme (as before is expreſſed) was ordeyned by Ed|ward the confeſſor, which remained as a lawe and was had in vſe till theſe our dayes, for the benefite of them which fledde to any churche or other priuiledged place, thereby to eſcape the puniſhment of death due for their offences: by a latter cuſtome it was deuiſed, that they ſhuld alſo beare a Croſſe in their hande, as a ſigne that they were pardoned of life, for reſpecte of the holy place within the whiche they ſought for ſuccour.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But as for Duke Robert (as it ſhould ap|peare by that whiche other write) hee had no ſuch fauour ſhewed,Mat. VVest. but only libertie to walke abroade into the kings forreſtes, parkes, and chaſes, nere to the place where he was appoin|ted to remayne, and one day as he was in ſuch wyſe walkyng abroade, hee gotte a horſe, and with all ſpeede rode his waye in hope to haue eſcaped: but his keepers aduiſed thereof, folo|wed hym with hewe and crye, tyll at lengthe they ouertooke him in a medow ground, wher he had layde his horſe vp to the belly in a qua [...]e myre, and ſo being brought agayn, his kepers kepte hym in ſtraighte priſon, aduertiſing the king of his demeanour, Wherevpon he com|manded yt the ſight of his eies ſhuld be put out, but ſo as the balles of them ſhoulde remayne vnbroken, to auoyde the noyſome deformitie that would otherwiſe enſue if the glaſſes ſhuld take hurt.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In his return forth of the holy land he ma|ried one Sibell, the Earle of Conuerſans ſi|ſter in Puglia, hir father hight Roger or Gef|frey (as ſome bookes haue) and was nephue to Robert Guyſhard, duke of PugliaIohan. Pike. and by hir had iſſue one ſonne named William, that was after Earle of Flaunders, wherof (God wil|ling) more ſhall be ſayd hereafter.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here muſt I leaue duke Robert, and ſpeake ſomewhat of Anſelme.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Shortely after that hee was returned into England,Eadmerus. ther came letters to him from Pope Puſ [...]all, by the whiche Anſelme was authori|ſed to diſpoſe and order things as ſhulde ſeeme to him moſt expedient, and namely where the more and better parte of the Engliſhe clergie conſiſted of Prieſtes ſonnes, he committed to his diſcretion the order to diſpence with them, namely ſuche as were of commẽdable lyfe and learning, that they might be admitted to exer|ciſe the miniſterie, according as the neceſſitie of time and behoofe of the Churche ſhould re|quire. Alſo the Pope by the ſame letters gaue Anſelme authoritie to abſolue Richarde the Prior of Elie,Richard Prior of Elye. vpon his ſatiſfaction pretermit|ted, and to reſtore him to the gouernemente of the Priorie of Elye, if the king thought it ne|ceſſarie. Aboute the Calendes of Auguſte, in this yeare .1107. the king helde a Councell of Biſhops and Abbots, and other Lords of his realme in his pallace at London, and there in the abſence of Anſelm, the matter was argued and had in talk for the ſpace of three days to|gither touching the inueſtures of Churches, & in the ende, bicauſe the Pope had graunted to the king the homages of the biſhoppes and o|ther prelates, which his predeceſſor Vrban had forbidden, together with the inueſtitures. The king was contented to conſent to the Popes will in forbearing the ſame inueſtitures. And ſo after that Anſelme was come, the king in preſence of him and of a great multitude of his people, graunted and ordeyned, that from thenceforth no biſhop nor abbot ſhuld be inue|ſted within the realm of England, by the hand either of the King or any laye man, where it EEBO page image 347 was againe graunted by Anſelme, that no perſon elected into ye prelacie, ſhuld be depriued of his conſecration for doing his homage to the king. Theſe things being thus ordred, the chur+ches which through England had bin long va|cant, were prouided of gouernors, which were placed without any inueſtiture of ſtaff or ring. And amongſt other, Anſelme conſecrated fiue biſhops at Canterbury in one daye, that is to wit, William to the ſea of Wincheſter, Ro|ger that was the kings Chauncellor to Saliſ|bury, William Warlewaſt to Exceter, Re|malyne the Queenes chauncellor to Hereford, and one Vrban, to Glamorgan in Wales.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polidore. Ran. Higd.About this ſeaſon it chaunced, that where a greate parte of Flaunders was drowned by breaking in of the ſea, & ouerflowing the coũtrey, a great number of Flemings came into England, requiring of the king to haue ſome voyde place aſſigned them, wherin they might inhabite. At the firſte they were appointed to the countrey lying on the eaſt part of the Ri|uer of Tweede:Flemings com|ming ouer into England, haue places appoin|ted them to in|habite. but within foure yeres after, they were remoued into a corner by the ſea ſyde in Wales, called Pembrookeſhire, to the ende they might be a defence to the Engliſhe, there againſt the vnquiet Welchemen.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 It ſhoulde appeare by ſome writers, that this cõpanie of Flemings conſiſted not of ſuch only as came ouer aboute that tyme by reaſon their countrey was ouerflowen with the ſea,VVil. Mal. (as ye haue heard) but of other alſo that came ouer long before, that is to ſay, in the dayes of William the conqueror, through the frendſhip of the Queene their countreywoman, ſithence whiche tyme the number of them ſo increaſed, that the realme of England was ſore peſtred with them: and that therevpon king Henrye deuiſed to place them in Pembrokeſhire, bothe to auoid them ſo out of the other parts of En|glande, and alſo by their healpe to tame the bold & preſumptuous fierceneſſe of the Welch men: which thing in thoſe parties they brou|ghte very well to paſſe: for after they wer ſet|tled there, they valiantly reſiſted their enimies, and made verie ſharpe warres vpon them ſom|times with gaine, and ſometimes with loſſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5
A Councell. Si. Dunelm. Eadmerus. An. regn. 9.
In the yeare .1108. Anſelme held an other counſell, in the whiche in preſence of the king and by the aſſent of the Earles and barons of the realme, it was ordeyned, that Prieſtes, Deacons, and Subdeacons ſhould liue chaſt|ly, and kepe no women in theyr houſes, except ſuche as were neere of kinne to them,Prieſtes are ſe|queſtred from their vviues. and that ſuche Prieſtes, Deacons, and Subdeacons, as contrarye to the inhibition of the Coun|cell holden at London, had eyther kepte theyr wyues, or maryed other (of whome as Ead|merus ſayth there was no ſmall number) they ſhould put them quite from them, if they wold continue ſtill in the miniſterie, and that neither the ſame wiues ſhoulde come to theyr houſes, nor they to the houſes wher their wiues dwel|led: but if they had any thing to ſay to them, they ſhoulde take two or three witneſſes, and talke with them abroade in the ſtreete: and if any of them chanced to be accuſed of breaking this ordinaunce, he ſhoulde be driuen to purge himſelfe with ſixe ſufficiente witneſſes of hys owne order, if he were a Prieſte: And if hee were a Deacon wyth foure: and if he were a Subdeacon, with two witneſſes.Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, those Prieſtes that woulde for|goe the ſeruing of the aulter, and holye order, to remayne with theyr wiues, ſhould be depri|ued of their benefices, and not bee ſuffered to come within the quire.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But ſuche as contemptuouſly kept ſtil their wiues, and preſumed to ſaye Maſſe, if being called to ſatiſfaction, they ſhoulde neglecte it, then ſhould they be excommunicated. With|in compaſſe of whiche ſentence all Archedea|cons and prebendarie Canons were alſo com|priſed,Archdeacons and Canons. both touching the forgoing of their wo+men, and the auoiding of their companie, and alſo the puniſhemente by the Cenſures of the church, if they tranſgreſſed the ordinance. Al|ſo euerye Archedeacon was appointed to bee ſworne,Archdeacons to be ſvvorne. that they ſhoulde not take any money for fauouring any perſon in tranſgreſſion of theſe ſtatutes: and that they ſhould not ſuffer any Prieſts, whom they knew to haue wiues, either to ſay Maſſe, or to haue any vicars.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The like othe ſhoulde a Deane receyue, and that ſuche Archedeacons or Deanes as ſhoulde refuſe this othe ſhoulde bee depriued of their roomthes. The Prieſts which forſaking theyr wiues, woulde be contente to ſerue God and the Altar, ſhuld be ſuſpended from that office, by the ſpace of fortie dayes, and be allowed to haue vicars in the meane tyme to miniſter for them: and after vpon the performance of their enioyned penance by the Biſhop,Penaunce. they mighte returne to the miniſterie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane time King Henry being ad|uertiſed of the death of Philip king of France,Polidore. Philip king of Fraunce dead. and not knowing what his ſon Lewes, ſur|named Craſſus, might haply attempte in his newe preferrement to the Crown, ſayled ouer into Normandie,Levvys le Gros king of Fraunce. to ſee the countrey there in good order, and the townes, caſtelles, and for|treſſes furniſhed accordingly as the doubtful time required. And after hee had finiſhed his buſineſſe on that ſyde, he returned into Eng|lande, where he met with Ambaſſadours ſent to him from the Emperour Henrie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 348 [...]mbaſſadours from the empe|rour.The effect of whoſe meſſage was, to require his daughter Maude in marriage vnto the ſayde Emperoure, which requeſt (though ſhee was not paſte as then fyue yeares of age, hee willingly graunted vnto, and ſhewing to the Ambaſſadors greate ſygnes of loue,Maude the kings daughter fiaunced vnto the emperour. hee cauſed the eſpouſels by way of procuration to be ſolemnized with greate feaſtes and triumphes, which being ended, he ſuf|fered the Ambaſſadors to departe, honored with great giftes and princely rewardes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Eadmerus. The death of Girarde archb. of Yorke. Thomas the kings Chaplain ſucceded in that ſee.About thys tyme alſo, the Archbiſhop of Yorke Girard departed thys lyfe, and one Thomas the Kyngs Chaplayne ſucceeded in hys place, the which for lacke of money to furniſh hys iourney, and for other cauſes as in hys letters of excuſe, whyche hee wrote to Anſelme it dothe appeare; coulde not come to Canterbury for to bee ſacred of the ſame Anſelme in ſo ſhorte a tyme as was conueniente. But Anſelme at length admoni|ſhed hym by letters, that without delay, he ſhould diſpatch and come to be conſecrated. And where|as Anſelme vnderſtoode that the ſame Thomas was purpoſed to ſend vnto Rome for hys Palle, he doubted,The doubt of Anſelme. leaſt if the Pope ſhould confirme him in hys See by ſendyng to hym hys Palle, hee woulde haply refuſe to make vnto hym profeſſi|on of hys due obedience.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Anſelme vvri|teth to the Pope.Therefore to preuente that matter, Anſelme wrote to Pope Paſcall, requiring hym in no wiſe to ſende vnto the nominate Archbiſhoppe of Yorke his palle, tyll he hadde accordyng to the auncient cuſtomes, made profeſſion to hym of ſubiection, leaſt ſome contentious trouble might thereof aryſe, to the no ſmall diſquieting of the Engliſh churche. He alſo aduertiſed Pope Paſ|call, that bycauſe hee permitted the Emperour to inueſte Biſhoppes, and didde not therefore excommunicate hym, Kyng Henrye threate|ned, that withoute doubte hee woulde reſume the inueſtitures agayne into hys handes, thin|kyng to holde them in quiet ſo well as he dyd, and therfore he beſought hym to conſider what his wyſedome hadde to doe therein with ſpeede, leaſt that buylding whyche hee had well ſette vppe, ſhoulde vtterly decaye, and come agayne to irrecouerable ruine. For Kyng Henry ma|keth diligente enquirie (ſayeth he) what order you take with the Emperor.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Popes an|ſvvere to Anſelme.The Pope receyuyng and peruſing theſe Letters, wrote agayne vnto Anſelme, a very friendly aunſwere touchyng hys cauſe concer|nyng the Archebiſhoppe of Yorke. And as for the ſuffering of the Emperour to haue the in|ueſtitures, he ſignifyed to hym that he neyther did nor would ſuffer hym to haue them: But that hauyng borne wyth hym for a tyme, hee nowe mente very ſhortly to cauſe hym to feele the weyght of the ſpirituall ſwoorde of Saynt Peter, whiche alreadye he had drawen foorth of of the ſcab [...]rd, ther withall to ſtrike if he did not the ſooner forſake his horrible errour and naugh|tie opinion.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There was another cauſe alſo that moued Anſelme to doubte of the Archbiſhop of Yorke his meaning, as after it appeared.The Archbi|shop of Yorke refuſeth to come vnto Canterbury to be conſecrated For beeyng ſummoned to come and to receyue his conſecra|tion at Canterburie (as already ye haue hearde) thorough counſell of the Canons of Yorke he refuſed ſo to doe: bycauſe they informed hym that if he ſo didde, it ſhoulde be greately preiu|diciall to the liberties of that ſee, whoſe Arche|biſhop was of lyke authoritie in all things vnto the archbiſhop of Canterbury, ſo yt he was bound onely to fetche his conſecration and benediction at Canterburie, but in no wyſe to acknowledge any ſubiection vnto that ſea. For ye muſt vnder|ſtand yt there was great ſtomaking betwixte the clergie of the two prouinces of Canterburie and York about ye Metropolitan prerogatiue: & euen as occaſiõ ſerued, & as thei thought ye fauor of the prince or oportunitie of tyme mighte aduaunce their quarels, they of Yorke ſlicked not to vtter their griefs, in that (as they tooke it) ſome iniurie was offred thẽ therin.1019. The Archbiſhop of York being thus inſtructed by the canons of his church ſignified vnto the Archbiſhop Anſelme the cauſe why he came not at his calling by Letters. The copie of a parcel wherof enſueth in in this maner.
Cauſam qua differtur ſacratio mea, quam nemo ſtu|dioſius quam ego vellet accellerare qui protulerunt nõ deſislũt corroborare, quam ob rem quã periculo|ſum & quam turpè ſit contracõſenſum eccleſiae cui praefici debeo regimen ipſius inuadere veſtra diſcre|tio nouerit. Sed & quam formidabile & quam ſit euitandum ſub ſpecie benedictionis maledictionem induere.The engliſhe wherof is this:
Compare 1587 edition: 1
The cauſe why my conſecration is deferred, whiche no man liuing woulde wiſhe to bee done with more ſpeede, than I my ſelfe: Thoſe that haue ſette it foorth, ceaſſe not to confirme, wher|fore howe daungerous and how diſhoneſte it ſhoulde bee for mee to inuade the gouernance of that churche which I ought to rule withoute conſente of the ſame, your diſcretion ryght well vnderſtandeth, yea and alſo howe dreadfull a thyng it is, and howe muche to bee auoyded to receyue a curſſe, vnder coloure of a bleſ|ſyng.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Anſelme hauing alreadie written twice vnto the electe [...] Archebiſhoppe of Yorke aboute thys matter, and nowe receyuyng this aun|ſwere, coulde not bee quiet in his mynde to ſuf|fer it thus to reſte, and therevppon takyng ad|uice with certaine Biſhops whiche he called vn|to him, determined to ſende two biſhoppes vnto the ſaid elect of Yorke: & ſo the biſhop of London EEBO page image 349 as Deane to the Archbiſhop of Canterbury,The Bishop of London deane to the bishop of Canterbury The bishop of Rocheſter his chaplayne. and the biſhop of Rocheſter as his chaplayn of houſ|hold were ſent to commune with him, who met them at his manour of Southwell, where they declared to him the effecte of their meſſage but he deferred his anſwer til a meſſanger which he had ſent to the king (as thẽ being in Normãdie) was returned, and ſo without any full anſwere, the biſhops came backe againe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſhortly after, there commeth to Canter|bury a meſſenger on the behalfe of the Archbiſhop of Yorke with letters encloſed vnder the Kings ſeale, by the tenour wherof, the king commaun|ded Anſelme that the conſecration of the ſayde Archbiſhop of Yorke might ſtaye till the feaſt of Eaſter, and if he might retourne into Englande by that day, he promiſed (by the aduice had ther|in of the Biſhoppes and barons of his realme,) that he woulde ſet a direction in all matters be|twixt them, whereof any controuerſie had bene moued heretofore: or if hee coulde not returne ſo ſoone, he would yet take ſuch order, that brother|ly loue and concorde might remain betwixt thẽ. When he that brought theſe letters required an anſwer, Anſelme anſwered, that he wold ſigni|fie his mynde to the king,Anſelme ſen|deth to the K. and not to his maiſter. immediatly therfore was the Deane of Chiche|ſter ſent from Anſelme, with a Monke of Be|chellovyn ouer to the king, to enforme him of all ye matter, & to beſeeche his maieſtie, ſo by his au|thoritie to vſe prouiſion, that no diſcorde ſhould riſe to the diuiding of the preſent ſtate of the chur+che of Englande. Furthermore, wheras he had commaunded him to graunt vnto Thomas the Archbiſhop of Yorke, a tyme of reſpite, he ſhulde take for a certaine anſwere that he would rather ſuffer himſelfe to be cut in peeces, than to graunt ſo muche as one houres ſpace vnto the electe of Yorke, whome he knewe alreadie to haue ſet him ſelfe vniuſtly againſt the auncient conſtitutions of holy fathers & againſt the Lord himſelfe. The meſſengers yt were ſent to declare theſe things to the kyng returned, bringing word that the king had heard their meſſage with fauourable mynde, and promiſed by the power of God, to declare to the world that he coueted an vnitie, and not any diuiſion in the churche of Englande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Anſelme ſicke.All this meane whyle Anſelme was deteyned with long and greuous ſickneſſe, and yet not for|getfull of the rebellious doings of the electe of Yorke, he wrote Letters vnto hym, by the te|noure whereof, he ſuſpended hym from exerci|ſing all paſtorall function, till he had reformed hys errour, and ſubmitted hymſelfe to receyue his bleſſing, and acknowledged hys ſubiection vnto the Churche of Canterbury, as hys prede|ceſſoures Thomas and Girarde, after the cu|ſtome and accordingly as theyr aunceſtors had doone before him. And thus he charged him vpon payne of curſing, except he woulde renounce his Archebiſhoppes dignitie: for in ſo doing he did graunte him licence to vſe the office and mini|ſterie of a Prieſt, (whyche before tyme he had taken vpon hym) or elſe not.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſame letters he did alſo forbid all the Byſhoppes within the precincte of the Iſle of Bri [...]tayne, that in no wyſe they ſhoulde con|ſecrate hym, vpon payne of curſſyng: And if hee ſhoulde chaunce to bee conſecrated by any ſtraunger, that in no wyſe they ſhoulde vnder the lyke payne receyue hym for Archebiſhoppe, or communicate with him in any condition.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Euerye Biſhoppe alſo within the whole Ile of Brytayne hadde a copie of theſe Letters di|rected to them from Anſelme vnder his ſeale,Letters from Anſelme. commaunding them to behaue themſelues ther|in according to the conteintes and as they were bounde by the ſubiection whyche they ought to the Churche of Canterbury.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The letters were dated alyke in Marche, but vpon the .xxj. of Aprill enſuing,1109. Anſelme ended his lyfe in the ſixteenth yeare after his firſt pre|ferremente to that ſea,An. reg. 10. , beeing threeſcore and ſix|tene yeares of age. He was an Italian, borne in Piemont, neere to the Alpes,Auguſta Pretoriana. in a Citie cal|led Aoſta, he was brought vp alſo by Lanfrank and before he was made Archebiſhoppe, he was Abbotte of the Monaſterie of Bechellovyn in Normandie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame tyme was the Biſhoppes ſea of Elye erected by the King, Mat. VVest. The firſt erec|tion of the bi|shoprik of Ely. Eadmerus. who appoyn|ted one Haruy to bee the firſte Biſhoppe there, that before had bin Biſhop of Bangor. In lyke maner Cambrigeſhire was annexed to that ſea, and bicauſe the ſame had of former tyme belon|ged to the ſea of Lincolne, the kyng gaue vnto the Biſhoppe of Lincolne as it were in recom|pence, the towne of Spalding whiche was his owne. The Priour of Ely, named Richarde,Richard priour of Elye. deſirous to honour himſelfe and his houſe wyth the title of a Biſhoppes dignitie, procured the e|rection of that Biſhoprike, firſt mouyng the king therin, and after perſwading with the Biſhoppe of Lincolne to graunt his good will: but yet ere the matter was brought to ende, thys Pryoure dyed, and ſo the ſaid Haruy enioyed the roomthe,Polidore wherein the Prouerbe tooke place, That one ſo|wed, an other reapeth (as Polydore allegeth it.) But to proceede.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Shortly after the deceaſſe of Anſelme,Eadmerus: there came a Legate from Rome, that brought wyth him the palle for the Archebiſhoppe of Yorke, but nowe that Anſelme was departed thys lyfe,A legate from Rome. the ſayde Legate wyſt not what to make of the matter, bycauſe hee was appoynted to deliuer the palle firſte vnto Anſelme, and to doe fur|ther EEBO page image 350 concerning the beſtowing therof, as ſhould ſeeme good vnto hym. In the feaſt of Pentecoſt nexte enſuing, the king beeing retourned oute of Normandie held his court at London, and after the ſolemnitie of that feaſt, hee called an aſſem|ble of the Biſhops, to vnderſtande what oughte to be done in the matter, for the conſecration of the Archbiſhop of Yorke.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heere were the Letters ſhewed, whiche the Archbiſhoppe Anſelme hadde a little before his death directed vnto euery of the biſhops as before ye haue heard, the which when the Erle of Mel|lent had read,The Erle of Mellent. and vnderſtode the effect of them, He aſked what hee was that durſte receyue any ſuche letters without the kings aſſente and com|maundement?
Compare 1587 edition: 1 At lengthe the Biſhops aduiſing themſelues what they hadde to doe,Samſon bishop of VVorceter. required Samſon the Byſhoppe of Worceſter to declare his opini|on, the whiche boldely vttered his mynde thus: Althoughe thys manne whiche is elected Arche|biſhoppe, is my ſonne, whome in tymes paſte I begotte of my wyfe, and therefore oughte to ſeeke his aduancement as nature and worldly reſpectes myghte moue mee, yet am I more bounde vnto the Churche of Caunterbury, my mother, ye which hath preferred me to this honor which I doe beare, and by the miniſtery of a Bi|ſhoplyke office hathe made mee partaker of that grace, whiche it hathe deſerued to enioye of the Lorde. Wherfore I would it ſhould be notifyed vnto you all, that I meane to obey in euery con|dition, the commandement conteined in the let|ters of our father Anſelme concerning the mat|ter which you now haue nowe in hande. For I will neuer giue myne aſſente, that he whyche is the electe of York ſhall be conſecrated, til he haue profeſſed his due and canonicall obedience tou|chyng hys ſubiection to the Churche of Can|terburie. For I my ſelfe was preſent when my brother Thomas Archebiſhoppe of Yorke be|ing conſtreyned bothe with auncient cuſtomes and inuinicible reaſons did profeſſe the like ſub|iection vnto the Archebiſhoppe Lanfranke, and to all his ſucceſſours, the Archbiſhoppes of Can|terburie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The proteſta|tion of the bi|shope to the king.Theſe things beeing thus vttered by the Bi|ſhoppe of Worceſter, all the Biſhoppes retur|ned together, and cõming before the kyngs pre|ſence, boldly confeſſed that they hadde receyued Anſelmes letters, and woulde not do any thing contrary to the tenour of the ſame. Hereat the Earle of Mellent ſhooke the head, as though he ment to accuſe them of contempte towardes the kyng. But the Kyng himſelf vttered his mynd, and ſayd, That whatſoeuer other men thought of the matter, he ſurely was of the lyke mynde with the Biſhops, and woulde be loth to runne in daunger of Anſelmes curſſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wherevpon it was determined, that the elect of Yorke ſhoulde eyther acknowledge his ſubiec|tion to the Churche of Canterbury, or elſe for|goe his dignitie of Archbiſhop: and ſo in the end he came to London, where vpon the .xxviij. day of Maye, hee was conſecrated by Richarde the Biſhop of London, as Deane to the ſea of Canterburye, and there hauyng the profeſſion whiche he oughte to make his ſubiection to the ſea of Canterbury deliuered to him vnder ſeale, he brake vp the ſame, and read the wrttyng in forme as followeth:
Compare 1587 edition: 1
Ego Thomas Eboracenſis eccleſiae conſecrandus Metropolitanus profiteor ſubiectionem & canoni|cam obedientiam ſanctae D [...]robernenſi eccleſia & eiuſdem Eccleſiae primati canonice electo & conſe|cr [...]o & ſucceſſoribus ſuis canonice inchronizatis ſalua fidelitate Domini mei Henrici regis Anglo|rum & ſaluae obedientia ex parte mea tenẽda,The tenour of the profeſsion vvhiche the Archb. of York made vnto the Archbishop of Canterbury. quã Thomas anteceſſor meus ſanctae Romanae eccleſiae ex part [...] ſua profeſſus est.The Engliſh wherof is thus.
Compare 1587 edition: 1
I Thomas to be conſecrated Metropolitane Archbyſhop of Yorke profeſſe my ſubiection and canonicall obedience vnto the holy Church of Canterburye, and to the primate of the ſame churche canonically elected and conſecrated, and to hys ſucceſſoures Canonically inthronizate, ſauyng the faythe which I owe vnto my ſoue|raine lord K. Henry inthronizated, ſauing the o|bedience to be holden of my parte, which Tho|mas my anteceſſour profeſſed on his behalfe vn|to the holy churche of Rome.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 When this writing was thus redde, the Bi|ſhoppe of London tooke it, and deliuered it vn|to the Prior of Canterbury, appoynting him to keepe the ſame as a witneſſe, and recorde of the thing in tyme to come.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus was Thomas the Archebiſhoppe of Yorke conſecrated the .xxvij. in number that had gouerned that See,1110. and when he was thus conſecrate, the Popes Legate went vnto York, and there delyuered to the ſame Archebiſhoppe, the Palle, and ſo hauyng inueſted hym there|with, he departed and retourned towards Rome as he was appointed. At the feaſt of Chriſtmaſſe next enſuing, the king helde his courte at Lon|don with greate ſolemnitie. The Archbiſhop of Yorke prepared to haue ſette the crowne on the kings head, and to haue ſong the Maſſe afore hym, bycauſe the Archebiſhoppes ſea of Can|terburye was voyde: But the Biſhop of Lon|don woulde not ſuffer it, claymyng as hyghe Deane to the ſea of Canterburye to execute that office and ſo did,Strife betvvixt Bishops. leading the kyng to the Churche after the maner: but when they ſhould come to ſitte downe at diner, there roſe eftſoones a ſtryfe betwixte the ſayde two Biſhops aboute EEBO page image 351 their places, bycauſe the Biſhoppe of London, for that hee hadde bene ordeyned long before the Archebiſhoppe, and therefore not onely as Deane to the Sea of Canterburye, but alſo by reaſon of prioritie, pretended to haue the vpper ſeate. But the King perceyuing theyr maner, woulde not heare them, but commaunded them out of his houſe, and to gette them to dynner at their Innes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 11. Aboute the ſame tyme the cauſe of the ma|ryage of Prieſtes and their keeping of Women come againe into queſtion, ſo that by the kings commaundement, they were more ſtraightly for|bidden the companye of women than before in Anſelmes tyme. For after hys deceaſſe dyuers of them (as it were promiſing to themſelues a newe libertie to doe that whiche in his lyfe time they were conſtrayned ſore againſt their willes to forbeare,) deceiued themſelues by their haſtie dealing: For the King being enfourmed ther|of, by the for [...] of the Eccleſiaſtical lawes com|pelled them to ſtande to and to obeye the decree of the Counſell holden at London by Anſelme; (as before ye haue hearde) at the leaſte wyſe in the ſight of men: But if ſo it be (ſayeth Ead|merus) that the Prieſts attempt to do worſe, as it were to the condemnation and reproofe of An|ſelmes dooings, lette the charge lighte on theyr heades, ſithe euery manne ſhall beare his owne burthen: for I knowe (ſayth he) that if forni|catours and adulterers God ſhall iudge, the abu|ſers of their owne couſyns, (I will not ſay their owne ſiſters & daughters) ſhal not ſurely eſcape his iudgement.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame tyme many wonders were ſeene and hearde of. The riuer of Trent neare to Notingham, for the ſpace of a myle ceaſſed to runne the wonted courſe duryng the tyme of foure and twentie houres, ſo that the chanelle beyng dryed vp, menne might paſſe ouer too and fro on foote drye ſhodde.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo a ſowe brought foorth a Pigge wyth a a face lyke to a man. And a chicken was hatched with foure feete.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer a Comete or blaſing ſtarre appea|red after a ſtraunge ſorte:VVi. Thorne. Mat. VVest. for ryſing in the eaſt, when it once came alofte in the firmamente, it kepte not the courſe forwarde, but ſeemed to goe backewarde, as if it hadde bin retrograde.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Stow Robert the kings baſe ſon created earle of Glouceſter.Aboute this ſeaſon the kyng maryed his baſe ſonne Robert vnto the Ladie Maude, daughter and heire vnto Robert Fitz Ham, and withall hee made his ſayde ſonne Earle of Glouceſter, who afterwards buylded the caſtels of Briſtow and Cardiffe, and the Priorie of S. Iames in Briſtowe, where his bodie was buryed.
Compare 1587 edition: 1
An. reg. 12.
In the yeare followyng, the Earle of An|iou named Foulke, enuying the proſperous e|ſtate of kyng Henrye, Polidore. The citie of Conſtances taken. and lamentyng the caſe of Duke Robert, wanne the Citie of Conſtan|ces by corrupting certain of ye kings ſubiects in|habiters of the ſame Citie:The king paſ|ſeth into Nor|mandie. Wherof King Hen|rye being aduertiſed, paſſed ouer into Norman|die, recouered the ſayd Citie, puniſhed the of|fendours, and reuenging hymſelf of the Earle, returned into Englande.Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this reſted there an other warre to be fi|niſhed,1112. whyche brake off the kinges ſtudye from heapyng vppe of money in his coffers, whervn|to he was moſte inordinately giuen,An. reg. 13. and wher|by hee pinched many ſo ſore, that they ceaſſed not to ſpeake the worſte of his doings: and na|mely he was euyll ſpoken of, bycauſe hee kepte ſtill the Archebiſhoppes ſea of Canterburye in his handes,The Archebi|shops ſea of Canterbury in the kings hand and woulde not beſtowe it of any man, for that he found a ſwe [...]eneſſe in receiuing all the profites and reuenues, whiche belonged thervnto, during the tyme that it remayned va|cant, whiche was the ſpace of foure yeares, or thereaboutes.1113 An. reg. 14. In like manner when he was ad|moniſhed to place ſome meete man in the roome, he woulde ſay, that he was willing to beſtow it, but he tooke the longer tyme, for that he ment to find ſome ſuch one to preferre therto as ſhuld not he too far behind Lanfrank & Anſelm in doctrine, vertue & wiſdome. And ſith there was none ſuche yet to be found, he ſuffred that ſea to be voide till ſuch coulde be prouined.The kings ex|cuſe. This excuſe he preten|ded as though he were more carefull for the pla|cing of a worthie man, than of the gaine that fo|lowed during the time of the vacation.
An. reg. 15.
Howbeit ere long after, he tranſlated one Richarde biſhop of London to that Archebiſhoprike, who lyuyng but a little while therin, he gaue the ſame to one Raulfe, as then Biſhop of Rocheſter, and made him Archbiſhop of Canterbury,Eadmerus. being the .25. in order that ruled ye ſea: He was elected at Wind|ſor the .26. of April, and on the .16. day of May he was inſtalled at Canterbury, great preparation being made for the feaſte, whiche was holden at the ſame. Soone after likewyſe hee ſente for his Palle to Rome, whiche was brought from Paſ|call, by one Anſelme, nephewe to the late Arch|biſhop Anſelme.Compare 1587 edition: 1 About whiche tyme alſo,The Popes au|thoritie not re|garded in En|glande. the Pope found him ſelfe gr [...]ued, for that his authoritie was no more eſteemed in Englande, for that no perſons were permitted to appeale to Rome for any maner of cauſes in controuerſie, and for that withoute ſeeking to obtayne his licence and conſent, they didde keepe their Synodes and their Councelles touchyng the order of Eccleſiaſticall buſyneſſe, neyther woulde they obeye ſuche Legates as he did ſende, nor come to the Conuocations which they helde, In ſomuche that one Cono the Po|pes Legate in Fraunce hadde excommunicated EEBO page image 352 all the Prieſtes of Normandye, bycauſe they would not come to a counſell or Synode which they had called. Whervpon the king being ſome|what troubled herewith, by aduice of his coun|ſell,The bishop of Exceſter ſente to Rome. ſente vnto Rome the Biſhop of Exceſter, (though he were then blynde) to talke wyth the Pope concerning that matter.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Not long after this alſo, dyed Thomas the Archebiſhoppe of Yorke: After whome ſuccee|ded Thruſtaine,Thruſtayne archb. of York. a man of a loftie ſtomacke, but yet of notable learning, who euen at the verye firſte began to contende with Raufe the Archbi|ſhoppe of Canterbury aboute the title and righte of the primacie: and though the Kyng aduiſed him to ſtande to the order whiche the late Arch|biſhops of Yorke had obſerued, he wold not ſtay the matter, ſith he perceyued that the Archbiſhop Raulfe beyng diſeaſed with ſickneſſe, coulde not attende to preuente hys doyngs. Thruſtayne therfore conſecrated certayne Biſhops of Scot|lande,Gilles Aldane bishop of ſaint Ninian. and firſt of all Gilles Aldane the elect Bi|ſhop of Sainct Nynian, who promiſed and toke his othe (as the manner is) to obeye hym in all thyngs as his primate:
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Floriacenſis VVigor [...]eſisThe Citie of Worceſter aboute thys ſeaſon was by chaunce of fyre almoſte wholly brente [figure appears here on page 352] vp and conſumed.VVorceſter brent. Whyche miſle happe bycauſe that Citie adioyneth neere vnto Wales, was thoughte to bee a ſignification of the troubles to followe,Polidor. rayſed by the Welchemen: for they conceyuing an hope of good ſpeede,The VVelche men inuade the englishe mar|ches. by the good ſucceſſe happened to them in the warres whyche they hadde with William Rufus, began nowe to inuade and waſte the Engliſhe marches. Wherevpon kyng Henry deſirous to tame their hautie ſtomackes,K. Henry en|treth into VVales vvith an armie. (bicauſe it was a griefe to him ſtill to be vexed with ſuche tumultes and reyſes as they dayly procured) aſſembled a myghty ar|mye, and goeth into Wales: And bycauſe hee knewe that the Welchemen truſted more to the aduauntage of the Woddes and Mountayns, than to theyr own ſtrength, he beſet all the pla|ces of theyr refuge wyth armed men, and ſente into the wooddes certayne bandes of menne to beate downe the ſame, and to hunte out theyr e|nimyes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Souldiours in like maner for their parts needed no exhortation: for remembryng the loſ|ſes ſuſteyned afore tyme, at the Welchmennes handes, they ſhewed well by theyr freſhe pur|ſuite, howe muche they deſyred to bee reuenged of them, ſo that the Welchemen were ſlayne on eche hande, and that in greate numbers, tyll the Kyng perceyuyng the huge ſlaughter, and that the Welchemenne hauyng throwne awaye theyr armour and weapons, ſoughte to ſaue themſelues by flyghte, commaunded the Souldiours to ceaſſe from kylling, and to take the reſidue that were left pryſoners, if they wold yelde themſelues, which they didde, and beſought the kyng of his mercie and grace, to pardon and forgiue them.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king thus hauing vanquiſhed and ouer|come the Welchemen,Garniſons pla|ced in VVales by king Henry Floriacenſis VVigorniẽſis placed garniſons in ſun|drie Townes and Caſtells, where he thoughte moſte neceſſarie, and then returned to London wyth greate triumph: Whyther came ſhortely after, Ambaſſadours from the Emperoure, re|quyring [figure appears here on page 352] the Kynges daughter fianced (as before ye haue hearde) vnto hym, and (beeyng nowe able to companye with hir huſbande) theſe Am|baſſadours came from hym, deſyring that ſhee myght be deliuered vnto them.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Kyng Henry hauing hearde theyr suite, and willing with speede to performe the same, A ſubſidie ray|ſed by the king to beſtovve vvith his daugh+ter. H. Hunt. Polidore reysed a great taxe among his subiectes, rated by euerye hyde of land which they held, and takyng of eche one.iij.s.towards the payment of the money, which was couenanted to bee giuen wyth hir at the tyme of the contracte, which when the King had leuyed with muche more towards the charges to be employed in sending hir foorth, he appointed certaine of his greates peeres to haue the conduct of hir vnto hir husbande, who wyth all EEBO page image 353 all conuenient speede conueyed hir into Germany, The King go|eth ouer into Normandy. and in very honorable manner there deliuered hir vnto the foresayd Emperoure. After thys, the King wente into Normandy, and there created his sonne William Duke of that countrey, causing the people to sweare him fealtie, and promise faythfull obedience vnto him, whereof rose a custome, that the Kyngs of Englande from thensfoorth so long as Normandy remayned in theyr handes made euer their eldest sonnes Dukes of that countrey. When he had done this with other his business in Norma(n)dy, he returned into Englande. After whych and about the fifteene day of October, the Sea so decreased and shranke from the old accustomed water markes and coastes of the land here in this Realme, Wonders. VVil. Thorne that a man myghte haue passed on foote ouer the sands and washes, for the space of a whole daye togither, so that it was taken for a great wonder. It was also noted, that the mayne Riuers which by the tides of the sea vsed to ebbe and flow twice in .24. houres, became so shallow, yt in many places men might goe ouer them without daunger, and namely the Riuer of Thames was so lowe for the space of a day and a nighte, that Horses, men, Simon Dun. Ran. Higd. Math. VVeſt. and children passed ouer it betwixt London bridge and the Tower, and also vnder the Bridge the water not reaching aboue their knees. Moreouer, in the moneth of Dece(m)ber, ye aire appeared redde,
An. reg. 16.
as though it had brenned. In like manner, the Winter was very extreme colde with Frosts, by reason wherof at ye thawing and breaking of the ise, the most parte of all the bridges in England were broken and borne downe. Soone after,1116
An. Reg. 17.
Griffine ap Ryce tooke a great pray and bootie out of the countreys subiect to the King within the limits of Wales, [figure appears here on page 353] and brenned the Kings Castels, Griffin ap Rice doth much hurt on the merches. bycause he wold not restore diuers such lands and possessions vnto him as apperteined to his father Rees or Rice. Howbeeit, the King not withstanding this businese, Polidor. beeing otherwise not troubled with anye other warres or weighty affaires deferred his voiage into those quarters, and first called a Counsell of his Lordes both spirituall and temporall at Salisburie on the ninteenth day of March, in the which, many things were ordeyned for the welth and quiet state of the land: and firste bee sware the Nobilitie of the Realme, that they should be true to him and his sonne William after his deceasse. Secondly, he appeased sundry matters then growing in controuersie betwixt the Archbishops of Yorke and Canterbury, whiche had depended long in strife, and could not as yet be ended: for the ambitious Thrustayne woulde not stande to anye decree or order therein, excep he might haue had his will, so that the K. taking displeasure with him, for suche his obstinate demeanor, commaunded him eyther to be conformable to the decree made in Lanfrankes time, Thruſtayne refuſeth to o|bey the kings pleaſure. Edmerus or else to renounce his myter, which to do, rather than to acknowledge any subiection to the Archbishop of Canterbury, hee seemed to be very willing at the firste, but afterwards he repented him of that which he had sayd in that behalfe, so that when the Counsell was ended, and the K. went ouer into Normandy, hee followed, trusting by some meanes to perswade the King that hee mighte haue his furtherance to be consecrated, without recognising any obedie(n)ce to the See of Caunterbury: but the King would not heare on that side, and so the matter rested lo(n)g in sute as after shall appeare. Heereof may it appeare as saith Polidore, how the bishops in those dayes began to be blinded with couetousnesse and ambition, not considering how it apperteyned to their duties in despising suche worldly pompe, as the EEBO page image 354 the people regardeth, only to studie for the health of mans soule.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The firſt vſe of Parliamẽts in England.Here is to be noted, that before this tyme, the Kings of Englande vſed but ſeldome to call to|gither the eſtates of the Realm after any certaine manner or generall kind of proceſſe, to haue theyr conſents in matters to be decreed, but as ye Lords of the priuie counſel in our time do ſitte only whẽ neceſſitie requireth, ſo did they whenſoeuer it pl [...]|ſed the K. to haue any conference with them, ſo that from this Henry it may be thought the firſte vſe of the Parliament to haue proceeded, whyche ſith that time hath remayned in force, and is fre|quented vnto our times, in ſo much, that whatſo|euer is to be decreed apperteyning to the ſtate of ye common wealth and conſeruatiõ thereof, is now referred to that Counſell: and furthermore, if any thing be appointed by the King or any other per|ſon to be vſed for the welth of the Realme, it ſhal not yet bee receiued as lawe, till by authoritie of this aſſembly it bee eſtabliſhed: and bycauſe the houſe ſhoulde not be troubled with the multitude of vnlearned Comoners, whoſe propertie is to vnderſtand little reaſon, and yet to conceiue well of their owne doings. There was a certayne or|der taken, what maner of Eccleſiaſticall perſons, and what number and ſorte of temporall menne ſhuld be called vnto the ſame, and how they ſhuld be choſen, by voyces of free holders, that being as atturneys for their Countreys, that whiche they confeſſed or denyed, ſhould bind the reſidue of the Realme to receiue it as a law. This Counſell is called a Parliament by a French word, for ſo the Frenchmen call their publique aſſemblies.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The manner of the Parlia|mẽt in EnglãdThe manner of their conſulting here in Eng|land in their ſayd aſſemblies of Parliament is on this wiſe, Wheras they haue to entreate of mat|ters touching the commoditie both of the Prince and of the people, that euery man may haue free libertie to vtter what he thinketh, they are apoin|ted to ſit in ſeuerall chambers, the King, the Bi|ſhops, and Lords of the Realme ſit in one cham|ber to conferre togither by themſelues, and the comoners called Knightes for the Shires, Citi|zens of Cities, and burgeſſes of good townes in an other. Theſe chooſe ſome wiſe and eloquente learned man to be their prolocutor or ſpeaker, as they tearme him, who propoundeth thoſe thyngs vnto them that are to be talked of, and aſketh e|uery man his opinion concerning the concluſion thereof. In like ſort, when any thing is agreed vppon, and decreed by them in this place (whiche they call the lower houſe in reſpect of their eſtate) he declareth it againe to the Lordes that ſitte in the other chamber called the higher houſe, deman|ding likewiſe their iudgements touching ye ſame, for nothing is ratified there, except it be agreede vpon by the conſent of the more part of both thoſe houſes, and when they haue ſayd theyr myndes thereof, and yeelded their confirmation there|vnto, the finall ratification of all is referred to the Prince, ſo that if he thinke good that it ſhall paſſe for a law, he confirmeth alſo by the mouth of the Lord Chauncellor of the Realme, who is prolo|cutor to the Lordes alwayes by the cuſtome of that houſe. The ſame order is vſed alſo by ye Bi|ſhops and ſpiritualtie in their conuocation hou|ſes, for the Biſhops ſit in one place by themſelues as in the higher houſe, and the Deanes, Archdea|cons and other procurators of the ſpiritualtie in an other, as in the lower houſe, whoſe prolocutor declareth to the Biſhops what is agreed by them. And then the Archbiſhop by the conſent of ye more part of them that are aſſembled in both thoſe cõ|uocation houſes, ratifieth, and pronounceth their decrees for lawes, remitting (notwitſtanding) the finall ratification of them to the temporall hou|ſes, & this is the order of the lawgeuing of Eng|land, and by ſuch decrees eſtabliſhed by authori|tie of the Prince, and the Lords ſpirituall & tem|porall, and Commons of this Realme thus aſ|ſembled in Parliament, conſiſteth the whole force of our Engliſhe lawes, whiche decrees are called Statutes, meaning by that name that the ſame ſhould ſtand firme and ſtable, and not be broken without the conſent of an other Parliament, and that vpon good and greate conſideration. About this ſeaſon, one Owin which ſome name Prince of Wales, was ſlayne as Simon Dimelmen. writeth, but by whome, or in what ſorte hee ſhe|weth not.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this eighteenth yeare of Kyng Henryes raigne, on all hallowen day,Simon Dun. or firſte of Nouem|ber, great lightning, thunder, and ſuche an hayle ſtorme chaunced, that the people were maruel|louſly amaſed therewith.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the thirteenth of December, there happe|ned a greate Earthquake, and the Moone was turned into a bloudy colour. But theſe ſtraunge incidents fell about the middeſt of the nyght.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 About the ſame time, Queene Maude, wife to Kyng Henry departed thys lyfe. But now to returne to other doings. It chaunced vpon occa|ſion of a ſmall matter, that right ſore and daun|gerous warres followed out of hande, betwixte King Henry, and Lewes ſurnamed the groſſe King of Fraunce: the beginning of which warre chaunced vppon this occaſion, Theobalde Earle of Champaigne diſcended of the Erles of Bloys, Polidor. Theobald Erle of Cham|paigne. was ioyned in friendſhippe with Kyng Henry, by reaſon of affinitie that was betwixt them, (for Stephan the Earle of Bloys married the Lady Adila the ſyſter of Kyng Henry.) Nowe it hap|pened, that the foreſaid Theobalde had by chance offended the aforeſaide Lewes, who in reuenge thereof, made ſharp warres vpon him, but Earle EEBO page image 355 Theobald, truſting vpon ayde to be ſent from his friends, in the meane time valiantly reſiſted hym, and at length by reaſon of a power of men whych came to him from king Henry,Hen. Hunt. he ſore vexed and ſo annoyed the Frenche King, that hee con [...]ented with Baldwin Earle of Flaunders, and Fouke Earle of Aniou,Foulk Earle of Aniou. by what meanes hee mighte beſt depriue King Henry alſo of his Duchie of Nor|mandy, and reſtore the ſame vnto William the ſonne of Duke Robert, vnto whome of right hee ſayd it did belong. Now King Henry hauing in|telligence of his whole purpoſe, endeuoured on ye other ſide to reſiſt his attemptes,King Henry paſſeth ouer into Norman|dy to aſſiſt the Earle of Chã|paigne. and after he had leuied a ſore tribute of his ſubiects, hee paſſed ouer into Normandy with a great power of men, and maſſe of money, and there ioyning with Earle Theobalde, they began to prepare for the warre, purpoſing to follow the ſame euen to the very vt|termoſt. King Lewis in the meane time ſuppo|ſing that all hope of victory reſted in ſpeedy diſ|patch of preſente affayres, determined likewiſe to haue inuaded Normandie vpon the ſudayne, but after he perceyued that his enimies were al ready, and very well prouided to reſiſt him, he ſtayed & drew backe a little while, but in the end he became ſo deſirous to bee doing with K. Henry,The French K. inuadeth Normandy. that ap|proching neere vnto the confines of Normandy, he made many ſkirmiſhes with the Engliſhmen, although no notable exployte chaunced betwixte them in that yeare to make any great accompt of.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Here will I leaue the Kings of England and France ſkirmiſhing and troubling one another, & ſhew ſomething more of the contention that was betweene the Archbiſhoppes of Caunterbury and Yorke, to the ende, that their ambitions deſire of worldly honor, may in ſome reſpect appeare. For about this very time,1117 An. Reg. 18. Anſelme the Popes Legate. The Biſhop of Canterbury goth to Rome Anſelme that was Nephew to the Archbiſhoppe Anſelme, came againe from Rome with f [...]ce authoritie to execute the office of the Popes Legate in Englande, whiche ſeemed a thing right ſtrange to the Engliſh Cleargie: and therefore the Biſhop of Canterbury to preuente other inconueniences likely alſo to folowe, tooke vppon him to goe vnto Rome further to vnder|ſtand the Popes pleaſure cõcerning this matter, and to require him in no wiſe to abridge or de|miniſh the authoritie and prerogatiue of his See of Canterbury, whych hitherto vſed to determine all cauſes riſing in his prouince. Hee came to Rome, but finding not the Pope there, hee ſente meſſengers with letters vnto him, as then lying ſicke at Beneuẽto, and obteined a fauourable an|ſwere, he came to the K. to Roan (when he had left him at his ſetting forwarde) certifying him howe he had ſpedde in this voiage: the foreſaid Anſelme was alſo ſtayed by the K. at Roan, and could not be ſuffered to paſſe ouer into England of all that time, til it might be vnderſtood by the returne of ye Archbiſhop what the Popes pleaſure ſhoulde bee further in that matter: ſhortly after whoſe repaire to the King, worde was brought alſo that Pope Paſchall was departed this life,Pope Gelaſius ſucceedeth Pope Paſcall. and that Gelaſi|us the ſecond was elected in his place, the whyche Gelaſius to auoyde the daungers that mighte en|ſue to him by reaſon of the ſciſme and controuer|ſie betwixt the See of Rome,1118 An. Reg. 19. and the Emperour Henry the fifth, came into Fraunce, where hee ly|ued not long, but dyed in the Abbey of Clugny,Calixtus the ſecond of that name Pope. & then Calixtus the ſeconde was called to the Pa|pacie. Thus by the chaunce & chaunge of Popes, the Legateſhip of Anſelme coulde take no place, although his Bulles permitted him withoute li|mitation of time certayne, not onely to call and celebrate Synodes for reformation of miſorders in the Church, but alſo for the receyuing of ſaint Peters almes to be leuied in England, (in which poynte, Pope Paſchall in his life time thoughte them in Englande very ſlacke) as by the ſame Bulles more largely doth appeare. The Archby|ſhop of Caunterbury had already ſtayed foure or fiue yeares in the parties beyond the Seas, about the matter in controuerſie betwixt hym & Thru|ſtaine the Archbiſhoppe of Yorke, who was lyke|wiſe gone ouer to ſolicite his cauſe but where as at the firſt he could not [...]nd the King in any wiſe agreeable to his minde, yet when the Counſell ſhould be holden at Rheynes by Pope Calixt, hee ſued at the leaſt wiſe for licence to goe thyther, but could neyther haue any graunt ſo to do, till he had promiſed vpon his allegiaunce (whych hee oughte to the King) not to attempte any [...] thyng there that might be preiudiciall to the Churche of Canterbury in any manner of wiſe. Neuerthe|leſſe, at his comming thyther, he ſo wrought with bribes & large giftes, yt the Popes Cou [...] (a thing eaſily done in Rome) fauoured his cauſe, yea ſuch was his ſucceſſe, that the Pope conſecrated hym with his own hands, although K. Henry had g [...]|uen aduertiſemẽt to his holineſſe, of ye cõtrouerſie depẽding betwixt Thruſtain and Raulf ye Arch|biſhop of Caunterbury, requiring him [...] no wife either to conſecrate Thruſtain himſelfe, or grant licence to any other perſon to conſecrate hym, for if he did, ſurely for his part he would baniſh hym out of all the partes of his dominion, whyche ſhould not be long vndone. But nowe to returne to the purpoſe. In this meane time, the warres were buſily purſued ſtill betwixt the two Kings of England and France,1119 An. reg. 2 [...]. The two kings of England and Fraunce ioyne in battel King Henry hurt in the battell. and a battel was fough|ten betweene them with great ſlaughter on both ſides, for the ſpace of nine houres, the forewardes on both parties were beaten downe and ouer|throwen, and King Henry receyued ſundrye ſtripes on his head by the handes of one Wil|liam Criſpine Countie de Eureux, ſo as EEBO page image 356 though his helmet were very ſtrong and ſure, the bloud yet burſt out of his mouth: wherewith hee was nothing afrayde, but like a fierce Lion layde more earneſtly about him, and ſtroke downe dy|uers of his aduerſaries,The Earle of Eureu [...] taken priſoner. namely the ſayde Criſ|pine, which was there taken priſoner at the kings feete, ſo that his people encouraged with the high valiancie and noble proweſſe of their Kyng and Chieftayne; at length opened and ouercame the mayne battell of their enimies, and then ſettyng vpon the rereward, they ouerthrew the whole ar|my of Fraunce, whych neuer reculed, but foughte [figure appears here on page 356] it out euen to the very vttermoſt.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 There dyed and were taken priſoners in thys fight many thouſands of men. The French king alſo leauing the field, got him vnto a place called Andely,Andely. Nicaſium. and the King of Englande recoueryng a Towne by the way called Nicaſium, whyche the French Kyng had lately wonne, returned vn|to Rouen, where hee was with great triumph re|ceyued, and highly commended for hys noble vic|tory thus achieued.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mat. Paris. Ia. Meir.The Erle of Flaunders (as ſome wright) was ſo wounded in this battell, that hee dyed thereof, but other affirme, that comming into Norman|dy in the yeare laſt paſt to make warre agaynſte Kyng Henry in fauour of K. Lewis, he wanne the Towne of Andeley, and an other whiche they name Aquae Nicaſij, but as he was come before the Towne of Augen in the moneth of Septem|ber, and aſſayled the ſame, hee receyued a mortall wounde in his head,The Earle of Flaunders wounded. He departed t [...]s life. F [...]ke Earle [...] be| [...]e the King [...] [...]nglandes man. and therevpon returnyng home in the ninth moneth after, when hee coulde not be cured of his hurt, hee departed this life at Roſilare the ſeuententh day of Iune.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, Fouke Earle of Aniou that be|fore had ayded the Frenche Kyng againſt Kyng Henry, became now Kyng Henries friend by ali|ance, marying his daughter vnto William King Henries eldeſt ſonne, but the Frẽch King as their hiſtories make mention, minding ſtill to be reuẽ|ged of Earle Theobald, inuaded his countrey a|ga [...]ne with a puiſſant army and had deſtro [...]ed the Citie of Chartres which belonged vnto the ſame Earle, had not the Citizens humbled themſelues to his mercy: and ſo likewiſe did the Erle as may be thought. For in the warres which immediatly followed betwixte Lewis and the Emperoure Henry, the Earle ayded the French King againſt the ſame Emperoure to the vttermoſt of his po|wer. Soone after this, the Kyng came to an en|teruiew with Pope Calixtus at Giſors, where many matters were talked of betwixt them:The King and the Pope come to an enteruew at Giſors. a|mongſt other, the Kyng required of the Pope a graunt of all ſuche liberties as his father enioyed within the limittes of Englande and Norman|dy; and chiefly, that no Legate ſhoulde haue any thyng to doe within Englande; except hee requi|red to haue one ſente to hym for ſome vrgente cauſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 All whyche matters beeing determined as the ſtate of the tyme preſente required,The Pope is a ſutor for Thruſtayne. the Pope be|ſoughte the Kyng to bee good vnto the Archby|ſhop Thruſtayne, and to reſtore hym to his See, but the Kyng confeſſed that he had vowed neuer ſo to doe whyleſt hee lyued, wherevnto the Pope aunſwered, that hee was Pope,The Pope of|fereth to diſ|charge the K. of his vowe. and by his Apo|ſtolike power hee woulde diſcharge hym of that vowe if he woulde ſatiſfie hys requeſt. The kyng to ſhifte the matter off, promiſed the Pope that hee woulde take aduice of his Counſell, and ſignifye to hym further as the cauſe required, and departyng from thence, Edmerus The kings an|ſwere ſent to the Pope. dyd afterwards vp|pon farther deliberation ſend to hym this meſſage in effect as followeth:
Where as hee ſayth hee is Pope, and will (as he ſayd) aſſoyle me of ye vowe EEBO page image 357 whiche I haue made, if contrary thereto I will reſtore Thruſtane to the See of Yorke. I thinke it not to ſtand with the honor of a King, to con|ſent in any wiſe vnto ſuch an abſolution: for who ſhall beleeue an others promiſe heereafter, if by mine example he ſee the ſame ſo eaſily by an ab|ſolution to bee made voyde? but ſith hee hathe ſo great a deſire to haue Thruſtaine reſtored, I ſhal be contented at his requeſt, to receyue him to hys ſee,Simon Dun. Edmerus. with this condition, that he ſhal acknowledge his Church to be ſubiect vnto the See of Caun|terbury as his predeceſſours haue done before him, although in fine this offer would not ſerue the turne.But now to returne againe to the two Princes. Not long after the departure of ye Pope from Giſors,
Sim. Dunel. An. Reg. 21.
The Kings of England and Fraunce are accorded. VVil. Mal.
Fouke Erle of Aniou foũd meanes to make an agreement betwixt King Henry, and King Lewis, ſo that William ſonne to Kyng Henry, did homage vnto King Lewes for the Duchie of Normandy. And further it was ac|corded betweene them, that all thoſe that hadde borne armor eyther on the one ſide or the other, ſhould be pardoned, whoſe ſubiectes ſoeuer they were.Edmerus. In like maner, Raulfe the Archbiſhoppe of Caunterbury returned into Englande, after hee had remayned long in Normandy, bycauſe of ye controuerſie betwixt him & Thruſtaine ye Arch|biſhop of Yorke as is aforeſaid. And ſhortly after his returne to Caunterbury,Alexander K. of Scottes. there came meſſen|gers with letters from Alexander K. of Scotlãd vnto him, ſignifying, that where the See of the Biſhopricke of S. Androwes was voyde, the ſame K. did inſtantly require him to ſende ouer Edmer a Monke of Caunterbury (of whome he had heard great commendation for his ſufficien|cy of vertue and learning) to be placed Biſhoppe in that See. This Edmer is the ſame whyche wrote the hiſtory entituled Hiſtoria nouorum in Anglia, out of the whiche as may appeare, wee haue gathered ye moſt part of that which we haue here written of Anſelme and Raulf Archbiſhops of Canterbury,Edmer An|ſelmes Diſci|ple. in whoſe dayes he liued, and was Anſelmes Diſciple. The Archbiſhop Raulf was contented to ſatiſfie the requeſt of King Alexan|der in that behalfe, and ſo obteyning the conſente of K. Henry withall, hee ſente the ſayd Eadmer into Scotlande with letters of commendation vnto the ſaid K. Alexander, the whiche receyued him right ioyfully, and ſo the third day after hys comming thither, beeing the feaſt of the Apoſtles Peter & Paule, hee was elected Archbiſhop of S. Androwes by the Cleargie and people of ye land, to the greate reioycing of Alexander, and the reſt of the nobilitie. The next day after alſo, the king talked with him ſecretly of his conſecration, and vttered to him how he had no mind to haue hym conſecrated at the hands of Thruſtayne Archbi|ſhop of Yorke, in which caſe when he was enfor|med by the ſaid Edmer, that no ſuch thing neded to trouble his mind, ſince the Archbiſhop of Can|terbury being primate of al Britaine, might cõ|ſecrate him as reaſon was, hee coulde not away with that anſwere, bycauſe he woulde not heare that the Church of Canterbury ſhould be prefer|red before the Church of S. Androwes: whervpõ he departed from Eadmer in diſpleaſure, and cal|ling one William ſometime Monke of S. Ed|mondſbury vnto him, a man alſo that hadde go|uerned or rather ſpoyled the Churche of S. An|drow in the vacation, he cõmaunded him to take vpon him the charge thereof againe, meaning vt|terly to remoue Edmer as not worthy of ye rome, howbeeit, within a moneth after, to ſatiſfie the minds of his nobles,Edmer recey|ueth his ſtaffe frõ an aulter. he called for the foreſaid Ed|mer, & with much adoe got him to receiue ye ſtaffe of ye Biſhopricke, taking it from an aulter wher|on it lay (as if he ſhuld receiue that dignitie at the hands of the Lord) whereby he was inueſted, and went ſtraight to S. Androwes Church where he was receyued by the Q. and the ſchollers, and all the people, for their true & lawful Biſhop. In this meane while, Thruſtain, not ſlacking his ſute in the Popes Court, obteyned ſuche fauour, and the K. of England alſo was ſo laboured vnto, yt hee wrote thrice letters vnto ye K. of Scotland, & alſo once vnto ye Archb. of Canterbury, that neyther the K. ſhuld permit Edmer to be cõſecrated, nor the Archb. of Caunt. in any wiſe conſecrate hym if he were therevnto required. Heerevpon it came to paſſe, yt finally Edmer, after he had remayned in Scotland twelue monethes, or thereaboutes, & perceiued that things went not as he would haue wiſhed, for yt he could not get ye Kings conſent yt he ſhould be cõſecrate of the Archbiſhop of Can|terbury as it was firſt meant both by the Archbi|ſhop and Edmer, he departed out of Scotland, & returned againe to Canterbury, there to take fur|ther aduice in al things as cauſe ſhuld moue him. In like maner, K. Henry hauing quieted his bu|ſines in Fraunce, returned into England,King Henry returneth into Englande. where he was receiued and welcomed home with greate ioy and triumph: but ſuche publike reioycing la|ſted not long with him, but was chaunged into a general mourning by aduertiſement giuen of ye death of ye kings ſonnes,Ran. Higd. VVil. Mal. Polidor. Math. Paris.
The Kings ſonnes and his daughter with other nobles are drowned by Shipwracke.
Williã Duke of Nor|mãdy, and Richard his brother, yt which togither with their ſiſter ye Lady Mary yt was Coũteſſe of Perch, Richard Erle of Cheſter, with his bro|ther Otwell yt was gouernour to Duke Williã, and the ſaid Erle of Cheſter his wife the Kyngs neece, the Archdeacon of Hereforde, with Geffrey Riddle, Robert Manduit, and William Bigot, and diuers other, to the number of an C. and .xl. perſons, beſide fiftie mariners tooke Ship at Har|flewe, thynking to folow the King, and ſayling forth with a South winde, their Ship through EEBO page image 358 negligence of the Marriners which hadde dronke more than was conuenient, were throwen vpon a Rocke, and vtterly periſhed on the coſt of Eng|land, vpon the .25. of Nouember, ſo that of all the [figure appears here on page 358] company, there eſcaped none but one Butcher, who catching hold of the maſt, was driuen with the ſame to the ſhore which was at hande,VVil. Mal. and ſo ſaued from that daungerous Shipwracke. Duke William might alſo haue eſcaped very wel, if pi|tie had not more moued him than the regarde of his owne preſeruation. For being gotten into the Shipboate, and launching forth toward the lãd, hee hearde the ſkriking of his ſiſter now ready to ſtriue with death, wherevppon hee commaunded them that rowed the boate to turne backe to the Shippe, and to take hir in, but ſuche was the preaſe and number of them that ſtroue to leape in with hir,VVil. Mal. Math. Paris. when the boate came, that it ſtraight wayes ſanke to the bottome, and ſo was hee drowned, with all thoſe that were already in the ſame.[figure appears here on page 358]
This end had the Kings ſonne William.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 K. Henry being thus depriued of iſſue to ſucceed him, did not a little lamẽt that infortunate chãce: but yet to reſtore that loſſe ſhortly after,
An. Reg. 22.
to witte, the tenth of April next enſuing, he married his ſe|cond wife named Adelicia,Edmerus. Hen. Hunt. a Lady of excellente beautie, and noble cõditions, daughter to ye Duke of Louayne,The King marieth a|gaine. Edmerus: and diſcended of the noble Dukes of Loraine, howbeit he coulde neuer haue any iſſue by hir. The Archbiſhop Truſtin after the maner that men obteyne ſuites in the Court of Rome, got ſuch fauour at the hãds of Pope Calixt, that finally,The Pope writeth to K. Henry, in fa|uour of the Archbiſhop Thruſtain, and accurſeth him with the Arch|biſhop of Canterbury. the ſaid Pope directed his letters as wel to King Henry, as to Raulfe Archbiſhop of Can|terbury, by the tenor whereof hee accurſed them both, and enterdited as wel the prouince of Yorke as Canterbury, from the vſe of all maner of Sa|craments and other diuine ſeruice, the Baptiſme of Infantes, and penance of them that dyed, only excepted, if the Archbiſhop Thruſtayn were not ſuffered within one moneth nexte after the re|ceipt of thoſe letters to enioy his See, withoute compelling him to make any promiſe of ſubiectiõ at all. The Kyng to be out of trouble, permitted Thruſtayn to returne into the Realme, and ſo to repaire vnto Yorke, but ſo as he ſhould not exer|ciſe any iuriſdiction out of his owne dioceſſe, as Metropolitane, till he had confeſſed his obſtinate error, and acknowledged hys obedience to the Church of Canterbury.Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe thyngs were thus a doyng, King Henry was aduertiſed that the Welchmẽ breaking the peace,The Welch|men make ſturres. Simon Dun. The King reyſeth an ar|my, to goe a|gainſt the Welchmen. dyd muche hurt on the mar|ches, and ſpecially, in Cheſſhire, within the whi|che they had burnt two Caſtels. He therefore meaning to bee reuenged on them, and that euen to the vttermoſt, aſſembled an army out of all the parties of his Realme, and entred with the ſame into Wales, but the Welchmen hearing that the Kyng was come with ſuche puiſſance to in|uade them, they waxed afrayde, and inconti|n [...]ntly ſent to hym Ambaſſadours to beſeech hym of pardon, and to graunt them peace. The Kyng [figure appears here on page 358] moued with their humble pet [...]s, tooke hoſta|ges of them, and pardoned theyr miſdoings for that tyme,The Welch|men ſew for peace. conſidering that in following the warre againſt ſuche manner of people, there was EEBO page image 359 more feare of loſſe than hope of gayne.More doubt of loſſe than hope of gayne, by the warres againſt the Welchmẽ But yet to prouide for the quiet of his ſubiects whiche in|habited neere to the merches, that they ſhould not bee ouerrunne and harried dayly by them, as of|tentymes before they hadde bin, he appoynted Warine Earle of Shreweſbury to haue the charge of the Merches, that peace mighte bee the better kept and maynteyned in the Countrey.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Simon Dun. A Chanel caſt from Torkſey to Lincolne.Soone after alſo, Kyng Henry cauſed a chan|nell to bee caſt alongſt the countrey in Lincolne|ſhire, from Torkſey vnto the Citie of Lincolne, that veſſels myghte haue paſſage out of the Ri|uer of Trente vnto the ſame Citie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, Raufe Byſhoppe of Durham be|ganne to builde the Caſtell of Norham,Norham Ca|ſtell built. H. Hunt. vpon the banke of the Riuer Tweede.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 At thys tyme likewiſe Fouke Earle of An|iou being nowe come out of the holy lande (whi|ther he wente, after the peace was made betwixte Kyng Henry and the Frenche King) beganne to pike a quarrell againſte Kyng Henry, for with|holdyng the ioynture of his daughter, whych (as before yee haue hearde) was married vnto Wil|liam the Kyngs ſonne that was drowned.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hee alſo gaue hir ſyſter in marriage vnto William the ſonne of Duke Roberte, aſſigning vnto hym the Earledome of Mayme to enioy, as in right of his wife.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polidor.In the meane tyme, Kyng Henry viſited the North partes of hys Realme, to vnderſtande the ſtate of the Countrey, and to prouide for ye ſure|tie and good gouernemẽt thereof, as was thought requiſite.
Compare 1587 edition: 1
13. Kal. of Nouember. An. reg. 23.
In the yeare nexte enſuing, the twentith of October, Raulfe the Archbiſhoppe of Caunter|bury departed thys lyfe, after hee hadde ruled that See the ſpace of eyght yeares, and then was one William made Archbiſhoppe there, in num|ber the .28. from Auguſtine.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, Henry the ſonne of the Earle Bloys that before was Abbot of Glaſtenbury, was now made Biſhop of Wincheſter, who for his ſingular bountie, gentleneſſe and modeſtie, was gretly beloued amõg the Engliſhmen. But to returne againe to the doyngs of the Kyng, it chanced about this tyme, that the parties beyond the Sea being now voide of a gouernour (as they ſuppoſe) by meanes of the deathe of the Kings ſonne,
An. Reg. 24. Robert Earle of Mellent rebelleth.
began to ſtur commotions, and ſoone after it came alſo to paſſe, that Robert Earle of Mel|lent rebelled againſt the Kyng, who being ſpedily aduertiſed thereof, ſayled forthwith into thoſe quarters, and beſieged the Caſtell of Ponteaude|mer apperteyning to the ſayd Earle and toke it. About the ſame tyme alſo,H. Hunt. the King fortifyed the Caſtell of Roan,The Caſtell of Roan fortified Mat. Paris. cauſing a mighty thicke wall, with turrets about the ſame Caſtell to be buylded for defence thereof.Compare 1587 edition: 1 Likewiſe, he repared and made ſtrong the Ca|ſtell of Caen, with the Caſtels of Arches, Gy|ſors, Faleiſe, Argentone, Damfront, Vernon, Ambres, with other, in whiche meane ſeaſon, the Erle of Mellent deſirous to be reuenged of King Henry, procured aide where he could get any,
Anno reg. 25 Polidor. Hen. Hunt. Mat. Par.
and ſo with Hugh Earle of Mountfert, he entred in|to Normandy, waſting and deſtroying ye Coun|trey with fire and ſworde, thinking ere long to bring the ſame to his obedience: but the Kyngs Chamberlayne and Lieutenaunte in thoſe par|ties named William de Tankeruile, being there|of aduertiſed, layd an ambuſh for them, and trai|ning them within the daunger thereof, ſet vppon them, and after long fyght, tooke them both priſo|ners with diuers other, and preſented them both vnto the King, whereby the warres ceaſſed in that countrey for a time.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The King hauing in this manner purchaſed his quietneſſe by the ſword, obteyned ſome reſt, he gaue hymſelfe ſomewhat to the reformation of his houſe, & amõg other things which he redreſſed he cauſed al his Knights and men of warre to cut their heares ſhort, after the manner of the French|men, where as before they ware the ſame long af|ter the vſage of women. After this alſo,
Math. VVeſt.
An. reg. 26. Iohannes Cre|menſis a Le|gate, ſent into Englande.
in ye yeare enſuing, being of Chriſt .1125. a Cardinall named Iohannes Cremenſis, was ſente into Englande from Pope Honorius the ſecond, to ſee reforema|tion in certayne poyntes touching the Churche: but his chiefe errand was to correct Prieſtes, that ſtill kept their wiues with them. At his firſt com|ming ouer, he ſoiourned in Colledges of Cathe|drall Churches, and in Abbeys, applying hymſelfe to lucre and wanton pleaſures, and ſo reaping where he had not ſowed, at length, about the feaſt of the natiuitie of our Lady, he called a conuoca|tion of the Cleargie at London, where makyng an Oration, he enueighed ſore agaynſte thoſe of the ſpiritualty that were ſpotted with any note of incontinent liuing. Many thought themſelues touched with his wordes, who hauing ſmelled ſomewhat of his ſecret trickes, that where he was a moſt licentious liuer, and an vnchaſt perſon of himſelfe, yet he was ſo blinded, that hee could not perceyue the beame in his owne eyes, whileſt hee eſpied a mote in an other mans, they thoughte if was not to bee ſuffered, that hee ſhoulde in ſuche wiſe call other men to accomptes for theyr ho|neſt demeanor of life, which could not render any good reconing of his own. Wherevpon they wat|ched him ſo narrowly, that in the euening after he had blowen his horne ſo loude againſt other men in declaring that it was a ſhamefull vice to ryſe from the ſyde of a ſtrumpet, and preſume to ſacre the body of Chriſte, hee was taken hymſelfe in bedde with a ſtrumpet, to hys open ſhame and rebuke: but hee beeyng reprooued thereof; EEBO page image 360 alledged this excuſe (as ſome write) that hee was no Prieſt,But this ſhuld not ſeeme to be any [...]aſt ex|cuſe, for Mat. Paris layta that the ſame day he conſe|crated the Lords body, and therefore he muſt nedes be a Prieſt. but a reformer of Prieſtes. But to cõ|clude, be beeing thus defamed, got hym backe to Rome againe from whence he came, without a|ny performance of that, about which he was ſent hither. But to returne to K. Henry, who whileſt he remayned in Normãdy, (which was for a lõg time after the apprehenſion of the two foreſayde Earles) he vnderſtood,1126
An. Reg. 27.
that his ſonne in law Hen|ry the Emperour was departed this life at Vtregt the .23. of Maylaſt paſt. Wherevppon hee ſente for his daughter the Empreſſe to come ouer vnto him into Normandy, and hauing taken order for his buſineſſe on that ſide the Sea, hee taking hir with him, returned into England before the feaſt of Saint Michael, where calling a Parliamẽt,Polidor. he [figure appears here on page 360] cauſed hir by authoritie of ye ſame to be eſtabliſhed as his lawfull heire and ſucceſſor, with an article of intayle vpon hir iſſue,An oth taken by the Lords touching the ſucceſſion to the Crowne. if it ſhould pleaſe God to ſend hir any at all. At this Parliament was Da|uid K. of Scotland, that ſucceeded after Alexan|der the fierce. There was preſente alſo Stephan Earle of Morton, and Bulleine, and ſon of Ste|phan Erle of Bloys, nephew to K. Henry by his ſiſter Adela. Theſe two Princes toke chiefly their othe amõgſt other, to obey the foreſaid Empreſſe as touching hir righte and lawfull clayme to the Crowne of England:Stephan Earle of Bolongne the firſt that offered to receiue the othe. but although Stephã was now ye firſt that was ready to ſweare, he became ſhortly after to be the firſt againe that brake that othe for his owne preferment: but ſo it commeth oftẽ to paſſe, that thoſe which receiue the greateſt benefites, do oftentimes ſooneſt forget to be thãk|ful. This Stephan lately before by his Vncle K. Henries meanes, had purchaſed to get in marri|age the only daughter and heire of Euſtace Erle of Bolongne, & ſo after the deceaſe of his father in law, became Earle there: and further, had goodly poſſeſſions in England giuen him by the Kyng, and yet (as after ſhall appeare) he kept not his oth nor couenauntes made with King Henry. Some write alſo,VVil. Malm. that there roſe no ſmall ſtrife betwixte this Earle Stephan, and Robert Erle of Gloce|ſter, in contending which of them which ſhoulde receyue this othe. Firſt the one alledging, that hee was a Kings ſonne, and the other a kings nephew. But to lette theſe things paſſe, ſhortly after this Par|liamente ended,1127 K. Henry held his Chriſtmas at Windſor, where the Archbiſhop of Yorke Thru|ſtayne in preiudice of the right of William Arch|biſhop of Canterbury,Mat. Paris. would haue ſet ye Crowne vpon the kings head, at his going to the Church: but he was put backe with no ſmall reproch,Strife betwixt the Prelates for prehemi|nence. and his Chaplayne whome he appoynted to beare his croſſe before him at his entrance into the Kyngs Chappell, contemptuouſly and with violence thruſt out of the dores with Croſſe and all by the friends of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury: and ere long, this vnſeemely contention betwixt Thru|ſtayne, and the ſayde Archbiſhop of Canterbury grew ſo hote, that not only both of them, but alſo the Biſhop of Lincolne went vnto Rome about the deciding of that enuious quarrell. Aboute the ſame time alſo, Charles Earle of Flaunders that ſucceeded Erle Baldwin,Polidor. was murthered trayte|rouſly by his owne people: and then bycauſe hee left no iſſue behind him to ſucceed as his heire, the Frenche K. Lewis made William the ſonne of Duke Robert Courtebuſe Erle of Flaunders,William ſon to Robert Curtehuſe made Earle of Flaunders. as next couſin in bloud to the ſame Charles. Troth it is, that by his fathers ſide, this William was deſcended from Earle Baldwine ſurnamed Pius, whoſe daughter Maude beeing married vnto William Conquerour, bare by him the foreſaid Robert Curthuſe, father to this William, nowe aduaunced to the gouernement of Flaunders, but he wanted not aduerſaries that were competitors of that Erledome, which ſought to preferre them EEBO page image 361 ſelues, and to diſplace hym. King Henry alſo miſlikyng with the preferment of the ſaid Wil|liã, although he was his nephew, for yt he ſuppoſed he would ſeeke to reuenge olde diſpleaſures, if he might compaſſe to haue the French kyngs aſſi|ſtãce, thought good with the aduice of his Coun|ſell to prouide agaynſt the worſt, and therevpon he tooke order for the maintenance of the warre abroade, and the ſupplie of ſouldiers, and other things neceſſarie to be conſidered of for the ſuretie of the ſtate of his Realme at home.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this bycauſe he was in diſpayre to haue iſſue by his ſeconde wife about Witſuntide,The Empreſſe Mawde mari|ed to the Earle of Aniou. Ger. Do. hee ſent ouer his daughter Mawde the Empreſſe in|to Normandy, that ſhe might bee maryed vnto Geoffray Plantagenet Earle of Aniou, and in Auguſt after he followed himſelf, and ſo the mat|ter went forwarde, inſomuche that the mariage was celebrate betwixt the ſayde Earle and Em|preſſe, vpon the firſt Sunday in Aprill, which fell [figure appears here on page 361] vpon the thirde of the moneth, and in the .27. of his raigne.
An. reg. 28. Mat. Par.
And in the yeare enſuyng, king Henry meaning to cauſe the French king to withdrawe his helping hande from his nephewe William Earle of Flaunders, paſſed forth of Normandy with an armie, and inuading Fraunce remayned for the ſpace of .viij. dayes, at Hiparde, in as good quiet as if he had beene within his owne domini|ons, and finally obteyned of the French king, that which he ſought for, that was his refuſall to ayde his nephew the ſayde Earle of Flanders. Who at length contending with other that claymed the Erledome,An. Reg. 29 la. Meir. chaunced this yeare to be wounded as he purſued his enimies vnto the walles of a town called Alhuſt, and ſoone after died of the hurt the xvj. of Auguſt.Compare 1587 edition: 1 William Earle of Flaunders deceaſeth of a wound.It was thought that the high felicitie of king Henrie was the chiefe occaſion of this Earles death, which Erle ment (if he might haue brought his purpoſe to paſſe, & being once quietly ſet in the dominion of Flaunders,The fortunate good hap of K. Henry. to haue attempted ſome great enterpriſe againſt king Henrie for the reco|uerie of Normandie, and deliuerie of his father out of priſon. And this was knowne well y|nough to king Henry, who mainteyned thoſe that made him warre at home, both with menne and money,William de Hypres. namely William of Hypres, who tooke vpon him as Regent in the name of Ste|phen Erle of Bollongne, whome king Henrie procured to make clayme to Flaunders alſo, in the tytle of his Grandmother Queene Mawde, wife to William Cõqueror. But to proceed with our Hiſtorie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When kyng Henry had ſped his buſineſſe in Normandy,
Anno reg. 30
where he had remayned a certayne ſpace both about the concluſion and ſolemniſing of the mariage made betwixt his daughter Maud the Empreſſe, and the Earle of Aniou, and alſo to ſee the end of the warres in Flaunders, he now returned into England, where he called a great Councel or Parliament at London, in Auguſt:1130
Anno reg. 31 Mat. Par. Polidore
wherin amongſt other things it was decreed, that Prieſtes which lyued [...]achaſtly ſhould be puni|ſhed, and that by the kyngs permiſſion, who herby tooke occaſiõ to ſerue his owne turne, for he regar|ded not the reformation which the Biſhops tru|ſted (by his plaine dealing) would haue folowed, but put thoſe prieſtes to their fynes that were ac|cuſed, and ſuffered them to keepe their wyues ſtyl in houſe with them, which offended the Biſhops greatly, that would haue had them ſequeſtred a ſunder. After this Parliament ended, the king kept his Chriſtmas at Worcetour, & after that his Eaſter at Woodſtocke where a certaine No|ble man named Geffrey Clinton was accuſed to hym of treaſon. In this .xxxj. yeare of king Hen|ries raigne, great death and murreyn of cattel be|ganne in this land, continuing a long tyme ere if EEBO page image 362 ceaſed, ſo vniuerſally in all places, that no towne nor village eſcaped free.VVil. Mal. in nouella hiſtoria. Polidor. Kyng Henry paſſing ouer into Normãdy, was troubled with certaine ſtraunge dreames or viſions in his ſleepe: for as he thought, he ſaw a multitude of ploughmẽ with ſuch tooles as belong to their trade & occupation. After whom came a ſort of ſouldiers with war|like weapõs: and laſt of all he thought that he ſaw Biſhops commyng towardes hym with their Croſier ſtaues ready to fall vpon hym, as they ſhould meane to deſtroy hym. And when he awa|ked, he would leape forth of his bed, get his ſword in his hand, and call to his ſeruauntes to come to helpe hym. Wherevpon aſkyng aduiſe of lear|ned men how to put ſuch fantaſies away, he was admoniſhed that whileſt he had tyme and ſpace here on earth, he ought to purge his paſſed offen|ces and ſinnes committed againſt God, with re|pentance, almes deedes, and abſtinence: he there|fore being herewith moued, began to practiſe an amendement of his former lyfe.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Polidor.About the ſame tyme alſo his daughter Maud beyng forſaken of hir huſband Geffrey Earle of Anion, came to hir father as then being in Nor|mandy. What the cauſe was why her huſband put hir from hym, is not certainly knowen: but the matter belike was not very great, ſith ſhortly after he receiued hir agayne, and that of his owne accorde. Alſo during the time that king Henrie remayned in Normandie, it chaunced that Pope Innocent the ſecond came into Fraunce to auoid the daunger of his enimies: and holding a Coun|cell at Cleremont, he accurſed one Peter Fitz Leo which had vſurped as Pope, and named himſelfe Anaclerus.
An. Reg. 32. King Henrie and Pope In|nocent meet at Chartres.
After breaking vp of the ſame Coun|cell at Cleremont, he came to Orleance, and then to Charters, meeting king Henrie by the way, who offred to the Pope all that lay in his power, to mainteyne his cauſe againſt his enimies, for the which the Pope gaue the king great thankes: and ſeeming as though he had bin more carefull for the defence of the cõmon cauſe of the chriſtian publike wealth than for his owne, he exhorted K. Henrie to make a iourney into the holy lande a|gainſt the Sarazens and enimies of the Chriſti|an religion.VVil. Malm. In this enterview betwixt the Pope and the king, the Romains were moued to mar|uell greatlye at the wiſedome and ſharpneſſe of wit which they perceyued in the Normans. For king Henrie to ſhew what learning remayned a|mongſt the people of the weſt part of Europe, cauſed the ſonnes of Robert Erle of Melent,The ſonnes of Robert Erle of Meient praiſed for their lear|ning. to argue and diſpute in the pointes and ſubtill ſo|phiſmes of Logike, with the Cardinals and other learned chaplayns of the Pope there preſent, the which were not abaſhed to cõfeſſe that there was more learning amongeſt them here in the weſt partes, than euer they heard or knew of in their owne countrey of Italy. King Henrie after thys returned into Englande,King Henrie returneth into England. and vpon the ſea was in daunger to haue bin drowned by tempeſt: ſo that iudging the ſame to bee as a warning for him to amend his life, he made many vowes, and after his landing, went to S. Edmondſburie in Suf|folk to do his deuotions vnto the ſepulchre of that king. At his cõming from thence alſo, being well diſpoſed towardes the reliefe of his people, he leſſe|ned the the tributes and impoſitions, and did iu|ſtice aſwell in reſpect and fauor of the poore as of the rich.1132
An. reg. 33.
And ſoone after, Geffray Earle of Aniou had iſſue by his wife the Empreſſe, a ſon named Henrie, who (as before is ſayd) was after king of England: for his grandfather king Henry hauing no iſſue male to ſucceed him, cauſed the Empreſſe and this Henry hir ſonne to be eſtabliſhed heyres of the realme. All the nobles and other eſtates eft|ſoones taking an othe to be their true and faithfull ſubiects.1133
An. reg. 34. Mat. Par. Hen. Hunt. Prior of Saint Oſwold as VVil. Thorne hath, and likewiſe Mat. Paris. Mat. VVeſt.
After this king Henrie kept his Chriſt|maſſe at Dunſtable, & his Eaſter at Woodſtocke.Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the ſame yere alſo (or as ſome haue in the beginning of the yere precedent) or as other haue in the yeare following, king Henrie erected a Bi|ſhops ſea at Carleil, in which one Arnulfe or ra|ther Athelwoolfe, that before was Abbot of Saint Bothoulfs, & the kings confeſſor, was the firſt bi|ſhop that was inſtituted there. Who immediate|ly after his conſecration placed regular Canons in that Church. And not long after, or rather be|fore (as by Wil. Mal. it ſhould ſeeme) king Henry paſſed ouer into Normandie, from whence nowe this being the laſt time of his going thither, he ne|uer returned aliue. And as it fel forth he tooke ſhip to ſaile on this laſt iorney thither, the ſame day in which he had afore time receiued the crowne.A greate eclipſe On which day falling vpon the wedneſday, a won|derfull Eclipſe of the Sunne and Moone appea|red beyond the common courſe, inſomuch yt Wil. Mal. whiche then liued, writeth that he ſawe the ſtarres plainly about the ſunne, at the verie time of that Eclipſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Fryday after there chaunced ſuch an earthquake here in this realme alſo,An earthquake that manye houſes & buyldings were ouerthrowne therewith.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earthquake was ſo ſenſible, or rather ſo viſible, that the wall of the houſe in the which hee then ſat was lift vp with a double remoue, and at the third it ſatled it ſelfe againe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Eclipſe chaunced on the ſeconde of Au|guſt, the king taking ſhip the ſame day to goe o|uer into Normandie, and the earthquake was vpon the Friday next after. Moreouer the verie ſame time alſo fire braſt out of certain riffes of the earth, in ſo huge flames, that neither by water nor otherwiſe it could be quẽched. In the .xxxiiij. yere of his raigne, his brother Robert Courtchuſe de|parted this life in the Caſtell of Cardiffe
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 363It is ſayde that on a feſtiuall day king Henrie put on a Robe of Scarlet,Mat. Paris. Mat. VVest. An. reg. 35. the cape whereof being ſtrayte, hee rente it in ſtryuing to put it ouer hys heade: and perceyuing it would not ſerue him, he layde it aſide and ſayde. Let my brother Robert haue this garment, who hath a ſharper head thã I haue. The which when it was brought to Duke Robert,The deceaſſe of Robert Courtchuſe. the rent place being not ſewed vp, he per|ceyued it, and aſked whether any man had worne it before. The meſſenger tolde the whole matter, how it happened. Herewith Duke Robert tooke ſuch a griefe for the ſcornefull mocke of his bro|ther, that he waxed wearie of his life, and ſayde: nowe I perceyue I haue liued too long, that my brother ſhall clothe me like his almes man with his caſt rent garmẽts. And thus curſing the time of his natiuity, refuſed from thenceforth to eate or drink, & ſo pined away, & was buryed at Glouce|ſter. King Henrie remayning ſtill in Normandy, rode rounde about a great part of the countrey, ſhewing greate loue and curteſie vnto the people, ſtudying by al meanes poſſible to winne their fa|uours, by vſing them curteouſly, & ſhewing him|ſelfe glad and merie amongeſt them, though no|thing reioyced hym more than that his daughter Mawde the Empreſſe at the ſame time was de|liuered of hir ſeconde ſonne named Geoffray, ſo that he ſawe himſelfe prouided of an aſſured ſuc|ceſſour.
Compare 1587 edition: 1
An. Reg. 36
But whileſt he thus paſſeth the time in mirth and ſolace, he beganne ſoone after to be ſomewhat diſeaſed, and neuer coulde perceyue any [...] cauſe thereof: therefore to driue his griefe away, hee goeth abrode to hunte, and we [...]ing ſome|what amended in his health therby as he thought, at his comming home, he would needes care of a Lamprey,Math. VVeſt. Simon Dun. though his phiſition counſelled him to the contrary: but he delyting moſt in that meat, though it bee in qualitie verie noyſome to health, woulde not be perſwaded from it, ſo that his ſto|macke being hurt therewith he fell immediately into an Ague and ſo died ſhortly after,King Henrie departeth this life. the firſt day of December, being as then aboute .lxvij. yeres of age, and after he had raigned .xxxv. yeres foure moneths lacking foure dayes.Compare 1587 edition: 1 His bodie was conueyed into Englande and buryed at Reading within the Abbay Churche which he had founded, & endowed in his life time with great and large poſſeſſions.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Math. VVeſt. Ran. Higd. Sim. Dunel.It is written, that his bodie to auoyde the ſtench which had infected many men, was cloſed in a Bulles ſkinne, and howe he that clenſed the heade dyed of the ſauour whiche iſſued out of the brayne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The iſſue of king Henrie the firſt.He had by his firſt wife a ſonne named Wil|liam, that was drowned (as ye haue) heard in the ſea: alſo a daughter named Mawde, whom with hir ſonnes he appoynted to inherite his Crowne, and other dominions.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 He had alſo iſſude by one of his concubines, a ſonne named Richarde, and a daughter named Mary, which were alſo drowned with their bro|ther William. By an other concubine he had a ſonne named Robert, that was created Duke of Glouceſter. He was ſtrong of bodie,His ſtature fleſhie and of an indifferent ſtature, blacke of heare, and in ma|ner balde before, with greate and large eyes, of face comely, well countenaunced, and pleaſant to thy beholders, namely when hee was diſpoſed to myrth. He excelled in three vertues, wiſedome,His vertues. eloquence, and valiancie, which notwithſtanding were ſomewhat blemiſhed with the like number of vices that raigned in him, as couetouſneſſe,His vices. crueltie, and fleſhly luſt of bodie. His couetouſ|neſſe appeared in that hee ſore oppreſſed his ſub|iects with tributes and impoſitions. His crueltie was ſhewed chiefely, in that he kept his brother Robert Courtehuſe in perpetual priſon and like|wiſe in the hard vſing of his coſin Robert Earle of Mortaigne, whome he not onely deteyned in priſõ, but alſo cauſed his eies to be put out: which act was kept ſecrete till the kings death reuealed it. And his lecherous luſt was manifeſt by kee|ping of ſundrie women.His wiſdome. But in his other affay|res he was circumſpect, and in defending his own very earneſt and diligent, ſuch warres as might be auoyded with honourable peace he euer ſought to appeaſe. But when ſuch iniuries were offred as he thought not meete to ſuffer, he was an im|pacient reuenger of the ſame, ouercomming al pe|rils with the force of vertue and manly courage,His manly courage. ſhewing himſelfe eyther a moſt louing friend, or elſe an extreeme enimie: for his aduerſaries hee would ſubdue to the vttermoſt, and his friends he vſed to aduaunce aboue meaſure. And herein he declared the propertie of a ſtoute Prince: which is Parcere ſubiectis, & debellane ſuperbos, that is, to bring vnder the proude enimies, and to fauour thoſe that ſubmit themſelues and ſeeke for mercy. With the conſtant rigour of iuſtice he ruled the common [...] quietly, and entertayned the Nobles honorably. Theeues, counterfeyters of money,His zeale to iuſtice. and other tranſgreſſours he cauſed to bee ſought out with greate diligence, and when they were found, to be puniſhed with great ſeuerity. Neither did he neglect reformations of certaine naughtie abuſes. And as one Author hath written, Sim. Dunel. Theeues ap|poynted to be hanged. he or|dayned that theeues ſhould ſuffer death by han|ging. Whẽ he heard that ſuch peeces of mony as were cracked would not be receyued amongſt the people, although the ſame were good and fine ſil|uer, he cauſed all the coyne in the Realme to bee eyther broken or ſ [...]it: he was ſober of diet, vſing to eate rather to quench hunger than to pamper him ſelfe vp with many dayntie ſortes of banketting diſhes, and neuer dranke but when thirſt moued EEBO page image 364 him, he woulde ſleepe ſoundly and ſnore oftenty|mes till he wakened therewith. He purſued hys warres rather by policie than by the ſworde,His policie. and ouercame his enimies ſo neare as he coulde with|out bloudſhed, and if that might not be, yet with ſo ſmall ſlaughter as was poſſible. To conclude, hee was not inferiour to any of the kings that reigned in thoſe dayes,His prayſe for his Princely gouernment. in wiſedome and policie, and ſo behaued himſelfe, that hee was honou|red of the Nobles, and beloued of the commons. He buylded diuerſe Abbayes both in Englande and in Normãdie,Reading Ab|bay buylded. but Reading was the chiefeſt. He alſo buylded the Manour of Woodſtocke, with the Parke there, in whiche beſide the greate ſtore of Deare, hee appoynted diuerſe ſtraunge beaſtes to be kept and nouriſhed, whiche were brought and ſent vnto him from Countreyes farre diſtaunt from our partyes, as Lions, Leo|pardes, Lynxes, and Porkepines. His eſtima|tion was ſuche amongeſt forrayne Princes, that fewe woulde willingly offende him.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Morchav king of Irelande and his ſucceſ|ſours had him in ſuche reuerence,Morchad king of Irelande. that they durſt doe nothing but that which he commaunded, nor write any thing but that whiche might ſtande with his pleaſure, although at the firſt the ſame Morchad attempted ſomthing againſt the Eng|liſh men more than ſtoode with reaſon but after|warde vpon reſtraint of the entercourſe of Mar|chandice, hee was glad to ſhewe himſelfe more friendly.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Orkney.Moreouer the Earle of Orkney, although he was the king of Norwayes ſubiecte, yet hee did what hee coulde to procure king Henries friend|ſhip, ſending vnto him oftentymes preſents of ſuche ſtraunge beaſtes and other things, in the which he knewe himſelfe to haue great delyte and pleaſure. He had in ſingular fauour aboue all other of his Councell,Roger Biſhop of Salisburie. Roger the Biſhop of Sa|liſburie, a politike Prelate, and one that knewe howe to order matters of great importance, vnto whome hee committed the gouernment of the Realme moſt commonly whileſt he remayned in Normandie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this Henrie ended the line of the Normans as touching the heyres male, and then came in the Frenchmen by the tytle of the heyres generall, after that the Normans had raigned about .lxix. yeares (for ſo many are accounted from the com|ming of William Conquerour, vnto the begin|ning of the raigne of king Stephen, who ſuccee|ded next after this foreſayde Henrie.)
Compare 1587 edition: 1 As well in this kings dayes, as in the time of his brother William Rufus, mẽ forgetting their owne ſexe and ſtate, tranſformed themſelues into the habite and fourme of women, by ſuffring their heares to growe at length, the which they curled and trimmed verie curiouſly,The abuſe of wearing long heares. after the maner of Damoſels and yong Gentlewomen: and ſuche account they made of their long buſhing perukes, that thoſe which woulde be taken for Courtiers, ſtroue with women who ſhoulde haue the longeſt treſſes, and ſuch as wanted, ſought to amende it with arte and by knitting wreathes aboute their heades of thoſe their long and ſide lockes for a brauerie.
Mat. VVeſt.
Yet we read that king Henrie gaue cõ|maundement to all his people to cut their heares, about the .28. yere of his reigne. Preachers in deed inueyed agaynſt ſuch vnſeemely maners in men, as a thing more agreeable for women, than for their eſtate.Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wil. Mal. reciteth a tale of a knight in thoſe dayes that tooke no ſmall liking of himſelfe for his fayre & long heares, but chauncing to haue a right terrible dreame as he ſlept one night (it ſeeming to him that one was about to ſtrangle him with his owne heares which he wrapped about his throte and necke) the impreſſion thereof ſanke ſo deepely into his minde, that when hee awakened oute of that dreame, he ſtreight wayes cauſed ſo much of his heare to bee cutte, as might ſeeme ſuperflu|ous. A great number of other in the realme fol|lowed his cõmendable example, but their remorſe of conſcience herein that thus cauſed them to cut their heares, continued not long, for they fell to the like abuſe againe, ſo as within a .xij. monethes ſpace they exceeded therein as farre paſt all termes of ſeemely order as before.