You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 14 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 661) O.
- OBren king of Thomond ſlaine. 49
- Obren. 64
- Obrenroth king of Thomond ſlaine. 45
- Oconghur king of Connagh. 54
- Ocaruell. 29
- Oconther his victories. 69.70
- Odempſi. 71.49. Odoles. 69
- Offali chaſe. 46. Oghgard burnt. 67
- Ohedian Rich. Biſhop of Caſhel accuſed. 72
- Okeroll. 67. Okely. 54.70
- Oleyn Edmond. 99. Omachealewy. 29
- Omalaghlilen King of Meth his policie to ſaue his daughters chaſtitie. 14
- Omalaghlen king of Oſſorie. 29
- Omolinoy. 51. Oinore. 17
- Onalan Caſtell buylded. 40
- Oneale. 45
- Oneale Con. 81. his rebellions. 83.85.106
- Onolan. 67. Ophelan. 29
- Oration of the Lord Fitz Giralde at his re|uolting. 91
- Oration of a Scithian Prince to the king of Irelande. 6
- Oration of Omalaghlilen. 15
- Oration of Crommer Lord Chancelor. 92
- Originall of nations vncertaine. 1
- Orlaſius. 13
- Ororicke king of Meth aſſaulteth Dublin. 29. is ſlaine 32
- Oſcheles. 49. Otadheſi. 29
- Othurtheli. 29. Otothell. 59
- Othaell breaketh his othe. 70
- Oute Richard. 44
- Outlaw Roger Prior of Kilinaynam Lord Iuſtice accuſed of hereſie. 58. maketh his purgation. 59
You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 15 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 661) P.
- PAladius. 10
- Pareſe Chriſtopher betrayeth Maynoth 97. is beheaded. 91
- Parliament at Kildare. 51. at Kilkenny. ibi. at Dublin 60.61.62. at Kilkenny. 64. at Balidoill. ibid. at Dublin. 66 &c.
- Patricke Saint his whole life. 10
- Patricius. 20. Pederton Walter. 50
- Poet what it is. 11
- Perkin Warbecke. 75
- Peſtilence great whereof it came. 3. agayne 64. againe. ibid.
- Peter pens. 38. Phelanes. 41
- Phelin Oconher. 44
- Picts arriue in Ireland 6. plant themſelues in the Bles of Orkeney. 7. When they firſt came to inhabite Brytaine. ibid. their co|uenants with the Iriſhe for the ſucceſſion of their kings. ibid. they fall out with the Scottes. 8
- Piphard Raufe. 45. Plebs towne burut. 57
- Poetes fables how they haue bene taken [...]
- Poole Cardinall. 103
- Power Dominicke, ſent to the Emperour Charles the firſt. 101
- Power. 39. Power Walter. 48
- Power Euſtace his voiage into Scotlãd. 48
- Preſton. 64
- Prior of Kilmaynain. 71.69
- Prior of Conall. 67
- Prouinciall Councell. 20
- Pulle Walter. 57
You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 16 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 661) Q.
- QVeſtions propounded by the Nobles of Ireland to king Edward the third. 61
- Quinio and Liuerey. 74