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Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 11 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 661) L.
- LAcy Iohn. 51
- Lacy Hugh. 31. buildeth diuerſe fortreſ|ſes. 39. and. 41. his good gouernment and deſcriptiõ 40. is trayterouſly murthred. 41
- Lacy Richard made Lord deputie, buyldeth dyuarſe Caſtels. 40
- Lacye Huge the yonger, rewarded with the Erledome of Vlſter, his acres. 43. dyeth without iſſue male. 44
- Lacy Walter Lorde of Meth dyeth. 44
- Lacies their behauiour enquired of by an in|queſt impanelled. 55. their traiterous prac|tiſes with the Scottes. ibid. proclaymed traytors. 56
- Laigria. 1
- Lambert the counterfeit erle of Warwike. 75
- Languinna. 2. Laogerius. 5.11
- Laurence Archbiſhop of Dublin. 26.46
- Lech Iohn. 49. Legate from Rome 79
- Lemſter Iriſh their outragious actes. 59
- Lenrouſe Thomas. 102.103
- Letters from the Duke of Yorke to the erle of Saliſburie. 73
- Letters of priuate ſeale. 79
- Letters from the Lorde Butler to Thomas Fitz Giralde. 91
- Ley towne burnt. 49
- Liberties called in, what proceeded therof. 61
- Limerick by whõ founded. 19. takẽ by Rey|mond le grace. 35. beſieged. 36 burnt. ibid.
- Lionell duke of Clarence his mariage. 60 he commeth into Irelande. 64. his dealings there. ibid.
- Liſmore ſpoyled. 33. Liuery. 74
- Loggan Iohn 55. Lorde Louell. 75
- Lordes of Ireland deliuer hoſtages. 53
- Luttrell chiefe Iuſtice of the cõmon place. 92
You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 12 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 661) M.
- MAc Adam Mac Gilmore. 67
- Mac Nèmorre. 75
- Mac William. 75. Mac Mourche. 70
- Mac Mahun 72. Macgolagh. 67
- Machelan. 29. Machalther. 50
- Macgilinor Hugh ſlaine in a Church. 68
- Mac Coghlan. 46 Macbuayn. 10
- Mac Carey. 45. Madock. 12
- Maginors. 69. Maggohigam. 73
- Maynoth Caſtell fortified by the rebels. 96 beſieged by Skeffington Lorde Deputie, and betrayed. 97
- Maureuar Thom. baron of Serin ſlaine. 70
- Malachias. 13.12. Malchus 13
- Mandeuile Lorde of Barenſelly his yearely reuenues in Henrie the fourth his dayes, what. 68
- Mandueuile Iohn. 52.53.
- Mandeuile Thomas knight. 54
- Maurius king of Britaine. 6
- Maritagh Oconghuir K. of Offaly ſlain. 48
- Mariges made for ye increaſe of amity. 34.69
- Martyrs of Ireland. 12
- Maurice de Prendelgaſt. 22
- Maupas Iohn. 57
- Meiller his valiancy. 23.28. one of the chiefe conguerours of Irelande. 37. his deſcrip|tion. ivid. Kildare giuen to him. 40
- Melbrick king of Ireland ſlaine. 17
- Melingus. 12
- Melleſunt Abbey founded. 24
- Men eaten for want of vittailes. 55
- Marlyn his prophecie fulfilled. 30
- Meth. why ſo called. 3. ſpoyled by Dermotè king of Lemſter. 26. giuen to Hugh Lacy 31. ſpoiled by Radericke K. of Cõnagh. 32
- Metropolitane Seas in Irelande, which. 20
- Miles of Saint Dauid. 35
- Minot Thomas Archbiſhop of Dublin. 64
- Moloſſian hound. 8
- Monark of Ireland how he was reputed. 20
- Moores inuade the Engliſh pale. 20
- Morice king of Meth his wife abuſed. 21
- Morice Archbiſhop of Caſtell, his anſwere touching the martyres of Irelande. 12
- Mortimer Roger Lorde of Meth. 51. is diſ|comfited by the Scots. 53. is made Lorde Iuſtice. 55. chaſeth the Lacies out of Cõ|nagh. 56. is ſlaine by the Iriſh 65
- Mount Salanga. 2. Muridus. 9
You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 13 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 661) N.
- NAuiculeri littus. 1. Neale. 4
- Neal the great Monarch of Ireland. 9
- Neil Odonel takẽ priſoner by ſix Tho|mas Stanley Lord Lieutenant. 72
- Nemodus wyth his foure ſonnes ſent into Irelande. 3
- Nigelius. 12
- Nobles of Irelãd in king Edward the firſt his dayes. 47
- Norwegians inuade Irelande. 14. are ex|pulſed. 15
- Norwagth burnt by Philip Stanton. 46
- Notingham Robert, Maior of Dublin, ap|prehendeth the Erle of Vlſter, and ſpoy|leth ye Abbey of S. Mary nere to Dub. 55