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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hereof folowed great warres betwixt ye Eng|liſh and Iriſh in Leyniſter,Warres in Leyniſter. ſo that a great army was called togither forth of diuers partes of Ire|land, to reſtrayne the malice of the Iriſh in Ley|niſter, in which iourney, Sir Thomas Mande|uill Knight entred into a conflict with the Iriſh neere to Glenfell, in the whiche he bare hymſelfe right manfully, till his Horſe was ſlayne vnder him, and yet then to his greate prayſe and hyghe [figure appears here on page 49] commendation, he ſaued both himſelfe and many of his company

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Chancellor conſecrated Biſhop of Imaley.The Lord Chancellor of Irelande, Thomas Caucocke, was conſecrated Biſhop of Imaley, within the Trinitie Churche at Dublin, and kept ſuch a feaſt, as the like had not lightly bene ſeene, nor heard of before that time in Ireland, firſt to the Rich,The Archbi|ſhop of Du|blin deceaſſed and after to the poore.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Richarde Flerings Archbiſhop of Dublin de|ceaſſed on the euen of Saint Luke the Euange|liſt, to whom ſucceeded Richard de Hauerings, who after he had continued in that Sea about a fiue yeeres reſigned it ouer by diſpenſation obtei|ned from Rome, and then his Nephewe Iohn Leech was admitted Archbiſhop there.

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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 In the yeare 1306 a great slaughter was made 1306 [...] at [...]. in Offalie néere to the castell of Geschill, the thir|teenth daie of Aprill vpon Oconhur and his fréends by the Odempsies, in the which place were slaine a great number of men. Also Obren king of Tho|mond was slaine. Moreouer, Donald Oge Ma [...] Ar|thie slue Donald Russe king of Desmond. And vp|on the twelfe of Maie in the conf [...]ns of Meth, a great ouerthrow chanced to the side of the lord Piers But|ler, and Balimore in Leinster was burnt by the I|rish, Balimore burnt. where Henrie Celse was slaine at that present time. Hereof followed great wars betwixt the Eng|lish and Irish in Leinster, so that a great armie Warres in Leinster. was called togither foorth of diuerse parts of Ire|land, to restreine the malice of the Irish in Lein|ster, in which iournie sir Thomas Mandeuill knight entred into a conflict with the Irish néere to Glen|fell, in the which he bare himselfe right manfullie, till his horsse was slaine vnder him, and yet then to his great praise and high commendation he saued both himselfe and manie of his companie. The lord chan|cellor The lord ch [...]|cellor conse|crated bishop of Imaleie. of Ireland, Thomas Caucocke, was consecra|ted bishop of Imaleie within the Trinitie church at Dublin, and kept such a feast as the like had not lightlie beene séene nor heard of before that time in Ireland, first to the rich & after to the poore. Richard Flerings archbishop of Dublin deceased on the e|uen The archbi|shop of Du|blin deceased. of saint Luke the euangelist, to whom succéeded Richard de Hauerings, who after he had continued in that sée about a fiue yeares, resigned it ouer by dis|pensasion obteined from Rome, and then his nephue Iohn Léech was admitted archbishop there.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the yeare 1307 the first of Aprill, Murcod 1307 Ballagh was beheaded néere to Merton by sir Da|uid Caunton knight, and shortlie after was Adam Daune slaine. Also, a great discomfit [...] and slaugh|ter [...] discõfiture in Connagh. fell vpon the Englishmen in Connagh by the Oscheles the first daie of Maie, and the robbers that dwelt in the parties of Offalie raised the castell of Geischell, and in the vigill of the translation of Tho|mas Becket, being the sixt of Iulie, they burnt the towne of Leie and besieged the castell: but they were constreined to depart from thense shortlie af|ter, by Iohn Fitzthomas and Edmund Butler that came to remoue that siege. In the yeare 1308 king 1308 Edward the first departed this life the seuenth of Iulie.

14.1. Edward the second.

Edward the second.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _RIchard archbishop of Du|blin, after that he had gouer|ned that sée the space of fiue yeares, by reason of a vision that he saw in his sléepe, fée|ling himselfe troubled in con|science, with consideration of that dreame, resigned the next morrow all his title to the archbishops dignitie (as before ye haue heard) and contented himselfe with other ecclesiasticall benefices as seemed conuenient to his estate. This yeare by vertue of letters direc|ted 1300 The order of the Tẽplers suppressed. from the pope to the king of England, he caused all the Templers as well in England as Ireland to be apprehended, and committed to safe kéeping. The profession of these Templers began at Ierusalem, by certeine gentlemen that remained in an hostell néere to the temple, who till the councell of Trois in France were not increased aboue the number of nine, but from that time foorth in little more than fif|tie yeares, by the zealous contribution of all chri|stian EEBO page image 65 realmes, they had houses erected euerie where, with liuings bountifullie assigned to the same for their maintenance, in so much as they were aug|mented vnto the number of thrée hundred, that were knights of that order, beside inferiour brethren innu|merable: but now with wealth they so forgot them|selues, that they nothing lesse regarded, than the pur|pose of their foundation: and withall being accused of horrible heresies (whether in all things iustlie or otherwise, the Lord knoweth) they were in the coun|cell at Lions in France condemned, and their li|nings transposed to the knights Hospitalers, other|wise called the knights of the Rhodes, and now of Malta. The manner of their apprehension and com|mitting was sudden, and so generall in all places vpon one daie, that they had no time to shift for themselues.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 For first, the king sent foorth a precept to euerie shiriffe within the realme of England, command|ing them within each of their roomes to cause a pre|scribed number of knights, or rather such men of cre|dit, on whose fidelities he might assure himselfe to assemble at a certeine towne named in the same writ, the sundaie next after the Epiphanie, & that ech of the same shiriffes failed not to be there the same daie, to execute all that should be inioined them by a|nie other writ, then and there to be deliuered. The shi|riffe of Yorke was commanded to giue summons to foure and twentie such knights, or other sufficient men to méet him at Yorke. The shiriffe of Norf|folke and Suffolke, to summon twentie to meet him at Thetford. The other shiriffs were appointed to call to them some ten, some twelue, or some fourteene, to méet them at such townes as in their writs were named. The date of this writ was from Westmin|ster the fiftéenth of December, in the first yeare of this king Edward the seconds reigne. The other writ was sent by a chapleine authorized both to deli|uer the same writ, and to take an oth of the shiriffe, that he should not disclose the contents, till he had put the same in execution, which was to attach by as|sistance of those aforementioned knights, or as ma|nie of them as he thought expedient to vse, all the Templers within the precinct of his roome, and to seize all their lands, goods, and cattels into the kings hands, and to cause an inuentarie of the same in|dented be made in presence of the warden of the place, whether he were knight of the order or anie other, and in the presence of other honest men neigh|bours thereabouts, keeping the one counterpane with himselfe, scaled with his seale that made the seizure, and leauing the other in the hands of the said warden: and further to sée the same goods and cattels to be put in safe kéeping, and to prouide that the quicke goods might be well kept and looked vnto, and the grounds manured to the most profit, and to cause the bodies of the Templers attached, to be so deteined in all safetie, as that they be not yet committed to irons nor to streict prison, but to re|maine in some conuenient place other than their owne houses, and to be found of the goods so seized accordinglie as salleth for their estates, till he haue otherwise in commandement from the king: and what is doone herein, to certifie into the excheker the morrow after the purification. The date of this se|cond writ was from Biflet the twentith of Decem|ber. There was likewise a writ directed to Iohn Wogan lord iustice of Ireland, signifieng vnto him what should be doone in England, touching the appre|hension of the Templers, and seizure of their lands and goods, commanding him to procéed in sembla|ble manner against them in Ireland: but the daie and place when the shiriffes should there assemble, was left to the discretion of the said iustice and trea|suror of the excheker there, but so as the same might de doone before anie rumour of this thing could be brought ouer out of England thither. Also a like commandement was sent vnto Iohn de Britaine earle of Richmond, lord warden of Scotland, and to Eustace Cotesbach chamberleine of Scotland, also to Walter de Pederton lord iustice of west Wales, to Hugh Aldighleigh aliàs Auderleie lord iustice of north Wales, and to Robert Holland lord iustice of Chester. Thus much for the Temples. But now to other dooings in Ireland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the yeare 1308 the twelfe of Aprill deceased 1308 Peter de Birmingham a noble warriour, and one that had béene no small scourge to the Irish. The eleuenth of Maie the castell of Kennun was burnt, and diuers of them that had it in kéeping were slaine by William Macbalther, and other of the Irish, and This Mac|balther was after hanged at Dublin. The lord iu|stice discom|fited. 1308 likewise the towne of Courcoulie was burnt by the same malefactors. And the sixt of Iune, Iohn lord Wogan lord iustice was discomfited néere to Glin|delorie, where Iohn de S. Hogelin, Iohn Norton, Iohn Breton, and manie other were slaine. The six|téenth of Iune, Dunlouan, Tobir, and manie other townes were burnt by the Irish rebels. About this Iohn Decer maior of Du|blin. season, Iohn Decer maior of Dublin builded the high pipe there, & the bridge ouer the Liffie towards S. Ulstons, and a chappell of our ladie at the friers minors, where he was buried, repared the church of the friers preachers, and euerie fridaie tabied the friers at his owne costs.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iohn Wogan hauing occasion to passe into Eng|land, William Burgh did supplie his roome, vnto Burgh. whom king Edward recommended Piers de Ga|ueston, when (contrarie to the kings mind) he was Piers Gaue|ston sent into Ireland. banished by the lords of England, and about the na|tiuitie of our ladie he came ouer into Ireland, be|ing sent thither by the king with manie iewels: and beside the letters which he brought of recommenda|tion from the king, he had assigned to him the cõmo|dities roiall of that realme, which bred some trouble and bickerings there, betwixt Richard Burgh earle of Ulster, and the said Gaueston, who notwithstan|ding bought the good willes of the souldiers with his liberalitie, slue Dermot Odempsie, subdued Obren, edified sundrie castels, causeies, and bridges, but the next yeare he was reuoked home by the king, as in the historie of England it maie appeare.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the vigill of Simon and Iude, the lord Ro|ger Mortimer landed in Ireland with his wife, right Lord Roger Mortimer. 1309 heire to the seigniorie of Meth, as daughter to Piers Genuill, that was sonne to the lord Geffreie Gen|uill, which Geffreie became a frier at Trim of the order of the preachers: by reason whereof, the lord Mortimer and his wife entered into possession of the lands of Meth. In the yeare 1309, on Candlemas day, the lord Iohn Bonneuill was slaine néere to the Lord Iohn Bonneuill slaine. 1310 towne of Ardscoll, by the lord Arnold Powre and his complices, his bodie was buried at Athie in the church of the friers preachers. In the yere following, at a parlement holden at Kildare, the lord Arnold Powre was acquit of that slaughter, for that it was prooued it was doone in his owne defense. In the 1311 A parlement at Kilkennie. Campion. yeare 1311, or (as some bookes haue) the yeare 1309, Wogan lord iustice summoned a parlement at Kilkennie, where diuerse wholesome lawes were or|deined, but neuer executed. There fell the bishops in contention about their iurisdictions, namelie the bi|shop of Dublin forbad the primat of Armagh to raise his croisier within the prouince of Leinster.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Shortlie after, Rowland Ioice the primat stale by night (in his pontificals) from Howth to the priorie of Grace Dieu, where the bishops seruants met him, & with force chased him out of the diocesse. This bishop was named Iohn a Léekes, and was consecrated EEBO page image 66 not long before he kept this s [...]urre. Richard earle of Ulster with a great armie came to Bonrath in Thomond, whereas sir Robert or rather sir Richard de Clare discomfited his power, tooke sir William de Burgh prisoner, or (as some bookes haue) the earle Sir Richard de Clare. himselfe. Iohn Lacie the sonne of Walter Lacie, and diuerse others were slaine. The twelfe of No|uember Iohn Lacie slaine. this yere, Richard de Clare slue six hundred Galloglasses, and Iohn Morgoghedan was slaine by Omolmoie. Also Donat Obren was murthered by his owne men in Thomond.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The one and twentith of Februarie began a riot 1312 Robert Uer|don raiseth a riotous tu|mult. Iohn wogan lord iustice. in Argile by Robert Uerdon, for the appeasing wher|of an armie was lead thither by Iohn Wogan lord chiefe iustice in the beginning of Iulie, but the same was discomfited, and diuerse men of account slaine, as sir Nicholas Auenell, Patrike de Roch, & others. At length yet the said sir Robert Uerdon, and many of his complices came and submitted themselues to prison within the castell of Dublin, abiding there the kings mercie. The lord Edmund Butler was made deputie iustice vnder the lord Iohn Wogan, who in the Lent next insuing besieged the Obrens in Glin|delow, and compelled them to yeeld themselues to the kings peace. Also in the yeare aboue said 1312, Maurice Fitzthomas maried the ladie Katharine, daughter to the earle of Ulster at Gréene castell, and Thomas Fitziohn maried an other of the said earles daughters in the same place, but not on the same daie: for the first of those two mariages was ce|lebrated the morrow after saint Dominikes daie, and this second mariage was kept the morrow af|ter the feast of the assumption of our ladie. Also Robert de Bruse ouerthrew the castell of Man, and tooke the lord Donegan Odowill on saint Barna|bies daie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 In the yeare 1313, Iohn a Leekes archbishop of Dublin departed this life: after whose decease 1313 Campion. were elected in schisme and diuision of sides two suc|cessors, Walter Thorneburie lord chancellor, and A|lexander Bignor treasuror of Ireland. The chancel|lor to strengthen his election, hastilie went to sea, and togither with an hundred and fiftie and six persons perished by shipwracke. The other submitting his cause to the processe of law, taried at home and sped. Moreouer, the lord Iohn de Burgh, sonne and heire The earle of Ulsters sonne and heire de|ceaseth. 1314 to the earle of Ulster, deceased at Galbie on the feast daie of saint Marcell & Marcelline. Also the lord Ed|mund Butler created thirtie knights in the castle of Dublin on saint Michaels daie being sundaie. The knights hospitalers or of saint Iohns (as they were called) were inuested in the lands of the Templers in Ireland. The same yeare was the lord Theobald Uerdon sent lord iustice into Ireland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the ninth yeare of king Edwards reigne, 1315 Edward Bruse inua|deth Ireland. Edward Bruse, brother to Robert Bruse king of Scots, entered the north part of Ireland with six thousand men. There were with him diuerse cap|teins of high renowme among the Scotish nation, of whome the chiefe were these: the earles of Murrie and Mentith, the lord Iohn Steward, the lord Iohn Capteins of name with Bruse. Campbell, the lord Thomas Randolfe, Fergus de Andressan, Iohn Wood, and Iohn Bisset. They lan|ded néere to Cragfergus in Ulster the fiue & twen|tith of Maie, and ioining with the Irish, conquered the earledome of Ulster, and gaue the English there diuerse great ouerthrowes, tooke the towne of Dun|dalke, spoiled & burnt it, with a great part of Urgile: Dundalke ta|ken and burnt they burnt churches & abbeies, with the people whom they found in the same, sparing neither man, woman nor child. Then was the lord Edmund Butler chosen lord iustice, who made the earle of Ulster and the Gi|raldines friends, and reconciled himselfe with sir Edmund Butler lord iustice. Iohn Mandeuill, thus seeking to preserue the residue of the realme which Edward Bruse meant wholie to conquer, hauing caused himselfe to be crowned king of Ireland. The lord iustice assembled a great power out of Mounster, and Leinster, and other parts ther|abouts, and the earle of Ulster with another armie came vnto him néere vnto Dundalke, where they consulted togither how to deale in defending the countrie against the enimies: but hearing the Scots were withdrawne backe, the earle of Ulster folowed them, and fighting with them at Coiners, hée lost the field.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There were manie slaine on both parts, and William de Burgh the earls brother, sir Iohn Man|deuill, and sir Alane Fitzalane were taken priso|ners. Herewith the Irish of Connagh and Meth be|gan foorthwith to rebell against the Englishmen, and burnt the castell of Athlon and Randon. And the Bruse comming forward burnt Kenlis in Meth, and Granard, also Finnagh, and Newcastell, and kept his Christmas at Loghsudie. From thense he went through the countrie vnto Rathi [...]egan and Kildare, and to the parties about Tristeldermot and Athie, then to Raban Sketlier and néere to Ardskoll in Leinster: where the lord iustice Butler, the lord Iohn Fitzthomas, the lord Arnold Powre, and o|ther the lords and gentlemen of Leinster and Moun|ster came to incounter the Bruse: but through dis|cord that rose among them, they left the field vn|to the enimies, sir William Pendergast knight, and Heimond le Grace a right valiant esquier were slaine there. And on the Scotish side sir Fergus An|dressan and sir Walter Murreie, with diuerse other that were buried in the church of the friers prea|chers at Athie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this the Bruse in his returne towards Meth burnt the castell of Leie, and so passed foorth till hee came to Kenlis in Meth. In which meane time Ro|ger lord Mortimer, trusting to win himselfe fame if he might ouerthrow the enimies, called forth fiftéene thousand men, and vnderstanding that the Scots were come to Kenlis, made thitherwards, and there The lord Mortimer discomfited by the Scots. incountering with them, was put to the woorse, his men (as was supposed) wilfullie shrinking from him, as those that bare him hollow hearts. With the newes of this ouerthrow, vpstart the Irish of Moun|ster, the Otoolies, Obrens, Omores, and with fire and sword wasted all from Arclow to Leix. With them coped the lord iustice, and made of them a great slaughter, fourescore of their heads were sent to the castell of Dublin.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In time of these troubles and warres in Ireland by the inuasion thus of the Scots, certeine Irish lords, faithfull men and true subiects to the king of England, did not onelie promise to continue in their loiall obeisance towards him, being their souereigne prince; but also for more assurance deliuered hosta|ges to be kept within the castell of Dublin. The names of which lords that were so contented to as|sure their allegiance were these, Iohn Fitzthomas lord of Offalie, Richard de Clare, Morice Fitztho|mas, Assurance gi|uen by the lords of Ire|land for their loialtie. Thomas Fitziohn le Power baron of Do|noille, Arnold le Power, Morice de Rochford, Da|uid de la Roch, and Miles de la Roch. These and diuerse other resisted with all their might and maine the iniurious attempts of the Scots, although the Scots had drawne to their side the most part of the wild Irish, and no small number also of the English Irish, as well lords, as others of meaner calling: so that the countrie was miserablie afflicted, what by the Scots on the one part, and the Irish rebels on the other, which rebels notwithstanding were ouer|throwne in diuerse particular conflicts. But yet to the further scattering of the English forces in Ire|land, there rose foure princes of Connagh, but the EEBO page image 67 Burghes and Birminghams discomfited them, and slue eleuen thousand of them beside Athenrie. A|mongst A great ouer|throw. other were slaine in this battell Fedelmi|cus, Oconhur king of Connagh, Okellie, and di|uerse other great lords and capteins of Connagh The king of Connagh slaine. and Meth. The lord Richard Birmingham had an esquier that belonged to him called Iohn Husseie, who by the commandement of his maister went foorth to take view of the dead bodies, and to bring him word whether Okellie his mortall fo were slaine among the residue. Husseie comming into the field with one man to turne vp and surueie the dead carcases, was streight espied by Okellie, that laie lurking in a brake bush thereby, who hauing had good proofe of Husseie his valiancie before that time, longed sore to traine him from his capteine, and presuming now vpon his good oportunitie, dis|couered himselfe, not doubting, but either to win him with courteous persuasions, or by force to worke his will of him, and so comming to him said:

Husseie, thou séest that I am at all points armed, & haue manie esquire here likewise furnished with ar|mour & weapon readie at mine elbow; thou art na|ked with thy page, a yoongling, & not to be accounted of: so that if I loued thée not, and meant to spare thée for thine owne sake, I might now doo with thée what I would, and slea thée for thy maisters sake. But come & serue me vpon this request here made to thée, and I promise thée by saint Patrikes staffe to make thée a lord in Connagh, of more possessions than thy maister hath in Ireland.
When these words might nothing weie him, his owne man (a great stout lubber) began to reproue him of follie, for not consenting to so large an offer, which was assured with an oth, wherevpon he durst gage his soule for performance.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now had Husseie thrée enimies, and first therefore turning to his knaue, he dispatched him. Next he raught vnto Okebies esquier such a knocke vnder Okellie slaine. the pit of the eare, that downe he came to the ground and there he laie. Thirdlie, he laid so about him, that yer anie helpe could be looked for, he had also slaine Okellie, and perceuing the esquire to be but asto|nied he recouered him, and holpe him vp againe, and after he was somewhat come to himselfe, he for|ced him vpon a trunchion, to beare his lords head in|to the high towne before him, who did so; and Hus|seie presented it to Brimingham, who after the cir|cumstances declared, he dubbed Husseie knight, aduancing him to manie preferments. The succes|sors of that familie afterwards were barons of Gal|trim. Sir Thomas Mandeuill and others in this meane while made oftentimes enterprises against the Scots, and slue diuerse of them in sundrie con|flicts. But howsoeuer it chanced, we find recorded by Henrie Marleburgh, that either the said sir Tho|mas Sir Thomas Mandeuill slaine. Mandeuill (that thus valtantlie behaued him|selfe against the Scots) or some other bearing the same name, and his brother also called Iohn Man|deuill were both slaine shortlie after at Downe, vp|on their comming foorth of England, by the Scots that were readie there to assaile them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus may we see, that those lords and knights, which had giuen pledges for their loialtie to the king of England, sought by all waies and meanes how to beat backe the enimies: which they might haue doone with more ease, if the Irish had not assisted the Scots, and presuming of their aid, rebelled in sun|drie parts of the countrie; who neuerthelesse were oftentimes well chastised for their distoiall dealings, as partlie we haue touched; although we omit di|uerse small ouerthrowes and other particular mat|ters, sith otherwise we should increase this booke further than our first purposed intent would permit. Whilest the Scots were thus holder vp in Ireland, Campion. 1316 The king of Scots in Ireland. that they could not in all things worke their wils, Robert le Bruse king of Scots came ouer him|selfe, landed at Cragfergus to the aid of his brother, whose souldiors most wickedlie entred into churches, spoiling and defacing the same of all such [...]oomes, monuments, plate, copes, & other ornaments which they found, and might laie hands vpon.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The castell of Cragfergus, after it had béene strictlie besieged a long time, was surrendred to the Cragfergus deliuered vp to the Scots. Scots, by them that had kept it, till they for want of other vittels were driuen to eate leather, and eight Scots (as some write) which they had taken priso|ners. Men eaten. The lord Thomas, sonne to the earle of Ul|ster departed this life. And on the sundaie next af|ter the natiuitie of our ladie, the lord Iohn Fitztho|mas Iohn Fitz|thomas the first carle of Kildare de|ceasseth. deceased at Laragh Brine néere to Mainoth, and was buried at Kildare, in the church of the fri|ers preachers. This Iohn Fitzthomas, a little be|fore his death, was created earle of Kildare; after whome succéeded his sonne Thomas Fitziohn a right wise and prudent personage. The fourtéenth of September, Conhor Mac Kele, & fiue hundred I|rishmn were slaine by the lord William de Burgh, and lord Richard Birmingham in Connagh. Also on the mondaie after the feast of All saints, Iohn Loggan and sir Hugh Bisset slue a great number Scots ouer|throwne. of Scots, among the which were one hundred with double armors, and two hundred with single ar|mors: so that of their men of armes there died thrée hundred beside footemen.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 The fiftéenth of Nouember chanced a great tem|pest of wind and raine, which threw downe manie A great tem|pest. houses, with the stéeple of the Trinitie church in Dublin, and did much other hurt both by land and water. On the fift of December, sir Alane Ste|ward that had béene taken prisoner in Ulster by Iohn Loggan, and sir Iohn Sandale, was brought to the castell of Dublin. After Canlemas, the La|cies 1317 came to Dublin, & procured an inquest to be im|panelled to inquire of their demeanor, for that they were accused to haue procured the Scots to come into Ireland: but by that inquest they were dischar|ged, and therewith tooke an oth to keepe the kings peace, and to destroie the Scots to the vttermost of their power. In the beginning of Lent, the Scots came in secret wise vnto Slane, with twentie thou|sand armed men: and with them came the armie of Ulster, destroieng all the countrie before them. Moreouer, on mondaie before the feast of S. Mat|thias the apostle, the earle of Ulster lieng in the ab|beie of S. Marie néere to Dublin, Robert Noting|ham maior of that citie, with the communaltie of The earle of Ulster appre|hended. the same went thither, tooke the earle, and put him in prison within the castell of Dublin, slue seuen of his men, and spoiled the abbeie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The same wéeke, Edward Bruse marched to|wards Dublin, but herewith, turning to the castell of knoke, he entred the same, and tooke Hugh Tir|rell Hugh Tir|rell taken by the Scots. the lord thereof, togither with his wife, and ran|somed them for a summe of monie. The citizens of Dublin burnt all their suburbs for feare of a siege, and made the best purueiance they could to defend their citie, if the Bruse had come to haue besieged them: but he turning another waie, went vnto the towne of Naas, and was guided thither by the La|cies, contrarie to their oth. From thense he passed vnto Tristeldermot, and so to Baliganam, and to Callan, at length he came to Limerike, and there remained till after Easter. They of Ulster sent to the lord iustice lamentable informations of such cru|eltie as the enimies practised in those parts, besée|ching him to take some order for their reliefe in that their so miserable estate. The lord iustice deliuered EEBO page image 68 to them the kings power with his standard, where|with The kings standard de|liuered to th [...] of Ul|ster. vnder pretense to expell the Scots, they got vp in armor, and ranging through the countrie, did more vexe and molest the subiects, than did the stran|gers. The Scots procéeded and spoiled Cashels, & wheresoeuer they lighted vpon the Butlers lands, they burnt and spoiled them vnmercifullie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane while had the lord iustice and Tho|mas Fitziohn earle of Kildare, Richard de Clare, and Arnold le Powre baron of Donnoill leui [...]d an armie of thirtie thousand men, readie to go against the enimies, and to giue them battell, but no good was doone. For about the same time the lord Roger Mortimer was sent into Ireland as lord iustice, and landing at Yoghall, wrote his letters vnto the lord Roger Mor|timer iustice o [...] Ireland. Butler, & to the other capteins, willing them not to fight till he came with such power as he had brought ouer with him. Whereof the Bruse being warned, retired first towards Kildare. But yet after this he came within foure miles of Trim, where he laie in a wood, and lost manie of his men through famine, and so at length about the beginning of Maie he retur|ned into Ulster.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The lord Edmund Butler made great slaughter of the Irish néere to Tristledermot, and likewise at Slaughter of Irishmen. Balithan he had a good hand of Omorch, and slue manie of his men. The lord Mortimer pacified the 1317 displeasure and variance betwixt Richard earle of The earle of Ulster deliue|red out of pri|son. Ulster, and the nobles that had put the said earle vn|der safe kéeping within the castell of Dublin, accu|sing him of certeine riots committed to the preiudice and losse of the kings subiects, whereby the Scots in|creased in strength and courage, whose spoiling of the countrie caused such horrible scarsitie in Ulster, that the soldiors which the yeare before abused the Scarsitie of vittels in Ulster. kings authoritie, to purueie themselues of ouer fine diet, surfetted with flesh and Aqua vitae all the Lent long, prolled and pilled insatiablie wheresoeuer they came without need, and without regard of the poore people, whose onelie prouision they deuoured. These people now liuing in slauerie vnder the Bruse, star|ued for hunger, hauing first experienced manie la|mentable shifts, euen to the eating of dead carcas|ses.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The earle of Ulster was deliuered by maine|prise The earle of Ulster deliue|red. and vpon his oth, by the which he vndertooke ne|uer to seeke reuenge of his apprehension otherwise than by order of law, and so had daie giuen him vnto the feast of the natiuitie of saint Iohn baptist: but he kept not his daie, whether for that he mistrusted to stand in triall of his cause, or through some other rea|sonable let, I cannot tell. A great dearth this yeere Great dearth. afflicted the Irish people: for a measure of wheat called a chronecke was sold at foure and twentie shillings, & a chronecke of otes at sixteene shillings, and all other vittels likewise were sold according to the same rate; for all the whole countrie was sore wa|sted by the Scots and them of Ulster, insomuch that no small number of people perished through famine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 About the feast of Pentecost the lord iustice Mor|timer tooke his iornie towards Drogheda, and sent to the Lacies, commanding them to come vnto him, but they refused so to do. Whervpon he sent sir Hugh Crofts vnto them, to talke with them about some a|gréement Sir Hugh Crofts slaine. of peace: but they slue the messenger, for whome great lamentation was made, for that he was reputed & knowne to be a right woorthie knight. The lord iustice sore offended herewith, gathereth an armie, & goeth against the Lacies, whome he chased out of Connagh, so that Hugh Lacie withdrew to Ulster, & there ioined himselfe with Edward Bruse. The Lacies reuolt to the Scots. Wherevpon, on the thursdaie next before the feast of saint Margaret, the said Hugh Lacie and also Wal|ter Lacie were proclamed traitors. This yeare pas|sed verie troublesome vnto the whole realme of Ire|land, as well through slaughter betwixt the parties enimies one to another, as by dearth and other mis|fortunes. Hugh Canon the kings iustice of his 131 [...] bench was slaine by Andrew Birmingham betwixt the towne of Naas and castell Marten. Also in the Bignor con|secrated arch|bishop of Du|blin. feast of the purification, the popes bulles were publi|shed, whereby Alexander Bignor was consecrated archbishop of Dublin. About the same time was great slaughter made of Irishmen, through a quar|rell betwixt two great lords in Connagh: so that there died in fight to the number of foure thousand men on both parties.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 After Easter Walter Islep treasuror of Ireland Walter Islep treasuror of Ireland. was sent ouer into that realme, who brought let|ters to the lord Mortimer, commanding him to re|turne into England vnto the king: which he did, and departing foorth of Ireland, remained indebted to the citizens of Dublin for his prouision of vittels in the summe of a thousand pounds, wherof he paid not one farthing, so that manie a bitter cursse he carried with him to the sea, leauing William archbishop of Cashell lord chancellor gouernor of the land in his place: and so by this meane was the said archbishop both chancellor and iustice, and so continued till the feast of saint Michaell. At what time Alexander Big|nor archbishop of Dublin arriued at Yoghall, being constituted lord iustice, and came to Dublin on saint Denise daie, being the seauenth of October. But here is to be remembred, that a little before the de|parture The lord Ri|chard de Clare slaine. of the lord Mortimer foorth of Ireland, to wit, the fift of Maie, the lord Richard de Clare with foure knights, sir Henrie Capell, sir Thomas de Naas, sir Iames Caunton, and sir Iohn Caunton; also Adam Apilgard and others (to the number of foure score persons) were slaine by Obren and Mac Arthie. It was said that the enimies in despite cau|sed the lord Richards bodie to be cut in péeces, so to satisfie their malicious stomachs; but the same pée|ces were yet afterwards buried in the church of the friers minors at Limerike. Also before the lord Mor|timers returne into England, Iohn Lacie was had foorth of the castell of Dublin, and carried to Trim, where be was arreigned and adiudged to be pressed to death, and so he died in prison.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now to returne vnto the dooings in time of The lord Birmingham and other capteins a|gainst the Scots. Bignors gouernmnent. Immediatlie vpon his ar|riuall, the lord Iohn Birmingham being generall of the field, and hauing with him diuerse capteins of worthie fame, namelie sir Richard Tute, sir Miles Uerdon, sir Hugh Trippetton, sir Herbert Sutton, sir Iohn Cusacke, sir Edmund Birmingham, sir William Birmingham, Walter Birmingham the primat of Armagh, sir Walter de la Pulle, and Iohn Maupas led forth the kings power, to the num|ber of one thousand thrée hundred foure and twentie able men against Edward Brus [...], who being accom|panied with the lord Philip Mowbraie, the lord Wal|ter de Soules, the lord Alaine Steward, with his thrée brethren, sir Walter, and sir Hugh, sir Robert, and sir Aimerie Lacies, and others, was incamped not past two miles from Dundalke with thrée thou|sand men, there abiding the Englishmen, to fight with them if they came forward: which they did with all conuenient spéed, being as desirous to giue bat|tell as the Scots were to receiue it.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The primat of Armagh personallie accompani|eng The primat of Armagh. the English power, & blessing their enterprise, gaue them such comfortable exhortation, as he thought serued the time yer they began to incoun|ter. The battell of Armagh. The Scots vanquished. Edward Bruse slaine. And herewith buckling togither, at length the Scots fullie and wholie were vanquished, and two thousand of them slaine, togither with their capteine Edward Bruse. Maupas that pressed into the EEBO page image 69 throng to incounter with Bruse hand to hand, was found in the search dead alost vpon the slaine bodie of Bruse. The victorie thus obteined vpon saint Calixtus daie, made an end of the Scotish kingdome in Ireland, & lord Birmingham sending the head of Bruse into England, or as Marlburrow hath, being the messenger himselfe, presented it to king Edward, who in recompense gaue to him and his heires males the earledome of Louth, and the Birmingham made earle of Louth. Sir Richard de Clare slaine. 1319 baronie of Ardich and Athenrie to him and his heirs generall for euer. Shortlie after sir Richard de Clare with foure other knights of name, and manie other men of warre were slaine in Thomond. The lord Ro|ger Mortimer came againe into Ireland to gouerne as lord iustice there now the second time, and the townes of Athessell and Plebs were burned by the lord Fitzthomas brother to the lord Maurice Fitz|thomas. And about this season the bridge of Kilco|lin was builded by Maurice Iakis.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the yeare following, to wit, one thousand 1320 The earle of Kildare lord iustice. thrée hundred and twentie, which was the fouretéenth yeare of king Edwards reigne, Thomas Fitziohn earle of Kildare was made lord iustice of Ireland. Here is to be remembred, that about this time also Alexander Bignor archbishop of Dublin sent to pope In vniuersi|tie erected at Dublin. Iohn the two and twentith, for a priuilege to insti|tute an vniuersitie within the citie of Dublin, and his sute tooke effect: and the first thrée doctors of diui|nitie did the said archbishop himselfe creat, William Harditie a frier preacher, Henrie Cogie a frier mi|nor, and frier Edmund Bernerden: and beside these one doctor of canonlaw, to wit, Richard archdeacon of saint Patrikes that was chancellor of the same vniuersitie, who kept their terms and commense|ments solemnlie: neither was this vniuersitie at a|nie time since disfranchised, but onlie through change of times discontinued, and now since the dissoluing of monasteries vtterlie decaied.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 A motion was made (as Campion hath noted) in a parlement holden there, whilest sir Henrie Sid|neie was the quéenes lieutenant, to haue it againe erected, by waie of contributions to be laid togither: the said sir Henrie offering twentie pounds lands, and an hundred pounds in monie. Other there were also, that according to their abilities and deuotions followed with their offers. The name was deuised; A worthie plantation of Plantagenet & Bullogne. But while they disputed of a conuenient place for it, and of other circumstances, they let fall the prin|cipall.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In the yeare one thousand three hundred twentie 1321 and one, there was a great slaughter made of the Oconhurs at Balibagan, by the English of Lein|ster and Meth. And Iohn Birmingham earle of Louth was lord iustice of Ireland. Unto this man, Rec. Turris. whilest he was lord iustice, the king wrote, comman|ding him to be with him at Carleill in the octaues of the Trinitie, in the fiftéenth yeare of his reigne, with thrée hundred men of armes, one thousand hobellars, and six thousand footmen, ech of them armed with an aketon, a sallet, and gloues of maill, which number was to be leuied in that land: besides thrée hundred men of armes which the earle of Ulster was appoin|ted to serue within that iournie, which the king at that time intended to make against the Scots. The date of the letter was the third of Aprill. In the 1322 yeare one thousand thrée hundred twentie and two, diuerse nobles in Ireland departed this life, as the lord Richard Birmingham, the lord Edmund But|ler, and the lord Thomas Persiuall. Moreouer, the lord Andrew Birmingham, and sir Richard de la Lond were slaine by Onolan. In the eighteenth yéere of king Edward the second his reigne, the lord Iohn 1323 Iohn Darcie lord iustice. Darcie came into Ireland to be lord iustice, and the kings lieutenant there. In these daies liued in the The ladie A|lice Kettle ac|cused of force|rie. diocesse of Ossorie the ladie Alice Kettle, whome the bishop ascited to purge hir selfe of the same of in|chantment and witchcraft imposed vnto hir, and to one Petronill and Basill hir complices. She was charged to haue nightlie conference with a spirit cal|led Robin Artisson, to whome she sacrificed in the high waie nine red cocks, and nine peacocks eies. Also that she swept the streets of Kilkennie betwéene compleine and twilight, raking all the filth towards the doores of hir sonne William Outlaw, murmu|ring & muttering secretlie with hir selfe these words:

To the house of William my sonne,
Hie all the wealth of Kilkennie towne.
At the first conuiction they abiured & did penance, but shortlie after they were found in relapse, & then was Pentrouill burnt at Kilkennie, the other twaine might not be heard of. She at the houre of hir death accused the said William as priuie to their sorceries, whome the bishop held in durance nine wéeks, for|bidding his keepers to eat or to drinke with him, or to speake to him more than once in the daie. But at length, thorough the sute and instance of Arnold le Powre then seneschall of Kilkennie, he was deliue|red, and after corrupted with bribes the seneschall to persecute the bishop; so that he thrust him into prison for thrée moneths. In rifling the closet of the ladie, they found a wafer of sacramentall bread, hauing the diuels name stamped thereon in stéed of Iesus Christ, and a pipe of ointment, wherewith she grea|sed a staffe, vpon the which she ambled and gallopped thorough thicke and thin, when and in what maner she listed. This businesse about these witches trou|bled all the state of Ireland, the more; for that the ladie was supported by certeine of the nobilitie, and lastlie conueied ouer into England, since which time it could neuer be vnderstood what became of hir. In the yeare one thousand three hundred twentie and six, & last of king Edwards the seconds reigne, Richard Burgh earle of Ulster departed this life.