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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1304.1304 a great parte of the Citie of Dublin was brent by caſuall fire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere next enſuing, Iordayne Comin with his complices, ſlew Maritagh Oconghuir King of Offalie, and his brother Calwagh, with diuers other within the Courte of Peeres de Birmingham at Carrick in Carbrie. Alſo, Sir Gilberte Sutton, Stewarde of Wexfforde, was ſlayne by the Iriſhmen, neere to the Ferme of EEBO page image 49 Haymond de Grace, which Haymond bare him|ſelfe right valiantly in that fight, and in the ende through his great manhoode eſcaped.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1306.


A diſcõfiture at Ofalie.

a great ſlaughter was made in Offalie neere to the Caſ [...]ell of Geſchil, the thirteenth day of Aprill vpon Oconchur and his friends by the [...]empeirs, in whiche place were ſlayne a great number of men. Alſo Obren king of Thomond was ſlayne. Moreouer, Donalde Og [...] Maccarthy ſlewe Donald Ruffe King of De [...]emond, and vpon the twelfth of May in the [...] of Meth, a great ouerthrow chanced to ye ſide of the Lord Peers Butler,Balimore brent. and Balymore in Leyniſter was brent by the Iriſh, where Hen|ry Calfe was ſlayne at that preſent time.

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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 In haruest there were thrée hundred théeues slaine by the Phelanes. Also Walter le Power wasted a great part of Mounster, burning manie farmes and Walter Power. 1302 places in that countrie. In the yeare 1302, pope Boniface demanded a tenth of all the spirituall li|uings in England and Ireland, for the space of thrée yeares, to mainteine wars in defense of the church of Rome, against the king of Arragon. In the yeare 1303, the earle of Ulster, and Richard Burgh, and 1303 The earle of Ulster. sir Eustace le Power, with a puissant armie entered Scotland. The earle made thrée and thirtie knights at Dublin, before he set forwards. The same yeere Girald, sonne and heire to the lord Iohn Fitztho|mas departed this life, and likewise the countesse of Ulster. William de Willis [...]eie, and sir Robert de Persiuall were slaine the two and twentith of Oc|tober. In the yeare 1304, a great part of the citie of 1304 Dublin was burnt by casuall fire. In the yeare next insuing, Iordaine Comin with his complices slue Maritagh Oconhur king of Offalie, and his brother Calwagh, with diuerse others within the court of Piers de Birmingham at Carricke in Carbrie. Also sir Gilbert Sutton steward of Wex|ford was slaine by the Irishmen, néere to the farme of Heimond de Grace, which Hesmond bare him selfe right valiantlie in that fight, and in the end through his great manhood escaped.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 In the yeare 1306 a great slaughter was made 1306 [...] at [...]. in Offalie néere to the castell of Geschill, the thir|teenth daie of Aprill vpon Oconhur and his fréends by the Odempsies, in the which place were slaine a great number of men. Also Obren king of Tho|mond was slaine. Moreouer, Donald Oge Ma [...] Ar|thie slue Donald Russe king of Desmond. And vp|on the twelfe of Maie in the conf [...]ns of Meth, a great ouerthrow chanced to the side of the lord Piers But|ler, and Balimore in Leinster was burnt by the I|rish, Balimore burnt. where Henrie Celse was slaine at that present time. Hereof followed great wars betwixt the Eng|lish and Irish in Leinster, so that a great armie Warres in Leinster. was called togither foorth of diuerse parts of Ire|land, to restreine the malice of the Irish in Lein|ster, in which iournie sir Thomas Mandeuill knight entred into a conflict with the Irish néere to Glen|fell, in the which he bare himselfe right manfullie, till his horsse was slaine vnder him, and yet then to his great praise and high commendation he saued both himselfe and manie of his companie. The lord chan|cellor The lord ch [...]|cellor conse|crated bishop of Imaleie. of Ireland, Thomas Caucocke, was consecra|ted bishop of Imaleie within the Trinitie church at Dublin, and kept such a feast as the like had not lightlie beene séene nor heard of before that time in Ireland, first to the rich & after to the poore. Richard Flerings archbishop of Dublin deceased on the e|uen The archbi|shop of Du|blin deceased. of saint Luke the euangelist, to whom succéeded Richard de Hauerings, who after he had continued in that sée about a fiue yeares, resigned it ouer by dis|pensasion obteined from Rome, and then his nephue Iohn Léech was admitted archbishop there.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the yeare 1307 the first of Aprill, Murcod 1307 Ballagh was beheaded néere to Merton by sir Da|uid Caunton knight, and shortlie after was Adam Daune slaine. Also, a great discomfit [...] and slaugh|ter [...] discõfiture in Connagh. fell vpon the Englishmen in Connagh by the Oscheles the first daie of Maie, and the robbers that dwelt in the parties of Offalie raised the castell of Geischell, and in the vigill of the translation of Tho|mas Becket, being the sixt of Iulie, they burnt the towne of Leie and besieged the castell: but they were constreined to depart from thense shortlie af|ter, by Iohn Fitzthomas and Edmund Butler that came to remoue that siege. In the yeare 1308 king 1308 Edward the first departed this life the seuenth of Iulie.