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Compare 1587 edition: 1 While the Princes and Potentates ſtayed vpon ſuche a good conſideration certayne Mer|chants of Norway, Denmarke, & of other thoſe parties called [...] or as in our vulgar lã|guage wee tearme them Eaſterlings) bycauſe they lie Eaſt in reſpect of vs,Eaſterlings began to trade into Irelande. although indeede they are by other named properly Normans and partly Saxons, obteyned licence ſafely to arriue here in Ireland with their wares, and to vtter the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon, the Iriſh, through traffike and bar|tering with theſe Normans or Danes (for ſo are they called alſo) in our Engliſh Chronicle (by exchanging of wares and money) finding them ciuill and tractable, and deliting alſo with gay concents brought into them by thoſe Merchãts (ſuch, as till they ſawe them) they neuer eſteemed needefull, they began to enter into a deſire, that a trade mighte be open betwixt them and the other nations where vpon, to allure other, they licenced theſe Merchãt ſtrangers to build,They builde townes on the Sea coaſts. if they thought good, hauen Townes in places moſt commodi|ons: this was no ſooner graunted, than begunne, and with ſpeede finiſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amilanus founded Waterforde, Sutaricus,Waterforde, Lymerike, Dublin. Limerick, Iuorus, Dublin: & ſo by others diuers [figure appears here on page 19] other townes were built as leaſure ſerued.

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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 While the princes and potentats stated vpon such Easterlings began to trade into Ireland. a good consideration, certeine merchants of Nor|wais, Denmarke, and of other those parties, called Ostomanni, or (as in our vulgar language we tearme them) Easterlings, bicause they lie East in respect of vs, although indéed they are by other named proper|lie Normans, and partlie Saxons, obteined licence safelie to arriue here in Ireland with their wares, and to vtter the same. Herevpon the Irish, thorough traffike & bartering with these Normans or Danes (for so they are called also in our English chronicle) by exchanging of wares and monie, finding them ciuill and tractable, and deliting also with gaie conceipts, brought into them by those merchants (such as till they saw them they neuer estéemed néedfull) they be|gan to enter into a desire that a trade might be open betwixt them & the other nations, wherevpon to al|lure other, they licenced these merchant strangers to They built townes on the sea coasts. build (if they thought good) hauen townes in places most commodious. This was no sooner granted, than begun, and with spéed finished.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Amilanus founded Waterford; Sutaricus, Li|merike; Waterford, Limerike, Dublin. Iuorus, Dublin; and so by others diuerse o|ther townes were built as leisure serued. Then by the helpe and counsell of these men, manie castles, forts, steeples, and churches, euerie where were repa|red. And thus are the Irish mingled also with the bloud of the Danes, Norwegians, or Normans, who from thense foorth continuallie flocked into Ireland, to the great commoditie of the inhabitants, liuing amongst them obedientlie, till wealth pricked and mooued them to raise rebellion: but they could not haue holden out, had not the conquest insuing deter|mined both their quarrels. In the meane while they became lords of the hauens and burrow townes, The mer|chant stran|gers mooue rebellion. planted men of warre in the same, and oftentimes skirmished with their aduersaries; but yet measured their fortune with indifferent gaines, and crept no higher than the same would giue them leaue. Onelie a memorie is left of their field in Clontars, where di|uerse of the Irish nobilitie were slaine, that lie buri|ed before the crosse of Kilmainam. These are by our The field of Clontars. author, not without good iudgement, reported to be EEBO page image 59 Danes, which people then being pagans, sore afflic|ted England, and after that France, from whense The seuerall names of the strangers which in these daies afflicted France, England, Scotland and Ireland. 1095 they came againe into England with William Conqueror. So that those people called Ostomanni, E|sterlings, Normans, Danes, Norwegians, & Sue|deners, are in effect all one nation, borne in that huge region called Scandinauia; and as it appeareth by conference of times and chronicles, muchwhat a|bout one season, vexed the Frenchmen, afflicted Scotland, subdued England, and multiplied in Ire|land. But in the yeare of Christ 1095, perceiuing great enuie to remaine and lurke in the distinction of the names Easterlings and Irish, that were al|togither westerne; and the Easterlings not easterne indéed, but rather simplie northerne: in consideration whereof, and bicause they magnified themselues in the late conquest of their countriemen, who from Normandie comming ouer into England ruled The Easter|lings will be called Nor|mans. there at their pleasure, these strangers in Ireland would algate now be also called and accompted Normans.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Long before this time (as yée haue heard) Ireland was bestowed into two principall kingdomes, and sometime into more, whereof one was euer elected and reputed to be cheefe, and as it were a monarch, whome in their histories they name Maximum regem, that is, the greatest king, or else without addition, Maximus Rex the great king or mo|narch of Ireland. Regem Hiberniae, the king of Ireland: the other they name Reguli or Reges, that is to wit, small kings or else kings, by limiting the places whereof they were to be reputed kings, as of Leinster, Connagh, Ul|ster, Mounster, or Meth. To the monarch, besides his allowance of dominion, titles of honor, and other pri|uileges in iurisdiction, there was granted to him a negatiue in nomination of bishops, when they were vacant: for the cleargie and laietie of the diocesse The power of the monarch in election of bishops. commended one, whom they thought conuenient vn|to their king, the king to the monarch, the monarch to the archbishop of Canturburie: for that as yet the metropolitans of Ireland had not receiued their palles.