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Compare 1587 edition: 1 And as it chaunced, Patrike being a ladde of xvj. yeares olde,S. Patrike vvas taken priſoner vvhen he vvas yong. and a ſcholer then in ſecular ler|ning, was taken among other, and became ſlaue to an Iriſh lord called Mackbuain, from whom after .vj. yeares terme he redeemed himſelfe with a peece of gold which he found in a clod of earth, that the ſwyne had newly turned vp as he follo|wed them in that tyme of his captiuitie, beeyng appointed by his maiſter to keepe them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And as affliction cõmonly maketh men religi|ous, the regarde of his former education,Affliction ma|keth men reli|gious. printed in him ſuche remorſe and humilitie, that beyng thenceforth weaned from the worlde, he betooke himſelfe to contemplation, euer lamenting the lacke of grace and truthe in that land: and here|with not diſpairyng, but that in continuaunce, ſome good might bee wrought vpon them, he ler|ned their tong perfectly, and alluring one of that nation to beare him companie for exerciſe ſake, he departed from thence, & got him into France, euer hauing in his mynd a deſire to ſee the con|uerſion of the Iriſhe people, whoſe babes yet vn|borne ſeemed to him in his dreames (from oute of theyr mothers wombes) to call for chriſten|dome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this purpoſe he ſought out his vncle Mar|tine, by whoſe meanes he was placed with Ger|manus the biſhop of Auxerre,He paſſeth into Fraunce. continuing wyth him as ſcholer or diſciple for ye ſpace of .xl. yeres: Al whiche tyme he beſtowed in like ſtudie of the holie ſcriptures, prayer, and ſuch godly exerciſes. Then at the age of .lxij. yeares, being renoumed through the Latine Churche for his wiſedome, vertue and ſkill, he came to Rome, bringing let|ters with him in his commendation, from the Frenche biſhops vnto Pope Celeſtine, to whome he vttered his full mynde and ſecrete vow, which long ſithence he hadde conceyued touching Ire|lande.

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