Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Patrike in Latin called Patricius, was borne in the marches betwixte Englande and Scotland,VVhere ſaint Patrike vvas borne. in a towne by the ſea ſyde called Ey|burne, whoſe father hight Calphurnius, a Dea|con and ſonne to a Prieſt. His mother named Conches, was ſiſter to Saint Martine that fa|mous Biſhoppe of Towers in Fraunce.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Patrike of a chylde was brought vp in lear|ning,The life of S. Patrik in brief. and well inſtructed in the faith, and muche giuen to deuotion.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Iriſhmenne in thoſe dayes aſſiſted with Scottes and Pictes were become archpyrates, ſore diſquieting the ſeas about the coaſts of Bri|tayne, and vſed to ſacke little ſmall villages that laye ſcattered along the ſhore, & wold often leade awaye captiue the inhabitantes home into theyr countrey.