Compare 1587 edition: 1 Paladius offe|eth to go into Irelande.Among other that then were aſſembled to treate of thoſe matters was one Paladius Arch|deacon of Rome, who offered his charitable tra|uayle towardes the conuerſion of any of thoſe landes whether it ſhould pleaſe them to appoynt hym to goe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Celeſtine knowing the ſufficiencie of the mã, conſecrated him Biſhop,He is conſecra|ted bishop. authoriſed his iourney by letters vnder his ſeale, furniſhed his wantes, and aſſociating to him ſuche Religious perſones and other, as were thoughte neceſſarie to aſſiſte him, deliuered to him the Bible with greate ſo|lemnitie and other monumentes in furtherance of his good ſpeede.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length he landed in the north of Irelande, from whence he eſcaped ryght hardely with hys lyfe into the Iles adioyning,Paladius landed in Irelande. where hee prea|ched the Goſpell, and conuerted no ſmal number of Scots to the chriſtian beleef, and purged that part that was chriſtened from the infection of the Pelagians, as in the Scottiſhe hiſtorie more at large apereth. He was required by ye Scots that inhabited here in Britayne, to leaue the Iles & to come ouer vnto them, there to inſtruct the people in the way of true ſaluation, to the whiche with the Popes licence, he ſeemed willyng ynough, and the Biſhop of Rome the more readily con|deſcended thereto, for that in the inſtante tyme when Paladius was to departe, one Patrike at|tended at Rome ſuyng for licence to be ſent in|to Irelande.