Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe as it falleth foorthe in the hiſtorie. We haue thoughte good heere to ſhewe in what ſorte Irelande came to receyue the Chriſtian fayth. We fynde in deede that immediatly after Chriſtes tyme, Saynt Iames the Apoſtle,Ireland inſtruc|ted in the faithe by S. Iames the Apoſtle. and other, trauayling into theſe Weaſt partes, didde firſt inſtructe the Iriſhe people, and teache them the glad tidyngs of the Goſpell, ſo that dyuerſe amongeſt them euen then were chriſtened, and beleeued, but not in ſuche numbers (as maye be thought) wherby it ſhould be ſayd, that the coũ|trey was generally conuerted.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Notwithſtanding, the Scottiſhe Chronicles anouche, that in the dayes of their king Finco|marke, who departed this lyfe in the yeare of our Redemption three hundred fyfty and eyght, Irelande was conuerted to the faithe by this meanes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 A woman of the Pictiſh bloud, chaunced (ſay they) to ſerue in thoſe dayes the Queene of Ire|lande, whiche woman being a chriſtian hir ſelfe, firſt inſtructed hir miſtreſſe in the faith and true pointes of Chriſtianitie, and the queene hir huſ|bande, who conuerted the whole Iriſhe nation. Howbeit, by report of ye Iriſh writers thẽſelues, this ſhoulde not ſeeme altogether true: for they affirme, that their countrey was rather ſtil eſte|med as one of the vnchriſtened Iſles, tyll about the yeare foure hundred twentie and ſixe, whileſt Celeſtine the firſt of that name, gouerned the ſea of Rome, whõ vpon conference hadde wyth his Clergie, touching the reſtoring of the chriſtian Faythe in the Weaſte partes of the Worlde EEBO page image 10 greatly decayed there by the hereſie of Pelagius, vnderſtode that Ireland alſo by reſon of diſtance from the hart of Chriſtendome, and rudeneſſe of the nation, had receyued little fruite at all of true religion, a thing muche to be lamented.