Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys Gregorie lyeth buryed in one of the out Iſles called Iona, or Colmekyll, where they ſpeake naturally Iriſhe: and therefore ſome of the Scottes woulde ſeeme to make the conqueſt of Henry the ſeconde in Irelande, a re [...]leyng from the righte inheritours, although they con|feſſe they can not tell howe they came from the poſſeſſion of it, otherwyſe than by forging a tale that they willingly forewent it, as reaping leſſe by reteyning it, than they layde foorthe, and ſo not able to diſcharge that whiche was to bee de|frayed aboute the keeping of it, they gaue it o|uer, perſwading themſelues, that the Kyngs of Englande haue gayned little or nothyng by the hauyng of Irelande. And yet in the tyme whyleſt ſyr Henry Sydney was gouernor there,Sir Henry Sydney. when the Countie of Vlſter was auouched to belong to the Crowne, it was proued in open Parliament, that there armies of that Erledom, in the dayes of Edwarde the thirde were recke|ned, and founde to amounte vnto the ſumme of xxxj. thouſande markes yearely, the ſame being but a fyfte parte of Irelande: ſo that if thinges were well looked vnto, and ſuche enprouemente made as mighte bee; Irelande woulde ſuffice to beare the neceſſarie charges, and yelde no ſmall ſurpluſage vnto the Princes co [...]fers.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe as it falleth foorthe in the hiſtorie. We haue thoughte good heere to ſhewe in what ſorte Irelande came to receyue the Chriſtian fayth. We fynde in deede that immediatly after Chriſtes tyme, Saynt Iames the Apoſtle,Ireland inſtruc|ted in the faithe by S. Iames the Apoſtle. and other, trauayling into theſe Weaſt partes, didde firſt inſtructe the Iriſhe people, and teache them the glad tidyngs of the Goſpell, ſo that dyuerſe amongeſt them euen then were chriſtened, and beleeued, but not in ſuche numbers (as maye be thought) wherby it ſhould be ſayd, that the coũ|trey was generally conuerted.