Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to oure purpoſe: An hundred and thirtie chief kings are reckned of this nation from Hermion to Laogirius, the ſonne of Nealus Magnus, in whoſe tyme that holye eſteemed man Patrike conuerted them to Chriſtianitie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe in the meane tyme whyleſt the Iriſhmenne lyued in ſome tollerable order and reſte vnder their ſeuerall kings, one Rodorike a Scythian Prince with a ſmall companye of EEBO page image 6 men, being weather driuen rounde about the coaſts of Britayn, was by chaunce caſt vpon [figure appears here on page 6] the ſhore of Irelande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe were Pictes,Picts arriue in Irelande. and the firſt that hadde bin heard of in theſe parties (as ſome authors haue recorded) a people from their verie cradle giuen to diſſention, landeleapers, mercyleſſe, fierce and hardy. They being brought and pre|ſented to the Iriſhe king, craued interpreters, which granted, Roderike their chieftain made this requeſt for him and his, as followeth: