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Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to proceede, Hermion herevpon to auoide the yll opinion of men for that he had thus attai|ned to the ſouerantie by the vnnaturall ſlaughter of his brother in that vnhappie ciuil warre purged hymſelfe to his ſubiects,No crime ſo manifeſt or de|teſtable that vvanteth a co|lourable pre|tence to excuſe it. that neyther maliciouſly nor contentiouſly, but for his neceſſarie defence and ſafetie he had borne armes againſte his bre|thren: and to witneſſe how farre he was from all deſire to rule alone, he appointed certaine Capi|taines as kings, to rule vnder him ſeuerall coun|treys, reſeruing to hymſelfe but one fourth parte, and the portion of Meth allotted to the Monar|chie for the better mayntenance of his eſtate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe partes appoynted forth in thys wyſe at lengthe grew to fiue kingdoms, Leyniſter,Irelande deui|ded into fiue kingdomes. Con|nagh, Vlſter, and Mounſter deuided into two partes, and ſometyme to more,One ſouerayne ruler ouer the reſt. by vſurping or compoundyng among themſelues, but euer one was choſen to be chief ſoueraigne Monarke ouer them all.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus it ſeemeth that certaynely the Spany|ardes of the north partes of Spayne, inhabiting the countreys about Biſkeye and Galicia, came and peopled Ireland (as both their owne hiſtories and the Britiſhe do wholly agree) but frõ whence they came firſte to inhabite thoſe countreyes of Spayne, verily I haue not otherwiſe to auouch: For no other writers that I can remember, but (ſuch as haue regiſtred the Scottiſh Chronicles) make mencion of the commyng thither of Ga|thelus with his wyfe Scota and their people, in manner (as by the ſayde Chronicles is pre|tended.

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